





立陶宛的国旗 立陶宛(Lithuania)是位于波罗的海沿岸的小国,在波罗的海三国中位于最南。立陶宛北部是 拉脱维亚的国旗 拉脱维亚,西部与 德意志国的国旗 德意志国的东普鲁士地区相邻,隔波罗的海与 瑞典的国旗 瑞典相望,东、南两面与 波兰的国旗 波兰接壤。历史上,立陶宛在1940年6月14日被 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟占领。


立陶宛是一个西临波罗的海的国家。它由五个地区组成:Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [苏杜瓦]Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [考纳斯]Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [奥克斯泰体哈]Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [梅梅尔]Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [萨莫吉希亚]。与其陆上交界的国家有:拉脱维亚、波兰和德国。立陶宛也有波罗的海的海岸线。其地块由56%的平原,32%的森林,1块城市和南部的两块丘陵构成。



立陶宛与波兰和其他波罗的海国家一起与苏俄(Russian Soviet Socialist Republic,苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟的前身)作战,并制止了1918-1919年的苏俄大攻势。在击败布尔什维克之后,立陶宛与其他波罗的海国家进行了内部战争,以对付西俄罗斯志愿军(West Russian Volunteer Army,本质上是俄罗斯帝国军的残余),后者在俄国内战中与亚历山大·高尔察克(Alexander Kolchak)的白俄军队正式联手(反对波罗的海独立)。在消灭了其领土上所有剩余的俄罗斯军队之后,立陶宛又与与新独立的波兰因领土争端爆发战争。原本在波罗的海独立战争后,俄罗斯人在和平条约中分配给立陶宛的维尔纽斯(Vilnius)地区,之后被波兰占领,并改名为维尔诺。

第二次世界大战爆发前夕,作为《里宾特洛甫-莫洛托夫条约》秘密协议的一部分,波罗的海地区将被 德意志国的国旗 德意志国划分给 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟。立陶宛最初被迫割让梅梅尔地区(Memel)给 德意志国的国旗 德意志国,之后于1940年作为加盟共和国被苏联占领。1941年,德国发起巴巴罗萨行动(Operation Barbarossa)入侵苏联,将波罗的海国家重组为“帝国东方自治领”(Reichskommisariat Ostland)。该地区在1944-1945年苏联的军事行动中回到苏联控制,第二次世界大战结束后,波罗的海国家再次作为加盟国并入苏联,立陶宛重组为立陶宛苏维埃社会主义共和国(Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic)。1990年3月,立陶宛率先宣布脱离苏联独立,拉开了苏联解体的大幕。



立陶宛的国旗 立陶宛与其他波罗的海国家一道,在 寸步不退扩展包中获得了专属国策树。未启用 寸步不退扩展包时,立陶宛将使用通用国策树。

The Lithuanian national focus tree can be divided into 3 branches and 5 sub-branches:

Rejoin the Railways Branch
This shared Baltic branch upgrades the industry and military of Lithuania. The left side requires investment from a 法西斯主义法西斯主义 or 民主主义民主主义 major.
Restore the Worker's Republic Branch
This shared Baltic branch allows Lithuania to turn 共产主义共产主义 and either become a 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 puppet or independent. It also allows expansion to the other Baltic states and Scandinavia.
Reconvene the Seimas Branch
This gives the decision to set Augustinas Voldemaras free, causing Lithuania to organize the Iron Wolf partisans and turn Lithuania 法西斯主义法西斯主义. It also allows the formation of 大立陶宛的国旗 大立陶宛 and gives cores and 战争目标战争目标 against surrounding countries.
  • Lithuanian Preservationism Sub-branch
This 中立主义中立主义 sub-branch modifies the Seimas and can make Lithuania a Military Dictatorship.
  • A King for Our People Sub-branch
The 中立主义Monarchist sub-branch enthrones Karl Gero von Urach as Mindaugas III, King of Lithuania. It creates a Personal Union Personal Union with 波兰的国旗 波兰, gives claims on former Greater Lithuanian territory, and creates the 波兰-立陶宛联邦的国旗 波兰-立陶宛联邦. It may also create the 利沃尼亚王国的国旗 利沃尼亚王国.
  • Formalize the Baltic Entente/ Beyond the Baltic Sub-branch
This shared Baltic branch allows Lithuania to ally with the other Baltic countries and gives bonuses to manpower and industry to all allied Baltic country and decide whether or not to unite the Baltic States. It also allows Lithuania to ally the United Kingdom or any other 民主主义民主主义 faction.
  • Integrate the Opposition/ Rastiki's Military Reforms Sub-branch
This sub-branch has no ideology preference requirements, but it has focuses that allows Lithuania to become 民主主义民主主义. It also can give political advisors and improves or hurts relations with 波兰的国旗 波兰, 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 or the 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟.
  • Prepare for the Inevitable/ Appease the Russians/ Appease the Germans Sub-branch
This allows Lithuania to build up its industry and army after it has capitulated or appease the 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 or 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 and become a puppet.



陆军科技 海军科技 空军科技 电子科技与工业
  • 步兵装备I型
  • 支援装备
  • 火炮

  • 战间期型战斗机





立陶宛在 寸步不退No Step Back扩展包中添加了4个民族精神,未启用该扩展包时,1936年开局时拉脱维亚没有任何民族精神。

铁狼团威胁-低 icon
  • 人力适役人口修正:-15%
  • 每日指挥点数获取:-0.05
  • 法西斯主义法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.05
  • 征兵法案花费:+10%
农耕社会 icon
  • 人力适役人口修正:-50%
  • 生活消费品工厂:3.0%
  • 工厂产出:-20.00%
经费不足的军队 icon
  • 陆军指挥官花费:+50.0%
  • 每日指挥点数增长乘数:-50%
  • 陆军学说花费:+25%
议会 icon
  • 稳定度稳定度-15.00%
  • 民主主义民主主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.05
  • 政治顾问花费:+15%
  • 经济法案花费:+15%

如果玩家操纵立陶宛走重新召集议会线,则必须处理铁狼团,一个由Augustinas Voldemaras领导的准军事组织。以下民族精神是按照LIT_iron_wolf_up_effectLIT_iron_wolf_down_effect发生时民族精神升降级排列的。如果立陶宛拥有Iron Wolf Military Iron Wolf Military民族精神时,LIT_iron_wolf_up_effect触发,立陶宛将会得到+10.00%基础 稳定度稳定度。如果立陶宛拥有Impending Iron Wolf Uprising 即将到来的铁狼团起义民族精神时,LIT_iron_wolf_down_effect触发,立陶宛将立即陷入一场 法西斯主义法西斯主义内战。

铁狼军 icon
  • 人力适役人口修正:10%
  • 每日指挥点数获取:+0.15
  • 征兵法案花费:−20%
铁狼志愿军 icon
铁狼团威胁-低 icon
铁狼团威胁-中 icon
铁狼团威胁-高 icon
即将到来的铁狼团起义 icon



意识形态 政党名称 支持率 领导人 国名 是否执政
Democratic 立陶宛基督教民主党(LKDP) 30% 随机 立陶宛共和国 No
Communist 立陶宛共产党 (LKP) 15% 安塔纳斯·斯涅什库斯 立陶宛人民共和国 No
Fascist 铁狼 15% 奥古斯丁纳斯·沃尔德马拉斯 铁狼立陶宛 No
Non-Aligned 立陶宛民族主义联盟 (LTS) 40% 安塔纳斯·斯梅托纳 立陶宛 Yes



作为中立主义国家,立陶宛与其他中立主义国家有很好的关系(+10)。与相同政党的国家有额外的关系修正,如其邻国拉脱维亚 (+20)。立陶宛与波兰尽管有相同的执政党,但因为波兰拥有立陶宛的一个核心地区——维尔诺,双方依然有(-10) 的关系修正。对于其它国家,立陶宛的外交关系只有简单的“不同意识形态”(-10)、“相同意识形态”(+10)和“相同执政党”(+20)。它与 拉脱维亚的国旗 拉脱维亚波兰的国旗 波兰德意志国的国旗 德意志国接壤,并拥有海岸和两个海军基地(均为1级)。在历史模式下,Module:State/List does not have state:Module:State/List does not have state: [Memel]地区通常会在1939年被德国占领。


中立主义 立陶宛民族主义联盟(中立, 寡头政治)

  • No 强迫其他国家接受相同意识形态
  • No 附庸别国
  • 制造战争目标的全球紧张度限制:+50%
  • 租借法案的全球紧张度限制:+40%
  • 派遣志愿军的全球紧张度限制:+40%
  • 保障独立所需的全球紧张度限制:+40%
  • 加入阵营的全球紧张度限制:+40%
  • 意识形态变化抵制力度:-30%
  • 泄露给他国的民政情报:+20%
  • 泄露给他国的陆军情报:+10%
  • 泄露给他国的海军情报:+20%
  • 泄露给他国的空军情报:+10%


在游戏开始时,立陶宛没有加入任何联盟。当AI 波兰的国旗 波兰创建海间联盟并邀请立陶宛时,立陶宛会加入其中。


头像 顾问 类型与效果 前置条件 花费
A.S. 安纳塔斯·斯涅什库斯 共产主义革命家

No 已完成重建工人共和国的国策

A.V. 奥古斯丁那斯·沃尔德马拉斯 激进的大臣
  • 政治点数:+10%
  • 法西斯主义法西斯主义理念每日新增支持率+0.10
  • 中立主义中立派每日新增支持率:+0.05
  • 法西斯主义外交接纳度:+40

未启用 寸步不退No Step BackDLC

K.G. 卡济斯·格里纽斯 民主改革家
  • 民主主义民主理念每日新增支持率:+0.10
No 已完成整合反对派的国策 150
S.R. 斯塔西斯·拉什蒂基斯 老兵大臣
  • 陆军经验增长:+10%
  • 最大指挥点数提高:+20
  • 每日指挥点数增长乘数:+10%
  • 总司令花费:−15%
No 已完成军方总理的国策 150
V.J. 弗拉达斯·尤尔古蒂斯 工业领袖 150
L.B. 莱奥纳斯·比斯特拉斯 慈悲的绅士
  • 关系改善关系:+15%
  • 对驻军伤害:−15%
M.S. 米科拉斯·斯莱热维丘斯 恐怖的巨头
  • 对驻军伤害:−25.00%
  • 来自外国的颠覆活动效率:−30%
  • 非核心人力:+2.00%
M.G. 梅奇斯洛瓦斯·格德维拉斯 马克思原教旨主义者 No 已完成革命内阁的国策 150
V.M. 弗拉达斯·马若内斯 教士总理 No 已完成教士总理的国策 150
A.V. 安塔纳斯·文茨洛瓦 革命者诗人 No 已完成革命内阁的国策 150
V.A. 维陶塔斯·阿兰塔斯 法西斯煽动家 150
E.G. 埃内斯塔斯·加尔瓦瑙斯卡斯 坚定的反德分子 No 已完成整合反对派的国策 150
V.P. 维陶塔斯·佩特鲁利斯 农业资本主义
  • 生活消费品工厂:−5%
  • 中立主义中立派每日新增支持率:+0.05
No 已完成整合反对派的国策 150
A.S. 亚历山德拉斯·斯图尔金斯基斯 农业民族主义者 No 已完成重新召集议会的国策 150
J.S. 乔纳斯·斯陶加蒂斯 密谋的暗害者
  • 颠覆活动成本:−25%
  • 意识形态变化抵制力度:+25%
No 已完成重新召集议会的国策 150
V.M-K. 文卡斯·米切维丘斯-卡普苏卡斯 社会主义爱国者
  • 战争支持度:+10.00%
  • 共产主义共产主义理念每日新增支持率:+0.05
是 已完成革命内阁的国策 150
制造商 类型 效果与前置条件 花费
装甲制造商 坦克制造商
  • 装甲研究速度:+15.0%
  • 装甲科技:
    • 可靠性:+5.0%
150 pp
制造商 种类 效果与前置条件 花费
海军制造商 舰艇制造商
  • 海军研究速度:+15.0%
150 pp
制造商 种类 效果与前置条件 花费
皇家空军 中型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15%
  • 生活消费品工厂:1.0%
  • 中型飞机:建造花费:-5.0%
  • 轻型飞机:建造花费:-5.0%
  • 重型战斗机:可靠性:+20%
  • 战术轰炸机:可靠性:+20%
  • 侦查机:可靠性:+20%


150 pp
ANBO 轻型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15%
  • 战斗机:
    • 机动:+10%
    • 最大速度:+10%
  • 舰载战斗机:
    • 机动:+10%
    • 最大速度:+10%
150 pp
中型飞机制造商 中型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15%
  • 重型战斗机:可靠性:+20%
  • 战术轰炸机:可靠性:+20%
  • 侦查机:可靠性:+20%
150 pp
重型飞机制造商 重型飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15%
  • 战略轰炸机:战略轰炸:+10%
150 pp
海军飞机制造商 舰载飞机制造商
  • 空军研究速度:+15%
  • 海军轰炸机:
    • 作战半径:+10%
    • 对海攻击:+10%
  • 舰载海军轰炸机:
    • 作战半径:+10%
    • 对海攻击:+10%
  • 舰载战斗机:
    • 作战半径:+10%
    • 机动:+10%
  • 舰载近距支援机:
    • 作战半径:+10%
    • 对海攻击:+10%
150 pp
制造商 种类 效果与前置条件 花费
福特汽车公司 摩托化装备制造商
  • 摩托化研究速度:+15%
  • 生活消费品工厂:2.0%
  • 卡车:建造花费:-15.00%
  • 机械化装备:建造花费:-15.00%


75 pp
恩菲尔德皇家轻武器工厂 步兵装备制造商
  • 武器和装备研究速度:+15%
  • 生活消费品工厂:1.0%
  • 步兵装备:建造花费:-5.00%
  • 支援装备:建造花费:-5.00%


75 pp
皇家兵工厂 火炮制造商
  • 火炮研究速度:+15%
  • 生活消费品工厂:1.0%
  • 火炮:建造花费:-10.00%


75 pp
摩托化制造商 摩托化装备制造商
  • 摩托化研究速度:+15.0%
150 pp
轻型武器制造商 步兵装备制造商
  • 武器和装备研究速度:+15%
150 pp
火炮制造商 火炮制造商
  • 火炮研究速度:+15%
150 pp
企业 种类 效果与前置条件 花费
工业企业 工业企业
  • 工业研究速度:+15%
150 pp
电子企业 电子企业
  • 电子研究速度:+15%
150 pp
理论家 类型 效果 花费
约纳斯·切尔纽斯 军事理论家
  • 陆军学说花费:-10.00%
100 pp
温岑塔斯·拉托扎伊特 空战理论家
  • 空军学说花费:-10.00%
100 pp



征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Limited conscription.png 有限征兵
  • 2.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报


2 军用工厂
0 海军船坞
5 民用工厂
0 0 3 0 0 0




3Infantry.pngPėstininkų Divizija
5Infantry.pngValstybės Sienos Apsaugos Skyrius
1Artillery.pngArtilerija Divizija


Manpower.png 陆军人力:16.65K



No 船只


Manpower.png 海军人力0


48 Fighter.png战斗机


Manpower.png 空军人力:0.96k




Lithuania is one of the most difficult minor nations to play, as it is a target of both the German Reich (who claims Memel) and the Soviet Union (who claims everything else). This makes Lithuania's position very precarious, as it cannot fight either power on its own. Since the USSR is by far the greatest threat to its survival, Lithuania must seek to ally itself with either the Axis or the Allies until it can stand on its own two feet.

Some things to know before starting:

  • If Lithuania becomes Communist, the people may ask to integrate into the Soviet Union. If accepted, the Soviet Union will annex Lithuania, ending the game for the player.
  • All the Formable Nations involving Lithuania require you to control Memel. Therefore, a strike swiftly will be needed if the player wishes to increase the country's core territory before Germany claims Memel.

Iron Wolf Lithuania and Forming the Baltic Unitary State

By far, the best path for an aggressive Lithuania (as with most other minor powers) is to go Fascist. At the start of the game, the player should blitz the Political Branch of the National Focus Tree until he reaches the "Militarism" focus. Next, he should begin to work on the Industry branch. As soon as the player has enough Political Power, he should get a Fascist Demagogue to quicken the change to Fascism. Performing Anti-Communist and Anti-Democratic Raids will help by slightly increasing stability in the long run as well as reducing the stability loss from the Non-Aligned party's weakening hold over the country.

Once the ruling party becomes Fascist, the player must justify a war goal against neighboring Latvia. To successfully conquer Latvia, its highly recommended that the player would have at least five or six Infantry Divisions, equipped with Engineer Companies, and have one or two more in training. Once a flanking manoeuvre is executed through western or central Latvia, the AI's tendency to rearrange its forces will likely kick in, allowing the player to occupy Latvia's three cities and force its government to capitulate.

The next target ought to be Estonia. As soon as you are at war with Latvia, begin justifying a war goal against Estonia. Estonia's limited population will prevent it from deploying more than three or four divisions (although these could potentially be 7 Infantry and 3 Artillery monster divisions). A smart player can outflank these forces with the more numerous Lithuanian divisions and force Estonia's capitulation in less than a month.

At this point, if Waking the Tiger is enabled, and the player still controls Memel, the player may take the decision Unite the Baltics, which grants cores on all the Baltic States and forms the Baltic Unitary State.

Greater Baltic Unification

To reclaim Vilnius from Poland under the Baltic Unitary State, significant luck is required. First, Poland must go down the "Poland First" branch of its focus tree, or else you will end up fighting an unwinnable war against the Allies. Next, Germany and the Soviet Union must not sign the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (this is not necessary, but it will make it much easier to take Vilnius without fighting the Soviet Union ). Start by joining the Axis and aiding Germany during the invasion of Poland. When the peace conference occurs, claim Wilno and any neighbouring states possible (states right next to the Soviet Union are not recommended as they will only lengthen the border you must defend). After the peace conference, the player may take the decision "Move the Capital to Vilnius", moving the player's capital to its rightful location. From here, the player can prepare for the inevitable war with the Soviet Union, and, in the event of victory, turn on whoever controls Memel and the rest of Poland to unite the entire Baltic region under one banner.


One of the hardest challenges is trying to keep Lithuania Non-Aligned and trying to survive and even win the war without switching ideologies. This run is very heavily dependent on luck, as Soviet AI's decisions can ruin your game early, and in some cases, the allies you choose (either Japan, or Allies or Soviet Union) cannot defeat Germany in time. If you have access to 抵抗运动 La Résistance, a less luck based strategy of signing NAP's with Germany and/or Soviet Union can be used. See a more detailed NAP descriptions below.

Going down the political branch of Nationalism without ever changing your government is enough to get "Militarism" focus and wield a substantial force. The composition of the force should depend on your plans, and specifically on the nations you are planning to face.

Getting enough Army XP

A short relation improvement later, you can easily send an Attache to your favorite side in the Spanish civil war, granting you a handful of Army experience you can use to set up your ideal divisions for your wars. This usually gives in excess of what a "Military Theorist" advisor can generate in the same time, but hiring him as well is an option, provided your strategy can spare the political power.

Opposing German demands for Memel

Whenever Germany does "Reassert Easter Claims" focus, Lithuania gets an event demanding for Memel. If you have high relations with Britain or France, there's a good chance of getting a guarantee whenever you deny the German claims. Germany will declare war soon after. Depending on your goals, you can either join the Allies or remain a single state at war. If you manage the forces well, and make use of the general abilities, pushing at the German port can allow you to cut off German forces from supply allowing you to capture Ermland-Masuren and Königsberg states - this is very tricky to achieve, and might require multiple attempts. (Having many divisions in your army can sometimes be counter-productive as then the German AI can delay the start of the war and bring more troops over to your border, decreasing your chances or success considerably)

In this scenario German events concerning Czechoslovakia usually lead to Czechoslovakia joining the war and potentially raising the world tension to 50% opening your options by allowing justification of war-goals.

Sometimes, if the Allies are making good progress, this strategy leads to Germany delay the attack on Poland, or even forgo it entirely, which can spiral to Soviets attacking Poland in a couple of years, causing an Allies-Commintern conflict, that you can sometimes stay out off.

Having a good relation with Soviets sometimes gets you a few volunteer divisions against Germany (as the war for Memel usually starts before the Molotov-Ribentrop pact, and Germany and Soviets still don't have good relations) which also serves as an early warning-system for an impending Soviet attack. (They cannot declare war as long as you have their volunteers)

Baltic Unification as Non-Aligned

(requires justifying a war goal, so might be incompatible with seeking Alliance with Japan or Alliance with Soviets)

As the world tension reaches 50% (allowing justification of war-goals as non-aligned), and your luck is good, justifying on both Latvia and Estonia before Soviets send their ultimatums can allow you to reform the Baltic Unified States early (sometimes the Soviets start their justifications on Baltic states early, and their event forces the small nations to choose annexation with 100% certainty, robbing you of a chance to even declare war). It would also get Latvia and Estonia joining Axis as you declare the attacks. If you wish to join Allies, remember to start the justification first, as otherwise being in a Democratic faction can limit your war justification targets considerably. Conquering Latvia and Estonia can be done with a handful of 3-sized cavalry divisions (the template for which could be used for resistance suppression later) that prioritize going for victory points.

Seeking Alliance with Japan against Germany

(requires justifying a war goal, so might be incompatible with seeking Baltic Unification or Alliance with Soviets)

Justifying a war-goal on one of inner high-manpower provinces in China and declaring a war, can lead to Japan sending you a faction invite, potentially drawing Japan into a war against Germany together with Allies. Depending on Japan's success, this could be a very strong alliance, or a really bad one if Japan capitulates earlier than you do. If you have token divisions to spare, sending them to japan to gainin a small percentage of war-score could even land you a single Chinese province in a peace deal, which, with high enough compliance or through colonial templates, could improve your glaring manpower issues.

Seeking Alliance with Allies

By far the simplest option to go for- having a good relation with Britain or France gives you a high chance of getting a guarantee. Whenever you have a common war, the faction invite will come. Even when they don't guarantee you, holding out until the Allies join the war, would achieve the same thing.

Having an Alliance with Allies, also allows you to become a Government in Exile should you lose, but that strategy is not highly effective nor recommended.

Seeking Alliance with USSR

(requires justifying a war goal, so might be incompatible with seeking Baltic Unification or Alliance with Japan)

Justifying a war-goal on Finland and declaring war can get Finland joining axis, and if you time the start of your war just as Soviet-Finald war starts (since Soviet AI can vary on the order of events, this is an issue of luck) you can get a common war with Soviets, and in turn join the Comintern.

USSR Aggression

Whichever side you are on, the USSR will get claims on your cores. Should their faction be busy with other wars, you might not get justified against, but usually it happens sooner or later. Having a "Prince of Terror" advisor can make Soviets prioritize justifying on Latvia or Estonia. Holding back USSR without a backing of another faction is nearly impossible, especially if you are already at war. Very luck dependent. It is better to seek out a NAP, if you have access to 抵抗运动 La Résistance, or try to go for a membership in Comintern by declaring war at Finland.

German War With Poland

There is no fool-proof strategy on helping Poland hold out against Germany, and their loss is near guaranteed. However, if you are not a member of Allies, stationing a few troops at Kaunas-Vilno border, and pushing with them just as Poland capitulates can net you Lithuania's Former capital before the Soviet union claims their share. Wilno comes with a small boost to your manpower and (usually) a single civilian factory - if you join the Allies after getting Wilno, you get to keep it until he end of the war, provided you can hold onto it.

After Poland capitulates, holding the line against Germany until USA joins the war is your best bet. Since Soviet Union gets half of Poland, this leaves you with two potencial frontlines against germany. The first can be achieved by holding the German advance at Königsberg,, where there's a three-province border, or retreating inward, along the five provinces next to river Nemunas (six provinces, if you managed to get Wilno after Poland capitulation). If you have good army composition (including some source of penetration and hard attack to deal with German tanks, especially at later dates), holding out for a while while fortifying is an option.

Non Aggression Pacts options with 抵抗运动 La Résistance

This strategy can be applied not only to the Non-Aligned Lithuania, but is most useful for the Non-Aligned ideology, as both Fascist and Communist Lithuania are better served with an agressive start.

Successfully done it allows to safely wait out until the world tension reaches 50% and getting ability to justify war goals yourself, as well giving back control over when Lithuania can enter the war.

To gain some breathing room with Lithuania one should prioritize doing a few couple of civilian focuses of the generic tree before getting the military factories. "Construction Effort" and "Construction Effort II" coupled with changing mobilization laws to "Partial Mobilization" is just enough to have 5 required factories for establishing the secret service. (Getting five secret service upgrades or getting the "Illusive Gentleman" could increase the operative count but that is optional unless you plan to make extensive use of the operatives, and the factories are arguably better spent improving the economy).

Using your operative, coupled with a short improve-relations action, can get you NAP's with Germany and Soviets. Best time to start working on the NAP with Germany is soon after Anschluss, and with Soviets it's better done before Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (it's important to this before modifiers for aggressive goals directed at Lithuania kick in). In this case, when Germany demands Memel, Lithuania can safely decline as the NAP will hold the Germans back. For as long as Lithuania has enough troops stationed on German-Lithuanian border the NAP will hold. This delay in German aggression also ensures a near-certain getting of guarantees from France and/or Britain. Getting a NAP with Soviets before Poland is attacked gets you a shared border before the Soviets can cancel the NAP, and keeping troops on the Lithuanian-Soviet border ensures that the Soviets cannot start justification on you, protecting you from the Soviet Ultimatum event.

If you need a better deterrent against breaking a NAP, remember that division size doesn't matter and stacking your border with 1-size divisions increases the amount of divisions Germany or Soviet Union needs to bring to your border to break the NAP.

The best moment to break the NAP would be at the start of German-USSR war. Joining Axis is a lot easier, since at that point USSR controls one of your cores, and being at war, your justification on Wilno would only take ~15 days, and barely cost any political power, allowing you to attack Soviets ~15 days after Germany does, leading to a near-guaranteed invitation to Axis. Mind, that at this point you do not need to join the Axis-Allies war, even as you will be constantly bombarded with invitations to that war from Axis members.


This is going to be LIT.png
This is going to be LIT
It has my name on it.png
It has my name on it