
Waking the Tiger icon.png Waking the Tiger

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發布時間 / 補丁
2018-03-08 / 1.5

喚醒勇虎 是鋼鐵雄心4的第一個成熟的擴展包。 它於2017年11月15日宣布,並於2018年3月8日發布,與1.5版本更新同步發售。



  • 中國新國策樹:在你對未來的憧憬指引下領導中共或中華民國贏得戰爭。
  • 修改了德國和日本的國策樹:兩個軸心國現在有了不同的歷史走向,包括推翻希特勒或在日本建立共產主義或民主。
  • 將軍特質和能力:將軍的特質現在可以解鎖強大的指揮能力,允許極大的靈活性和創造力。
  • 決策和任務:歷史決策和國家任務為政治點數的使用提供了新的場所,從國內政治開始的特殊項目。
  • 增加了發送志願軍到其他國家的能力,讓你看到他們的軍隊,以及基於國家軍事經驗,和接收國少量的組織和計劃速度。
  • 更多:從戰場上繳獲裝備,使用志願航空隊,以及新的音樂和美術。
  • 增加了一種中國軍閥獨有的新貨幣:政治支持點。作為軍閥積累足夠的政治支持點來奪取控制中國的命運。

Free features

主條目:Patch 1.5
  • 新的 「穩定度 」和 「戰爭支持度 」機製取代了 「凝聚度 」機制,以更好地模擬您的國家的狀態,以及與之相適應的許多決策和更改。
  • 日本的新國策樹
  • 全面修改並擴展了德國的國策樹:為工業、航空、海軍和法西斯道路添加了新國策,並改進了某些現有國策。
  • 增加了指揮鏈 * 現在可以讓元帥指揮將軍率領的軍隊,以獲得兩者的獎勵
  • 將軍現在有 4 種技能值:攻擊、防禦、計劃、後勤,而不是單一技能。
  • 指揮官晉升時不再丟失特質
  • 指揮官可以(而且通常會)從新的個性特徵開始
  • 添加了 「決策」,它是國策和事件之間的中間地帶,允許大量的可修改性和機制
  • 添加了許多決策,以配合新的決策機制。
  • 添加了 「適應 」核心機制,讓部隊適應惡劣氣候
  • 現在可以使用 「額外地面部隊 」能力,將部分指揮力量用於提高區域內的空中效率
  • 添加了 「踢出派系 」外交行動(for SPAAAAARTA!!! /Podcat am I 2011 meme:ing again?)
  • 新的歷史模板列表。增強了與 AI 會面時的沉浸感,讓玩家控制事情如何命名的權力大大增加。
  • 新的撤退機制。我們現在將撤退和強制撤退區分開來,這意味着你在命令部隊撤退時不會被壓制,而且撤退將減少許多微操
  • 用於查看損失和擊沉船隻的新界面
  • 大規模改進生產界面,增加了過濾器、摺疊、拖放功能,並允許將 15 家以上的工廠分配到一條生產線上。
  • 新的戰爭總覽,具有派別、過濾器和排序功能。此外,我們還推薦使用匯總戰爭概述。現在的戰爭更加流暢,可以處理三方戰爭,避免了過去戰爭合併等問題。
  • 幾種新的煉油技術允許您控制橡膠和石油的產出量。
  • 基礎設施現在會影響資源的開採量。建設一個區域可以解鎖更多資源,轟炸則會降低資源產出。
  • 特種部隊現在受限於軍隊的百分比或最低營數
  • 幾項新技術可為特種部隊提供獎勵或控制數量與質量
  • 現在可以為軍隊附加航空翼,航空翼將跟隨軍隊執行任務

Developer diaries

主條目:Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the Waking the Tiger expansion and patch 1.5 (aka Cornflakes).

No. Title and Link Description Date
1 Future and Cornflakes Podcat shares the team's (non-exhaustive) list of features to act as a future development roadmap for HoI4 2017-08-23
2 Our development process Sofia "KimchiViking" Höglund, HoI4's project lead, explains the development cycle, from design to implementation. 2017-08-30
3 A Product Manager's Role "Firebolt", HoI4's product manager, on the intricacies of budgeting a game development. 2017-09-06
4 Chain of Command Podcat on spicing things up in the HoI4 chain of command as part of patch 1.5 2017-09-13
5 Stability and War Support Stability and War support to replace National unity in the next patch 2017-09-20
6 Division Namelists Pallidum, HoI4's game designer, inserting some flavor (and logic) to division names. 2017-09-27
7 Synthetic Dawn Refinements to synthetic refineries and inter-linking infrastructure with resources 2017-10-04
8 Bag of Tricks #1 Smaller improvements to the game: control groups, divisions consolidation, removal from faction, mini-map & pinging. 2017-10-11
9 A New Germany Revised focus tree for Germany as part of requested alternate history options 2017-10-18
10 Bag of Tricks #2 Another small features and improvements, this time with relation to equipment 2017-10-25
11 Airplanes and Lootboxes Further improvement of air related aspects 2017-11-01
12 Decisive Action Adding decisions, missions, crises and special projects to the game 2017-11-08
13 Nationalist China The 1st focus tree for China (the nationalist path) as well as the announcement of Waking the Tiger expansion. 2017-11-15
14 Communist China The 2nd focus tree for China (the communist path) along with an example of the new decision system in action. 2017-11-22
15 Leaders, abilities and Traits Revamped and expanded trait system and the mysterious "red phone" icon (aka command power). 2017-11-29
16 Acclimatization and Special Forces Troops are now affected by hot and cold climates, and new changes to special forces. 2017-12-06
17 Border Wars: The Last Warlord More detail on the Chinese warlords. 2017-12-13
18 Christmas & Modding Modding guide for the new decisions & missions system in patch 1.5. 2017-12-20
19 New German Divisional Namelist Further improvement of incoming German unit namelist. 2017-12-27
20 Japan rework A rework of the Japanese national focus tree. 2018-01-03
21 Bag of Tricks #3 3rd assortment of small improvements: attachés, extra ground crews, historical army insignias, and volunteer air wings. 2018-01-10
22 Manchukuo The last unrevealed focus tree for Waking the Tiger: "Manchukuo". 2018-01-17
23 War Changes and game Difficulty Changes to 3-way war handling and addition of 2 more difficulty settings. 2018-01-24
24 Sound, Music and Art for Tiger On the topic of the artistic additions to Waking the Tiger. 2018-01-31
25 Naval Updates Improvements of naval matters: losses and kills overview, convoys raiding, transports interception, and more. 2018-02-07
26 Formable Nations and Achievements New goals to strive for: formable nations and some 18 achievements. 2018-02-14
27 Performance and AI Performance and AI. 2018-02-21
28 Recap Episode What is coming in Waking the Tiger and the 1.5 Cornflakes. 2018-02-28
29 Pre-Release and International Women's Day Women's contribution during the second world war. 2018-03-07
30 Post-Release patch Info about patch 1.5.1 2018-03-14
31 1.5.2 Update #1 Info about patch 1.5.2: German border changes, commander XP gain changes, multiplayer desyncs, and more. 2018-03-21
32 1.5.2 Update #2 and Modding Goodies Info about patch 1.5.2: Air Balance and Changes, Nukes and Surrender, Manchukuo, Modding and more. 2018-03-28
33 1.5.2 Update #3 and Telemetry An updated beta and multiplayer telemetry 2018-04-04
34 1.5.2, Future Roadmap and Ironclad The return of the bullet list and possible future development roadmap 2018-04-11


hoi4fr:Waking the Tiger