





槽位 主要武器 炮塔 特殊功能
EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png
悬挂 装甲类型 引擎类型 引擎等级 装甲等级
EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png EMI tank small main armament.png 114 514



类型 年份 基础速度


可靠性 装甲厚度 生产花费生产花费 (仅底盘) 资源
Steel Chromium
轻型坦克 战间期型 1918 4.0 80.0% 5 1.00 1
基础型 1934 4.0 95.0% 10 1.25 1
1Aluminum 2Steel
Support Equipment.png

Radios, Jeeps, Pontoons & other equipment used to support troops.
改进型 1936 4.5 110.0% 15 1.60 1
先进型 1941 5.0 130.0% 20 2.00 2
两栖坦克 1938 4.0 110.0% 15 4.50 1
中型坦克 战间期型 1918 4.0 75.0% 25 2.50 1
基础型 1934 4.0 100.0% 35 2.50 1
改进型 1940 4.0 130.0% 45 3.20 1
先进型 1943 4.5 160.0% 50 4.00 2
重型坦克 战间期型 1918 4.0 100.0% 30 10.00 1
基础型 1934 3.5 100.0% 35 10.00 1
改进型 1940 4.0 115.0% 55 10.00 1 1
先进型 1943 4.0 130.0% 75 12.00 2 1
超重型坦克 1943 2.5 130.0% 85 24.00 3 2
现代坦克 1945 4.5 80.0% 75 6.00 2 1


类型 主炮 大小 前置


年份 速度(km/h) 可靠性 对人员






突破 对空


生产花费生产花费 资源 允许的定位
Steel Chromium Tungsten
加农炮 小型加农炮 火炮 1934 -0.1 -10% 10 6 25 1.50 坦克
改进型 1936 -0.2 -10% 15 15 50 3.00
中型加农炮 火炮或反坦克炮 1939 -0.2 -15% 20 20 60 +2 3.00 1 1 坦克 自行反坦克炮
改进型 火炮 1942 -0.3 -15% 32 20 90 +4 4.00 2 1 1
反坦克炮 1941
重型加农炮 防空炮或反坦克炮 1936 -0.3 -25% 20 20 90 6.00 2 1 1 坦克 自行反坦克炮
改进型 防空炮 1941 -0.4 -25% 25 35 125 7.00 2 2 1
反坦克炮 1942
改进型 防空炮或反坦克炮 1943 -0.5 -30% 30 40 170 8.00 3 3 1
超重型加农炮 巨大 超重型坦克底盘 1943 -0.6 -35% 35 45 275 12.50 5 2 坦克 自行反坦克炮
火焰喷射器 火焰喷射器 工兵连II 1939 -5% 5 0.50 喷火坦克


速射炮 重机枪 5 2 10 0.50 坦克
机关炮 防空炮 1936 -0.1 -10% 15 5 20 1.50 坦克
改进型 1940 -0.1 -10% 20 7 35 2.00
反坦克炮 基础型 高速加农炮 反坦克炮 1936 -0.1 -5% 10 26 85 3.00 2 2 坦克 自行反坦克炮
改进型 1942 -0.3 -17.5% 20 35 125 5.00 2 2 1
改进型 1943 -0.4 -20% 25 45 200 7.00 3 2 1
自行火炮 近距支援炮 火炮 1936 -0.2 -10% 25 5 12 4.00 1 坦克 自行火炮
中型榴弹炮 火炮 1939 -0.3 -20% 35 1 20 -2 4.00 2 1 坦克 自行火炮
改进型 1941 -0.4 -20% 45 2 30 -2 5.50 3 1 1
火箭发射器 火箭炮 1940 -0.1 -10% 25 1 2 -4 4.00 1 2 自行火炮
改进型 1943 -0.2 -10% 35 1 2 -4 5.00 1 2
重型榴弹炮 火炮 1943 -0.5 -30% 55 2 60 -4 7.00 3 1 1 坦克 自行火炮
防空炮 基础型 防空炮 防空炮 1936 -10% 6 2 10 16 2.00 自行防空炮
改进型 1940 -10% 8 5 20 32 3.00 2 1
改进型 1943 -10% 10 5 30 43 4.00 3 1


Chassis Turret available
Amphibious Light to Medium
Modern Light to Heavy, Modern
Other (As expected)
Turret Size Crew Gun size Speed (km/h) 可靠性 Attack 突破 Defense 生产花费生产花费 Notes
Light Fixed super-structure Medium +20% -25% 3 0.75 Forbids AA role
1 Small 7 0.50
2 10 0.75
3 -0.25 14 1.00
Medium Fixed super-structure Large +20% -25% 3 1.50 Forbids AA role
1 Medium Soft and hard -25% 10 1.00
2 16 1.50
3 -0.25 20 2.00
Large Fixed super-structure BFG +20% -25% 3 5.00 Forbids AA role
2 Large 18 5.00
3 -0.25 22 5.50
Superheavy 3 BFG -0.2 -10% Hard -10% 24 10.00
4 -0.5 -25% 35 12.00
Modern Large 24 8.00


Radio Year 突破 Defense 生产花费生产花费 Notes
Basic 1936 (2nd row) +15% +25% 0.50 Limit of one radio

per vehicle

Intermediate 1938 +30% +45% 1.50
改进型 1940 +45% +65% 2.50
Secondary turret Speed (km/h) 可靠性 对人员杀伤 Hard attack 装甲厚度 突破 生产花费生产花费
Small Cannon -0.25 -10.0% 5.0 3.0 -5.0% 2.0 2
HMG -5.0% 3.0 1.0 1.0 1
Special Module Technology Year 可靠性 对人员杀伤 穿甲深度 装甲厚度 突破 Defense Entrenchment 生产花费生产花费 Resources Notes
Chromium Tungsten
Additional Machineguns 2.0 2.0 0.50
Amphibious Drive Amphibious 1941 -15.0% 2.00 +10.0% Allows amphibous role, forbids any other role

Can only be mounted on light, medium and heavy chassis

Armor Skirts Armor 1936 2.0 3.0 0.50 Limit of one per vehicle
Auto Loader Artillery, 防空炮 or AT 1943 4.0 4.0 2.50 Limit of one per vehicle
Dozer Blade Support Engineer 1939 1 1.00 Limit of one per vehicle
Easy Maintenance Support Maintenance 1939 10.0% Limit of one per vehicle
Extra Ammunition Storage -10.0% 2.0 4.0
Sloped Armor +20.0% +1.0% Limit of one per vehicle
Smoke Launchers 1.0 2.0 0.50
Squeeze-bore Adaptor Anti-tank 1939 +10.0% 1 Limit of one per vehicle
Stabilizer Computing 1940 5.0 2.00
Wet Ammunition Storage 15.0% 1.00 Limit of one per vehicle


Module type Module Technology Year 最大速度(km/h) 可靠性 Hardness 突破 生产花费生产花费
Tracked Suspension Bogie Suspension 0
Christie Suspension +20.0% 1
Interleaved Roadwheels -10.0% 4.0 1
Torsion Bar 10.0% 1
Non-tracked Suspension Half-track Suspension Mobile Infantry 1940 -10.0% -20.0% -10%
Wheeled Suspension Trucks 1936 -20.0% -30.0% -5%


模块类型 模块 前置科技 年份 装甲厚度 突破 防御 生产花费生产花费
装甲类型 铸造装甲 +50.0% 4.0 4.0 +20.0%
铆接装甲 2.0 2.0 -20.0%
焊接装甲 基础装甲保护 1934 +40.0% 2.0 2.0
特殊模块 倾斜装甲 +20.0% +1.0%


类型 前置科技 年份 最大速度(km/h) 可靠性 突破 防御 燃油使用 生产花费生产花费
柴油引擎 25.0% 2.00 1
燃气涡轮引擎 喷气引擎 1944 0.5,+25% -10.0% 4.00 3
汽油引擎 0.5,+15% 2.00 1
燃油电力引擎 -50.0% 2.0,+15.0% 2.0,+15.0% 2.00 2,+15.0%


Name Default Developer comment Usage
COMBAT_VALUE_ORG_IMPORTANCE 1 Multiplier on TotalOrganisation when determining the combat value of a division
COMBAT_VALUE_STR_IMPORTANCE 1 Multiplier on TotalStrength when determining the combat value of a division
SOFT_ATTACK_TARGETING_FACTOR 1.0 How much we care about potential soft attacks when evaluating priority combat target
HARD_ATTACK_TARGETING_FACTOR 1.2 How much we care about potential hard attacks when evaluating priority combat target
CASUALTIES_WS_P_PENALTY_DIVISOR 200 Divisor for casualties WS penalty
CASUALTIES_WS_A_PENALTY_DIVISOR 600 Divisor for casualties WS penalty
PIERCING_THRESHOLDS { 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.0 } Our piercing / their armor must be this value to deal damage fraction equal to the index in the array below [higher number = higher penetration]. If armor is 0, 1.00 will be returned.
there isn't much point setting this higher than 0
PIERCING_THRESHOLD_DAMAGE_VALUES { 1.0, 0.8, 0.65, 0.5 } 0 armor will always receive maximum damage (so add overmatching at your own peril). the system expects at least 2 values, with no upper limit.
DIVISIONAL_COMMANDER_TRAIT_XP_REQUIREMENT 400.0 Get a trait if any valid options & xp gained >= this
NUM_DAYS_FOR_OPERATION_ENTRY 60 Number of days that a unit must have been on a particular active order instance to receive a history entry.
MAX_LEADERS_TO_SHOW 50 Max officers to show in field officers list, sorted by field EXP. Divisions with awardable entries will potentially supercede this limit
BASE_FEMALE_DIVISIONAL_COMMANDER_CHANCE 0 Chance to receive a female divisonal commander. This is set to zero in the base game, as we do not have generic female portraits for many graphical culture groups.
DIVISIONAL_COMMANDER_RANK_XP_THRESHOLD { 0, 100.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0 } this expects a value between 0 and 1 and is added to by female_divisional_commander_chance. If you don't have female generic portraits defined, you -will- get silhouettes.XP thresholds for divisional commander ranks. [TAG]_DIVISION_EXPERIENCE_TITLE_ARMY_EXPERIENCE_[array index]
USE_MULTIPLICATIVE_ORG_LOSS_WHEN_MOVING true whether to apply org_loss_when_moving modifiers additively or multiplicatively (hardcoded multiplicative pre-2021)
HOURLY_ORG_MOVEMENT_IMPACT -0.2 how much org is lost every hour while moving an army.
ZERO_ORG_MOVEMENT_MODIFIER -0.8 speed impact at 0 org.
INFRA_ORG_IMPACT 0.5 scale factor of infra on org regain.
ENGAGEMENT_WIDTH_PER_WIDTH 2.0 how much enemy combat width we are allowed to engage per width of our own
INFRASTRUCTURE_MOVEMENT_SPEED_IMPACT -0.05 speed penalty per infrastucture below maximum.
VPS_FOR_HISTORY_ENTRY 3 Minimum VPs required to receive an entry in divisional history
VPS_FOR_HIGH_HISTORY_ENTRY 8 VPs required for high-level history entry
ENTRIES_TO_CHECK_FOR_DUPLICATE 2 Max number of history entries to check back to see if we're being awarded the same entry
COST_INCREASE_PER_ACTIVE_MEDAL 0.25 Additional cost factor per active medal
MAX_ENTRY_ELISION_COUNT 4 If we do the same type of thing consecutively, each entry will stack locations up to this number
GENERATE_AI_DIV_COMMAND_HISTORY_ENTRIES true Should we generate history entries for the AI (may cause savegame bloat)
FIELD_EXPERIENCE_ON_DIVISION_MULT 0.04 Multiply field experience gained by this, when applying to divisional commander
MAX_FIELD_EXPERIENCE_ON_DIVISION 8000 Max experience that can be gained on divisional commanders
FIELD_EXPERIENCE_ON_DIVISION_PER_MEDAL_MULT 0.1 Multiply officer field experience gain by this * number of division medals on application
HISTORY_OPERATION_RANDOM_MAX 24 max random int to roll when determining whether to grant an awardable entry for operations. 1/N chances.
CASUALTY_COUNT_FOR_HISTORY_ENTRY 40000 number of received casualties to receive a history entry (one only)
FIELD_OFFICER_PROMOTION_PENALTY 0.25 Amount of division experience lost when promoting a commander (reduced by modifiers)
HISTORICAL_ORDER_NAME_EXHAUSTION false Do historically chosen order instances exhaust their case names? If false ie, Operation Barbarossa will appear for any orders fulfilling the conditions for Germany
WAR_SCORE_LOSSES_RATIO 0.5 war score gained for every 1000 casualties
WAR_SCORE_LOSSES_MULT_IF_CAPITULATED 0.25 factor applied to war score gained from casualties if capitulated
WAR_SCORE_STRATEGIC_BOMBING_FACTOR 0.02 war score gained for every damage made to enemy's building with strategic bombing
WAR_SCORE_STRAT_BOMBING_DECAY_PER_CIVILIAN_FACTORY 0.1 monthly war score deducted from strategic bombing for every civilian factory in service on the bombed enemy side
WAR_SCORE_AIR_IC_LOSS_FACTOR 0.08 war score gained for every IC of damage done to an enemy's air mission
WAR_SCORE_LAND_DAMAGE_FACTOR 0.1 war score gained for every strengh damage done to an enemy's army
WAR_SCORE_ATTACKER_AND_WINNER_FACTOR 1.2 factor applied to war score gained for strength damage done when being the attacker and the winner
WAR_SCORE_LAND_IC_LOSS_FACTOR 0.08 war score gained for every IC damage done to an enemy's army
WAR_SCORE_PROVINCE_FACTOR 4.0 war score gained when capturing a province for the first time, multiplied by province's worth
WAR_SCORE_LEND_LEASE_GIVEN_IC_FACTOR 0.003 war score gained for every IC of lend lease sent to allies
WAR_SCORE_LEND_LEASE_GIVEN_FUEL_FACTOR 0.003 war score gained for every 100 units of fuel lend lease sent to allies
WAR_SCORE_LEND_LEASE_RECEIVED_IC_FACTOR 0.002 war score deducted for every IC of lend lease received from allies
WAR_SCORE_LEND_LEASE_RECEIVED_FUEL_FACTOR 0.002 war score deducted for every 100 units of fuel lend lease received from allies
CORPS_COMMANDER_DIVISIONS_CAP 24 how many divisions a corps commander is limited to. 0 = inf, < 0 = blocked
DIVISION_SIZE_FOR_XP 8 how many battalions should a division have to count as a full divisions when calculating XP stuff
CORPS_COMMANDER_ARMIES_CAP -1 how many armies a corps commander is limited to. 0 = inf, < 0 = blocked
FIELD_MARSHAL_DIVISIONS_CAP 24 how many divisions a field marshall is limited to. 0 = inf, < 0 = blocked
FIELD_MARSHAL_ARMIES_CAP 5 how many armies a field marshall is limited to. 0 = inf, < 0 = blocked
UNIT_LEADER_GENERATION_CAPITAL_CONTINENT_FACTOR 100 Integer factor to multiply manpower.
RECON_SKILL_IMPACT 5 how many skillpoints is a recon advantage worth when picking a tactic.
MAX_DIVISION_BRIGADE_WIDTH 5 Max width of regiments in division designer.
MAX_DIVISION_BRIGADE_HEIGHT 5 Max height of regiments in division designer.
MAX_DIVISION_SUPPORT_WIDTH 1 Max width of support in division designer.
MAX_DIVISION_SUPPORT_HEIGHT 5 Max height of support in division designer.
BASE_DIVISION_BRIGADE_GROUP_COST 20 Base cost to unlock a regiment slot,
BASE_DIVISION_BRIGADE_CHANGE_COST 5 Base cost to change a regiment column.
BASE_DIVISION_SUPPORT_SLOT_COST 10 Base cost to unlock a support slot
MAX_ARMY_EXPERIENCE 500 Max army experience a country can store
MAX_NAVY_EXPERIENCE 500 Max navy experience a country can store
MAX_AIR_EXPERIENCE 500 Max air experience a country can store
COMBAT_MINIMUM_TIME 4 Shortest time possible for a combat in hours
SPOTTING_QUALITY_DROP_HOURS 4 Each X hours the intel quality drops after unit was spotted.
LEADER_GROUP_MAX_SIZE 1000 5, -- Max slots for leader groups.
MIN_SUPPLY_CONSUMPTION 0.05 minimum value of supply consumption that a unit can get
LAND_COMBAT_ORG_DICE_SIZE 4 nr of damage dice
LAND_COMBAT_STR_DICE_SIZE 2 nr of damage dice
LAND_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 0.06 global damage modifier... but some equipment is returned at end of battles see : EQUIPMENT_COMBAT_LOSS_FACTOR
LAND_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 0.053 global damage modifier
LAND_AIR_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 0.032 air global damage modifier
LAND_AIR_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 0.032 global damage modifier
LAND_AIR_COMBAT_MAX_PLANES_PER_ENEMY_WIDTH 3 how many CAS/TAC can enter a combat depending on enemy width there
LAND_COMBAT_STR_ARMOR_ON_SOFT_DICE_SIZE 2 extra damage dice if our armor outclasses enemy
LAND_COMBAT_ORG_ARMOR_ON_SOFT_DICE_SIZE 6 extra damage dice if our armor outclasses enemy
LAND_COMBAT_STR_ARMOR_DEFLECTION_FACTOR 0.5 damage reduction if armor outclassing enemy
LAND_COMBAT_ORG_ARMOR_DEFLECTION_FACTOR 0.5 damage reduction if armor outclassing enemy
LAND_COMBAT_COLLATERAL_FORT_FACTOR 0.005 Factor to scale collateral damage to forts with.
LAND_COMBAT_COLLATERAL_INFRA_FACTOR 0.0022 Factor to scale collateral damage to infra with.
LAND_COMBAT_FORT_DAMAGE_CHANCE 5 chance to get a hit to damage on forts. (out of 100)
ATTRITION_DAMAGE_ORG 0.08 damage from attrition to Organisation
ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_LOSS_CHANCE 0.1 Chance for loosing equipment when suffer attrition. Scaled up the stronger attrition is. Then scaled down by equipment reliability.
ATTRITION_EQUIPMENT_PER_TYPE_LOSS_CHANCE 0.1 Chance for loosing equipment when suffer attrition. Scaled up the stronger attrition is. Then scaled down by equipment reliability.
RELIABILITY_ORG_REGAIN -0.3 how much reliability affects org regain
RELIABILITY_ORG_MOVING -1.0 how much reliability affects org loss on moving
RELIABILITY_WEATHER 3.0 how much reliability is afffecting weather impact
RELIABILTY_RECOVERY 0.1 factor affecting how much equipment is returned "from the dead"
BASE_CHANCE_TO_AVOID_HIT 90 Base chance to avoid hit if defences left.
CHANCE_TO_AVOID_HIT_AT_NO_DEF 60 chance to avoid hit if no defences left.
COMBAT_MOVEMENT_SPEED 0.33 speed reduction base modifier in combat capped between 0.01 and 1
TACTIC_SWAP_FREQUENCEY 12 hours between tactic swaps
PREFERRED_TACTIC_CHARACTER_SKILL_LEVEL_REQUIRED 5 Which level a field marhal or general has to be before they can pick their preferred tactic
COUNTRY_PREFERRED_TACTIC_WEIGHT_FACTOR 0.25 extra weight multiplier for the country preferred tactic when doing weighted random
ARMY_GENERAL_PREFERRED_TACTIC_WEIGHT_FACTOR 0.5 extra weight multiplier for the army general preferred tactic when doing weighted random
FIELD_MARSHAL_PREFERRED_TACTIC_WEIGHT_FACTOR 0.25 extra weight multiplier for the field marhsal preferred tactic when doing weighted random
PREFERRED_TACTIC_COMMAND_POWER_COST 20 command point cost for changing preferred tactic
INITIATIVE_PICK_COUNTER_ADVANTAGE_FACTOR 0.35 advantage per leader level for picking a counter
AMPHIBIOUS_INVADE_MOVEMENT_COST 24.0 total progress cost of movement while amphibious invading
LAND_SPEED_MODIFIER 0.05 basic speed control
RIVER_CROSSING_PENALTY -0.3 small river crossing
RIVER_CROSSING_PENALTY_LARGE -0.6 large river crossing
RIVER_CROSSING_SPEED_PENALTY -0.25 small river crossing
RIVER_CROSSING_SPEED_PENALTY_LARGE -0.5 large river crossing
RIVER_SMALL_START_INDEX 0 color indices for rivers
BASE_FORT_PENALTY -0.15 fort penalty
MULTIPLE_COMBATS_PENALTY -0.5 defender penalty if attacked from multiple directions
DIG_IN_FACTOR 0.02 bonus factor for each dug-in level
ARMY_LEADER_XP_GAIN_PER_UNIT_IN_COMBAT 0.1 XP gain per unit in combat
CONSTANT_XP_RATIO_FOR_MULTIPLE_LEADERS_IN_SAME_COMBAT 0.5 if there are multiple leaders in same combat, each one gets thisratio + (1-thisratio)/num leaders. amount of xp each general gets scales 1 0.75 0.66 etc for 1 2 3 generals
BASE_LEADER_TRAIT_GAIN_XP 0.45 Base xp gain for traits per hour for armies
MAX_NUM_TRAITS -1 cant have more, -1 to disable
ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_IMPACT -0.35 effect on defense due to enemy air superiorty
ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_DEFENSE 0.7 more AA attack will approach this amount of help (diminishing returns)
ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_DEFENSE_STEEPNESS 112 how quickly defense approaches the max impact diminishing returns curve
ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_SPEED_IMPACT -0.3 effect on speed due to enemy air superiority
ANTI_AIR_TARGETTING_TO_CHANCE 0.07 Balancing value to determine the chance of ground AA hitting an attacking airplane, affecting both the effective average damage done by AA to airplanes, and the reduction of damage done by airplanes due to AA support
ANTI_AIR_ATTACK_TO_AMOUNT 0.005 Balancing value to convert equipment stat anti_air_attack to the random % value of airplanes being hit.
ENCIRCLED_PENALTY -0.3 penalty when completely encircled
UNIT_EXP_LEVELS { 0.1, 0.3, 0.75, 0.9 } Experience needed to progress to the next level
FIELD_EXPERIENCE_MAX_PER_DAY 1.2 Most xp you can gain per day
EXPEDITIONARY_FIELD_EXPERIENCE_SCALE 0.3 reduction factor in Xp from expeditionary forces
LEND_LEASE_FIELD_EXPERIENCE_SCALE 0.0005 Experience scale for lend leased equipment used in combat.
REINFORCEMENT_REQUEST_MAX_WAITING_DAYS 14 Every X days the equipment will be sent, regardless if still didn't produced all that has been requested.
REINFORCEMENT_REQUEST_DAYS_FREQUENCY 7 How many days must pass until we may give another reinforcement request
UNIT_DIGIN_CAP 5 how "deep" you can dig you can dig in until hitting max bonus
UNIT_DIGIN_SPEED 1 how "deep" you can dig a day.
PARACHUTE_FAILED_EQUIPMENT_DIV 50.0 When the transport plane was shot down, we drop unit with almost NONE equipment
PARACHUTE_FAILED_MANPOWER_DIV 100.0 When the transport plane was shot down, we drop unit with almost NONE manpower
PARACHUTE_FAILED_STR_DIV 10.0 When the transport plane was shot down, we drop unit with almost NONE strenght
PARACHUTE_DISRUPTED_EQUIPMENT_DIV 1.5 When the transport plane was hit, we drop unit with reduced equipment. Penalty is higher as more hits was received (and AA guns was in the state).
PARACHUTE_DISRUPTED_MANPOWER_DIV 1.9 When the transport plane was hit, we drop unit with reduced manpower. Penalty is higher as more hits was received (and AA guns was in the state).
PARACHUTE_DISRUPTED_STR_DIV 2.2 When the transport plane was hit, we drop unit with reduced strength. Penalty is higher as more hits was received (and AA guns was in the state).
PARACHUTE_PENALTY_RANDOMNESS 0.1 Random factor for str,manpower,eq penalties.
PARACHUTE_DISRUPTED_AA_PENALTY 1 How much the Air defence in the state (from AA buildings level * air_defence) is scaled to affect overall disruption (equipment,manpower,str).
PARACHUTE_COMPLETE_ORG 0.4 Organisation value (in %) after unit being dropped, regardless if failed, disrupted, or successful.
PARACHUTE_ORG_REGAIN_PENALTY_DURATION 120 penalty in org regain after being parachuted. Value is in hours.
PARACHUTE_ORG_REGAIN_PENALTY_MULT -0.8 penalty to org regain after being parachuted.
SHIP_MORALE_TO_ORG_REGAIN_BASE 0.2 Base org regain per hour
EXILE_EQUIPMENT 1.0 Amount of equipment to keep
EXILE_ORG 0.0 Amount of org to keep
EXPERIENCE_LOSS_FACTOR 1.0 percentage of experienced solders who die when manpower is removed
EQUIPMENT_COMBAT_LOSS_FACTOR 0.7 % of equipment lost to strength ratio in combat, so some % is returned if below 1
SUPPLY_USE_FACTOR_MOVING 1.5 Deprecated/Unused
SUPPLY_GRACE 72 troops always carry 3 days of food and supply
SUPPLY_GRACE_MAX_REDUCE_PER_HOUR 2 supply grace is not decreased instantly when it is buffed temporarily and buff is removed
SUPPLY_ORG_MAX_CAP 0.35 Max organization is factored by this if completely out of supply
MAX_OUT_OF_SUPPLY_DAYS 30 how many days of shitty supply until max penalty achieved
OUT_OF_SUPPLY_ATTRITION 0.2 max attrition when out of supply
OUT_OF_SUPPLY_SPEED -0.8 max speed reduction from supply
NON_CORE_SUPPLY_SPEED -0.5 we are not running on our own VP supply so need to steal stuff along the way
NON_CORE_SUPPLY_AIR_SPEED -0.25 we are not running on our own VP supply so need to steal stuff along the way, a bit less due to air supply
OUT_OF_SUPPLY_MORALE -0.2 max org regain reduction from supply
TRAINING_ATTRITION 0.05 amount of extra attrition from being in training
TRAINING_MIN_STRENGTH 0.1 if strength is less than this, the unit will pause training until it's been reinforced
TRAINING_MAX_DAILY_COUNTRY_EXP 0.08 Maximum army XP gained per day from training
AIR_SUPPORT_BASE 0.25 CAS bonus factor for air support moddifier for land unit in combat
LOW_SUPPLY 0.99 When the supply status of an unit becomes low.
BORDER_WAR_ATTRITION_FACTOR 0.1 How much of borderwar balance of power makes it into attrition
BORDER_WAR_VICTORY 0.8 At wich border war balance of power is victory declared
REINFORCE_CHANCE 0.02 base chance to join combat from back line when empty
SPEED_REINFORCEMENT_BONUS 0.01 chance to join combat bonus by each 100% larger than infantry base (up to 200%)
OVERSEAS_LOSE_EQUIPMENT_FACTOR 0.75 percentage of equipment lost disbanded overseas
ENCIRCLED_DISBAND_MANPOWER_FACTOR 0.2 percentage of manpower returned when an encircled unit is disbanded
ORG_LOSS_FACTOR_ON_CONQUER 0.2 percentage of (max) org loss on takign enemy province
LOW_ORG_FOR_ATTACK 0.3 at what org % we start affecting speed when doign hostile moves. scales down ZERO_ORG_MOVEMENT_MODIFIER
PLAYER_ORDER_PLANNING_DECAY 0.03 Amount of planning lost due to player manual order
PLANNING_MAX 0.3 can get more from techs
CIVILWAR_ORGANIZATION_FACTOR 0.3 Multiplier of org for both sides when civilwar.
PLAN_CONSIDERED_GOOD 0.25 Plan evaluations above this value are considered more or less safe
PLAN_CONSIDERED_BAD -0.25 Plan evaluations below this value are considered unsafe
PLAN_MIN_AUTOMATED_EMPTY_POCKET_SIZE 2 The battle plan system will only automatically attack provinces in pockets that has no resistance and are no bigger than these many provinces
PLAN_SPREAD_ATTACK_WEIGHT 12.0 The higher the value, the less it should crowd provinces with multiple attacks.
PLAN_NEIGHBORING_ENEMY_PROVINCE_FACTOR 0.7 When calculating the importance of provinces, it takes number of enemy provinces into account, factored by this
PLAN_PROVINCE_BASE_IMPORTANCE 2.0 Used when calculating the calue of front and defense area provinces for the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_LOW_VP_IMPORTANCE_AREA 2.0 Used when calculating the value of defense area in the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_MEDIUM_VP_IMPORTANCE_AREA 5.0 Used when calculating the value of defense area in the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_HIGH_VP_IMPORTANCE_AREA 10.0 Used when calculating the value of defense area in the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_CAPITAL_IMPORTANCE_AREA 50.0 Used when calculating the balue of defense area in the battle plan system
MIN_VP_NEEDED_FOR_DEFENSE_ORDER_ASSIGNMENTS 1.0 If a province has more than this VP, unit controller will try to assign units that prov
PLAN_PROVINCE_LOW_VP_IMPORTANCE_FRONT 2.0 Used when calculating the calue of fronts in the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_MEDIUM_VP_IMPORTANCE_FRONT 2.25 Used when calculating the calue of fronts in the battle plan system
PLAN_PROVINCE_HIGH_VP_IMPORTANCE_FRONT 2.75 Used when calculating the calue of fronts in the battle plan system
PLAN_SHARED_FRONT_PROV_IMPORTANCE_FACTOR 0.8 If fornt orders share end provinces, they should each have a somewhat reduced prio due to it being shared.
PLAN_PORVINCE_PORT_BASE_IMPORTANCE 12.0 Added importance for area defense province with a port
PLAN_PORVINCE_PORT_LEVEL_FACTOR 1.5 Bonus factor for port level
PLAN_PORVINCE_AIRFIELD_BASE_IMPORTANCE 3.0 Added importance for area defense province with air field
PLAN_PORVINCE_AIRFIELD_POPULATED_FACTOR 1.5 Bonus factor when an airfield has planes on it
PLAN_PORVINCE_AIRFIELD_LEVEL_FACTOR 0.25 Bonus factor for airfield level
PLAN_PORVINCE_RESISTANCE_BASE_IMPORTANCE 10.0 Used when calculating the calue of defense area provinces for the battle plan system (factored by resistance level)
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_ENEMY_CONTROLLER_SCORE 25.0 These need to result in province value > 1.0 for it to matter.
Score applied to provinces in the defense area order controlled by enemies
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_ENEMY_UNIT_FACTOR -2.0 Factor applied to province score in area defense order per enemy unit in that province
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_FORT_IMPORTANCE 0.25 Used when calculating the value of defense area provinces for the battle plan system, works as multipliers on the rest
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_COASTAL_FORT_IMPORTANCE 3.0 Used when calculating the value of defense area provinces for the battle plan system
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_COAST_NO_FORT_IMPORTANCE 1.1 Used when calculating the value of defense area provinces for the battle plan system
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_HAS_RAIL_IMPORTANCE 1.5 Used when calculating the value of defense area provinces for the battle plan system
PLAN_AREA_DEFENSE_HAS_SUPPLY_NODE 20.0 Used when calculating the value of defense area provinces for the battle plan system
PLAN_STICKINESS_FACTOR 100.0 Factor used in unitcontroller when prioritizing units for locations
PLAN_PROVINCE_PRIO_DISTRIBUTION_MIN 0.7 Lowest fraction of divisions that will be distributed based on province priority
PLAN_PROVINCE_PRIO_DISTRIBUTION_MAX 1.0 Highest fraction of divisions that will be distributed based on province priority
PLAN_EXECUTE_CAREFUL_LIMIT 25 When looking for an attach target, this score limit is required in the battle plan to consider province for attack
PLAN_EXECUTE_BALANCED_LIMIT 0 When looking for an attach target, this score limit is required in the battle plan to consider province for attack
PLAN_EXECUTE_RUSH -200 When looking for an attach target, this score limit is required in the battle plan to consider province for attack
PLAN_EXECUTE_CAREFUL_MAX_FORT 5 If execution mode is set to careful, units will not attack provinces with fort levels greater than or equal to this
PLAN_EXECUTE_SUPPLY_CHECK { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 } order by EExecutionType: careful, balanced, rush, <skip>, rush_weak
for each execution mode how careful should we be with supply (1.0 means full required supply available, zero is no limit).
PLAN_MAX_PROGRESS_TO_JOIN 0.5 If Lower progress than this, probably needs support
PLAN_COHESION_WEIGHTS { 1.0, 40.0, 80.0 } for each cohesion setting, how keen on relocating from distance should we be? (default 1.0), higher weight = shorter max distance
PLAN_COHESION_DISTANCE_MAX_WHEN_LEFT_BEHIND 38 Unused and deprecated - will be removed in next major version.
PLAN_BLITZ_OPTIMISM 0.2 Additional combat balance value in favor of blitzing side when considering targets (not a combat bonus, just offsets planning)
MIN_BALANCE_SCORE_TO_PROCEED_ATTACK 0.2 A combat balance score of less than this will prevent auto attacking
DYNAMIC_MODIFIER_ATTACK_BIAS 1.0 This factors the weighting bias of dynamic attack modifiers
FLANKED_PROVINCES_COUNT 3 Attacker has to attack from that many provinces for the attack to be considered as flanking
NUKE_MIN_DAMAGE_PERCENT 0.1 Minimum damage from nukes as a percentage of current strength/organisation
NUKE_MAX_DAMAGE_PERCENT 0.9 Minimum damage from nukes as a percentage of current strength/organisation
EQUIPMENT_REPLACEMENT_RATIO 0.1 Equipment min ratio after blocking the equipment type
NUKE_DELAY_HOURS 12 How many hours does it take for the nuclear drop to happen
PARADROP_PENALTY -0.3 Combat penalty when recently paradropped
PARADROP_HOURS 48 time paratroopers suffer penalties in combat
COMBAT_SUPPLY_LACK_ATTACKER_ATTACK -0.25 attack combat penalty for attacker if out of supply
COMBAT_SUPPLY_LACK_ATTACKER_DEFEND -0.65 defend combat penalty for attacker if out of supply
COMBAT_SUPPLY_LACK_DEFENDER_ATTACK -0.35 attack combat penalty for defender if out of supply
COMBAT_SUPPLY_LACK_DEFENDER_DEFEND -0.15 defend combat penalty for defender if out of supply
COMBAT_STACKING_START 8 at what nr of divisions stacking penalty starts
COMBAT_STACKING_EXTRA 4 extra stacking from directions
COMBAT_STACKING_PENALTY -0.02 how much stackign penalty per division
COMBAT_OVER_WIDTH_PENALTY -1.5 over combat width penalty per %.
COMBAT_OVER_WIDTH_PENALTY_MAX -0.33 over combat width max (when you cant join no more).
RETREAT_SPEED_FACTOR 0.25 speed bonus when retreating
WITHDRAWING_SPEED_FACTOR 0.15 speed bonus when withdrawing
STRATEGIC_SPEED_INFRA_BASE 5.0 Base speed of strategic redeployment when not on railways
STRATEGIC_SPEED_INFRA_MAX 10.0 Additional speed of strategic redeployment on max-level infrastructure
STRATEGIC_SPEED_RAIL_BASE 15.0 Base speed of strategic redeployment when on railways
STRATEGIC_SPEED_RAIL_MAX 25.0 Additional speed of strategic redeployment on max-level railways
STRATEGIC_REDEPLOY_ORG_RATIO 0.1 Ratio of max org while strategic redeployment
BATALION_NOT_CHANGED_EXPERIENCE_DROP 0.0 Division experience drop if unit has same batalion
BATALION_CHANGED_EXPERIENCE_DROP 0.5 Division experience drop if unit has different batalion
ARMOR_VS_AVERAGE 0.4 how to weight in highest armor & pen vs the division average
LAND_EQUIPMENT_BASE_COST 10 Cost in XP to upgrade a piece of equipment one level is base + ( total levels * ramp )
MIN_DIVISION_DEPLOYMENT_TRAINING 0.2 Min level of division training
FRONTLINE_EXPANSION_FACTOR 0.6 When attacking along a frontline, how much should units spread out as they advance. 0.0 means head (more or less) directly to the drawn frontline, with no distractions
FRONT_MIN_PATH_TO_REDEPLOY 8 If a units path is at least this long to reach its front location, it will strategically redeploy.
ARMY_INITIATIVE_REINFORCE_FACTOR 0.25 scales initiative for reinforce chance
BASE_CAPTURE_EQUIPMENT_RATIO 0.0 after a successful land combat, ratio of the equipments that are being captured/salvaged from enemy's lost equipment
ACCLIMATIZATION_IN_COMBAT_SPEED_FACTOR 3 Acclimatization speed multiplier while being in combat.
ACCLIMATIZATION_SPEED_GAIN 0.15 A variable used to balance the overall speed of gaining the acclimatization
ACCLIMATIZATION_LOSS_SPEED_FACTOR 2.0 Loosing one acclimatization while being under affect of the opposite climate should cause it to drop down much faster than gaining.
PROMOTE_LEADER_CP_COST 40.0 cost of promoting a leader
FIELD_MARSHAL_ARMY_BONUS_RATIO 0.5 ratio to apply regular bonuses FM bonuses to armies
FIELD_MARSHAL_XP_RATIO 0.3 xp gain ratio for army group leaders
GARRISON_ORDER_ARMY_CAP_FACTOR 3.0 armies gets increased cap when they are garrisoned
COMMANDER_LEVEL_UP_STAT_COUNT 3 num stats gained on level up
COMMANDER_LEVEL_UP_STAT_WEIGHTS { 5, 5, 5, 5 } level up stat random base weights attack, defense, planning, logistics
UNIT_LEADER_INITIAL_TRAIT_SLOT { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 } trait slot for 0 level leader
field marshal
corps commander
navy general
UNIT_LEADER_TRAIT_SLOT_PER_LEVEL { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0 } num extra traits on each level
field marshal
corps commander
navy general
UNIT_LEADER_USE_NONLINEAR_XP_GAIN true Whether unit leader XP gain is scaled by 1/<nr_of_traits>
HOURS_REQ_REJOIN_BORDER_WAR_FOR_INJURED_UNITS 336 minimum hours required for units to rejoin border wars
NEW_COMMANDER_RANDOM_PERSONALITY_TRAIT_CHANCES { 0.5, 0.15 } chances to gain a personality trait for new generals
50% for first trait
15% for second trait after that
NEW_OPERATIVE_RANDOM_PERSONALITY_TRAIT_CHANCES { 0.5, 0.1 } chances to gain a personality trait for new operatives
50% for first trait
10% for second trait after that
NEW_OPERATIVE_RANDOM_BASIC_TRAIT_CHANCES { 0.25, 0.05 } chances to gain a basic trait for new operatives
25% for first trait
5% for second trait after that
UNIT_LEADER_MODIFIER_COOLDOWN_ON_GROUP_CHANGE 15 time in days for a unit leader to regain its modifiers
UNIT_LEADER_ASSIGN_TRAIT_COST 15.0 cost to assign a new trait to a unit leader
ATTACHED_WINGS_ORDER_UPDATE_DAYS 5 Days untill the attached wing will update the order
BORDER_WAR_WIN_DAYS_AGAINST_EMPTY_OPPONENTS 14 border wars will be automatically won if no opponent shows up for this duration
MAX_RELATIVE_COMBAT_DAMAGE_TO_MODIFY_XP 4.0 you gain more XP if you are doing more damage relative to enemy, this is the max relative amount to gain following RATe
XP_GAIN_FACTOR_FOR_MAX_RELATIVE_COMBAT_DAMAGE 4.0 XP factor scaling for max relative combat damage
XP_DECAY_RATE_PER_HOUR_IN_COMBAT 0.03 you get reduced XP as combat drags
MIN_XP_RATE_TO_DECAY 0.1 minimum XP factor for dragged combats
XP_GAIN_PER_OVERRUN_UNIT 35.0 fixed XP gain per overrun unit
XP_GAIN_FOR_SHATTERING 35.0 fixed XP gain per shattered unit
UNIT_UPKEEP_ATTRITION 0.0 Constant attrition value applied to armies.
FUEL_PENALTY_START_RATIO 0.25 ratio of fuel in an army to start getting penalties
SURPLUS_SUPPLY_RATIO_FOR_ZERO_FUEL_FLOW 0.5 if a supply chunk has more supply needed than this ratio + 1 compared to its max supply flow, the units inside the chiunk will get no fuel
ARMY_MAX_FUEL_FLOW_MULT 2.0 max fuel ratio that an army can get per hour, multiplied by supply situation
ARMY_FUEL_COST_MULT 0.5 fuel cost multiplier for all army related stuff
ARMY_COMBAT_FUEL_MULT 1.0 fuel consumption ratio in combat (plus ARMY_MOVEMENT_FUEL_MULT if you are also moving. ie offensive combat)
ARMY_TRAINING_FUEL_MULT 1.0 fuel consumption ratio while training
ARMY_MOVEMENT_FUEL_MULT 1.0 fuel consumption ratio while moving
ARMY_NAVAL_TRANSFER_FUEL_MULT 0.0 fuel consumption ratio while naval transferring
ARMY_STRATEGIC_DEPLOYMENT_FUEL_MULT 0.0 fuel consumption ratio while doing strategic deployment
ARMY_IDLE_FUEL_MULT 0.0 fuel consumption ratio while just existing
FUEL_EFFICIENCY_RAID_MULTIPLIER 1.0 convoy raid multiplier for fuel sunk
FUEL_FLOW_PENALTY_FOR_SUPPLY_CHUNK_EDGE_RATIO 0.5 supply flow that is limited by control of incoming edge provinces will have lesser effect on fuel flow
OUT_OF_FUEL_EQUIPMENT_MULT 0.1 ratio of the stats that you get from equipments that uses fuel and you lack it
OUT_OF_FUEL_SPEED_MULT 0.4 speed mult that armies get when out of fuel
OUT_OF_FUEL_TRAINING_XP_GAIN_MULT 0.0 xp gain mult from training when a unit is out of fuel
FUEL_CAPACITY_DEFAULT_HOURS 96 default capacity if not specified
MAX_ESTIMATED_PLAN_UNITS_NOT_IN_PLACE_FACTOR -0.6 Scaled by % of units not in place. Used to be a flat -50%
DAMAGE_SPLIT_ON_FIRST_TARGET 0.35 % of damage dealt to the first target in a combat. The rest will be split amongst subsequent targets. Modifiers can affect this up to a maximum of 0.9. That value must not be exposed as a define.
NEW_ARMY_LEADER_LEVEL_CHANCES { 0.95, 0.05 } chances for new army leaders to start at a given level
95% for level one
5% for level two
0% for level three to ten