News events LaR

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This is a list of all events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/LAR_NewsEvents.txt).

id 1 - 10


Nationalist Victory in the Spanish Civil War

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
After a long and grueling civil war, the Nationalists, united under Francisco Franco, have finally defeated their Republican enemies and secured full control over Spain. Though isolated pockets of Republican troops continue to wage a guerrilla war that may well hamper the exertion of local Nationalist control in previously Republican areas, it is unlikely further coordinated resistance of any significance will materialize.

As the nation focuses on rebuilding its warn-torn cities and industry, it remains to be seen what effects the Nationalists' ideological amalgamation will have on their foreign policy, and whether the generous foreign military aid they received will be repaid.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Immediate effects
  • if:
    • either 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国 or 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙
    • if:
      • completed focus SPA_supremacy_of_the_communion
      • not global flag SPR_carlist_uprising_flag
    • then:
      • clear country flag and set to SPR_carlist_spain_flag
      • if game rule spr_fragmentation_status is SPR_EU4
        • set cosmetic tag = SPR_carlist_castille
      • else:
        • set cosmetic tag = SPR_carlist_spain
      • set party name = SPR_neutrality_party
      • if have not completed focus SPA_head_the_junta_nacional
        • create country leader "Manuel Fal Conde"
        • retired every unit leader with trait_SPA_flangist_loyalties and remove trait
        • remove trait from every unit leader with trait_SPA_carlist_loyalties
        • -35% 法西斯主义 fascist support
    • delete units and templates "Guarnición Nacionalista"
    • delete units and templates "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
    • delete units and templates "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
    • if not 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙
      • delete units and templates "Requeté Carlista"
    • if 西班牙国的国旗 西班牙国
      • every state with state flag of SPR_core_of_spain_flag
      • Gibralter(118)
      • if completed focus SPA_unify_the_nationalist_front
        • completed if not completed focus SPA_caudillo_of_spain
      • if completed focus SPA_the_phalanx_ascenant
        • completed if not completed focus SPA_suspend_the_constitution
      • if completed focus SPA_the_phalanx_ascenant
        • completed if not completed focus SPA_establish_the_directory
    • if 卡洛斯派西班牙的国旗 卡洛斯派西班牙
      • every state with state flag of SPR_core_of_spain_flag
      • Gibralter(118)
      • if completed focus SPA_supremacy_of_the_communion and do not have global flag SPR_carlist_uprising_flag
        • set country flag to SPR_carlist_spain_flag
        • set cosmetic tag to SPR_carlist_spain
        • set party name to SPR_neutrality_party
        • -35% 法西斯主义 fascist popularity
        • -10% 稳定度 stability
      • completed if not completed focus SPA_head_the_junta_nacional
    • every state with SPR_sided_with_republicans_flag
      • remove core of ROOT and start_resistance
    • remove idea SPA_deaath_before_surrender
    • add timed idea SPA_recovering_from_civil_war for 1825 days
    • remove if exists idea SPA_foreign_training_staff
    • remove if exists idea SPA_a_methodical_approach
    • remove from following states unplanned_offensive
      • Madrid(41), Catalonia(165), Western Aragon(166), Valencia(167), Murcia(168), Sevilla(169), Extremadura(170), Galicia(171), Navarre(172), Granada(173), Leon(174), Ciudad Real(175), Burgos(176), Salamanca(788), Cordoba(789), Asturias(790), Vallodolid(791), Basque Country(792), Guadalajara(793), and Eastern Aragon(794)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A victory we can approve of.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
These fanatics continue to live in the middle ages...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An excellent outcome!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An interesting development.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An unfortunate outcome.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
¡La guerra ha terminado!

# Disbands the divisions from template "Guarnición Nacionalista", "División de la Guardia de Asalto", and "Brigada de la Guardia Civil". If not Carlist Spain disbands the divisions from template "Requeté Carlista".

Every state that sided with republicans will start resistance and you will lose core on.

removes ideas, if they exist SPA_a_methodical_approach or SPA_foreign_training_staff.

Added idea SPA_recovering_from_civil_war for 1825 days


Republican Victory in the Spanish Civil War

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
After a long and grueling civil war, the Second Republic has finally defeated their Anarchist and Nationalist enemies and secured full control over Spain. Though isolated pockets of Nationalist troops continue to wage a guerrilla war that may well hamper the exertion of local Republican control in previously Nationalist areas, it is unlikely further coordinated resistance of any significance will materialize.

Against all the odds, and relying on minimal Soviet aid, the Spanish Republic was able to maintain its democratic integrity while beleaguered both by internal and external enemies. As the nation focuses on rebuilding its warn-torn cities and industry, it remains to be seen what a democratic Spain will do in the current world crisis.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Immediate effects
  • if 没有结果 or 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国
    • if completed focus SPR_regional_defense_council_of_aragon and do not have global flag SPR_anarchist_uprising_flag
      • change country flag to SPR_anarchist_spain_flag
      • change cosmetic tag to SPR_anarchist_spain
      • set ruling party to 中立主义 neutral
      • set party name to SPR_communism_independent_party
      • create country leader "Julián Gorkin"
      • create country leader "Anarchist Commune"
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_republican_loyalties removes trait and retires
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties removes trait and retires
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties removes trait
      • -100% 法西斯主义 fascist popularity
      • -15% 共产主义 communist popularity
      • if 民主主义 democratic support is > 1%
        • 100% 民主主义 democratic popularity
    • if completed focus SPR_hinder_nkvd_interference and do not have flag SPR_anarchist_uprising_flag
      • change country flag to SPR_anarchist_spain_flag
      • change cosmetic tag to SPR_anarchist_spain
      • set ruling party to 中立主义 neutral
      • set party name to SPR_communism_independent_party
      • create country leader "Julián Gorkin"
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_republican_loyalties removes trait and retires
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_stalinist_loyalties removes trait and retires
      • every unit with trait trait_SPR_anti_stalinist_loyalties removes trait
      • -100% 法西斯主义 fascist popularity
      • -5% 共产主义 communist popularity
      • if 民主主义 democratic support is > 1%
        • 100% 民主主义 democratic popularity
    • if 没有结果 and completed focus SPR_regional_defense_council_of_aragon
      • set global flag SPR_anarchist_victory_timer_flag for 365 days
    • delete units and templates "Guarnición Republicana"
    • delete units and templates "División de la Guardia de Asalto"
    • delete units and templates "Brigada de la Guardia Civil"
    • delete units and templates "Carabineros"
    • delete units and templates "Brigada Popular"
    • delete units and templates "Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales"
    • delete units and templates "Brigada Anarquista"
    • if 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国
    • every state with SPR_sided_with_nationalist_flag
      • remove core of ROOT and start_resistance
    • remove idea SPA_death_before_surrender
    • add timed idea SPA_recovering_from_civil_war for 1825 days
    • remove if exists idea SPA_anarchist_public_transport
    • remove if exists idea SPA_the_maximum_concession
    • remove if exists idea SPA_international_brigades
    • remove if exists idea SPA_soviet_military_advisors
    • remove from following states unplanned_offensive
      • Madrid(41), Catalonia(165), Western Aragon(166), Valencia(167), Murcia(168), Sevilla(169), Extremadura(170), Galicia(171), Navarre(172), Granada(173), Leon(174), Ciudad Real(175), Burgos(176), Salamanca(788), Cordoba(789), Asturias(790), Vallodolid(791), Basque Country(792), Guadalajara(793), and Eastern Aragon(794)
    • if completed focus SPR_expand_soviet_aid

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • 没有结果 exists
  • is not 没有结果 or Spanish splinter nation
  • 没有结果 has completed focus SPR_regional_defense_council_of_aragon
Event button.png
This 'victory' cannot be allowed to last!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • 没有结果 exists
  • is not 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation
  • 没有结果 has completed focus SPR_hinder_nkvd_interference
  • is not 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟
  • is not 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥 and has country leader "Leon Trotsky"
  • is not:
  • is 共产主义 communist government
Event button.png
An intriguing alternative to the entrenched forms of communism.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
At least they aren't Stalin's lackeys.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • 没有结果 exists
  • is not 没有结果 or Spanish splinter nation
  • 没有结果 has completed focus SPR_hinder_nkvd_interference
  • is one of:
Event button.png
This travesty of communism cannot be allowed to flourish!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An impressive victory!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
At least it wasn't the Fascists who won.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The best possible outcome.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • 西班牙共和国的国旗 西班牙共和国 exists
  • is not 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation
  • 没有结果 has completed either focus:
    • SPR_the_stalinist_doctrine
    • SPR_expand_soviet_aid
  • is not 共产主义 communist government
  • is not:
Event button.png
The [SOV.GetAdjective] influence over [SPD.GetNameDef] is concerning...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An unfortunate outcome.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
¡La guerra ha terminado!

# Disbands the divisions from template "Guarnición Republicana", "División de la Guardia de Asalto", and "Brigada de la Guardia Civil", "Carabineros", "Brigada Popular", "Brigada de Juventudes Sindicales", and "Brigada Anarquista".

Every state that sided with nationalists will start resistance and you will lose core on.

removes ideas, if they exist SPA_death_before_surrender, SPR_the_maximum_concession, SPR_international_brigades, SPR_soviet_military_advisors or SPA_anarchist_public_transport.

Added idea SPA_recovering_from_civil_war for 1825 days.

if Anarchist Spain and completed SPR_regional_defense_council_of_aragon added idea SPR_anarchist_victory_timer_flag for 365 days.


The Congress of Paris

Following extensive negotiations between the representatives of [FRA.GetNameDef], [ITA.GetNameDef], [POR.GetNameDef] and [SPA.GetNameDef], the Congress of Paris has resolved to redraw the borders of Africa, with [FRA.GetLeader] calling the result "the greatest success of French diplomacy in written history".

The governments of other colonial powers were quick to dennounce the agreement, calling it "a threat to peace and good order in the continent".

With the agreement assigning vast tracts of land to countries that don't yet own them, it is unlikely that the plan drawn up in Paris can be implemented without bloodshed.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • capital is on African continent
  • is not in a faction with 法国的国旗 法国
Event button.png
They will be coming for us soon.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Time to redraw the borders of Africa.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not any:
  • capital is on African continent
  • is in a faction with 法国的国旗 法国
Event button.png
A new division for the continent.
  • None


French Government returns to Paris

After negotiations at the highest level, [GER.GetLeader] today announced that the German military administration of northern France would soon come to an end, and the territories returned to full French sovereignity. In return, [VIC.GetLeader] announced that his government had joined the Pact of Steel.

German troops currently defending those areas will for the moment remain, until they can be replaced by French troops. More controversial questions, like the status of Alsasce-Lorraine, were not discussed, and by all appearances the territory has remained under German administration.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We welcome our brothers in arms!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
So their honor can be bought so cheaply?
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The question of legitimacy appears to be settled.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
'A' French Government. Not 'the' French Government.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We are back where we belong.
  • None


The Stresa Front ratified

Despite the inital setback and disagreements over the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the leaders of [This.GetStresaMembers] have come together to turn the agreements reached in April of 1935 into a formal pledge of alliance.

As part of the negotiations, [This.GetStresaConcessions] While the leaders of this new alliance claim that the agreement is simply aiming to maintain the peace in Europe, many diplomats agree that it was primarily intended to constrain Germany.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
When Italy speaks, the world listens.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our alliance grows stronger.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The circle around Germany closes.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our southern flank is secured.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Italy is as reliable an ally as ever.
  • None


France realigns her Foreign Policy

President [FRA.GetLeader] has announced a major shift in French foreign policy, including a thorough review of strategic alliances and political guarantees made by previous administrations.

In particular, the web of alliances tying France to countries in Eastern Europe will be "under scrutiny", which many observers take to mean that it will be dissolved.

Leaders in [POL.GetNameDef], [CZE.GetNameDef] and [ROM.GetNameDef] have so far refused to comment on the issue or on any possible reactions.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We were betrayed again.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Are we next?
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
What are the French planning?
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We won't get dragged into another war through some stupid alliance.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are wisely staying out of things that do not concern them.
  • None


The Franco-German Pact

[FRA.GetLeader] and [GER.GetLeader] have met in Berlin to discuss the political and strategic situation in Central Europe. While details from the meeting are scarce, and no official communiqué has been released, observers have noted a clear shift in [FRA.GetAdjective] and [GER.GetAdjective] rhetoric and policy towards the Benelux countries.

Where the German minority in Belgium was once a constant drumbeat for German propaganda, it is now only mentioned in passing, while noting that Belgium is "an artificial construct, not a nation; merely a collection of nations thrown together haphazardly" and putting great emphasis on the large French-speaking population.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We must see to our defenses!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
France asserts itself.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The small nations of Europe tremble.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Time to redraw the borders of Europe.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A sensible solution between sensible nations.
  • None


[FRA.GetLeader] claims the Throne of France

In a ceremony in [This.GetFrenchCoronationCity], [FRA.GetLeader] has officially been proclaimed [This.GetFrenchRoyalTitle].

His rise is widely considered a direct result of the inability of the Third Republic to provide political stability in an environment that was increasingly defined by violent clashes between those on the extreme ends of the political spectrum. He now faces the difficult task of rebuilding and reuniting a deeply divided country, with many observers pointing to the role the far-right leagues played in his ascent to power as a sign that the "[This.GetFrenchRoyalTitle]" is, in fact, merely a ruler by the grace of the right-wing mob.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • if completed any focus:
    • HUN_proclaim_the_restoration_of_austria_hungary
    • ENG_god_save_the_king
    • GER_return_of_the_kaiser
    • ROM_his_majestys_loyal_government
    • SPA_restore_the_monarchy
    • SAF_a_king_for_our_people
    • HOL_the_only_man_in_the_dutch_government
Event button.png
Another nation returns to the natural order of things.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 共产主义 communist
Event button.png
They will have another revolution soon enough.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 民主主义 democratic
Event button.png
A return to days thought long gone.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is any of:
    • government is 法西斯主义 fascist
    • is both government is 中立主义 neutral and has not completed any of focus:
      • HUN_proclaim_the_restoration_of_austria_hungary
      • ENG_god_save_the_king
      • GER_return_of_the_kaiser
      • ROM_his_majestys_loyal_government
      • SPA_restore_the_monarchy
      • SAF_a_king_for_our_people
      • HOL_the_only_man_in_the_dutch_government
      • is 法国的国旗 法国
Event button.png
That's the wrong kind of absolute ruler!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Long live [FRA.GetLeader]!
  • None


French Communists Take Power

Following a long period of political and economic reforms, the communist ministers in the Popular Front government today demanded that the remaining ministers of the center either step down and acknowledge the Communist Party as the sole party of government, or join the Communist Party immediately.

At the same time, armed workers from a number of large, government-owned factories moved to occupy strategic locations around the country. The army, under orders from Paris, has remained in the barracks and refused to intervene.

By nightfall, the Communist coup was complete and the new government had secured power.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 中立主义 neutral
Event button.png
The radicals have taken over.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 共产主义 communist
  • is not 法国的国旗 法国
Event button.png
The final French Revolution.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 民主主义 democratic
Event button.png
They have avoided fascism by choosing the worst possible alternative.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is 法西斯主义 fascist
Event button.png
Another threat rises in Europe.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Revolution is victorious!
  • None


Carlist Uprising in Spanish Civil War

Wary of being increasingly sidelined and having their influence over the Nationalist Front more and more curtailed, the Carlist forces under Manuel Fal Conde have renounced their affiliation with the Nationalist cause. Declaring their own, independent insurrection, Carlist Requetés, predominantly in the north of the country, have turned on their erstwhile allies, while at the same time continuing the fight against their Republican enemies.

The effects on their military position in the civil war are being downplayed by the Nationalist leadership, but it is evident that the current chaos presents ample opportunity to the Republicans.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They will have to take us seriously now!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Their short-sightedness is jeopardizing our war!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is better than we could have hoped for!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is getting complicated...
  • None

id 11 - 20


Anarchist Uprising in Spanish Civil War

Continued government attempts at reasserting centralized control over the mostly independently-acting Anarchist communes in northwestern Spain, as well as Stalinist repression of dissident communist viewpoints, has now led to full-blown in-fighting in the Republican front.

Initially limited to street fighting and low-scale clashes between militias and government or Stalinist forces, the unwillingness for either side to compromise has meant the conflict has rapidly escalated in just a few days. The reallocation of military resources to deal with this internal threat means the frontlines against the Nationalists have been noticeably weakened.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Excellent, let them tear themselves apart!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
One way or other, their meddling will come to an end.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 没有结果
Event button.png
The time to cast off the yoke is now!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Republicans hardly need outside assistance to lose...
  • None


[From.GetNameDefCap] Joins the [From.GetFactionName]

Though still in the midst of recovering from the civil war, [From.GetNameDef] has now surprisingly negotiated entry into the [From.GetFactionName]. It appears that the large-scale Axis aid the Nationalists received during the civil war has not resulted in closer ties between the new [From.GetAdjective] government and their foreign supporters.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We must have allies.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • ROOT is in faction with 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation
Event button.png
We welcome them into the fold.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Then we will defeat them too.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They have picked their side.
  • None


[From.GetNameDefCap] Joins the [From.GetFactionName]

Though still in the midst of recovering from the civil war, [From.GetNameDef] has now surprisingly negotiated entry into the [From.GetFactionName]. It appears that the large-scale Axis aid the Nationalists received during the civil war has not resulted in closer ties between the new [From.GetAdjective] government and their foreign supporters.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We must have allies.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • ROOT is in faction with 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation
Event button.png
We welcome them into the fold.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Then we will defeat them too.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They have picked their side.
  • None


[SPA.GetNameDefCap] Demands French North Africa

Faced with weeks of unrelenting [SPA.GetAdjective] pressure, culminating into a final ultimatum issued yesterday, the [From.GetAdjective] government has seen no other recourse than to give in to demands and relinquish control over North Africa, in the interest of maintaining the peace with their neighbor.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They made a wise decision.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 法国的国旗 法国 or French splinter nation
  • has country flag surrendered_french_north_africa
Event button.png
We had no other choice.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 没有结果 or French splinter nation
  • does not have country flag surrendered_french_north_africa
Event button.png
The bastards are giving away OUR territory!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
And, at a stroke, we have lost North Africa...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are seizing the opportunity.
  • None


The Franco-Spanish Union

Since the twin monarchist movements in [SPB.GetNameDef] and [FRA.GetNameDef] come into power some time ago, Franco-Spanish relations have grown tighter, and their foreign policies have become increasingly intertwined.

Now, after the Legitimist movement in [FRA.GetNameDef] officially named King [SPB.GetLeader] as the rightful claimant of the French throne, he has made an official proclamation, announcing his intention to assume the French crown.n response, the Legitimist government in [FRA.GetNameDef] has begun preparation for a lavish coronation ceremony in the Reims cathedral.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A great power will soon arise!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is 法国的国旗 法国 or French splinter nation
Event button.png
A beautiful future for France awaits!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not:
Event button.png
This would be a major upheaval of the balance of power!
  • None


The Iberian Union

After months of pressure from the [SPB.GetAdjective] government, [POR.GetNameDef], isolated, without allies, and faced with an overpowering [SPB.GetAdjective] military, has seen no alternative but to accept [SPB.GetLeader]'s purported claims to the [POR.GetAdjective] throne. As a result, the nation is now but a province in the expanding nation of [SPB.GetNameDef].

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Iberian Union is again as it should be!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Iberia united again? Interesting.
  • None


[From.GetAdjective] Monarchy Restored

After over half a decade without a monarch, the elation of the welcoming crowd in Madrid was hard to contain as [From.GetSPBkingloc] entered the city this morning. Cheered on by jubilant on-lookers, the royal procession proceeded through the streets of Madrid to the San Jerónimo el Real church.

In a pompous ceremony, [From.GetSPBking2loc].

Though much of the nation still lies in ruins, perhaps the new King may serve as a unifying and healing force, and guide [From.GetNameDef] to a more glorious future.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Immediate effects
  • if 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation:
    • if country flag SPB_xavier_king:
      • create leader "Javier I"
    • if both country flag not SPB_xavier_king and global flag not SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead:
      • create leader "Alfonso XIII"
    • if both country flag not SPB_xavier_king and global flag SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead:
      • create leader "Jaime IV"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Today has seen a century of injustice righted. Viva el Rey!
  • change cosmetic tag to SPB_kingdom

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
How good for them.
  • None


[From.GetAdjective] Monarchy Restored

Months after the surprising move by Francisco Franco to relinquish power and announce the return of the rightful King of Spain, [From.GetSPBkingloc] has at last entered Madrid this morning. Cheered on by jubilant on-lookers, the royal procession proceeded through the streets of Madrid to the San Jerónimo el Real church.

In a pompous ceremony, [From.GetSPBking2loc].

Though much of the nation still lies in ruins, perhaps the new King may serve as a unifying and healing force, and guide [From.GetNameDef] to a more glorious future.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Immediate effects
  • if 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation:
    • if country flag SPB_xavier_king:
      • create leader "Javier I"
    • if both country flag not SPB_xavier_king and global flag not SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead:
      • create leader "Alfonso XIII"
    • if both country flag not SPB_xavier_king and global flag SPB_alfonso_xiii_dead:
      • create leader "Jaime IV"

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A return to our rightful head of state, at last!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
But will he bring a noticeable change?
  • None


The Latin Bloc

Today, [From.GetNameDef] announced the creation of a new alliance of Latin powers, which may stand as an alternative to the major power blocs in the world. Despite months of negotiations, it is not entirely clear which nations will elect to join the new organization, though names that have been proposed by experts involve [POR.GetNameDef], [FRA.GetNameDef], and [ITA.GetNameDef].

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is the best way to defend our shared interests.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A bold move.
  • None


[From.GetAdjective] Independence War

In recent months, [SOV.GetAdjective]-[From.GetAdjective] relations have become increasingly strained, and independent observers have noticed a systematic removal of communists from [From.GetAdjective] positions of influence. In response, [SOV.GetNameDef] has created a direct occupation zone in the east of the country, attempting to bring the recalcitrant [From.GetAdjective] government to heel.

Now, this situation has come to a head, with [From.GetLeader] making an impassioned broadcast, declaring [From.GetAdjective] independence and rallying his countrymen to "rid the nation of Soviet influence once and for all". At the same time a major [From.GetAdjective] surprise attack on the occupation zone has begun.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
¡Por la libertad!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our retribution will be swift and terrible!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
How convenient. ¡Buena suerte, España!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Out of the frying pan, into the fire...
  • None

id 21 - 28


Uniting the London Bureau

As [From.GetAdjective] strength increases, the government has now seen fit to announce the formation of a new communist alliance, by name of the International Bureau of Revolutionary Socialist Unity, which opposes both the Trotskyist and Stalinist interpretations of Marxism.

Beginning with the "London Bureau", a committee made up of independent communist organizations residing in London, they now welcome all nations who "desire a path for communist ideals without outside meddling" to join their ranks.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will lead the untainted Marxist world.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An interesting proposition!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • government is not 共产主义 communist
  • is not 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟 or Soviet splinter nation
  • is not 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥 and has country leader "Leon Trotsky"
  • is not 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 or Spanish splinter nation
Event button.png
The communist cause fractures still more!
  • None


Anarchism Successful

Despite some time having elapsed since the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War, the expected implosion of the Anarchist communes in Iberia has not come to pass. To the contrary, the communes have reportedly succeeded in stabilizing and rebuilt the region, and continue to attract like-minded immigrants from nations across the world.

In light of continued international hostility the communes have however elected to stay organized under their "defense council", and continue on a course of extensive armament programs.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We have achieved much, but must prepare for the worst!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They pose an existential threat to our way of life!
  • None


The Iberian nations join the [ENG.GetFactionName]

[POR.GetAdjective] and [?global.POR_iberian_summit_spanish_tag.GetAdjective] politicians have been working together, appealing to the [ENG.GetAdjective] government and seeking to be admitted into the [ENG.GetFactionName]. If they just seek protection against foreign threats or if they are truly willing to take part in the fight for Democracy, it is yet unclear.

However, after assessing the situation, [ENG.GetNameDefCap] decided that this would be beneficial for their interests and finally allowed the Iberian nations to join the alliance.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We will fight together now.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are just more fodder for us.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Together we will fight for liberty!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Iberian nations are finally working together...
  • None


The Iberian nations join the [GER.GetFactionName]

[POR.GetAdjective] and [?global.POR_iberian_summit_spanish_tag.GetAdjective] politicians have been working together, appealing to the [GER.GetAdjective] government and seeking to be admitted into the [GER.GetFactionName]. If this is an opportunistic maneuver to acquire new territories or if it is just a desperate attempt to avoid occupation, it is yet unclear.

However, after assessing the situation, [GER.GetNameDefCap] decided that this would be beneficial for their interests and finally allowed the Iberian nations to join the alliance.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We picked the right side.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Our foes shall perish now!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
They are siding with the devil.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Iberian nations are finally working together...
  • None


A Royal Wedding in Brazil

Today, Dom Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza, married Princess Maria Francisca of Orléans-Braganza in the Petrópolis Cathedral in Brazil. This marriage has not only reconciled the Portuguese and Brazilian Brigantine houses, but has also united the Miguelists and the Liberal Braganzas, leaving behind the rivalries between the Portuguese royal family and stirring up the monarchist sentiment in both countries.

It is said that, following the ceremony, Dom Duarte engaged in several conversations with known Brazilian and Portuguese royalist ladies and gentlemen, where the words 'restoration' and 'Monarchy' were openly pronounced.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is just the beginning.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An interesting development...
  • None

{{Event | version= 1.9 | event_id= lar_news.26 | event_name= The Empire of Portugal and Brazil | event_text= Following the restoration of the monarchy in Portugal and Brazil, the Portuguese King and the Brazilian Emperor attended several meetings to discuss the necessity and the potential benefits of the reunification of both countries once again.
After long negotiations during the last Brazil-Portugal summit, the rulers agreed on officially reestablishing [POR.GetNameDef].

Today, with the blessing of the gathering monarchist crowds, [POR.GetLeader] has been crowned Emperor of Portugal and Brazil. The Emperor has thanked his subjects for their loyalty and has stated that he will rule in the behalf of all the citizens living under his rule. | triggered only = (please describe trigger here) | options= Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Hail the Emperor!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
An Empire that raises to fail again.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:


Event button.png
Just delusions of greatness...
  • None


The Unification of Iberia

Portuguese and Spanish politicians held numerous meetings during the last months, where they discussed the possibility of becoming a unified left-wing state in Iberia, governed by politicians from both nations.

After a long period of preparations and negotiations, today Portuguese and Spanish leaders have officially stated the formation of [POR.GetNameDef], a new state where Iberian citizens will choose the leaders that better represent collective interests and where they will be able to roam freely.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
This is just the beginning.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
A good initiative of the Iberian peoples.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The Communist threat spreads like the plague...
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is none of:
    • government is 共产主义 communist
    • government is 法西斯主义 fascist
    • 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙
Event button.png
Just a fancy name to hide their true ambitions.
  • None


Andalusia Restored!

Centuries ago, the Moors were driven out of Iberia in the reconquista. Now, [From.GetOldAdjective] forces have advanced deep into southern Iberia and have begun establishing Moorish settlements in the region for the first time in centuries. [From.GetOldNameDefCap] has as such been reorganised into a new nation known as “[From.GetNameDefCap]”, reclaiming the legacy of the ancient Sultanate which once ruled all of Iberia.

The ancient Umayyad Caliphate governed almost the entirety of the Islamic world; from Iberia in the West to Persia in the East. Perhaps [From.GetLeader] desires to emulate this old Empire and reunite the disparate peoples of the Middle-East, North Africa, and Europe.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM
Event button.png
A glorious day!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM
Event button.png
What will this mean for Spain?
  • None


Polynesia United!

With the islands of Hawai’i, Aotearoa, Tahiti, and Samoa firmly under [From.GetOldAdjective] control, [From.GetLeader] has proclaimed that the country shall now be known as [From.GetNameDef] and is the rightful home of all Pacific peoples.

There is much rejoicing across the Polynesian world, with some even going as far as proclaiming [From.GetLeader] as the one true successor to Kamehameha; the Hawaiian King who fulfilled the Naha Prophecy just over two centuries ago.

  • None

(please describe trigger here)

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is FROM
Event button.png
Kei whea mai!
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • is not FROM
Event button.png
  • None