

This is a list of all 澳大利亞的國旗 澳大利亞's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/TFV_Australia.txt).

id 1 - 30


[From.GetAdjective] Proposal about the Singapore Strategy

The Singapore Strategy has been the cornerstone of our deterrence policy against [JAP.GetNameDef] since the end of the Great War. However, the redeployment of the Main Fleet to Singapore in case of attack is reliant on support from our allies in [From.GetNameDef]. With the potential threat against British holdings in the Far East increasing by the day, the [From.GetAdjective] high command has presented a potential new stratagem, that would see Australia in far greater control of the defense of the region.

It's a sound plan, and the only question is whether we believe they can provide the security we require.

  • None

Event button.png
Australia should provide the first line of defense in Southeast Asia.

# Australia puppets Malaysia.

Event button.png
The Singapore Strategy will remain as it always has.


[From.GetNameDef] Transfers Colonial Holdings

The [From.GetAdjective] has passed the law that will transfer control of all [From.GetAdjective] colonial possessions near Singapore and the Borneo to [Root.GetNameDef].

Our national safety is finally in our own hands.

  • None

Event button.png
We will not disappoint.


[From.GetNameDef] Rejects Strategic Adjustments

Despite our valid concerns about the viability of the Singapore Strategy, our suggestions to change it have been rejected in the [From.GetAdjective] parliament.

This seems a result of the military conservatism dominating the [From.GetAdjective] High Command, but the fact is that if our fears come to pass, we may have to face enemy forces on our shores.

  • None

Event button.png
With or without [From.GetAdjective] support, [Root.GetNameDef] will stand tall!
  • None


[From.GetNameDef] Offers Protection for Our Colonies

[From.GetNameDef] has initiated negotiations with [Root.GetAdjective] diplomats for the potential transfer of responsibility over the protection of [Root.GetAdjective] territory in Southeast Asia.

Considering the challenges inherent in defending said territory, a partnership may not be such a bad idea. It would mean that for the foreseeable future said territory would only be nominally [Root.GetAdjective], but nominal ownership is surely better than completely losing them.

  • None

Event button.png
[From.GetNameDef] will be the executor of [Root.GetAdjective] interests in the region.

# Australia puppets Dutch East Indies.

Event button.png
[Root.GetAdjective] territory will remain in [Root.GetAdjective] hands!


[From.GetNameDef] Cedes Protectorates

[Root.GetAdjective] troops stood ready to assume responsibilities for the protection of all [From.GetAdjective] territory in Southeast Asia as soon as [From.GetLeader] approved the agreement.

While some local resistance was met in the transfer, fear of foreign aggression ensures that most recognize the need for [Root.GetAdjective] defense.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetNameDef] will do what she must.


[From.GetAdjective] Block Regional Safety Measures

Believing themselves to be sufficiently capable of protecting [From.GetAdjective] territory in Southeast Asia, [From.GetNameDef] has refused our proposal of a shared defense strategy.

Undoubtedly motivated by worries of colonial control, their actions are understandable. However, if they are incapable of protecting their territory - as we fear - we may see it used as the launch platform for an attack on the Australian continent.

  • None

Event button.png
We can only hope they will be able to resist.
  • None


[From.GetNameDef] Demands Our Annexation!

We have long worryingly followed the growth of nationalistic fervor in [From.GetNameDef], and it seems as though the day has finally come when it has spilled out past their own borders.

Citing a common heritage as "pioneer nations," suggestions have been floated of a united state of Oceania. Rhetoric has turned increasingly aggressive in the face of [Root.GetAdjective] resistance, however.

Now political speculation has turned to open hostility, and [From.GetLeader] publicly demands the annexation of all [Root.GetAdjective] territory to the state of [From.GetNameDef].

If we refuse, a forceful invasion seems entirely possible.

  • None

Event button.png
We have no choice but to accept our new status as a province of [From.GetNameDef].

# Game Over.

Event button.png
If they want our islands they can come fight for them!


[From.GetNameDef] Accepts Annexation

The [From.GetAdjective] has folded to our ultimatum, and accepts their new status as a province of [Root.GetNameDef]. While [From.GetAdjective] PM [From.GetLeader] mourns the loss of [From.GetAdjective] "independence," this moment marks the beginning of a new era for Oceania.

[From.GetNameDef], like us, are now done being the lapdogs of an Empire that does not have our interests at heart.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetNameDef] and New Zealand, together towards a stronger future!


[From.GetNameDef] Refuses Our Offer of Unity

Failing to acknowledge their precarious position in the geopolitical landscape of the Pacific, the [From.GetAdjective] government has refused our offer to make New Zealand one of the foremost provinces of [Root.GetNameDef].

Not realizing they are merely Britain's lapdog, [From.GetAdjective] Premier [From.GetLeader] cited principles of [From.GetAdjective] "freedom and independence."

It seems we have to remind [From.GetNameDef] exactly what we mean by describing their position as "geopolitically precarious."

  • None

Event button.png
To arms, [Root.GetAdjective]s!

id 31 - 60


[Root.GetNameDef] as a Global Leader

Following our recent policy of distancing ourselves from the Empire, it only makes sense for a country as dominant as we are in our own sphere to assume the position of a leader, rather than a follower.
We will gather other regional powers to our cause, and ensure that our mutual interests are defended on the global stage.

No longer in servitude to the colonial powers of Europe, we will ensure a new, more just balance of power.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetNameDef] leads the way to the future!


[From.GetNameDef] Requests Political Cooperation

Following the formal departure of [From.GetNameDef] from the Commonwealth, the [From.GetAdjective] government is now looking for new allies. With Europe seemingly on the brink of a new, costly conflict, and the strategic value of [From.GetNameDef] to any potential conflict in the Pacific, a partnership may be in our best interest.

It would certainly emphasize Southeast Asia, the Far East and the Pacific as parts of our sphere of influence, and ensure that no matter what happens in Europe, [Root.GetAdjective] interests will not be intruded upon.

  • None

Event button.png
We would be happy to call them our ally!

# Create South West Pacific Initiative. Add United States to faction and if Indonesia is a puppet they are also added to faction.

Event button.png
We can protect our interests better on our own.


[From.GetNameDef] Agrees to Pacific Cooperation

Seeing the obvious benefits of transpacific partnership, [From.GetNameDef] has agreed to our proposal of a regional alliance.

  • None

Event button.png
The old masters are dead. We are all equals now.


[From.GetNameDef] Declines Cooperation Project

Whether it is failure to acknowledge our shared history, or simply a matter of political opportunism, [From.GetNameDef] has declined our offer of a transpacific partnership.

While their participation would have been a great asset, we should move forwards with our own agenda, towards our own goals.

  • None

Event button.png
We have failed.
  • None

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Country flag INS_is_a_puppet is set

Event button.png
We will still do what we can for our corner of the world.


In Pursuit of [INS.GetAdjective] Freedom

With turmoil rampant in the former [HOL.GetAdjective] colonies, it is apparent that [INS.GetNameDef], our trusted neighbor, requires a helping hand to maintain their hard-won authority. For as long as they need our support, [Root.GetNameDef] is there to support the [INS.GetAdjective] government.

One day [INS.GetNameDef] will be able to stand up to European colonial forces as our Pacific brother. Until then, we will ensure they stand strong along with us.

  • None
  • On nation capitulation

Event button.png
Together in arms, against the world if we must!


[From.GetNameDef] Requests Membership in the [Root.GetFactionName]

Identifying as a nation of workers, free of the old European bourgeoisie, [From.GetNameDef] has gradually moved into the [Root.GetAdjective] sphere of politics. The [From.GetAdjective] government has officially requested national membership in the [Root.GetFactionName].

With the World Revolution in sight, [From.GetLeader] presents a vision of [Root.GetNameDef] and [From.GetNameDef] as two of the key poles in a new, Socialist world order, building on [From.GetNameDef]'s dominance in Oceania, and [Root.GetNameDef]'s in Eurasia.

  • None

Event button.png
Any revolutionary nation is welcomed with open arms!

# Australia joins faction.

Event button.png
We cannot afford the conflicts the [From.GetAdjective]s will surely drag us into.


Brothers of the Revolution

[From.GetNameDef] has considered our request for membership in the [From.GetFactionName], and declared us a valued ally of the cause!

  • None

Event button.png
The World Revolution awaits!


Going It Alone

Following weeks of stalled negotiations and bureaucratic trappings, it has become apparent that [From.GetNameDef] are not interested in giving us a definitive answer on our accession to the [From.GetFactionName].

As we were hoping for quick and conclusive negotiations, [Root.GetNameDef] must prepare to bring true freedom to the workers of the world on her own.

  • None

Event button.png
We fight for the oppressed in all corners of the world!
  • None


[From.GetNameDef] Imposes Overlordship

Citing the rights of all workers to freedom and self-determination, the [From.GetAdjective] government is demanding that the [Root.GetAdjective] state gives in to the wave of "Oceanic Socialism" washing over our region.

Regardless of the actual interest of the people of [Root.GetNameDef], the threat from [From.GetNameDef] is real, and there is little doubt that they are likely to press their demands with all means available to them...

  • None

Event button.png
We don't really have a choice. For the revolution, mates.

# Australia puppets New Zealand.

Event button.png
[Root.GetNameDef] will never submit!

id 61 - 90


[From.GetNameDef] Joins the Revolutionary Struggle!

Acknowledging the truth and righteousness of the Communist cause, [From.GetNameDef] has agreed with the need of uniting our efforts under a common Oceanic banner.

  • None

Event button.png
From below the red tide will rise to consume the world!


[From.GetNameDef] Attempts to Disrupt the Revolution

Having kept the [From.GetAdjective] people oppressed under their bourgeois thumbs, the fat cats in control of the government of [From.GetNameDef] have now announced that they under absolutely no conditions will cooperate with the [Root.GetAdjective] state.

Pity for them that we do not seek their cooperation, but rather that of those slaving under the weight of their opulent obesity!

  • None

Event button.png
We will bring true freedom to [From.GetNameDef]!


[From.GetNameDef] Demands Right to Control Protectorates

Claiming that a failure on the part of [Root.GetNameDef] to defend its colonial holdings in Southeast Asia would have catastrophic implications for [From.GetNameDef] national defense, [From.GetLeader] has requested that the [From.GetAdjective] government be given full, independent responsibility for the defense of the region.

While not an outright demand, the growth of [From.GetAdjective] strategic and military influence in the region has the argument make some sense. The counterbalance being the recent political distancing from us that [From.GetNameDef] has embraced.

This would be an agreement with a potential partner, not a subject, and would leave the colonies de facto out of our hands, should [From.GetNameDef] choose to make it so.

  • None

Event button.png
Yes, the stability of Southeast Asia is a priority.

# Australia puppets Malaysia.

Event button.png
No, we will be the sole controller of our own colonial possessions!


Defensive Commission

Following overtures from the [Root.GetAdjective] military command, [From.GetNameDef] has decided to give us "intermediate control" of all [From.GetAdjective] colonial holdings in Southeast Asia.

With the old forces of the Pacific none the wiser, our attempts to ensure [Root.GetNameDef] dominance over the region continues.

  • None

Event button.png
We'll make the old country proud.


[From.GetNameDef] Declines "Defense Project"

Despite overtures from the [Root.GetAdjective] High Command, [From.GetNameDef] has rejected our request for control of their colonies in the Southeast Asian region.

Our ambitions are untempered, however. We will continue to seek ways of securing [Root.GetAdjective] prominence in the Pacific.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetNameDef] stands strong, despite this setback.
  • None


An Offer From Beyond the Sea

[From.GetNameDef] has over time become more sympathetic to the imperial ambitions of [Root.GetNameDef]. As the only other major military force based in the region, the [From.GetAdjective]s have decided it is better to stand as our proud ally than as our humbled servants.

To raise our interest, the proposal for a West Pacific alliance clearly outlines the [Root.GetAdjective] sphere to also include several territories currently controlled by the enemies of [From.GetNameDef].

  • None

Event button.png
Together we will completely dominate the eastern hemisphere!

# Australia joins Western Pacific Sphere. Transfer the puppet of Malaysia or the states of Dutch Borneo(334), Sulawesi(673), and The Moluccas(668) to Japan.

Event button.png
Our ambitions have no room for those backwater farmers!


[From.GetNameDef] Approves Alliance

Our delegation to Japan has returned triumphant. We have signed an official alliance with [JAP.GetName]. The document clearly defines speheres of interest for each of our countries, in which the other can not interfere.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetAdjective]s and [From.GetAdjective] across the West Pacific will benefit from this.


The [From.GetAdjective] Government Resists Partnership!

Despite our accession to the forefront of the global stage, [From.GetNameDef] has refused to acknowledge our importance in the West Pacific region.

Not only did the [From.GetAdjective] refuse us outright, they expressed in no uncertain terms that their doctrine of Nanshin-ron might very well bring them beyond Indonesia, towards the Australian continent itself.

  • None

Event button.png
If they will not stand with us, we will make them kneel for us.
  • None


The Coronation Visit

[AST.GetLeader] has travelled to Britain to take part in the coronation ceremony for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Following several weeks of lunches, dinners, garden parties, receptions, and more dinners, he has finally succeeded in securing a private audience with the new King. After an exchange of pleasantries and small talk, the topic turns to politics, and the King asks what he can do to help [AST.GetNameDef].

  • None

Event button.png
Ask the King to make a visit to Australia to boost morale.
  • Gain 穩定度 +5% stability
Event button.png
Ask the King to support a recruitment campaign.
  • Gain 人力 +5000 Manpower
  • +5% 戰爭支持度 war support
Event button.png
Ask the King to publically support the government.
  • Gain 政治點數 +75 Political power

id 91 - 100


King Edward VIII Visits Australia

[AST.GetLeader] has travelled to Britain to take part in the marriage ceremony between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. Following several weeks of lunches, dinners, garden parties, receptions, and more dinners, he has finally succeeded in securing a private audience with the new King.

After an exchange of pleasantries and small talk, the topic turns to politics. The King goes on a lengthy tirade about Commonwealth solidarity and loyalty to the mother country, and as he goes to address continental politics [AST.GetLeader] cannot help but feel a little uncomfortable. The King asks what he can do to help [AST.GetNameDef] and endear himself to the people there.

  • None
  • (add description here)

Event button.png
Ask the King to make a visit to Australia to boost morale.
  • Gain 穩定度 +2.5% stability
  • gain 7.5% 中立主義 neutral popularity
Event button.png
Ask the King to support a recruitment campaign.
  • Gain 人力 +3000 Manpower
  • +7.5% 戰爭支持度 war support
  • gain 2.5% 中立主義 neutral popularity
  • -5% 穩定度 stability
Event button.png
Ask the King to publically support the government.
  • Gain 政治點數 +50 Political power
  • gain 5% 中立主義 neutral popularity
  • -2.5% 穩定度 stability


Nationalists on the rise in Indonesia

There has been a marked increase in Nationalist agitation all across Indonesia in the recent weeks. Intelligence estimates of the number of Nationalist sympathizers have grown to alarming size. Of particular concern are reports that some Nationalist leaders are openly discussing an armed insurrection. Just yesterday, a naval vessel intercepted a suspicious fishing boat south of Java. Found on board were weapons and ammunition without official markings. Interrogation of the crew has yielded no results so far, but it appears that someone is trying to stir up trouble.

  • None

Event button.png
Deeply unsettling.
  • None


Civil War!

Armed Nationalists take to the streets all over Indonesia. Military and police actions against the uprising have proven unsuccessful thus far. This armed insurrection has come in the wake of a sudden rise in Nationalist sentiment, which now means we are in an all out civil war.

  • None

Event button.png
Resist the nationalist scum!
  • Start civil war against 法西斯主義 Fascist party (50% size)
  • Splinter nation gains state ownership if state owned by Our Nation:
    • Kalimantan (334)
    • Lesser Sunda Islands (667)
    • The Moluccas (668)
    • West Papua (669)
    • Sulawesi (673)
    • Aru Islands (738)
Event button.png
Join the uprising!
  • Set ruling party to 法西斯主義 Fascist
  • Start civil war against Unknown Ideology former ruling party (50% size)