
(重定向自Swiss events

This is a list of all 瑞士的国旗 瑞士's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/BBA_Switzerland.txt).

BBA_switzerland id 1 - 10


[ROOT.GetAdjective] Guiding Principles

The political situation inside and around [ROOT.GetNameDefCap] is deteriorating quickly. There is a growing movement advocating for guiding principles to steer the ship in the right direction during the impending storm, but the question is, which one?.

We do not know what our neighbors will do, but we must decide now what course of action will allow [ROOT.GetName] to survive.

  • None

Completing the national focus Focus SWI swiss guiding principles.png Swiss Guiding Principles

Event button.png
We must protect our democratic and neutral values
  • Adds modifier“Swiss Guiding Principles” to Balance of Power
    • Daily balance of power change: Right0.1%
Event button.png
Perhaps we should be more active about protecting our democracy
  • Adds modifier“Swiss Guiding Principles” to Balance of Power
    • Daily balance of power change: Left0.1%
Event button.png
Neutrality is untenable under these circumstances
  • Adds modifier“Swiss Guiding Principles” to Balance of Power
    • Daily balance of power change: Left0.1%
  • Lose −10% 民主主义 Democratic party popularity


Nazi Party representative in Switzerland assassinated

David Frankfurter, a Jewish Croat living in Bern, turned himself in to the Graubünden Police and confessed to the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff, the leader of the Nazi Party's Foreign Organization in Switzerland.

He cited the Nazi Party's harmful beliefs towards the Jewish people and Gustloff's role in spreading them in [SWI.GetName] as the reason for the shooting.

How we choose to proceed in this potentially lengthy issue will be used by [GER.GetNameDef] and the rest of the world as a way to measure our dedication to neutrality and the rule of law.

触发条件 只触发于

(Triggers in event)

Immediate effects
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_fascist_germany_is_dead if a fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists, clears it if not for 瑞士的国旗 瑞士

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
He will have a fair trial.
  • Tooltip: David Frankfurter will go on trial and events will unfold over time.
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_prepare_for_trial

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • DLC 抵抗运动 La Resistance is enabled
Event button.png
Cover it all up, recruit him as an operative!
  • Create an operative named "David Frankfurter" and recruit them
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_faked_frankfurters_death
  • If fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists
  • Scripted Effect: SWI_update_neighbor_opinion_balance=yes

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
He confessed, so he should get the maximum sentence straight away.
  • Tooltip: David Frankfurter will be given the maximum sentence without trial.
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_frankfurter_immediate_harsh_sentence
  • Fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国:
    • Gains opinion modifier Delivered swift retribution for Gustloff's AssasinationOpinion.png 关系 +40 Opinion / Time 3 years) towards 瑞士的国旗 瑞士
  • Every other country that:
      • Is a potential aggressor
      • Current ruling party is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Gains opinion modifier Harshly sentenced David FrankfurterOpinion.png 关系 -15 Opinion / Time 2 years) towards 瑞士的国旗 瑞士
  • Scripted Effect: SWI_update_neighbor_opinion_balance=yes


David Frankfurter's trial approaches

The trial of David Frankfurter, who back in February assassinated a Nazi Party representative in Davos, is near. We have promised for him to have a fair and neutral trial, but there are certainly other options.

We could secretly free him and recruit him for intelligence operations, or instead, we could try to appease [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.GetNameDef] by cancelling the trial and sentencing him right away instead.

Whatever we do, pleasing every side might be beyond our means.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
触发条件 平均触发时间

90 days

Immediate effects
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_fascist_germany_is_dead if a fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists, clears it if not for 瑞士的国旗 瑞士

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
The trial will continue as planned

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has created an Intelligence Agency
  • DLC 抵抗运动 La Resistance is enabled
Event button.png
He will be an asset for our intelligence efforts
  • Create an operative named "David Frankfurter" and recruit them
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_faked_frankfurters_death
  • If fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists
  • Scripted Effect: SWI_update_neighbor_opinion_balance=yes

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
On second thought, he is clearly guilty
  • Tooltip: David Frankfurter will be given the maximum sentence without trial.
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_frankfurter_immediate_harsh_sentence
  • If fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists
    • Fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国:
      • Gains opinion modifier Delivered swift retribution for Gustloff's AssasinationOpinion.png 关系 +40 Opinion / Time 3 years) towards 瑞士的国旗 瑞士
  • Every other country that:
      • Is a potential aggressor
      • Current ruling party is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Gains opinion modifier Harshly sentenced David FrankfurterOpinion.png 关系 -15 Opinion / Time 2 years) towards 瑞士的国旗 瑞士
  • Scripted Effect: SWI_update_neighbor_opinion_balance=yes


[?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.GetLeader] pleased with [SWI.GetName]'s decision

The leader of [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.GetNameDef], [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.Getleader] has expressed [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.Getleader.GetHerHis] gratitude towards [SWI.GetNameDef] for swiftly dealing with Wilhelm Gustloff's killer, so there is no doubt where [SWI.GetName] stands on matters like these. This omission of human rights and democratic values will certainly improve [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.GetName]'s attitude towards us.

Despite [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.Getleader.GetHerHis] positive remarks, it was made clear that the ideal outcome for the Nazi Party would've been extradition to [?SWI.SWI_fascist_germany.GetNameDef], even if, for now, that is out of the question for [SWI.GetNameDef].

This event happens only once during a campaign.
触发条件 只触发于

(Triggers in event)

Immediate effects
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_fascist_germany_is_dead if a fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists, clears it if not for 瑞士的国旗 瑞士

Event button.png
It is done now
  • Gain +10% 法西斯主义 Fascist party popularity
  • Every other country that:
      • Is a potential aggressor
      • Current ruling party is 民主主义 Democratic
    • Gains opinion modifier Sentenced David Frankfurter without a trialOpinion.png 关系 -20 Opinion / Time 3 years) towards 瑞士的国旗 瑞士
  • Scripted Effect: SWI_update_neighbor_opinion_balance=yes


[SWI.GetName] decides to continue with the trial of Gustloff's killer

Authorities in [SWI.GetName] have announced that David Frankfurter, who confessed to the killing of the Nazi Party Foreign Organization in Davos, will have a fair and balanced trial under Graubünden laws like any other murder case.

Considering Gustloff was an officer of the Nazi Party, and our influence on our defenseless neighbor, we could send a lawyer to represent Gustloff's widow and push for our ideal outcome. This way, we can ensure his punishment is befitting his crime.

Speaking more pragmatically, this could also force [SWI.GetNameDef] to take a side, finally breaking that flimsy facade of neutrality they always like to boast about.

  • None

The event David Frankfurter's trial approaches option “The trial will continue as planned”

Immediate effects
  • (Hidden)Set country flag SWI_fascist_germany_is_dead if a fascist 德意志国的国旗 德意志国 still exists, clears it if not for 瑞士的国旗 瑞士

Event button.png
She deserves justice for this heinous crime!
Event button.png
No need to intervene in [SWI.GetAdjective] affairs

BBA_switzerland_trade id 1 - 10


[FROM.GetNameDefCap] seeks trade agreements with [ROOT.GetName]

Despite their historical neutrality, [FROM.GetNameDefCap] is seeking to establish a trade agreement with our nation. Either they seek to align themselves with us, or they are more desperate than we thought.

Regardless, we stand to benefit from tapping into their industrial capacity and convenient location without having to go through the ordeal of invading their heavily fortified country. On the other hand, this could mean strengthening their position in the event of an future invasion by [ROOT.GetNameDef]

  • None

Option conditions

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Their factories will fuel our war machine
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea SOV third five year plan military.png “Importing war production from Switzerland”
Importing war production from Switzerland icon
Importing war production from Switzerland
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +10%
  • Lack of Resources Penalty: −5%
  • Production Efficiency growth: +5%
Supplies from trade agreement icon
Supplies from trade agreement
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • If 瑞士的国旗 瑞士 is player controlled:
    • Gains Active Trade AgreementOpinion.png 关系 +30 Opinion / Time 2 years) against Switzerland
    • Every other country that is a country to balance and does not share the same government as our country
      • Gains Grave Breach of NeutralityOpinion.png 关系 -30 Opinion / Time 2 years) against Switzerland

Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Our civilian economies will help each other
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea SOV third five year plan civilian.png “Importing civilian production from Switzerland”
Importing civilian production from Switzerland icon
Importing civilian production from Switzerland
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • Construction Speed: +10%
Supplies from trade agreement icon
Supplies from trade agreement
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • If 瑞士的国旗 瑞士 is player controlled:
    • Gains Active Trade AgreementOpinion.png 关系 +30 Opinion / Time 2 years) against Switzerland
    • Every other country that is a country to balance and does not share the same government as our country
      • Gains Grave Breach of NeutralityOpinion.png 关系 -30 Opinion / Time 2 years) against Switzerland

Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is 法西斯主义 Fascist
Event button.png
We do not need help from a spineless neutral country


Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is not 法西斯主义 Fascist
Event button.png
We cannot trust [FROM.GetName]