

這是 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟的普通事件列表,文件位於/Hearts of Iron IV/events/SovietUnion.txt。有關寸步不退DLC的擴展事件,請移步蘇維埃聯盟-寸步不退DLC事件

id 1 - 10



滿洲國邊境的緊張局勢已經持續了一段時間,現在我們又收到蒙古國同志的報告,說日本人正在黑龍江集結部隊。退縮可能會被視為軟弱的表現 但如果我們以武力回擊,局勢可能會升級。你有什麼命令,托瓦利斯奇・科曼迪爾?

  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
  • 獲得陸軍經驗 陸軍經驗 +10
  • 失去在Amur (561)的人力人力 –30000 Local  :




  • None

Event button.png
Prepare a firing squad.
  • 失去政治點數 政治點數 –25
  • 獲得陸軍經驗 陸軍經驗 +5
  • Lose 人力 –20000 Local manpower in the state Amur (561):




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png



統治拉脫維亞的資產階級壓迫者選擇放棄一切理智。他們拒絕了我們慷慨的互助條約,並要求立即撤出在其邊境 「集結 」的所有蘇聯軍隊。

  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png

id 11 - 20




  • None

Event button.png



我們在芬蘭邊境集結的壓倒性兵力說服芬蘭政府接受了我們提出的修改邊境線的溫和要求。我們控制了 Karjala,列寧格勒的地位也更加穩固了。

  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
We will crush them in a few weeks.




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
  • None




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
  • 在以下地區獲得 5 級陸上要塞陸上要塞
    • 4 provinces in the states:
      • Odessa (192)
      • Kiev (202)
    • 3 provinces in the states:
      • Vitebsk (207)
      • Pskov (209)
    • 1 province in the states:
      • Minsk (206)
      • Nevel (210)
    • 2 provinces in the states:
      • Cherkasy (203)




  • 只能觸發一次
  • 時間晚於 1936.11.1
  • 中華民國的國旗 中華民國
    • 有意見修正 敵對
  • 50 days

Event button.png
Event button.png
  • 設立國家變量 CHI_no_national_front_flag




  • None

Event button.png
  • 失去對 中華民國的國旗 中華民國 的意見修正:
    • 敵對 (關係 –100 觀點)
  • 中華民國的國旗 中華民國 失去對 中華人民共和國的國旗 中華人民共和國 的意見修正:
    • 敵對 (關係 –100 觀點)
  • 禁止以下區域出現戰爭:
    • 四川 (605)
    • 河南 (607)
    • 湖北 (620)
    • 陝西 (622)
Event button.png
  • 設立全球變量 CHI_no_national_front_flag
  • 在 1 天內觸發國家事件 中共拒絕談判"




  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
  • None

id 21 - 30


Truce in Chinese Civil War

The negotiations in Xi'an have borne results. Both Nationalists and Communists have agreed to a truce, putting an at least temporary end to the hostilities and allowing the parties to cooperate against foreign threats.

  • None

Event button.png
There is hope for China yet.
  • None


Communist China Refuses Negotiations

Despite the best efforts of Kuomintang generals to achieve a truce with the Communist Party leaders, the communists refuse to make even a temporary peace as long as the leader of the Nationalists is alive. It appears that the hostilities will not end so easily.

  • None

Event button.png
At this rate, China's enemies may divide and conquer.
  • None


Soviet Union Cedes Land

The Soviet Union has other threats to worry about and does not wish to further increase hostilities with our Empire. As a sign of desiring peace between our nations, they have ceded some territory to us, hoping that this will strengthen our diplomatic ties.

  • None

Event button.png
Perhaps this can be a turning point.
  • Gain ownership of the state North Sakhalin (655)


The Fifth Column

The persecution of enemies of the people, those who would reverse or subvert the revolution, has been ongoing policy since the Party came to power. The internal power struggles that followed have shifted our focus, and purging the Party ranks themselves has been given more emphasis since Trotsky's exile. Stalin has made himself an icon, but at the cost of making many real enemies and innumerable imaginary ones.

Having seen the worst of internal power struggles, the General Secretary is prone to act on the slightest suspicion. Being purged from the Party means imprisonment or death. Dark times lie ahead for those who show disloyalty - or just a bit too much loyalty to seem credible.

  • None

Event button.png
Are Zinoviev and his ilk still in touch with Trotsky?
  • None


Trial of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center

Despite Leon Trotsky being forced into exile, Joseph Stalin fears that he has secret supporters within the party. A series of rapid arrests and brutal interrogations have yielded confessions and testimonies conveniently pointing to some of Stalin's rivals. However, the more questions are asked and the deeper the secret police delves into letters and journals, the more people are implicated, if indirectly.

Party members are beginning to believe that Stalin's absolute power and the death of his wife have isolated him to the point where he perceives anyone as a threat, but isn't that exactly what a traitor would say?

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
  • Focus Goal generic war with comintern.png The Great Purge is not completed
    • Focus progress is > 25%
  • 1 days

Event button.png
Kalinin's wife is suspected. He cannot be trusted either.
  • Set country flag purged_kalinin
  • Lose the advisor Mikhail Kalinin (Popular Figurehead)
    • National unity +15% National unity
Event button.png
Khrushchev dabbled with Trotskyism in the past. He must go.
  • Set country flag purged_khrushchev
  • Lose the advisor Nikita Khrushchev (Communist Revolutionary)
    • 共產主義 +10% Daily communism support
Event button.png
Radek's confession points to several people within the party.
  • Set country flag purged_party_members
  • Lose 政治點數 –75 Political power
Event button.png
Party members can be trusted. This paranoia must cease.
  • Set country flag no_political_purge


Secret Trial of the Generals

The Red Army has always been home to subversive elements, ever since Trotsky himself was Commissar of War. Documents acquired by the NKVD have implicated several high-ranking officers as not only traitors, but spies. Mikhail Tukhachevsky is among the most prominent of the suspects, and one Stalin is keen to rid the army of. Meanwhile, the navy's frequent contact with foreigners has led to many of them being arrested as well.

Although there are documents from our enemies proving their guilt, there is no telling if they fabricated them, or if they were given false information by those who wanted this purge in motion to begin with.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
  • Focus Goal generic war with comintern.png The Great Purge is not completed
    • Focus progress is > 50%
  • 1 days

Event button.png
Tukhachevsky must be tried in secret and executed immediately.
  • Set country flag purge_1_group_a
  • Lose the military leaders:
    • Alexander Yegorov (Army Defense expert)
      • +10% Division defense
    • Mikhail Frinovsky (Commerce Raiding specialist)
      • +10% Convoy raiding efficiency
    • Pyotr Smirnov (Naval Aviation specialist)
      • +4% Naval air agility from Carriers
      • +3% Naval air attacks from Carriers
      • +3% Naval air targeting from Carriers
    • Vasily Blücher (Army Maneuver expert)
      • +10% Divisions speed
  • Lose the theorist Mikhail Tukhachevsky (Mass Assault Expert)
    • 陸軍經驗 +5% Army experience gain
    • Mass Assault.png +10% Mass Assault category research bonus
Event button.png
Rokossovsky refuses to confess, but cannot be allowed to live.
  • Set country flag purge_1_group_b
  • Lose the military leaders:
    • Ivan Yumashev (Decisive Battle expert)
      • +10% Capital ship attack
      • +10% Capital ship armor
      • +10% Screen attack
      • +10% Screen defense
    • Kliment Voroshilov (Army Drill specialist)
      • –5% Division training time
    • Konstantin Rokossovsky (Armor genius)
      • +15% Armor attack
      • +15% Armor defense
    • Semyon Timoshenko (Army Reformer expert)
      • 陸軍經驗 +10% Army experience gain
    • Vladimir Kasatonov (Submarines expert)
      • +15% Submarine attack
      • +10% Submarine defense
Event button.png
False documents and forced confessions are not proof.
  • Set country flag purge_1_no_purge


Trial of the 21

After several rounds of arrests and trials, the Great Purge has weaved a narrative that led up to this trial. Among the accused are not only old leaders like Nikolai Bukharin, but a number of diplomats, politicians, military officials and even many high-ranking NKVD officers. The charges are also more extensive than previously, including decade-old plots to murder Soviet leaders and sell the Union to its enemies.

The fact that the NKVD themselves are now among the targets of the purge has in a sense brought the proceedings in full circle. Threats and beatings have led to many confessing to all charges, even the most outlandish ones. The leading defendants face execution.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
  • Focus Goal generic war with comintern.png The Great Purge is not completed
    • Focus progress is > 75%
  • 1 days

Event button.png
The navy and air force have been getting off easy so far.
  • Set country flag purge_2_group_a
  • Lose the advisor Nikolai Yezhov (Prince of Terror)
    • –25% Effect of partisans on us
    • –30% Foreign subversive activities efficiency
  • Lose the military leaders:
    • Alexander Novikov (Air Reformer genius)
      • 空軍經驗 +15% Air experience gain
    • Gordey Levchenko (Capital Ships expert)
      • +10% Capital ship attack
      • +10% Capital ship armor
    • Pavel Rychagov (All-Weather expert)
      • –20% Bad weather penalty
    • Yakov Smushkevich (Air Safety expert)
      • –10% Air accidents chance
Event button.png
As we suspected, enemies are everywhere.
  • Set country flag purge_2_group_b
  • Lose the military leaders:
    • Aleksandr Vasilevsky (Army Regrouping expert)
      • +8% Division recovery rate
    • Konstantin Vershinin (Ground Support expert)
      • +10% Air support
    • Nikolay Kuznetsov (Naval Reformer expert)
      • 海軍經驗 +10% Naval experience gain
    • Sergei Khudyakov (Close Air Support expert)
      • +3% Close air support agility
      • +3% Close air support attack
      • +3% Close air support defense
Event button.png
This has gone too far. Soon we will have killed all of our own.
  • Set country flag purge_2_no_purge


Trotsykist Coup

The world may never know if Stalin's paranoia was targeting the right people, or whether he made more enemies trying to exterminate every Trotsykist in the Party. What is known is that what he feared eventually came to pass. Today, Leon Trotsky reemerged as having returned from his exile, and with the support of several influential party members and NKVD officers, launched a coup overthrowing Stalin's rule.

The former General Secretary was attacked in his home with an ice axe, and was swiftly executed along with several of his supporters. Tearing down the cult of personality he built up will take time, but the people know now at least that he was not immortal.

One of the few survivors who managed to escape was Ivan Konev. The fierce supporter of Stalin has managed to gather some support and declared war on the Trotsky government, in an attempt to take back power and 'fulfill the vision of Comrade Stalin'.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
    • Country flag SOV_soviet.48_trotsky is set
  • 墨西哥的國旗 墨西哥 does not have Trotsky as a leader
  • 90 days

Event button.png
Leaders come and go, but the people remain.
  • Set country flag counter_purge
  • Lose the idea File:Trotskyite Plot?.png Trotskyite Plot?:
    • National unity –20% National unity
  • Lose the idea File:Trotskyite Plot Purged?.png Trotskyite Plot Purged?:
    • National unity –5% National unity
  • Replace current nation leader with:
    • Leon Trotsky (Permanent Revolutionary / 共產主義 Leninism)
      • –30% Subversive activities cost
      • +15% Justify war goal time
      • 政治點數 –15% Political power gain
  • Lose the advisors:
    • Mikhail Kalinin (Popular Figurehead)
      • National unity +15% National unity
    • Nikita Khrushchev (Communist Revolutionary)
      • 共產主義 +10% Daily communism support
    • Konstantin Rodzaevsky (Fascist Demagogue)
      • 法西斯主義 +10% Daily fascism support
  • Lose the theorists:
    • Georgy Zhukov (Mass Assault Expert)
      • 陸軍經驗 +5% Army experience gain
      • Mass Assault.png +10% Mass Assault category research bonus
    • Sergei Rudenko (Close Air Support Proponent)
      • 空軍經驗 +5% Air experience gain
      • Support battalions.png +10% Battlefield Support Doctrine research bonus
    • Sergey Gorshkov (Naval Theorist)
      • 海軍經驗 +5% Naval experience gain
      • Marine cropped.png +7% Naval Doctrine research bonus
  • Lose the military high command:
    • Arseniy Golovko (Amphibious Assault expert)
      • +10% Amphibious invasion speed
    • Ivan Konev (Concealment expert)
      • –10% Enemy Air Support
    • Pavel Zhigarev (Airborne Assault specialist)
      • +3% Paradrop agility
      • +1% Paradrop attack
      • +3% Paradrop defense
    • Stepan Krasovsky (Air Combat Training expert)
      • +10% Ace generation chance
  • Lose the unit leaders:
    • General Ivan Konev, (Panzer Leader), Skill 4
    • Admiral Arseniy Golovko, (Spotter), Skill 4
    • General Georghy Zhukov, (Winter Specialist, Panzer Leader), Skill 5
    • Admiral Sergey Gorshov, Skill 3
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (7) for Time 584 days:
    • –20% Division organization
    • –4% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Start civil war against 中立主義 Neutral party (18% size):
    • Splinter nation led by Ivan Konev (中立主義 Oligarchism)
    • Splinter nation gets the (original nation's) unit leaders of:
      • Field Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky, (Offensive Doctrine), Skill 4
      • General Konstantin Rokossovsky, (Panzer Leader), Skill 4
      • Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov, (Sea Wolf), Skill 2
      • General Semyon Timoshenko, Skill 3
      • Field Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, (Old Guard), Skill 1
      • Admiral Gordey Levchenko, Skill 2
      • General Aleksandr Vasilevsky, (Panzer Leader), Skill 4
      • General Georgy Zhukov, (Winter Specialist, Panzer Leader), Skill 5
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days
  • Trigger news event "Trotsky Returns to [SOV.GetNameDef]" in 6 hours


France wants to join the Comintern

Our comrades in Parti Communiste Francais have made great progress. The nation of France is ready to join the Comintern.

  • None

Event button.png
A welcome addition.
Event button.png
  • 法國的國旗 法國 gains opinion modifier towards 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟:
    • Rejected France joining Comintern (關係 –30 Opinion)


Demand Bessarabia

Romania cannot expect to withstand the might of the Red Army, if we send them a demand for our rightfully claimed land in Bessarabia they may just hand it over without a fight.

觸發條件 只觸發於
  • On justifying wargoal

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag bessarabia_demand

Event button.png
Send the ultimatum!
Event button.png
No, we'll pay the iron price!
  • None

id 31 - 40


Demand Karjala

Finland cannot expect to withstand the might of the Red Army, if we send them a demand for our rightfully claimed land in Karjala they may just hand it over without a fight.

觸發條件 只觸發於
  • On justifying wargoal

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag karjala_demand

Event button.png
Send the ultimatum!
Event button.png
No, we'll pay the iron price!
  • None


Oppress Estonia

Estonia cannot expect to withstand the might of the Red Army, if we send them a demand for basing rights and control of their border security we can effectively annex them without fighting.

觸發條件 只觸發於
  • On justifying wargoal

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag estonia_demand

Event button.png
Send the ultimatum!
Event button.png
No, we'll pay the iron price!
  • None


Oppress Latvia

Latvia cannot expect to withstand the might of the Red Army, if we send them a demand for basing rights and control of their border security we can effectively annex them without fighting.

觸發條件 只觸發於
  • On justifying wargoal

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag latvia_demand

Event button.png
Send the ultimatum!
Event button.png
No, we'll pay the iron price!
  • None


Oppress Lithuania

Lithuania cannot expect to withstand the might of the Red Army, if we send them a demand for basing rights and control of their border security we can effectively annex them without fighting.

觸發條件 只觸發於
  • On justifying wargoal

Immediate effects
  • Set country flag lithuania_demand

Event button.png
Send the ultimatum!
Event button.png
No, we'll pay the iron price!
  • None


[From.GetNameDef] seeks to join [SOV.GetNameDef]

Recent political turmoil in [From.GetName] has left their government with a strong vision for the future that aligns with our own. They have seen the good a powerful Soviet Union can do for the world and are willing to give everything for the Motherland.

  • None

Event button.png
Set it in motion.
Event button.png
The time is not right for such a move.
  • None


[From.GetName] wants our rule

Recent political turmoil in [From.GetName] has left their government with a strong vision for the future that aligns with our own plans. They seek our protection and offer their unconditional support. Officially they will continue as a nation of their own, but they will follow the Motherland in every move.

  • None

Event button.png
Another tool to aid our progress.
Event button.png
They will require too much protection.
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged:
    • –50% Division organization
    • –10% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (2) for Time 1314 days:
    • –45% Division organization
    • –9% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (2)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (2):
    • –45% Division organization
    • –9% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (3) for Time 1168 days:
    • –40% Division organization
    • –8% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War
    • Lose the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War:
      • +45% Division organization
      • +5% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (2):
      • +35% Division organization
      • +4% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (3)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (3):
    • –40% Division organization
    • –8% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (4) for Time 1022 days:
    • –35% Division organization
    • –7% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (4)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (4):
    • –35% Division organization
    • –7% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (5) for Time 876 days:
    • –30% Division organization
    • –6% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (2)
    • Lose the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (2):
      • +35% Division organization
      • +4% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (3):
      • +25% Division organization
      • +3% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None

id 41 - 50


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (5)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (5):
    • –30% Division organization
    • –6% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (6) for Time 730 days:
    • –25% Division organization
    • –5% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (6)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (6):
    • –35% Division organization
    • –7% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (7) for Time 584 days:
    • –30% Division organization
    • –6% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (3)
    • Lose the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (3):
      • +25% Division organization
      • +3% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (4):
      • +15% Division organization
      • +2% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (7)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (7):
    • –20% Division organization
    • –4% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (8) for Time 438 days:
    • –15% Division organization
    • –3% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (8)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (8):
    • –15% Division organization
    • –3% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (9) for Time 292 days:
    • –10% Division organization
    • –2% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (4)
    • Lose the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (4):
      • +15% Division organization
      • +2% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (5):
      • +5% Division organization
      • +1% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "Talented new officers" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Talented new officers

Our new officers are proving up to the task and are adapting to their new roles in the military high command. With a loyal officer corps in charge of our military [Root.GetLeader]'s purge seems to have some of the effect we hoped for. The Red Army is regaining its power and will soon be stronger than ever.

  • Has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (9)

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (9):
    • –10% Division organization
    • –2% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Gain the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (10) for Time 146 days:
    • –5% Division organization
    • –1% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • Get the country event "(Hidden) Great Patriotic War trigger" in 146 days

Event button.png
  • None


Great Patriotic War

Although we still have a lot of work left in rebuilding our military high command, the advancement of the [From.GetAdjective] army on our borders has sparked ingenuity and a patriotic will to fight within out new officer corps. We grow stronger with each blow we take as we prepare to rise up and strike back with all the might of the [Prev.GetName]. Every soldier is willing to throw down their lives and stand firm against our enemies. We expect this to greatly benefit the training and commitment of our new officers even after this war is won!

  • None

Immediate effects
  • If has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged or Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (2)
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War:
      • +45% Division organization
      • +5% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (3) or Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (4)
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (2):
      • +35% Division organization
      • +4% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (5) or Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (6)
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (3):
      • +25% Division organization
      • +3% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (7) or Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (8)
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (4):
      • +15% Division organization
      • +2% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine
  • If has the idea Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (9) or Officers Purged.png Officers Purged (10)
    • Gain the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (5):
      • +5% Division organization
      • +1% Research bonus in the fields:
        • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
        • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
        • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine

Event button.png
For the glory of the [Root.GetName]!
  • None


(Hidden) Great Patriotic War trigger

(This event is hidden and is used to trigger other events and/or effects.)

  • None

Immediate effects
  • Lose the idea Generic intel bonus.png Great Patriotic War (5):
    • +5% Division organization
    • +1% Research bonus in the fields:
      • Air Support.png Air Doctrine
      • Infantry cropped.png Land Doctrine
      • Marine cropped.png Naval Doctrine

Event button.png
(Hidden) Great Patriotic War trigger
  • None


The Permanent Revolution

Although countless people have been executed and imprisoned as traitors and counterrevolutionaries over the past years, leading positions have been largely safe. They have not been exempt from suspicion, however. With the creation of the Fourth International, Stalin appears posessed by the thought that those closest to him were never truly on his side. Those who try to gain his trust have further fueled this idea to cast themselves in a better light.

The current situation is one of exceptional irony: the distrust within the current administration has rendered it unsustainable, and a coup is now imminent. Some party members are arguing that reinviting Trotsky and turning the purges on the Stalinists could minimize the damage of the civil war that will ensue. Can this plan, which has been the General Secretary's greatest fear for years, truly be executed?

  • Can fire only once
  • Global flag SOV_fourth_international_fired is set
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
    • Is 共產主義 Communist
    • Focus Goal generic war with comintern.png The Great Purge is not completed
  • 90 days

Event button.png
  • Set country flag SOV_soviet.48_notrotsky
Event button.png
Communism in one country has failed. We need Trotsky.
  • Set country flag SOV_soviet.48_trotsky


The Second Russian Civil War

With Stalin's increasing paranoia, the Party and military have become divided. Those who have managed to earn his trust - at least temporarily - want to keep him in power and retain the cult of personality he has built up, but many others have been informally cut out of the loop. Some of them believe that Stalin's rule has failed, others suspect they are simply waiting for the day when the NKVD will find or make an excuse to have them arrested.

Together, they have formed a faction powerful enough to challenge the current administration. Their stated goal is to overthrow Stalin's tyranny and transition from a totalitarian state, with a board of military officers overseeing the process.

Stalin's supporters in the military and the Party have rallied to retain the current regime, calling their opponents counterrevolutionary traitors. A new civil war is at hand.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
    • Country flag SOV_soviet.48_notrotsky is set
  • 10 days

Event button.png
Death to the traitors!
  • Start civil war against 中立主義 Neutral party (50% size):
    • Splinter nation led by Andrey Vlasov (中立主義 Moderatism)
    • Splinter nation gets the (original nation's) unit leaders of:
      • 401
      • 402
      • 403
      • 404
      • 405
      • 406
      • 407
      • 408
      • 410
      • 411


Russian Liberation Army Founded

The foundation of the Fourth International has reawakened Stalin's fear of traitors in the Party and military command. Having seen the trials and executions in the Great Purge, many suspect another one is incoming. In response, a number of generals led by Andrey Vlasov have formed the Committee for the Liberation of the People of Russia, with the goal of overthrowing Stalin's regime before it can do any more damage.

Although the stated long-term goal is a transition to democracy, the exact form is unclear as of yet. All that is clear is that they intend to remove Stalin from power and end the rule of the Bolsheviks.

觸發條件 平均觸發時間
  • 90 days

Event button.png
They must be stopped!
  • Start civil war against 中立主義 Neutral party (30% size):
    • Splinter nation led by Andrey Vlasov (中立主義 Moderatism)
    • Splinter nation gets the (original nation's) unit leaders of:
      • 401
      • 402
      • 403
      • 404
      • 405
      • 406
      • 407
      • 408
      • 410
      • 411

id 51 - 100


NKVD Launch Coup

The foundation of the Fourth International has reawakened Stalin's fear of traitors in the Party and military command. Having seen the trials and executions in the Great Purge, many suspect another one is incoming. The NKVD, which has been a crucial tool in the purges, has also been acutely aware of the fact that the agency itself a potential target. Rather than waiting to be imprisoned, executed and replaced, its leaders have decided to strike first and launch a coup with support from the similarly concerned military officials.

However, despite its influential position, the NKVD has found it difficult to gain the trust of military leaders. The coup has only succeeded in gaining control of a limited area of the Union, but with the remnants of the old agency now facing certain execution, they are unlikely to surrender.

觸發條件 平均觸發時間
  • 90 days

Event button.png
They must be captured!
  • Start civil war against 中立主義 Neutral party (25% size):
    • Splinter nation led by Andrey Vlasov (中立主義 Moderatism)
    • Splinter nation gets the (original nation's) unit leaders of:
      • 401
      • 402
      • 403
      • 404
      • 405
      • 406
      • 407
      • 408
      • 410
      • 411


The Survivors' Coup

The foundation of the Fourth International has reawakened Stalin's fear of traitors in the Party and military command. Having seen the trials and executions in the Great Purge, many suspect another one is incoming. With so many gone, there are only a few under suspicion who managed to avoid execution. Having been brutally interrogated and in some cases imprisoned, they know very well that they will be the first victims of another purge. In an act of desperation, these generals have decided to attempt to overthrow Stalin's regime before this happens.

Although unlikely to succeed in the attempt, some survivors of the Great Purge have managed to seize control in some areas of the Union. The reign of the General Secretary has at the very least been destabilized.

觸發條件 平均觸發時間
  • 90 days

Event button.png
We must stabilize it as quickly as possible.
  • Start civil war against 中立主義 Neutral party (20% size):
    • Splinter nation led by Andrey Vlasov (中立主義 Moderatism)
    • Splinter nation gets the (original nation's) unit leaders of:
      • 401
      • 402
      • 403
      • 404
      • 405
      • 406
      • 407
      • 408
      • 410
      • 411


The Successful Purge

In the wake of the foundation of the Fourth International the hunt for Trotsky's supporters was intensified and several people close to Stalin were excecuted. Left with no one but himself, Stalin has retreated to his mansion. With every treacharous friend and family member finally dealt with he can now find some rest and focus fully on bringing glory to the Soviet Union.

觸發條件 平均觸發時間
  • 2 days

Event button.png
Time to hang up the axe.


Under New Leadership

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
With the waning power of the communist party, it has long been clear that the Stalinist system is unsustainable.

New forces have risen up to seize power, invoking Russian ideals to guide our country along a new path.

Symbolising this transition, [Root.GetLeader] has had Stalin deposed and placed in house arrest, far from the halls of power where he devised so many of his dangerous projects.

As a new Russian system grows to replace the decaying corpse of the Party, the secrecy, paranoia and political plotting of the old General Secretary is at an end.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟
    • Is not 共產主義 Communist
    • Does not have civil war
  • 1 days

Event button.png
A new dawn for Russian politics.


The Partitioning of Poland

Poland is ours, but the western parts fall under the [GER.GetAdjective] sphere of influence according to the stipulations of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Should we withdraw our forces and let the [GER.GetAdjective]s occupy this territory? Failure to do so would render our treaty void.

  • is 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 Soviet Union (tag=SOV)
  • has_global_flag = sov_yes_pact
  • 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 German Reich exists
  • is not at war with the German Reich

With an additional trigger condition checked below :

any_other_country :

  • either owning any of the listed states or controlling any of the listed states[1] while 波蘭的國旗 波蘭 Poland has capitulated while also being in a faction with 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 Soviet Union ( Soviet Union must be faction leader of said faction )
  • 1 days
Fires only once
  • Yes

Event button.png
Yes. Now is not the time to break treaties.
  • Honour the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as signed.
    • Checks conditions[2] through list[3] then transfers state ownership (if eligible) to the German Reich
    • Checks another set of conditions[4] through list[5] then transfers state ownership (if eligible) to the German Reich
  • 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 German Reich : gets the country event "Soviets honor the pact"
Event button.png
No! All of Poland belongs to the Motherland!
clr_global_flag = sov_yes_pact
  • loses the diplomatic relation "Non-aggression pact" towards the German Reich
  • 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 German Reich :
– Listed states[1]


Soviets honor the pact

In accordance with the treaty, the [SOV.GetAdjective]s have turned over the western parts of Poland to our administration. German troops have moved in to provide security.

  • None

Event button.png


If 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 German Reich controls the following states : Danzig [85], Poznan [86], Lodz [87]


Soviets violate the pact

Despite repeated assurances, the Soviets have so far not pulled back their troops, nor have they made any move to turn over the territories and return to the borders we have agreed on. It appears that they have no intention of following the treaty.

  • None

Event button.png
It was not even worth the ink!
  • 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 German Reich : gets a 戰爭目標 「Conquer (Focus)」 war goal against the Soviet Union


Communists relent

Due to the Soviet Union and ourselves being at war with a common enemy, they seem to have toned down support to our domestic communist parties.

觸發條件 平均觸發時間
  • 30 days

Event button.png
Glad to be rid of them!
  • Lose the idea Generic communism drift bonus.png Comintern influence:
    • 共產主義 +5% Daily communism support


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
    List of Polish Territories
    • Warszawa [10]
    • Danzig [85]
    • Poznan [86]
    • Lodz [87]
    • Krakow [88]
    • Kielce [90]
    • Lublin [92]
    • Plock [98]

  2. Logical Check (1)
    One of the following is to be checked true:
    • is controlled by 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 Soviet Union
    • any_other_country : controls the_state while in a faction with Soviet Union ( Soviet Union being said faction's leader )
  3. Territorial List (1)
    • Zaolzie [72]
    • Danzig [85]
    • Poznan [86]
    • Lodz [87]
    • Krakow [88]
    • Kielce [90]
    • Lublin [92]
    • Plock [98]

  4. Logical Check (2)
    • has_global_flag = poland_swap_danzig
    With an additional trigger condition checked below :
    • is controlled by 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 Soviet Union
    • any_other_country : controls the_state while in a faction with Soviet Union ( Soviet Union being said faction's leader )
  5. Territorial List (2)
    • Warszawa [10]
    • Western Slovakia [70]
    • Southern Slovakia [664]
    • Western Slovakia [70]