
(傻狗本狗~移动页面French events法国事件
(文本替换 - 替换“{{flag|”为“{{国旗|”)
第1行: 第1行:
This is a list of all {{flag|France}}'s events (from {{path|events/France.txt}}).
这是 {{ 国旗| 法国}} 所有的事件列表({{path|events/France.txt}} )/

第10行: 第10行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.1
| event_id = france.1
| event_name = Japan Demands Indochina
| event_name = 日本索要印度支那
| event_text = Japanese forces are positioned along the borders of our colony in Indochina, and they are demanding total access to our bases and facilities! If we agree to their request, we are effectively signing over control of Indochina to them. On the other hand, we don't exactly have the means to fight them on this issue.
| event_text = 日本部队沿着我们的印度支那殖民地安置边界,并且他们正在诉求我们基地和设施的全部进出口!如果我们同意他们的要求,我们实际上是同意交出印度支那的控制给他们。换句话说,这意味着我们完全不会同他们争论这个问题。
| triggered only = * Japanese focus [[File:goal_generic_more_territorial_claims.png|28px]] [[Japanese national focus tree#Demand French Indochina|''"Demand French Indochina"'']]
| triggered only = * Japanese focus [[File:goal_generic_more_territorial_claims.png|28px]] [[Japanese national focus tree#Demand French Indochina|''"Demand French Indochina"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = We have no choice but to agree.
| option_text = 我们别无选择,只能同意。
| effect = * {{flag|Japan}} gets the country event [[Japanese events#japan.6|''"The French Accept Our Demands"'']] in 5 days
| effect = * {{ 国旗|Japan}} 在5天内触发国家事件 [[Japanese events#japan.6|''"The French Accept Our Demands"'']]
| option_text = Never!
| option_text = 绝不屈服!
| effect = * {{flag|Japan}} gets the country event [[Japanese events#japan.7|''"The French Refuse Our Demands"'']] in 5 days
| effect = * {{ 国旗|Japan}} 在5天内触发国家事件 [[Japanese events#japan.7|''"The French Refuse Our Demands"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第30行: 第30行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.2
| event_id = france.2
| event_name = Extension of the Maginot Line
| event_name = 延拓马奇诺防线
| event_text = Plans for the extension of the Maginot Line all the way to the English Channel have been finished, and construction orders placed. The Belgians have lodged an official protest after seeing our preparations from across the border, but work continues.
| event_text = 延长马奇诺防线直至英吉利海峡的计划已经完成了,并且并下达了施工命令。比利时人在看到我们跨越国境的准备工作后提交了一份正式的抗议,但是工程仍然继续。
| triggered only = * French focus [[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|28px]] [[French national focus tree#Extend the Maginot Line|''"Extend the Maginot Line"'']]
| triggered only = * 法国国策[[File:goal_generic_fortify_city.png|28px]] [[French national focus tree#Extend the Maginot Line| 延拓马奇诺防线]]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Perhaps they shouldn't have left our alliance.
| option_text = 也许他们不应该离开我们的同盟。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Gain a [[File:Land fort.png|21px]] [[Land fort]] (level 2) in:
* 在地区省份中添加'''2'''[[File:Land fort.png|21px]] [[ 陆上要塞]]
** 3 provinces in the state Champagne (18)
** {{s|Champagne}}地区的3个省份
** 4 provinces in the state Pas de Calais (29)
** {{s|北部-加莱海峡}}地区的4个省份
** {{s|Picardy}}地区的1个省份
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第49行: 第50行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.3
| event_id = france.3
| event_name = Extension of the Alpine Line
| event_name = 延拓阿尔卑斯防线
| event_text = We have begun work on improving the fortifications of the Alpine Line. When these new defenses are finished, the Italians would have to be mad to cross the border!
| event_text = 我们已经开始改善阿尔卑斯防线防御工事的工作。当这些防御工事完成时,意大利人越过国境时将不得不发疯!
| triggered only = * French focus [[File:goal_generic_construct_military.png|28px]] [[French national focus tree#Alpine Forts|''"Alpine Forts"'']]
| triggered only = * 法国国策[[File:goal_generic_construct_military.png|28px]] [[French national focus tree#Alpine Forts| 阿尔卑斯堡垒]]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Let them come!
| option_text = 让他们来!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Gain a [[File:Land fort.png|21px]] [[Land fort]] (level 2) in:
* 在地区省份中添加'''2'''[[File:Land fort.png|21px]][[ 陆上要塞]]
** 7 provinces in the state Savoy (735)
** {{s|Savoy}}地区的7个省份
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第67行: 第68行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.10
| event_id = france.10
| event_name = Defeat
| event_name = 溃败
| event_text = The battle is lost. Paris has fallen into German hands, and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the country is occupied. We must now think to the future. Elements within the government want an armistice with Germany, but many officers wish to continue the struggle from Britain.<br/><br/>Certain members of the British War Cabinet have suggested another option - a merger of France and Great Britain into a single nation, which will fight on until all of France has been liberated.
| event_text = 输掉了战争。巴黎落入了德国人的手中,并且他们控制剩余的国家仅仅只是时间上的问题。我们现在必须考虑未来。政府内部想和德国有一份停战协定,但是很多官员希望在英国继续斗争。<br/><br/> 某些英国战时内阁的成员有另一个选择的建议——合并法国和英国为一个国家,它将作战到整个法国被解放。
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* Can fire only once
* Is {{flag|France}}
* {{ 国旗|France}}
** At war with {{flag|Germany}}
** {{ 国旗|Germany}} 处于战争
** Is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
** {{icon|democracy}} 民主主义
** Surrender progress >{{red|70%}}
** 投降倾向 >{{red|70%}}
** Does ''not'' have a civil war
** '' '' 处于内战
** In a faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
** {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 处于同一阵营中
* {{flag|Germany}}:
* {{ 国旗|Germany}}:
** Controls the state Ile de France (16)
** Controls the state Ile de France (16)
** At war with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
** {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 处于战争
** Is a faction leader
** 是阵营领袖
| mtth = * 2 days
| mtth = * 2 days
| immediate = * Set global flag ''achievement_france_surrender''
| immediate = * Set global flag ''achievement_france_surrender''
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = We must collaborate with the Germans.
| option_text = 我们必须同德国人合作。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set country flag ''become_vichy''
* Set country flag ''become_vichy''
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} 触发国家事件 [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
| option_text = The fight goes on!
| option_text = 战斗继续!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} 触发国家事件 [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
| option_text = Let us merge with Britain!
| option_text = 让我们和英国合并!
| effect = * {{flag|United Kingdom}} gets the country event [[French events#france.11|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| effect = * {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}} 触发国家事件 [[French events#france.11|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第114行: 第115行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.11
| event_id = france.11
| event_name = France Proposes Union
| event_name = 法国同意合邦
| event_text = The situation in France is dire. Many in their government wish to seek an armistice with Germany, but some have responded favorably to a suggestion by members of the British War Cabinet to merge our two nations into one. This Franco-British Union will continue the fight against the Germans until victory is achieved. How should we respond?
| event_text = 法国的局势十分严峻,政府中的很多人希望寻求同德国达成停战协定,但有仍有一些人对英国战时内阁成员提出的将两国合并为一的建议感兴趣。这样,法兰西- 不列颠联盟就能继续与德国作战直到实现胜利。我们应该怎么回应?
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"Defeat"'']]
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"Defeat"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = No. Britain is Britain, and France is France.
| option_text = 不。英国是英国,法国是法国。
| effect = * {{flag|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.13|''"Britain Refuses Union"'']] in 6 hours
| effect = * {{ 国旗|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.13|''"Britain Refuses Union"'']] in 6 hours
| option_text = Yes, if that will keep the Frenchmen in the fight!
| option_text = 如果能让法国人继续战斗,无所谓了!
| effect = * {{flag|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.12|''"Britain Agrees to Union"'']] in 6 hours
| effect = * {{ 国旗|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.12|''"Britain Agrees to Union"'']] in 6 hours
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第134行: 第135行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.12
| event_id = france.12
| event_name = Britain Agrees to Union
| event_name = 英国同意合邦
| event_text = Britain has agreed to merge our two nations into one. Even now, a new joint government is being formed in London.
| event_text = 英国已经同意将两国合二为一。既然如此,一个新的联合政府将在伦敦成立。
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = To London!
| option_text = 去伦敦!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* {{flag|United Kingdom}}:
* {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}:
** Gains a core on every cored state of {{flag|France}}
** Gains a core on every cored state of {{ 国旗|France}}
** Annexes {{flag|France}} (troops transferred)
** 吞并 {{ 国旗| 法国}} (转移部队和军官)
** Changes to the ''cosmetic'' tag {{flag|United Kingdom|Franco-British Union}}
** Changes to the ''cosmetic'' tag {{ 国旗|United Kingdom|Franco-British Union}}
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the news event [[News events 1#news.35|''"The Birth of the Franco-British Union"'']] in 6 hours
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} gets the news event [[News events 1#news.35|''"The Birth of the Franco-British Union"'']] in 6 hours
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第156行: 第157行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.13
| event_id = france.13
| event_name = Britain Refuses Union
| event_name = 英国拒绝合邦
| event_text = The British government has dismissed any possibility of merging our two nations into one. An armistice with Germany at this point is inevitable.
| event_text = 英国政府驳回了所有将两国合二为一的可能。我们不可避免地将同德国达成停战协定。
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| triggered only = * French event [[French events#france.10|''"France Proposes Union"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = We must collaborate.
| option_text = 我们必须合作。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set country flag ''become_vichy''
* Set country flag ''become_vichy''
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
| option_text = We must continue the fight!
| option_text = 我们必须继续战斗!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* Set global flag ''fall_of_france''
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} gets the country event [[French events#france.14|''"Triumph in France"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第181行: 第182行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = france.14
| event_id = france.14
| event_name = Triumph in France
| event_name = 在法国的胜利
| event_text = Our victory in France is nearly complete. The French government has asked for an armistice, and our diplomats have prepared terms which they have agreed to. They will retain control of southern France, while we are free to occupy the rest.
| event_text = 我们在法国的胜利指日可待。法国政府已经请求签订一份停战协定,我们的外交官早已准备了让他们签字的条款。对法国南部的控制暂且留给他们,而我们可以自由的占据剩下的领地。
| triggered only = 
| triggered only = 
* French event [[French events#france.10|''"Defeat"'']]
* French event [[French events#france.10|''"Defeat"'']]
第188行: 第189行:
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Establish Vichy France.
| option_text = 成立维希法国。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Gain control of state if owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
* Gain control of state if owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
** Brittany (14)
** {{s|Brittany}}
** Normandy (15)
** {{s|Normandy}}
** Ile de France (16)
** {{s|Ile de France}}
** Lorraine (17)
** {{s|阿尔萨斯-洛林}}
** Champagne (18)
** {{s|Champagne}}
** Aquitaine (19)
** {{s|Aquitaine}}
** Poitou (23)
** {{s|Poitou}}
** Centre (24)
** {{s|Centre}}
** Bourgogne (27)
** {{s|Bourgogne}}
** Alsace (28)
** {{s|北部-加莱海峡}}
** Pas de Calais (29)
** {{s|Loire}}
** Loire (30)
* {{flag|Italy}} gains ownership of state if it controls the state
* {{ 国旗| 意大利}} 若控制下列地区,则成为其所有者
** State is owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}
** State is owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}
*** Corsica (1)
*** {{s|Corsica}}
*** Provence (21)
*** {{s|Provence}}
*** Savoy (735)
*** {{s|Savoy}}
*** Alpes (32)
*** {{s|Alpes}}
**** If also controls the two above (21 and 735)
**** 如果也控制着萨伏伊和普罗旺斯
* {{flag|Spain}} gains ownership of Midi Pyrenees (31) if
* {{ 国旗| 西班牙}} 成为{{s|Midi Pyrenees}}的所有者,如果
** Controls the state
** Controls the state
** State is owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}
** State is owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}
* {{flag|France}}:
* {{ 国旗|France}}:
** Changes to the ''cosmetic'' tag {{flag|France|Free France}}
** Changes to the ''cosmetic'' tag {{ 国旗|France|Free France}}
** Capital is in the state Gabon (539)
** 设置首都为{{s|Gabon}}
** Starts civil war against {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist party ({{red|50%}} size)
** Starts civil war against {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist party ({{red|50%}} size)
** Gets the country event [[French events#france.20|''"Resistance to the armistice"'']] in 1 days
** Gets the country event [[French events#france.20|''"Resistance to the armistice"'']] in 1 days
* Random {{flag|France|0}} French splinter nation which is {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist is set as follows:
* Random {{ 国旗|France|0}} French splinter nation which is {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist is set as follows:
** Becomes a puppet of ''Our Nation''
** Becomes a puppet of ''Our Nation''
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** Gains control of the following states: {{MultiColumn|
** Gains control of the following states: {{MultiColumn|
*** Rhone (20)
*** {{s|Rhone}}
*** Languedoc (22)
*** {{s|Languedoc}}
*** Limousin (25)
*** {{s|Limousin}}
*** Auvergne (26)
*** {{s|Auvergne}}
*** Centre-Sud (33)
*** {{s|Centre-Sud}}
:* Gains control of states if owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
:* Gains control of states if owned by a nation which is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
:** Corsica (1)
:** {{s|Corsica}}
:** Provence (21)
:** {{s|Provence}}
:** Midi Pyrenees (31)
:** {{s|Midi Pyrenees}}
:** Alpes (32)
:** {{s|Alpes}}
:** Savoy (735)
:** {{s|Savoy}}
:* Gains control of states if owned ''and'' controlled by a nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
:* Gains control of states if owned ''and'' controlled by a nation which is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}: {{MultiColumn|
:** Tunisia (458)
:** {{s|Tunisia}}
:** Damascus (554)
:** {{s|Damascus}}
:** Aleppo (677)
:** {{s|Aleppo}}
:** Deir-az-Zur (680)
:** {{s|Deir-az-Zur}}
:* Ruling party is {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist
:* Ruling party is {{icon|Fascism}} Fascist
第246行: 第246行:
:** {{icon|democracy}} '''22%''' Democratic party popularity
:** {{icon|democracy}} '''22%''' Democratic party popularity
:** {{icon|Fascism}} '''76%''' Fascist party popularity
:** {{icon|Fascism}} '''76%''' Fascist party popularity
* {{flag|France}} player switchs tag to {{flag|Vichy France}} if
* {{ 国旗|France}} player switchs tag to {{ 国旗|Vichy France}} if
** Country flag ''become_vichy'' is set
** Country flag ''become_vichy'' is set
* Get the news event [[News events 1#news.34|''"The Second Armistice at Compiégne"'']] in 6 hours
* Get the news event [[News events 1#news.34|''"The Second Armistice at Compiégne"'']] in 6 hours
第252行: 第252行:
| option_text = No, Germany will conquer all!
| option_text = No, Germany will conquer all!
| effect = * {{flag|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.15|''"Germany Refuses Armistice!"'']] in 6 hours
| effect = * {{ 国旗|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.15|''"Germany Refuses Armistice!"'']] in 6 hours
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第281行: 第281行:
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* Can fire only once
* Is {{flag|France}}
* Is {{ 国旗|France}}
** Does ''not'' control the state Ile de France (16)
** Does ''not'' control the state Ile de France (16)
| mtth = * 4 days
| mtth = * 4 days
第319行: 第319行:
| effect = 
| effect = 
* ''Our Nation'' joins the faction
* ''Our Nation'' joins the faction
* {{flag|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.20|''"[From.GetName] Joins French Faction"'']]
* {{ 国旗|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.20|''"[From.GetName] Joins French Faction"'']]
| option_text = [Root.GetName] walks its own path.
| option_text = [Root.GetName] walks its own path.
| effect = * {{flag|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.19|''"[From.GetName] Refuses French Alliance"'']]
| effect = * {{ 国旗|France}} gets the country event [[French events#france.19|''"[From.GetName] Refuses French Alliance"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第390行: 第390行:
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* Can fire only once
* Is {{flag|France}}
* Is {{ 国旗|France}}
* Is ''not'' {{icon|communism}} Communist
* Is ''not'' {{icon|communism}} Communist
* Date is between 1936.4.1 ''and'' 1938.1.1
* Date is between 1936.4.1 ''and'' 1938.1.1
第473行: 第473行:
* Can fire only once
* Can fire only once
* Global flag ''sov_yes_pact'' is set
* Global flag ''sov_yes_pact'' is set
* Is {{flag|France}}
* Is {{ 国旗|France}}
** {{icon|communism}} Communist party popularity < '''50%'''
** {{icon|communism}} Communist party popularity < '''50%'''
* Is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
* Is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
* {{flag|Soviet Union}}:
* {{ 国旗|Soviet Union}}:
** Is {{icon|communism}} Communist
** Is {{icon|communism}} Communist
| mtth = * 2 days
| mtth = * 2 days
第487行: 第487行:
* Gain the idea [[File:anti_soviet_pact.png|24px]] ''Communism Banned'':
* Gain the idea [[File:anti_soviet_pact.png|24px]] ''Communism Banned'':
** {{icon|communism}} {{red|–5%}} Daily communism support
** {{icon|communism}} {{red|–5%}} Daily communism support
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{flag|Soviet Union}}:
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|Soviet Union}}:
** {{opinion|FRA_ban_communism}}
** {{opinion|FRA_ban_communism}}
* Every {{icon|communism}} Communist nation gains opinion modifier towards {{flag|France}}:
* Every {{icon|communism}} Communist nation gains opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|France}}:
** {{opinion|FRA_ban_communism}}
** {{opinion|FRA_ban_communism}}
* Trigger news event [[News events 2#news.161|''"France Bans Communism"'']] in 6 hours
* Trigger news event [[News events 2#news.161|''"France Bans Communism"'']] in 6 hours
第511行: 第511行:
| option_text = We will keep the peace.
| option_text = We will keep the peace.
| effect = 
| effect = 
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}} gets the following:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}} gets the following:
** If {{flag|Italy}} is ''either'':
** If {{ 国旗|Italy}} is ''either'':
*** Focus [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|24px]] [[Italian national focus tree#Befriend Yugoslavia|''"Befriend Yugoslavia"'']] is not completed
*** Focus [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|24px]] [[Italian national focus tree#Befriend Yugoslavia|''"Befriend Yugoslavia"'']] is not completed
*** In a faction with {{flag|Germany}}
*** In a faction with {{ 国旗|Germany}}
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{flag|France}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|France}}:
*** {{opinion|western_betrayal}}
*** {{opinion|western_betrayal}}
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.5|''"London Diktat!"'']] in 6 hours
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.5|''"London Diktat!"'']] in 6 hours
* {{flag|Italy}} gets the country event [[Italian events#italy.12|''"London Conference"'']] if:
* {{ 国旗|Italy}} gets the country event [[Italian events#italy.12|''"London Conference"'']] if:
** Focus [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|24px]] [[Italian national focus tree#Befriend Yugoslavia|''"Befriend Yugoslavia"'']] is completed
** Focus [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|24px]] [[Italian national focus tree#Befriend Yugoslavia|''"Befriend Yugoslavia"'']] is completed
** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{flag|Germany}}
** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{ 国旗|Germany}}
** At peace with {{flag|Yugoslavia}}
** At peace with {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}
第529行: 第529行:
* Gain {{icon|national unity}} {{green|+5%}} National unity if:
* Gain {{icon|national unity}} {{green|+5%}} National unity if:
** Focus [[File:goal_generic_alliance.png|24px]] [[French national focus tree#Little Entente|''"Little Entente"'']] is not completed
** Focus [[File:goal_generic_alliance.png|24px]] [[French national focus tree#Little Entente|''"Little Entente"'']] is not completed
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{flag|Germany}}:
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|Germany}}:
** {{opinion|condemn_aggression}}
** {{opinion|condemn_aggression}}
* {{flag|France}} leaves the current faction if is in a faction with ''either'':
* {{ 国旗|France}} leaves the current faction if is in a faction with ''either'':
** {{flag|Germany}}
** {{ 国旗|Germany}}
** {{flag|United Kingdom}}
** {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
*** Gets the country event [[British events#britain.15|''"France Deserts Us"'']] in 6 hours
*** Gets the country event [[British events#britain.15|''"France Deserts Us"'']] in 6 hours
* Create faction ''French Alliance'' if either:
* Create faction ''French Alliance'' if either:
** Is ''not'' in a faction
** Is ''not'' in a faction
** Is ''not'' a faction leader
** Is ''not'' a faction leader
** In a faction with {{flag|Germany}}
** In a faction with {{ 国旗|Germany}}
** In a faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
** In a faction with {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}}:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}:
** Joins the faction if ''Our Nation'':
** Joins the faction if ''Our Nation'':
*** Is a faction leader
*** Is a faction leader
*** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{flag|Germany}}
*** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{ 国旗|Germany}}
*** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
*** Is ''not'' in a faction with {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{flag|France}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|France}}:
*** {{opinion|offered_support}}
*** {{opinion|offered_support}}
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.4|''"London Conference"'']] in 1 days
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.4|''"London Conference"'']] in 1 days
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[German events#germany.97|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} gets the country event [[German events#germany.97|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第565行: 第565行:
| option_text = It is time to stand up to the Germans.
| option_text = It is time to stand up to the Germans.
| effect = 
| effect = 
* If {{flag|France}} is ''not'' in a faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
* If {{ 国旗|France}} is ''not'' in a faction with {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
** Leaves the current faction
** Leaves the current faction
** Joins the faction of {{flag|United Kingdom}}
** Joins the faction of {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{flag|Germany}}:
* Gain opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|Germany}}:
** {{opinion|condemn_aggression}}
** {{opinion|condemn_aggression}}
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}}:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{flag|France}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|France}}:
*** {{opinion|offered_support}}
*** {{opinion|offered_support}}
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.3|''"London Conference"'']] in 1 days
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.3|''"London Conference"'']] in 1 days
* {{flag|Germany}} gets the country event [[German events#germany.93|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
* {{ 国旗|Germany}} gets the country event [[German events#germany.93|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
| option_text = This is the wrong cause.
| option_text = This is the wrong cause.
| trigger = Is ''not'' in a faction with {{flag|United Kingdom}}
| trigger = Is ''not'' in a faction with {{ 国旗|United Kingdom}}
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''FRA_abandoned_yugoslavia''
* Set global flag ''FRA_abandoned_yugoslavia''
* {{flag|Yugoslavia}}:
* {{ 国旗|Yugoslavia}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{flag|France}}:
** Gains opinion modifier towards {{ 国旗|France}}:
*** {{opinion|western_betrayal}}
*** {{opinion|western_betrayal}}
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.3|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
** Gets the country event [[Yugoslavian events#yugoslavia.3|''"London Conference"'']] in 6 hours
第604行: 第604行:
| option_text = We don't really have a choice.
| option_text = We don't really have a choice.
| effect = 
| effect = 
* A random nation which is originally {{flag|France}} ''and'' is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
* A random nation which is originally {{ 国旗|France}} ''and'' is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
** Gains ownership of the following states if:
** Gains ownership of the following states if:
*** State is owned by ''Our Nation'':
*** State is owned by ''Our Nation'':
第677行: 第677行:
* Can fire only once
* Can fire only once
* Global flag ''fall_of_france'' is set
* Global flag ''fall_of_france'' is set
* Is ''originally'' {{flag|France}}
* Is ''originally'' {{ 国旗|France}}
** Country flag ''france_de_gaulle'' is not set
** Country flag ''france_de_gaulle'' is not set
* Is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
* Is {{icon|democracy}} Democratic
第695行: 第695行:
{{end box wrapper}}
{{end box wrapper}}

[[ 分类:Events]]

2022年12月6日 (二) 10:45的最新版本

这是 法国的国旗 法国所有的事件列表(/Hearts of Iron IV/events/France.txt)/

id 1 - 10




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
  • 在地区省份中添加2Land fort.png 陆上要塞
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Champagne]地区的3个省份
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [北部-加莱海峡]地区的4个省份
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Picardy]地区的1个省份




  • None

Event button.png
  • 在地区省份中添加2Land fort.png陆上要塞
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Savoy]地区的7个省份





触发条件 平均触发时间
  • 2 days

Immediate effects
  • Set global flag achievement_france_surrender

Event button.png
Event button.png
Event button.png

id 11 - 20




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
  • Gain control of state if owned by a nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国:
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Brittany]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Normandy]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Ile de France]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [阿尔萨斯-洛林]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Champagne]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Aquitaine]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Poitou]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Centre]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Bourgogne]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [北部-加莱海峡]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Loire]
  • 意大利的国旗 意大利 若控制下列地区,则成为其所有者
    • State is owned by a nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Corsica]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Provence]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Savoy]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Alpes]
        • 如果也控制着萨伏伊和普罗旺斯
  • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙成为Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Midi Pyrenees]的所有者,如果
    • Controls the state
    • State is owned by a nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国
  • 法国的国旗 法国:
    • Changes to the cosmetic tag 法国的国旗 法国
    • 设置首都为Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Gabon]
    • Starts civil war against 法西斯主义 Fascist party (50% size)
    • Gets the country event "Resistance to the armistice" in 1 days
  • Random 法国的国旗 法国 French splinter nation which is 法西斯主义 Fascist is set as follows:
    • Becomes a puppet of Our Nation
    • Capital is in the state Castille (176)
    • Gains control of the following states:
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Rhone]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Languedoc]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Limousin]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Auvergne]
      • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Centre-Sud]
  • Gains control of states if owned by a nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国:
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Corsica]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Provence]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Midi Pyrenees]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Alpes]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Savoy]
  • Gains control of states if owned and controlled by a nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国:
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Tunisia]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Damascus]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Aleppo]
    • Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。Lua错误:内部错误:解释器已退出,状态为127。 [Deir-az-Zur]
  • Ruling party is 法西斯主义 Fascist
    • 共产主义 2% Communist party popularity
    • 民主主义 22% Democratic party popularity
    • 法西斯主义 76% Fascist party popularity
Event button.png
No, Germany will conquer all!


Germany Refuses Armistice!

The Germans have refused our request for an armistice! They are evidently seeking to enslave us all... we have no choice but to fight to the last!

  • None

Event button.png
We are doomed!
  • None


Stay Together, Stay Strong!

As recent events in Paris had an impact on most of us, it is more important than ever that we come together as a nation. We must look at the state our country and not accept, but change the outcome of this war.

Forget the past and look to new horizons. We don't know what to expect these following months, but we will face it together!

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 法国的国旗 法国
    • Does not control the state Ile de France (16)
  • 4 days

Event button.png
We have seen worse!
  • Lose the ideas:
    • Disjointed Government.png Disjointed Government:
      • 政治点数 +0.8 Daily political power cost
      • National unity –10% National unity
    • Protected by the Maginot Line.png Protected by the Maginot Line:
      • Max planning.png +25% Max planning
      • Planning Speed.png –25% Planning Speed
    • Victors of the Great War.png Victors of the Great War:
      • Research time.png +75% Land Doctrine research time
      • 人力 –0.3% Recruitable population


Invitation to French Faction

In an effort to strengthen the Little Entente - Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania - and contain the possible resurgence of aggressive expansionism on part of the old Central Powers, France has requested that we join them in an alliance aiming to bring these nations together.

  • None

Event button.png
Gladly. The Little Entente needs to be rebuilt.
Event button.png
[Root.GetName] walks its own path.


[From.GetName] Joins French Faction

Our plan to stop the Little Entente alliance from falling apart and away from us is making progress. [From.GetLeader] approves of our efforts and has accepted our invitation to an alliance.

  • None

Event button.png
We are one step closer to rebuilding the Little Entente.
  • None


[From.GetName] Refuses French Alliance

Despite our best efforts to offer support to the Little Entente, our most recent attempt to reach out to one of the nations has been met with skepticism. [From.GetLeader] has refused to join the alliance, perhaps doubting our motives, or perhaps being concerned that aligning too closely with us would make them a target.

  • None

Event button.png
They could already be a target for all they know!
  • None


Resistance to the armistice

In the wake of the French armistice with Germany and establishment of a new government in Vichy France, a group of senior officers have rebelled against the new French government. Charles de Gaulle delivered a radio broadcast urging resistance against the collaborationist Vichy regime. De Gaulle effectively assumes leadership of the Free French Forces and continues the fight against the Germans.

  • None

Event button.png
The fight for France continues.
  • Set country flag france_de_gaulle
  • Replace current nation leader

id 21 - 30


Workers threaten with strikes

Following the sacking of two workers at a large factory, struggles between workers and factory owners have erupted across the country. Workers backed by [Root.GetCommunistParty] have organized and are demanding better conditions, such as higher wages and shorter work weeks. This will greatly reduce the output of our factories and is viewed as a victory for [Root.GetCommunistParty]. We are invited to Matignon for negotiations. Do we give in to their demands or stand firm and risk a countrywide strike?

  • Can fire only once
  • Is 法国的国旗 法国
  • Is not 共产主义 Communist
  • Date is between 1936.4.1 and 1938.1.1
  • 60 days

Event button.png
Let them strike.
  • Set country flag france.21.a_chosen
  • Gain the idea Generic production bonus.png Factory Strikes for Time 90 days:
    • –90% Dockyard output
    • –90% Factory output
    • National unity –10% National unity
Event button.png
Negotiate a deal.
  • Gain 共产主义 +7% Communist party popularity
  • Gain the idea Generic production bonus.png Matignon Agreements for Time 365 days:
    • –30% Dockyard output
    • –30% Factory output


Revisit Matignon Agreements

With the recently signed Matignon agreements our industry have no way of competing with the German. We are falling behind in production capacity with each passing day. Some factory owners have already started renegotiating some of the rights that were granted at the Matignon Agreements, with little to no resistance from the workers. We have an opportunity to officially revoke the newly gained worker rights countrywide, but risk them rallying behind [Root.GetCommunistParty] once again, in hopes that they will back another strike. Letting the workers keep their rights and focusing on optimizing the current workflow may help reunite the French people and let us grow together.

  • Can fire only once
  • Is not 共产主义 Communist
  • Has the idea Generic production bonus.png Matignon Agreements
  • Date is after 1936.7.1
  • 90 days

Event button.png
With time we will be as efficient as before.
  • Gain National unity +5% National unity
Event button.png
Revoke their rights and get our industry back on track immediately.
  • Gain 共产主义 +5% Communist party popularity
  • Lose the idea Generic production bonus.png Matignon Agreements:
    • –30% Dockyard output
    • –30% Factory output


Strikes Are Over

Most workers have now realized that their unreasonable demands will not be met. Their children go hungry and even though [Root.GetCommunistParty] are urging them to continue the strike, they do not possess the resources to continue. With each passing day workers are caving and return to the factories. Our industry will be back to full capacity and it is unlikely we will have strikes anytime soon.

  • Can fire only once
  • Country flag france.21.a_chosen is set
  • Does not have the idea Generic production bonus.png Factory Strikes
  • 2 days

Event button.png
Finally we can compete again.
  • None


The Communist Threat

The threat that a united Germany and Soviet pose is too great to be ignored. After the two countries agreement for the partition of Poland we have a difficult choice to make. If we let [Root.GetCommunistParty] operate as they have so far we open ourselves to internal struggle as the Soviet grow in power. By proscribing any communist activities or affiliation with [Root.GetCommunistParty] we send a powerful signal to all citizens that we will not tolerate anyone who pose a threat to peace.

Traditionally we have been able to include [Root.GetCommunistParty] in political discussions, but as they refuse to renounce their allegiance to Moscow it may be time to take drastic measures.

  • Can fire only once
  • Global flag sov_yes_pact is set
  • Is 法国的国旗 法国
    • 共产主义 Communist party popularity < 50%
  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
  • 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟:
    • Is 共产主义 Communist
  • 2 days

Event button.png
Proscribe communism in France.
  • Lose 政治点数 –20 Political power
  • Lose 共产主义 –30% Communist party popularity
  • Gain the idea Anti soviet pact.png Communism Banned:
    • 共产主义 –5% Daily communism support
  • Gain opinion modifier towards 苏维埃联盟的国旗 苏维埃联盟:
    • Banned CommunismOpinion.png 关系 –25
  • Every 共产主义 Communist nation gains opinion modifier towards 法国的国旗 法国:
    • Banned CommunismOpinion.png 关系 –25
  • Trigger news event "France Bans Communism" in 6 hours
Event button.png
Disagreements are a part of the democratic process.
  • None


London Conference

With the regime in Berlin ratcheting up the tension over the border between them and Yugoslavia, the British have chosen to give way. However, Yugoslavia is one of the three pillars on which the Eastern European settlement is built. If it weakens then France's security will suffer. Should prove that we are the greater power and risk fighting alone?

  • None

Event button.png
We will keep the peace.
Event button.png
We will stand for liberty.


London Conference

With the regime in Berlin ratcheting up the tension over the border between them and Yugoslavia, the British have made the decision to stand against German aggression. Yet the wounds of the last war are not yet healed and our country is deeply divided, are we strong enough to go it alone?

  • None

Event button.png
It is time to stand up to the Germans.

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Is not in a faction with 联合王国的国旗 联合王国

Event button.png
This is the wrong cause.


Germany Backs Italian Demands

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
Germany has acceded to Italian demands for our territory. After our defeat we are really in no condition to contest it.

  • None

Event button.png
We don't really have a choice.
  • A random nation which is originally 法国的国旗 法国 and is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Gains ownership of the following states if:
      • State is owned by Our Nation:
        • Damascus (554)
        • Aleppo (677)
        • Deir-az-Zur (680)
      • Global flag ITA_claims_on_france_1 is set
      • Global flag ITA_claims_on_france_735 is set
    • Gets the country event "Syria Defects"


Syria Defects

Following the German decision to grant Vichy lands to Italy the Syrian administration has chosen to join our side.

  • None

Event button.png
France is one step closer to redemption.
  • None


Britain accepts ally request

'History has shown how much can be accomplished when our great nations stand side by side. In the spirit of the Entente Cordiale, we are proud to welcome you not only as friends, but as Allies. Together we will be a shining beacon of liberty in a world encroached by the darkness of oppression!'

Our request to join Britain as Allies has been accepted. We can count on their full support in the turbulent times ahead.

  • None

Event button.png
Together we will hold the line!
  • None


Britain denies ally request

'While we have enjoyed good relations in the past, we cannot risk an escalation of the conflicts across the channel. Germany has earned our trust in the honoring of our Naval Pact, and while we will defend ourselves should the fires spread we will not risk fanning the flames. Peace must always be the goal of any democratic nation.'

Our request to join Britain as Allies has been denied. The British government is unwilling to antagonize Germany further, and will not jeopardize the current peace.

  • None

Event button.png
Their 'peace' is just another word for 'surrender'.
  • None

id 31 - 40


Édouard Daladier Resigns

With the collapse of the Third Republic and the refusal of the German government to offer an Armistice, it must fall to fresh leadership to continue the fight from the colonies. Whilst few would doubt that Monsieur Daladier has been a fine prime minister, he simply could not contend with the extraordinary set of circumstances in which France has found herself. We can but pray there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Can fire only once
  • Global flag fall_of_france is set
  • Is originally 法国的国旗 法国
    • Country flag france_de_gaulle is not set
  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
  • 7 days

Event button.png
Monsieur Reynaud shall seek to form a government.
  • Set country flag daladier_resigned
  • Replace current nation leader with:
    • Paul Reynaud (民主主义 Liberalism)