

熱鍵Keyboard shortcuts),又稱為快捷鍵,它讓玩家無需使用鼠標即可快速實現特定遊戲功能。玩家無法更改熱鍵鍵位。



Qwertyui hotkeys v1.11.png
快捷鍵 Q Shift+Q Shift+W W E R T Y U I Shift+E
打開界面 政府 決議 情報機構 研究 外交 貿易 建設 生產 招募與部署 後勤 軍官團


鍵位 操作 描述
Ctrl + 數字鍵 將號碼分配給省份或戰略地區 左鍵單擊選中一個省份或戰略區域。然後按住 ^Ctrl 鍵,再按數字鍵 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 0 。此過程將指定按下的數字鍵為熱鍵,以便快速選擇省份或戰略區域。提示:連按兩次數字熱鍵將會使您指定的省份或戰略區域成為地圖視野中心。
Home 放大
End 縮小
Ctrl + F9 切換操作界面 隱藏操作界面,僅顯示地圖本身。此操作等效於控制台命令debug_nogui。
Ctrl + F10 保存地圖 將地圖保存在screenshots文件夾中。
Ctrl + Shift + F10 切換定格相機 禁用縮放和平移,直到再次按下相同的鍵位組合。
F11 屏幕截圖 將屏幕截圖保存在screenshot文件夾中。
Pause/break, Space 切換暫停 暫停或取消暫停遊戲。暫停/中斷鍵也可在多人遊戲中使用。
Backspace 視野跳至首都 按 Backspace 鍵將地圖聚焦在當前國家/地區的首都。



Puzzle globe
鍵位 地圖模式切換 描述
Ctrl + F1 Mapmodes open all button.png 所有可用的地圖模式
單擊「所有可用的地圖模式」按鈕或按 ^Ctrl + F1 將打開所有可能使用的地圖模式窗口界面,界面顯示有11種不同的地圖模式(請參考圖表右側的圖樣)。單擊任何一種地圖模式將會切換遊戲地圖為所選模式。
F Search button.png 搜索(查找)界面 單擊「搜索界面」按鈕或按 F 以啟動菜單來查找國家,地區和城市。鍵入名稱的至少兩個連續字母或文字將顯示一個名稱列表。也可以通過鍵入額外的連續字母或文字來縮小此列表的範圍,並將在國家、沒有符號的地區、帶有顏色的圓圈(≥20勝利點)或帶有顏色的正方形(<20勝利點)的城市的前面顯示一個標誌。圓圈或正方形的顏色表示的所有權/控制權如下:


F1 Default map mode button.png 默認地圖模式 單擊「默認地圖模式」按鈕或按 F1 以查看政治地圖和地形地圖的混合模式,更容易查看國家邊界以及每個省的地形類型和控制者。這是專門用於陸地作戰的地圖模式,因為它用於跟蹤戰爭的進展,創建和執行作戰計劃以及向部隊下達命令。
F2 Strategic Navy map mode button.png 海軍戰略地圖模式 單擊「海軍戰略地圖模式」按鈕或按 F2 以查看顯示的海軍戰略區域並為您具有海軍優勢(綠色),均勢(黃色)或劣勢(紅色)的區域着色。當光標停在某海軍區域時,該海軍區域的海軍基地將更加突出顯示,並通過提示界面顯示更多詳細信息。這是顯示補給運輸航線的三種地圖模式之一(其他兩種是「補給區域地圖模式」和「戰略資源地圖模式」)。最後,該地圖模式會在您的海軍艦隊執行任務的所有海域中添加小型任務圖標。
F3 Strategic Air map mode button.png 空軍戰略地圖模式 單擊「空軍戰略地圖模式」按鈕或按 F3 以查看顯示的空軍戰略區域並為您具有空中優勢(綠色),均勢(黃色)或劣勢(紅色)的區域着色。當光標停在某空中區域時,該空中區域的空軍基地將更加突出顯示,並通過提示界面顯示更多詳細信息。最後,該地圖模式會在您的空軍聯隊執行任務的所有空中區域顯示任務圖標。
F4 Supply Areas map mode button.png 補給區域地圖模式 單擊「補給區域地圖模式」按鈕或按F4 以查看顯示的所有補給區域(所有地區的補給狀態)並會根據您在該區域補給量的充足與否而為該區域着色。將光標懸停在每個區域的中心地帶時將顯示補給路線,並通過提示界面顯示更多詳細信息,這些提示可顯示問題區域和運輸瓶頸。這是顯示您的補給運輸航線的第二種地圖模式(其他兩種是「海軍戰略地圖模式」和「戰略資源地圖模式」)。
F5 Terrain map mode button.png 地形地圖模式 單擊「地形地圖模式」按鈕或按 F5 以查看將地形簡化為不同顏色顏色的地圖模式。
F6 Resistance map mode button.png 抵抗地圖模式 Click the Resistance map mode 單擊「抵抗地圖模式」按鈕或按 F6 以查看抵抗地圖模式,該地圖根據當前抵抗力量閾值不同着色,並提供更詳細的占領區信息。
F7 Compliance map mode button.png 順從度地圖模式 單擊「順從度地圖模式」按鈕或按 F7 以查看順從度地圖模式,該地圖根據當前順從度閾值不同着色,並提供更詳細的占領區信息。
F8 Resource map mode button.png 戰略資源地圖模式 單擊「戰略資源地圖模式」按鈕或按 F8 以查看戰略資源地圖模式,該地圖模式按地區和顯示世界上所有可用戰略資源(包括工廠生產的合成資源;甚至在其他國家內)的數量。這是顯示補給運輸航線的第三種地圖模式(其他為「海軍戰略地圖模式」和「補給區域地圖模式」)。
F9 Infrastructure map mode button.png 基礎設施地圖模式 單擊「基礎設施地圖模式」按鈕或按 F9 以查看每個地區的基礎設施等級的地圖模式。
F10 Factions map mode button.png 陣營地圖模式 單擊「陣營地圖模式」按鈕或按 F10 以查看陣營地圖模式。該地圖模式顯示陣營名稱並通過其當前陣營的隸屬關係為世界各國着色。
None States map mode button.png 地區地圖模式 單擊「地區地圖模式」按鈕以查看地區地圖模式。該地圖模式根據所有地區的類型為地區着色,基於此解鎖每個地區的建築槽位的起始數量。解鎖的建築槽位數量不會改變,但是可以通過科研或國策樹解鎖增加建築槽位的數量。
None Diplomacy map mode button.png 外交地圖模式 單擊「外交地圖模式」按鈕以查看外交地圖模式。該地圖模式根據世界上每個國家對當前選定國家的關係為它們上色(通過右鍵單擊來選定國家;確保當前未選擇任何軍事單位)。
None Players map mode button.png 玩家地圖模式 單擊「玩家地圖模式」按鈕以查看哪個國家由哪個玩家控制的地圖模式。
None Population map mode button.png 人口地圖模式 單擊「人口地圖模式」按鈕以查看每個地區的人口
None Ideology map mode button.png 意識形態地圖模式 單擊「意識形態地圖模式」按鈕以查看每個國家的意識形態的地圖模式。
M Unit counters toggle.png Unit Counters Click the Unit Counters button or press M to toggle the display of All unit counters or just the Player's unit counters on the map.
, Unit color toggle.png Counter Colors Click the Unit Color button or press , to toggle the color of allied counters to be country colors or Friendly/Neutral/Enemy colors.
. Battle plans (allied) toggle.png 盟軍作戰計劃 單擊「盟軍作戰計劃」按鈕或按 . ,以打開或關閉與您同一陣營的盟軍作戰計劃的顯示。
N Day night toggle.png 白天/夜晚 單擊「白天/夜晚」按鈕或按 N 以打開或關閉白天/夜晚地圖疊加層。
None Fog of war toggle.png 戰爭迷霧 單擊「戰爭迷霧」按鈕以打開或關閉遮擋地形的迷霧雲。
None Radars toggle.png 雷達 單擊「雷達」按鈕以打開或關閉雷達的探測範圍。


鍵位 操作 描述
O Division Overview.png Division Overview

O 打開陸軍師總覽,也可以通過屏幕右上角的按鈕訪問。

Ctrl + number Assign an Army or Divisions to a number Left click on an Army to select it or left click while holding Shift ⇧Shift to select multiple Divisions. Then, while holding down the Ctrl ^Ctrl key, press a number key 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. This process assigns the pressed number as a hotkey for quickly selecting an army or combination of Divisions. Tip: pressing a number hotkey twice will center the map on your assigned unit(s).



這些快捷鍵專門用於給你的陸軍單位下達命令。它們只有在你從單個軍隊裡選中單位並且作戰計劃界面可見時才有效。 (請參見右圖)

鍵位 命令 描述
K Exercise transparent.png 演習 Clicking the Exercise button or pressing the K key K will tell all of the divisions in the command to commence the exercise order. This order cancels any battleplans but not existing movement orders. Exercising troops have very low Organization, so should be kept out of combat. Reference Exercise for more detail.
Shift + K Exercise until trained transparent.png 演習到訓練完成 Using ⇧Shift+K (or ⇧Shift+LMB) lets troops train until the reach the regular experience level and then stop on an individual basis.
None Naval Invasion deselected.png 海軍入侵 Clicking the Naval Invasion button after selecting your divisions will highlight all potential launch ports as a turquoise diagonal stripe pattern. After clicking on the desired launch port, it will become a highlighted blue diagonal stripe pattern. Then right click on a highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern coastal province that you wish to invade. The highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern coastal province will turn to a highlighted orange diagonal stripe pattern if done correctly. Once the plan is activated, the invasion will begin to prepare and reserve convoys from your country's pool. Reference Naval Invasion for more detail.
None Paradrop deselected.png 傘兵指令 Clicking the Paratroop Order button, after selecting your paratroop divisions, will highlight all potential "takeoff point" air bases as a turquoise diagonal stripe pattern (if transport planes are based there) or as a yellow diagonal stripe pattern (if no transport planes are based there). After clicking on the desired "takeoff point" air base (requires transport planes in that base), it will become a highlighted blue diagonal stripe pattern. Then right click on a highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern land province that you wish to designate as the drop location. The highlighted green diagonal stripe pattern land province will turn to a highlighted orange diagonal stripe pattern if done correctly. Once the plan is activated, the plan will be carried out provided that you have at least 70% air superiority and sufficient transport planes. Reference Paradrop and Air Superiority for more detail.
Z Front Line deselected.png 前線 After going into this mode by clicking the Front Line button or pressing the Z key Z, left click a border with another country to place a front for the selected units along the entire border with that country. Alternatively, you can right click and drag to customize the size of the front line. Note: It is not currently possible to right click and drag a front line across borders with multiple nations unless you are at war. Reference Front Line for more detail.
X Offensive Line deselected.png 進攻線 Can only be used with an army that has at least one Front Line already created. After activating by clicking the Offensive Line button or pressing the X key X, right click and drag to form the line you want your troops to advance to. While holding down right click, hit Tab ⇆Tab to cycle through the possible "starting points" for the arrow. This allows you to create intricate multi-step battleplans. Reference Offensive Line for more detail.
Shift + X Spearhead deselected.png 穿插命令 Can only be used with an army that has at least one Front Line already created. After activating by clicking the Spearhead button or pressing the Shift + X key ⇧ShiftX, right click and drag to draw the spearhead line. Compared to the Offensive Line, the Spearhead will aggressively try to take all provinces that were there when the order was first painted. Spearheads are preferred when you need to do overlapping encirclements, cutting off the enemy, or for more controlled, smaller thrusts into enemy territory. Spearheads tend to be narrow thrusts that can be especially useful for armored divisions. Reference Spearhead for more detail. Note: The Spearhead Order Spearhead deselected.png is only available with the Together for Victory expansion Together for Victory icon.png.
C Fallback line deselected.png 防禦線 Click the Fallback Line button or press the C key C, then right click and drag to create a defensive line anywhere (not just on a border). This allows you to station divisions in specific provinces or along a specific set of terrain (like a river). Reference Fallback Line for more detail.
V Garrison Area deselected.png 區域防衛 Click the Garrison Area button or press the V key V to activate this mode, then select the states for your army to be stationed in. When you are done assigning, click the Garrison Area button or hit V V again to exit this mode. The selected divisions will spread out among the states and occupy cities, airbases, and naval bases. This is generally best used for guarding coastlines or important points in rear areas vs paradrops. Note that unlike other orders, if a Garrison order is assigned to any part of an army, the rest of the army cannot be assigned any other order without first removing the garrison order. It is an exclusive order. Therefore, an army with a garrison order should only include units that will be assigned to that order. Adding any new units to the army automatically has them join the garrison order. Reference Garrison Area for more detail.
Ctrl Divisions assignment mode deselected.png 分配陸軍師模式 Click the Divisions Assignment Mode button or while holding control ^Ctrl, left click on a battle plan to assign the currently selected units to that plan. Alternatively, you can right click on any battleplan while holding control ^Ctrl to select all units currently assigned to that plan.
Ctrl + H Unassign Divisions.png 取消分配陸軍師模式 Clicking the Unassign Divisions Mode button, or while holding control and the H key ^Ctrl H, will unassign the currently selected divisions from their orders.
Alt Edit mode deselected.png 編輯模式 Click the Edit Mode button or while holding Alt alt, you can edit existing battleplans. Alt alt + right click and drag alters the length and shape of front lines, offensive lines, and fallback lines. Alt alt + Left Click alters offensive arrows to bend or change their origin point (can even change the origin point to the end of another offensive line).
Del Delete Order deselected.png 刪除命令 Clicking the Delete Order button or pressing the Delete key Delete allows you to selectively remove individual battleplans assigned to the current army. Right-clicking the Delete Order button will delete all orders of the currently selected army.



鍵位 操作 描述
None Disband All Selected Units.png 解散所有陸軍師 Click the Disband All Selected Units button to disband the selected units. This action will return the division manpower to the recruitable population pool and will return the division equipment to the stockpile. Caution: Disbanding surrounded (encircled) units will permanently eliminate the manpower and permanently destroy the equipment.
None Unassign Units.png 取消分配陸軍師 Click the Unassign Units button to remove the selected divisions from the army. Note that this action preserves the divisions for reassignment to a new or different army.
None Consolidate.png 整編 Click the Consolidate button to merge the selected divisions into one unit. This action can be used to take multiple understrength, damaged divisions and create stronger, full strength divisions with no loss of experience. The excess manpower is returned to the recruitable population pool and the excess equipment is returned to the stockpile. Note that this action can only be performed on divisions having the same template.
None Change Division Template.png 切換陸軍師編制 Click the Change Division Template button to change the selected divisions to a different template from a pull-down menu. Reference Division designer.
S Select half.png 選擇一半 Click the Select Half button or press the S key S to deselect half of the currently selected units as evenly as possible, but does not remove them from an army to which they belong. Press multiple times to continue to split the selection in half (round up). Can be used to select a single unit from a stack. For example: Select a stack of 9 infantry, hit Select Half once (deselects 4, leaving 5 selected). Hit Select Half again (deselects 2, leaving 3 selected). Hit Select Half again (deselects 1, leaving two selected). Hit Select Half a 4th time and there remains only 1 unit selected. Attempting to Select Half of a single unit results in no action. This can be used to quickly grab a stack, hit S 5 or 6 times to get a single unit very quickly and send it on a new mission.
H Hold Order.png 停止 Click the Hold button or press the H key H to order a unit to hold position, effectively canceling any move or attack orders currently assigned to the unit. This will not cancel their assignment to a front line, so if a hold order is given to a unit which is currently being moved due to a battleplan, it will hold only for a moment before immediately resuming their part in the battleplan. See next section.
B Strategic redeployment.png 戰略部署 Click the Strategic Redeployment button or press the B key B before giving divisions a movement command, this will tell the divisions to utilize the strategic redeployment command meaning they will move at a speed of 10 km/h + up to 10 km/h extra, depending on the state's infrastructure.
Ctrl + B Strategic redeployment.png 切換戰略部署 單擊戰略重新部署按鈕或在向師發出移動命令後按 CTRL B 來打開/關閉戰略重新部署命令。
Shift 路徑點 與許多其他策略遊戲一樣,按住 ⇧Shift 的同時右鍵單擊會為所選單位設置一系列路徑點。他們將選擇最佳路徑順次到達每個航路點。這允許單位在問題區域周圍導航,如敵人、惡劣地形或低補給區域。請注意:請查看完整路線以檢查途中的危險。
Ctrl 支援進攻 選擇一個單位後,按住 ^Ctrl 並右鍵單擊現有的戰鬥以「支援」該戰鬥。支持一場戰鬥將允許該單位參與戰鬥,但它不會離開它的省份並在結束後進入戰鬥省份。這對於保持前線的完整性非常有價值。
Ctrl + H 取消分配計劃 這個組合鍵 ^Ctrl H 將當前選定的師從他們當前的作戰計劃中移除,而不是將他們從他們當前的集團軍中移除。這是唯一已知的從分配的作戰計劃中刪除多個師而不給他們新的作戰計劃的方法。當他們被撤職時,他們成為軍隊中的獨立師,可以單獨下達直接命令,或分配給另一個作戰計劃。請注意,這不適用於屬於擁有任何區域防禦命令的軍隊的單位。


鍵位 操作 描述
Ctrl + number Assign a Task Force(s) to a number Left click on a Task Force to select it or left click while holding Shift ⇧Shift to select multiple Task Forces. Then, while holding down the Ctrl ^Ctrl key, press a number key 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. This process assigns the pressed number as a hotkey for quickly selecting a Task Force or combination of Task Forces. Tip: pressing a number hotkey twice will center the map on your assigned unit(s).
P Navy Overview.png Navy Overview The P key P opens the Navy Overview, also accessible with the button at the top right of the screen.
D Split.png Split Splits/Divides the selected task force into two task forces.
S Select half.png 選擇一半 Selects half of the currently selected naval units. It tries to keep an equal number of each type of vessel in each new task force.
G Merge.png 合併特遣艦隊 Merges the selected task forces into one task force. If the ships are not in the same province, then they will find a path to each other to merge.
K Naval Exercises.png 海軍演習 Orders a task force to perform exercises in the region adjacent to the closest naval base. Ship crews within the task force gain ship experience while the country gains navy experience, but it costs fuel and can cause ship damage. Notes:
1. Ship crews will not gain experience beyond Regular level
2. The task force will continue to exercise until halted manually.
Shift + K Naval exercises until trained.png 海軍演習到訓練完成 Enables Naval Exercises until all ships in a task force are fully trained to Regular level, at which time the task force automatically stops exercising and returns to its naval base.
H Hold Mission.png Hold Cancels the current task force mission and moves the task force to the closest port.
Ctrl + H Hold Mission.png Hold Cancels the current task force mission and causes the task force to stay put.
1. Capital ships on Hold in a sea province neighboring a land battle will help out with shore bombardment.
2. Carriers on Hold while at sea will be able to use their airwings for standard air missions.
Z Patrol.png 巡邏 Order a task force to patrol the selected regions with the primary purpose of spotting enemy fleets.
X Strike Force.png 打擊艦隊 Order a task force to wait at the closest naval base until a patrol task force spots an enemy task force, then the strike force will move to intercept it.
C Convoy Raiding.png 襲擊運輸船 Order a task force to raid enemy convoys in the selected regions.
V Convoy Escort.png 保護運輸船 Order a task force to escort convoys in the selected regions to protect them against enemies.
B Minelaying.png 布置水雷 Order a task force to lay sea mines in the selected regions.
Shift + B Minesweeping.png Minesweeping Order a task force to search and neutralize enemy sea mines in the selected regions.
A Naval Invasion Support.png 海軍入侵支援 Order ships to escort naval invasions and support them with shore bombardment.


鍵位 操作 描述
Ctrl + number Assign an Air Wing(s) to a number Left click on an Air Wing to select it or left click while holding Shift ⇧Shift to select multiple Air Wings. Then, while holding down the Ctrl ^Ctrl key, press a number key 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. This process assigns the pressed number as a hotkey for quickly selecting an Air Wing or combination of Air Wings. Tip: pressing a number hotkey twice will center the map on your assigned unit(s).
L Air Forces.png Airforce Overview The L key L opens the Airforce Overview, also accessible with the button at the top right of the screen.
F Duplicate air wing.png 複製 Duplicate selected air wings for all where this is possible.
D Split.png 分開 Splits/Divides the selected air wings in two.
G Merge.png 合併空軍聯隊 Merges two or more selected wings into one wing. Note: each wing can hold up to a maximum of 1000 planes.
O Reorganize.png Reorganize Opens reorganize option to reorganize your wings and change reinforcement rules.
A Air select all.png 選擇/取消選擇 Selects/Deselects all of the air wings in a given airfield or carrier.
S Select half.png 選擇一半 Selects half of the currently selected air wings.
H Hold Order.png 停止 Holds selected air wings.
N New Wing.png 新建空軍聯隊 Opens new wing option to add to the selected airfield or carrier.
K Pilot Exercises Mission transparent.png 飛行員演習 Gains experience for selected air wing in addition to air experience, but costs fuel and increases risk of accidents.
Shift + K Pilot exercises until trained transparent.png 飛行員演習到訓練完成 Enables pilot exercises until air wing is fully trained.
Z Air Superiority Mission transparent.png 奪取制空權 Orders selected air wings to conduct an air superiority mission.
X Close Air Support Mission transparent.png 近距離空中支援 Orders selected air wings to conduct a close air support mission .
C Interception Mission transparent.png 攔截 Orders selected air wings to conduct an interception mission.
V Strategic Bombing Mission transparent.png 轟炸 Orders selected air wings to conduct a strategic bombing mission.
B Naval Strike Mission transparent.png 打擊海軍 Orders selected air wings to conduct a naval strike mission.
J Port Strike Mission transparent.png 打擊港口 Orders selected air wings to conduct a port strike mission.
Ctrl + B Kamikaze Strike Mission transparent.png 神風突擊 Orders selected air wings to conduct a kamikaze strike mission.