
第287行: 第287行:
|<code>on_government_exiled = { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_government_exiled = { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|ROOT是该流亡国家, FROM is the country that is hosting the government in exile.
|ROOT是该流亡国家, FROM 是这个流亡政府所在的国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever a country that is hosting a government in exile has capitulated.
| 当流亡国家所在的国家投降时触发命令
|<code>on_host_changed_from_capitulation= { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_host_changed_from_capitulation= { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|ROOT is the government in exile, FROM is the new country hosting the government in exile, FROM:FROM is the old country that was hosting the government in exile.
|ROOT 是该流亡国家。  FROM 是流亡政府迁移到的新的国家。FROM:FROM 是该流亡政府之前所在的国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever a country has returned from governing in exile.
| 当一个流亡国家结束流亡时触发命令
|<code>on_exile_government_reinstated = { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_exile_government_reinstated = { effect = { = {...} }</code>
|ROOT is the government in exile, FROM is the country that was hosting the government in exile.
|ROOT 是该流亡国家, FROM 是该流亡政府曾经所在的国家
第312行: 第312行:
|Trigger the following commands when a state's controller changes.
| 当一个省份的控制者更改时触发命令
|<code>on_state_control_changed = { effect = { ... } }</code>
|<code>on_state_control_changed = { effect = { ... } }</code>
|ROOT is new controller, FROM is old controller, FROM.FROM is state ID.
|ROOT 是新控制者, FROM 旧控制者, FROM.FROM 是省份(state)ID.
第327行: 第327行:
|Trigger the following commands whenever the country is targeted by a wargoal under justification.
| 每当有国家对该国家正当化战争目标时触发命令
|<code>on_justifying_wargoal_pulse = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_justifying_wargoal_pulse = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.1 } }</code>
|FROM = target nation. Checked every day.
|FROM = 目标国家。每天都进行检测
|Trigger the following commands whenever a wargoal expire.
| 当战争借口过期时触发命令
|<code>on_wargoal_expire = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.301 } }</code>
|<code>on_wargoal_expire = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.301 } }</code>
|FROM is the wargoal owner.
|FROM 是战争借口的所有国
第348行: 第348行:
|Trigger the following commands when an army leader is created.
| 当招聘一个将领时触发命令
|<code>on_unit_leader_created= { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_unit_leader_created= { effect = {...} }</code>
|FROM is owner country, ROOT is the unit leader
|FROM 是该国家 ROOT 是该将领
|Trigger the following commands on an army leader each day.
| 每天对一位将领触发命令
|<code>on_army_leader_daily = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_army_leader_daily = { effect = {...} }</code>
|FROM is owner country.
|FROM 是该国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever an army leader won a combat.
| 当一名将领打赢一场战斗后触发命令
|<code>on_army_leader_won_combat = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_army_leader_won_combat = { effect = {...} }</code>
|FROM is owner country.
|FROM 是该国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever an army leader lost a combat.
| 当一名将领打输一场战斗后触发命令
|<code>on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = {...} }</code>
|FROM is owner country.
|FROM 是该国家
|Trigger the following commands when a leader gain a level.
| 当一名将领升级时触发命令
|<code>on_unit_leader_level_up = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_unit_leader_level_up = { effect = {...} }</code>
第378行: 第378行:
|Trigger the following commands whenever an army leader is promoted.
| 晋升将领时触发命令
|<code>on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = { add_timed_unit_leader_trait = { trait = recently_promoted days = 100 } } }</code>
|<code>on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = { add_timed_unit_leader_trait = { trait = recently_promoted days = 100 } } }</code>
第393行: 第393行:
|Trigger the following commands whenever an ace is created.
| 当产生王牌时触发命令
|<code>on_ace_promoted = { random_events = { 100 = ace_promoted.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_ace_promoted = { random_events = { 100 = ace_promoted.1 } }</code>
|FROM = ace.
|FROM = 王牌
|Trigger the following commands whenever an aces is killed.
| 当王牌阵亡时触发命令
|<code>on_ace_killed = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_ace_killed = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } }</code>
|FROM = ace.
|FROM = 王牌
|Trigger the following commands whenever our aces died on accident.
| 当王牌因事故而死时触发命令
|<code>on_ace_killed_on_accident = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_ace_killed_on_accident = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } }</code>
|FROM = our ace died in accident.
|FROM = 我们的因事故而死
|Trigger the following commands whenever non ace killed enemy ace.
| 当王牌击落敌军王牌时触发命令
|<code>on_non_ace_killed_other_ace = { FROM = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } } }</code>
|<code>on_non_ace_killed_other_ace = { FROM = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } } }</code>
|FROM = enemy ace.
|FROM = 敌军王牌
|Trigger the following commands whenever an aces is killed by another ace.
| 当王牌被敌军王牌击落时触发命令
|<code>on_ace_killed_by_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_by_ace.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_ace_killed_by_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_by_ace.1 } }</code>
|FROM = our ace, PREV = enemy ace, has killed FROM.
|FROM = 我们的王牌, PREV = 击落了 FROM 的敌军王牌.
|Trigger the following commands whenever an aces is killed by another ace (surviving ace side).
| 当我们王牌击落敌军王牌时触发命令
|<code>on_ace_killed_other_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_other_ace.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_ace_killed_other_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_other_ace.1 } }</code>
|FROM = our ace, PREV = enemy ace, killed by FROM.
|FROM = 我们的王牌, PREV = FROM 击落的敌军王牌.
|Trigger the following commands whenever two aces kill each other in air duel.
| 当两个王牌击落了彼此时触发命令
|<code>on_aces_killed_each_other = { random_events = { 100 = aces_killed_each_other.1 } }</code>
|<code>on_aces_killed_each_other = { random_events = { 100 = aces_killed_each_other.1 } }</code>
|FROM = ace, PREV = enemy ace.
|FROM = 王牌, PREV = 敌军王牌
第444行: 第444行:
|Trigger the following commands whenever an operative completed.
| 当行动完成即触发命令
|<code>on_operation_completed = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_operation_completed = { effect = {...} }</code>
|THIS - the operative, ROOT - the initiating country, FROM - the target country.
|THIS - 这场行动, ROOT - 行动发起国, FROM - 目标国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever an operative dies.
| 当参与行动的人员死亡时触发命令
|<code>on_operative_death = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_operative_death = { effect = {...} }</code>
|THIS - the operative, ROOT - the killer country (optional), FROM - the country the operative is operating for, FROM.FROM - operation state (will only be set if the operation has a specific selection_target).
|THIS - 这场行动, ROOT - 阻止这场行动的国家( 可选), FROM - 这场行动针对的国家, FROM.FROM - 行动省份 ( 在这场行动有特定目标时才能被设置).
|Trigger the following commands whenever an operative performing an offensive mission in a country.
| 当一个特工在一个国家执行任务时触发命令
|<code>on_operative_on_mission_spotted = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_operative_on_mission_spotted = { effect = {...} }</code>
|THIS - the operative, FROM - the country the operative was performing its mission in, ROOT - the country the operative is operating for.
|THIS - 这场行动, FROM - 特工所在的国家  ROOT- 行动所针对的国家
|Trigger the following commands whenever an operative is captured.
| 特工被捕时触发命令
|<code>on_operative_captured = { effect = {...} }</code>
|<code>on_operative_captured = { effect = {...} }</code>
|THIS - the operative, ROOT - the country the operative was performing its mission in, FROM - the country the operative is operating for.
|THIS - the 这场行动, ROOT - 特工所在的国家, FROM - 行动所针对的国家

2021年2月7日 (日) 16:57的版本


名称 描述 示范 注释 添加版本
on_startup 在新游戏的第一天触发(不包括保存与加载) on_startup = { effect = { ... } } 1.0
on_daily 每一天对每个国家触发(对性能要求高,要谨慎使用呀~) on_daily = { effect = { ... } } 对于给mod添加新机制很有用(比如说可以每天新增一个变量) 1.5.2
on_weekly 每周对每个国家触发 on_weekly = { effect = { ... } } 对于写ai的脚本很有用 1.9
on_weekly_TAG 每周对指定(TAG)的国家触发 on_weekly_TAG = { effect = { ... } } 1.9
on_monthly 每月对每个国家触发 on_monthly = { effect = { ... } } 1.9
on_monthly_TAG 每周对指定(TAG)的国家触发 on_monthly_TAG = { effect = { ... } } 1.9
on_nuke_drop 当有国家丢核弹时触发命令 on_nuke_drop = {effect = { set_global_flag = first_nuke_dropped } } 目标国(FROM)是被炸的省份 1.0
on_pride_of_the_fleet_sunk 当有国家的舰队荣耀被击沉时触发命令 on_pride_of_the_fleet_sunk = { effect = { ... } } 目标国(FROM)是击沉它的国家, 本国(ROOT) 是被击沉的国家 1.6
on_naval_invasion 当进行登陆作战时触发命令 on_naval_invasion = { effect = { ... } } 该省是被登陆的省份,本国( ROOT)是进行登陆的国家。目标(FROM)省份是该登陆行动开始的省份 1.9
on_paradrop 当伞兵空降时触发命令 on_paradrop = { effect = { ... } } 该(THIS)省是被空降的省份,本国( ROOT)是执行空降的国家。目标(FROM)省份是该空降行动开始的省份 1.9


名称 描述 示范 注释 添加版本
on_coup_succeeded 政变成功时触发命令 on_coup_succeeded = { effect = { random_other_country = { limit = { has_government = democratic original_tag = ROOT } set_politics = { elections_allowed = yes } } } } 1.0
on_government_change 当一个国家改变政府时触发命令 on_government_change = { effect = { ... } } 1.0
on_ruling_party_change 当一个国家改变意识形态时触发命令 on_ruling_party_change = { effect = { ... } } 1.9
on_new_term_election 当选举开始或正在选举时触发命令 on_new_term_election = { random_events = { 100 = usa.6 } } 1.0
on_peaceconference_ended 当和谈结束时触发命令 on_peaceconference_ended = { effect = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是战胜国, 目标国(FROM)是战败国 1.0


名称 描述 示范 注释 添加版本
on_send_volunteers 当一个国家向外国送志愿军时触发命令 on_send_volunteers = { effect = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是送志愿军的国家,目标国(FROM)是收志愿军的 1.9
on_border_war_lost 当有国家打输边境战争时触发命令 on_border_war_lost = { effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = china.14 } } } } 1.0
on_declare_war 当有国家宣战时触发命令 on_declare_war = { effect = { if = { limit = { ROOT = { tag = SOV } FROM = { has_idea = anti_soviet_pact } } } } } 目标(FROM)是战争目标 1.0
on_war 当一个国家参加战争时触发命令 on_war = { effect = { = {...} } #THIS is country that has just gotten into a war. 1.9
on_capitulation 当一个国家投降时触发命令 on_capitulation = { effect = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是停止抵抗国, 目标国(FROM)战胜国. 1.0
on_uncapitulation 当一个投降的国家结束投降状态时触发命令 on_uncapitulation = { effect = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是该国家 1.6
on_annex 当一个国家被吞并时触发命令 on_annex = { effect = { = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是吞并者, 目标国(FROM)是被吞并者。如果是内战结束那也会被触发 1.0
on_civil_war_end_before_annexation 在目标国(FROM)被吞并前就触发命令那么这个国家和它的一切将依然存在 on_civil_war_end_before_annexation = { effect = { = {...} } 本国(ROOT)是吞并者,目标国( FROM) 是被吞并者. 这也会触发 on_annex


on_civil_war_end 内战结束时触发命令 on_civil_war_end = { effect = { = {...} } 本国(ROOT) 是内战胜利的一方, 目标国(FROM) 是被吞并的一方。这也会触发on_annex. 1.0
on_puppet 只有当一个国家在和谈上被傀儡时触发命令 on_puppet = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT 是被傀儡国, FROM是宗主国 1.0
on_liberate 只有当一个国家在和谈上被解放时触发命令 on_liberate = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是被解放国, FROM 是解放它的国家 1.0
on_release_as_free 释放国家时执行命令 on_release_as_free = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是被释放的国家,FROM 是释放者 1.0
on_release_as_puppet 在和平时期通过占领区菜单释放傀儡或从占领的非核心领土上释放时触发命令 on_release_as_puppet = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是被释放国, FROM是宗主国 1.0
on_war_relation_added 当两个国家彼此交战时触发(on_war一国与另一国交战时被触发,在与另外一个国家交战时则不会再被触发,除非先停战了)

原文:fired when two countries end up at war with each other (on_war is fired when a country goes to war against anyone and is not fired again when it enters war against another country unless it went to peace first)

on_war_relation_added = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT 是进攻国, FROM 是防御国 1.9.3


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_create_faction 当一个国家创建一个阵营时触发命令 on_create_faction = { effect = {...} } FROM是加入该阵营的国家 1.0
on_faction_formed 当一个阵营形成时触发命令 on_faction_formed = { effect = { news_event = { id = news.159 } } } 1.0
on_offer_join_faction 当邀请一个国家加入阵营时触发命令 on_offer_join_faction = { effect = {...} } FROM是被邀请的国家 1.0
on_join_faction 当一个国家被邀请加入阵营时对该阵营领导国家触发命令 on_join_faction = { effect = {...} } FROM 是阵营领导者 1.0
on_assume_faction_leadership 当一个国家夺取阵营领导者时触发命令 on_assume_faction_leadership = { effect = {...} } FROM是前阵营领导者 1.6
on_leave_faction 当一个国家离开阵营时触发命令 on_leave_faction = { effect = { if = { limit = { AND = { tag = CAN NOT = { has_dlc = "Together for Victory" } } } drop_cosmetic_tag = yes } } 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_subject_annexed 当一个国家吞并了它的一个傀儡时触发命令 on_subject_annexed = { effect = { ... } } ROOT 是傀儡, FROM是宗主国 1.0
on_subject_free 当一个国家的傀儡成为自由国家时触发命令 on_subject_free = { effect = { ... } } ROOT是傀儡, FROM前宗主国. 1.0
on_subject_autonomy_level_change 当傀儡的自治等级改变时触发命令 on_subject_autonomy_level_change = { effect = { ... } } ROOT 是傀儡, FROM是宗主国 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_government_exiled 当一个国家进入流亡状态时触发命令 on_government_exiled = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是该流亡国家, FROM是这个流亡政府所在的国家 1.6
on_host_changed_from_capitulation 当流亡国家所在的国家投降时触发命令 on_host_changed_from_capitulation= { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是该流亡国家。 FROM是流亡政府迁移到的新的国家。FROM:FROM 是该流亡政府之前所在的国家 1.6
on_exile_government_reinstated 当一个流亡国家结束流亡时触发命令 on_exile_government_reinstated = { effect = { = {...} } ROOT是该流亡国家, FROM 是该流亡政府曾经所在的国家 1.6


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_state_control_changed 当一个省份的控制者更改时触发命令 on_state_control_changed = { effect = { ... } } ROOT是新控制者, FROM 旧控制者, FROM.FROM是省份(state)ID. 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_justifying_wargoal_pulse 每当有国家对该国家正当化战争目标时触发命令 on_justifying_wargoal_pulse = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.1 } } FROM = 目标国家。每天都进行检测 1.0
on_wargoal_expire 当战争借口过期时触发命令 on_wargoal_expire = { random_events = { 100 = war_justification.301 } } FROM是战争借口的所有国 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_unit_leader_created 当招聘一个将领时触发命令 on_unit_leader_created= { effect = {...} } FROM 是该国家 ROOT是该将领 1.5
on_army_leader_daily 每天对一位将领触发命令 on_army_leader_daily = { effect = {...} } FROM 是该国家 1.0
on_army_leader_won_combat 当一名将领打赢一场战斗后触发命令 on_army_leader_won_combat = { effect = {...} } FROM 是该国家 1.0
on_army_leader_lost_combat 当一名将领打输一场战斗后触发命令 on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = {...} } FROM 是该国家 1.0
on_unit_leader_level_up 当一名将领升级时触发命令 on_unit_leader_level_up = { effect = {...} } 1.0
on_army_leader_promoted 晋升将领时触发命令 on_army_leader_lost_combat = { effect = { add_timed_unit_leader_trait = { trait = recently_promoted days = 100 } } } 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_ace_promoted 当产生王牌时触发命令 on_ace_promoted = { random_events = { 100 = ace_promoted.1 } } FROM =王牌 1.0
on_ace_killed 当王牌阵亡时触发命令 on_ace_killed = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } } FROM =王牌 1.0
on_ace_killed_on_accident 当王牌因事故而死时触发命令 on_ace_killed_on_accident = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } } FROM = 我们的因事故而死 1.9
on_non_ace_killed_other_ace 当王牌击落敌军王牌时触发命令 on_non_ace_killed_other_ace = { FROM = { random_events = { 100 = ace_died.1 } } } FROM = 敌军王牌 1.9
on_ace_killed_by_ace 当王牌被敌军王牌击落时触发命令 on_ace_killed_by_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_by_ace.1 } } FROM = 我们的王牌, PREV = 击落了 FROM 的敌军王牌. 1.0
on_ace_killed_other_ace 当我们王牌击落敌军王牌时触发命令 on_ace_killed_other_ace = { random_events = { 100 = ace_killed_other_ace.1 } } FROM = 我们的王牌, PREV = 被 FROM击落的敌军王牌. 1.0
on_aces_killed_each_other 当两个王牌击落了彼此时触发命令 on_aces_killed_each_other = { random_events = { 100 = aces_killed_each_other.1 } } FROM = 王牌, PREV =敌军王牌 1.0


Name Description Examples Notes Version Added
on_operation_completed 当行动完成即触发命令 on_operation_completed = { effect = {...} } THIS -这场行动, ROOT -行动发起国, FROM - 目标国家 1.9
on_operative_detected_during_operation 当参与行动的人员死亡时触发命令 on_operative_death = { effect = {...} } THIS -这场行动, ROOT - 阻止这场行动的国家(可选), FROM - 这场行动针对的国家, FROM.FROM - 行动省份 (在这场行动有特定目标时才能被设置). 1.9
on_operative_on_mission_spotted 当一个特工在一个国家执行任务时触发命令 on_operative_on_mission_spotted = { effect = {...} } THIS - 这场行动, FROM -特工所在的国家 ROOT-行动所针对的国家 1.9
on_operative_captured 特工被捕时触发命令 on_operative_captured = { effect = {...} } THIS - the 这场行动, ROOT - 特工所在的国家, FROM - 行动所针对的国家 1.9
on_operative_death Trigger the following commands whenever an operative dies. on_operative_death = { effect = {...} } THIS - the operative, ROOT - the killer country (optional), FROM - the country the operative is operating for. 1.9
on_fully_decrypted_cipher Trigger the following commands whenever a country fully decrypts cipher of a target country. on_fully_decrypted_cipher = { effect = {...} } THIS - the target country that its cipher is decrypted, FROM - the decrypter country. 1.9
on_activated_active_decryption_bonuses Trigger the following commands whenever a country activates its active cipher bonuses against a target. on_activated_active_decryption_bonuses = { effect = {...} } THIS - the target country, FROM - the country that activates its bonuses. 1.9