Character modding

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Characters are a system added in 1.11 with the 寸步不退寸步不退 DLC, allowing to use the same character for multiple roles, including different advisor types, country leaders and unit leaders. However, operatives are not considered characters and are still created with the create_operative_leader effect.

Characters are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/*.txt files and need to be recruited in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/TAG*.txt files.. Note that while it's common to put the characters in a file with the name the same as the tag of the country, the filename does not actually matter aside from organisation and for overwriting previously-loaded files with the same name. Generic characters are typically created within /Hearts of Iron IV/history/general/*.txt files by using the generate_character effect, although it is to be noted that that folder is merely an effect block executed before startup, so other effects can be used there too.

Each character definition is contained within the characters = { ... } block, which encompasses the entirety of the file to mark them as characters. Each character is defined with a code block with the name of the character ID. For example, if the following is put within a file within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/ folder, the blank characters my_character_1 and my_character_2 will be created:

characters = {
    my_character_1 = {
    my_character_2 = {

Every character must be assigned to a country in that country's file in the /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/ folder by using the recruit_character = my_character effect. Recruitment cannot take place outside of country history. If the character is not recruited, they will never appear. Similarly to most other folders, the game does not care about neither the filename nor the name of the characters, which is why recruitment is mandatory.
If the character shouldn't do anything until later, then it can have no roles defined, with one getting added later on via an effect.


These arguments are within the character itself.



name = my_character defines a localisation key to be used to create the character's name depending on the language that is currently turned on. This will get localised in any working /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file, assuming the English language, as my_character: "My character's name"


Portraits fall into 3 categories: civilian, army, and navy. Within these categories, the small and large decide whether it gets used as an advisor portrait or as a large portrait, used for country and unit leaders. Advisor portraits can be defined in any of the 3 categories, as long as it is a small portrait, while large portraits are specific to the category. An example with an advisor portrait, a country leader, and a corps commander portrait is the following:

portraits = {
    civilian = {
        large = GFX_my_country_leader_portrait
        small = GFX_my_advisor_portrait
    army = {
        large = GFX_my_unit_leader_portrait

The portraits themselves are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file. By default, the game uses a wide variety of files, including /Hearts of Iron IV/dlc/dlc001_german_historical_portraits/interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx (loaded in-game as interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx) or /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/ideas.gfx, however, editing a base game file is never necessary: a file with a higher evaluation order decided by filename (Using ASCII character IDs to order) will overwrite any spriteType defined in an earlier file, which the game uses for replacing DLC portraits.
It is preferable to create a new file rather than overwriting base game files. This is done by creating a new file and renaming it, changing the extension to .gfx from .txt. Unhiding the file extension from the filename within the Windows file explorer is mandatory to do this if doing it on Windows.
Simplest possible definitions of portraits are defined using spriteType definitions within a larger spriteTypes = { ... } block as such:

spriteTypes = {
    spriteType = {
        name = GFX_my_advisor_portrait
        texturefile = gfx/foldername/
    spriteType = {
        name = GFX_my_country_leader_portrait
        texturefile = gfx/foldername/
    spriteType = {
        name = GFX_my_unit_leader_portrait
        texturefile = gfx/foldername/

The name of the spriteType has limitations: it must begin with GFX_ and be made up of one word total with no whitespaces. The texturefile itself must be located within the specified folder and have the specified name. If both restrictions are met, the sprite will work. The file extension, hidden by default on Windows, is a part of the filename. By default, the game stores advisor portraits in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/interface/ideas/, while country/unit leader portraits are stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/leaders/<TAG>/. The background used for country/unit leader portraits is found in /Hearts of Iron IV/tools/art/portrait_leader_background.png.

If a portrait doesn't work and is replaced with a randomly-selected one, there are two possible causes for this:

  • The reference to the spriteType within the character definition is invalid. Check if the name = "" in the /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file is spelt in the exact same way as the portrait assignment in the character definition. This can also stem as an issue with the entire file, whether it's missing the spriteTypes = { ... } in the beginning or has the wrong file extension.
  • The texturefile argument within the sprite is incorrect. Double-check not only the filename, but also the folders leading to it. Most commonly, this can be the wrong folder, omitting or having the wrong file extension in the sprite, using backslashes instead of forward slashes to separate the folders, or a regular typo in the filename.

Due to being affected by cosmetic tags, randomly-selected portraits get assigned only after country selection. Characters not assigned a valid portrait will show up as having no portrait or a default silhouette during the country selection process, only receiving a generic portrait after the game's start.

In regards to army leaders, a small portrait is also mandatory to exist as officer corps allow assigning officers as ministers. There are two primary ways to ensure about creating it:

  • Manually specifying the portrait within portraits = { ... }.
  • Creating another sprite to serve as the small portrait, which consists of the large portrait with a _small suffix. This also works for randomly-chosen portraits defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/portraits/*.txt files. If the character has army = { large = GFX_my_unit_leader_portrait }, then the following definition will work for creating a sprite that'll assign the minister portrait as soon as they get promoted:
spriteTypes = {
    spriteType = {
        name = GFX_my_unit_leader_portrait_small
        texturefile = gfx/foldername/

Similarly to all other sprites, animated portraits can be done by creating a frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType.


gender = female assigns the specified gender to the character. This is primarily used in some localisation namespaces for deciding the proper pronouns used to refer to the character. By default, the gender is set to male, and female is the only other option. If the name or the portrait are not defined, this also decides how exactly it will be generated.


A character has an advisor role added by defining one within the advisor = { ... } block. This definition is similar to ideas in many ways, but there are a few extra arguments:

slot = political_advisor is used to determine the character slot on the country politics view that the character occupies. By default, these character slots exist in base game:

Internal name Localised name Intelligence ledger Category Notes
political_advisor Political advisor Civilian Laws & Government
theorist Theorist Invalid Research & Production The ledger must be specified for each theorist individually as, for example, ledger = navy. Possible values are army, air, navy, military (Appearing on each of the prior ledgers), civilian, all, and hidden.
army_chief Chief of Army Army Military Staff
air_chief Chief of Airforce Air Military Staff
high_command Military High Command Invalid Military Staff The ledger must be specified for each theorist individually as, for example, ledger = navy. Possible values are army, air, navy, military (Appearing on each of the prior ledgers), civilian, all, and hidden.

idea_token = my_character is the ID used for the character when treated as an idea within this particular slot. Since it is impossible to have two of the same idea, any other character with the same idea token will be impossible to take. As the default value for idea_token is static rather than being the same as the character ID, this is mandatory. Otherwise, recruiting this character will make every other advisor without an idea token specified disappear from the selection.

can_be_fired = no assigns the advisor as impossible to fire manually. Note: Prior to 1.12.8, removal_cost = -1 could've been used for this purpose, but this does not work after the patch.

Everything else regarding advisors is identical to ideas. Commonly, the traits = { ... } block is used, where each country leader trait that the character has is listed, separated with a whitespace, as traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 }. These would apply modifiers on the country if the advisor is recruited, as well as adding a subtext and an icon in the bottom right of the advisor's picture.
available, cost, and visible arguments are also common.

Adding the same character to 2 different character slots is done by defining advisor = { ... } multiple times.


advisor = {
    slot = theorist
    idea_token = my_character
    ledger = army
    traits = { military_theorist }      # Unspecified cost defaults to 150.

Country leaders

Country leaders are defined with the country_leader = { ... } block. The following arguments can be used within:

ideology = socialist is the ideology type that the leader is assigned. An ideology group (such as 民主主义民主主义) cannot be assigned here directly, rather ideology types are defined for each leader to decide the ideology group the party of which the character leads.
The difference between ideology types is mostly cosmetic, changing the description shown when hovering over the ideology icon and, if defined so, the icon itself. Additionally, countries with the same ruling ideology group but a different leader ideology type will have the Same IdeologyOpinion.png 关系 +10) modifier towards each other, while countries with the same leader ideology type will have the Same Ruling PartyOpinion.png 关系 +20) modifier towards each other.
These are the ideology types in base game across groups, defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies/*.txt:

Internal name Localised name Ideology group Notes
conservatism Conservatism 民主主义Democratic
liberalism Liberalism 民主主义Democratic
socialism Socialism 民主主义Democratic
marxism Marxism 共产主义Communist
leninism Leninism 共产主义Communist
stalinism Stalinism 共产主义Communist
anti_revisionism Anti-Revisionism 共产主义Communist
anarchist_communism Anarchist Communism 共产主义Communist
nazism Nazism 法西斯主义Fascist
gen_nazism Nazism 法西斯主义Fascist Generic in the sense that the description is changed to not reference Germany.
fascism_ideology Fascism 法西斯主义Fascist
falangism Falangism 法西斯主义Fascist
rexism Rexism 法西斯主义Fascist
despotism Despotic 中立主义Non-aligned
oligarchism Oligarchic 中立主义Non-aligned
anarchism Anarchism 无政府主义Non-aligned Cannot be randomly selected. Has a unique ideology icon.
moderatism Moderatism 中立主义Non-aligned
centrism Centrism 中立主义Non-aligned

traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 } is, similarly to advisors, a list of country leader traits that the country leader has, which would apply modifiers on the country if the character is leading the country.

expire = 1949.1.1 marks the date at which the leader expires. If the start date is after this amount, they cannot be used, even if recruited. Optional.

id = 100 is a leftover from the pre-NSB country leader system, making the leader have the specified ID for the has_country_leader trigger. As it's possible to specify the character itself in the trigger, defining an ID is unnecessary. Leaving it out completely or setting to -1 will make the character not have one.

desc = MY_LEADER_DESCRIPTION is the localisation key that gets used for the leader's description depending on the currently turned on language. This must be a localisation key, a directly-defined description will not appear in-game.


country_leader = {
    ideology = centrism

Unit leaders

Unit leaders include corps commanders, field marshals, and admirals. Respectively, these use corps_commander = { ... }, field_marshal = { ... }, and navy_leader = { ... } blocks for definition, which are similar in structure.

traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 } is the list of unit leader traits assigned to the unit leader, defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt.

skill = 4 is the overall skill level of the unit leader. In addition, specific skills also can be set, with attack_skill = 3 and defense_skill = 2 being shared across all unit leaders, planning_skill = 5 and logistics_skill = 6 being only for army leaders, and coordination_skill = 3 and maneuvering_skill = 5 being only for navy leaders. To put what each skill level grants to the leader in more detail:

Internal name Localised name Unit leader type Effect per level
skill Skill Any unit leader Army leaders: Nothing

Navy leaders: +5% hit chance, +2% fleet coordination.

attack_skill Attack Any unit leader Army leaders: +2.5% offense

Navy leaders: +5% damage

defense_skill Defense Any unit leader Army leaders: +2.5% defense

Navy leaders: +5% defense

planning_skill Planning Army leaders only +5% planning speed

+2% max bonus from planning

logistics_skill Logistics Army leaders only -2.5% supply consumption
maneuvering_skill Maneuvering Navy leaders only +2.5% positioning

+1% naval retreat speed

coordination_skill Coordination Navy leaders only +2% fleet coordination

legacy_id = 100 is a leftover from the pre-NSB country leader system, making the leader have the specified ID for the has_id trigger, the has_unit_leader trigger, the start_civil_war effect for keeping unit leaders, and elsewhere. Defining an ID is unnecessary in most cases, as there are alternatives to any usage of an ID. Leaving it out completely or setting to -1 will make the character not have one.

visible = { ... } is a trigger block that the character must fulfill in order for the unit leader to be visible and possible to pick. Additionally, country-scoped triggers are also supported, which'll assume the country that recruited the character. Unnecessary in most cases, as it's possible to create the unit leader role within an effect block mid-game.


field_marshal = {
    traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 }
    skill = 10
    attack_skill = 8
    defense_skill = 1
    planning_skill = 10
    logistics_skill = 10
corps_commander = {
    skill = 1
    attack_skill = 2
    defense_skill = 3
    planning_skill = 4
    logistics_skill = 5
navy_leader = {
    skill = 3
    attack_skill = 1
    defense_skill = 3
    maneuvering_skill = 5
    coordination_skill = 4
    legacy_id = 10
    visible = { has_stability > 0.3 }

Full example

characters = {
    SOV_nestor_makhno = {
        name = SOV_nestor_makhno
        portraits = {
            civilian = {
                large = "GFX_portrait_SOV_nestor_makhno"
        country_leader = {
            ideology = anarchist_communism
            traits = { agrarian_activist }
            desc = SOV_nestor_makhno_desc
    SOV_georgy_zhukov = {
        name = SOV_georgy_zhukov
        portraits = {
            army = {
                small = "GFX_idea_georgy_zhukov"
                large = "GFX_portrait_SOV_georgy_zhukov"
        corps_commander = {
            traits = { media_personality armor_officer war_hero winter_specialist }
            skill = 5
            attack_skill = 5
            defense_skill = 2
            planning_skill = 4
            logistics_skill = 5
            legacy_id = 410
            visible = { NOT = { has_character_flag = SOV_exiled_flag } }
        advisor = {
            slot = theorist
            idea_token = georgy_zhukov
            ledger = army
            allowed = { original_tag = SOV }
            available = {
                has_completed_focus = SOV_positive_heroism
            traits = { mass_assault_expert }


It is also possible for a character to have a different definition depending on set preconditions checked at the game's start. This is done with instance = { ... }. The character will take on every instance where allowed = { ... } is true at the game's start. For example, this can be used to make the character to have a different role depending on which DLCs the player has enabled:

my_character = {
    instance = {
        allowed = { has_dlc = "Poland: United and Ready" }
        advisor = {
            slot = political_advisor
            traits = { polish_person }
    instance = {
        allowed = { NOT = { has_dlc = "Poland: United and Ready" } }
        corps_commander = {
            skill = 10
            attack_skill = 10
            defense_skill = 10
            planning_skill = 10
            logistics_skill = 10
            traits = { not_polish_person }

Using in-game

After being created, a character is mandatory to be assigned to a country. Since the filenames are only used for organisation purposes, this is done within the country's history file (in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/) as such:

recruit_character = TAG_character_name

If this is not done, the character cannot ever be used.

If the character has a country leader role, they will be automatically promoted to be the leader of the party of the ideology group that contains the leader's ideology type. If there are several characters that fill this role, then the first-recruited one is selected. For example, let's say that the country history file has the following:

recruit_character = TAG_liberal_leader      # 'ideology = liberalism', falls under democratic
recruit_character = TAG_conservative_leader # 'ideology = conservatism', falls under democratic
set_politics = {
    ruling_party = democratic
    elections_allowed = no

In this case, TAG_liberal_leader will be the character that gets assigned to be a leader.

If a character is not intended to have one of the roles initially but get it later on, it's best to define them as an initially empty character, such as the following for a country leader:

characters = {
    TAG_new_leader = {
        name = TAG_new_leader
        gender = female
        portraits = {
            civilian = {
                large = GFX_portrait_TAG_new_leader

This character should still be recruited with recruit_character = TAG_new_leader
After doing so, this character can be given a role within an effect block, such as this completion reward for a focus:

completion_reward = {
    retire_country_leader = yes
    add_country_leader_role = {
        character = TAG_new_leader  # Must be recruited
        promote_leader = yes
        country_leader = {
            ideology = conservatism
            traits = { my_trait }

Effects on this topic include add_country_leader_role, add_corps_commander_role, add_field_marshal_role, add_naval_commander_role, and add_advisor_role.

In order to hire an advisor to be within their proper slot, activate_advisor is used as such:

activate_advisor = TAG_character_name

As an effect, this works within country history files as well.

Country leader traits

"Trait modding" redirects here. For unit leader traits, see Character modding#Unit leader traits

Despite their name, country leader names can be applied to either advisors, ideas, or country leaders. Country leader traits are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/*.txt file.
The traits' modifiers will apply to the country that has the character or idea on which the trait is applied.
Traits in the file are contained within the leader_traits = { ... } block, and will not work otherwise.

An example trait file is defined as following:

leader_traits = {
    my_trait = {
        random = no
        sprite = 1
        political_power_gain = 0.1
        equipment_bonus = {
            train_equipment = {
                build_cost_ic = 0.05
                reliability = 0.15
        ai_will_do = {
            base = 2
        command_cap = @tier1

Within country leader traits, these are the arguments that are used:

  • random = no decides whether there's a possibility that a randomly-created country leader can appear with this trait.
  • sprite = 1 decides the sprite that appears in the bottom left of an advisor that has this trait. This must be a number, which corresponds with the frame of the GFX_idea_traits_strip spriteType, defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/ideas.gfx by default. Optional.
  • ai_will_do is a MTTH block that modifies the chance for AI to pick an advisor or idea that has this trait assigned. 1 by default.
  • command_cap determines the price of the political advisor to which this trait is assigned in Command power. Mainly applied to military advisors.

Additionally, special modifiers type that can be used in ideas: targeted_modifier = { ... } and equipment_bonus = { ... } - can be used within traits alongside regular modifiers, in the exact same manner as within ideas. The same does not apply to research_bonus = { ... } and rule = { ... }, however.

Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait".

Unit leader traits

Units leader traits are defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/common/unit_leader/*.txt file, possible to assign to unit leader characters of any type as well as operatives. Each one is defined within the leader_traits = { ... } block as a separate entry with the name of the trait's ID.


Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". A description can be added by appending _desc to the end as my_trait_desc: "My description".


The picture is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file as a spriteType with the name of GFX_trait_<trait's name>. As an example with a trait of the name not_polish_person, this definition is used within the spriteTypes = { ... } block encompassing the entire file:

spriteType = {
    name = GFX_trait_not_polish_person
    texturefile = gfx/foldername/

General arguments

Argument Value type Example Effects Notes
type Type(s)
type = corps_commander
type = { land navy }
Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign which characters are able to receive it. The types include all, land, navy, operative, corps_commander, and field_marshal
trait_type Trait type
trait_type = corps_commander
Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign where it's positioned on the user interface, as well as deciding if and when it's possible to assign. The types include basic_trait (for operatives), personality_trait, assignable_trait, basic_terrain_trait, assignable_terrain_trait, status_trait, and exile
show_in_combat Boolean
show_in_combat = yes
Makes this specified trait show up in the combat menu among other bonuses.
allowed Triggers
allowed = {
    FROM = { tag = POL }
Triggers that are checked when trying to assign the trait to a unit leader, making it fail to assign if false. Checked in the scope of the unit leader. FROM is the country that recruited the character.
ai_will_do MTTH block
ai_will_do = {
    base = 3
    modifier = {
        FROM = { tag = POL }
Decides the weight that AI has for picking this trait. A weight of 0 will result in AI neveer picking it.
new_commander_weight MTTH block
new_commander_weight = {
    base = 0
Decides the weight that the trait has for new randomly-generated unit leaders. A weight of 0 will result in it never appearing for randomly-generated unit leaders. Only can be defined for traits with the personality_trait type.
slot Character slot
slot = army_chief
Decides which advisor slot gets used by the officer corps role that can be assigned to this unit leader.
specialist_advisor_trait Country leader trait
specialist_advisor_trait = my_trait
Creates a specialist officer corps role that can be assigned to this unit leader using the specified advisor trait as the base.
expert_advisor_trait Country leader trait
expert_advisor_trait = my_trait
Creates a expert officer corps role that can be assigned to this unit leader using the specified advisor trait as the base.
genius_advisor_trait Country leader trait
genius_advisor_trait = my_trait
Creates a genius officer corps role that can be assigned to this unit leader using the specified advisor trait as the base.
unit_type type = <sub-unit type>
unit_type = {
    type = infantry
    type = militia
Limits the selection of units on which the modifiers can apply on to those that have the sub-unit in a composition. Sub-units are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt files. In order for it to apply those that are majority-made out of a sub-unit, division_has_majority_template can be used in unit_trigger.
unit_trigger Triggers
unit_trigger = {
    division_has_majority_template = camelry
    owner = { neutrality > 0.5 }
Applies a division-scoped trigger block that must be met for the unit to be modified.

Modifiers and effects

These arguments are for the modifiers that the trait gives to the unit leader, whether it's the modifiers themselves or something related to them, as well as effects executed related to the trait.

Argument Value type Example Effects Notes
modifier Modifiers
modifier = {
    planning_speed = 0.2
    urban = {
        movement = 0.1
Assigns the modifiers that the trait grants to the divisions that the unit leader leads. Possible to specify the terrain by scoping into it. Terrain types are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/terrain/*.txt.
non_shared_modifier Modifiers
non_shared_modifier = {
    experience_gain_factor = 0.3
Assigns the modifiers that the trait grants to the unit leader themselves. While in theory identical to the prior modifier, this has a different tooltip, so it shows up differently in-game.
corps_commander_modifier Modifiers
corps_commander_modifier = {
    max_commander_army_size = 3
Assigns the modifiers that the trait grants to the army leader when in the role of a corps commander, i.e. leading units directly rather than leading other generals. If a field marshal is assigned to lead divisions directly rather than other generals, this will apply on them.
field_marshal_modifier Modifiers
field_marshal_modifier = {
    supply_consumption_factor = 0.5
Assigns the modifiers that the trait grants to the army leader when in the role of a field marshal, i.e. leading other generals that lead divisions. If a field marshal is assigned to lead divisions directly rather than other generals, this will not apply on them.
sub_unit_modifiers Modifiers
sub_unit_modifiers = {
    artillery_brigade = {
        max_strength = 0.1
Assigns the modifiers that the trait grants to the division brigades that make up the divisions that the army leader leads or, similarly, ships that make up the fleet that the navy leader leads. Brigades are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt. What's used in the definition as arguments is possible to apply as a multiplicatory sub-unit modifier.
<skill type> Integer
attack_skill = 2
Adds a flat bonus to the specified skill. The list of skills defined for unit leaders earlier in the page
<skill type>_factor Percentual
defense_skill_factor = 1
Adds a multiplicatory bonus to the specified skill. 1 would add 100%, doubling it, for example. The list of skills defined for unit leaders earlier in the page
override_effect_tooltip Localisation key
override_effect_tooltip = my_effect_tt
Hides the effects of the trait, replacing the tooltip with the value of this localisation key. English localisation is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file. Similarly for other languages.
custom_effect_tooltip Localisation key
custom_effect_tooltip = my_effect_tt
Appends the value of this localisation key to the tooltip showing the effects of the trait. English localisation is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file. Similarly for other languages.
enable_ability Ability
enable_ability = my_ability
Enables an ability that can be used by the unit leader in combat. Abilities are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/abilities/*.txt
on_add Effects
on_add = {
    promote_leader = yes
Defines the effects that would be executed on the unit leader when the trait is added.
on_remove Effects
on_remove = {
    remove_unit_leader = yes
Defines the effects that would be executed on the unit leader when the trait is removed.
daily_effect Effects
daily_effect = {
    gain_xp = 1
Defines the effects that would be executed on the unit leader every day if they have the trait.


These arguments are related to the menu for selecting traits. This includes experience. If the trait is manually assigned only, these can be omitted.

Argument Value type Example Effects Notes
mutually_exclusive Trait
mutually_exclusive = my_trait
Makes the specified trait mutually exclusive with the other trait, making it impossible to pick if that one was selected and drawing the arrows in the menu. Both traits require defining this to work properly.
parent Trait
parent = my_trait
Makes the specified trait be marked as a parent, making it be required to pick the current trait and drawing the line in the menu. Multiple parents can be specified by defining parent = my_trait_2 several times.
num_parents_needed Integer
num_parents_needed = 3
Sets the required amount of parents needed to select the trait. If omitted or set to -1, then assumes that all parents are necessary.
gui_row Integer
gui_row = 3
Sets the row on which the trait is located. If omitted or set to -1, then one on the top is picked. Starts with 0.
gui_column Integer
gui_column = 3
Sets the column on which the trait is located. If omitted or set to -1, then one is automatically picked depending on the trait_type.
prerequisites Triggers
prerequisites = {
    defense_skill_level > 3
Triggers that must be met in order for assigning the trait to be possible. Checked in the unit leader scope.
custom_prerequisite_tooltip Localisation key
custom_prerequisite_tooltip = my_prerequisite_tt
Changes the tooltip of the conditions required for picking the trait to the following localisation key. Useful if a trigger within has no tooltip. English localisation is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file. Similarly for other languages.
cost Decimal
cost = 1500
The experience required in order to assign this trait to a unit leader.
gain_xp Triggers
gain_xp = {
    is_amphibious_invasion = yes
Triggers that must be met in order to gain experience that'd make assigning this trait possible. Checked in the combatant scope.
gain_xp_leader Triggers
gain_xp_leader = {
    num_units > 10
Triggers that must be met in order to gain experience that'd make assigning this trait possible. Checked in the unit leader scope.
gain_xp_on_spotting Decimal
gain_xp_on_spotting = 7
The amount of experience gained when the admiral spots an enemy fleet.
custom_gain_xp_trigger_tooltip Localisation key
custom_gain_xp_trigger_tooltip = my_prerequisite_tt
Changes the tooltip of the conditions required for gaining experience for the trait to the following localisation key. Useful if a trigger within has no tooltip. English localisation is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file. Similarly for other languages.
trait_xp_factor Triggers
trait_xp_factor = {
    my_trait = 0.1
Modifies the amount of experience gained towards other traits if the unit leader has this trait. 0.1 would mean that the unit leader gains 10% more experience, not that it gains 10% as much.


leader_traits = {
    my_trait_1 = {
        type = { land navy }
        trait_type = personality_trait
        non_shared_modifier = {
            promote_cost_factor = -0.5
        attack_skill_factor = 1
        new_commander_weight = {
            factor = 0  # Scripted starting leaders only
    my_trait_2 = {
        type = land
        gain_xp = {
            num_units > 10
        cost = 3000
        field_marshal_modifier = {
            org_loss_when_moving = -0.30

        slot = army_chief
        specialist_advisor_trait = army_chief_trait_1
        expert_advisor_trait = army_chief_trait_2
        genius_advisor_trait = army_chief_trait_3
        ai_will_do = {
            factor = 10
        trait_type = assignable_trait
        gui_row = 10