

This is a list of all events relating to political affairs (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/PoliticalEvents.txt).

id 1 - 10


Communism on the Rise

'While workers rise up against their oppressors around the world, those who claim to have achieved class consciousness in [Root.GetName] sit idly by and wait for change to come from within a political system so thoroughly corrupt, only revolution could save us from it!'

So speak new voices in the [Root.GetAdjective] communist movement. Referring to the rule of [Root.GetRulingParty] as a dictatorship of the bourgeois, they have begun calling for it to be brought out of power by any means necessary. Whether those means will come from within or without remains to be seen.

  • is not 共产主义 communist.
  • 共产主义 communist support is between 60% and 70%
  • has selected focus to switch to 共产主义 communism

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 30 days

Option conditions
Event button.png
We need a referendum.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • 共产主义 Communism set to be the ruling party
  • elections no longer allowed
Event button.png
This will blow over.

# If ideological support continues to rise, this may lead to a full-blown civil war!


Class Conflicts Divide [Root.GetName]

The communist revolutionary movement, once a fringe popular among radical academics in theory and troublemakers in practice, has seen increased support among the [Root.GetAdjective] working class. The fact that even more people choose to identify themselves with a 'class' at all implies that Marxist ideas are spreading beyond those who actively seek to overthrow the government.

[Root.GetRulingParty] members lament this development, longing for a time when '[Root.GetAdjective]' was what people identified as first and foremost. Their concerns are not unfounded. It could be argued that a revolution is already underway, occurring on several levels of society, and it may be too late to stop it.

  • has chosen a political advisor with trait "Communist Revolutionary"
  • is not 共产主义 communist.
  • communist party popularity is between 20% and 60%

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 共赴胜利 "Together for Victory" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • is not 英属印度的国旗 英属印度
  • is independent British Raj (free from Britsh rule)

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 炮手就位 "Man the Guns" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 365 days
  • factor = 0.5
  • has_country_flag = communism_popular_movement

Event button.png
The people may call themselves whatever they want.
  • +5 % 共产主义 communist party popularity
  • −5% 稳定度 stability


Soldiers Desert to Communist Partisans

'Capitalists and nationalists would have you spill your blood for them on the front lines, turning brother against brother over disputes that do not concern the working man! Instead of taking up arms against workers who struggle abroad, raise them against the oppressors and overthrow the tyrants!'

The army, usually a bastion of patriotism and loyalty, has proven not to be immune to the communist propaganda spreading rapidly in [Root.GetName]. Soldiers are deserting, refusing to fight for their country, sometimes going as far as joining partisan movements that claim to be preparing for revolution.

  • has chosen a political advisor with trait "Communist Revolutionary"
  • is not 共产主义 communist.
  • communist party popularity is between 30% and 60%
  • does not have the national spirit “Communist Partisans RecruitingGeneric communism drift bonus.png

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 共赴胜利 "Together for Victory" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • is not 英属印度的国旗 英属印度
  • is independent British Raj (free from Britsh rule)

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 炮手就位 "Man the Guns" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 365 days
  • factor = 0.5
  • has_country_flag = communism_popular_movement

Event button.png
Perhaps they are merely fighting for a different [Root.GetName].
  • +5 % communist party popularity
  • gets the national spirit:
Communist Partisans Recruiting icon
Communist Partisans Recruiting

  • –0.20 % Recruitable Population
+0.05 Daily Communism Support


Fascism on the Rise

'The [Root.GetAdjective] people have been subjected too long to the incompetent rule of [Root.GetRulingParty]! They claim to represent the people, but fail to even keep our streets in order! Only by removing them from power can we make this nation grow!'

The fascist speakers in [Root.GetName] have made no secret of what they think of our current rulership and political system. Speeches like these have tapped into a public dissent that is particularly pronounced in the more conservative sections of the military.

  • triggers only once
  • Is not 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • 法西斯主义 Fascist support is between 60% and 70%
  • has selected focus to switch to 法西斯主义 fascist
  • does not have both:
    • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or a Spanish splinter nation
    • 抵抗运动 La Resistance DLC
  • 30 days

Event button.png
We need a referendum.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • 法西斯主义 Fascism set to be the ruling party
  • elections no longer allowed
Event button.png
This will blow over.

# If ideological support continues to rise, this may lead to a full-blown civil war!

id 11 - 20


Fascist Assault Divisions Form

The political and the martial have always been intertwined in fascism. In parallel with its growing political movement, fascist parties have begun to form paramilitary organizations to protect against both internal and external threats, the internal threats being their political opponents. Although many people find this development worrying, the wave of militaristic furor has led to an increased amount of volunteers joining our armed forces.

The political leaders of the movement have pointed out that their opponents have reason to be afraid. Having the army permeated on several levels by so explicitly political elements, the enemies of [Root.GetName] and the enemies of fascism are beginning to look very much alike.

  • has hired a political advisor with trait "Fascist Demogogue"
  • Is not 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • fascist party popularity is between 30% and 60%
  • does not have the national spirit “Fascist Assault DivisionsGeneric fascism drift bonus.png

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 共赴胜利 "Together for Victory" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • is not 英属印度的国旗 英属印度
  • is independent British Raj (free from Britsh rule)

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 炮手就位 "Man the Guns" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 365 days
  • factor = 0.5
  • has_country_flag = fascism_popular_movement

Event button.png
Only traitors to the country have anything to fear.
  • +5 % fascist party popularity
  • gets the national spirit:
Fascist Assault Divisions icon
Fascist Assault Divisions

  • +0.05 Daily Fascist Support
  • +0.02 % Recruitable Population
  • –5 % 稳定度 stabilty


The Threat of Communism

[Root.GetLeader] would have you believe [Root.GetName] stands safe and united. It is no surprise such lies have poisoned the minds of our people, when a snake is coiled up next door! Look no further than across our border to see countrymen having turned on each other in the name of communism, declaring the end of nations. How long until they declare our nation dead as well? Will the [Root.GetRulingParty] protect us from this threat?'

The growth of the fascist movement in [Root.GetName] has been bolstered by the proximity of the communist revolution. Many moderates who might normally dismiss fascism as another misguided ideological experiment find this to be a very real concern for them as well. Given the choice between the communism of our neighbors and a fascist regime, they would admittedly prefer the latter. They might even be willing to actively support it.

  • has hired a political advisor with trait "Fascist Demogogue"
  • Is not 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • fascist party popularity is between 25% and 60%
  • a neighbouring country is 共产主义 communist.
  • 365 days
  • has_country_flag = fascism_popular_movement
  • factor = 0.5

Event button.png
We will be the vanguard against the red threat!
  • +10 % fascist party popularity


[Root.GetRulingParty] Debates Democracy

Surprisingly, the call for more referendums and less repressive measures against opponents of the regime has received some support in internal party discussions. While [Root.GetRulingParty] leadership remains skeptical, several influential members have supported a shift.

Perhaps they have confidence that little will change in practice, or perhaps they are secretly traitors to the party cause, as many of their opponents would have it. Regardless, if the public call for such changes should come, some of the leaders of [Root.GetName] are ready to compromise.

  • only fires once
  • Is not 民主主义 Democratic
  • 民主主义 democratic support is between 60% and 70%
  • has selected focus to switch to democratic

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 30 days

Event button.png
We need a referendum.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • 民主主义 democratic set to be the ruling party
  • elections are allowed
Event button.png
This will blow over.

# If ideological support continues to rise, this may lead to a full-blown civil war!


Democratic Opposition Forming

Relaxing the restrictions on what sort of anti-[Root.GetRulingParty] propaganda can be spread publicly has, predictably, lead to an increase in public expressions of dissent. Organized demonstrations and pamphlets are so far found mostly in academic institutions and some of [Root.GetName]'s more unfortunate areas, but there is little doubt that the movement is spreading.

The nation's leaders are torn over the issue. [Root.GetLeader], who maintains an iron grip on party leadership, has little desire to diversify public debate. The first steps have already been taken, however, and there may be no turning back.

  • has chosen a political advisor with trait "Democratic Reformer"
  • Is not 民主主义 Democratic
  • does not has_country_flag = democracy_opposition_formed
  • is fully independant / is not a puppet
  • 民主主义 democratic support is <60%
  • 300 days
  • factor = 0.5
  • has_country_flag = democracy_popular_movement

Event button.png
The movement appears to grow naturally in the absence of repression.
  • +5% democratic party popularity
  • −5% 稳定度 stability
  • set_country_flag = democracy_opposition_formed


Public Call for Elections

The demonstrations of public dissent which were once confined to limited areas are now widespread. While people gather in the streets, the [Root.GetRulingParty] finds itself at a crossroads. If we continue allowing this propaganda to spread, the referendums suggested both from within the party itself as well as the opposition may show that we do not have the support of the public. The unity we have strived for is giving way to a plurality of opinions, united against us.

  • has chosen a political advisor with trait "Democratic Reformer"
  • Is not 民主主义 Democratic
  • has_country_flag = democracy_opposition_formed
  • does not have the national spirit “Democratic Opposition Voicing ProtestsGeneric democratic drift bonus.png
  • 150 days

Event button.png
Even if reform is happening, we must show our strength by suppressing this defiance.
  • None
Event button.png
Let the people be heard.
  • –20 政治点数 Political power
  • gets the national spirit:
Democratic Opposition Voicing Protests icon
Democratic Opposition Voicing Protests

  • –50 % Political Power Gain
  • +0.05 Daily Democratic Support


Fascists Demand Referendum

The rapidly growing [Root.GetAdjective] fascist movement has never claimed that they need majority support before they seize power, counting on uniting the nation under their leadership once their rule is established. However, it seems their public support has grown rapidly. Many fascists are now calling [Root.GetLeader] a hypocrite, claiming to represent the wishes of the people while in reality turning a deaf ear to the masses.

The call for a referendum has been dismissed as typical attempts at disrupting the system by [Root.GetRulingParty] members so far, but at least it's a political measure. If we do not act now, the fascists may choose the violent struggle as a better path to power.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
If the people want it, we'll hold the referendum.
  • Ruling party ideology changes to 法西斯主义"Fascism"
  • Elections are not allowed
  • −5% 稳定度 stability


Communists Demand Referendum

Marxist ideas took root in [Root.GetName] a long time ago, but have gained much more widespread support lately. The movement has spread outside political theory and into political practice, with disgruntled workers and even some high-profile celebrities voicing support. The communists call this class consciousness. The [Root.GetRulingParty] call it a fast track to riots and treason.

Showing little faith in [Root.GetLeader] being willing to implement the reforms they demand, the more vocal communists have called for an immediate referendum to have the current government removed. While we might be able to reverse the momentum of this mass movement, failure to do so will doubtlessly result in the more popular communist method of removal: Revolution.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: ↓必须满足下列条件之一:

Event button.png
The referendum is preferable to a bloody revolt.
  • Ruling party ideology changes to 共产主义 "Communism"
  • Elections are not allowed
  • −5% 稳定度 stabilty


Democrats Demand Referendum

Unsurprisingly, the idea of the people ruling the nation they inhabit can easily grow very popular among the people. The [Root.GetRulingParty], of course, sees the idea of democracy as represented by these movements - freedom of speech, public elections, free press - merely populist rhetoric meant to weaken [Root.GetLeader]'s government.

However, there is no denying those ideas have taken hold among the [Root.GetAdjective] population. In true democratic fashion, they call for a public referendum on replacing the current regime. Although currently easy to ignore, these ideas have a way of growing very persistent. What will happen to us if we make peaceful revolution impossible?

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
If we accept the referendum, perhaps we can preserve our legacy.
  • Ruling party ideology changes to "Democratic"
  • Elections are allowed and held
  • −5% 稳定度 stability
  • IF overthrown government is 法西斯主义 Fascist:
    • for 730 days, gets the national spirit:
Fascism Defeated icon
Fascism Defeated
  • National unity +10 % National Unity
Democracy has triumphed over totalitarian fascism, and democratic parties are united against this old threat.
  • IF overthrown government is 共产主义 Communist:
    • for 730 days, gets the national spirit:
Communism Defeated icon
Communism Defeated
  • National unity +10 % National Unity
Democracy has triumphed over totalitarian communism, and democratic parties are united against this old threat.

id 21 - 30


Fascists March on [Root.Capital.GetName]

Having been refused their referendum, almost a token attempt at seizing power legally, the fascists have used their significant public support and connections in the [Root.GetAdjective] military to attempt a coup. The [Root.GetRulingParty] government has refused their terms and claims it is going to fight to the end to preserve [Root.GetName] as we know it.

  • Fascist party popularity is >70%
  • number of controlled states > 1
  • government is not 法西斯主义 fascist
  • is not in a civil war
  • has selected focus to switch to 法西斯主义 fascism

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 2 days

Immediate effects
  • remove the national spirit “Fascist RevolutionariesGeneric fascism drift bonus.png

Event button.png
We will stop them at any cost!
  • Civil war starts with 法西斯主义 Fascist at 50%
Event button.png
The fascists carry the true spirit of [Root.GetName]!
  • Ruling party ideology switches to 法西斯主义 "Fascism"
  • Civil War starts with old ruling party at 50%
Event button.png
We need a referendum.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • 法西斯主义 Fascism set to be the ruling party
  • elections no longer allowed


Communists Rise Up

After their request for a referendum was denied, the few reformers of the communist movement in [Root.GetName] rapidly lost influence to the more radical elements. With the [Root.GetRulingParty]'s refusal to acknowledge the public support for the suggested reforms, the romantic view of the revolution gradually grew more widespread and the leaders of the movement become those who could most easily start a riot. Those riots have now erupted into a full-scale civil war, with the future of the nation at stake.

  • Communist party popularity is >70%
  • number of controlled states > 1
  • government is not 共产主义 communist
  • is not in a civil war
  • has selected focus to switch to 共产主义 communist

↓One of the following must also be checked true:

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 炮手就位 "Man the Guns" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 2 days

Immediate effects
  • remove the national spirit “Communist RevolutionariesGeneric communism drift bonus.png

Event button.png
We won't allow them to ruin our country!
  • Civil War starts with 共产主义 communism at 50%
Event button.png
The fire of the revolution must be extinguished with the blood of the oppressors!
  • Ruling party ideology switches to 共产主义 Communist
  • Civil War starts with old ruling party at 50%
Event button.png
We need a referendum.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • 共产主义 Communism set to be the ruling party
  • elections no longer allowed


The [Root.GetAdjective] Spring

After their attempt at a public referendum to institute democracy was refused, the people behind the suggestion have dismissed the [Root.GetLeader] regime as incorrigible. A broad coalition of rebel groups, united by their common goal of instituting more representative political systems in [Root.GetName], have taken up arms and announced that they will not rest until the [Root.GetRulingParty] is overthrown.

  • Democratic party popularity is >70%
  • number of controlled states > 1
  • government is not 民主主义 democratic
  • is not in a civil war
  • has selected focus to switch to 民主主义 democratic

↓One of the following must also be checked true:

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • 2 days

Immediate effects
  • removes the national spirit “Democratic RevolutionariesGeneric democratic drift bonus.png

Event button.png
Spare us from this mob rule!
  • Civil War starts with 民主主义 democratic forces at 50%
Event button.png
At long last, [Root.GetName] is free!
  • Ruling party ideology switches to 民主主义 Democracy
  • Civil War starts with old ruling party at 50%
  • IF former government's ideology is 法西斯主义 Fascist:
    • gets the national spirit:
Fascism Defeated icon
Fascism Defeated
  • National unity +10 % National Unity
Democracy has triumphed over totalitarian fascism, and democratic parties are united against this old threat.
  • IF former government is 共产主义 Communist:
    • gets the national spirit:
Communism Defeated icon
Communism Defeated
  • National unity +10 % National Unity
Democracy has triumphed over totalitarian communism, and democratic parties are united against this old threat.
Event button.png
If we accept the referendum, perhaps we can preserve our legacy.
  • -100 政治点数 political power
  • Ruling party ideology changes to "Democratic"
  • Elections are allowed and held


Fascists Ridiculed

The [Root.GetAdjective] people's infatuation with nationalistic pride and attempts to revive the glories of the past appears to have passed. A rude awakening for its ardent supporters, whose uniforms, militaristic posturing and over-the-top speeches are now more commonly the subject of mockery than sympathies.

Once considered a threat to the [Root.GetRulingParty] power base, [Root.GetAdjective] fascism is now increasingly seen as an absurd, extremist position and an attack on the most fundamental values of our nation, the very nation they claim to hold in such high regard. The word seems more suited as an insult than a political designation.

  • Fascist party popularity is <30%
  • has the national spirit “Fascist RevolutionariesGeneric fascism drift bonus.png
  • 2 days

Event button.png
What a bunch of clowns.
  • removes the national spirit “Fascist RevolutionariesGeneric fascism drift bonus.png


Communist Fad Blows Over

Many communists had predicted that [Root.GetName] was going to be the next nation to fall to the so-called international revolution, but after a few months of strikes and red flags in the streets, the movement seems to have died down. The working class, the supposed driving force of the revolution, has more pressing concerns than overthrowing [Root.GetLeader] and seem decidedly unimpressed with how well these revolutions have played out elsewhere. Meanwhile, the intellectuals who wrote passionate calls for slitting the throats of the oppressors have turned out to be surprisingly reluctant to instigate anything that might actually upset their comfortable lifestyle.

Talk of the revolution will likely continue, whether over cheap beers or expensive wines, but it will likely be talk and nothing more.

  • Communist party popularity is <30%
  • has the national spirit “Communist RevolutionariesGeneric communism drift bonus.png
  • 2 days

Event button.png
What a bunch of hypocrites.
  • removes the national spirit “Communist RevolutionariesGeneric communism drift bonus.png


Democratic Movement Goes Silent

After a few months of loud opposition against [Root.GetLeader]'s regime, calling for public elections and more liberal laws on freedom of assembly and speech, the movement seems to have fallen apart. People now express more concern about the stability of [Root.GetName] if such reforms were to take place, with those who clamor for democracy being seen more as troublemakers than everything else.

More mysteriously, many of the leading figures of the movement appear to have gone missing or stopped their work suddenly. Perhaps some of them chose to go into exile when they saw the failure of their efforts. Regardless, the [Root.GetRulingParty] government denies all knowledge and involvement.

  • Democratic party popularity is <30%
  • has the national spirit “Democratic RevolutionariesGeneric democratic drift bonus.png
  • 2 days

Event button.png
What a bunch of quitters.
  • removes the national spirit “Democratic RevolutionariesGeneric democratic drift bonus.png


[Root.GetLeader] Abandons Neutral Foreign Policy

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
After [Root.GetRulingParty]'s recent rise to power, [Root.GetLeader] announced that [Root.GetName] would no longer keep its Neutral Foreign Policy.

'The world has become tangled and complex. We are no longer safe on our own. We must stand with our fascist partners against our enemies. If we do not choose a side, we will perish alone.'

  • has the national spirit “Neutral Foreign PolicyNeutral Foreign Policy.png

↓One of the following must also be checked true:

  • Is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • Is 共产主义 Communist
  • 2 days

Event button.png
For the future of [Root.GetName].
  • removes the national spirit “Neutral Foreign PolicyNeutral Foreign Policy.png


[Root.GetNameDef] Reunited

The end of the terrible civil war that has devastated our land draws to an end, and we have finally reached a political agreement. We now see eye to eye with our fellow [Root.GetAdjective]s, and together we will rebuild our great nation. The enemies that have sought to capitalize on our infighting must now face a united [Root.GetAdjective] state.

The new [Root.GetRulingIdeology] [Root.GetName] will never be divided again!

  • is not a subject
  • does not have ENG_communist_civil_war
  • any other countries is:
    • not ROOT
    • is a splinter nation of ROOT
    • is not a subject
    • has same government as ROOT

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓All of the following must not be true:

  • is 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or a Spanish splinter nation
  • flag SPR_scw_in_progress is set

An additional trigger condition to be checked, if 抵抗运动 "La Resistance" DLC is enabled:
↓One of the following must not be true:

  • is 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 or a Portugal splinter nation
  • flag SPR_portuguese_anarchism_flag is set
  • 2 days

Event button.png
United at last!
  • Country's territory and military reunifies