AI modding

A999999讨论 | 贡献2022年6月19日 (日) 10:49的版本

钢铁雄心4中的 AI 可以在许多方面修改. 以下文件主要处理 AI:

  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_areas
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_focuses
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_peace
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_strategy
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_strategy_plans
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_templates
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_attitudes.txt
  • /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_personalities.txt

许多其他给玩家提供选择的地方应附有 AI 倾向来表达 AI 对各选项的权衡,这些地方使用ai_will_do。

AI 倾向

正如在许多文件中看到的那样,ai_will_do mb是一个为 AI 提供决策时权重的参数。在功能上它与 mean_time_to_happen 非常相似。它与其使用相同的修正系统,尽管它对 basefactor 有不同的解释。

注意:AI 对这个参数的运算结果不是完全遵从的,而通常与 probability-proportional-to-size sampling 类似。


(Type: scoped variable, default: 1) 在应用其他修改前的基础数值。


(Type: number (with 3 decimal places), default: 1) 应用于计算的系数,


ai_will_do = {
    base = 10.5  # may also be a variable
    # If the country is Germany, set the value to 0,
    # causing an early end of the evaluation.
    modifier = { tag = GER factor = 0 }

    modifier = { is_major = yes add = 1 }

    modifier = {
        factor = 3
        add = 2.5
        tag = FRA

    factor = 2

假设正常计算,对于GER(德国) 结果为0,对于FRA(法国)结果为74,对于其余主要国家为23,对于次要国家则为21。

AI 区域

/Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_areas 直接控制了陆地省份在有命名的 AI 区域的分配。但它们只被下文定义的 AI 策略 area_priority 使用。 每个省份只被分配到一个 AI 区域,并且是第一个匹配的区域。没必要将每个省份都分给 AI 区域,但未被分配的不能被 area_priority 策略调用。

在省份的 debug tooltip 可以看到 AI 区域。


<area name> = {
    # Used to add continents
    continents = {
    # Used to add specific strategic regions
    strategic_regions = {
        <strategic region ids>

AI 国策

参考 AI focuses#Modding

AI 和平策略

/Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_peace 中的文件控制了 AI 如何完成和平会议。

There are five types of peace behaviour一共有 5 种 AI 和平策略:

  • 内战
  • 民主主义
  • 共产主义
  • 法西斯主义
  • 默认

和平会议一共有 5 种和平行动:

  • 吞并国家
  • 解放国家
  • 傀儡国家
  • 获取土地
  • 改变政府(原版民主主义专属)


<type>_peace = {
    # Determines when this peace AI is used by the AI (ROOT is taker, FROM is giver)
    enable = {
    # Random factors applied to AI decision making when determining which
    # peace option to use.
    annex_randomness = <int>
    liberate_randomness = <int>
    puppet_randomness = <int>
    take_states_randomness = <int>
    force_government_randomness = <int>
    # Weighting towards the option. (ROOT is taker, FROM is giver)
    <peace option> = {
        factor = <float>
        modifier = {
            factor = <float>

AI 策略

AI 策略影响在特定策略考量 (types) 中,其他 AI 组件中的决策形成,这也可以是定向的。例如一个国家可以在策略上对保护另一国家有兴趣,而不考虑当前外交与同盟关系;或者它更倾向于训练某一特定类型的师。

在结构层面,一个 AI 策略只有 4 个参数:typevalueid,以及 target 。只有部分类型的 AI 策略使用了 id和/或 target。本来,4 个参数都是整型,但如果 type先被指定,那么id参数可以用名字来调用对应的值(参考下文表格)。target_country 是另一种设置 target的方式。它接受一个国家下标或国家 Tag,并会检查其是否指向了一个可用的国家。

AI 会自己生成动态策略,但想添加静态策略也是可行的。静态策略的主要被/Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_strategy中的 AI 策略条目AI 策略计划 定义(见下文)。领导人特质(/Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader中)可以修改 AI 策略,当特质携带者成为国家领导人时。独立的策略也可以用add_ai_strategy命令直接添加(例如事件·,国策中,等等)。

一个国家有效的 AI 策略保存在保存文件中,作为该国的ai属性。


定义 ai_strategy 时, 类型决定了 AI 策略改变的方面。 抵抗运动 dlc 中新增的 AI 策略可以在 common/ai_strategy/default.txt 中找到。

Type ID Type ID Description
45 added_military_to_civilian_factory_ratio Alters the Military-to-Civilian factory ratio.
28 air_factory_balance Alters the Air factory ratio.
8 alliance <tag> Nudges diplomatic AI towards forming an alliance with another specified country.
3 antagonize <tag> Nudges diplomatic AI towards being meaner to another specified country.
33 area_priority <ai_area> Encourages the military AI to target specified AI area.
4 befriend <tag> Nudges diplomatic AI towards being nicer to another specified country.
10 build_airplane Unused.
11 build_army <unit role> Orders the AI to build a type of division or equipment (as in air planes or ships) that belong to the specified unit role.
12 build_building <building> Orders the AI to build a specific building in a specific location. Uses target to specify the state location.
9 build_ship Unused.
56 building_target <building> Orders the AI to build towards specified amount of <building>. This includes those already owned and acquired by trade (Civilian Factory).
1 colonize Unused.
0 conquer <tag> Encourages the military AI to target specified tag.
6 consider_weak <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards considering the specified tag weak.
17 contain <tag> Nudges the diplomatic AI towards taking actions against another country, such as guaranteeing their future potential enemies.
41 declare_war <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards declaring war against the specified tag.
48 dockyard_to_military_factory_ratio Alters the Dockyard-to-Military factory ratio.
49 dont_defend_ally_borders <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards not defending the specified ally's borders.
44 dont_join_wars_with <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards not defending the target country when the specified tag is involved. Uses target_country to define the target country.
29 equipment_production_factor <unit type> Alters the equipment production disposition for the specified unit type.
31 equipment_production_min_factories <unit type> Sets the minimum factory count needed to start equipment production for the specified unit type.
26 equipment_stockpile_surplus_ratio Sets the base equipment stockpile surplus value.
30 equipment_variant_production_factor <equipment> Alters the equipment variant production disposition for the specified equipment.
2 explore Unused.
46 factory_build_score_factor Modifies the AI build disposition for a state. Uses target to specific the target state.
50 force_defend_ally_borders Unused.
15 garrison <integer> (scale of 100) Used in ai_strategies/SOV.txt, USA.txt, ENG.txt how much of the army should be kept on garrison duty
32 ignore <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards ignoring the specified tag.
42 ignore_army_incompetence Sets the AI disposition towards ignoring army incompetence.
47 ignore_claim <tag> Sets AI ignorance of claims against the specified tag. Accepts 1 as a value.
7 influence Unused.
18 invade <tag> Nudges the AI disposition towards invading the specified tag.
21 land_xp_spend_priority Unused.
37 naval_avoid_region <strategic region> Alters AI avoidance of the specified strategic region navally.
35 occupation_policy <tag> Determines the occupation policy towards the specified tag. Accepts values 0 to 3.
40 pp_spend_amount
  • admiral
  • relation
  • guarantee
  • decision
  • etc.
Sets the amount allowed for spending Political Power on the specified action.
22 pp_spend_priority
  • admiral
  • relation
  • guarantee
  • decision
  • etc.
Sets the priority for spending Political Power on the specified action.
38 prepare_for_war <tag> it nudges the AI to plan an attack ahead of time for a possible war with target
5 protect <tag> Nudges the diplomatic AI of a country to try to defend another specified country.
13 research_tech <technology> Orders the AI to research a specific technology, if possible.
20 role_ratio <unit role> Out of the entire army, this is the ratio (in %) of that unit role that the army should have. Roles can be defined arbitrarily in ai_templates.
39 save_equipment <equipment> Makes the AI save equipment of the specified type to the set value.
34 send_volunteers_desire <tag> Alters AI disposition towards sending volunteers to the specified tag.
43 spare_unit_factor Sets the spare unit factor. Used to encourage AI to send more units off to assist in allied fronts and not garrison their home territory.
36 support <tag> Alters AI disposition towards supporting the specified tag against partisans.
23 template_prio <unit type> Sets the template priority of the specified unit type for the AI.
24 template_xp_reserve Sets the XP reserved needed for the AI to consider template changes.
61 force_build_armies Added in 1.6.2, to force AI build armies... Mainly used for China to prepare for war against Japan
19 unit_ratio <unit type> Out of the entire army, this is the ratio (in %) of that unit type that the army should have.
25 equipment_design_priority
58 production_upgrade_desire_offset <equipment>
put_unit_buffers See ai_strategy/default.txt Used to tell AI to garrison certain states

AI 策略条目

一个策略条目包含了一个或多个 AI 策略,并定义了应用的时机和方式。在一个国家检查一个条目的时候,只有在enable 为真以及abort 为空或假时才会激活这个条目。条目将在abort 非空且为真时,或者填写了abort_when_not_enabledenable为假时被废除。

一个reversed) 条目工作的方法却不同。如果条目在ai_strategy中作为id引用且enable_reverse为空或真,条目将对源国家激活。然后此条目将对目标国家检查。如果target_array和/或targets 有设置,它们将用作可能的目标;否则,所有国家都作为可能的目标。enableabort 触发器将对每个目标检查。如果一个国家通过了检查,那么条目中所有ai_strategy的将对源国家激活,同时从目标中移除他们的id


  • allowed: (type: AND trigger) 在游戏开始时只评估一次,因此条件应该是静态的 (例如 tag = GERis_historical_focus_on = yes). 如果未通过条目,它将不再被检查以提高性能。
  • enable: (type: AND trigger) 激活条目 (除非 abort 非空且为真).
  • abort: (type: AND trigger) 若非空且为真,废除该条目。
  • abort_when_not_enabled: (type: yes/no, default: no) 若为真,则在enable为假时废除该条目。
  • ai_strategy: (type: AI strategy, may appear multiple times) 在条目激活后应用的 AI 策略。
  • reversed: (type: yes/no, default: no) 使用上文所述的逆语义。
  • enable_reverse: type: AND trigger) 源国家通过逆触发器向目标国家传递的另一个触发器
  • target_array: (type: variable) 包含反向目标的数组变量, 例如 neighbors, exilesenemies.
  • targets: (type: list of variables) 独立的反向目标列表, 例如 { GER ENG FRA }

AI 策略计划

/Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_strategy_plans 中的文件定义了特定 Tag 的全面 AI 行为,用以模拟历史上的战略计划。


<strategy_plan> = {
    name = <name>       # Name of the plan
    desc = <desc>       # Description of the plan
    # When this plan is enabled.
    enable = {
    # When this plan is aborted.
    abort = {
    # Defines which national focuses the AI picks first during this plan.
    ai_national_focuses = {
        <focus> # AI picks top downwards
    # Defines which technology categories the AI has weighting towards/against during this plan.
    research = {
        <category> = <weight>
    # Defines which ideas the AI has weighting towards/against during this plan.
    ideas = {
        <idea> = <weight>
    # Defines which traits the AI has weighting towards/against during this plan.
    traits = {
        <trait> = <weight>
    # Defines AI strategies to apply during this plan. 
    ai_strategy = {
        <strategy attributes>
    # Defines pick weights for specific focuses during this plan.
    focus_factors = {
        <focus> = <weight>
    # Keep small, as it is used as a factor for some things (such as research needs)
    # Recommended around 1.0. Useful for relation between plans
    weight = {
        factor = 1.0
        modifier = {
            factor = 1.0

AI 模板

/Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_templates中的文件定义了 AI 角色所使用的模板,以指明其使用的模板。

角色是 AI 模板系统的核心。它们可以任意创建,允许 Modders 创建自定义角色。



<role_template_name> = {
    # Defines the actual role(s) the template covers.
    roles = {
    # Restricts the template to only the specified tags. Optional.
    available_for = {
    # Blocks the template for the specified tags. Optional.
    blocked_for = {
    # Determines which existing templates are included in this role
    match_to_count = <float> # By default 0.5
    # Determines the importance of the role template, highest importance is the role used by the AI.
    upgrade_prio = {
        factor = <float> # Base factor
        # Modifies the base factor
        modifier = {
            factor = <float>
    # A template that belongs to this role. Multiple are allowed per role template.
    <template_name> = {
        # Determines the importance of the template amoungst other templates listed within the same role.
        upgrade_prio = {
            factor = <float> # Base factor
            # Modifies the base factor
            modifier = {
                factor = <float>
        # Determines which template the AI will assign to a deployment line for a role. Highest score wins.
        production_prio = {
            factor = <float> # Base factor
            # Modifies the base factor
            modifier = {
                factor = <float>
        # Determines the requirement to upgrade in field
        can_upgrade_in_field = {
        custom_icon = <int>
        reinforce_prio = <int>
        target_width = <float>
        width_weight = <float>
        column_swap_factor = <float> 

        # Determines the weights for each stat for this template.
        # Order determines which stat the value affects.
        stat_weights = {
            <float> #-- default_morale
            <float> #-- defense
            <float> #-- breakthrough
            <float> #-- hardness
            <float> #-- soft_attack
            <float> #-- hard_attack
            <float> #-- recon
            <float> #-- entrenchment
            <float> #-- initiative
            <float> #-- casualty_trickleback
            <float> #-- supply_consumption_factor
            <float> #-- supply_consumption
            <float> #-- suppression
            <float> #-- suppression_factor
            <float> #-- experience_loss_factor
            <float> #-- equipment_capture_factor
            #-- Air Values
            <float> #-- air_attack
            #-- Common Values
            <float> #-- max_organisation
            <float> #-- max_strength
            <float> #-- maximum_speed
            <float> #-- armor_value
            <float> #-- ap_attack
            <float> #-- reliability
            <float> #-- reliability_factor
            <float> #-- weight
            <float> #-- build_cost_ic
        target_template = {
            weight = <float>
            match_value = <float>
            support = {
                <support unit> = <amount>
            regiments = {
                <unit> = <amount>
        allowed_types = {
        replace_at_match = <float>
        replace_with = <template>
        target_min_match = <float>