

Music files are stored in the *.ogg format within the /Hearts of Iron IV/music/ folder or one of its subfolders.

The Music Mod Creation Tool is a quick and easy-to-use modding tool that will generate all the files described below to add music and a radio station to the game.

Song definition

Songs are defined within files of the *.asset format, located in the same folder as the *.ogg files. A definition is formatted as following:

music = {
    name = "song_name"
    file = "song_file.ogg"
    volume = 0.65

name is the song's ID, as well as its localisation key for name assignment within a Localisation file as song_name:0 "Song's Name". It cannot contain more than 63 characters.
file is the song's filename, including the *.ogg extension.
volume allows to adjust the volume of the *.ogg file without editing it.

Assigning to a station

In order to work properly, songs must be assigned to a station. The assignments are stored in *.txt files, within the same folder as the *.asset and *.ogg files.
An assignment file, before defining any songs, must be assigned to a station. Multiple files can be assigned to the same station. This is done with the following line of code:

music_station = "station_name"

A typical assignment of a song is formatted accordingly:

music = {
    song = "song_name"
    chance = {
        factor = 1
        modifier = {
            factor = 0
            has_war = no

song accepts the ID of the song, defined as its name within the *.asset file.
chance defines the chance for a song to be picked if the playmode is set to Weighted Shuffle. The allowed arguments are factor, for multiplying the chance, add, for adding to the chance, and base, replacing the chance entirely. modifier = {} allows the argument to modify the chance only be executed if all of the triggers within are met.

Radio stations

A radio station is defined as an user interface file, /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gui. The contents of the file are required to be the following, with <MUSIC STATION> being replaced with the music station's name:

guiTypes = {
	containerWindowType = {
		name = "<MUSIC STATION>_faceplate"
		position = { x =0 y=0 }
		size = { width = 590 height = 46 }

		iconType ={
			name ="musicplayer_header_bg"
			spriteType = "GFX_musicplayer_header_bg"
			position = { x= 0 y = 0 }
			alwaystransparent = yes

		instantTextboxType = {
			name = "track_name"
			position = { x = 72 y = 20 }
			font = "hoi_20b"
			text = "Roger Pontare - Nar vindarna viskar mitt namn"
			maxWidth = 450
			maxHeight = 25
			format = center

		instantTextboxType = {
			name = "track_elapsed"
			position = { x = 124 y = 30 }
			font = "hoi_18b"
			text = "00:00"
			maxWidth = 50
			maxHeight = 25
			format = center

		instantTextboxType = {
			name = "track_duration"
			position = { x = 420 y = 30 }
			font = "hoi_18b"
			text = "02:58"
			maxWidth = 50
			maxHeight = 25
			format = center

		buttonType = {
			name = "prev_button"
			position = { x = 220 y = 20 }
			quadTextureSprite ="GFX_musicplayer_previous_button"
			buttonFont = "Main_14_black"
			Orientation = "LOWER_LEFT"
			clicksound = click_close
			pdx_tooltip = "MUSICPLAYER_PREV"

		buttonType = {
			name = "play_button"
			position = { x = 263 y = 20 }
			quadTextureSprite ="GFX_musicplayer_play_pause_button"
			buttonFont = "Main_14_black"
			Orientation = "LOWER_LEFT"
			clicksound = click_close

		buttonType = {
			name = "next_button"
			position = { x = 336 y = 20 }
			quadTextureSprite ="GFX_musicplayer_next_button"
			buttonFont = "Main_14_black"
			Orientation = "LOWER_LEFT"
			clicksound = click_close
			pdx_tooltip = "MUSICPLAYER_NEXT"

		extendedScrollbarType = {
			name = "volume_slider"
			position = { x = 100 y = 45}
			size = { width = 75 height = 18 }
			tileSize = { width = 12 height = 12}
			maxValue =100
			minValue =0
			stepSize =1
			startValue = 50
			horizontal = yes
			orientation = lower_left
			origo = lower_left
			setTrackFrameOnChange = yes

			slider = {
				name = "Slider"	
				quadTextureSprite = "GFX_scroll_drager"
				position = { x=0 y = 1 }
				pdx_tooltip = "MUSICPLAYER_ADJUST_VOL"

			track = {
				name = "Track"
				quadTextureSprite = "GFX_volume_track"
				position = { x=0 y = 3 }
				alwaystransparent = yes
				pdx_tooltip = "MUSICPLAYER_ADJUST_VOL"

		buttonType = {
			name = "shuffle_button"
			position = { x = 425 y = 20 }
			quadTextureSprite ="GFX_toggle_shuffle_buttons"
			buttonFont = "Main_14_black"
			Orientation = "LOWER_LEFT"
			clicksound = click_close

		name = "<MUSIC STATION>_stations_entry"
		size = { width = 162 height = 130 }
		checkBoxType = {
			name = "select_station_button"
			position = { x = 0 y = 0 }
			quadTextureSprite = "<SPRITE>"
			clicksound = decisions_ui_button

The name is assigned by using its ID as a localisation key within /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/<language>/*_l_<language>.yml: <MUSIC STATION>:0 "Music station's name".
The album cover is assigned a sprite as the quadTextureSprite within select_station_button. A sprite must be defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx as the following:

	spriteType = {
		name = "<SPRITE>"
		texturefile = "gfx//interface//topbar//musicplayer//<FILE NAME>.dds"
		noOfFrames = 2

The *.dds file must be split horizontally into 2 sprites: when it is unselected, and when it is selected.