




  • 定义一个独特的三字符国家tag。
  • <yourmod>/common/countries中新建文件。
  • <yourmod>/history/countries中新建文件。
  • <yourmod>/localisations中增加本地化。
  • <yourmod>/gfx/flags中为每一种意识形态添加一个大,中,小号的旗帜。
  • 可选:在<yourmod>/history/units中创建OOB文件。
  • 可选:把国家加入到游戏中。


每个国家都要一个三个英文字符的tag, 这是在游戏的所有文件中指明国家的方式。所有国家的TAG都得是独一无二的. 任何国家都不能跟别的国家有一样的TAG

要建立一个新TAG,就往<yourmod>/common/country_tags (或者把原有的文件改了)添加新信息并且再写上像这样的东西:

SCO = "countries/Scotland.txt"





<yourmod>/common/countries 文件夹中创建一个新的文件.建议复制一个相似的国家的文件来再改成你要的。



graphical_culture = commonwealth_gfx
graphical_culture_2d = commonwealth_2d


这里设置的是国家在地图上的颜色。 它使用 RGB色阶

color = { 2  10  222 }



SCO = {
  color = rgb { 2  10  222 }
  color_ui = rgb { 255 255 155}

`color_ui` 通常是比该国家普通颜色更深的色彩,因为这是用于涂边界的 (如果边界看起来很丑,那就再看看你文件有没写错).颜色也能用 HSV形式写指定


在 <yourmod>/history/countries 文件夹中创建该文件. 或者复制个相似国家的文件,重命名并更改。文件名应该是<该国tag - 该国名字>, 比如"SCO - Scotland".这个文件包含了该国家的历史以及默认属性


在这写入国家首都. 要用地区ID(state)而非省份(province)ID指定首都.这样的话,121是洛锡安地区,包含爱丁堡

capital = 121


这些文件会被链接到'Order of Battle' (OoB)记录了部队数量和位置、经验及装备状况, 还有开局国家拥有的空军联队。开始时的生产状况及部队编制也被记录在那儿。每个国家都需要链接到OoB, 不过如果那个国家将在之后被释放那么就别给他写OoB文件了

oob = "SCO_1936"

为了方便调用,海军通常被编入单独的OoB.另外,因为'炮手就位' DLC对海军改动很大,一个国家通常都有两个独立的海军OoB, 一个就是为了给那个DLC的, 另一个就是给没买那个DLC的人, 使用旧的海军系统(OOB通常以a _legacy为后缀区分)

if = {
	limit= { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
		set_naval_oob = "SCO_1936_naval_mtg"
	else = {
		set_naval_oob = "SCO_1936_naval_legacy"



set_research_slots = 3



set_stability = 0.7



set_war_support = 0.5


设置国家开局时的内阁 (民族精神 顾问 制造商和法案).这些东西的清单在 /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideas

不过注意,你不用添加任何内阁. 国家开局时就是没有顾问,民用经济和志愿制兵役 这是个例子:

add_ideas = {


这里写入国家开局时的科技等级。科技清单在 /Hearts of Iron IV/common/technologies.

set_technology = {
 	infantry_weapons = 1
	infantry_weapons1 = 1	
	tech_engineers = 1
	tech_mountaineers = 1
	motorised_infantry = 1
	gw_artillery = 1
	interwar_antiair = 1
	gwtank = 1
	basic_light_tank = 1
	basic_heavy_tank = 1
	early_fighter = 1
	fighter1 = 1
	early_bomber = 1
	tactical_bomber1 = 1
	strategic_bomber1 = 1
	CAS1 = 1
	naval_bomber1 = 1


if = {
	limit = { not = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" } }
	set_technology = {
		early_submarine = 1
		early_destroyer = 1
	set_naval_oob = "SCO_1936_naval_legacy"
if = {
	limit = { has_dlc = "Man the Guns" }
	set_technology = {
		basic_naval_mines = 1
		submarine_mine_laying = 1
		early_ship_hull_light = 1
		early_ship_hull_submarine = 1
		basic_ship_hull_submarine = 1
		basic_battery = 1
		basic_torpedo = 1
		basic_depth_charges = 1
	set_naval_oob = "SCO_1936_naval_mtg"



add_political_power = 500

写入初始运输船数量. 注意: 如果这在同一文件出现了数次会被叠加

set_convoys = 100

写入初始科研加成. Useful for example if you had to manually complete a complex National Focus that adds research bonus and effects had to be applied individually. 比如苏联的历史文件中就用了这:

add_tech_bonus = {
		bonus = 1.0
		uses = 2
		category = armor


create_wargoal = {
		type = take_state_focus
		target = POL
		generator = { 72 88 90 87 86 } # Zaolzie Krakow Kielce Lodz Poznan

Country and global flags:

set_global_flag = earhart_disappeared		#Global flags can be placed in any country's file
set_country_flag = sudetenland_acquired		#For Germany in 1939
USA = {		#country to which the event will happen
	country_event = { id = usa.50 days = 2 }	#triggers this event, 2 days from the start
	country_event = { id = usa.51 days = 2 }	

Opinion modifiers:

add_opinion_modifier = { target = POL modifier = refused_anti_comintern_pact_opinion }		

Modifiers have their effects defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/opinion_modifiers


If the new country has any diplomatic relations, these can be declared here. It is recommended that one adds relations only in one file (not in both the faction leader's file and the minor ally's for instance).


Factions are defined by adding the following line:

create_faction = Clanintern

The country that belongs to the file this line is in will take the role of faction leader. Other countries may be added to the faction:

add_to_faction = IRE

Puppets of members should always be added to the faction as well, to prevent bugs.


Puppets are defined as follows if the player has the 'Together for Victory' Expansion:

set_autonomy = {
	target = ENG
	autonomous_state = autonomy_integrated_puppet

and as follows if they don't:

puppet = ENG

In order to make the mod useable for both types of players an if-statement should be used:

if = {
	limit = {
		has_dlc = "Together for Victory"
	set_autonomy = {
		target = ENG
		autonomous_state = autonomy_integrated_puppet
	else = {
		puppet = ENG

If the player has 'Together for Victory', Great Britain will be an integrated puppet, if not, they will be a regular (the only type of) puppet.


Guarantee Independence:
The country this file belongs to will guarantee the following TAG

give_guarantee = FRA

Non-aggression Pact:

diplomatic_relation = { country = USA relation = non_aggression_pact }

Starting trade:
The country this file belongs to will import preset amount of resource

create_import = {
		resource = tungsten
		factories = 1
		exporter = SWE

Military access:

give_military_access = IRE


If the player has 'Together for Victory' one can add the country to a tech sharing group:

add_to_tech_sharing_group = haggis_investigators

An if-statement as shown above will be required to limit it to 'Together for Victory' owners and to prevent bugs with those that don't own it.


Defines the popularity of different parties in the country:

set_popularities = {
	democratic = 5
	communism = 80
	fascism = 10
	neutrality = 5


Defines the ruling party and how elections work in a country:

set_politics = {
	ruling_party = communism
	last_election = "1932.11.8"
	election_frequency = 48
	elections_allowed = no

Note: Frequency is in months


Defines the leaders a country has. In theory adding a leader for only the starting ideology would be enough, as the other ones will be randomly generated, it is possible however, to define the leaders of all parties.

create_country_leader = {
	name = "Ronald McDonald"
	picture = "gfx/leaders/Europe/Portrait_Europe_Generic_land_3.dds"
	expire = "1965.1.1"
	ideology = fascism_ideology
	traits = {

One can add a custom portrait by adding it in in DDS-format, which may require Gimp or Paint.net to edit.

A list of traits can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader. It is possible to add more there as well.


Custom army leaders may be defined here:

create_corps_commander = {
 	name = "Sean McHaggis"
 	portrait_path = "gfx/leaders/Europe/Portrait_Europe_Generic_land_4.dds"
 	traits = { panzer_leader fortress_buster }
 	attack_skill = 4
	defense_skill = 2
	planning_skill = 1
	logistics_skill = 2

As well as naval leaders:

create_navy_leader = {
 	name = "James McSeafarer"
 	portrait_path = "gfx/leaders/Europe/Portrait_Europe_Generic_navy_1.dds"
 	traits = { blockade_runner superior_tactician }
 	attack_skill = 3
	defense_skill = 3
	maneuvering_skill = 5
	coordination_skill = 2


Special variants on equipment available for this country from the start can be defined as well:

create_equipment_variant = {
	name = "Haggis Class"
	type = submarine_1
	upgrades = {
		sub_engine_upgrade = 3
		sub_stealth_upgrade = 2
		sub_torpedo_upgrade = 2
create_equipment_variant = {
		name = "Scotfire"
		type = fighter_equipment_1
		upgrades = {
			plane_gun_upgrade = 3
			plane_range_upgrade = 0  
			plane_engine_upgrade = 3
			plane_reliability_upgrade = 3
create_equipment_variant = {
		name = "Tanktoon 2"
		type = light_tank_equipment_2
		upgrades = {
			tank_gun_upgrade = 5
			tank_armor_upgrade = 1  
			tank_engine_upgrade = 2
			tank_reliability_upgrade = 0
		obsolete = yes	#optional, marks the unit as obsolete and hides the unit from the UI


Add the localisation for your new country to the following file (it is generally recommended to always create a new, separate file, to avoid overwrites of vanilla files)


where <language> can be either English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Russian or Brazilian Portuguese. A file can be created for each language for better coverage across the supported languages.

Define the localisation for the country's name and its adjective as follows for every ideology:

SCO_communism: "People's Republic of Scotland"
SCO_communism_DEF: "The People's Republic of Scotland" #For events
SCO_ADJ: "Scottish"

Note: Do not mistake the correct letter _l_ ( L ) with a letter i ( I ), or number 1 ( One ), it's a common mistake, causing localisations to not show up, without any evident cause.




标准 82x52 pixel
41x26 pixel
10x7 pixel

所有旗帜位于/Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/flags。用于模组制作目的时,将旗帜放置于<yourmod>/gfx/flag下,并且将各尺寸的旗帜放置于相应的子文件夹下。


If the country will exist at the start, an order of battle is necessary for the country to have an army. Create a new file in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/units or copy one from a similar country. It must be named exactly the way it's linked in the country's history file. Specific names of different types of units and their support companies can be found in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units.


First the default division template will be defined, simply set up what regiments will fill the country's divisions:

division_template = {
	name = "Blueskirt Division"

	regiments = {
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
		infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
		infantry = { x = 2 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 2 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 2 y = 2 }
		infantry = { x = 3 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 3 y = 1 }

As can be seen, this division exists solely out of infantry. Example of more advanced unit template from Germany, which will use german infantry names:

division_template = {
	name = "Infanterie-Division"
	division_names_group = GER_Inf_01

	regiments = {
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 0 y = 2 }
   		infantry = { x = 1 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 1 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 1 y = 2 }
  		infantry = { x = 2 y = 0 }
		infantry = { x = 2 y = 1 }
		infantry = { x = 2 y = 2 }
	support = {
		engineer = { x = 0 y = 0 }
		artillery = { x = 0 y = 1 }


Division can be placed as follows:

units = {
	division= {	
		name = "1st Blueskirt Division"
		location = 9392 # Edinburgh
		division_template = "Blueskirt Division"
		start_experience_factor = 0.2   #optional, otherwise starts with 0 expereince
		start_equipment_factor = 0.3    #optional, otherwise starts with equipment factor of 1 (maximum)


The name is simply the name the game shows for the division, the location is where the division is on the map, the template links to the template defined above and start_experience_ and _equipment_factors define how much experience and equipment the division has. Alternatevely you can use the automatic naming using a predefined list of names.

         division= {
		division_name = {
				is_name_ordered = yes
				name_order = 35
		location = 6488
		division_template = "Infanterie-Division"
		start_experience_factor = 0.1                                                 #optional, otherwise starts with 0 expereince
		force_equipment_variants = { infantry_equipment_0 = { owner = "GER" } }       #optional, replaces equipment with a specific variant (for example to give obsolete equipment to garrison units)


Air wings are not placed into a specific province, but rather a State.

air_wings = {
	121 = { 	# Edinburgh
		tac_bomber_equipment_0 = { owner = "SCO" amount = 72 }
			start_experience_factor = 0.2	#optional, otherwise starts with 0 expereince
		fighter_equipment_1 = { owner = "SCO"  version_name = "Scotfire" amount = 150 }		#version_name is optional
			start_experience_factor = 0.5			

version_name defines a specific variant of that type of equipment to be used. It first needs to be defined in the same file.


If you want to edit something about your country, but only want it applied after a specific date (as in 1939 bookmark for example), you have to add these lines to the history file:

1939.1.1 = {
#There you can add anything, in the same format as described earlier
	oob = "SCO_1939"	#Usually another oob is used for later bookmarks, only the latest one will be loaded
	set_technology = {
		atomic_research = 1 
		nuclear_reactor = 1 
		nukes = 1


National Focuses can be completed in two ways: If you want the effects to apply, then use:

complete_national_focus = army_effort

If you want to just bypass the focus (often used for more complex focuses, like 'Demand Sudetenland', and apply effect manually, without triggering all the associated events), use:

unlock_national_focus = GER_demand_sudetenland


Cancelling a relation that is activated earlier (like a guarantee to FRA used earlier):

diplomatic_relation = {
	country = FRA
	relation = guarantee
	active = no

Removing previously used idea:

remove_ideas = {


  • The date used must be at least 1 day before the actual bookmark start date, multiple dates can be used
  • Ideas are added, Laws are replaced by the latest loaded
  • Technologies only have to be applied once, add only extra technologies to the later bookmarks
  • If a National Focus triggers an event, or adds effect, completing it by history file does not apply these, they have to be triggered separately
  • Country leader is chosen based on corresponding ideology, if multiple are present, the one located lower in the file is chosen


There are three ways to implement the new country into the game.

  • Using events
  • By national focus
  • Editing state history


主条目:Event Modding

There are multiple ways to add a country's presence by event or national focus. Here are two:

set_state_owner = 119

Using this script in an event option or national focus reward, when scoped to the new country, will cause the province to be owned by the new country. If it is occupied by a third power and the new country is at war with them however, the region will remain occupied.

transfer_state = 119

This script will change both the ownership and control to the scoped state. If a third country occupies it it will go to the new country regardless of the state of relations between it and the occupying power.


Change the owner and cores in province history files so that they include the new country either by default or in defined bookmarks (for instance only in 1939)