News events MtG

Katty von Keksburg讨论 | 贡献2022年12月5日 (一) 15:45的版本 (文本替换 - 替换“[[Category:”为“[[分类:”)

This is a list of all Man the Guns events from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/MTG_NewsEvents.txt.

id 1 - 10


The Second American Civil War

The tensions in the United States have come to a boiling point. Unhappy with the policies of President [USA.GetLeader], the legislatures of several US states have voted to secede from the Union.

Any hopes for a peaceful resolution of the conflict have been dashed, and hostilities have broken out all along the front. It appears that the majority of the government has decided to stay with the legitimate government, but reports show a surge of volunteers all across the seceding states.

With neither side willing to back down, observers expect a long and bitter struggle.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
History repeats itself.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The American experiment is failing before our eyes.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Every step of progress must be bought in blood.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The balance of power shifts towards the extremists.
  • None


The Second American Civil War

The tensions in the United States have come to a boiling point. Unhappy with the policies of President [USA.GetLeader], the legislatures of several US states have voted to secede from the Union.

Any hopes for a peaceful resolution of the conflict have been dashed, and hostilities have broken out all along the front. It appears that the majority of the government has decided to stay with the legitimate government, but reports show a surge of volunteers all across the seceding states.

With neither side willing to back down, observers expect a long and bitter struggle.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Domestic enemies are still enemies.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The struggle for the soul of America has broken out into the open.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
  • None


US Congress Passes Neutrality Act

With tensions rising around the globe, the US Congress has been the scene of intense discussions about the role [USA.GetNameDef] should play on the world stage. Many members are concerned that President [USA.GetLeader] might secretly be planning to intervene in a European or Asian war. Some still remember the role the country played in the Great War and are anxious to keep [USA.GetNameDef] out of foreign entanglements.

Eager to shore up support for his proposed programs of economic reform, President [USA.GetLeader] has signed the Neutrality Act into law, which places heavy restrictions on trade with nations at war and specifically prohibits the President from offering any kind of support to other nations.

  • None

American focus Goal generic neutrality focus.png"Neutrality Act"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our boys will not be sent into foreign wars.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Let the giant sleep.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They support the fascists by inaction, then.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 or a United States splinter nation
  • is not 比利时的国旗 比利时 or a Belgium splinter nation
  • does not have idea HOL_aloof_neutrality
  • is 民主主义 Democracy or 中立主义 Neutral
Event button.png
Ask the Belgians how well neutrality defended them in 1914.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • has idea HOL_aloof_neutrality
Event button.png
They know the importance of remaining neutral.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Neutrality must be backed by force.
  • None


[USA.GetNameDefCap] pursues interventionist policies

The peace movement in [USA.GetNameDef] has suffered a severe setback as Congress passed a joint resolution encouraging President [USA.GetLeader] to use military force, if necessary, to safeguard [USA.GetAdjective] interests around the world.

It appears that many in Congress have decided that it was [USA.GetAdjective] indecisiveness that allowed the Great War to drag on for so long and consume so many lives. They point out that within a few months of US troops entering Europe, the Great War had come to an end. An earlier intervention, they argue, could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

  • None

American focus Goal generic territory or war.png"Limited Intervention"

Event button.png
We will fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They should stay out of other people's business.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Spurred by the Military-Industrial Complex, no doubt.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The giant will not be sleeping this time.
  • None


[USA.GetNameDefCap] passes War Powers Act

Following a vote by standing proclamation in the Senate chamber, President [USA.GetLeader] immediately signed the War Powers Act into law. The Act gives the office of the President far greater discretion in the use of the military than previously possible. The President may now deploy troops to defend [USA.GetAdjective] interests whenever and wherever he deems it necessary, for an unlimited duration.

While President [USA.GetLeader] claimed that these new powers would only be used under the most dire of circumstances, sources inside the State department claim that it is merely the first step in a large-scale program of reshaping the global balance of power.

  • None

American focus Goal generic forceful treaty.png"War Powers Act"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our words will carry greater weight now.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
As long as they stay in their sphere of influence.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
At last the fascists show their true face.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We stand at the dawn of a new age.
  • None


The Workers Prevail in the Second American Civil War!

After months of bloodshed and untold thousands of casualties, the Second American Civil War has come to an end. The attempt by the southern states to seceede has failed. Many observers point to the parallels to the first American Civil War. Once again, the industrial might of the northern states has proven superior over southern determination.

The government of [USA.GetLeader] now faces the difficult task of reintegrating the breakaway states back into [USA.GetNameDef]. With two uprisings only some 80 years apart, many in the government are pushing for much harsher punishments on the rebels than after the first war.

  • None

Event button.png
At last it is over.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Another place to be liberated from the yoke of Bolshevism.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The revolution marches on towards its inevitable victory!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We can only hope the right side won.
  • None


[USA.GetNameDefCap] Reign Supreme!

After months of bloodshed and untold thousands of casualties, the Second American Civil War has come to an end. President [USA.GetLeader] has declared major combat operations to be over. While some remnants of the rebel government still keep up an ineffective resistance campaign, most have either been rounded up in government sweeps or melted back into the civilian population.

According to President [USA.GetLeader], the war was clearly the work of foreign influences seeking to destabilize and divide the country. In time, he promises, those responsible would pay back their debt to the recovering American nation in blood.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
At last it is over.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Justice has prevailed!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The American workers will, in time, breathe free again.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The future of democracy only grows more uncertain.
  • None


Rise of [Root.GetNameDef]

In the face of global threats, the British government has made a joint statement with the governments of [CAN.GetNameDef], [SAF.GetNameDef], [AST.GetNameDef], and [NZL.GetNameDef] that the British Commonwealth of Nations will be formalized with a new federal government structure.\n\nWith the earlier [RAJ.GetAdjective] government's rejection of this proposal, and with the current implementation of the federal structure for the Commonwealth, [RAJ.GetNameDef] has elected to not remain affiliated with the new Superstate.<br\><br\>Despite this, the move will undoubtedly have unprecedented consequences for the global scene.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A great stride forward for our peoples.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A new superpower rises..
  • None


Rise of [Root.GetNameDef]

In the face of global threats, the British government has made a joint statement together with the governments of [CAN.GetNameDef], [SAF.GetNameDef], [RAJ.GetNameDef], [AST.GetNameDef], and [NZL.GetNameDef] that the British Commonwealth of Nations will be formalized with a new federal government structure.

It is clear that a unification of the British Empire on this scale will undoubtedly have unprecedented consequences for the global scene.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A great stride forward for our peoples.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A new superpower rises..
  • None


[HOL.GetName] Caves to the Germans

[HOL.GetAdjective] attempts to maintain trade neutrality have failed, and recent measures implemented by the [HOL.GetAdjective] government make it clear that they will be embarking on a [GER.GetName]-favoring trade policy. It is likely that this will result in greatly increased [GER.GetAdjective] influence over [HOL.GetNameDef].

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Then we will have to blockade them, too.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are in our sphere, now.
  • + HOL.gateway_to_europe_influence_pp_total 政治点数 political power

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
We had no choice...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 or a German splinter nation
  • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
[GER.GetAdjective] influence grows...
  • None

id 11 - 20


[HOL.GetName] Caves to the British

[HOL.GetAdjective] attempts to maintain trade neutrality have failed, and recent measures implemented by the [HOL.GetAdjective] government make it clear that they will be embarking on a [ENG.GetName]-favoring trade policy. It is likely that this will result in greatly increased [ENG.GetAdjective] influence over [HOL.GetNameDef].

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are in our sphere, now.
  • + HOL.gateway_to_europe_influence_pp_total 政治点数 political power

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They join the blockade...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
We had no choice...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 or a German splinter nation
  • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
The Germans are increasingly isolated...
  • None


[HOL.GetName] Maintains Trade Neutrality

[HOL.GetAdjective] attempts to maintain trade neutrality have succeeded, and, to the chagrin of both the British and the Germans, the Dutch seem only strengthened in their resolve in the face of [ENG.GetAdjective] and [GER.GetAdjective] pressure.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A people with such inherent desire for personal gain deserves to be overrun and enslaved!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A most unwise decision.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
We are masters of our own fate.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 or a German splinter nation
  • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
Event button.png
They play with fire...
  • None


The [?global.year|0] Imperial Conference

The [From.GetAdjective] government has announced the twelfth Imperial Conference. For the next two months, representatives from the [From.GetAdjective] government and the Dominions will gather in London to discuss matters that concern the entire Empire.

What this will mean for global affairs is as yet unclear, but it is possible discussions will include the topic of Imperial Federation, the formation of which would likely have significant repercussions for the superpowers of the world.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The fate of the Empire hangs in the balance.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is one of:
Event button.png
We have much to discuss.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will follow the developments closely.
  • None


[From.GetName] Revisits Colonial Policy

At a speech today, [From.GetLeader] announced a change in the nation's colonial policy. "Recognizing the rights of all peoples for self-determination, the [From.GetAdjective] government has resolved to set all Imperial subjects on the path to independence, the conclusion of which is intended to occur within the foreseeable future."

In response to concerns that this would greatly weaken [From.GetNameDef]'s position in the world, [From.GetLeader] stated that "all nations that desire to do so will be welcome to remain as a member of a newly-founded community of nations, but then as fully equal and independent parties". It remains to be seen whether any nations will accept the offer.

  • None

British focus Focus SAF colonialist crusade.png"Revisit Colonial Policy"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
It is the right thing to do.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our independence awaits.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They have gone insane.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • Has one or more subjects
Event button.png
Let's hope this nonsense doesn't affect our possessions!
  • None


Decolonization of the British Empire

At midnight today the long-awaited transfer of full sovereignty for the various subject nations of the British Empire was accomplished. Despite the [From.GetAdjective] government's invitation for former subjects to join the [From.GetFactionName], many have chosen to go their own way.

The move continues to be controversial domestically, but is greatly applauded by socialists internationally. What weakness this has caused for [From.GetNameDef]'s position in the world remains to be seen, as does the situation of those nations who elected to go their own way.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The future was inevitable, so we have made it the now.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The end of an era.
  • None


[From.GetName] Disavows Appeasement

In a public statement today, the new [From.GetAdjective] Prime Minister [From.GetLeader] has announced the new government's intention to steer away from the course of Appeasement their predecessors had loyally maintained. In no uncertain terms, [From.GetLeader] made it clear that [From.GetNameDef]'s aim is to "put a halt to the march of tyranny, wherever it may rear its ugly head".

Whether the threat of war will serve to halt the expansionism of certain nations remains to be seen, but already recruitment programs are well on their way in [From.GetNameDef], lending credence to their statements.

  • None

British focus Focus generic strike at democracy1.png"No Further Appeasement"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The time to appease is over. We have now drawn the line.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Brits have thrown down the gauntlet.
  • None


[From.GetName] Enforces Naval Treaties

The [From.GetAdjective] government has today announced its intention to crack down on violations of the Washington Naval Treaty from 1922. Any signatory nation that has violated the 5:5:3:1.75:1.75 capital ship ratio indicated therein will likely receive immediate [From.GetAdjective] ultimatums demanding they reduce their numbers to the quotas allotted to them in the treaty.

So far, global response has been one of incredulity that the British would go to war over this.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
But we will.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We should expect their ultimatum at any time now...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is one the:
    • is in Faction or at war with 联合王国的国旗 联合王国
    • does not have more than 0.35 ratio of carriers and battleships than 联合王国的国旗 联合王国
Event button.png
The Brits take their naval supremacy very seriously...
  • None


[From.GetName] Considers Continental Intervention

The [From.GetAdjective] government has today announced its intention to "restore the balance of power in Europe", if need be with the use of military force. Continental European imperialism "is a threat to British national security, and therefore must be contained", says Prime Minister [From.GetLeader].

What, exactly, this means is as yet unclear, but the nation has mobilized and seems prepared for war.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We cannot wait for them to become stronger, any longer.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not in a faction with 联合王国的国旗 联合王国
  • capital is on the continent of Europe
  • has increased 全球紧张度 world tension
  • has more than 50 民用工厂 军用工厂 factories
Event button.png
They are coming for us.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not in a faction with 联合王国的国旗 联合王国
  • and none of the following:
    • capital is on the continent of Europe
    • has increased 全球紧张度 world tension
    • has more than 50 民用工厂 军用工厂 factories
Event button.png
The line has been crossed.
  • None


[From.GetLeader] Empowers King's Party

Following the royal marriage between King [From.GetLeader] and Wallis Simpson, the King has now appointed the leaders of the newly-formed pro-monarchist "King's Party", Winston Churchill, Oswald Mosley, and David Lloyd George, to form a new government after the nation's extended period without one.

Supporters of [From.GetLeader] applaud the formation of a loyal government, but critics point out that the new government is so supportive of the King's wishes that we might as well consider the King to be, de facto, an absolutist monarch.

  • None

British focus Focus eng the kings party.png"The King's Party"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
God save the King!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A step into the past.
  • None


[ITA.GetAdjective] Diplomatic Isolation

Diplomatic relations between [ITA.GetNameDef] and [GER.GetNameDef] have taken a turn for the worse recently, with a string of minor diplomatic incidents being seized upon by the [GER.GetAdjective] government to fuel hostile rhetoric. Though Italo-German relations had begun to improve in recent years, these new developments seem to effectively preclude any future cooperation between the two European powers.

Critics point out the concurrent improvements in Anglo-German relations, as well as the 'convenience' this [ITA.GetAdjective] diplomatic isolation provides to the British, which may indicate back room deals between the two nations.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Germans have done us a great service.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This path grants us better prospects.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The infernal machinations of the British are to blame for this!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The British have been plotting...
  • None

id 21 - 30


Anglo-German Alliance

The [ENG.GetAdjective] and [GER.GetAdjective] governments have announced a pact of mutual military assistance, as well as indicating their intention to "respect the other's sphere of interest". Not all may be surprised to see this development after [GER.GetNameDef]'s increasingly pro-[ENG.GetAdjective] rhetoric in recent months, but the terminology of the treaty has taken many experts aback, and even led some to issue warnings for what this could mean for Europe.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
No-one can stand in our way, now.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The seas have been secured.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We should be cautious...
  • None


Anglo-German Pact

The [ENG.GetAdjective] and [GER.GetAdjective] governments have announced a pact of non-aggression and non-interference. Further stipulations include a clause indicating their intention to "respect the other's sphere of interest". Not all may be surprised to see this development after [GER.GetNameDef]'s increasingly pro-[ENG.GetAdjective] rhetoric in recent months, but critics still warn of what this could mean for Europe.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The mainland is secured.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our flanks are secured.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are divvying up the world...
  • None


Blackshirts Organize in [From.GetName]

Under the leadership of Oswald Mosley, the British Union of Fascists has begun an organized campaign of marches across the country, thus seeking to grow the number of fascist supporters throughout [From.GetNameDef].

The violent counter-reaction by anti-fascist elements of the public have already caused a number of street fights, however, and it is uncertain whether stability will be maintained or whether the political unrest will become even worse. The B.U.F. leadership, for their part, have already vowed not to stop "until they have marched on Downing Street and demanded a change of government".

  • None

British focus Focus eng organise the blackshirts.png"Organize the Blackshirts"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will emerge from the crucible stronger than ever.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Let us see if they manage to avoid civil war.
  • None


Anglo-Italian Alliance

In an unprecedented move, the new [Root.GetAdjective] government has distanced itself from their Great War allies in [FRA.GetNameDef], and have now instead announced an alliance with the Italians. This brusque shift in allegiance has caused shockwaves throughout the European diplomatic scene, and is especially eyed with suspicion in [FRA.GetNameDef] and [GER.GetNameDef], the latter of whom has already been the target of repeated hostile rhetoric from [From.GetLeader].

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The French were useless anyway.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We true fascists must stand together.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 法国的国旗 法国 or a French splinter nation
Event button.png
Never trust the Rosbifs!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We protest!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is some significant British diplomatic maneuvering...
  • None


Gibraltar Returned to Nationalist Spain

The [Root.GetAdjective] and Spanish governments have today issued a joint statement, announcing the return of Gibraltar to Nationalist Spain, while also cementing a new treaty of military cooperation between the two powers.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
It was a necessary trade.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or a Spanish splinter nation
  • is 法西斯主义 Fascist
Event button.png
The reward was worth it.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An interesting development...
  • None


Imperialist Civil War in [From.GetName]

Pro-Imperial elements in [From.GetName] have risen up in open revolt against the government, demanding the immediate return of the nation as a Dominion of the British Empire. The situation has now escalated to a full-on civil war, and the [From.GetAdjective] government has accused [ENG.GetNameDef] of supplying the insurgents with the modern weapons and munitions they require, which the [ENG.GetAdjective] government has categorically denied.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They can accuse us all they like.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM
Event button.png
Cursed British meddling!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM
  • is one of:
Event button.png
They are coming for all of us.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Underhanded tactics...
  • None


[ENG.GetName] Allies [From.GetAdjective] Imperial Loyalists

The [ENG.GetAdjective] government has today announced that it will take the fledgling Imperial Loyalist government in [From.GetNameDef] under its protection. [From.GetNameDefCap] is currently in the throes of civil war, and this seems to indicate that [ENG.GetNameDef] will henceforth be taking a more active part in the internal political convulsions of the country.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We must welcome them back into the fold.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM or a FROM splinter nation
Event button.png
How dare they?!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM or a FROM splinter nation
  • is in a Civil War
  • is one of:
Event button.png
We must stand together against the British.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not in a Civil War and not one of:
Event button.png
Cunning tactics.
  • None


[From.GetName] Submits to [ENG.GetName]

In response to a [ENG.GetAdjective] ultimatum demanding for the free passage of [ENG.GetAdjective] military units through their territory, as well as far-reaching control over their internal affairs, the [From.GetAdjective] government has now announced it will submit. [ENG.GetAdjective] officials are already on-site to establish oversight of the nation's domestic affairs.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They made the right decision.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM or a FROM splinter nation
Event button.png
We had no choice...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM or a FROM splinter nation
  • is one of:
    • 伊朗的国旗 伊朗 or an Iranian splinter nation
    • 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 or an Afghanistanian splinter nation
Event button.png
We were coerced.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 伊朗的国旗 伊朗 or an Iranian splinter nation
  • is not 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 or an Afghanistanian splinter nation
Event button.png
The Brits have strong-armed them...
  • None


[From.GetName] Rejects [ENG.GetAdjective] Ultimatum

The [From.GetAdjective] government has rejected a [ENG.GetAdjective] ultimatum demanding for the free passage of [ENG.GetAdjective] military units through their territory, as well as far-reaching control over their internal affairs. [From.GetLeader] has stated the government fully expects [ENG.GetAdjective] retaliation, and has now put their military on high alert.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
And fear it they should.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM or a FROM splinter nation
Event button.png
Let them come.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM or a FROM splinter nation
  • is one of:
    • 伊朗的国旗 伊朗 or an Iranian splinter nation
    • 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 or an Afghanistanian splinter nation
Event button.png
They left us no alternative.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 伊朗的国旗 伊朗 or an Iranian splinter nation
  • is not 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 or an Afghanistanian splinter nation
Event button.png
The Brits are on the warpath.
  • None


[From.GetName] Moves to Secure Dominions

Recent actions by the [From.GetAdjective] government have made it clear they are increasingly clamping down on the autonomy of the Dominions. With troops being prepared to be shipped overseas, it is expected even the deployment of military units may be used to dissuade any notion of breaking free from the new government.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They better not be getting any funny ideas...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are coming for us.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Drastic measures...
  • None

id 31 - 40


[ENG.GetName] Imposes Martial Law in [From.GetName]

Earlier today, [ENG.GetAdjective] military units were stationed throughout [From.GetNameDef], and the [ENG.GetAdjective] government has declared martial law in its Dominion. The local government has been suspended, and day-to-day affairs are, for the moment at least, handled directly from London.

It is as yet unclear how long this new situation will last, but critics have already called the [ENG.GetAdjective] position 'untenable' in the long run.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
It is a necessary move.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM or a FROM splinter nation
Event button.png
How dare they?!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We have rights!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Brits are coming down hard on their Dominions.
  • None


[ENG.GetName] Install Loyalist [From.GetAdjective] Government

In an unprecedented move [ENG.GetNameDef] has held new elections in [From.GetNameDef], which resulted in a landslide victory for the loyalist pro-[ENG.GetAdjective] parties.

Critics question the results, and suggest wide-spread electoral fraud may have occurred. These allegations have been categorically rejected by the [ENG.GetAdjective] government, while the new [From.GetAdjective] government is already in power and seeing to a decidedly pro-British policy.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
It is done.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM or a FROM splinter nation
Event button.png
Fraud! FRAU-- Ahem. Such a wonderful result from democratic and free elections.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Are we alone in seeing the tyranny inflicted upon us?!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
These are internal matters.
  • None


[From.GetName] Concedes to Trade Unions

Ostensibly in an effort to garner more popular support for their rearmament programs, the [From.GetAdjective] government has now entered into conversations with the Trade Unions, proposing to make concessions in return for their support. It is expected that this will greatly increase socialist influence over the government.

  • None

British focus Focus eng concessions to the trade unions.png"Concession to the Trade Unions"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We do what we must.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
Concerning developments...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
Wonderful news for the [From.GetAdjective] worker!
  • None


[ENG.GetName] Banishes Royal Family

In what it called a 'merciful' decision, the entire [ENG.GetAdjective] Royal Family has been banished from the country. No further comments were given by government spokesmen, or by representatives of the Royal Family themselves. Earlier today, they arrived in [From.GetNameDef] and asked asylum there, which has been accepted.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Good riddance.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
The socialist tyranny is laid bare for all to see.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
A victory for the class struggle!
  • None


Disappearance of [ENG.GetAdjective] Royal Family

As yet another week has passed since the last public appearance of any member of the [From.GetAdjective] Royal Family, rumors abound about their likely fate. The government has refused to comment on the matter entirely, and has begun cracking down on any media reports that would bring attention to the issue.

The government's silence is only more noticeable in light of anonymous accounts by certain individuals who claim to have been members of the Royal Family's household, speaking of "seeing the Royal Family be forcibly removed from Buckingham Palace by masked men" some weeks ago.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
It had to be done.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
The socialists have no respect for human life!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is 共产主义 communists
Event button.png
They got their due.
  • None


The British Communist Alternative

[From.GetNameDefCap] has announced a new 'communist alternative' to the Comintern, where, in the words of [From.GetLeader] "all socialist states who desire independence from Moscow may join us in defending the rights of the Worker worldwide". Whether this new socialist faction will be able to stand firm against Moscow remains to be seen.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We have opened our arms to our peers.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are traitors to the true socialism!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is 共产主义 Communist
  • is not all of:
Event button.png
Another split forms among the Reds.
  • None


[From.GetName] Demands Decolonization

The [From.GetAdjective] government has issued an ultimatum to other colonial powers, demanding the immediate withdrawal from their colonies and granting full independence, much like the British themselves have already done. They have indicated their willingness to back up these demands with the use of military force, if needed.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
And we will.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is one of:
    • is all of:
      • 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 or a United States splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • Owns and controls Puerto Rico(686)
        • Puerto Rico is a subject of PREV
        • Philippines is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 法国的国旗 法国 or a French splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls French Caribbean(694)
        • owns and controls Aleppo(677), Deir-az-Zur(680), and Syria(554)
        • owns and controls Lebanon(553)
        • owns and controls Madagascar(543)
        • owns and controls Laos(670)
        • owns and controls Cambodia(741)
        • owns and controls Annam(671) and Indochina(286)
        • owns and controls Guangzhouwan(728)
        • owns and controls Northern Morocco(461) and Southern Morocco(462)
        • owns and controls Western Algeria(459), Southern Algeria(513), Western Algeria(459), and North Africa(514)
        • owns and controls Tunisia(458) and Gabes(665)
        • owns and controls French Somaliland(268)
        • owns and controls Middle Congo(772)
        • owns and controls Gabon(539)
        • owns and controls Cameroon(773)
        • owns and controls Equatorial Africa(660)
        • owns and controls Chad(774) and B.E.T.(775)
        • owns and controls Niger(781) and Central Africa(515)
        • owns and controls Dahomey(776)
        • owns and controls Togo(777)
        • owns and controls Upper Volta(778)
        • owns and controls Ivory Coast(779)
        • owns and controls Guinea(780)
        • owns and controls Mali(556) and Tombouctou(782)
        • owns and controls French Africa(272)
        • owns and controls French SA(310
        • any of the following are subjects of PREV:
    • is all of:
      • 意大利的国旗 意大利 or a Italian splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Tripoli(448), Tripolitania(661), Libyan Coast(449), Sirte(662), Benghasi(450), Derna(451), Cyrenacia(663), and Italian Africa(273)
        • owns and controls Ethiopia(271)
        • owns and controls Eritiea(550)
        • owns and controls Somaliland(559)
        • 利比亚王国的国旗 利比亚王国 is a subject of PREV
        • 埃塞俄比亚的国旗 埃塞俄比亚 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls North Korea(527) and South Korea(525)
        • owns and controls East Hebei(609)
        • owns and controls Dalian(745)
        • owns and controls Taiwan(524)
        • 满洲国的国旗 满洲国 is a subject of PREV
        • 蒙古国的国旗 蒙古国 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 or a Portugal splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Angola(540)
        • owns and controls East Africa(544)
        • owns and controls Macau(729)
        • owns and controls Portuguese Timor(721)
        • owns and controls Portugal Africa (296)
        • 安哥拉的国旗 安哥拉 is a subject of PREV
        • 莫桑比克的国旗 莫桑比克 is a subject of PREV
        • 几内亚比绍的国旗 几内亚比绍 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
    • is all of:
    • is all of:
      • 比利时的国旗 比利时 or a Belgium splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Congo(295), Cameroun(538), and Stanleyville(718)
        • 扎伊尔的国旗 扎伊尔 is a subject of PREV
Event button.png
We have a decision to make...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is none of:
    • is all of:
      • 美利坚合众国的国旗 美利坚合众国 or a United States splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • Owns and controls Puerto Rico(686)
        • Puerto Rico is a subject of PREV
        • Philippines is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 法国的国旗 法国 or a French splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls French Caribbean(694)
        • owns and controls Aleppo(677), Deir-az-Zur(680), and Syria(554)
        • owns and controls Lebanon(553)
        • owns and controls Madagascar(543)
        • owns and controls Laos(670)
        • owns and controls Cambodia(741)
        • owns and controls Annam(671) and Indochina(286)
        • owns and controls Guangzhouwan(728)
        • owns and controls Northern Morocco(461) and Southern Morocco(462)
        • owns and controls Western Algeria(459), Southern Algeria(513), Western Algeria(459), and North Africa(514)
        • owns and controls Tunisia(458) and Gabes(665)
        • owns and controls French Somaliland(268)
        • owns and controls Middle Congo(772)
        • owns and controls Gabon(539)
        • owns and controls Cameroon(773)
        • owns and controls Equatorial Africa(660)
        • owns and controls Chad(774) and B.E.T.(775)
        • owns and controls Niger(781) and Central Africa(515)
        • owns and controls Dahomey(776)
        • owns and controls Togo(777)
        • owns and controls Upper Volta(778)
        • owns and controls Ivory Coast(779)
        • owns and controls Guinea(780)
        • owns and controls Mali(556) and Tombouctou(782)
        • owns and controls French Africa(272)
        • owns and controls French SA(310
        • any of the following are subjects of PREV:
    • is all of:
      • 意大利的国旗 意大利 or a Italian splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Tripoli(448), Tripolitania(661), Libyan Coast(449), Sirte(662), Benghasi(450), Derna(451), Cyrenacia(663), and Italian Africa(273)
        • owns and controls Ethiopia(271)
        • owns and controls Eritiea(550)
        • owns and controls Somaliland(559)
        • 利比亚王国的国旗 利比亚王国 is a subject of PREV
        • 埃塞俄比亚的国旗 埃塞俄比亚 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls North Korea(527) and South Korea(525)
        • owns and controls East Hebei(609)
        • owns and controls Dalian(745)
        • owns and controls Taiwan(524)
        • 满洲国的国旗 满洲国 is a subject of PREV
        • 蒙古国的国旗 蒙古国 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
      • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 or a Portugal splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Angola(540)
        • owns and controls East Africa(544)
        • owns and controls Macau(729)
        • owns and controls Portuguese Timor(721)
        • owns and controls Portugal Africa (296)
        • 安哥拉的国旗 安哥拉 is a subject of PREV
        • 莫桑比克的国旗 莫桑比克 is a subject of PREV
        • 几内亚比绍的国旗 几内亚比绍 is a subject of PREV
    • is all of:
    • is all of:
    • is all of:
      • 比利时的国旗 比利时 or a Belgium splinter nation
      • is one of:
        • owns and controls Congo(295), Cameroun(538), and Stanleyville(718)
        • 扎伊尔的国旗 扎伊尔 is a subject of PREV
Event button.png
The British are flexing their global muscles.
  • None


[From.GetName] Challenges [SOV.GetAdjective] Socialism

[From.GetNameDefCap] has accused [SOV.GetNameDef] of "betraying the values Marx held dear", and now announces that it has resolved to "purge socialism of its traitors". The nation has placed its military on the highest alert, as what seems to be simply a challenge of the leadership of socialism seems certain to flare up into full-scale war.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We are the true socialists!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Let them try, traitors!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Reds have resorted to infighting...
  • None


[From.GetName] Challenges Fascism

Recent rhetoric from the [From.GetAdjective] government has been increasingly hostile and anti-fascist. Together with the passing of various anti-fascist legislation, it is believed that this is a sign that the nation is gearing up for a military confrontation with its ideological adversaries, in the not too distant future.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We are indeed.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • is one of:
Event button.png
We do not fear them.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 法西斯主义 Fascist and one of:
Event button.png
War is brewing.
  • None


[From.GetName] Challenges Capitalism

Recent rhetoric from the [From.GetAdjective] government has been increasingly hostile and anti-capitalist. Together with the passing of various anti-American legislation, it is believed that this is a sign that the nation is gearing up for a military confrontation with its ideological adversaries in the New World, in the not too distant future.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We are coming for them.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Let them try.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
That would be a brave attempt.
  • None

id 41 - 50


Civil War in [From.GetName]

The rising tensions fueled by the continuous Blackshirt marches in [From.GetNameDef] have now reached boiling point. The latest series of street fights resulting from these marches spiraled out of control, and have now escalated to the point where the military has become involved.\n\nWhile the Royal Navy has remained loyal to the official [From.GetAdjective] government, the situation is quite different in the army, with various units pledging support for either the loyalists or the fascists. With the formation of an interim fascist government, the stage is set for a prolonged conflict on the British Isles.

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will win.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Brits are destroying themselves...
  • None


Civil War in [From.GetName] Ends

With the fall of the [From.GetAdjective] democratic government, the situation has stabilized on the British Isles. As the government declined to flee to the Dominions in the face of the fascist advance, the Royal Navy has now pledged its support for the sole remaining government. It is uncertain whether this loyalty will be taken at face value, or whether disloyal elements will now be purged from its ranks.

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Victory at last!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They have weakened themselves significantly...
  • None


Communist Civil War in [From.GetName]

Elements within the [From.GetAdjective] socialist party have repeatedly raised concerns regarding the government's apparent refusal to decolonize. Now, fed up with the government's inaction on the matter, have begun to accuse the government of "high treason against the values of Socialism", and taken up arms to oust them. The coup attempt has now rapidly escalated, and the country is undeniably in the grips of a full-on civil war.

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will return unity to our nation!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is 共产主义 Communist
Event button.png
They have been called out for their lies!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
  • is not 共产主义 Communist
Event button.png
The Reds have turned on each other...
  • None


Indian Civil War

As a result of the poorly organized way in which [RAJ.GetNameDef] obtained independence, religious tensions on the subcontinent have simmered under the surface ever since. Now, these have come to a sudden and abrupt head with violent clashes in major cities in the North-West and North-East of the country.

Local authorities proved unsuccessful in keeping the situation from escalating further, and now militias and even military units have united behind the Muslim League, declaring independence for Pakistan, as well as their intent to fight the Indians until they have secured it.

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will gain our independence or die trying!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will not see this subcontinent split in two!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Is this our fault?
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The British really should have seen this coming...
  • None


Pakistani Civil War

[From.GetNameDefCap]'s violent birth has continued to cause instability in the fledgling nation, with armed militias carrying much power especially in outlying areas. Cultural differences between the various Muslim populations of North-West and North-East India have also become increasingly clear, with the disparaging attitude of the West Pakistanis towards their Eastern counterparts inflaming heads that have still not fully cooled down since the civil war.

Now, the East has taken up arms again, claiming "enough is enough", and that they, too, now want full independence.

  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The little upstarts!
  • None

Event button.png
They won't hold us down any longer!
  • None
  • Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    Is this our fault?
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    This could all so easily have been prevented...
    • None


    [From.GetName] Moves Government to Batavia

    With the loss of their continental European territories, the [From.GetAdjective] government has now decided to relocate to the city of Batavia on the Indonesian island of Java. The colonial government there is to be supplanted, with the [From.GetAdjective] government managing it directly, instead.

    From this colonial base, they have vowed to continue the war against their aggressors.

    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We will continue to fight!
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    They are defiant.
    • None


    [From.GetName] Continues Zuiderzee Works

    A large-scale land-reclamation project has been undertaken in [From.GetNameDef], continuing a series of such projects known collectively as "the Zuiderzee Works". After the closing-off of the IJsselmeer with the Afsluitdijk, the reclamation of the Wieringermeer and the Noordoostpolder, the project now focuses on the reclamation of the Flevopolder, the largest area yet to be reclaimed from the sea.\n\nThough the full project will undoubtedly span many years, draining has proceeded enough that smaller areas are now already accessible, and the benefits to [From.GetAdjective] industry are palpable.

    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    It will be a modern Wonder of the World.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    A brave gamble.
    • None


    [JAP.GetName] Obtains East Indies

    The [From.GetAdjective] and [JAP.GetAdjective] governments have issued a joint statement announcing the full transfer of the Dutch East Indies to [JAP.GetAdjective] control. This drastic territorial adjustment in the Far East is to take effect immediately, despite the protests of various third parties such as the Americans and the British.

    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    It was a necessary evil.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
    Event button.png
    A most welcome surprise.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    • is not 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
    Event button.png
    • None


    [JAP.GetName] Obtains East Indies Resources

    The [From.GetAdjective] and [JAP.GetAdjective] governments have issued a joint statement announcing an exclusive trade deal between their two nations. Henceforth, the Japanese will be allowed exclusive rights to all resources exploited in the Indonesian archipelago.

    This unprecedented trade deal is undoubtedly an attempt by the [From.GetAdjective] government to prevent any threat from the Japanese, though it has caused great consternation with other interested nations such as [USA.GetNameDef] and [ENG.GetNameDef].

    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    An acceptable compromise.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We only care for the resources anyway.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    • is not 日本的国旗 日本 or a Japanese splinter nation
    Event button.png
    They are in league with one another.
    • None


    [From.GetName] Decolonizes

    The new [From.GetAdjective] government has made quick work of their campaign promises to grant independence to the various areas still belonging to the [From.GetAdjective] colonial empire.\n\nPer immediately, these states will now receive total independence, and the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) will return to bolster the [From.GetAdjective] continental European army, instead.

    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We may now focus on the mainland.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    They truly advocate liberty.
    • None

    id 51 - 60


    Creation of Benelux Buffer State

    With the present weakness of the Luxembourgian and Belgian states, [ENG.GetNameDef] has now apparently caved to [From.GetAdjective] calls to restore the post-Napoleonic "buffer state" in the low countries. The British have acceded to granting liberated territory directly to [From.GetNameDef]. Whether the Dutch will have better luck maintaining internal stability this time around remains to be seen.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We will.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    Some excellent [From.GetAdjective] diplomatic maneuvering.
    • None


    [USA.GetName] Protects [From.GetAdjective] West Indies

    At the request of the [From.GetAdjective] government, [USA.GetNameDef] has issued a proclamation stating that they consider the Dutch West Indies to be an integral part of their sphere of interest. They have vowed to protect the territory against any who might attack its rightful owners.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    The West is safe.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    Better the [From.GetAdjective] than anyone else.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    They take their "sphere of interest" quite seriously.
    • None


    Benelux Forms

    Under the leadership of the [From.GetAdjective] government, a new alliance comprised of the various Low Countries has formed. Their leaders have voiced the hope that this fledgling alliance "will remain neutral in the face of the growing world crisis", and that other nations may eventually join it to bolster the strength of this "block of neutrality and rationality in the face of the insanity that is gripping the world at present".

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We welcome all who have tired of the bickering Major Powers.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    A bold initiative.
    • None


    The European Union Forms

    Since the formation of the Benelux, the governments of the Low Countries have endeavored to attract further interest in a "strong and neutral block of sanity". Now, a whole slew of new nations have been invited join the alliance, and to accommodate this influx of new member nations it has been decided to rename it to "The European Union".

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    We are ever stronger.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    The Union grows.
    • None


    King Edward Killed

    The recent bombings of London have now resulted in the deaths of King Edward and his wife Wallis. Around 3 o'clock, a surprise bombing raid forced the couple to take cover in the palace's cellar. One bomb hit the building above and brought down the cellar's ceiling upon the King and his entourage.

    While the nation mourns the loss of its monarch, the King's brother, Albert, now prepares to succeed him, taking the regnal name George VI.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    Though reluctant, he will serve his country well.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    They paid the ultimate price.
    • None


    [From.GetName] Installs American Monarchy

    Following their recent conquest of the American mainland, [From.GetLeader] has now passed a Royal Decree abolishing the office of the President of the United States, and replacing it with a monarchical government structure similar to that of [From.GetNameDef]. To place upon this throne King Edward has chosen none other than his wife, Queen Wallis, who will henceforth be known by the regnal name of Wallis I and rule over the United Kingdom of America in her husband's name.

    It yet remains to be seen how the American public will adjust to this new form of government.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    What is a nation without a King? Or Queen, for that matter.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    Avenger of the Boston Tea Party", seriously?!
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    The King's love knows no bounds.
    • None


    Creation of the Dominion of North America

    Following their recent conquest of the American mainland, [From.GetLeader] has now passed a Royal Decree subsuming the former United States of America into the Dominion of Canada, renaming it into the Dominion of North America.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    This will greatly benefit managing the Empire.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    A great responsibility.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    They are consolidating their power.
    • None


    [HOL_kaiserreich_germany.GetLeader] Leads German Civil War

    With the [HOL.GetAdjective] Queen Wilhelmina's pledge to see to the return of the von Hohenzollern dynasty to the German throne, and the liberation of the first German territory, the Kaiser has now returned to German territory to lead what has effectively become a full-fledged civil war for the control of his homeland.

    In the meantime, German defectors continue to flock to [HOL.GetAdjective]-held territory to fight on behalf of the Queen and their Kaiser, slowly but gradually shifting the balance of forces. Official statements from the Great War Entente Powers are yet to be forthcoming, but reports indicate great disapproval among their governments.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    A step on the road to total victory.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    How dare they?!
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    That is putting it mildly... The Dutch will get their due.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Diplomatic masterstroke or sheer lunacy?

    Event button.png
    • None


    King George VI Dies

    The [ENG.GetAdjective] government has today confirmed the death of King George VI. For some time now, the King's heavy smoking habits, likely brought on by the stresses of the war, have resulted in failing health, and eventually brought on the development of lung cancer, arteriosclerosis, and Buerger's disease.

    Preparations are already under way for the coronation of the King's daughter, Elizabeth, who has of late already taken up many of her father's royal duties.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    Her young age belies her strength.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    Event button.png
    They paid the ultimate price.
    • None


    The End of the London Naval Treaty

    With just two nations still adhering to the London Naval Treaty, it was only a question of time before one of them would leave the treaty, thus ending it entirely. The government of [From.GetNameDef] evidently decided that the treaty was no longer effective in its stated purpose and that restricting their naval armaments was a threat to national security.

    Many experts around the world are now predicting a swift increase in naval budgets as many countries will want to make up for decades of strict treaty restrictions.

    • None

    "[From.GetNameDefCap] issues stern warning"

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is Major Power
    • does not have country flag MTG_naval_treaty_abandoned
    Event button.png
    An idea doomed from the start.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is Major Power
    • has country flag MTG_naval_treaty_abandoned
    Event button.png
    We made the right choice.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not a Major Power
    Event button.png
    Is this the beginning of a new Dreadnought Race?
    • None

    id 61 - 70


    Second London Naval Treaty signed

    Delegations from Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the US met in December of 1935 to discuss a renewal of the First London Naval treaty, which restricted the number and size of cruisers and submarines. Negotiations turned quite heated over Italy's war in Ethiopia and Japan's desire to be seen as equal to Britain and the US.\n\nWith negotiations now at an end, the signatory nations have agreed on limits to the size of battleships and aircraft carriers in the hopes of preventing another ruinous arms race.

    • has not global flag MTG_second_london_conference
    • has global flag MTG_naval_treaty_signatories > 1
    • has not global flag mtg_61_fired
    • date is before 1938.1.1
    • 2 days days

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • has has_naval_treaty_trigger
    Event button.png
    This will safeguard peace better than any Super-Battleship!
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is Major Power
    • does not have has_naval_treaty_trigger
    Event button.png
    Why would they restrict themselves like this?
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not Major Power
    • does not have has_naval_treaty_trigger
    Event button.png
    More money for the army, then.
    • None


    Dominions Break with the Crown"

    Representatives of the Dominion governments today announced that they will unilaterally be breaking ties with the Crown. They cite the King's flagrant disregard for the opinions and wishes of the Dominion governments and their peoples as the primary reason for why the British-Commonwealth relationship can no longer continue. This crisis, brought on by the King's intent to marry Wallis Simpson, has now resulted in the formation of a new Commonwealth of Nations with the various Dominions, and it seems that the present paralysis of the British government will preclude any action being taken in response to this move. This is undoubtedly what the Dominions have hoped for.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event button.png
    The Empire is in crisis.
    • None


    [Root.GetName] Declares Independence

    The [Root.GetAdjective] government today announced that they will unilaterally be breaking ties with the [ENG.GetAdjective] government. They cite their inability to reconcile their political views with the present political developments occurring in [ENG.GetName] as the primary reason for this.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event button.png
    The Empire is in crisis.
    • None


    Low Countries Unite

    Citing severe external threats to their national security, the governments of the Low Countries have announced the immediate unification of their governments and armed forces to strengthen the position of their peoples. Under [From.GetOldAdjective] leadership industrial investments and defensive military planning will now take precedence over other domestic matters, aimed at ensuring military readiness is sufficient to react to any action that might threaten the new state's sovereignty.

    • None

    (please describe trigger here)

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    All our peoples stand united to defend our homeland.
    • None

    Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

    • is not 荷兰的国旗 荷兰 or a Netherlands splinter nation
    Event button.png
    United again? Make up your minds!
    • None