模组制作,或者制作 模组, 是修改基本游戏(有时也叫原版)的行为,可能是用于个人用途,也可能是要发布给其他玩家,例如,通过steam创意工坊 Steam Workshop.
在所有的P社游戏中, 钢铁雄心4的模组制作可以涵盖很大的范围。模组开发者们的动力可能各有不同:更好的语言翻译和本地化,更多的事件或决议,更好的地图,或是一次巨大的改造,等等。
- Windows:
C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod
- Mac OS:
~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod
- Linux:
~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod
为了开始模组制作, you will want to create a mod structure in the mod directory.
- 永远不要修改游戏文件: 即使是小的修改也要通过mod文件来实现,永远不要直接修改Steam库里的钢铁雄心4文件夹中的游戏文件,因为你的改动可能在完全没有警告的情况下失败。
- 使用好的文本编辑器(例如Notepad++ 或者 Sublime Text) 来编辑文件并调查多个文件。
- 尽量减少对原版文件的重写。通过添加分开的文件并尽可能地从文件夹中加载来改善模组的兼容性和可维护性。(你的文件可以使用任何名字,文件夹中的所有文件都会被游戏加载。所以选择一个酷酷的其他人都没有用过的文件夹名字。例如: coolmod_countries)
- 使用正确的合并工具(例如 WinMerge),来 merge between folders, and update modified vanilla files to a new vanilla patch.
- 备份你的工作以避免丢失全部进度。Consider using a source control system like Git and a collaborative forge like GitHub to manage team collaboration, or just make a copy of the file somewhere else.
- 使用 UTF-8 编码编写文本文件。
- 使用 UTF-8-BOM 编码编写localisation文件(.yml)。
- 正确地缩进以快速找到未对应的花括号。原版游戏使用1个tab的缩进而不是空格。
- 使用注释。用 # 符号注释本行以更好地想起编写难办的代码的逻辑。
- 通过使用Debug模式高效地Debug。通过在Steam的游戏启动选项中添加-debug。这样可以启用error log。
- 普通模组
\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod\
- 工坊模组:
The most common type of mod is a minor mod, or a mod that changes only a small part of the game. These types of mod don't need new savegame or graphics folders as and so do not need to use user_dir
nor replace_path
in order to keep compatibility with other small mods.
name = "Minor Mod" path = "mod/MinorMod" picture = "thumbnail.png" tags = { "Minor" "Mod" }
Major mods can typically be divided into two categories, though can - and often do - overlap. These are Overhauls and Total Conversion Mods.
Overhauls use user_dir
due to the fact that saves cannot be loaded outside of the mod.
For Total Conversion mods, replace_path
can be used to completely ignore vanilla directories that don't make sense in the context of the mod (history, flags, ...).
name = "Major Mod" path = "mod/MajorMod" user_dir = "MajorMod" replace_path = "history/states" picture = "thumbnail.png" tags = { "Major" "Mod" }
Submods of a major mod can use dependencies
to be able to more precisely override files from main mod. This is necessary for the submods to operate as intended.
name = "Sub Mod" path = "mod/SubMod" dependencies = { "Major Mod" } picture = "thumbnail.png" tags = { "SubMod" "Major Mod" }
Game data
- Console commands, useful for debugging mods.
- Defines, which allow to influence some hardcoded vanilla behaviors
- Scopes, Conditions, and Commands used for scripting
- Modifiers, used to influence calculations made by the game
- Event Modding, used to define popups with decisions
Names for in-game items (e.g. the name for research categories or rules like can_create_faction) can be found in the game's localization folder, inside the localization files.
Image file formats
Use DDS format for images. Most of the files are saved in ARGB, 32 bit unsigned sub-format. Some files (like leader portraits) are saved using ARGB 16 bit unsigned variant. Event Image can also be of the .tga format. Flags are saved as 32bpp .tga files.
Tools & utilities
- Notepad++ - Powerful editor to change files.
- Official Paradox Forum for mods.
- Maya exporter - Clausewitz Maya Exporter to create your own 3D models.
- Steam Workshop - The place for where you can share your creations with other players.
See also
- Mods
- Getting started with modding forum: 995985
- How to create a new ship unit in Man the Guns forum: 1157324
- How to add a new unit - Checklist forum: 947435
文件 | 效果 • 条件 • 定义 • 修正 • 修正列表 • 作用域 • 本地化 • on action • 数据结构 (标记, 临时标记, 国家别名, 变量, 数组) |
脚本 | 成就修改 • AI修改 • AI focuses • 自治领修改 • 权力平衡修改 • 剧本/标签 (游戏规则)• 建筑修改 • 人物修改 • 修饰性TAG修改 • 国家创建 • 军队修改 • 决议制作 • 装备修改 • 事件修改 • Idea修改 • 意识形态修改 • 军工商修改 • 国策制作 • 资源修改 • Scripted GUI • 科技制作 • 单位修改 |
地图 | 地图 • 省份 • 补给区域 • 战略区域 |
图形图像 | 界面 • 图形资产 • 实体模型 • 后期特效 • 离子效果 • 字体 |
装饰性 | 肖像 • 命名列表 • 音乐 • 音效 |
其他 | 控制台指令 • 故障排除 • 模组结构 • 成就代码分析 • Mod相关 • Nudger修改 |