

Operatives are field agents capable of carrying out espionage under an intelligence agency. Similar to commanders, they have their own names, portraits, and can gain experience and traits through missions and operations.

Gaining operatives

情報機構建立後,解鎖單個特工槽,通過升級5個機構, 可以獲得一個額外的特工槽。獲得更多的特工槽可以雇用一個"Illusive Gentleman"顧問,或成為一個陣營的間諜主管。




Operatives may start out with any of the following traits, as well as earn new ones via performing missions and completing operations.

Innate Traits

These traits cannot be gained through experience and can only appear on freshly hired operatives or through special circumstances.

Trait Effect Notes
Double Agent.png Double Agent Bonus to operating in country of origin This trait appears on captured operatives who defect to another country
Safe Cracker.png Safe Cracker +25% Capture Cipher effectiveness
−25% Steal Blueprints risk
+25% Steal Blueprints effectiveness
Seducer.png Seducer −20% Own operative detection chance factor
+25% Infiltration effectiveness
−25% Infiltration risk
Tough.png Tough −50% Enemy operative intel extraction rate

Earnable Traits

Operatives may also appear with these traits to begin with.

Trait Effect Experience gained via XP required
Commando Operative.png Commando +25% Targeted Sabotage efficiency
−10% Own operative detection chance factor
+25% Capture Cipher effectiveness
−25% Capture Cipher risk
−25% Sabotage risk
Any mission or operation after the Commando Training upgrade is unlocked 600
Demolition Expert.png Demolition Expert +25% Targeted Sabotage efficiency
+25% Strengthen Resistance efficiency
−25% Sabotage cost
Sabotage Industry
Sabotage Infrastructure
Sabotage Resources
Escape Artist.png Escape Artist −10% Rescue Operative cost
−10% Rescue Operative risk
Escaping operations successfully N/A (chance-based)
Infiltrator.png Infiltrator +25% Infiltration effectiveness
−25% Infiltration risk
Infiltrate Air Force
Infiltrate Army
Infiltrate Civilian Administration
Infiltrate Navy
Make Resistance Contacts
Rescue Operative
Linguist.png Linguist Increased chance to acquire target nationality on completion of an operation Operations in other countries 400
Master Interrogator.png Master Interrogator +0.20 Counter intelligence Counter Intelligence
Root Out Resistance
Natural Orator.png Natural Orator +20% Boost Ideology mission effects
−25% Stage Coup cost
−25% Stage Coup risk
Boost Ideology
Well Groomed.png Well Groomed +20% Control Trade mission effects
+20% Diplomatic Pressure mission effects
Control Trade
Diplomatic Pressure

List of Operatives

While most operatives are randomly generated, there are a few predefined operatives nations can hire.

Name Traits Nationality
Alexander Radó Natural Orator.png Natural Orator 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 匈牙利王國的國旗 匈牙利王國
Diana Rowden 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國
Dusko Popov Double Agent.png Double Agent 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國 德意志國的國旗 德意志國 南斯拉夫的國旗 南斯拉夫
Eleysa Bazna Infiltrator.png Infiltrator 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
Gilbert Renault 法國的國旗 法國
Jeannie Rousseau Linguist.png Linguist 法國的國旗 法國
Josephine Baker Well Groomed.png Well Groomed 美利堅合眾國的國旗 美利堅合眾國
Juan Pujol Double Agent.png Double Agent 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
Kim Philby Double Agent.png Double Agent Infiltrator.png Infiltrator 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國
Krystyna Skarbek Commando Operative.png Commando Seducer.png Seducer 波蘭的國旗 波蘭
Maurizio Giglio 意大利的國旗 意大利
Nancy Wake Escape Artist.png Escape Artist 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國
Nikolaus Ritter Safe Cracker.png Safe Cracker 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
Noor Inayat Khan 英屬印度的國旗 英屬印度
Odette Samson Tough.png Tough 法國的國旗 法國
Otto Skorzeny Commando Operative.png Commando 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
Patrick Leigh Fermor Tough.png Tough Commando Operative.png Commando 聯合王國的國旗 聯合王國 希臘王國的國旗 希臘王國
René Joyeuse Infiltrator.png Infiltrator 法國的國旗 法國
Richard Sorge Well Groomed.png Well Groomed 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 德意志國的國旗 德意志國
Roman Czerniawski 波蘭的國旗 波蘭
Ruzi Nazar Tough.png Tough Commando Operative.png Commando 土耳其的國旗 土耳其 蘇維埃聯盟的國旗 蘇維埃聯盟 哈薩克斯坦的國旗 哈薩克斯坦
Takeo Yoshikawa 日本的國旗 日本
Virginia Hall Demolition Expert.png Demolition Expert 美利堅合眾國的國旗 美利堅合眾國
Vladimir Zaimov Infiltrator.png Infiltrator Commando Operative.png Commando 保加利亞的國旗 保加利亞
Yoshiko Kawashima 滿洲國的國旗 滿洲國 日本的國旗 日本 中華民國的國旗 中華民國