File:Ambox outdated info.png | 這部分內容可能已不適合當前版本,最後更新於1.13。 |
難度 | 玩家修正 | AI修正 | 備註 |
平民 |
"我們能做到的!" |
新兵 |
"我對你們的勇敢、責任心和作戰技巧充滿了信心,我們迎接的只會是徹底的勝利,祝你們好運!" |
正規兵 |
"敵強如斯,能如奔濤般擊潰我軍。我們或許不會馬上成功,但將屢敗屢戰,百戰不撓。" |
老兵 |
"三十年之後,當你坐在壁爐邊,你膝蓋上的孫子問你:『你在那場偉大的第二次世界大戰期間都幹了什麼?』你不用咳嗽一聲說:『這個嘛,你爺爺在路易斯安那州鏟糞。』" |
王牌 |
"我能盡心奉獻的別無他物,只有熱血、辛勞、眼淚和汗水。" |
Custom settings
File:Ambox outdated info.png | 這部分內容可能已不適合當前版本,最後更新於1.8。 |
Custom difficulty settings are accessed with the gear icon on the difficulty panel. There is a slider bar for each of the 7 majors and China, each with the option to strengthen that country by 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the bonuses provided for that country. As of now, all these countries share one generic bonus profile, but this can be modded by the player to add, remove, or change the specific bonuses.
Below are the full generic modifiers at 100% strength:
- Entrenchment speed: +50%
- Planning Speed: +50%
- Supply Consumption: –50%
- Division Recovery Rate: +30%
- Reinforce Rate: +4%
- Division Attack on core territory: +30%
- Division Defense on core territory: +30%
- Attrition: -15%
- Production Efficiency Cap:+30%
- Production Efficiency growth: +50%
- Naval Yard Output: +40%
- Political Power gain: +50%
- 研究速度:+20%
- Lack of Resources Production Penalty: -60%
- Fuel Consumption Factor: -80%
- Air Experience Gain: +50%
- Army Experience Gain: +50%
- Naval Experience Gain: +50%
- Division Experience Gain: +20%
- Ship Experience Gain: +20%
Achievement compatibility
Only difficulties "Regular" and higher are eligible for achievements.