

指揮官特質會改變指揮官的技能, 強化他們在具體場景下的表現, 改變他們獲取的經驗值或產生其他效應.




名稱 個人修正 修正 能力 等級能力因數 標註
Old Guard.png 保守派 -25% 經驗獲取 +1 最大塹壕
Brilliant Strategist.png 天才的戰略家 +1 進攻
+1 計劃
+1 進攻
+1 計劃
Inflexible Strategist.png 不靈活的戰略家 +1 防禦
+1 後勤
+1 防禦
+1 後勤
Politically Connected.png 政治關聯 -10% 經驗獲取
-50% 晉升花費
+1 計劃
+1 後勤
War Hero.png 戰爭英雄 -50% 晉升花費
+50% 重新任命所需時間
+1 進攻
+1 計劃
Career Officer.png 職業軍官 -25% 晉升花費 +1 計劃
+1 後勤
Cautious.png 謹慎 -20% 計劃速度
-50% 受傷幾率
+1 防禦
+1 後勤
Reckless.png 魯莽 +20% 計劃速度
+50% 受傷幾率
+1 進攻
-1 防禦
+1 計劃
Media Personality.png 媒體人物 +100% 重新任命所需時間 +1 攻擊
+1 防禦
Harsh Leader.png 嚴厲將領 -10% 組織度恢復 +1 進攻 +1 進攻
+1 後勤
Bearer of Artillery.png 炮兵搬運工 火炮進攻: +15% 僅在通過我們可愛的戰熊沃伊泰克從不會落下任何一筐東西事件獲得的佛伊泰克身上出現
Infantry Officer.png 步兵軍官 +1 防禦
+1 計劃
+100% 陸軍將領經驗獲取
Cavalry Officer.png 騎兵軍官 +1 進攻
+1 後勤
+100% 騎兵將領經驗獲取
Armor Officer.png 裝甲軍官 +1 進攻
+1 計劃
+100% 裝甲將領經驗獲取



名稱 經驗獲取 僅限將領生效 修正 備註
Organizer.png 組織專家 使用戰鬥計劃 計劃速度:+10%
Panzer Leader.png 裝甲指揮官 裝甲比例 > 40.00% 裝甲部隊速度:+5%
+2 進攻能力
Cavalry Leader.png 騎兵指揮官 騎兵部隊或摩托化或機械化率 > 40% 騎兵進攻:+15%
Engineer (trait).png 工兵指揮官 在要塞或跨河修正中戰鬥 河流地形進攻: +10.0%
要塞地形進攻: +10.0%
Infantry Leader.png 步兵指揮官 步兵比例 > 80% 步兵部隊防禦:+13%
Invader.png 侵襲指揮官 兩棲入侵 兩棲入侵速度:+30.00%
Commando.png 特戰指揮官 至少下列之一為真:
溫度低於 -15
溫度高於 27
Trickster.png 詭謀指揮官 側翼進攻或者被側翼進攻 偵查:+25%
Skilled Staffer.png 優秀參謀輔佐 控制有超過 24 支部隊 將領最大領導數量:+6 +2 後勤能力
Desert Fox.png 沙漠之狐 DesertDesert地形戰鬥 DesertDesert
Swamp Fox.png 沼澤之狐 MarshMarsh地形戰鬥 MarshMarsh
Hill Fighter.png 丘陵專家 HillsHills地形戰鬥 HillsHills
Mountaineer.png 山地專家 MountainMountain地形戰鬥 MountainMountain
Urban Assault Specialist.png 巷戰專家 UrbanUrban地形戰鬥 UrbanUrban
Ranger.png 林地遊俠 ForestForest地形戰鬥 ForestForest
Jungle Rat.png 叢林之鼠 JungleJungle地形戰鬥 JungleJungle
Winter Specialist.png 凜冬悍將 溫度低於 -10 冬季損耗: −50.00%


除了初始將領, 以下特質必須有DLC喚醒勇虎喚醒勇虎 才可用, 並且是手動分配的. 許多特質使指揮官擁有指揮點數技能(也是本DLC另一個特色). 分配一個特質需要花費15指揮點數Command power.png.

[20230107: 大部分將領/元帥似乎只能分配3個可分配特質]


Trait Prerequisites Effect
Logistics Wizard.png 後勤奇才 擁有 組織專家 補給消耗: −15%
解鎖能力: 額外補給
Fast Planner.png 快速計劃者 擁有 組織專家
沒有 全面規劃者
計劃速度: +25%
Thorough Planner.png 全面規劃者 擁有 組織專家
沒有 快速計劃者
計劃加成上限: +10%
Unyielding Defender.png 不屈的防守者 擁有 不靈活的戰略家
沒有 凌厲的進攻者
防禦: +10%
增加執行 反擊 戰術的幾率
Aggressive Assaulter.png 凌厲的進攻者 擁有 天才的戰略家
沒有 不屈的防守者
突破: +10%
增加執行 突擊 and 衝擊 戰術的幾率
Offensive Doctrine.png 進攻大師 沒有 防守大師 移動中組織度損失: −30%, 進攻技能 +1
Defensive Doctrine.png 防守大師 沒有 進攻大師 塹壕上限: +30%
Organization First.png 組織至上 增援率: +2%
Charismatic.png 魅力非凡 部隊組織度恢復: +10%
Expert Delegator.png 知人善任大師 擁有 優秀參謀輔佐 將軍集團軍群最大規模: +2


Trait Prerequisites Effect
Panzer Expert.png Panzer Expert Has trait Panzer Leader
Does not have trait Combined Arms Expert
Armor Division Defense: +10.00%
Increased chance of executing Blitz and Encirclement tactics
Combined Arms Expert.png 協同作戰專家 Has trait Panzer Leader
Does not have trait Panzer Expert or Cavalry Expert
Motorized Defense: +15.00%
Mechanized Defense: +15.00%
Increased chance of executing Blitz and Encirclement tactics
Cavalry Expert.png Cavalry Expert Has trait Cavalry Leader
Does not have trait Combined Arms Expert
Cavalry Defense: +10.00%
Fortress Buster.png Fortress Buster Has trait Engineer
Does not have trait Scavenger
Attack: +15.0%
Enables Ability: Siege Artillery
Scavenger.png Scavenger Has trait Engineer
Does not have trait Fortress Buster
Equipment Capture Ratio Gain: +3.0%
Infantry Expert.png Infantry Expert Has trait Infantry Leader
Does not have trait Ambusher
Infantry Division Attack: +10.00%
Ambusher.png Ambusher Has trait Infantry Leader
Does not have trait Infantry Expert
Max Entrenchment: +5.0
Recon Bonus While Entrenched: +25.0%
Amphibious (trait).png Amphibious Has trait Invader Extra Marine Supply Grace: +240.0 Hour(s)
Enables Ability: Naval Assault Plan
Naval Liason.png Naval Liaison Has trait Invader Shore Bombardment Bonus: +25.0%
Skirmisher.png Skirmisher Has trait Commando Enables Ability: Probing Attack
Paratroopers (trait).png Paratroopers Has trait Commando Extra Paratrooper Supply Grace: +240.0 Hour(s)
Enables Ability: Glider Planes
Camouflage Expert.png Camouflage Expert Has trait Commando Damage Reduction Against CAS: +50.0%
Air Support (CAS) Bonus in Combat: -50.0%
Improvisation Expert.png Improvisation Expert Has trait Trickster
At Least 1 Terrain Trait
Movement Bonus On Land: +10%
Enables Ability: Makeshift Bridges
Guerilla Fighter.png Guerilla Fighter Has trait Trickster Entrenchment Speed: +50%
Adaptable (trait).png 強於適應 已擁有兩個地形特質。 削弱地形懲罰: +30.00%
(全部其他地形修正疊加之後再適用該修正, not applied to terrain features)
Cold acclimation gain factor: +0.1
Hot acclimation gain factor: +0.1
Winter Expert.png Winter Expert Assignable when has trait Winter Specialist Cold acclimation gain factor: +0.2


Personality Traits

These traits can not be gained through experience. Conversely they are the only traits that can appear on newly hired admirals.

Trait Effect
Old Guard.png Old Guard −25% Leader experience gain
Media Personality.png Media Personality +10% Fleet Attack and Defense if commanding the Pride of the Fleet
Career Officer.png Career Officer +10% Commander Experience Gain
Bold.png Bold Naval Speed: +10%
Damage: +5.00%
Caustic Personality.png Caustic Personality Number of ships in the first contact: -25%
Naval Lineage.png Naval Lineage Number of ships in the first contact: +25%
Retreat Decision Chance: -25%
Gentlemanly.png Gentlemanly Navy Organization: +15
Enemy Retreat Chance: +20.00%
Battleship Adherent.png Battleship Adherent Naval AA attack: -20.00%
Capital Ship Attack: +10.00%
Gunnery Expert.png Gunnery Expert Ironside experience factor: 50%
Aviation Enthusiast.png Aviation Enthusiast Air Controller experience factor: 50%
Cuts Corners.png Cuts Corners Damage: +20.00%
Defense: -10.00%
Chief Engineer.png Chief Engineer Chance to Receive Critical Hit: -5.0%
Craven.png Craven Retreat Decision Chance: +25%
Damage: -5.00%

Earned Traits

Trait Effect Experience gained while XP required
Sea Wolf.png Sea Wolf +20% Submarine Attack More than 80% submarines in fleet. 700
Blockade Runner.png Blockade Runner +20% Retreat decision chance
+15% Fleet speed while retreating
+5% Convoy speed while retreating
Bravely retrating in the face of overwhelming force. 500
Superior Tactician.png Superior Tactician +25% Positioning Having the advantage in combat. 500
Spotter.png Spotter +10% Spotting speed Spotting the enemy. 500
Fly swatter.png Fly swatter +10% Naval AA attack Fighting enemy air units. 300
Ironside.png Ironside +10% Capital Ship Armor Commanding or fighting Capital Ships. 500
Air Controller.png Air Controller +10% Sortie efficiency
+10% Naval Air Targeting from Carriers
Has carrier with air wings on a mission or carrier has air wings in combat it is a part of. 500
Trait admiral fleet protector.png Fleet Protector +20% Screening efficiency More than 50% screening vessels in fleet. 500
Trait admiral arctic waters expert.png Cold Water Expert Attrition: -8% While weather is Arctic Water 1000
Trait admiral inshore fighter.png Inshore Fighter Fjords and Archipelagos:
Movement: +10%
Attack: +10%
Defense: +10%
Fighting on terrain: Fjords and Archipelagos 1000
Trait admiral blue water expert.png Blue Water Expert Deep Oceans:
Movement: +10%
Attack: +10%
Defense: +10%
Fighting on terrain: Deep Oceans 1000
Trait admiral green water expert.png Green Water Expert Shallow Sea:
Movement: +10%
Attack: +10%
Defense: +10%
Fighting on terrain: Shallow Sea 1000

Assignable Traits

Admirals may get traits assigned if they have the prerequisite earned traits. Assigning traits cost 15 Command power.pngcommand power. There is however no experience requirement for these traits. The maximum of assignable traits depends on the admiral's level.

Trait Effect Prerequisite Trait Exclusive with
Trait admiral silent hunter.png Silent Hunter Torpedo Reveal Chance: -15% Sea Wolf Lancer
Trait admiral torpedo expert.png Torpedo Expert Torpedo Hit Chance +10% Silent Hunter or
Lancer or
Destroyer Leader
Trait admiral lancer.png Lancer Torpedo Screen Penetration +25% Sea Wolf or
Fleet Protector
Silent Hunter
Trait admiral loading drill master.png Loading Drill Master Torpedo Cooldown -25% Silent Hunter or
Lancer or
Destroyer Leader
Trait admiral destroyer leader.png Destroyer Leader Destroyer Visibiliy: -10%
Damage: +10%
Torpedo hit chance: +10%
Fleet Protector -
Trait admiral hunter killer.png Hunter-Killer Submarine Attack: +10%
Submarine Detection: +20%
Destroyer Leader -
Trait admiral cruiser captain.png Cruiser Captain Heavy Cruiser Naval Speed: +10%
Damage +10%
Light Cruiser Naval Speed: +10%
Damage: +10%
Flyswatter -
Trait admiral search pattern expert.png Search Pattern Expert Spotting Speed: +20% Cruiser Captain -
Trait admiral lone wolf.png Lone Wolf Enemy Fleet Size Penalty: +10% Superior Tactician or
Blockade Runner
Concealment Expert
Trait admiral smoke screen expert.png Smoke Screen Specialist Retreat Decision Chance +25% Lone Wolf or
Concealment Expert
Trait admiral concealment expert.png Concealment Expert Visibility -20% Superior Tactician or
Blockade Runner or
Lone Wolf
Trait admiral mine sweeper.png Mine Sweeper Naval minesweeping efficiency: +25%
Naval mines avoidance: +25%
Blockade Runner or
Mine Layer
Trait admiral mine layer.png Mine Layer Naval minelaying efficiency +25% Blockade Runner or
Mine Sweeper
Trait admiral flight deck manager.png Flight Deck Manager Sortie Efficiency: +10% Air Controller -
Trait admiral fighter director.png Fighter Director Fighters sortie efficiency; +20% Flight Deck Manager Torpedo Bomber and
Dive Bomber
Trait admiral dive bomber.png Dive Bomber Close air support (Carrier) Air Mission Efficiency: +10%
Air Attack: +10%
Flight Deck Manager Fighter Director and
Torpedo Bomber
Trait admiral torpedo bomber.png Torpedo Bomber Naval bomber (Carrier) Air Mission Efficiency: +10%
Air Attack: +10%
Flight Deck Manager Fighter Director and
Dive Bomber
Trait admiral big guns expert.png Big Guns Expert Capital Ship Attack: +15% Ironside -
Trait admiral marksman.png Marksman Chance to score Critical hit: +10% Big Guns Expert Crisis Magician
Trait admiral safety first.png Safety First Chance to Receive Critical Hit: -25% Ironside -
Trait admiral crisis magician.png Crisis Magician Effects of sustained Critical Hits: -50% Safety First Marksman
Trait admiral ground pounder.png Ground Pounder Shore Bombardement Bonus: +25% Ironside -

hoi4fr:Trait de commandant