
1290308462讨论 | 贡献2021年9月25日 (六) 11:37的版本





  • 国策 - If the Focus gives an idea with modifiers in it, or unlocks hidden research (such as with Jungle Training from TfV India).
  • State types
  • Research - Ex. Doctrines.
  • Terrain - All terrains give different bonuses that can be changed.
  • Events - If the Event gives an idea with modifiers in it, or unlocks hidden research.
  • Ideas - National Spirits
  • Advisors - Works the same as Ideas, and can have the same modifiers.
  • Laws - Works the same as Ideas, and can have the same modifiers.
  • Stability Defines - Can both be added as the negative effect (sub-50% Stability) or positive effect (pro-50% Stability)
  • War Support Defines - Can both be added as the negative effect (sub-50% War Support) or positive effect (pro-50% War Support )

Country scope


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
monthly_population 增加国家所有的省份每月的人口增长。(似乎木大)
monthly_population = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%).百分比 1.0
nuclear_production 允许核弹生产
nuclear_production = 1
Boolean.布尔 1.0
nuclear_production_factor 增加制造核武器的速度。参考idea:BUL_buhovo_uranium_mines
nuclear_production_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
research_sharing_per_country_bonus 在技术共享时,增加每个国家在研究速度上的加成。
research_sharing_per_country_bonus = 0.5
Flat.数值 1.3
research_sharing_per_country_bonus_factor 按百分比增加每个国家在技术分享时的研究速度加成。
research_sharing_per_country_bonus_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
research_speed_factor 增加科研速度。参考idea:ENG_colonial_elite
research_speed_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
defensive_war_stability_factor 对参加防御性战争所带来的稳定的修正。参考idea:USA_war_powers_act
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
disabled_ideas 禁止手动改变ideas(包括顾问和法律)。参考idea:SPR_political_violence
disabled_ideas = 1
Boolean. 1.9
<idea category>_cost_factor 增加添加一个特定的类别idea的政治点数(PP)花费。参考idea:PRC_power_struggles
political_advisor_cost_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). idea类别可以在common/idea_tags中找到。还包括improve_relations_maintain。 1.0
female_random_country_leader_chance 增加随机产生的国家领导人为女性的几率。
female_random_country_leader_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
max_surrender_limit_offset Minimum Surrender Limit.最小投降极限。


max_surrender_limit_offset = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
offensive_war_stability_factor 对参加进攻性战争所带来的稳定的修正。参考idea:USA_war_powers_act
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
party_popularity_stability_factor Modifier the stability gained by the popularity of the ruling party.修正由于执政党的声望而获得稳定。
party_popularity_stability_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
political_power_cost 每日PP花费。参考idea:GER_mefo_bills_1
political_power_cost = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
political_power_gain 每日PP获得。参考idea:CHI_executive_yuan
political_power_gain = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
political_power_factor 以百分比修正每日PP的获得。参考idea:PRC_government_corruption
political_power_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
stability_factor Modifies stability of the country.(用于变更国家的 稳定度)参考idea:CHI_grain_tax
stability_factor = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
stability_weekly Modifies weekly stability gain of the country.(用于变更国家的 每周稳定度增长)参考idea:FRA_constitutional_revision
stability_weekly = 0.01
Flat. 1.0
stability_weekly_factor Modifies weekly stability gain of the country by a percentage.以百分比修正每周国家稳定度增长
stability_weekly_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
war_stability_factor Modifies the stability loss caused by being at war.修正战争造成的稳定性损失。
war_stability_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
war_support_factor Modifies war support of the country.修正国家的战争支持度。参考idea:PRC_low_popular_support
war_support_factor = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
war_support_weekly Modifies weekly war support gain of the country.修正每周获得的战争支持度。参考idea:HOL_volk_en_vaderland
war_support_weekly = 0.01
Flat. 1.0
war_support_weekly_factor Modifies weekly war support gain of the country by a percentage.以百分比的形成修正每周获得的战争支持度。
war_support_weekly_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
drift_defence_factor Ideology drift defense.意识形态变化抵制力度。参考idea:sour_loser
drift_defence_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
<ideology>_drift Daily gain of the specified ideology.特定意识形态的每日支持度增长。参考idea:GER_align_hungary(fascism_drift = 0.2)
communism_drift = 0.03
Flat. 1.0
<ideology>_acceptance Likelihood of AI to accept offers from countries of the specified ideology.AI对特定意识形态外交接纳度。参考idea:GER_align_hungary(fascism_acceptance = 85)
fascism_acceptance = 50
Flat. 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
min_export Increases the amount of resources to market.


min_export = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
trade_opinion_factor Makes AI more likely to purchase resources from this country.


trade_opinion_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
civil_war_involvement_tension 改变干预盟友内战所需的世界紧张度。
civil_war_involvement_tension = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
enemy_declare_war_tension 增加敌人对我们发动战争的理由所需的世界紧张局势。
enemy_declare_war_tension = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
enemy_justify_war_goal_time 增加了敌人正当化对我们的战争目标所需的时间。
enemy_declare_war_tension = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
faction_trade_opinion_factor 增加派系成员之间交易所获得的好感。
faction_trade_opinion_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
generate_wargoal_tension 增加我们产生战争目标所需的紧张度。
generate_wargoal_tension = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
guarantee_cost 该国为保证另一个国家而付出的政治点。
guarantee_cost = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
guarantee_tension 一个国家必须保证另一个国家的世界紧度。
guarantee_tension = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
join_faction_tension 该国加入派系所需的世界紧张度。
join_faction_tension = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
justify_war_goal_time 正当化战争目标所需的时间。
justify_war_goal_time = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
justify_war_goal_when_in_major_war_time 在与大国发生战争时正当化战争目标所需的时间。
justify_war_goal_when_in_major_war_time = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
lend_lease_tension 租借法案所需的世界紧张局势。
lend_lease_tension = 0.3
Flat. 1.0
opinion_gain_monthly 增加从“改善关系”外交行动中获得的好感。
opinion_gain_monthly = 5
Flat. 1.0
opinion_gain_monthly_factor 百分比修正“改善关系”外交行动的好感增加。
opinion_gain_monthly_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology Increases opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action for countries of the same ideology.为相同意识形态的国家增加“改善关系”外交行动的好感度。
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology = 5
Flat. 1.0
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor Increases opinion gain from the 'Improve relations' diplomatic action for countries of the same ideology by a percentage.以百分比修正“改善关系”外交行动对具有相同意识形态的国家的好感增加
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
request_lease_tension Necessary world tension for the country to request lend-lease.该国申请贷款租赁所需的世界紧张局势。
request_lease_tension = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
surrender_limit Increases the percentage of victory points the country needs to lose control of to capitulate.以百分比增加国家需要失去控制才能投降的胜利点。
surrender_limit = 0.1
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
autonomy_gain Daily gain of autonomy.
autonomy_gain = 0.5
加法 1.3
subjects_autonomy_gain Daily gain of autonomy in our subjects.
subjects_autonomy_gain = 0.5
Flat. 1.3
autonomy_gain_ll_to_overlord Modifies gain of autonomy from lend-leasing to the overworld.
autonomy_gain_ll_to_overlord = 0.5
Flat. 1.3
autonomy_gain_ll_to_overlord_factor Modifies gain of autonomy from lend-leasing to the overworld by a percentage.
autonomy_gain_ll_to_overlord_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
autonomy_gain_ll_to_subject Modifies loss of autonomy from lend-leasing to the subject.
autonomy_gain_ll_to_subject = 0.5
Flat. 1.3
autonomy_gain_ll_to_subject_factor Modifies loss of autonomy from lend-leasing to the subject by a percentage.
autonomy_gain_ll_to_subject_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
autonomy_gain_trade Modifies gain of autonomy from the overworld trading with the subject.
autonomy_gain_trade = 0.5
Flat. 1.3
autonomy_gain_trade_factor Modifies gain of autonomy from the overworld trading with the subject by a percentage.
autonomy_gain_trade_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
autonomy_gain_warscore Modifies gain of autonomy from the subject gaining warscore.
autonomy_gain_trade = 0.5
Flat. 1.3
autonomy_gain_warscore_factor Modifies gain of autonomy from the subject gaining warscore by a percentage.
autonomy_gain_warscore_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
autonomy_manpower_share Modifies the amount of manpower the overworld can use from the subject.
autonomy_manpower_share = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
autonomy_manpower_share Modifies the amount of manpower the overworld can use from the subject.
autonomy_manpower_share = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
can_master_build_for_us Makes the overworld be able to build in the subject.
can_master_build_for_us = 1
Boolean. 1.3
cic_to_overlord_factor Modifies the amount of the subject's civilian industry that goes to the overlord.
cic_to_overlord_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
mic_to_overlord_factor Modifies the amount of the subject's military industry that goes to the overlord.
mic_to_overlord_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
extra_trade_to_overlord_factor Modifies the amount of the subject's resources that the overlord can receive via trade.
extra_trade_to_overlord_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
license_subject_master_purchase_cost Modifies the cost of licensed production from the overlord.
license_subject_master_purchase_cost = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.4
master_build_autonomy_factor Modifies loss of autonomy from the overworld building in subject's states by a percentage.
master_build_autonomy_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3
master_ideology_drift Increases daily gain of the overlord's ideology in the country.
master_ideology_drift = 0.03
Flat. 1.0
overlord_trade_cost_factor Modifies the cost of trade between the overlord and the subject in civilian factories.
overlord_trade_cost_factor = -0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.3

Governments in Exile流亡政府

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
dockyard_donations Amount of dockyards donated.捐赠的造船厂数量。
dockyard_donations = 2
Flat. 1.6
industrial_factory_donations Amount of civilian factories donated.捐赠的民用工厂数量。
industrial_factory_donations = 2
Flat. 1.6
military_factory_donations Amount of military factories donated.捐赠的军工厂数量。
military_factory_donations = 2
Flat. 1.6
exile_manpower_factor Amount of manpower given to the host country.提供给东道国的人力数量。
exile_manpower_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
legitimacy_daily Increases the amount of legitimacy gained daily.增加每天获得的合法性数量。
legitimacy_daily = 1
Flat. 1.6
legitimacy_gain_factor Increases the amount of legitimacy gained daily by a percentage.以百分比修正每日获得的合法性。
legitimacy_gain_factor = 1
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
equipment_capture Increases the amount of equipment captured in combat.以数值形式修正战斗中缴获的装备。
equipment_capture = 100
Flat. 1.0
equipment_capture_factor Increases the amount of equipment captured in combat by a percentage.以百分比形式修正战斗中缴获的装备。
equipment_capture_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
equipment_conversion_speed Increases the speed at which equipment is converted.修正装备改装速度。
equipment_conversion_speed = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
equipment_upgrade_xp_cost Increases the experience cost to upgrade military equipment.修正改造装备所需的经验。
equipment_upgrade_xp_cost = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
license_purchase_cost Increases the cost of licensed equipment.以数值形式修正生产许可花费。
license_purchase_cost = 10 
Flat. Also allows specifying category as license_<category>_purchase_cost. Allowed categories are air, anti_tank_eq, armor, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, infantry, light_tank_eq, and naval. 1.4
license_purchase_cost_factor Increases the cost of licensed equipment by a percentage.以百分比形式修正生产许可花费。
license_purchase_cost_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Also allows specifying category as license_<category>_purchase_cost_factor. Allowed categories are air, anti_tank_eq, armor, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, infantry, light_tank_eq, and naval. 1.4
license_tech_difference_speed_factor Increases the production penalty of licensed equipment by tech difference by a percentage.修正生产许可证的科技差距惩罚。
license_tech_difference_speed_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Also allows specifying category as license_<category>_tech_difference_speed_factor. Allowed categories are air, anti_tank_eq, armor, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, infantry, light_tank_eq, and naval. 1.4
production_factory_efficiency_gain_factor Production efficiency growth.修正生产效率增长。
production_factory_efficiency_gain_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
production_factory_max_efficiency_factor Production efficiency cap.修正生产效率上限。
production_factory_max_efficiency_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
production_factory_start_efficiency_factor Production efficiency base.修正初始生产效率。
production_factory_start_efficiency_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
production_lack_of_resource_penalty_factor Lack of resources penalty.修正资源不足惩罚。
production_lack_of_resource_penalty_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
refit_ic_cost Modifies the IC cost for refitting equipment.修正装备改装的生产花费。
refit_ic_cost = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
refit_speed Modifies the speed of refitting equipment.修正装备改装速度。
refit_speed = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
command_power_gain Increases the daily gain of command power.


command_power_gain = 0.5
加法 1.5
command_power_gain_mult Increases the daily gain of command power by a percentage.按百分比增加每日获得的指挥权。
command_power_gain = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
conscription Increases the recruitable percentage of the total population.增加适役人口的百分比。
conscription = 0.02
Flat. 1.0
conscription_factor Increases the recruitable percentage of the total population by a percent.按百分比增加适役人口。
conscription = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_<unit type>_combat_factor Increases the experience gain in combat by the specified unit type.增加指定单位类型的战斗经验
experience_gain_infantry_combat_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_<unit type>_training_factor Increases the experience gain in training by the specified unit type.增加指定单位类型的训练经验增益。
experience_gain_infantry_training_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_loss_factor Changes the loss in division's experience in combat.改变师在战斗中的经验损失。
experience_loss_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
female_random_army_leader_chance Increases the chance for a randomly-generated army leader to be female.增加随机生成的军队领袖为女性的几率。
female_random_army_leader_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
land_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost Increases the experience cost to upgrade land army equipment.增加升级陆军装备的经验成本。
land_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
land_reinforce_rate Increases the rate at which reinforcements to divisions arrive.提高师的增援率。
land_reinforce_rate = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
max_command_power Increases maximum command power.增加最大指挥点。
max_command_power = 20
Flat. 1.5
max_command_power_mult Increases maximum command power by a percentage.按百分比增加最大指挥点。
max_command_power_mult = 0.3 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
minimum_training_level Increases training level necessary for the unit to deploy.提高部队部署所需的训练水平。
minimum_training_level = 0.3 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
weekly_manpower Amount of manpower gained each week.每周获得的人力数量。
weekly_manpower = 1000 
Flat. 1.6
army_leader_cost_factor The cost in political power to recruit an unit leader for the land army.为陆军招募一名单位领导者的政治权力成本。
army_leader_cost_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
army_leader_start_level Bonus to the starting level of generic unit leaders.普通单位领导者的起始等级奖励。
army_leader_start_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
army_leader_start_attack_level Bonus to the starting level of attack in generic unit leaders.对普通单位领导者的起始攻击级别的奖励。
army_leader_start_attack_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
army_leader_start_defense_level Bonus to the starting level of defense in generic unit leaders.通用单位领导者的初始防御等级加成。
army_leader_start_defense_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
army_leader_start_logistics_level Bonus to the starting level of logistics in generic unit leaders.对通用单位领导者的后勤起始水平的奖励。
army_leader_start_logistics_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
military_leader_cost_factor The cost in political power to recruit an unit leader.招募单位领导的政治权力成本。
military_leader_cost_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
female_random_admiral_chance Increases the chance for a randomly-generated admiral to be female.
female_random_admiral_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
naval_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost Increases the naval experience cost to upgrade equipment.
naval_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
navy_refit_ic_cost The IC cost to refit naval equipment.
navy_refit_ic_cost = 20
Flat. 1.6
navy_refit_speed The speed at whcih naval equipment is refitted.
navy_refit_speed = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_leader_cost_factor The cost in political power to recruit an unit leader for the land navy.
navy_leader_cost_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
navy_leader_start_level Bonus to the starting level of generic unit leaders.
navy_leader_start_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
navy_leader_start_attack_level Bonus to the starting level of attack in generic unit leaders.
navy_leader_start_attack_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
navy_leader_start_coordination_level Bonus to the starting level of coordination in generic unit leaders.
navy_leader_start_coordination_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
navy_leader_start_defense_level Bonus to the starting level of defense in generic unit leaders.
navy_leader_start_defense_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5
navy_leader_start_maneuvering_level Bonus to the starting level of maneuvering in generic unit leaders.
navy_leader_start_maneuvering_level = 1 
Flat. 1.5


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
air_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost Increases the air experience cost to upgrade equipment.
air_equipment_upgrade_xp_cost = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_volunteer_cap Increases the amount of airforce you can send as volunteers.
air_volunteer_cap = 100
Flat. 1.5
experience_gain_<plane type>_combat_factor Increases the experience gain in combat by the specified plane type.
experience_gain_fighter_combat_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_<plane type>_training_factor Increases the experience gain in training by the specified plane type.
experience_gain_fighter_training_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
base_fuel_gain Increases base daily gain of fuel.
base_fuel_gain = 100
Flat. 1.6
base_fuel_gain_factor Increases base daily gain of fuel by a percentage.
base_fuel_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
fuel_cost Increases daily cost of fuel.
fuel_cost = 100
Flat. 1.6
fuel_gain Increases daily gain of fuel.
fuel_gain = 100
Flat. 1.6
fuel_gain_factor Increases daily gain of fuel by a percentage.
fuel_gain_factor = 100
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
fuel_gain_from_states Increases daily gain of fuel from our controlled oil.
fuel_gain_from_states = 100
Flat. 1.6
fuel_gain_from_states_factor Increases daily gain of fuel from our controlled oil by a percentage.
fuel_gain_from_states_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
max_fuel Increases maximum amount of fuel you can have.
max_fuel = 100
Flat. 1.6
max_fuel_factor Increases maximum amount of fuel you can have by a percentage.
max_fuel_factor = 0.3 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
civilian_factory_use Uses the specified amount of civilian factory as a special project.
civilian_factory_use = 3
Flat. Only has an effect with the Waking the Tiger DLC. 1.5
consumer_goods_factor Changes the percentage of factories used for consumer goods.
consumer_goods_factor = 0.1
Flat. 1.0
conversion_cost_civ_to_mil_factor Changes the cost to convert civilian factories to military factories.
conversion_cost_civ_to_mil_factor = 0.4
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
conversion_cost_mil_to_civ_factor Changes the cost to convert military factories to civilian factories.
conversion_cost_mil_to_civ_factor = 0.4
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
global_building_slots Increases amount of building slots in our every state.
global_building_slots = 1
Flat. 1.0
global_building_slots_factor Increases amount of building slots in our every state by a percentage.
global_building_slots_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
industrial_capacity_dockyard Dockyard output.
industrial_capacity_dockyard = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
industrial_capacity_factory Military factory output.
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
industry_air_damage_factor Amount of damage our factories receive from air bombings.
industry_air_damage_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
industry_free_repair_factor Increases the speed at which buildings repair themselves without factories assigned.
industry_free_repair_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
industry_repair_factor Increases the speed at which buildings are repaired.
industry_repair_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
line_change_production_efficiency_factor Production Efficiency Retention.
line_change_production_efficiency_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
production_oil_factor Synthetic oil gain.
production_oil_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
production_speed_<building>_factor Increases construction speed of a specific building.
production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
repair_speed_<building>_factor Increases repair speed of a specific building.
repair_speed_arms_factory_factor = 0.5 
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0

Resistance and Compliance抵抗与顺从

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
compliance_growth_on_our_occupied_states Increases the compliance growth speed on the country's controlled states.
compliance_growth_on_our_occupied_states = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
no_compliance_gain Disables compliance gain on our controlled states.
no_compliance_gain = 1
Boolean. Can also be used in state scope. 1.9
occupation_cost Increases the cost of keeping another nation under occupation.
occupation_cost = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
required_garrison_factor Increases the required garrison in our occupied states.
required_garrison_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can also be used in state scope. 1.9
resistance_damage_to_garrison_on_our_occupied_states Increases the resistance damage to the garrison in our occupied states.
resistance_damage_to_garrison_on_our_occupied_states = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_decay_on_our_occupied_states Increases the resistance decay in our occupied states.
resistance_decay_on_our_occupied_states = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_growth_on_our_occupied_states Increases the resistance growth speed in our occupied states.
resistance_growth_on_our_occupied_states = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_target_on_our_occupied_states Increases the resistance target in our occupied states.
resistance_target_on_our_occupied_states = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
agency_upgrade_time Increases the time it takes to upgrade the agency
agency_upgrade_time = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
airforce_intel_to_others Increases the amount of intel other countries will receive about your airforce.
airforce_intel_to_others = 10
Flat. 1.9
civilian_intel_to_others Increases the amount of intel other countries will receive about your civilian industry.
civilian_intel_to_others = 10
Flat. 1.9
navy_intel_to_others Increases the amount of intel other countries will receive about your navy.
navy_intel_to_others = 10
Flat. 1.9
decryption Increases the decription capability of the country.
decryption = 1
Flat. 1.0
decryption_factor Increases the decription capability of the country by a percentage.
decryption_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
encryption Increases the encryption capability of the country.
decryption = 1
Flat. 1.0
encryption_factor Increases the encryption capability of the country by a percentage.
encryption_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
enemy_operative_capture_chance_factor Increases the chance for an enemy operative to be captured.
enemy_operative_capture_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_operative_detection_chance Increases the chance for an enemy operative to be detected.
enemy_operative_detection_chance = 10
Flat. Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor Increases the chance for an enemy operative to be detected by a percentage.
enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor Increases the chance for an enemy operative to be forced into hiding by a percentage.
enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_operative_harmed_time_factor Increases the chance for an enemy operative to be harmed by a percentage.
enemy_operative_harmed_time_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_operative_intel_extraction_rate Increases the rate at which the enemy operatives extract our intel.
enemy_operative_intel_extraction_rate = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
enemy_spy_negative_status_factor Increases the chance an enemy spy can receive a negative status.
enemy_spy_negative_status_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can also be used in state scope. 1.9
female_random_operative_chance Increases the chance for a randomly-generated operative to be female.
female_random_operative_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
foreign_subversive_activites Increases efficiency of foreign subversive activities.
foreign_subversive_activites = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
intel_network_gain Increases gain of intel network strength.
intel_network_gain = 1
Flat. Can also be used in state scope. 1.9
intel_network_gain_factor Increases gain of intel network strength by a percentage.
intel_network_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can also be used in state scope. 1.9
own_operative_capture_chance_factor Increases the chance for our operatives to be captured.
own_operative_capture_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
own_operative_detection_chance Increases the chance for our operatives to be detected.
own_operative_detection_chance = 10
Flat. Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
own_operative_detection_chance_factor Increases the chance for our operatives to be detected by a percentage.
own_operative_detection_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
own_operative_detection_chance_factor Increases the chance for our operatives to be forced into hiding by a percentage.
own_operative_detection_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
own_operative_harmed_time_factor Increases the chance for our operatives to be harmed by a percentage.
own_operative_harmed_time_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
own_operative_intel_extraction_rate Increases the rate at which our operatives extract enemy intel.
own_operative_intel_extraction_rate = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can be used in unit leader scope. 1.9
subversive_activites_upkeep Increases the cost of subversive activities.
subversive_activites_upkeep = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
operation_cost Increases the cost of operations.
operation_cost = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
operation_outcome Increases the efficiency of operations.
operation_outcome = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
operation_risk Increases the risk of operations.
operation_risk = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
<operation>_cost Increases the cost of the specified operation.
operation_infiltrate_cost = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
<operation>_outcome Increases the efficiency of the specified operation.
operation_coup_government_outcome = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Note that target_sabotage uses target_sabotage_factor rather than target_sabotage_outcome. 1.9
<operation>_risk Increases the risk of the specified operation.
operation_make_resistance_contacts_risk = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
<type>_intel_decryption_bonus Adds a cipher bonus to the specified intel.
civilian_intel_decryption_bonus = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Types are: airforce, army, civilian, navy. 1.9
<type>_intel_factor Modifies the intelligence you receive of the specified type.
navy_intel_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Types are: airforce, army, civilian, navy. 1.9
<mission>_factor Modifies the effect of the specified mission.
boost_ideology_mission_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Types are: boost_ideology_mission, boost_resistance, control_trade_mission, diplomatic_pressure_mission, propaganda_mission, root_out_resistance_effectiveness. 1.9
commando_trait_chance_factor Modifies the chance for an operative to get the commando trait when hired.
commando_trait_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
crypto_department_enabled Enables the crypto department.
crypto_department_enabled = 1
Boolean. 1.9
crypto_strength Modifies the cryptology level.
crypto_strength = 1
Flat. 1.9
decryption_power Modifies the decryption power.
decryption_power = 1
Flat. 1.9
decryption_power_factor Modifies the decryption power by a percentage.
decryption_power_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
defense_impact_on_blueprint_stealing Modifies the impact of enemy defense on the blueprint stealing operation.
defense_impact_on_blueprint_stealing = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
enemy_operative_recruitment_chance Modifies the chance to recruit an enemy operative.
enemy_operative_recruitment_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
intel_from_operatives_factor Modifies the intelligence gained from operatives and infiltrated assets.
intel_from_operatives_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
intel_network_gain Modifies the intelligence network gain.
intel_network_gain = 0.3
Flat. 1.9
intel_network_gain_factor Modifies the intelligence network gain by a percentage.
intel_network_gain_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
intelligence_agency_defense Modifies the counter intelligence.
intelligence_agency_defense = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
new_operative_slot_bonus Modifies the operative recruitment choices.
new_operative_slot_bonus = 1
Flat. 1.9
occupied_operative_recruitment_chance Modifies the chance to get an operative from occupied territory.
occupied_operative_recruitment_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
operative_death_on_capture_chance Modifies the chance for our operative to die on being captured.
operative_death_on_capture_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
operative_slot Modifies the amount of operative slots.
operative_slot = 1
Flat. 1.9
root_out_resistance_effectiveness_factor Modifies the effectiveness of rooting out resistance.
root_out_resistance_effectiveness_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9


Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
ai_badass_factor AI's threat perception.
ai_badass_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_call_ally_desire_factor Chance for AI to call allies.
ai_call_ally_desire_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_desired_divisions_factor The amount of divisions AI seeks to produce.
ai_desired_divisions_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_aggressive_factor AI's focus on offense.
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_defense_factor AI's focus on defense.
ai_focus_defense_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_aviation_factor AI's focus on aviation.
ai_focus_aviation_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_military_advancements_factor AI's focus on advanced military technologies.
ai_focus_military_advancements_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_naval_air_factor AI's focus on building naval airforce.
ai_focus_naval_air_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_naval_factor AI's focus on building a navy.
ai_focus_naval_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_peaceful_factor AI's focus on peaceful research and policies.
ai_focus_peaceful_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_focus_war_production_factor AI's focus on wartime production.
ai_focus_war_production_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_get_ally_desire_factor AI's desire to be in or expand a faction.
ai_get_ally_desire_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_join_ally_desire_factor AI's desire to join the wars led by allies.
ai_join_ally_desire_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ai_license_acceptance AI's chance to agree licensing equipment.
ai_license_acceptance = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.4

General Combat通用战斗

Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in unit leader and navy leader scopes.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
offence Modifies the attack value of our military, navy, and airforce.
offence = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
defence Modifies the defence value of our military, navy, and airforce.
defence = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0

Land Combat陆战

Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in unit leader scope.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
acclimatization_cold_climate_gain_factor Cold acclimatization gain factor.
acclimatization_cold_climate_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
acclimatization_hot_climate_gain_factor Hot acclimatization gain factor.
acclimatization_hot_climate_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_superiority_bonus_in_combat The bonus air combat gives in combat.
air_superiority_bonus_in_combat = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_attack_factor The bonus to land army's attack.
army_attack_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_defence_factor The bonus to land army's defence.
army_defence_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_speed_factor The bonus to land army's speed.
army_speed_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
<unit type>_attack_factor The bonus to specified unit type's attack.
cavalry_attack_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed unit types are army_armor, army_artillery, army_infantry, cavalry, mechanized, motorized, special_forces 1.0
<unit type>_defence_factor The bonus to the specified unit type's defence.
army_artillery_defence_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed unit types are army_armor, army_artillery, army_infantry, cavalry, mechanized, motorized, special_forces 1.0
<unit type>_speed_factor The bonus to specified unit type's speed.
army_armor_speed_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed unit types are army_armor and cavalry. 1.0
army_fuel_capacity_factor The capacity of fuel by the army.
army_fuel_capacity_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_fuel_consumption_factor The consumption of fuel by the army.
army_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_morale Modifies the army's morale.
army_morale = 10
Flat. 1.0
army_morale_factor Modifies the army's morale by a percentage.
army_morale_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_org Modifies the army's organisation.
army_org = 10
Flat. 1.0
army_org_factor Modifies the army's organisation by a percentage.
army_org_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_org_regain Modifies the army's organisation regain speed by a percentage.
army_org_regain = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
attrition Modifies the army's attrition.
attrition = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
breakthrough_factor Modifies the army's breakthrough.
breakthrough_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
cas_damage_reduction Reguces the damage dealt by close air support.
cas_damage_reduction = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
dig_in_speed Increases entrenchment speed.
dig_in_speed = 2
Flat. 1.0
dig_in_speed_factor Increases entrenchment speed by a percentage.
dig_in_speed = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_army Increases experience gain by the army.
experience_gain_army = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
experience_gain_army_factor Increases experience gain by the army by a percentage.
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_army_unit Increases experience gain by the army divisions.
experience_gain_army_unit = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
experience_gain_army_unit_factor Increases experience gain by the army divisions by a percentage.
experience_gain_army_unit_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
extra_marine_supply_grace Increases the supply grace given to marines.
extra_marine_supply_grace = 96
Flat. 1.0
extra_paratrooper_supply_grace Increases the supply grace given to paratroopers.
extra_paratrooper_supply_grace = 96
Flat. 1.0
heat_attrition Increases the attrition due to heat.
heat_attrition = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
heat_attrition_factor Increases the attrition due to heat by a percentage.
heat_attrition_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
winter_attrition Increases the attrition due to winter.
winter_attrition = 0.5
Flat. 1.0
winter_attrition_factor Increases the attrition due to winter by a percentage.
winter_attrition_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
land_night_attack Increases the penalty due to attacking at night.
land_night_attack = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
max_dig_in Increases the maximum entrenchment.
max_dig_in = 20
Flat. Can also apply in state scope. 1.0
max_dig_in_factor Increases the maximum entrenchment by a percentage.
max_dig_in_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Can also apply in state scope. 1.0
max_planning Increases the maximum planning.
max_planning = 20
Flat. 1.0
max_planning_factor Increases the maximum planning by a percentage.
max_planning_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
pocket_penalty Reduces the penalty that troops take when they are encircled.
pocket_penalty = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
recon_factor Increases reconnaisance.
recon_factor = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
recon_factor_while_entrenched Increases reconnaisance for entrenched divisions.
recon_factor_while_entrenched = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
special_forces_cap Increases the maximum amount of special forces by a percentage.
special_forces_cap = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
special_forces_min Increases the maximum amount of special forces.
special_forces_min = 250
Flat. 1.0
special_forces_no_supply_grace Increases the supply grace period for special forces.
special_forces_no_supply_grace = 120
Flat. 1.0
special_forces_out_of_supply_factor Increases the penalty for special forces out of supply.
special_forces_out_of_supply_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
special_forces_training_time_factor Increases the time it takes to train special forces.
special_forces_training_time_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
terrain_penalty_reduction Decreases the penalties given by terrain.
terrain_penalty_reduction = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
unit_upkeep_attrition_factor Modifies the unit upkeep.
unit_upkeep_attrition_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
no_supply_grace Modifies the grace period for units without supply.
no_supply_grace = 120
Flat. 1.0
org_loss_when_moving Modifies the organisation loss for units when they are moving.
org_loss_when_moving = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
out_of_supply_factor Reduces the penalty that units take when they run out of supplies.
out_of_supply_factor = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
planning_speed Modifies the planning speed.
planning_speed = 0.2
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
supply_consumption_factor Modifies the rate at which army consumes supply.
supply_consumption_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
training_time_factor Modifies the training time.
training_time_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0

Naval combat海战

Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in navy leader scope.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
amphibious_invasion Modifies the speed of units during naval invasions.
amphibious_invasion = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
amphibious_invasion_defence Modifies the penalty given by naval invasions.
amphibious_invasion_defence = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Is the opposite of naval_invasion_penalty. Can also apply in state scope. 1.6
carrier_capacity_penalty_reduction Modifies the penalty given by overcrowding a carrier with planes.
carrier_capacity_penalty_reduction = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
convoy_escort_efficiency Modifies the efficiency of the convoy escort mission.
convoy_escort_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor Modifies the efficiency of the convoy raiding mission.
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
convoy_retreat_speed Modifies the speed of convoys retreating.
convoy_retreat_speed = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
critical_receive_chance Increases the chance for the enemy to get a critical hit on us in naval combat.
critical_receive_chance = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
experience_gain_navy Modifies the daily gain of naval experience.
experience_gain_navy = 0.02
Flat. 1.6
experience_gain_navy_factor Modifies the gain of naval experience by a percentage.
experience_gain_navy_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
experience_gain_navy_unit Modifies the daily gain of experience by the ships.
experience_gain_navy_unit = 0.02
Flat. 1.6
experience_gain_navy_unit_factor Modifies the gain of experience by the ships by a percentage.
experience_gain_navy_unit_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
fighter_sortie_efficiency Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming fighter planes on the carrier during the battle.
fighter_sortie_efficiency = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
invasion_preparation Modifies the preparation speed of naval invasions.
invasion_preparation = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
mines_planting_by_fleets_factor Modifies the efficiency of the mine planting mission.
mines_planting_by_fleets_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
mines_sweeping_by_fleets_factor Modifies the efficiency of the mine sweeping mission.
mines_sweeping_by_fleets_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_accidents_chance Modifies the chance for a ship to be accidentally sunk or damaged.
naval_accidents_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_attrition Modifies attrition suffered by naval units.
naval_attrition = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_coordination Modifies how quickly the fleet can gather or disperse when a target is found or when switching missions.
naval_coordination = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_critical_effect_factor Modifies the effects of sustained critical hits on our ships.
naval_critical_effect_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_critical_score_chance_factor Modifies the chance for us to get a critical hit on the enemy in naval combat.
naval_critical_score_chance_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_damage_factor Modifies the damage dealt by our ships.
naval_damage_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_defense_factor Modifies the damage received by our ships.
naval_damage_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_detection Modifies the chance for our ships to detect submarines.
naval_detection = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_enemy_fleet_size_ratio_penalty_factor Modifies the penalty the enemy receives for having a larger amount of ships than us.
naval_enemy_fleet_size_ratio_penalty_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_enemy_retreat_chance Modifies the chance for the enemy to retreat.
naval_enemy_retreat_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_has_potf_in_combat_attack Modifies the attack of the navy when fighting together with the pride of the fleet.
naval_has_potf_in_combat_attack = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_has_potf_in_combat_defense Modifies the defense of the navy when fighting together with the pride of the fleet.
naval_has_potf_in_combat_defense = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_hit_chance Modifies the chance for the naval attacks to land.
naval_hit_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_invasion_capacity Modifies the amount of divisions that can have a naval invasion plan going on at the same time.
naval_invasion_capacity = 10
Flat. 1.6
naval_invasion_penalty Modifies the penalty for naval invasions.
naval_invasion_penalty = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Is the opposite of amphibious_invasion_defence. Can also apply in state scope. 1.6
naval_mine_hit_chance Modifies the chance for a naval mine to hit.
naval_mine_hit_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_mines_damage_factor Modifies the damage naval mines deal to enemy ships.
naval_mines_damage_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_mines_effect_reduction Modifies the damage enemy naval mines deal.
naval_mines_effect_reduction = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_morale Modifies the morale value for our ships.
naval_morale = 15
Flat. 1.6
naval_morale_factor Modifies the morale value for our ships by a percentage.
naval_morale_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_retreat_chance Modifies the chance for our ships to retreat.
naval_retreat_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_retreat_speed Modifies the speed at which our ships retreat.
naval_retreat_speed = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_speed_factor Modifies the speed of our ships.
naval_speed_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_torpedo_cooldown_factor Modifies the rate at which our ships can fire torpedos.
naval_torpedo_cooldown_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_torpedo_hit_chance_factor Modifies the rate at which our torpedos can hit enemy ships.
naval_torpedo_hit_chance_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
naval_torpedo_screen_penetration_factor Modifies the rate at which our torpedos penalise enemy screening.
naval_torpedo_screen_penetration_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor Modifies the attack of our capital ships.
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_carrier_air_agility_factor Modifies the agility of airplanes executing tasks from carriers.
navy_carrier_air_agility_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_carrier_air_attack_factor Modifies the attack of airplanes executing tasks from carriers.
navy_carrier_air_attack_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_carrier_air_targetting_factor Modifies the targeting of airplanes executing tasks from carriers.
navy_carrier_air_targetting_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_screen_attack_factor Modifies the attack of our screening ships.
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_submarine_attack_factor Modifies the attack of our submarines.
navy_submarine_attack_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_submarine_attack_factor Modifies the attack of our submarines.
navy_submarine_attack_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
navy_visibility Modifies the visibility of our navy.
navy_visibility = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
positioning Modifies the positioning of our navy.
positioning = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
production_cost_max_<ship type> Modifies the maximum cost of the ship type.
production_cost_max_ship_hull_light = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed ship types in base game: convoy, ship_hull_carrier, ship_hull_cruiser, ship_hull_heavy, ship_hull_light, ship_hull_submarine 1.6
repair_speed_factor Modifies the speed at which the dockyards repair the navy.
repair_speed_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
screening_efficiency Modifies the efficiency screen ships operate.
screening_efficiency = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
ships_at_battle_start Modifies the number of ships at first contact.
ships_at_battle_start = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
sortie_efficiency Modifies the speed when refueling and rearming planes on the carrier during the battle.
sortie_efficiency = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
spotting_chance Modifies the chance to spot enemy ships.
spotting_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
strike_force_movement_org_loss Modifies the organisation loss from movement during the strike force mission.
strike_force_movement_org_loss = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
sub_retreat_speed Modifies the retreat speed of submarines.
sub_retreat_speed = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
submarine_attack Modifies the attack of submarines.
submarine_attack = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
transport_capacity Modifies how many convoys units require.
transport_capacity = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6

Air combat空战

Note that most of these modifiers are not only in country scope but also in ace scope.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
air_accidents_factor Modifies the chance for air accidents to happen.
air_accidents_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_ace_generation_chance_factor Modifies the chance for aces to appear.
air_ace_generation_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_agility_factor Modifies the agility of the country's airplanes.
air_agility_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_attack_factor Modifies the attack of the country's airplanes.
air_attack_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_defence_factor Modifies the defence of the country's airplanes.
air_defence_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_<mission>_agility_factor Modifies the agility of the country's airplanes when on the specified mission.
air_air_superiority_agility_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed missions are: air_superiority, close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. Note that with naval strike, it's just naval_strike_agility_factor without air_. 1.0
air_<mission>_attack_factor Modifies the attack of the country's airplanes when on the specified mission.
air_interception_defence_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed missions are: air_superiority, close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. Note that with naval strike, it's just naval_strike_attack_factor without air_. 1.0
air_<mission>_defence_factor Modifies the defence of the country's airplanes when on the specified mission.
air_strategic_bomber_defence_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Allowed missions are: air_superiority, close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. Note that with naval strike, it's just naval_strike_defence_factor without air_. 1.0
air_bombing_targetting Modifies targetting for ground bombing.
air_bombing_targetting = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_cas_efficiency Modifies efficiency of close-air-support.
air_cas_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_cas_present_factor Modifies impact of close-air-support in land combat.
air_cas_present_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_escort_efficiency Modifies ability of planes in dogfights.
air_escort_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_fuel_consumption_factor Modifies the rate at which the airforce consumes fuel.
air_fuel_consumption_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_intercept_efficiency Modifies the efficiency of air interception.
air_intercept_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_maximum_speed_factor Modifies the maximum speed of the airforce.
air_maximum_speed_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_mission_efficiency Modifies the efficiency of airplanes in missions.
air_mission_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_mission_xp_gain_factor Modifies the experience gain for airplanes for doing missions.
air_mission_xp_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_mission_xp_gain_factor Modifies the experience gain for airplanes for doing missions.
air_mission_xp_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_nav_efficiency Modifies the efficiency of airplanes doing port strike and naval bombing missions.
air_nav_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_night_penalty Modifies the penalty the airforce receives while at night.
air_night_penalty = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_night_penalty Modifies the penalty the airforce receives while at night.
air_night_penalty = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_range_factor Modifies the range of the airplanes.
air_range_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_strategic_bomber_bombing_factor Modifies the efficiency of the strategic bombing mission.
air_strategic_bomber_bombing_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_strategic_bomber_night_penalty Modifies the penalty for the strategic bombing mission while at night.
air_strategic_bomber_night_penalty = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_superiority_detect_factor Modifies the chance to detect enemy planes while on the air superiority mission.
air_superiority_detect_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_superiority_efficiency Modifies the efficiency of the air superiority mission.
air_superiority_efficiency = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_training_xp_gain_factor Modifies the air experience gain from training.
air_training_xp_gain_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.6
air_weather_penalty Modifies the penalty the airplanes receive because of weather.
air_weather_penalty = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_wing_xp_loss_when_killed_factor Modifies the experience loss of airplanes due to airplanes being shot down.
air_wing_xp_loss_when_killed_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
army_bonus_air_superiority_factor Modifies the bonus to land combat from air superiority.
army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor Modifies the effect to land combat from enemy air superiority.
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
experience_gain_air Modifies the daily gain of air experience.
experience_gain_air = 0.05
Flat. 1.0
experience_gain_air_factor Modifies the daily gain of air experience by a percentage.
experience_gain_air_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
air_ground_attack Modifies the bonus to airplane attack on enemy divisions.
air_ground_attack = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
ground_attack_factor Modifies the bonus to airplane attack on enemy divisions by a percentage.
ground_attack_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
mines_planting_by_air_factor Modifies efficiency of airplanes planting mines.
mines_planting_by_air_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
mines_sweeping_by_air_factor Modifies efficiency of airplanes sweeping mines.
mines_sweeping_by_air_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
strategic_bomb_visibility Modifies the chance for the enemy to detect our strategic bombers.
strategic_bomb_visibility = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0

Targeted modifiers目标修正

These modifiers are targeted, meaning that they must be used in targeted_modifier = {} rather than modifier = {}.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
cic_to_target_factor Gives a portion of the country's civilian industry to the specified target.
cic_to_target_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
extra_trade_to_target_factor Adds extra produced recourses available for trade to target country.
extra_trade_to_target_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
generate_wargoal_tension_against Increases world tension necessary for us to justify against the target country.
generate_wargoal_tension_against = 0.5
Flat. 1.5
mic_to_target_factor Gives a portion of the country's military industry to the specified target.
cic_to_target_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
trade_cost_for_target_factor The cost for the targeted country to purchase this country's resources.
trade_cost_for_target_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
targeted_legitimacy_daily Increases daily gain of legitimacy of the target country.
targeted_legitimacy_daily = 0.5
Flat. 1.6
attack_bonus_against Gives an attack bonus against the armies of the specified country.
attack_bonus_against = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
attack_bonus_against_cores Gives an attack bonus against the armies of the specified country on its core territory.
attack_bonus_against_cores = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
breakthrough_bonus_against Gives a breakthrough bonus against the armies of the specified country.
breakthrough_bonus_against = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
defense_bonus_against Gives a defense bonus against the armies of the specified country.
defense_bonus_against = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5

State Scope州

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
army_speed_factor_for_controller Changes the division speed for the controller of the state.
army_speed_factor_for_controller = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.0
compliance_gain Changes the compliance gain in the current state.
compliance_gain = 0.01
Flat. Can also go into country scope. 1.9
compliance_growth Changes the compliance growth speed in the current state.
compliance_growth = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
country_resource_<resource> Directly modifies the country's resource stockpile.
country_resource_oil = 10
Flat. 1.0
country_resource_cost_<resource> Directly modifies the country's resource stockpile.
country_resource_cost_aluminium = 10
Flat. 1.0
disable_strategic_redeployment Disables strategic redeployment in the state.
disable_strategic_redeployment = 1
Boolean. 1.9
disable_strategic_redeployment_for_controller Disables strategic redeployment in the state for the controller.
disable_strategic_redeployment_for_controller = 1
Boolean. 1.9
enemy_intel_network_gain_factor_over_occupied_tag Modifies enemy intel network strength gain.
enemy_intel_network_gain_factor_over_occupied_tag = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_building_slots Modifies amount of building slots.
local_building_slots = 2
Flat. 1.9
local_building_slots_factor Modifies amount of building slots by a percentage.
local_building_slots_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_factories Modifies amount of available factories in the state.
local_factories = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_factory_sabotage Modifies chance for factory sabotage.
local_factory_sabotage = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_intel_to_enemies Modifies amount of intel to enemies.
local_intel_to_enemies = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_manpower Modifies amount of available manpower.
local_manpower = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_non_core_manpower Modifies amount of available non-core manpower.
local_non_core_manpower = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_resources Modifies amount of available resources.
local_resources = 0.3
Flat. 1.9
local_resources_factor Modifies amount of available resources by a percentage.
local_resources_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_supplies Modifies amount of available supplies.
local_supplies = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
local_supplies_for_controller Modifies amount of available supplies for the controller.
local_supplies_for_controller = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
mobilization_speed Modifies the mobilisation speed.
mobilization_speed = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
non_core_manpower Modifies the amount of recruited non-core manpower.
non_core_manpower = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
recruitable_population Modifies the amount of recruited manpower.
recruitable_population = 0.03
Flat. 1.9
recruitable_population_factor Modifies the amount of recruited manpower by a percentage.
recruitable_population_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_damage_to_garrison Modifies the amount of resistance damage to the garrison.
resistance_damage_to_garrison = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_decay Modifies the speed of resistance decay.
resistance_decay = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_garrison_penetration_chance Modifies the chance for the garrison to be penetrated.
resistance_garrison_penetration_chance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_growth Modifies the speed of the resistance growth.
resistance_growth = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
resistance_target Modifies the target of the resistance growth.
resistance_target = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
starting_compliance Modifies the base compliance value.
starting_compliance = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.9
state_production_speed_<building>_factor Modifies the building speed of the specified building in the state.
state_production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Use state_production_speed_buildings_factor for it to apply to all buildings. 1.0
state_repair_speed_<building>_factor Modifies the repair speed of the specified building in the state.
state_repair_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.3
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). Use state_repair_speed_buildings_factor for it to apply to all buildings. 1.0
state_resource_<resource> Modifies the amount of the specified resource in the state.
state_resource_oil = 5
Flat. 1.0
state_resource_cost_<resource> Modifies the amount of the specified resource in the state.
state_resource_cost_rubber = 5
Flat. 1.0
temporary_state_resource_<resource> Modifies the amount of the specified resource in the state as an added modifier after the base one.
temporary_state_resource_tungsten = 5
Flat. 1.0

Unit leader Scope单位领导

Note that most modifiers in land and naval combat sections also apply.

Name Effects Examples Modifier type Notes Version Added
cannot_use_abilities Disables using abilities.
cannot_use_abilities = 1
Boolean. 1.5
fortification_collateral_chance Chance for combat to damage enemy forts.
fortification_collateral_chance = 0.4
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
fortification_damage Damage enemy forts receive from combat.
fortification_damage = 0.4
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
max_army_group_size The amount of units that can be led by the unit leader without penalty.
max_army_group_size = 24
Flat. 1.5
paradrop_organization_factor The amount of organisation paratroopers will have after paradropping.
paradrop_organization_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
paratrooper_aa_defense The strength of anti-air against paratroopers.
paratrooper_aa_defense = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
paratrooper_count_per_plane The amount of paratroopers on each plan.
paratrooper_count_per_plane = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
promote_cost_factor The cost to promote the unit leader.
promote_cost_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
reassignment_duration_factor The length of the reassignment penalty.
reassignment_duration_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
river_crossing_factor The effects of the river crossing penalty.
river_crossing_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
sickness_chance The chance for the unit leader to get sick.
sickness_chance = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
skill_bonus_factor The bonus the unit leader receives from their skillset.
skill_bonus_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5
wounded_chance_factor The chance for the unit leader to get wounded.
wounded_chance_factor = 0.5
Percentual (0.01 being 1%). 1.5

Hidden Modifiers

By putting the modifiers inside the hidden_modifier = {} block inside the modifier = {} block, they will not show up in the tooltip. This can be helpful if you don't want the player to know about the modifier or if it can be a bit confusing.

Custom Modifier Tooltip

By putting custom_modifier_tooltip = localisation_key in the modifier block, the game will show the string corresponding to the localisation block as a separate tooltip among the modifiers.