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War justification events


This is a list of all events relating to war justification (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/WarJustification.txt).

id 1 - 10


[Root.GetLeader] Speaks Against [From.GetName]

'Does [From.GetName] belong to the [From.GetAdjective]? Let us ask ourselves a better question: Does the future belong to the [From.GetAdjective] or does it belong to [Root.GetNameDef]?'

[Root.GetLeader]'s speech today suggested that [Root.GetName] is on the path to war. Political tensions have been building over the past month and it seems the [Root.GetAdjective] people are coming to accept that war is inevitable.

  • Is 法西斯主义 Fascist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 中立主义 Neutral
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
The future belongs to [Root.GetName]!
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Speaks Against [Root.GetName]"


[Root.GetLeader] Denounces [From.GetAdjective] Ideals

'The [From.GetAdjective] claim to have liberty and democracy, claim to want peace, but all of these things they pride themselves on are hollow. Their democracy divides the people where it should stand united and their liberty only betrays a lack of discipline. We [Root.GetAdjective]s see through these lies... and we can see that this peace, peace on their terms, is a lie as well.'

[Root.GetRulingParty] has long derided the weakness of the [From.GetAdjective] nation, but lately the rhetoric has grown more aggressive. The day of armed conflict grows closer.

  • Is 法西斯主义 Fascist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 民主主义 Democratic
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
[Root.GetName] stands united under [Root.GetLeader].
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Denounces [Root.GetAdjective] Ideals"


[Root.GetLeader] Warns Against [From.GetAdjective] Communism

'Is there a bigger threat to our way of life, or indeed the way of life itself, than communism? This plague that threatens to make the slaves, not the masters, rule every nation, to abolish the nation itself, to abolish people and their history. We will take [From.GetName] and abolish the communist plague.'

[Root.GetLeader]'s hatred of communists has been well known since before [Root.GetRulingParty]'s rise to power, but it appears to have intensified recently in the specific case of the [From.GetAdjective] government. Our quest to purge Marxism off the face of the Earth may start there.

  • Is 法西斯主义 Fascist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 共产主义 Communist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Those who reject nations will see their own perish.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Warns Against [Root.GetAdjective] Communism"


[Root.GetName] Prepares for Great Struggle

'The [From.GetAdjective] are a people who will not part easily with power. However, they must also realize that the trajectory of our two nations can only end in a clash. We must steel ourselves for the struggle to come. For [From.GetName] will not be taken without a fight.'

The possibility of an understanding between the similarly minded governments of [From.GetName] and [Root.GetName] has given way to a campaign to take their territory by force.

  • Is 法西斯主义 Fascist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
History will be written through our victory.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetName] Prepares for Great Struggle"


[Root.GetLeader] Brings Revolution to [From.GetName]

'While we have consolidated the socialist society in [Root.GetName], many nations still suffer under the despots of old. The workers of [From.GetName] have no voice, no means to organize, and any attempts to institute socialism will be crushed savagely by the [From.GetLeader] regime. We cannot wait for the gears of the international revolution to turn for the [From.GetAdjective] people. With the revolution we have proven that we could crush the capitalist oppressors here, and we will crush the oppressors in [From.Capital.GetName] as well!'

[Root.GetLeader] has abandoned all attempts at diplomatic rhetoric towards [From.GetRulingParty]-controlled [From.GetName]. The quest to eradicate all borders is now strictly focused on eradicating their borders.

  • Is 共产主义 Communist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 中立主义 Neutral
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
[From.GetAdjective] workers, your liberation is near!
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Bring Revolution to [Root.GetName]"


[Root.GetLeader] Calls to Aid [From.GetAdjective] Workers

'Is there a greater lie than the supposed liberty of the [From.GetAdjective] people? Where they once slaved under the princes and dukes who claimed ownership of the soil, they are now forced to sell their labor to those who claim ownership of the factories. Their freedom to choose one master over the other can hardly be called liberty. Likewise, their freedom to elect their leaders is a false choice, as propaganda would never allow the true socialists to take power. A people so thoroughly indoctrinated can only be saved by a [Root.GetAdjective] intervention.'

[Root.GetLeader] has polemicized against the government in [From.GetName] for a long time in party meetings, but this rhetoric is now used more frequently in public. There is little reason to believe that this conflict could be resolved peacefully.

  • Is 共产主义 Communist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 民主主义 Democratic
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
We will crush their bourgeois dictatorship!
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Calls to Aid [Root.GetAdjective] Workers"


[From.GetAdjective] Communism Failing

'Comrades, although the greatest revolutionaries have once been called traitors, it has become plain to see that the revolution itself has been betrayed. How else would you explain the rule of the [From.GetRulingParty] of [From.GetName], who have cast aside every hint of Marxist ideas to build a degenerated worker's state where they can reign under false premises? In strengthening their own power at the price of the international revolution, they have shown that they care little for the ideals they claim to hold. We must bring the true revolution to them.'

Although initially supportive of the [From.GetAdjective] revolution, [Root.GetLeader] has expressed increased disappointment with how it has developed. The [Root.GetRulingParty] may have to intervene before it is too late.

  • Is 共产主义 Communist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 共产主义 Communist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
There is time yet to salvage their attempt at socialism.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[Root.GetAdjective] Communism Failing"


[Root.GetLeader] Calls for Crushing [From.GetAdjective] Nationalism

'Is there any society more repugnant to the future of the revolution, any more alien to the plight of the worker, than the fascist regime of [From.GetName]? Calling upon the people to devote themselves fanatically to the decrepit institution of the nation state, they have dressed up age-old ways of savagery in a modern costume, trying to present themselves as an alternative future to the inevitable international victory of the working class. It is only a matter of time until they strike against us or our allies. Let us strike first.'

No one has expected less than mutual contempt between us and the [From.GetAdjective], but the animosity has intensified lately. It now appears that conflict will arise sooner rather than later.

  • Is 共产主义 Communist
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Death to fascists!


Diplomacy with [From.GetName] Breaks Down

'Despite our attempts to find a diplomatic solution to our conflict with [From.GetName], negotiations have once again broken down, leaving us with limited options. The authoritarian [From.GetLeader] regime has displayed the unreasonable approach to this matter typical of leaders who are not accountable to their people. Barring a complete turnaround in the policies of [From.GetAdjective] leadership, we will be left with no recourse but to fight.'

[Root.GetAdjective] intervention in [From.GetName] has been a hot issue, with some politicians in the opposition claiming that [Root.GetRulingParty] has pursued a hawkish policy from the start. Whatever their original intent, a future war now suddenly seems very real and inevitable.

  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 中立主义 Neutral
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Sometimes, you need to climb the mountain of conflict.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "Diplomacy with [Root.GetName] Breaks Down"


[Root.GetLeader] Calls for Intervention in [From.GetName]

'It is with heavy heart that we must confront the reality of our situation: An invasion of [From.GetName] may be our only recourse. It is of too great a strategic advantage to attempt any other solution in our current situation. Although we trust that neither the [Root.GetAdjective] nor the [From.GetAdjective] people want war, but history has led us to this point and our options are limited. We can only hope that through this assertion of our military power, we can avoid further bloodshed in the future.'

Although it is a popular theory that democracies do not go to war against other democracies, recent developments have pointed to a [Root.GetAdjective] invasion of [From.GetName] in the future. History may surprise us yet.

  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 民主主义 Democratic
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
[From.GetName] is a dubious democracy anyway.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Calls for Intervention in [Root.GetName]"

id 11 - 20


[Root.GetLeader] Speaks Against Red Menace

'Without a doubt, [From.GetName] communism is one of the greatest threats to liberty and order in this era. Relentless and ruthless, it threatens to devour not only the [From.GetAdjective] people's hope of a prosperous, democratic society, but that of its neighbors as well. If we do not act now, we may well see this first domino fall too late, leaving more failed social experiments in its wake. How many more need die before we intervene?'

The threat of subversive activity undermining our democracy, fueled by [From.GetAdjective] ambitions, has become a hotly debated topic recently. While representatives in opposition have called this a Red Scare aimed at pursuing war with [From.GetName], the rhetoric of the [Root.GetRulingParty] has been highly successful so far.

  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 共产主义 Communist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
They follow a violent ideology, what reaction can they expect but violence?
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Speaks Against Red Menace"


[Root.GetLeader] Confronts [From.GetAdjective] Fascism

'In modern history, perhaps even in history as a whole, there has been no worse tyranny than the iron grip in which [From.GetRulingParty] now holds [From.GetName]. People may argue that we should not provoke conflict, that we should trust [From.GetLeader] to honor treaties and promises in the future, but these people fail to see that treaties made under the reign of fascism are useless. To these dishonorable liars, might makes right, and the paper on which an agreement is written burns just as easily as the books of their detractors.'

People who have long hoped to avoid a direct confrontation with [From.GetName] have now been strongly opposed by [Root.GetLeader], who argues that we in Machiavellian terms are merely postponing war to the advantage of the enemy. At this rate, we may strike the first blow after all.

  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
There can be no peace in our time until they are gone.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Confronts [Root.GetAdjective] Fascism"


[Root.GetLeader] Calls for War Against [From.GetName]

'Although we may be a peaceful people, our nature alone does not determine the course we must take in history. This is a time of war. For too long, the [From.GetAdjective] have possessed the means that we need to make it through the trials we may face, and it's apparent that they will not part with them peacefully. Despite our best efforts to build a modern state, some matters can only be settled through the old trials of battle.'

[Root.GetLeader]'s hostile rhetoric towards [From.GetName] has gone to great lengths to justify an invasion. Some portion of the population support this course, but the decision lies in the lands of our leader.

  • Is 中立主义 Neutral
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 中立主义 Neutral
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
It may be a difficult decision, but we must stand behind it.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Calls for War Against [Root.GetName]"


[Root.GetLeader] Challenges [From.GetAdjective] Pretensions

'[From.GetName] may think themselves more modern and advanced than us, but the truth is that their nation has not been tested as ours has, nor are they prepared for the threats now plain to see on the horizon. By their disdain towards us, and preventing us to seize that which is rightfully ours, they have made us one of those threats to themselves. Their weak and divided nation will hardly resist our claims.'

The derisive opinion of [From.GetName] long held by the [Root.GetRulingParty] has developed from criticism to hostility. Although popular opinion is that the [From.GetAdjective] people want to avoid war, [Root.GetLeader] claims that their elected leaders have provoked it through their arrogance.

  • Is 中立主义 Neutral
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 民主主义 Democratic
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
They do not know how strong our hardships have made us.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Challenges [Root.GetAdjective] Pretensions"


[Root.GetLeader] Wants to Restore Order in [From.GetName]

'The [Root.GetAdjective] national spirit is strong, but not all nations are so fortunate. [From.GetName] has had its traditions destroyed and rightful rulers long since murdered and buried, all in the name of the idea of the great Marxist revolution. It is our duty to restore order to this world led astray by bloodthirsty usurpers and to assert the strength of [Root.GetName] against this threat.'

While the [Root.GetRulingParty] has always opposed communism, [From.GetName] has been a target of particular attacks in recent speeches. Whether or not the attack on the [Root.GetAdjective] nation from communists is a real threat, the preemptive attack on [From.GetAdjective] communism is already in the works.

  • Is 中立主义 Neutral
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 共产主义 Communist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Those murdered in the revolution will be avenged!
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Wants to Restore Order in [Root.GetName]"


[Root.GetLeader] Calls Out [From.GetAdjective] Oppressors

'My opponents would have you believe that my rule is like that of the [From.GetRulingParty] in [From.GetName]. They could not be more wrong. While [From.GetLeader]'s successes are the result of a recent fad, a destructive mass movement bent on bullying other nations into submission, the [Root.GetRulingParty] stands in opposition to that movement as the ones who will not submit. I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to eliminate this threat, even if it means war.'

The [Root.GetLeader] regime has adopted a hostile policy towards the [From.GetAdjective] nation. Whatever our leaders may be called, fascist is a word reserved for our enemies.

  • Is 中立主义 Neutral
    • Country flag war_justification_last_event_political is not set
  • Target Nation is 法西斯主义 Fascist
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Tradition and pragmatism will always triumph over fanaticism and terror.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_political
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Calls Out [Root.GetAdjective] Oppressors"


[Root.GetLeader] Questions [From.GetAdjective] Sovereignty

'Who determines the borders of a nation and how are they determined? Whatever way people may have found in the past to justify where [Root.GetName] ends and [From.GetName] begins, we live in a new era. The strategic importance of this border cannot be overstated, and we are well within our rights to shift it to ensure the continued security of our people.'

Listening to [Root.GetLeader]'s recent speeches, an invasion of [From.GetName] appears imminent. Dissenting voices have objected, but public support for war is on the rise.

  • Country flag war_justification_last_event_neighbor is not set
  • Borders Target Nation
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
We must rally behind this cause!
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_neighbor
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_political
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Questions [Root.GetAdjective] Sovereignty"


[Root.GetLeader] Questions the Motives of [From.GetName]

'There is no doubt that [From.GetName] is preparing for war. The changes in economic policy make it plain to see that the [From.GetAdjective] are not a people of peace, but rather waiting for the right opportunity to strike against us. Will we stand idly by and watch them arm themselves while [Root.GetName] is undefended? Or will we disarm this threat before it grows beyond our power?'

The hawks in the [Root.GetRulingParty] have turned their eyes towards [From.GetName], arguing that attack is the best defense. Their viewpoint is gaining traction and [Root.GetName] is preparing for war.

  • Country flag war_justification_last_event_mobilized is not set
  • Target Nation has either economy law:
    • Early Mobilization.png Early Mobilization
    • Partial Mobilization.png Partial Mobilization
    • War Economy.png War Economy
    • Total Mobilization.png Total Mobilization
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
At least through war, there will be an end to this conflict.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_mobilized
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
    • war_justification_last_event_political
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Questions the Motives of [Root.GetName]"


[Root.GetLeader] Angered by [From.GetAdjective] Posturing

'Those naïve citizens of [Root.GetName] who imagine the [From.GetAdjective] as a people of peace are entirely out of touch with reality. Those who live at our border do not have the luxury of such delusions, seeing their troops closing in on us just across it. This is a threat we cannot leave unanswered. With every passing day, [From.GetName] is preparing for war. It would be madness for us not to do the same.'

The [From.GetAdjective] military presence close to our territory has sparked increased concern as this nation appears more and more to be the enemy of the [Root.GetRulingParty]. Whether it is the cause or the effect of their polemic is a matter of contention.

  • Country flag war_justification_last_event_borderthreat is not set
  • Target Nation has divisions in any owned state bordering Our Nation
  • On justifying wargoal

Event button.png
Regardless, we must ready the people for war.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_generic
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
    • war_justification_last_event_political
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Angered by [Root.GetAdjective] Posturing"


[Root.GetLeader] Advocates Invasion of [From.GetName]

'If we want to have the strategic advantage in the foreseeable, not to say inevitable war with [From.GetName], there is no room to hesitate. This is about safeguarding our children's futures and ensuring that [Root.GetName] has a place in the world tomorrow. This is a matter of devotion to our cause and the ideals we take for granted. It's time to act.'

A series of rousing speeches from [Root.GetRulingParty] leaders, most prominently [Root.GetLeader], has been calling the public to support an invasion of [From.GetName]. The geopolitical motives behind the invasion are less prominent in the rhetoric to patriotic sentiments, but this campaign appears highly efficient in convincing the public of its necessity.

  • Country flag war_justification_last_event_generic is not set

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
The nation stands behind this important decision.
  • Set country flag war_justification_last_event_generic
  • Clear country flags:
    • war_justification_last_event_borderthreat
    • war_justification_last_event_mobilized
    • war_justification_last_event_neighbor
    • war_justification_last_event_political
  • Target Nation gets the country event "[From.GetLeader] Advocates Invasion of [Root.GetName]"

id 201 - 210


[From.GetLeader] Speaks Against [Root.GetName]

'Does [Root.GetName] belong to the [Root.GetAdjective]? Let us ask ourselves a better question: Does the future belong to the [Root.GetAdjective] or does it belong to [From.GetName]?'

[From.GetLeader]'s speech today, suggested that [From.GetName] is on the path to war. Political tensions have been building over the past month and it seems the [From.GetAdjective] people have accepted that war is inevitable. [Root.GetName] must also prepare.

  • None

Event button.png
Why can we not be allowed to live in peace?
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Denounces [Root.GetAdjective] Ideals

'The [Root.GetAdjective] claim to have liberty and democracy, claim to want peace, but all of these things they pride themselves on are hollow. Their democracy divides the people where it should stand united and their liberty only betrays a lack of discipline. We [From.GetAdjective]s see through these lies... and we can see that this peace, peace on their terms, is a lie as well.'

[From.GetRulingParty] has long derided the weakness of the [Root.GetAdjective] nation, but lately the rhetoric has grown more aggressive. The day of armed conflict grows closer.

  • None

Event button.png
As expected from fascist scum like [From.GetLeader].
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Warns Against [Root.GetAdjective] Communism

'Is there a bigger threat to our way of life, or indeed the way of life itself, than communism? This plague that threatens to make the slaves, not the masters, rule every nation, to abolish the nation itself, to abolish people and their history. We will take [From.GetName] and abolish the communist plague.'

[From.GetLeader]'s hatred of communists has been well known since before [From.GetRulingParty]'s rise to power, but it appears to have intensified recently in the specific case of the [Root.GetAdjective] government. Our quest to purge Marxism off the face of the Earth may start there.

  • None

Event button.png
If they fear our cause, they fear their own people.
  • None

[From.GetName] Prepares for Great Struggle

'The [Root.GetAdjective] are a people, who will not part easily with power. However, they must also realize that the trajectory of our two nations can only end in a clash. We must steel ourselves for the struggle to come. For [Root.GetName] will not be taken without a fight.'

The possibility of an understanding between the similarly minded governments of [Root.GetName] and [From.GetName] has given way to a campaign to take their territory by force.

  • None

Event button.png
Let them come!
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Bring Revolution to [Root.GetName]

'While we have consolidated the socialist society in [From.GetName], many nations still suffer under the despots of old. The workers of [Root.GetName] have no voice, no means to organize, and any attempts to institute socialism will be crushed savagely by the [Root.GetLeader] regime. We cannot wait for the gears of the international revolution to turn for the [Root.GetAdjective] people. We have proven that we could crush the capitalist oppressors here, and we will crush the oppressors in [Root.Capital.GetName] as well!'

[From.GetLeader] has abandoned all attempts at diplomacy with our government. The communist task of eradicating all borders is now strictly focused on eradicating our borders.

  • None

Event button.png
[Root.GetLeader] is a better ruler than any revolutionary opportunist!
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Calls to Aid [Root.GetAdjective] Workers

'Is there a greater lie than the supposed liberty of the [Root.GetAdjective] people? Where they once slaved under the princes and dukes who claimed ownership of the soil, they are now forced to sell their labor to those who claim ownership of the factories. Their freedom to choose one master over the other can hardly be called liberty. Likewise, their freedom to elect their leaders is a false choice, as propaganda would never allow the true socialists to take power. A people so thoroughly indoctrinated can only be saved by a [From.GetAdjective] intervention.'

Unwilling to accept that our people may be satisfied without their social experiments, the communist regime in [From.GetName] has openly threatened to attack our nation. There is little reason to believe that this conflict could be resolved peacefully.

  • None

Event button.png
What merits can their convictions hold if they must force them on us?
  • None

[Root.GetAdjective] Communism Failing

'Comrades, although the greatest revolutionaries have once been called traitors, it has become plain to see that the revolution itself has been betrayed. How else would you explain the rule of the [Root.GetRulingParty] of [Root.GetName], who have cast aside every hint of Marxist ideas to build a degenerated worker's state where they can reign under false premises? In strengthening their own power at the price of the international revolution, they have shown that they care little for the ideals they claim to hold. We must bring the true revolution to them.'

Although initially supportive of [Root.GetRulingParty]'s victory in [Root.Capital.GetName], [From.GetLeader] has drifted away from [Root.GetLeader]'s philosophy. The conflict has escalated to the point where they are preparing to invade to enforce their brand of socialism on us.

  • None

Event button.png
They do not understand what the revolution means to the [Root.GetAdjective] people.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Calls for Crushing [Root.GetAdjective] Nationalism

'Is there any society more repugnant to the future of the revolution, any more alien to the plight of the worker, than the fascist regime of [Root.GetName]? Calling upon the people to devote themselves fanatically to the decrepit institution of the nation state, they have dressed up age-old ways of savagery in a modern costume, trying to present themselves as an alternative future to the inevitable international victory of the working class. It is only a matter of time until they strike against us or our allies. Let us strike first.'

No one has expected less than mutual contempt between us and the [Root.GetAdjective], but the animosity has intensified lately. Hearing [From.GetLeader] speak, it appears that conflict will arise sooner rather than later.

  • None

Event button.png
Death to communists!
  • None

Diplomacy with [Root.GetName] Breaks Down

'Despite our attempts to find a diplomatic solution to our conflict with [Root.GetName], negotiations have once again broken down, leaving us with limited options. The authoritarian [Root.GetLeader] regime has displayed the unreasonable approach to this matter typical of leaders who are not accountable to their people. Barring a complete turnaround in the policies of [Root.GetAdjective] leadership, we will be left with no recourse but to fight.'

[From.GetAdjective] intervention in our domestic affairs has been a hot issue, with some politicians in their opposition claiming that [From.GetRulingParty] has pursued a hawkish policy from the start. Whatever their original intent, a future war now suddenly seems very real and inevitable.

  • None

Event button.png
Their condescending rhetoric will not intimidate us.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Calls for Intervention in [Root.GetName]

'It is with heavy heart that we must confront the reality of our situation: An invasion of [Root.GetName] may be our only recourse. It is of too great a strategic advantage to attempt any other solution in our current situation. Although we trust that neither the [From.GetAdjective] nor the [Root.GetAdjective] people want war, but history has led us to this point and our options are limited. We can only hope that through this assertion of our military power, we can avoid further bloodshed in the future.'

Although it is a popular theory that democracies do not go to war against other democracies, recent developments have pointed to a [From.GetAdjective] invasion of [Root.GetName] in the future. History may surprise us yet.

  • None

Event button.png
[From.GetName] is a dubious democracy anyway, pursuing such aggressive action.
  • None

id 211 - 220


[From.GetLeader] Speaks Against Red Menace

'Without a doubt, [Root.GetName] communism is one of the greatest threats to liberty and order in this era. Relentless and ruthless, it threatens to devour not only the [Root.GetAdjective] people's hope of a prosperous, democratic society, but that of its neighbors as well. If we do not act now, we may well see this first domino fall too late, leaving more failed social experiments in its wake. How many more need die before we intervene?'

The nascent worker's movement has intimidated [From.GetAdjective] leaders. While representatives in their opposition have called this a Red Scare aimed at pursuing war with us, the rhetoric of the [From.GetRulingParty] has been highly successful so far.

  • None

Event button.png
As long as there is profit to be made, capitalists will manufacture a war.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Confronts [Root.GetAdjective] Fascism

'In modern history, perhaps even in history as a whole, there has been no worse tyranny than the iron grip in which [Root.GetRulingParty] now holds [Root.GetName]. People may argue that we should not provoke conflict, that we should trust [Root.GetLeader] to honor treaties and promises in the future, but these people fail to see that treaties made under the reign of fascism are useless. To these dishonorable liars, might makes right, and the paper on which an agreement is written burns just as easily as the books of their detractors.'

Jealous of the glorious society we are building and the legacy it is founded upon, the [From.GetAdjective] seem prepared to start a war to destroy it. So much for their pretensions of peace.

  • None

Event button.png
Inevitable. Better to have it over with.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Calls for War Against [Root.GetName]

'Although we may be a peaceful people, our nature alone does not determine the course we must take in history. This is a time of war. For too long, the [Root.GetAdjective] have possessed the means that we need to make it through the trials we may face, and it's apparent that they will not part with them peacefully. Despite our best efforts to build a modern state, some matters can only be settled through the old trials of battle.'

In a recent speech to the [From.GetAdjective] people the hostile rhetoric towards [Root.GetName] has intensified and [From.GetLeader] has gone to great lengths to justify an invasion. Some portion of the population support this course, but the decision lies in the lands of their leader.

  • None

Event button.png
They will regret making us their enemy.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Challenges [Root.GetAdjective] Pretensions

'[Root.GetName] may think themselves more modern and advanced than us, but the truth is that their nation has not been tested as ours has, nor are they prepared for the threats now plain to see on the horizon. By their disdain towards us, and preventing us to seize that which is rightfully ours, they have made us one of those threats to themselves. Their weak and divided nation will hardly resist our claims.'

The derisive opinion of [Root.GetName] long held by the [From.GetRulingParty] has developed from criticism to hostility. Although popular opinion is that the [Root.GetAdjective] people want to avoid war, [From.GetLeader] claims that our elected leaders have provoked it through their arrogance.

  • None

Event button.png
The voices for peace among the [From.GetAdjective] people are, of course, silenced.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Wants to Restore Order in [Root.GetName]

'The [From.GetAdjective] national spirit is strong, but not all nations are so fortunate. [Root.GetName] has had its traditions destroyed and rightful rulers long since murdered and buried, all in the name of the idea of the great Marxist revolution. It is our duty to restore order to this world led astray by bloodthirsty usurpers and to assert the strength of [From.GetName] against this threat.'

While the [From.GetRulingParty] has always opposed communism, [Root.GetName] has been a target of particular attacks in recent speeches. Fearing their nation's inevitable progress to the next stage of history, a preemptive attack on [Root.GetAdjective] communism is already in the works.

  • None

Event button.png
It's too late to reverse the progress we've made.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Calls Out [Root.GetAdjective] Oppressors

'My opponents would have you believe that my rule is like that of the [Root.GetRulingParty] in [Root.GetName]. They could not be more wrong. While [Root.GetLeader]'s successes are the result of a recent fad, a destructive mass movement bent on bullying other nations into submission, the [From.GetRulingParty] stands in opposition to that movement as the ones who will not submit. I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to eliminate this threat, even if it means war.'

The [From.GetLeader] regime has adopted a hostile policy towards the [Root.GetAdjective] nation. Our visionary plans for future greatness have put their nation to shame, and unsurprisingly, they feel threatened.

  • None

Event button.png
If they want to test our might, they will regret it.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Questions [Root.GetAdjective] Sovereignty

'Who determines the borders of a nation and how are they determined? Whatever way people may have found in the past to justify where [From.GetName] ends and [Root.GetName] begins, we live in a new era. The strategic importance of this border cannot be overstated, and we are well within our rights to shift it to ensure the continued security of our people.'

Listening to [From.GetLeader]'s recent speeches, an invasion of [Root.GetName] appears imminent. Dissenting voices have objected, but public support for war is on the rise.

  • None

Event button.png
Has the world learned nothing from the Great War?
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Questions the Motives of [Root.GetName]

'There is no doubt that [Root.GetName] is preparing for war. The changes in economic policy make it plain to see that the [Root.GetAdjective] are not a people of peace, but rather waiting for the right opportunity to strike against us. Will we stand idly by and watch them arm themselves while [From.GetName] is undefended? Or will we disarm this threat before it grows beyond our power?'

The hawks in the [From.GetRulingParty] have turned their eyes towards [Root.GetName], arguing that attack is the best defense. Their viewpoint is gaining traction and [From.GetName] is preparing for war.

  • None

Event button.png
This is exactly why we need to be ready.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Angered by [Root.GetAdjective] Posturing

'Those naïve citizens of [From.GetName] who imagine the [Root.GetAdjective] as a people of peace are entirely out of touch with reality. Those who live at our border do not have the luxury of such delusions, seeing their troops closing in on us just across it. This is a threat we cannot leave unanswered. With every passing day, [Root.GetName] is preparing for war. It would be madness for us not to do the same.'

Our military presence close to [From.GetAdjective] territory has sparked increased concern, since they interpret our troop movements as proof hostile intent. They hardly seem to have considered that their aggressive rhetoric is the reason for our defensive measures.

  • None

Event button.png
We can hardly disarm after these threats.
  • None

[From.GetLeader] Advocates Invasion of [Root.GetName]

'If we want to have the strategic advantage in the foreseeable, not to say inevitable war with [Root.GetName], there is no room to hesitate. This is about safeguarding our children's futures and ensuring that [From.GetName] has a place in the world tomorrow. This is a matter of devotion to our cause and the ideals we take for granted. It's time to act.'

A series of rousing speeches from [From.GetRulingParty] leaders, most prominently [From.GetLeader], has been calling the public to support an invasion of [Root.GetName]. The geopolitical motives behind the invasion are less prominent in the rhetoric to patriotic sentiments, but this campaign appears highly efficient in convincing the public of its necessity.

  • None

Event button.png
We better prepare. The war will come.
  • None

id 301 - 310


[Root.GetLeader] Criticized for Weak Foreign Policy

'We had the chance to strike against our enemies, but the [Root.GetRulingParty] let it pass by. Not only is this yet another damning case in a string of missed opportunities to strengthen [Root.GetName]'s position internationally, it is a sign that their claim to be acting in the interest of the [Root.GetAdjective] people is mostly empty rhetoric. It is time for a change in policy.'

Our failure to pursue the war many had expected has been the target of scathing criticism from our political opponents. Not following through on our military plans will make it more difficult for us to convince the people in which direction we're taking [Root.GetName].

  • At peace
  • On expiring wargoal

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Is 民主主义 Democratic
  • is not both:
    • 联合王国的国旗 联合王国 or a United Kingdom splinter nation
    • has focus ENG_enforce_the_naval_threaties
Event button.png
Don't they want to avoid war?
  • Lose 政治点数 –30 Political power
  • Lose 战争支持度 –5% War suipport
  • Lose 民主主义 –5% Democratic party popularity

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Is 共产主义 Communist

Event button.png
There is no room for public disagreement outside of party meetings.
  • Lose 政治点数 –30 Political power
  • Lose 战争支持度 –5% War suipport
  • Lose 共产主义 –5% Communist party popularity

Event trigger.pngEnabled if: Is 法西斯主义 Fascist or 中立主义 Neutral

Event button.png
We cannot allow people to accuse [Root.GetLeader] of cowardice!
  • Lose 政治点数 –30 Political power
  • Lose 战争支持度 –5% War suipport
  • Lose 法西斯主义 –5% Fascist party popularity