factor = 0 modifier = { add = 20 original_tag = TRA }
国策的定义在/Hearts of Iron IV/common/national_focus/*.txt。
A focus tree is defined by using a focus_tree = { ... }
block. The following arguments are used:
id = my_focus_tree
decides the ID that the focus tree uses. It is mandatory to define, and an overlap will result in an error. The ID is primarily used for the has_focus_tree trigger and the load_focus_tree effect, whose tooltips use it as a localization key.
country = { ... }
is a MTTH block that assigns a score for the focus tree, deciding which one is used in-game. This is evaluated before the game's start and the check is essentially never refreshed. The focus tree with the highest score will be the one that gets loaded for the country. By default, the score starts with 1. A typical usage looks like this:
factor = 0 modifier = { add = 20 original_tag = TRA }
In this case, countries originating from Transylvania (i.e. the country itself and any civil war or collaboration government breakaways, as ensured by the original_tag trigger) will have the score of 20, while every other country will have the score of 0. Assuming that there is no other focus tree where Transylvania has a higher country score, this will ensure that this focus tree gets loaded for it.
default = yes
sets the focus tree to be marked as default. In total, there should be one total default focus tree, no more, no less. A focus tree being marked as default means that if every other focus tree has a country score of 0, this tree will be chosen instead. Additionally, a country starting with a focus tree will fail to appear in the "minor countries" section within the "interesting countries" menu before the game's start. If this is left out from a focus tree, it gets assumed to be non-default.
reset_on_civilwar = no
is not determined on its effect. Instead, this is how focus trees are handled in civil wars, regardless of if reset_on_civilwar
is set or how it's set:
When a civil war starts, the original country will always continue using the focus tree. The focus it's doing will not be paused or cancelled by the civil war itself. The revolter will have the focus tree it's using evaluated when the civil war starts, assigning one depending on each tree's country = { ... }
value. If the same focus tree gets used for the revolting country as the one that the original country used when the civil war started, every focus that the original country has completed will get completed for the revolting country, including setting the same focus progress for the one that's being completed by the original country at the moment. Otherwise, the focus progress will get lost.
shared_focus = TAG_focusname
will set the focus tree to include the specified shared focus and every focus that is connected to it via prerequisites. Setting this to a non-existing focus causes a game crash when loading into the main menu.
continuous_focus_position = { x = 1200 y = 100 }
is the position of the top left corner of the continuous focus menu in pixels. For comparison, by default, the continuous focus palette has the position of 50 on the X axis and 1000 on the Y axis. If both x and y are set to 0 or the position is undefined for the tree, it resets to the default position.
initial_show_position = { ... }
decides the initial position of the camera when the focus tree is first opened. There are 2 ways to arrange it:
focus = TAG_focusname
will make the camera centre on the specified focus in particular. It'll be in the top centre of the screen exactly, taking offsets into consideration.x = 12 y = 0
decides the exact position of the top-centre of the camera. This uses the same coordinate system as regular focuses do, by default a unit of x being equal to 96 pixels and a unit of y being equal to 130 pixelsoffset = { ... }
, adding the specified values to respective positions if the conditions within the trigger = { ... }
trigger block are met for the country. For example, this will apply the modifier and result in a position of x = 13, y = 1 if the country is BHR:x = 17 y = 0 offset = { x = -4 y = 1 trigger = { tag = BHR } }
focus = { ... }
are the focuses themselves. Each focus that's put within the focus tree will. The focuses have to be within a focus_tree = { ... }
in order to let the game know which focus tree exactly to assign them to. If a focus = { ... }
blocks ends up outside of a focus_tree = { ... }
or within another focus = { ... }
, this gets marked within the error log as "focus" being an unexpected token, fixed by adjusting brackets as needed.
(变量类型: 字符串string) 国策的独一无二的标识符。
(变量类型: 字符串string, 默认: id) 一个可替换的文本标识符。这允许多个国策使用同一个名称和描述。
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: no) 如果为真,本地化的字符串可以包括占位符,例如可以允许国策名字根据意识形态改变。
(变量类型: number (three decimal places precision), 默认: 0) 国策将要花费多长时间(乘以7天)。
(变量类型: AND trigger, 默认: { }
) 如果这个trigger非空,它就可以专有地决定一个国策是否可用。如果这个trigger为假,这个国策及其依赖项都不可用且不可见。
prerequisite = { focus = GER_kdf_wagen OR = GER_synthetic_rubber } prerequisite = { focus = GER_important_focus }
也需要完成。第一行也可以等效地写成prerequisite = { focus = GER_kdf_wagen focus = GER_synthetic_rubber }
(变量类型: AND trigger, 默认: { }
) 当allow_branch
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: no) 如果为假,这个国策对已投降的国家将不可用,如果国策正在进行,国家投降时国策将会取消。
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: yes) 如果为假,国策将不能手动取消。
(变量类型: AND trigger, 默认: { }
) 当国策进行中而取消触发器变为真时,国策将会取消。与普通的AND触发器不同,一个空的取消触发器被视为假。
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: yes) 如果为真,当available
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: no) 如果为真,cancel
(变量类型: effect) 当国策被选中开始时,效果将会实施。
(变量类型: effect) 当国策完成时,效果将会实施。
(变量类型: effect) 国策的完成提示将会显示这里面的效果而不是真正的完成奖励completion_reward
(变量类型: AND trigger, 默认: { }
) 当跳过触发器为真时,任意当前正在进行中或者可用的国策都会跳过。与普通的AND触发器不同,一个空的跳过触发器被视为假。Bypassing ignores the available
trigger. 当一个国策有互斥选项时,玩家需要手动选择跳过。otherwise the bypass happens automatically as soon as the conditions are fulfilled.
(变量类型: 字符串string) 图形图标名,一般是在/Hearts of Iron IV/interface/goals.gfx中定义。
(变量类型: 整数integer, 默认: 0) 国策的水平坐标,网格行。
(变量类型: 整数integer, 默认: 0) 国策的垂直坐标,网格列。
offset = { x = -1 y = 0 trigger = { NOT = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" } } }
(变量类型: 字符串string) 此国策的图形坐标将相对于参考原点国策的位置生成。通常来说参考原点国策会是该国策的前置国策,这样就可以做到移动根国策就可以移动整棵国策树。在编辑国策树时推荐使用相对位置。代码样例如下:
focus = { id = root_focus x = 2 y = 0 } focus = { id = branch_focus relative_position_id = root_focus x = -1 y = 1 }
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: no) 从未使用
(变量类型: AND trigger, 默认: { }
) 如果历史AI国策是开启状态,AI只会当这个触发器为真时才会选择这个国策。
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: no) 当历史AI国策为启用时,这个布尔值为真。 使用例:
ai_will_do = { modifier = { factor = 0 is_historical_focus_on = yes date < 1145.1.4 } }
(变量类型: MTTH, 默认: { base = 1 }
) 定义AI选择这个国策的可能性。The value is further modified by +50% if the focus is not at the root of a branch, proportionately reduced if a mutually exclusive choice, as well as multiplied by any focus_factor
s in AI strategy plans. For each available focus, the AI generates a random number between 0 and the calculated value. It chooses the focus with the highest resulting number.
For example if two focuses are available with calculated values of 1.5 and 3 respectively, the former has a chance of 1-in-6 to be picked and the latter 5-in-6.
(变量类型: country tag) 当该国策进行时,这个国家会收到提示警告,告知本国正在被正当化战争借口。可以出现多次。
国策的本地化键值以国策的id(或文本id)作为前缀。例如,有一个国策id = XYZ
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 这部分内容可能已不适合当前版本,最后更新于1.8。 |
(变量类型: 字符串string) 国策树的独一无二的标识符。
(变量类型: MTTH, 默认: { base = 1 }
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认 no
) 如果为yes
(变量类型: 布尔boolean, 默认: yes
) 如果为no
(变量类型: point, 默认: { x = 0, y = 0 }
) 持续性国策面板的视觉位置。
(变量类型: national focus) 以上文中所说的方式定义和添加一个国策。可以出现多次。
(变量类型: 字符串string) 使得该国策及它的依赖项可以被植入其他国策树。可以出现多次。一个共享国策必须在任何国策树之外用shared_focus
shared_focus = { id = shared_1 x = 10 offset = { x = 10 trigger = { tag = LIT } } completion_reward = { army_experience = 10 } } focus_tree = { id = lithuania_focus country = { base = 0 modifier = { add = 10 tag = LIT } } shared_focus = shared_1 focus = { id = LIT_focus_1 x = 10 completion_reward = { navy_experience = 10 } } focus = { id = LIT_focus_2 prerequisite = { focus = LIT_focus_1 } relative_position_id = LIT_focus_1 y = 10 completion_reward = { navy_experience = 10 } } } focus_tree = { id = basic_focus country = { base = 1 } shared_focus = shared_1 }
文件 | 效果 • 条件 • 定义 • 修正 • 修正列表 • 作用域 • 本地化 • on action • 数据结构 (标记, 临时标记, 国家别名, 变量, 数组) |
脚本 | 成就修改 • AI修改 • AI focuses • 自治领修改 • 权力平衡修改 • 剧本/标签 (游戏规则)• 建筑修改 • 人物修改 • 修饰性TAG修改 • 国家创建 • 军队修改 • 决议制作 • 装备修改 • 事件修改 • Idea修改 • 意识形态修改 • 军工商修改 • 国策制作 • 资源修改 • Scripted GUI • 科技制作 • 单位修改 |
地图 | 地图 • 省份 • 补给区域 • 战略区域 |
图形图像 | 界面 • 图形资产 • 实体模型 • 后期特效 • 离子效果 • 字体 |
装饰性 | 肖像 • 命名列表 • 音乐 • 音效 |
其他 | 控制台指令 • 故障排除 • 模组结构 • 成就代码分析 • Mod相关 • Nudger修改 |