Ideology modding

Ldsr讨论 | 贡献2021年9月5日 (日) 10:16的版本 →‎意识形态

意识形态 代表所选国家的所有不同政治信仰或联盟。意识形态将有助于决定国家将采取的选择和道路。

意识形态文件在 /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies/*.txt.



ideologies = {
	anarchist = {
		types = {
			anarcho_syndicalism = { #将意识形态分配给领导者时使用。例如,民主党有保守主义、自由主义和社会主义。 可以定义一个值(yes/no)
				can_be_randomly_selected = # 如果否,则在创建新的随机领导人时不会随机选择子意识形态
		dynamic_faction_names = {
			"FACTION_NAME_ANARCHIST_1" # 当一个具有这种意识形态的ai创建一个阵营时,ai使用的阵营名称
		color = { 169 42 42 } # RGB ideology colour. The color it appears when in a political pie chart or next to the chart
		rules = { # Rules for the ideology.  (yes/no)
                        can_create_collaboration_government = # Can create a collaboration government
			can_declare_war_on_same_ideology = # Declare war on same ideology. Not required
			can_force_government = # Can change ideology in peace deal. Required
			can_send_volunteers = # Can send volunteers. Required
			can_puppet = # Can puppet a nation at peace deal. Required
			can_lower_tension = # Lowers tension at peace deal. Not required
			can_only_justify_war_on_threat_country = # Can only justify on a nation that has generated world tension/threat. Not required
			can_guarantee_other_ideologies = # Can guarantee nations with different ideologies. Not required

                can_host_government_in_exile = no #Can host a government in exile
		war_impact_on_world_tension = # Goes from -1 to 1. Increases or decreases the world tension created by this nation
		faction_impact_on_world_tension = # Goes from -1 to 1. Increases or decreases a faction of this ideologies impact on tension
		modifiers = { # More rules for the ideology
			generate_wargoal_tension = # Required world tension to start justifying a war (0 to 1)
			join_faction_tension = # Required world tension to join a faction (0 to 1)
			lend_lease_tension = # Required tension to start a lend-lease (0 to 1)
			send_volunteers_tension = # Required tension to send volunteers (0 to 1)
			guarantee_tension = # Required tension to guarantee a nation (0 to 1)
			take_states_cost_factor = # Changes the cost of states in a peace deal. 0.25 would increase state cost by 25% (-1 to 1)
			annex_cost_factor = # Changes the cost of entirely annexing a nation in a peace deal. 0.5 would increase annexing cost by 50% (-1 to 1)
			justify_war_goal_when_in_major_war_time = # Changes the cost of justifying a war while in a major war. 0.5 would decrease time by 50% (0 to 1)
			drift_defence_factor = # Natural drift defence for the ideology # 0.3 would grant 30% drift defence (-1 to 1)
			puppet_cost_factor = # Changes the cost of puppeting a nation in a peace deal (-1 to 1)

		can_be_boosted = # Can you boost this ideologies popularity in another country (yes/no)
		can_collaborate = #
		faction_modifiers = {
			faction_trade_opinion_factor = 0.50 #plus 50% trade opinion
		ai_<ideology> = yes # Determines what ai this ideology will use (democratic, communism, fascism, neutral or make a new one.)

Ai peace

This is what the ai will look to to determine how they will act. It tells them in what circumstance to take a state, annex or puppet, or what they want to achieve from a peace deal.

It is influenced by the ai's ideology

It is located in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_peace/*.txt and every ideology has its own file. Should you not make a specialised one, the ai will just use /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ai_peace/z_default.txt

Getting the ideology in your game


The localisation for the ideologies is located in /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/parties_l_<language>.txt. This file also houses the names given to the political parties in each nation.

Somewhere in your copy of the file add

<ideology>:0 "<The name you want to be displayed>"
<ideology>_noun:0 "<The ideology's noun>"
<ideology>_desc:0 "<How you would refer to a nation with that ideology>" # Ie. Democratic Regime, Fascist Dictatorship, Anarcho-Capitalist Regime

You also have to add localisation for the ideology to every country which can be a bit time consuming

AFG_anarchist:0 "Anarchist Republic of Afghanistan"
AFG_anarchist_ADJ:0 "Anarcho-Afghan"
AFG_anarchist_DEF:0 "The People's Anarchist Republic of Afghanistan"


Every nation will either need a flag for this ideology, or a generic national flag.

To assign an ideology to a flag just name it <TAG>_<ideology>.tga or create a flag for the nation to use that doesn't have a specific ideology by just naming the flag <TAG>.tga. Doing it the last way makes it easier to add flags when you have added a lot of similar ideologies.

Country history

If you want the ideology to appear in a country you will have to add it like this to a countries history file like this: In France, for example /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/FRA - France.txt

set_politics = {
	ruling_party = democratic
	last_election = "1932.5.1"
	election_frequency = 48
	elections_allowed = yes
set_popularities = { #This MUST add up to 100 otherwise the ideologies break
	democratic = 69
	fascism = 1
	communism = 30

France will now need a new leader

create_country_leader = {
	name = "Édouard Daladier"
	picture = ""
	expire = "1965.1.1"
	ideology = socialism
	traits = {

Political advisor

If you want to make it possible for you to boost the ideology through advisor you have to add this into /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_leader/00_traits.txt

<ideology>_booster = {
	random = no
	sprite = 13
	<ideology>_drift = 0.1
	ai_will_do = {
		factor = 0

Also to add localisation to this advisor go to /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/ideas_l_<language>.txt and add something similar to:

generic_<ideology>_booster:0 "" #Whatever you want to call the person that supports the ideology. Eg. Democratic Politician, Communist Politician, Fascist Politician

If you want a country to have an advisor of this ideology you have to go to the nation's idea files in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideas/<nation>.txt and add:

 <name> = {
	allowed = {
		original_tag = "<TAG>"
	traits = { <ideology>_booster }
	on_add = {
		country_event = # Add an event here if you want one
	do_effect = {
		NOT = {
			has_government = <ideology> # You can only select it if your current ideology isn't your new one

	ai_will_do = {
		factor = 0