Posteffect modding

Hstar讨论 | 贡献2020年8月15日 (六) 17:16的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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Posteffects are color correction effects that are applied to the lighting in certain areas (volumes) on the map map. They are used to tint the lighting for areas where the lighting would be noticable different, i.e. deserts.

All posteffects are found in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/posteffect_volumes.txt.

Posteffect Values

A posteffect values entry follows this format:

posteffect_values = {
    name = <name>
    inherit = <name>
    lut = <path>
    hdr_min_adjustment = <float>
    hdr_max_adjustment = <float>
    BLOOM_WIDTH = <float>
    BLOOM_SCALE = <float>
    BRIGHT_THRESHOLD = <float>
    tonemap_middlegrey = <float>

name is the name of the posteffect values entry.

inherit causes the values for the current posteffect to be inherited from the specified posteffect.

lut is the path for the tone map used for this entry.

hdr_min_adjustment defines the minimum adjustment used in the HDR effect.

hdr_max_adjustment defines the maximum adjustment used in the HDR effect.

BLOOM_WIDTH defines the width of the bloom effect.

BLOOM_SCALE defines the scale of the bloom effect.

BRIGHT_THRESHOLD defines the threshold of the bloom effect.

tonemap_middlegrey defines the middle grey used in the tone map.


Position Volume

A volume entry specifies an area on the map in which posteffect values are applied. It follows this format:

posteffect_volumes = {
    posteffect_volume = {
        name = <name>
        posteffect_values_day = <name>
        posteffect_values_night = <name>
        posteffect_values_day_winter = <name>
        posteffect_values_night_winter = <name>
        position = {
        size = {
        fade_distance = <float>

name is the name of the volume entry.

posteffect_values_day is the posteffect values entry to use during the day.

posteffect_values_night is the posteffect values entry to use during the night.

posteffect_values_day_winter is the posteffect values entry to use during the day during winter months.

posteffect_values_night_winter is the posteffect values entry to use during the night during winter months.

position defines the location of the volume center.

size defines the size of the volume box.

fade_distance defines the fade distance for the posteffect values.

Height Volume

A height volume entry specifies a height at which to apply posteffect values. It follows this format:

posteffect_volumes = {
    posteffect_height_volume = {
        name = <name>
        posteffect_values_day = <name>
        posteffect_values_night = <name>
        height = <float>
        fade_distance = <float>

name is the name of the volume entry.

posteffect_values_day is the posteffect values entry to use during the day.

posteffect_values_night is the posteffect values entry to use during the night.

height defines at which height the values are applied.

fade_distance defines the fade distance for the posteffect values.


Make use of the console commands: PostEffectVolumes.Enabled and PostEffectVolumes.Draw when working with posteffects. Currently developer-only.

You can reload posteffects by using reload posteffectvolumes in the console.