

This module lists all focuses for LAR dlc countries.
It's meant to be required by "Module:Focus"

local function name_as_id(t1)
	t2 = {}
	for k, v in pairs(t1) do
		t2[k] = v
		if v.dup_name == nil then
			t2[] = v
			t2[ .. " " .. v.dup_name:lower()] = v
	for k, v in pairs(t2) do
		t1[k] = v
	return t1

local p = {
	fra = {},
	fre = {},
	vic = {},
	por = {},
	spr = {},
	spa = {},
local fra = p.fra
local fre = p.fre
local vic = p.vic
local por = p.por
local spr = p.spr
local spa =

fra['fra_devalue_the_franc'] = { name = "Devalue the Franc", icon = "focus_fra_devalue_the_franc" }
fra['fra_autoroutes'] = { name = "Autoroutes", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
fra['fra_invest_in_the_metropole'] = { name = "Develop the Metropole", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
fra['fra_metropolitan_france'] = { name = "Invest in Metropolitan France", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1" }
fra['fra_industrial_expansion'] = { name = "Industrial Expansion", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
fra['fra_military_factories'] = { name = "Military Factories", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
fra['fra_algerie_france'] = { name = "Invest in Algerian France", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1" }
fra['fra_invest_in_the_colonies'] = { name = "Develop the Colonies", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
fra['fra_invest_in_west_africa'] = { name = "Invest In West Africa", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1" }
fra['fra_invest_in_indochina'] = { name = "Invest In Indochina", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1" }
fra['fra_invest_in_syria'] = { name = "Invest In Syria", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1" }
fra['fra_colonial_industry'] = { name = "Colonial Industry", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
fra['fra_extra_research_slot'] = { name = "Support the Grandes Écoles", icon = "focus_research" }
fra['fra_extra_research_slot_2'] = { name = "Form the National Research Center", icon = "focus_research" }
fra['fra_global_integration'] = { name = "Global Integration", icon = "goal_generic_construction" }
fra['fra_begin_rearmament'] = { name = "Begin Rearmament", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
fra['fra_defensive_focus'] = { name = "Defensive Focus", icon = "goal_generic_defence" }
fra['fra_firepower_kills'] = { name = "Firepower Kills", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" }
fra['fra_methodical_battle'] = { name = "Methodical Battle", icon = "goal_generic_cavalry" }
fra['fra_fortification_focus'] = { name = "Fortification Focus", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
fra['fra_alpine_forts'] = { name = "Alpine Forts", icon = "goal_generic_construct_military" }
fra['fra_extend_the_maginot_line'] = { name = "Extend the Maginot Line", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
fra['fra_infantry_focus'] = { name = "Levée en masse", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" }
fra['fra_artillery_focus'] = { name = "Grande Batterie", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" }
fra['fra_heavy_armor_focus'] = { name = "Char de Bataille", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" }
fra['fra_division_cuirassee'] = { name = "Division Cuirassée", icon = "focus_generic_army_tanks2" }
fra['fra_infantry_tanks'] = { name = "Infantry Tanks", icon = "focus_generic_combined_arms" }
fra['fra_special_forces'] = { name = "Special Forces", icon = "goal_generic_special_forces" }
fra['fra_fusiliers_marine'] = { name = "Fusiliers Marins", icon = "goal_generic_amphibious_assault" }
fra['fra_aggressive_focus'] = { name = "Aggressive Focus", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
fra['fra_battle_of_maneuver'] = { name = "Battle of Maneuver", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fra['fra_motorized_focus'] = { name = "Motorized Focus", icon = "goal_generic_army_motorized" }
fra['fra_mechanized_focus'] = { name = "Mechanized Focus", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
fra['fra_light_medium_armor'] = { name = "Automitrailleuses", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" }
fra['fra_air_dominance'] = { name = "Air Dominance", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter2" }
fra['fra_cas_focus'] = { name = "CAS Focus", icon = "goal_generic_CAS" }
fra['fra_air_ground_cooperation'] = { name = "Air-Ground Cooperation", icon = "goal_generic_air_bomber" }
fra['fra_flying_artillery'] = { name = "Flying Artillery", icon = "goal_poland_goal" }
fra['fra_army_reform'] = { name = "Army Reform", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
fra['fra_form_the_popular_front'] = { name = "Form the Popular Front", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
fra['fra_invite_communist_ministers'] = { name = "Invite Communist Ministers", icon = "goal_support_communism" }
fra['fra_strengthen_the_unions'] = { name = "Strengthen the Unions", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_celebrate_the_commune'] = { name = "Celebrate the Commune", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
fra['fra_womens_suffrage'] = { name = "Women's Suffrage", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
fra['fra_legal_equality'] = { name = "Legal Equality", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" }
fra['fra_industrial_collectivization'] = { name = "Industrial Collectivization", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
fra['fra_agricultural_collectivization'] = { name = "Agricultural Collectivization", icon = "focus_prc_agrarian_socialism" }
fra['fra_force_the_issue'] = { name = "Force the Issue", icon = "goal_demand_sudetenland" }
fra['fra_reconciliation'] = { name = "Reconciliation", icon = "goal_generic_improve_relations" }
fra['fra_constitutional_convention'] = { name = "Constitutional Convention", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
fra['fra_anti_fascist_coalition'] = { name = "Anti-Fascist Coalition", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
fra['fra_invite_anti_fascist_emigrants'] = { name = "Invite Anti-Fascist Immigrants", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
fra['fra_reconnect_to_the_balkans'] = { name = "Reconnect To the Balkans", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
fra['fra_pre_empt_the_fascist_attack'] = { name = "Pre-Empt the Fascist Attack", icon = "focus_focus_fra_fascist_threat" }
fra['fra_loyalty_to_moscow'] = { name = "Loyalty To Moscow", icon = "goal_support_communism" }
fra['fra_league_of_french_bolshevist_volunteers'] = { name = "League of French Bolshevik Volunteers", icon = "focus_YUG_pan_slavic_congress" }
fra['fra_host_the_german_exiles'] = { name = "Host the German Exiles", icon = "focus_generic_self_management" }
fra['fra_revolution_to_the_utmost'] = { name = "Revolution To the Utmost", icon = "focus_focus_fra_revolution_utmost" }
fra['fra_destroy_the_counter_revolution'] = { name = "Destroy the Counter-Revolution", icon = "goal_generic_secret_weapon" }
fra['fra_revolutionary_zeal'] = { name = "Revolutionary Zeal", icon = "goal_generic_war_with_comintern" }
fra['fra_loyalty_to_the_cause'] = { name = "Loyalty To the Cause", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_carry_the_revolution_north'] = { name = "Carry the Revolution North", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fra['fra_carry_the_revolution_west'] = { name = "Carry the Revolution West", icon = "goal_generic_territory_or_war" }
fra['fra_carry_the_revolution_east'] = { name = "Carry the Revolution East", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
fra['fra_carry_the_revolution_south'] = { name = "Carry the Revolution South", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
fra['fra_egalite_liberte_solidarite'] = { name = "Egalité, Liberté, Solidarité", icon = "focus_focus_fra_liberte_egalite_solidarite" }
fra['fra_reform_the_labour_laws'] = { name = "Reform the Labour Laws", icon = "goal_generic_production" }
fra['fra_nationalize_key_industry'] = { name = "Nationalize Key Industries", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
fra['fra_reorganize_the_aviation_industry'] = { name = "Reorganize the Aviation Industry", icon = "goal_generic_air_production" }
fra['fra_form_the_state_arsenals'] = { name = "Form the State Arsenals", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
fra['fra_general_work_council'] = { name = "General Work Council", icon = "goal_generic_construction" }
fra['fra_dirigisme'] = { name = "Dirigisme", icon = "focus_generic_the_giant_wakes" }
fra['fra_national_champions'] = { name = "National Champions", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
fra['fra_ban_the_leagues'] = { name = "Ban the Leagues", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
fra['fra_the_blum_viollette_proposal'] = { name = "The Blum-Viollette Proposal", icon = "goal_generic_improve_relations" }
fra['fra_expand_the_citizenship'] = { name = "Expand the Citizenship", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
fra['fra_france_undividable'] = { name = "France Indivisible", icon = "focus_chi_reach_out_to_france" }
fra['fra_french_union'] = { name = "French Union", icon = "focus_fra_french_union" }
fra['fra_encourage_immigration'] = { name = "Encourage Immigration", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
fra['fra_review_foreign_policy'] = { name = "Review Foreign Policy", icon = "goal_support_democracy" }
fra['fra_intervention_in_spain'] = { name = "Intervention in Spain", icon = "focus_focus_fra_intervention_spain" }
fra['fra_support_the_finns'] = { name = "Support the Finns", icon = "focus_invite_finland" }
fra['fra_confirm_eastern_commitments'] = { name = "Confirm Eastern Commitments", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
fra['fra_strengthen_the_little_entente'] = { name = "Strengthen the Little Entente", icon = "focus_generic_little_entente" }
fra['fra_invite_yugoslavia'] = { name = "Invite Yugoslavia", icon = "focus_invite_yugoslavia" }
fra['fra_invite_romania'] = { name = "Invite Romania", icon = "focus_invite_romania" }
fra['fra_invest_in_our_weaker_allies'] = { name = "Invest In Our Weaker Allies", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
fra['fra_coordinate_rearmament'] = { name = "Coordinate Rearmament", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fra['fra_foreign_guest_workers'] = { name = "Foreign Guest-Workers", icon = "focus_generic_manpower" }
fra['fra_join_the_ententes'] = { name = "Join the Ententes", icon = "focus_chi_british_cooperation" }
fra['fra_revive_the_franco_polish_alliance'] = { name = "Revive the Franco-Polish Alliance", icon = "focus_generic_polish_deal" }
fra['fra_buy_time'] = { name = "Buy Time", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" }
fra['fra_strengthen_government_support'] = { name = "Strengthen Government", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_defensive_strategems'] = { name = "Defensive Stratagems", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
fra['fra_go_with_britain'] = { name = "Go With Britain", icon = "focus_chi_british_cooperation" }
fra['fra_arms_purchases_in_the_us'] = { name = "Arms Purchases in the US", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
fra['fra_france_leads'] = { name = "France Leads", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_concessions_to_italy'] = { name = "Concessions to Italy", icon = "focus_befriend_italy" }
fra['fra_ratify_the_stresa_front'] = { name = "Ratify the Stresa Front", icon = "focus_focus_fra_ratify_stresa" }
fra['fra_franco_soviet_treaty'] = { name = "Franco-Soviet Treaty", icon = "focus_chi_mission_to_the_soviet_union" }
fra['fra_leftist_rhetoric'] = { name = "Leftist Rhetoric", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
fra['fra_national_mobilization'] = { name = "National Mobilization", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" }
fra['fra_join_comintern'] = { name = "Join Comintern", icon = "goal_support_communism" }
fra['fra_humanite_unie'] = { name = "Humanité Unie", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
fra['fra_revive_the_national_bloc'] = { name = "Revive the National Bloc", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy2" }
fra['fra_laissez_faire'] = { name = "Laissez-Faire", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
fra['fra_protect_the_rights_of_man'] = { name = "Protect the Rights of Man", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_freedom_front'] = { name = "Freedom Front", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
fra['fra_stimulate_the_dynamic_market'] = { name = "Stimulate the Dynamic Market", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
fra['fra_agricultural_protectionism'] = { name = "Agricultural Protectionism", icon = "goal_generic_defence" }
fra['fra_economic_devolution'] = { name = "Economic Devolution", icon = "goal_generic_positive_trade_relations" }
fra['fra_promote_entrepeneurship'] = { name = "Promote Entrepeneurship", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
fra['fra_ban_communism'] = { name = "Banned Communism", icon = "goal_anti_comintern_pact" }
fra['fra_utilize_the_leagues'] = { name = "Utilize the Leagues", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy1" }
fra['fra_national_regeneration'] = { name = "National Regeneration", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
fra['fra_destroy_decadence'] = { name = "Destroy Decadence", icon = "focus_rom_parties_end" }
fra['fra_integralism'] = { name = "Integralism", icon = "focus_generic_diplomatic_treaty" }
fra['fra_work'] = { name = "Work", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
fra['fra_family'] = { name = "Family", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
fra['fra_fatherland'] = { name = "Fatherland", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
fra['fra_political_unity'] = { name = "Political Unity", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
fra['fra_diplomatic_freedom'] = { name = "Diplomatic Freedom", icon = "focus_renounce_the_treaty_of_trianon" }
fra['fra_latin_entente'] = { name = "Latin Entente", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
fra['fra_reach_out_to_spain'] = { name = "Reach Out To Spain", icon = "goal_generic_improve_relations" }
fra['fra_invite_portugal'] = { name = "Invite Portugal", icon = "focus_generic_befriend_portugal" }
fra['fra_compensate_italy'] = { name = "Compensate Italy", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fra['fra_intervention_in_greece'] = { name = "Intervention in Greece", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
fra['fra_the_congress_of_paris'] = { name = "The Congress of Paris", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
fra['fra_the_natural_borders_of_france'] = { name = "The Natural Borders of France", icon = "focus_focus_fra_border" }
fra['fra_towards_a_new_europe'] = { name = "Towards a New Europe", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
fra['fra_establish_spheres_of_influence'] = { name = "Establish Spheres of Influence", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
fra['fra_split_belgium'] = { name = "Split Belgium", icon = "goal_generic_territory_or_war" }
fra['fra_align_belgium'] = { name = "Align Belgium", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
fra['fra_grow_the_empire'] = { name = "Grow the Empire", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
fra['fra_bring_home_quebec'] = { name = "Bring Home Quebec", icon = "focus_attack_canada" }
fra['fra_expand_to_the_suez'] = { name = "Expand to the Suez", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_coastal" }
fra['fra_dominate_the_middle_east'] = { name = "Dominate the Middle East", icon = "goal_generic_attack_allies" }
fra['fra_right_wing_rhetoric'] = { name = "Right Wing Rhetoric", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
fra['fra_army_of_aggression'] = { name = "Army of Aggression", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
fra['fra_france_first'] = { name = "France First", icon = "goal_generic_attack_allies" }
fra['fra_woo_italy'] = { name = "Woo Italy", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
fra['fra_dismantle_the_democracies'] = { name = "Dismantle the Democracies", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
fra['fra_join_germany'] = { name = "Join Germany", icon = "goal_support_fascism" }
fra['fra_the_council_of_rambouillet'] = { name = "The Council of Rambouillet", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" }
fra['fra_revise_the_constitution'] = { name = "Revise the Constitution", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
fra['fra_repeal_the_law_of_exile'] = { name = "Repeal the Law of Exile", icon = "focus_renounce_the_treaty_of_trianon" }
fra['fra_orleanist_restoration'] = { name = "Orléanist Restoration", icon = "focus_focus_fra_orleans_restoration" }
fra['fra_guarantee_the_constitution'] = { name = "Guarantee the Constitution", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
fra['fra_the_first_citizen_of_the_state'] = { name = "The First Citizen of the State", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
fra['fra_counter_action'] = { name = "Counter-Action", icon = "goal_tfv_saf_anti_colonialist_crusade" }
fra['fra_no_further_humiliations'] = { name = "No Further Humiliations", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
fra['fra_slum_clearing'] = { name = "Slum Clearing", icon = "goal_generic_construction" }
fra['fra_public_welfare'] = { name = "Public Welfare", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
fra['fra_the_legitimate_heir'] = { name = "The Legitimate Heir", icon = "focus_rom_royal_dictatorship" }
fra['fra_secure_the_crown_of_spain'] = { name = "Secure the Crown of Spain", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fra['fra_unite_the_crowns'] = { name = "Unite the Crowns", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fra['fra_two_countries_two_crowns'] = { name = "Two Countries, Two Crowns", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
fra['fra_proclaim_the_third_empire'] = { name = "Proclaim the Third Empire", icon = "focus_focus_fra_third_empire" }
fra['fra_avenge_waterloo'] = { name = "Avenge Waterloo", icon = "focus_attack_britain" }
fra['fra_reorganize_the_dutch'] = { name = "Reorganize the Dutch", icon = "focus_CZE_german_puppet" }
fra['fra_retribution_for_sedan'] = { name = "Retribution For Sedan", icon = "focus_attack_germany" }
fra['fra_disunite_germany'] = { name = "Disunite Germany", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
fra['fra_return_to_borodino'] = { name = "Return To Borodino", icon = "focus_attack_soviet" }
fra['fra_je_suis_la_deluge'] = { name = "Je Suis Le Déluge", icon = "focus_fra_le_deluge" }
fra['fra_naval_rearmament'] = { name = "Naval Rearmament", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
fra['fra_colonial_naval_bases'] = { name = "Colonial Naval Bases", icon = "goal_generic_build_navy" }
fra['fra_develop_colonial_dockyards'] = { name = "Develop Colonial Dockyards", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
fra['fra_the_old_school'] = { name = "The Old School", icon = "focus_generic_navy_battleship2" }
fra['fra_capital_ship_focus'] = { name = "Capital Ship Focus", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" }
fra['fra_carrier_focus'] = { name = "Carrier Focus", icon = "goal_generic_navy_carrier" }
fra['fra_carrier_planes'] = { name = "Carrier Planes", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" }
fra['fra_rush_the_richelieus'] = { name = "Rush the Richelieus", icon = "focus_generic_cruiser2" }
fra['fra_prioritize_the_joffre'] = { name = "Prioritize the Joffre", icon = "goal_generic_navy_carrier" }
fra['fra_the_young_school'] = { name = "The Young School", icon = "goal_generic_navy_cruiser" }
fra['fra_undersea_combat'] = { name = "Undersea Combat", icon = "goal_generic_navy_submarine" }
fra['fra_surface_combat'] = { name = "Surface Combat", icon = "focus_generic_destroyer" }
fra['fra_improved_screen_ships'] = { name = "Improved Screen Ships", icon = "goal_generic_navy_cruiser" }
fra['fra_naval_doctrine'] = { name = "Naval Doctrine", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
fra['fra_air_focus'] = { name = "Air Focus", icon = "goal_generic_build_airforce" }
fra['fra_fighter_focus'] = { name = "Fighter Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" }
fra['fra_heavy_fighter_focus'] = { name = "Heavy Fighter Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter2" }
fra['fra_bomber_focus'] = { name = "Bomber Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_bomber" }
fra['fra_air_doctrine'] = { name = "Air Doctrine", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" }
fra['fra_heavy_bomber_focus'] = { name = "Heavy Bomber Focus", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_start_war" }
fra['fra_naval_bomber_focus'] = { name = "Naval Bomber Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_naval_bomber" }

--Free France
fre['fra_appeal_to_the_french_nation'] = { name = "Appeal To the French Nation", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
fre['fra_appeal_to_overseas_territories'] = { name = "Appeal To Overseas Territories", icon = "goal_generic_radar" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_north_africa'] = { name = "Intervention In North Africa", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_west_africa'] = { name = "Intervention In West Africa", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_syria'] = { name = "Intervention In Syria", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_indochina'] = { name = "Intervention In Indochina", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_central_africa'] = { name = "Intervention In Central Africa", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_intervention_in_madagascar'] = { name = "Intervention In Madagascar", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
fre['fra_form_the_national_committee'] = { name = "Form the National Committee", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
fre['fra_form_the_provisional_government_of_the_republic'] = { name = "Form the Provisional Government", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
fre['fra_continue_the_fight'] = { name = "Continue the Fight", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
fre['fra_the_free_french_navy'] = { name = "The Free French Navy", icon = "goal_generic_build_navy" }
fre['fra_colonial_recruitment'] = { name = "Colonial Recruitment", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" }
fre['fra_the_regiment_normandie'] = { name = "The Regiment Normandie", icon = "focus_fra_regiment_normandie" }
fre['fra_refus_absurde'] = { name = "Refus Absurde", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
fre['fra_the_maquis'] = { name = "The Maquis", icon = "focus_focus_fra_maquis" }
fre['fra_reach_out_to_trade_unions'] = { name = "Reach Out To Trade Unions", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" }
fre['fra_cooperation_with_the_communists'] = { name = "Cooperation With the Communists", icon = "focus_generic_soviet_politics" }
fre['fra_connections_to_industrialists'] = { name = "Connections To Industrialists", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
fre['fra_the_civil_and_military_organization'] = { name = "The Civil And Military Organization", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
fre['fra_national_council_of_the_resistance'] = { name = "National Council of the Resistance", icon = "focus_focus_fra_national_resistance_council" }
fre['fra_national_uprising'] = { name = "National Uprising", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
fre['fra_french_forces_of_the_interior'] = { name = "French Forces of the Interior", icon = "focus_prc_infiltration" }

--Vichy France
vic['vic_emergency_powers_to_petain'] = { name = "Emergency Powers To Petain", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
vic['vic_the_national_revolution'] = { name = "The National Revolution", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy1" }
vic['vic_long_term_economic_planning'] = { name = "Long-Term Economic Planning", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
vic['vic_aid_small_businesses'] = { name = "Aid Small Businesses", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
vic['vic_venerate_the_craftsman'] = { name = "Venerate the Craftsman", icon = "goal_generic_production" }
vic['vic_down_with_marianne'] = { name = "Down With Marianne", icon = "focus_focus_fra_down_marianne" }
vic['vic_up_with_jean_darc'] = { name = "Up With Jeanne d'Arc", icon = "focus_up_joan_of_arc" }
vic['vic_celebrate_motherhood'] = { name = "Celebrate Motherhood", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
vic['vic_prosecute_the_losers'] = { name = "Prosecute the Losers", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" }
vic['vic_concessions_to_the_germans'] = { name = "Concessions to the Germans", icon = "focus_chi_mission_to_germany" }
vic['vic_mandatory_work_service'] = { name = "Mandatory Work Service", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
vic['vic_a_nation_reborn'] = { name = "A Nation Reborn", icon = "goal_support_fascism" }
vic['vic_end_the_occupation'] = { name = "End the Occupation", icon = "goal_generic_territory_or_war" }
vic['vic_the_national_bureau_of_statistics'] = { name = "The National Bureau of Statistics", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
vic['vic_the_legionary_service_order'] = { name = "The Legionary Service Order", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
vic['vic_form_the_milice'] = { name = "Form the Milice", icon = "focus_fra_milice" }
vic['vic_anti_bolshevist_volunteers'] = { name = "Anti-Bolshevist Volunteers", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
vic['vic_rebuild_the_military'] = { name = "Rebuild the Military", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
vic['vic_finish_the_naval_buildup'] = { name = "Finish the Naval Buildup", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
vic['vic_hidden_materials'] = { name = "Hidden Materials", icon = "focus_secret_rearmament" }
vic['vic_analyze_our_defeat'] = { name = "Analyze Our Defeat", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
vic['vic_modernize_the_airforce'] = { name = "Modernize the Airforce", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" }
vic['vic_learn_from_the_enemy'] = { name = "Learn from the Enemy", icon = "focus_research2" }
vic['vic_buy_from_the_enemy'] = { name = "Buy from the Enemy", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" }

por['por_colonial_assimilation_policy'] = { name = "Colonial Assimilation Policy", icon = "focus_generic_military_academy" }
por['por_colonial_army'] = { name = "Colonial Army", icon = "focus_generic_little_entente" }
por['por_luso_tropicalism'] = { name = "Luso-Tropicalism", icon = "focus_por_luso_tropicalism" }
por['por_limited_self_rule'] = { name = "Limited Self-Rule", icon = "focus_por_limited_self_rule" }
por['por_infrastructure_in_angola'] = { name = "Infrastructure in Angola", icon = "focus_generic_africa_infrastructure" }
por['por_develop_north_angola'] = { name = "Develop North Angola", icon = "focus_generic_africa_factory" }
por['por_develop_south_angola'] = { name = "Develop South Angola", icon = "focus_generic_africa_production" }
por['por_portuguese_oil'] = { name = "Portuguese Oil", icon = "goal_generic_oil_refinery" }
por['por_develop_mozambique'] = { name = "Develop Mozambique", icon = "focus_generic_africa_naval" }
por['por_continue_the_public_works'] = { name = "Continue the Public Works", icon = "focus_generic_industry_2" }
por['por_instituto_superior_tecnico'] = { name = "Instituto Superior Técnico", icon = "focus_research" }
por['por_ogme'] = { name = "OGME", icon = "goal_generic_build_airforce" }
por['por_ogma'] = { name = "OGMA", icon = "goal_generic_air_production" }
por['por_roads_bridges_and_dams'] = { name = "Roads, Bridges, and Dams", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
por['por_extraction_industries'] = { name = "Extraction Industries", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
por['por_hydroelectricity'] = { name = "Hydroelectricity", icon = "goal_generic_construction" }
por['por_military_vehicles'] = { name = "Military Vehicles", icon = "goal_generic_army_motorized" }
por['por_portuguese_artillery'] = { name = "Portuguese Artillery", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" }
por['por_advanced_artillery'] = { name = "Advanced Artillery", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" }
por['por_military_research_facilities'] = { name = "Military Research Facilities", icon = "focus_research" }
por['por_armor_focus'] = { name = "Armor Focus", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" }
por['por_mechanized_focus'] = { name = "Mechanized Focus", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
por['por_light_aircraft_focus'] = { name = "Light Aircraft Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter2" }
por['por_advanced_light_aircraft'] = { name = "Advanced Light Aircraft", icon = "goal_generic_air_bomber" }
por['por_jet_research'] = { name = "Jet Research", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" }
por['por_industrial_modernization'] = { name = "Industrial Modernization", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
por['por_a_new_industry'] = { name = "A New Industry", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
por['por_food_industries'] = { name = "Food Industries", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
por['por_textile_industry'] = { name = "Textile Industry", icon = "goal_generic_trade" }
por['por_second_navy_reequipment'] = { name = "Second Navy Reequipment", icon = "goal_generic_build_navy" }
por['por_a_powerful_merchant_marine'] = { name = "A Powerful Merchant Marine", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" }
por['por_merchant_marine_protection'] = { name = "Merchant Marine Protection", icon = "goal_generic_amphibious_assault" }
por['por_submarine_effort'] = { name = "Submarine Effort", icon = "goal_generic_navy_submarine" }
por['por_fuzileiros'] = { name = "Fuzileiros", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_coastal" }
por['por_naval_research_institute'] = { name = "Naval Research Institute", icon = "focus_research" }
por['por_air_naval_research'] = { name = "Air Naval Research", icon = "goal_generic_air_naval_bomber" }
por['por_arsenal_do_alfeite'] = { name = "Arsenal do Alfeite", icon = "goal_generic_navy_cruiser" }
por['por_national_cruiser_production'] = { name = "National Cruiser Production", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
por['por_battleship_effort'] = { name = "Battleship Effort", icon = "focus_generic_navy_battleship2" }
por['por_carrier_effort'] = { name = "Carrier Effort", icon = "goal_generic_navy_carrier" }
por['por_atlantic_defense_strategy'] = { name = "Atlantic Defense Strategy", icon = "focus_generic_destroyer" }
por['por_endless_sea'] = { name = "Endless Sea", icon = "focus_generic_coastal_fort" }
por['por_army_reorganization'] = { name = "Army Reorganization", icon = "focus_generic_combined_arms" }
por['por_metropolitan_army'] = { name = "Metropolitan Army", icon = "focus_eng_move_to_secure_the_dominions" }
por['por_standardization'] = { name = "Standardization", icon = "focus_generic_rubber" }
por['por_defend_the_borders'] = { name = "Defend the Borders", icon = "focus_generic_provoke_border_clashes" }
por['por_rebuild_the_lines_of_torres_vedras'] = { name = "Rebuild the Lines of Torres Vedras", icon = "goal_generic_defence" }
por['por_tropas_paraquedistas'] = { name = "Tropas Paraquedistas", icon = "focus_generic_paratrooper" }
por['por_regimento_de_comandos'] = { name = "Regimento de Comandos", icon = "goal_generic_special_forces" }
por['por_corpo_do_estado_maior'] = { name = "Corpo do Estado Maior", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
por['por_staff_wargames'] = { name = "Staff Wargames", icon = "focus_generic_license_production" }
por['por_field_maneuvers'] = { name = "Field Maneuvers", icon = "focus_generic_manpower" }
por['por_popular_front'] = { name = "Popular Front", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy1" }
por['por_nation_in_arms'] = { name = "Nation in Arms", icon = "focus_generic_attack_portugal" }
por['por_unify_leftist_youth_wings'] = { name = "Unify Leftist Youth Wings", icon = "goal_generic_war_with_comintern" }
por['por_nationalize_industry'] = { name = "Nationalize Industry", icon = "goal_generic_soviet_construction" }
por['por_reorganization_of_the_communist_party'] = { name = "Reorganization of the Communist Party", icon = "focus_generic_soviet_politics" }
por['por_join_the_comintern'] = { name = "Join the Comintern", icon = "focus_generic_join_comintern" }
por['por_research_collaboration'] = { name = "Research Collaboration", icon = "focus_generic_socialist_science" }
por['por_cooperate_with_french_militants'] = { name = "Cooperate with French Militants", icon = "focus_chi_reach_out_to_france" }
por['por_anti_fascism'] = { name = "Anti-Fascism", icon = "focus_generic_anti_fascist_diplomacy" }
por['por_support_the_spanish_republic'] = { name = "Support the Spanish Republic", icon = "goal_support_communism" }
por['por_workers_of_iberia_unite'] = { name = "Workers of Iberia, Unite!", icon = "focus_por_workers_of_iberia" }
por['por_the_iberian_socialist_union'] = { name = "The Iberian Socialist Union", icon = "focus_generic_befriend_portugal" }
por['por_the_popular_front_bloc'] = { name = "The Popular Front Bloc", icon = "focus_generic_diplomatic_treaty" }
por['por_latin_american_communism'] = { name = "Latin American Communism", icon = "focus_por_latin_american_communism" }
por['por_our_comrades_overseas'] = { name = "Our Comrades Overseas", icon = "focus_hol_legacy_of_the_de_zeven_provincien_mutiny" }
por['por_visit_the_front'] = { name = "Visit the Front", icon = "focus_eng_special_air_service" }
por['por_they_need_our_help'] = { name = "They Need Our Help", icon = "focus_intervention_spain_republic" }
por['por_intervention_in_spain'] = { name = "Intervention in Spain", icon = "focus_focus_fra_intervention_spain" }
por['por_securing_the_free_world'] = { name = "Securing the Free World", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
por['por_protect_chinese_civilians'] = { name = "Protect Chinese Civilians", icon = "focus_chi_united_front" }
por['por_strict_neutrality_in_the_spanish_civil_war'] = { name = "Strict Neutrality in the Spanish Civil War", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" }
por['por_british_investment_in_mines'] = { name = "British Investment in Mines", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
por['por_british_guns'] = { name = "British Guns", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
por['por_british_industrial_investments'] = { name = "British Industrial Investments", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
por['por_allow_free_elections'] = { name = "Allow Free Elections", icon = "goal_support_democracy" }
por['por_join_the_allies'] = { name = "Join the Allies", icon = "focus_chi_british_cooperation" }
por['por_research_sharing'] = { name = "Research Sharing", icon = "focus_research2" }
por['por_oppose_germany'] = { name = "Oppose Germany", icon = "focus_ger_oppose_hitler" }
por['por_iberian_summit'] = { name = "Iberian Summit", icon = "focus_por_iberian_summit" }
por['por_estado_novo'] = { name = "Estado Novo", icon = "focus_por_estado_novo" }
por['por_support_the_spanish_nationalists'] = { name = "Support the Spanish Nationalists", icon = "goal_support_fascism" }
por['por_portuguese_legion'] = { name = "Portuguese Legion", icon = "focus_por_portuguese_legion" }
por['por_observation_mission'] = { name = "Observation Mission", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
por['por_send_assistance'] = { name = "Send Assistance", icon = "focus_intervention_spain_nationalists" }
por['por_nationalist_intervention'] = { name = "Nationalist Intervention", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
por['por_strengthen_the_regime'] = { name = "Strengthen the Regime", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
por['por_the_capital_of_espionage'] = { name = "The Capital of Espionage", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
por['por_appease_monarchists'] = { name = "Appease Monarchists", icon = "goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties" }
por['por_concordat_with_the_holy_see'] = { name = "Concordat with the Holy See", icon = "focus_por_concordat" }
por['por_honor_anglo_portuguese_alliance'] = { name = "Honor Anglo-Portuguese Alliance", icon = "goal_generic_alliance" }
por['por_national_gold_reserves'] = { name = "National Gold Reserves", icon = "focus_usa_reestablish_the_gold_standard" }
por['por_proudly_alone'] = { name = "Proudly Alone", icon = "focus_por_salazar" }
por['por_the_eastern_menace'] = { name = "The Eastern Menace", icon = "focus_AST_war_japan" }
por['por_national_syndicalism'] = { name = "National Syndicalism", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy2" }
por['por_ditadura_militar'] = { name = "Ditadura Militar", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
por['por_camisas_azuis'] = { name = "Camisas Azuis", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
por['por_join_the_axis'] = { name = "Join the Axis", icon = "focus_chi_mission_to_germany" }
por['por_research_agreements'] = { name = "Research Agreements", icon = "goal_generic_scientific_exchange" }
por['por_the_fifth_empire'] = { name = "The Fifth Empire", icon = "focus_por_the_fifth_empire" }
por['por_expand_the_chinese_territories'] = { name = "Expand the Chinese Territories", icon = "focus_usa_focus_on_asia" }
por['por_deal_with_the_japanese_threat'] = { name = "Deal with the Japanese Threat", icon = "focus_attack_japan" }
por['por_refuse_the_naval_blockade'] = { name = "Refuse the Naval Blockade", icon = "goal_generic_navy_anti_submarine" }
por['por_mapa_cor_de_rosa'] = { name = "Mapa Cor-de-Rosa", icon = "focus_por_the_pink_map" }
por['por_recover_the_east_indies'] = { name = "Recover the East Indies", icon = "focus_RAJ_seek_help_from_germany" }
por['por_recover_brazil'] = { name = "Recover Brazil", icon = "focus_por_recover_brazil" }
por['por_a_royal_wedding'] = { name = "A Royal Wedding", icon = "focus_generic_royal_wedding" }
por['por_the_return_of_duarte'] = { name = "The Return of Duarte", icon = "focus_generic_monarchy_1" }
por['por_support_a_spanish_monarchy_in_the_war'] = { name = "Support a Spanish Monarchy in the War", icon = "focus_spa_supremacy_of_the_communion" }
por['por_assist_the_requetes'] = { name = "Assist the Requetés", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
por['por_join_the_carlist_fight'] = { name = "Join the Carlist Fight", icon = "focus_spa_no_compromise_on_carlist_ideals" }
por['por_the_royal_iberian_alliance'] = { name = "The Royal Iberian Alliance", icon = "goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties" }
por['por_promote_the_monarchist_cause_in_portugal'] = { name = "Promote the Monarchist Cause in Portugal", icon = "focus_generic_monarchy_2" }
por['por_monarchist_uprising_in_brazil'] = { name = "Monarchist Uprising in Brazil", icon = "focus_por_reclaim_crown_jewel" }
por['por_the_empire_of_brazil'] = { name = "The Empire of Brazil", icon = "focus_generic_home_defense" }
por['por_restoration_of_the_monarchy'] = { name = "Restoration of the Monarchy", icon = "focus_rom_royal_dictatorship" }
por['por_the_kingdom_reunited'] = { name = "The Kingdom Reunited", icon = "focus_por_the_kingdom_reunited" }
por['por_remember_olivenca'] = { name = "Remember Olivença", icon = "focus_por_remember_olivenca" }
por['por_deal_with_fascism'] = { name = "Deal with Fascism", icon = "focus_attack_germany" }
por['por_latin_america'] = { name = "Latin America", icon = "focus_por_recover_latin_america" }
por['por_the_communist_threat'] = { name = "The Communist Threat", icon = "focus_ger_great_red_menace" }

--Republican Spain
spr['spr_the_popular_front'] = { name = "The Popular Front", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
spr['spr_secure_the_guardia_de_asalto'] = { name = "Secure the Guardia de Asalto", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spr['spr_secure_the_guardia_civil'] = { name = "Secure the Guardia Civil", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
spr['spr_train_the_union_youth'] = { name = "Train the Union Youth", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
spr['spr_enlarge_the_weapon_caches'] = { name = "Enlarge the Weapon Caches", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spr['spr_distribute_arms_to_the_people'] = { name = "Distribute Arms to the People", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spr['spr_disband_the_army'] = { name = "Disband the Army", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
spr['spr_regional_defense_council_of_aragon'] = { name = "Regional Defense Council of Aragon", icon = "focus_spr_regional_defense_council_of_aragon" }
spr['spr_appropriate_the_means_of_production'] = { name = "Appropriate the Means of Production", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
spr['spr_autogestion'] = { name = "Autogestión", icon = "goal_generic_production" }
spr['spr_collectivization_and_workers_control'] = { name = "Collectivization And Workers' Control", icon = "focus_eng_concessions_to_the_trade_unions" }
spr['spr_arm_the_people'] = { name = "Arm the People", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spr['spr_the_maximum_concession'] = { name = "The Maximum Concession", icon = "focus_generic_concessions" }
spr['spr_seize_public_transport'] = { name = "Seize Public Transport", icon = "goal_generic_army_motorized" }
spr['spr_agrarian_collectivization'] = { name = "Agrarian Collectivization", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
spr['spr_mujeres_libres'] = { name = "Mujeres Libres", icon = "goal_generic_improve_relations" }
spr['spr_literacy_programs'] = { name = "Literacy Programs", icon = "focus_research" }
spr['spr_shared_burdens'] = { name = "Shared Burdens", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spr['spr_international_brigades'] = { name = "International Brigades", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" }
spr['spr_seize_the_gold_reserves'] = { name = "Seize the Gold Reserves", icon = "focus_usa_reestablish_the_gold_standard" }
spr['spr_foreign_arms_purchases'] = { name = "Foreign Arms Purchases", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spr['spr_masters_of_our_own_fate'] = { name = "Masters of Our Own Fate", icon = "focus_spr_masters_of_our_own_fate" }
spr['spr_all_must_bear_the_torch'] = { name = "All Must Bear the Torch", icon = "focus_spr_torchbearers_of_tomorrow" }
spr['spr_the_threats_abound'] = { name = "The Threats Abound", icon = "goal_generic_defence" }
spr['spr_portuguese_anarchism'] = { name = "Portuguese Anarchism", icon = "focus_generic_attack_portugal" }
spr['spr_regional_defense_council_of_iberia'] = { name = "Regional Defense Council of Iberia", icon = "goal_generic_alliance" }
spr['spr_a_new_way_of_warfare'] = { name = "A New Way of Warfare", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" }
spr['spr_communal_military_strategies'] = { name = "Communal Military Strategies", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spr['spr_maintaining_the_fire'] = { name = "Maintaining the Fire", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spr['spr_freedom_of_thought'] = { name = "Freedom of Thought", icon = "focus_research2" }
spr['spr_torchbearers_of_tomorrow'] = { name = "Torchbearers of Tomorrow", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spr['spr_the_inevitable_counterblow'] = { name = "The Inevitable Counterblow", icon = "goal_generic_construct_military" }
spr['spr_improve_military_infrastructure'] = { name = "Improve Military Infrastructure", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spr['spr_fortify_the_pyrenees'] = { name = "Fortify the Pyrenees", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
spr['spr_fortify_la_linea_de_la_concepcion'] = { name = "Fortify La Línea de la Concepción", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
spr['spr_fortify_the_coastlines'] = { name = "Fortify the Coastlines", icon = "focus_generic_coastal_fort" }
spr['spr_militarize_the_industry'] = { name = "Militarize the Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spr['spr_communal_autarky'] = { name = "Communal Autarky", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spr['spr_faith_in_the_cause'] = { name = "Faith in the Cause", icon = "goal_tfv_saf_anti_colonialist_crusade" }
spr['spr_militarize_the_people'] = { name = "Militarize the People", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
spr['spr_anarchism_knows_no_borders'] = { name = "Anarchism Knows No Borders", icon = "focus_spr_anarchism_knows_no_borders" }
spr['spr_plant_the_seeds_of_revolution'] = { name = "Plant the Seeds of Revolution", icon = "focus_prc_infiltration" }
spr['spr_global_defense_council'] = { name = "Global Defense Council", icon = "goal_generic_alliance" }
spr['spr_the_anti_fascist_workers_revolution'] = { name = "The Anti-Fascist Worker's Revolution", icon = "focus_spr_the_anti_fascist_workers_revolution" }
spr['spr_strengthen_the_euzko_gudarostea'] = { name = "Strengthen the Euzko Gudarostea", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" }
spr['spr_fortify_the_iron_ring'] = { name = "Fortify the Iron Ring", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
spr['spr_arm_the_workers_militias'] = { name = "Arm the Worker's Militias", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spr['spr_hinder_nkvd_interference'] = { name = "Hinder NKVD Interference", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
spr['spr_demand_ministerial_positions'] = { name = "Demand Ministerial Positions", icon = "focus_eng_concessions_to_the_trade_unions" }
spr['spr_the_stalinist_doctrine'] = { name = "The Stalinist Doctrine", icon = "focus_generic_soviet_politics" }
spr['spr_subvert_the_stalinists'] = { name = "Subvert the Stalinists", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
spr['spr_class_war'] = { name = "Class War", icon = "focus_spr_class_war" }
spr['spr_secularize_the_new_state'] = { name = "Secularize the New State", icon = "focus_mex_triumph_over_the_cristeros" }
spr['spr_appropriate_church_riches'] = { name = "Appropriate Church Riches", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
spr['spr_an_army_of_all_classes'] = { name = "An Army of All Classes", icon = "focus_YUG_pan_slavic_congress" }
spr['spr_relocate_the_gold_reserves'] = { name = "Relocate the Gold Reserves", icon = "focus_usa_reestablish_the_gold_standard" }
spr['spr_reaffirm_the_popular_front_strategy'] = { name = "Reaffirm the Popular Front Strategy", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spr['spr_anti_fascist_unity'] = { name = "Anti-Fascist Unity", icon = "goal_generic_improve_relations" }
spr['spr_crush_the_revolution'] = { name = "Crush the Revolution", icon = "focus_spr_crush_the_revolution" }
spr['spr_united_under_socialism'] = { name = "United Under Socialism", icon = "goal_tripartite_pact" }
spr['spr_wealth_redistribution'] = { name = "Wealth Redistribution", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spr['spr_collective_recovery_efforts'] = { name = "Collective Recovery Efforts", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spr['spr_repair_and_expand_the_dockyards'] = { name = "Repair And Expand the Dockyards", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spr['spr_the_peoples_fleet'] = { name = "The People's Fleet", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
spr['spr_land_redistribution'] = { name = "Land Redistribution", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spr['spr_expand_the_means_of_production'] = { name = "Expand the Means of Production", icon = "focus_generic_industry_3" }
spr['spr_invite_socialist_intellectuals'] = { name = "Invite Socialist Intellectuals", icon = "focus_research" }
spr['spr_solidify_government_control'] = { name = "Solidify Government Control", icon = "focus_generic_self_management" }
spr['spr_reeducate_the_bourgeoisie'] = { name = "Re-educate the Bourgeoisie", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spr['spr_the_spanish_red_army'] = { name = "The Spanish Red Army", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spr['spr_expand_soviet_aid'] = { name = "Expand Soviet Aid", icon = "goal_support_communism" }
spr['spr_soviet_equipment_shipments'] = { name = "Soviet Equipment Shipments", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
spr['spr_soviet_military_advisors'] = { name = "Soviet Military Advisors", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
spr['spr_soviet_industrial_aid'] = { name = "Soviet Industrial Aid", icon = "focus_generic_join_comintern" }
spr['spr_soviet_technological_advancements'] = { name = "Soviet Technological Advancements", icon = "focus_generic_socialist_science" }
spr['spr_soviet_recovery_aid'] = { name = "Soviet Recovery Aid", icon = "goal_generic_soviet_construction" }
spr['spr_all_must_do_their_part'] = { name = "All Must Do Their Part", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spr['spr_the_red_tide'] = { name = "The Red Tide", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" }
spr['spr_arm_the_tide'] = { name = "Arm the Tide", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spr['spr_against_fascism'] = { name = "Against Fascism", icon = "focus_generic_anti_fascist_diplomacy" }
spr['spr_doctrinal_advancements'] = { name = "Doctrinal Advancements", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" }
spr['spr_lessons_from_the_civil_war'] = { name = "Lessons from the Civil War", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spr['spr_nationalize_the_industry'] = { name = "Nationalize the Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spr['spr_beacon_of_socialism'] = { name = "Beacon of Socialism", icon = "focus_research2" }
spr['spr_increase_arms_production'] = { name = "Increase Arms Production", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spr['spr_exploit_spains_riches'] = { name = "Exploit Spain's Riches", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spr['spr_unify_the_london_bureau'] = { name = "Unify the London Bureau", icon = "focus_spr_unify_the_london_bureau" }
spr['spr_against_trotskyism_and_stalinism'] = { name = "Against Trotskyism and Stalinism", icon = "focus_attack_soviet" }
spr['spr_red_bulwark_in_the_west'] = { name = "Red Bulwark in the West", icon = "goal_generic_construct_military" }
spr['spr_appeal_for_increased_autonomy'] = { name = "Appeal for Increased Autonomy", icon = "focus_CZE_german_puppet" }
spr['spr_modernize_the_armed_forces'] = { name = "Modernize the Armed Forces", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
spr['spr_a_red_iberia'] = { name = "A Red Iberia", icon = "focus_generic_attack_portugal" }
spr['spr_support_french_communists'] = { name = "Support French Communists", icon = "focus_attack_france" }
spr['spr_avenge_foreign_interference'] = { name = "Avenge Foreign Interference", icon = "focus_attack_germany" }
spr['spr_provide_for_the_people'] = { name = "Provide for the People", icon = "focus_prc_agrarian_socialism" }
spr['spr_collectivize_industry'] = { name = "Collectivize Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spr['spr_connect_the_country'] = { name = "Connect the Country", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spr['spr_transplant_soviet_industry'] = { name = "Transplant Soviet Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spr['spr_the_five_year_plan'] = { name = "The Five Year Plan", icon = "goal_generic_production2" }
spr['spr_slipway_enlargement'] = { name = "Slipway Enlargement", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spr['spr_a_red_fleet'] = { name = "A Red Fleet", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
spr['spr_maintain_the_second_republic'] = { name = "Maintain the Second Republic", icon = "focus_spr_maintain_the_republic" }
spr['spr_new_leadership'] = { name = "New Leadership", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
spr['spr_the_future_of_the_republic'] = { name = "The Future of the Republic", icon = "goal_support_democracy" }
spr['spr_petition_for_french_aid'] = { name = "Petition for French Aid", icon = "focus_chi_reach_out_to_france" }
spr['spr_ensure_loyalty'] = { name = "Ensure Loyalty", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spr['spr_enlist_the_carabineros'] = { name = "Enlist the Carabineros", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spr['spr_the_popular_army'] = { name = "The Popular Army", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
spr['spr_take_the_initiative'] = { name = "Take the Initiative", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
spr['spr_no_pasaran'] = { name = "¡No Pasarán!", icon = "focus_spr_no_pasaran" }
spr['spr_a_frontline_suited_for_intellectuals'] = { name = "A Frontline Suited for Intellectuals", icon = "focus_research" }
spr['spr_strengthen_the_anti_fascist_coalition'] = { name = "Strengthen the Anti-Fascist Coalition", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
spr['spr_oppose_the_communists'] = { name = "Oppose the Communists", icon = "goal_anti_comintern_pact" }
spr['spr_fortify_the_central_government'] = { name = "Fortify the Central Government", icon = "focus_generic_diplomatic_treaty" }
spr['spr_secure_democratic_principles'] = { name = "Secure Democratic Principles", icon = "goal_support_democracy" }
spr['spr_subvert_soviet_control'] = { name = "Subvert Soviet Control", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spr['spr_war_of_independence'] = { name = "War of Independence", icon = "focus_spr_war_of_independence" }
spr['spr_those_who_would_not_help_us'] = { name = "Those Who Would Not Help Us", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spr['spr_ideological_allies'] = { name = "Ideological Allies", icon = "focus_chi_british_cooperation" }
spr['spr_enemies_of_our_enemy'] = { name = "Enemies of Our Enemy", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
spr['spr_deal_with_the_devil'] = { name = "Deal With the Devil", icon = "focus_chi_mission_to_germany" }
spr['spr_foreign_industrial_aid'] = { name = "Foreign Industrial Aid", icon = "focus_generic_industry_2" }
spr['spr_stabilize_the_nation'] = { name = "Stabilize the Nation", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spr['spr_end_fascism_at_all_costs'] = { name = "End Fascism At All Costs", icon = "focus_generic_anti_fascist_diplomacy" }
spr['spr_communists_in_the_government'] = { name = "Communists in the Government", icon = "focus_generic_soviet_politics" }
spr['spr_restore_higher_education'] = { name = "Restore Higher Education", icon = "focus_research2" }
spr['spr_engineering_advances'] = { name = "Engineering Advances", icon = "goal_generic_production" }
spr['spr_rebuild_the_nation'] = { name = "Rebuild the Nation", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spr['spr_reprofessionalize_the_military'] = { name = "Re-professionalize the Military", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" }
spr['spr_experiences_from_the_civil_war'] = { name = "Experiences from the Civil War", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spr['spr_a_new_military_academy'] = { name = "A New Military Academy", icon = "focus_generic_military_academy" }
spr['spr_revive_the_republican_navy'] = { name = "Revive the Republican Navy", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spr['spr_navy_modernization'] = { name = "Navy Modernization", icon = "focus_generic_cruiser2" }
spr['spr_expand_the_naval_academy'] = { name = "Expand the Naval Academy", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
spr['spr_prepare_for_the_next_war'] = { name = "Prepare for the Next War", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
spr['spr_wartime_industry'] = { name = "Wartime Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spr['spr_fuel_for_the_war_machine'] = { name = "Fuel for the War Machine", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spr['spr_join_the_global_fight_against_fascism'] = { name = "Join the Global Fight Against Fascism", icon = "focus_generic_anti_fascist_diplomacy" }
spr['spr_the_anti_fascist_crusade'] = { name = "The Anti-Fascist Crusade", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy1" }

--Nationalist Spain
spa['spa_a_great_spain'] = { name = "A Great Spain", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spa['spa_hand_over_the_ceda_campaign_chest'] = { name = "Hand Over the CEDA Campaign Chest", icon = "focus_generic_concessions" }
spa['spa_negotiate_carlist_support'] = { name = "Negotiate Carlist Support", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
spa['spa_the_army_of_africa'] = { name = "The Army of Africa", icon = "goal_generic_special_forces" }
spa['spa_secure_the_northern_garrisons'] = { name = "Secure the Northern Garrisons", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
spa['spa_sin_paquito'] = { name = "Sin Paquito", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
spa['spa_con_paquito'] = { name = "Con Paquito", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
spa['spa_the_phalanx_ascendant'] = { name = "The Phalanx Ascendant", icon = "focus_spa_the_phalanx_ascendant" }
spa['spa_bolster_offensive_infrastructure'] = { name = "Bolster Offensive Infrastructure", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spa['spa_the_fifth_column'] = { name = "The Fifth Column", icon = "focus_prc_infiltration" }
spa['spa_emergency_munitions_corporations'] = { name = "Emergency Munitions Corporations", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spa['spa_the_corpo_truppe_volontarie'] = { name = "The Corpo Truppe Volontarie", icon = "focus_befriend_italy" }
spa['spa_the_condor_legion'] = { name = "The Condor Legion", icon = "focus_chi_mission_to_germany" }
spa['spa_equipment_shipments'] = { name = "Equipment Shipments", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
spa['spa_obtain_training_staff'] = { name = "Obtain Training Staff", icon = "focus_generic_military_academy" }
spa['spa_doctrinal_advancements'] = { name = "Doctrinal Advancements", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spa['spa_secure_the_national_defense_council'] = { name = "Secure the National Defense Council", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spa['spa_suspend_the_constitution'] = { name = "Suspend the Constitution", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
spa['spa_primo_de_rivera_prisoner_exchange'] = { name = "Primo De Rivera Prisoner Exchange", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" }
spa['spa_eliminate_the_carlists'] = { name = "Eliminate the Carlists", icon = "focus_spa_eliminate_the_carlists" }
spa['spa_absorb_carlist_remnants'] = { name = "Absorb Carlist Remnants", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" }
spa['spa_establish_the_directory'] = { name = "Establish the Directory", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spa['spa_a_one_party_state'] = { name = "A One-Party State", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy2" }
spa['spa_expand_conscription'] = { name = "Expand Conscription", icon = "goal_generic_axis_build_infantry" }
spa['spa_safeguard_the_freedom_of_worship'] = { name = "Safeguard the Freedom of Worship", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy1" }
spa['spa_prepare_the_pyrenees_defenses'] = { name = "Prepare the Pyrenees Defenses", icon = "goal_generic_fortify_city" }
spa['spa_develop_all_talent'] = { name = "Develop All Talent", icon = "focus_research" }
spa['spa_regional_agrarian_commissions'] = { name = "Regional Agrarian Commissions", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spa['spa_the_national_syndicalist_state'] = { name = "The National-Syndicalist State", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spa['spa_syndicalize_production'] = { name = "Syndicalize Production", icon = "goal_generic_production2" }
spa['spa_strengthen_the_supreme_reality_of_spain'] = { name = "Strengthen the Supreme Reality of Spain", icon = "focus_spa_strengthen_the_supreme_reality_of_spain" }
spa['spa_glory_and_wealth_on_the_sea_lanes'] = { name = "Glory And Wealth on the Sea Lanes", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
spa['spa_improve_domestic_naval_facilities'] = { name = "Improve Domestic Naval Facilities", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spa['spa_a_great_maritime_power'] = { name = "A Great Maritime Power", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" }
spa['spa_commerce_protection'] = { name = "Commerce Protection", icon = "goal_generic_navy_cruiser" }
spa['spa_exemplify_the_art_and_science_of_warfare'] = { name = "Exemplify the Art And Science of Warfare", icon = "focus_research2" }
spa['spa_the_will_to_empire'] = { name = "The Will to Empire", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spa['spa_unite_iberia'] = { name = "Unite Iberia", icon = "focus_generic_attack_portugal" }
spa['spa_absorb_the_portuguese_empire'] = { name = "Absorb the Portuguese Empire", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
spa['spa_claim_the_aragonese_possessions'] = { name = "Claim the Aragonese Possessions", icon = "goal_generic_territory_or_war" }
spa['spa_reclaim_spanish_africa'] = { name = "Expand Spanish Africa", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
spa['spa_reassert_american_dominance'] = { name = "Reassert American Dominance", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spa['spa_retake_the_americas'] = { name = "Retake the Americas", icon = "focus_spa_the_war_of_vengeance" }
spa['spa_embrace_the_spanish_destiny'] = { name = "Embrace the Spanish Destiny", icon = "goal_demand_sudetenland" }
spa['spa_the_national_and_popular_army_of_spain'] = { name = "The National And Popular Army of Spain", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" }
spa['spa_mandatory_pre_military_training'] = { name = "Mandatory Pre-Military Training", icon = "focus_generic_military_academy" }
spa['spa_all_shall_serve'] = { name = "All Shall Serve", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" }
spa['spa_the_army_of_africa_model'] = { name = "The \"Army of Africa\"-Model", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" }
spa['spa_equipment_modernization'] = { name = "Equipment Modernization", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spa['spa_artillery_modernization'] = { name = "Artillery Modernization", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" }
spa['spa_expand_the_air_branch'] = { name = "Expand the Air Branch", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" }
spa['spa_expand_the_special_forces'] = { name = "Expand the Special Forces", icon = "goal_generic_special_forces" }
spa['spa_motorization'] = { name = "Motorization", icon = "goal_generic_army_motorized" }
spa['spa_an_armored_corps'] = { name = "An Armored Corps", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" }
spa['spa_join_the_axis'] = { name = "Join the Axis", icon = "goal_support_fascism" }
spa['spa_fascist_economic_aid'] = { name = "Fascist Economic Aid", icon = "goal_generic_construction" }
spa['spa_facilitate_pyrenees_freight_transports'] = { name = "Facilitate Pyrenees Freight Transports", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spa['spa_improve_cross_country_railways'] = { name = "Improve Cross-Country Railways", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" }
spa['spa_support_the_war_industry'] = { name = "Support the War Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spa['spa_italian_shipbuilding_expertise'] = { name = "Italian Shipbuilding Expertise", icon = "focus_generic_navy_battleship2" }
spa['spa_the_duty_to_work'] = { name = "The Duty To Work", icon = "goal_generic_construct_military" }
spa['spa_expand_the_war_industry'] = { name = "Expand the War Industry", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" }
spa['spa_national_recovery'] = { name = "National Recovery", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spa['spa_autarky'] = { name = "Autarky", icon = "goal_generic_oil_refinery" }
spa['spa_spanish_austerity'] = { name = "Spanish Austerity", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civilian" }
spa['spa_reduce_reliance_on_foreign_resources'] = { name = "Reduce Reliance on Foreign Resources", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spa['spa_expand_the_axis_gold_trade'] = { name = "Expand the Axis Gold Trade", icon = "focus_usa_reestablish_the_gold_standard" }
spa['spa_ensure_agricultural_self_sufficiency'] = { name = "Ensure Agricultural Self-Sufficiency", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spa['spa_unify_the_nationalist_front'] = { name = "Unify the Nationalist Front", icon = "focus_spa_unify_the_nationalist_front" }
spa['spa_save_the_alcazar'] = { name = "Save the Alcázar!", icon = "focus_spa_save_the_alcazar" }
spa['spa_martyrdom_for_primo_de_rivera'] = { name = "Martyrdom for Primo De Rivera", icon = "goal_generic_secret_weapon" }
spa['spa_caudillo_of_spain'] = { name = "Caudillo of Spain", icon = "focus_spa_caudillo_of_spain" }
spa['spa_extol_the_martyrs_of_the_war'] = { name = "Extol the Martyrs of the War", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spa['spa_consolidate_the_north'] = { name = "Consolidate the North", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
spa['spa_foment_a_carlist_split'] = { name = "Foment a Carlist Split", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" }
spa['spa_a_methodical_approach'] = { name = "A Methodical Approach", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
spa['spa_tackle_the_vulnerable_fronts'] = { name = "Tackle the Vulnerable Fronts", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" }
spa['spa_integrate_the_requetes'] = { name = "Integrate the Requetés", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spa['spa_portuguese_aid'] = { name = "Portuguese Aid", icon = "focus_generic_befriend_portugal" }
spa['spa_the_iberian_pact'] = { name = "The Iberian Pact", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" }
spa['spa_the_latin_bloc'] = { name = "The Latin Bloc", icon = "goal_generic_alliance" }
spa['spa_utilize_the_intellectuals'] = { name = "Utilize the Intellectuals", icon = "focus_research" }
spa['spa_banish_the_party_leaders'] = { name = "Banish the Party Leaders", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" }
spa['spa_fuse_the_parties'] = { name = "Fuse the Parties", icon = "focus_spa_fuse_the_parties" }
spa['spa_join_the_allies'] = { name = "Join the Allies", icon = "goal_support_democracy" }
spa['spa_the_stabilization_plan'] = { name = "The Stabilization Plan", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" }
spa['spa_expand_spanish_bases'] = { name = "Expand Spanish Bases", icon = "goal_generic_construct_military" }
spa['spa_capitalist_economic_aid'] = { name = "Capitalist Economic Aid", icon = "focus_generic_the_giant_wakes" }
spa['spa_improve_living_standards'] = { name = "Improve Living Standards", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" }
spa['spa_domestic_industrial_developments'] = { name = "Domestic Industrial Developments", icon = "goal_generic_production" }
spa['spa_the_spanish_miracle'] = { name = "The Spanish Miracle", icon = "focus_spa_the_spanish_miracle" }
spa['spa_adopt_the_26_points'] = { name = "Adopt the 26 Points", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
spa['spa_direct_the_universities'] = { name = "Direct the Universities", icon = "focus_research2" }
spa['spa_dictator_for_life'] = { name = "Dictator for Life", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spa['spa_invest_in_naval_infrastructure'] = { name = "Invest in Naval Infrastructure", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }
spa['spa_expand_the_slipways'] = { name = "Expand the Slipways", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spa['spa_the_plan_imperial'] = { name = "The \"Plan Imperial\"", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" }
spa['spa_restart_small_scale_shipbuilding'] = { name = "Restart Small-Scale Shipbuilding", icon = "focus_generic_destroyer" }
spa['spa_la_division_azul'] = { name = "La División Azul", icon = "goal_rhineland" }
spa['spa_the_tangiers_enclave'] = { name = "The Tangiers Enclave", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
spa['spa_demand_french_north_africa'] = { name = "Demand French North Africa", icon = "goal_generic_territory_or_war" }
spa['spa_restore_the_monarchy'] = { name = "Restore the Monarchy", icon = "goal_tfv_strengthen_commonwealth_ties" }
spa['spa_stamp_out_the_maquis'] = { name = "Stamp Out the Maquis", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" }
spa['spa_defenses_against_strategic_bombing'] = { name = "Defenses Against Strategic Bombing", icon = "focus_generic_air_defense" }
spa['spa_defenses_against_invasion'] = { name = "Defenses Against Invasion", icon = "focus_generic_coastal_fort" }
spa['spa_retake_gibraltar'] = { name = "Retake Gibraltar", icon = "focus_attack_britain" }
spa['spa_claim_west_africa'] = { name = "Claim West Africa", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
spa['spa_supremacy_of_the_communion'] = { name = "Supremacy of the Communion", icon = "focus_spa_supremacy_of_the_communion" }
spa['spa_prepare_the_carlist_insurrection'] = { name = "Prepare the Carlist Insurrection", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
spa['spa_contact_the_union_militar_espanola'] = { name = "Contact the Unión Militar Española", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" }
spa['spa_head_the_junta_nacional'] = { name = "Head the Junta Nacional", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" }
spa['spa_unite_the_requetes'] = { name = "Unite the Requetés", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" }
spa['spa_the_war_in_the_north'] = { name = "The War in the North", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" }
spa['spa_revive_the_spirit_of_the_carlist_wars'] = { name = "Revive the Spirit of the Carlist Wars", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" }
spa['spa_arms_modernization'] = { name = "Arms Modernization", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" }
spa['spa_no_compromise_on_carlist_ideals'] = { name = "No Compromise on Carlist Ideals", icon = "focus_spa_no_compromise_on_carlist_ideals" }
spa['spa_the_crusade_against_democracy'] = { name = "The Crusade Against Democracy", icon = "focus_generic_strike_at_democracy2" }
spa['spa_expand_the_requetes'] = { name = "Expand the Requetés", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" }
spa['spa_militarize_the_masses'] = { name = "Militarize the Masses", icon = "goal_generic_axis_build_infantry" }
spa['spa_defenders_of_catholicism'] = { name = "Defenders of Catholicism", icon = "goal_generic_defence" }
spa['spa_battle_rites'] = { name = "Battle Rites", icon = "goal_generic_attack_allies" }
spa['spa_cultivate_fanaticism'] = { name = "Cultivate Fanaticism", icon = "goal_generic_secret_weapon" }
spa['spa_the_third_dimension_of_warfare'] = { name = "The Third Dimension of Warfare", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" }
spa['spa_a_modern_fighter_fleet'] = { name = "A Modern Fighter Fleet", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" }
spa['spa_confirm_the_fueros'] = { name = "Confirm the Fueros", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" }
spa['spa_encourage_local_industrialization'] = { name = "Encourage Local Industrialization", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" }
spa['spa_encourage_local_mining'] = { name = "Encourage Local Mining", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" }
spa['spa_settle_the_succession_question'] = { name = "Settle the Succession Question", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" }
spa['spa_dios_patria_rey'] = { name = "Dios, Patria y Rey!", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" }
spa['spa_restore_the_empire'] = { name = "Restore the Empire", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spa['spa_strengthen_the_empire'] = { name = "Strengthen the Empire", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spa['spa_prosperity_of_the_empire'] = { name = "Prosperity of the Empire", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" }
spa['spa_press_the_gibraltar_claim'] = { name = "Press the Gibraltar Claim", icon = "focus_attack_britain" }
spa['spa_claim_the_french_throne'] = { name = "Claim the French Throne", icon = "focus_chi_reach_out_to_france" }
spa['spa_retake_the_spanish_netherlands'] = { name = "Retake the Spanish Netherlands", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_states_ongoing_war" }
spa['spa_restore_the_iberian_union'] = { name = "Restore the Iberian Union", icon = "focus_generic_befriend_portugal" }
spa['spa_the_war_of_vengeance'] = { name = "The War of Vengeance", icon = "focus_spa_the_war_of_vengeance" }
spa['spa_found_the_academia_vazquez_de_mella'] = { name = "Found the Academia Vázquez De Mella", icon = "focus_research2" }
spa['spa_a_fleet_worthy_of_a_king'] = { name = "A Fleet Worthy of a King", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" }
spa['spa_rebuild_the_battlefleet'] = { name = "Rebuild the Battlefleet", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" }
spa['spa_imperial_security'] = { name = "Imperial Security", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" }

fra = name_as_id(fra)
fre = name_as_id(fre)
vic = name_as_id(vic)
por = name_as_id(por)
spr = name_as_id(spr)
spa = name_as_id(spa)

--Manually added

--Pages = "French national focus tree" = "Free French national focus tree" = "Vichy French national focus tree" = "Portuguese national focus tree" = "Republican Spanish national focus tree" = "Nationalist Spanish national focus tree"

return p