本页面列出了游戏中可以在控制台输入的指令,你可以在非铁人模式的单人游戏中使用键盘上的 ~ (按键因键盘布局不同而存在变化)。键盘上的上下箭头可以遍历之前输入执行的指令。绝大部分指令的开关是通过再次输入实现的,但关闭某些指令是需要保存退出或重新开始游戏的。请注意,这些指令中有许多会随着 DLC 的开启和关闭导致其中一些不能正常发挥作用。
使用 ⇧Shift + 2 、 ~ 、 ` 、 ^ 、 ⇧Shift + 2 + 1 、 ⇧Shift + 3 来开启控制台 (按键因键盘布局不同而存在变化)。
- 参见:Countries
国家的 tags[1] 不区分大小写,但通常是大写的。例如:USA, CHI, ENG, SOV。在内战中产生的国家将依据可用性被赋予D01、D02、D03及以后的范围的 tag (注意, D50 是最大的可用tag)。
您可以通过输入“tdebug”并将鼠标悬停在您想知道的国家的省份上,来查看该国家的 tag 。
Command | Effect | Example/Comment |
gain_xp [<amount>] | 向选定的领导人/陆军将领/海军上将增加经验值 | gain_xp 100000(等级最高为 9 级)。也可用来添加将领特性,例如:gain_xp desert_fox(相应列表可以在你 ../localisation/traits_l_english.yml 的文件中找到。这里有一些对相应解释。) |
gain_xp [<trait>] | 向选定的领导人/陆军将领/海军上将添加可获取的特性。 | 例如:gain_xp seawolf (相应列表可以在你 ../localisation/traits_l_english.yml 的文件中找到。这里有一些对相应解释。)
注意 要让这在新征募的通用海军上将上生效: |
cp [<amount>] | 增加指挥点数 | cp 100 (上限为 100) |
st [<amount>] | 增加稳定度 | st 100 (上限为 100) |
ws [<amount>] | 增加战争支持度 | ws 100 (上限为 100) |
allowtraits | 允许自由添加将领特性 | |
add_equipment(ae) [<equipment amount>] [<equipment name>] | 增加装备 | 装备要用最基础的名字,所以用 'ae 1000 infantry_equipment_1'。你只能添加已研究了的装备。不支持添加海军装备。(运输船除外: 'ae 1000 convoy_1')。要添加舰船,考虑使用 instantconstruction (ic 对 AI 也会起作用)。
要添加衍生型装备,你必须要指定它的名字。例子:你创建了 'Matilda LP' 型坦克的衍生型,拥有更好的装甲和主炮,并把它命名为 'Matilda LP Mk. IV'。 现在就要使用 'add_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. IV'了。 |
add_latest_equipment(ale) [<equipment amount>] | 给予玩家一定量的最新装备 | 要添加你最新装备中指定的一种,你需要指定它的名字。例子:你创建了 'Matilda LP' 型坦克的衍生型,拥有更好的装甲和主炮,并把它命名为 'Matilda LP Mk. IV'。
现在就要使用 'add_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. IV'了。 |
whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>] | 指定的国家之间白和。 | |
teleport(tp) | 瞬间移动 | 可以传送军队到你选择的任何地方 |
allowdiplo adiplo,nocb | 无论规则如何,可以使用所有的外交行动。(无需正当化就可以宣战) | 这应该是想开战而无需等待正当化最有效率的方式。如果你只想立刻正当化而不是想做正当化后才能做的事,那就用(instant_wargoal)。 |
debug_nuking | 无需任何条件向所有的世界上所有的省份投放核弹 | |
instantconstruction | 开关立刻建造的作弊码。 | 对 AI 有效。舰船也会立刻建造完成。 |
event [event id] [<Target Country Tag>] | 触发一个事件 | event political.3 触发共产主义政变 6 触发民主主义 9 触发法西斯主义 |
trigger [scripted_trigger_name] | 检查一个脚本触发器的值是否为真或假 | |
effect [scripted_effect_name] | 执行一个脚本的效果 | |
research [<slot id> or "all"] | 研究完成指定科研槽的科技(slot id)或所有科技(all) | 使用"Research all"将立即研发所有科技。 |
research_on_icon_click | 在点击科技树上的图标时立刻研究完相应科技 | 允许你研究完一项科技而无需其前置科技 |
annex [<Target Country Tag>] | 吞并输入的国家 | annex USA 或者 annex d01 亦或 annex all |
manpower [<Amount>] | 向玩家增加人力 | 如果只输入 "manpower",后面不跟数字则会给你一千万人力 |
add_opinion [<Country tag>] | 增加指定国家好感度 | 向指定国家增加 100 (硬编码)点好感度(例如 add_opinion ENG)。成功执行后会输出 "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" 并会在外交界面中显示为 "cheat_opinion_modified_good"。 |
tag [<Country tag>] | 切换到输入的国家 | |
observe(spectator) | 切换到无国家状态,并且不再弹出信息或是暂停游戏。但是,开启观察模式也能干扰 AI 的操作,并且使用观察模式能很好地预测出 AI 接下来会做什么。 | |
tdebug | 开关调试信息 | 对查看国家 tag 和 ID 很有帮助 |
spawn [<子单位类型>] [<省份 ID>] [<数量>] | 增加单位到指定的省份 | 仅在调试模式下工作。 |
occupationpaint(op) | 开关占领地区绘色。如果和国家 tag 配合使用则只绘色该国家拥有而不是控制的地区,比如,op JAP。 | |
setowner [country tag] [state id] | 设置地区拥有者 | 通过点击选择一个地区也会生效。当一个地区已被选中则其他地区不能再被改变。 |
setcontroller [country tag] [province id] | 设置省份控制者 | |
xp [XP amount] | 玩家获得海陆空三军指定数量的经验 | 一天能用一次 |
pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount] | 向玩家增加政治点数 | |
fuel [<amount>] | 增加燃油 | fuel 100000 (上限取决于你的储备容量,超出将会导致燃油减少) |
civilwar [<意识形态>] [<目标国家 TAG>] | 引发内战 | civilwar fascism ENG :
其他可输入意识形态 "communism"(共产主义) "democratic"(民主主义) "neutrality"(中立) |
add_party_popularity <ideology group> <value> | 增加政党支持度 | ideology group 在钢铁雄心原版理念组里有对应快捷键 d f n c。 |
set_ruling_party <ideology group> | 设置执政党 | ideology group 在钢铁雄心原版理念组里有对应快捷键 d f n c。 |
help [command name] | 输出所有的控制台指令或者指定指令的介绍。 | |
Focus.AutoComplete | 允许国策立刻完成 | 对 AI 有效 |
Focus.NoChecks | 无视国策的条件 | 对 AI 有效 |
Focus.IgnorePrerequisites | 无视国策前提要求 | 允许从国策树中间开始点国策 |
Decision.NoChecks | 无视决策的条件 | 同样不会消耗政治点数 |
instant_prepare | 立刻准备好海军入侵 | 只在调试模式下生效。 |
it | 陆军和海军立刻演练完成 | 对 AI 有效 |
nu [number] | 增加国家凝聚力 | 仅在 1.5 以前的版本有效 |
nuke [number] | 增加核弹数量 | 添加 100 或者 1000 |
ai_accept | AI 会同意所有外交请求 | |
add_core <province_id> | 增加核心 | |
agency.instantslotunlock | 移除在间谍招募时中间的等待时间 | |
agency.autocomplete | 立刻完成间谍机构的升级 | |
prevent_operative_detection | 你的特工/间谍不会再被发现 | |
force_operative_detection | 你的特工/间谍会被发现 | |
agency.keepexcessoperatives | ||
resistance | 增加选中省份的抵抗度到设定数值 | 例如:(选择柏林的一个省份)resistance 100 |
compliance | 增加选中省份的顺从度到设定数值 | 例如:(选择但泽的一个省份)compliance 100 |
指令 | 效果 | 例子/解释 |
rendertype | 输出所使用的渲染后端 | |
tweakergui | 生成一个调整器 GUI | |
add_equipment(ae) [<equipment amount>] [<equipment name>] | 添加装备 | add_equipment 200 Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251/20:在 "equipment_l_english.yml" 中能查阅到所有装备的名字 |
add_ideas [<idea name>] | 带着 <id> 添加民族精神会添加到对应国家 | 在 .\common\ideas 下的文件查看各国的民族精神 |
add_latest_equipment(ale) [<equipment amount>] | 给予玩家一定量的最新装备 | |
reload [file name] | 重载游戏资源 |
time | 当前时间 | |
reloadfx [参数:map/mapname/postfx 或者 *.fx 文件] | 重载着色器 | |
particle_editor | 生成一个粒子编辑器 | |
whitepeace(wp) [<country tags>] | 指定的国家之间白和。 | |
testtool(test) | 测试工具。 | |
analyzetheatres(anth) | Analyze theatres for errors. | |
massconquer(massc) | Mass conquer tool. | |
deleteallunits(delall) | 删除指定国家的全部陆军和海军。 | deleteallunits SPR |
aircombat(airc) [<scenario name>] [<result name>] [<province id>] [<state id with airbase>] [<state id with airbase>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment type>] [<equipment creator country>] [<equipment creator country>] | 在指定位置生成一场空战 | |
teleport(tp) [<province_id>] | 传送选中陆军或海军到指定省份 | |
theatersrebuild(trebuild) | Rebuilds all theatres in the world. All orders will be cleaned. | |
fronts | Toggle visibility of the foreign fronts | |
aidump | Dump AI front data to log file, needs to have a unit selected | |
traderoutes | Toggle visibility of trade routes | |
debug_tactics | Toggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics | |
allowdiplo(adiplo,nocb) | Allows to use all diplomatic actions for no matter the rules. | |
debug_nuking | Allows to nuke every province without checking any conditions. | |
reloadsupply(relsup) | Reinitializes the supply systems. | |
deltat [<speed factor>] | control animation speeds | |
building_health(bhealth) [<building type>] [<state or prov id>] [<building level>] [<health to add>] | Changes specified building health | |
instantconstruction(ic) | Toggles instant construction cheat. | |
nomapicons | Toggles map icons. | |
nopausetext | Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots. | |
nextsong | Changes the currently playing soundtrack. | |
combatsound | How often does the combat view give a random sound? 0-50 | |
morehumans(humans) [num] | Adds more humans | |
window(wnd) [Arguments: open/close] [window gui name] | Opens or closes the specified window | |
reloadinterface | Reloads the entire interface | |
reloadtechnologies | Reloads the technology database | |
updateequipments | Updates the equipment database | |
updatesubunits | Updates the subunit database | |
reloadoob [<Target Country Tag>] | Reloads OOBs | |
update_loc [localization tag] | Updates the localization tag file | |
poll | Polls valid Events | |
pause_in_hours | Pauses the game after X hours have passed after command is called | |
event [event id] [<Target Country Tag>] | Executes an event | event political.3 for communist coup |
research [<slot id> or "all"] | Researches a technology from research slot or all. | |
research_on_icon_click | Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon | |
add_autonomy [<Target Country Tag>] [num] | Changes a country's autonomy level | add_autonomy PHI -200 |
annex [<Target Country Tag>] | Begin annex/annexes the specified tag | annex USA or annex d01 |
winwars | Gives max war score in all wars for the country | Command no longer exists as of patch 1.9.1 |
testevent [<Event ID>] [<Character ID>] | Tests an event without triggering it | |
manpower [<Amount>] | Adds manpower to player | |
add_opinion [<Country tag>] | Add opinion to/from tag | Adds 100 opinion (hardcoded number) to and from target country (add_opinion ENG for instance). A successfull call prints "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" and it appears as "cheat_opinion_modified_good" in the diplomacy screen |
tag [<Country tag>] | 更换当前控制的国家 | |
resign | Resign from the game | |
add_interest [<Country tag>] | Add specified country tag to your interest | |
remove_interest [<Country tag>] | Removes specified country tag from your interest | |
add_diplo | Adds diplomatic entroute | |
PrintSynchStuff | Prints random count and seed | |
SetRandomCount | Sets the randomcount to 0 or arg | |
observe(spectator) | Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game. However, it also interferes with AI performance and is not a good indication of what the AI will do if observe mode is not used. | |
ai | 打开或关闭 AI | |
human_ai | 打开或关闭玩家 AI | |
ai_invasion | Toggles AI AI naval invasions | |
ai_accept(yesman) | Toggles AI always accept diplomacy | |
fow(debug_fow) [<Province ID> OPTIONAL] | Turns off fog of war in a province or in general | |
collision(debug_collision) | Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision | |
savegame | Creates a savefile. | |
savecheck | Makes a save file (Test_01), loads the save file, makes a new savegame (Test_02). Those save files should look the same. | |
IP | 显示你的 IP | |
requestgamestate | Requests the gamestate from host | |
nudge | Go to the nudge tool | |
mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] | Change mapmode. | |
fullscreen | Toggles fullscreen | |
prices | Price Info | |
add_core [<State ID>] [<Country Tag>] | 添加核心 | |
remove_core [<State ID>] [<Country Tag>] | 移除核心. Note:Does not Work | |
debug_zoom | Zooms in the game | |
debug_types | Will print the data type for all dynamic reference objects. Can only be used if using RTTI. | |
debug_show_event_ID | Shows event ID | |
debug_commands | Printing commandcount to message.log | |
debug_events | Start Counting events | |
debug_dumpevents | Dump Event data to game log | |
debug_diploactions | Start Counting diplomatic actions | |
debug_dumpdiploactions | Dump diplomatic action data to game log | |
debug_assert | Toggles asserts on/off | |
debug_smooth | Toggle framesmoothing | |
debug_nomouse | Toggles mouse scrollwheel on/off | |
debug_terrain | Toggles Terrain on/off | |
debug_cities | Toggles Cities painting mode on/off | |
debug_water | Toggles Water on/off | |
debug_fronts | Toggles interpolated fronts debug | |
debug_off_front_snap(dbg_fsnap) | Toggles offensive fronts snapping debug | |
debug_borders | Toggles Borders on/off | |
debug_trees | Toggles Trees on/off | |
debug_rivers | Toggles Rivers on/off | |
debug_postfx | Toggles PostFX on/off | |
debug_sky | Toggles Sky on/off | |
debug_bloom | Toggles Bloom on/off | |
debug_tooltip | Toggles Tooltips on/off | |
flagsoutput [<path>] | Creates texture atlas files from memory. | |
cityreload | Reloads the cities | |
error | Show errors in log | |
version | Show current game version | |
debug_nogui | Toggles GUI on/off | |
debug_volume [<Volume Delta>] | Modifies music volume | |
debug_lockcamera | Toggles Camera locked on/off | |
debug_lines | Toggles Debuglines | |
debug_entities | Toggles Debug entities | |
debug_info | Toggles Debug info | |
debug_particle | Toggles Particles Debug info | |
debug_ai_budget [CountryTag] | Show ai budget data | |
debug_textures | Writes Texture info to application debug log | |
debug_texture | draws textures like bloom | |
debug_wireframe | Toggles forced wireframe on/off | |
debug_achievements_clear | Clear all achievements and user stats | |
moveunit [<Unit ID>] [<Province ID>] | Moves a unit to a province | |
spawnactor [<Actorname>] [<Province ID>] [<Animation> OPTIONAL] | Spawns an actor with an optional animation | |
spawn [<子单位类型>] [<省份 ID>] [<数量>] | 增加单位到指定的省份 | 仅供开发者使用 |
guibounds(gui) | Toggles GUI bounds debug | |
cameraclamp | Toggles the camera clamping | |
provtooltipdebug(tdebug) | Toggles the debug info in province tooltip | |
reloadweather [<randomseed>] | Reload and regenerate weather | |
weather | Toggle weather simulation | |
debug_air_vs_land(dbg_cas) | Toggle debug mode for air vs land combat. | |
mapnames | Toggle map names | |
gbreload | Reloads gradient borders | only for developers |
gbpaint [layer] [channel] | Toggles gradient border painting | |
occupationpaint(op) | Toggles occupation painting | |
setowner [country tag] [state id] | Sets state owner | |
setcontroller [country tag] [province id] | Sets province controller | |
profilelog | Prints out the profiling informations into time.log | |
run | Runs the specified file with list of commands | |
oos | Out of Synch | |
debug_crash(crash) | Crash! | |
sleep(wait) [time in sec] | Sleep | |
goto_province [province id] | Centers to province | |
goto_state [state id] | Centers to state | |
trigger_docs(effect_docs) | Print docs for triggers and effects | |
xp [XP amount] | Gives Army, navy and air experience to player | |
threat [Threat amount] | Adds or show threat level of player | If one does "threat 999999999" it will reset the world tension to 0 |
pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount] | Gives political power to player | |
3dstats | Toggles 3D Stats | |
hdr | Toggles hdr | |
hdr_debug | Toggles hdr debugging | |
srgb | Toggles sRGB | |
bloom | Toggles bloom | |
PostEffectVolumes.Default [posteffect_values name] | Toggles default posteffect values | |
night | Toggles night | *as of 1.01 this does not seem to work (filed under developer-only command) This command can be emulated via the day/night loop option at the bottom right toolbar (shortcut key 'N') |
filewatcher | Toggles filewatcher | |
civilwar [<ideology>] [<target country tag>] | Spawns a civil war | civilwar fascism ENG :
Other Valid ideologies "communism" "democratic" "neutrality" |
add_party_popularity <ideology group> <value> | Adds party popularity | ideology group has shortcuts d f n c for vanilla HOI groups. |
set_ruling_party <ideology group> | Sets ruling party | ideology group has shortcuts d f n c for vanilla HOI groups. |
createlean | Create LEAN textures | |
helplog | Print out all console commands to game.log file. | |
help [command name] | Print out all console commands or a specific command description. | |
helphelp | Double Rainbow help. | |
hsv | Converts RGB to HSV | |
tag_color | Test setting a country's color | |
browser [url] | Show browser window | |
browser_base_url [url] | Set browser base url | |
aiview | Enable AI debug info | |
Focus.AutoComplete | Allows national focuses to be instantly finished | Affects AI |
Focus.NoChecks | Ignores focus requirements | Affects AI |
instant_prepare | Instantly prepares naval invasions | Developer Only |
nu [number] | Adds the specified amount of National Unity | |
pp [number] | Adds the specified amount of Political Power | Not specifying the amount of political power will give the player 1000 political power. |
nuke [number] | Adds nuke | |
airealism | 开启真实 AI | 一个能让 AI 在聊天中能像玩家一样说话的彩蛋。因为在多人游戏中无法使用,在单人游戏中无法开始聊天所以没用。[2] |
instant_wargoal | Will allow instant justificatiion of war goals on countries | |
set_country_flag [<Country Flag>] | Adds a country flag to currently played nation. | Does not work if you put another nations tag in the command such as "set_country_flag flag AUS". The console will give a message confirming the command, but in my testing no flag is set. |
set_cosmetic_tag [<country tag>] [<cosmetic tag>] | changes the name and flag of the country | set_cosmetic_tag USA SOV |
- ↑ tag 列表文件可以在 /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tags/ 文件夹中找到。
- ↑ 播客上关于这条指令的评论可以在这里看到 https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/6cb8vh/the_secrets_of_hoi4/dhtdr4x/
文件 | 效果 • 条件 • 定义 • 修正 • 修正列表 • 作用域 • 本地化 • on action • 数据结构 (标记, 临时标记, 国家别名, 变量, 数组) |
脚本 | 成就修改 • AI修改 • AI focuses • 自治领修改 • 权力平衡修改 • 剧本/标签 (游戏规则)• 建筑修改 • 人物修改 • 修饰性TAG修改 • 国家创建 • 军队修改 • 决议制作 • 装备修改 • 事件修改 • Idea修改 • 意识形态修改 • 军工商修改 • 国策制作 • 资源修改 • Scripted GUI • 科技制作 • 单位修改 |
地图 | 地图 • 省份 • 补给区域 • 战略区域 |
图形图像 | 界面 • 图形资产 • 实体模型 • 后期特效 • 离子效果 • 字体 |
装饰性 | 肖像 • 命名列表 • 音乐 • 音效 |
其他 | 控制台指令 • 故障排除 • 模组结构 • 成就代码分析 • Mod相关 • Nudger修改 |
hoi4de:Console commands hoi4es:Console commands hoi4fr:Console commands hoi4pl:Console commands hoi4pt:Console commands hoi4ru:Console commands