
Battle for the Bosporus icon.png Battle for the Bosporus

Banner Battle for the Bosporus.jpg

发布时间 / 补丁
2020-10-15 / 1.10

博斯普鲁斯之战 是钢铁雄心4的第三个DLC。它于2020-09-23宣布[1], 并于2020-10-15发布。与1.10版本(又叫“牧羊犬”)更新同步发布。




  • 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚 国策树:在分裂的国土上努力平衡各派势力,或是收回1919年失去的国土。按历史与德国结盟,或抵制德国对沙皇鲍里斯的压力,为自由的保加利亚而奋斗。
  • 希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国 国策树:处于政治分歧撕裂中的希腊,其中立地位由备受争议的梅塔克萨斯维持。在国王乔治二世的领导下与同盟国建立牢固的关系,追随极端保守主义者走向法西斯主义,或恢复希腊帝国在东方的辉煌。
  • 土耳其的国旗 土耳其 国策树:上一次战争中被掠夺的土耳其,在一场新的战争中将何去何从?延续或停止凯末尔主义改革,在新的地区派系中担任巴尔干半岛的保护者,恢复苏丹之位或建立一个新的伊斯兰国家。
  • 新的音乐包。
  • 新模型:巴尔干和土耳其军队的3D兵模。
  • 保加利亚的国旗 保加利亚希腊王国的国旗 希腊王国土耳其的国旗 土耳其 的独特语音。


Cinematic trailers

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= mwq1aWZouDM | description= Battle for the Bosporus release trailer. The strategic waters of the Black and Aegean Seas are vital targets for the major powers. Experience three new National Focus trees (Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey) in this new country pack for Hearts of Iron IV. | alignment= left | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= XL5FIpg_2B4 | description= Battle for the Bosporus announcement trailer. How will you steer your nation through the straits of crisis? Explore new historical challenges and alternate histories in the Battle for the Bosporus Country Pack. | alignment= left | container=frame


Video diaries

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= pCJsh-ForYU | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Greece. Robert Dotson, HoI4's game designer, on the new flavour content coming for Greece. | alignment= left | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= DbgHrguO9sQ | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Bulgaria. Robert Dotson, HoI4's game designer, on the new flavour content coming for Bulgaria. | alignment= left | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= MoAksFuGxaU | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Turkey. Robert Dotson, HoI4's game designer, on the new flavour content coming for Turkey. | alignment= left | container=frame


Devs play

{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= pCJshForYU | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Greece. Daniel "Da9L" Sjöberg and Busby with a first look at Greece's new content. | alignment= left | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= 4DPYmEoO55Q | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Bulgaria. Daniel "Da9L" Sjöberg and Mano de Zombi with a first look at Bulgaria's new content. | alignment= left | container=frame


{{#evt: | service= youtube | id= ZYUyWsSUMoI | description= Battle for the Bosporus - Turkey. Daniel "Da9L" Sjöberg and Busby with a first look at Turkey's new content. | alignment= left | container=frame





All developer diaries about the Battle for the Bosporus country pack and patch 1.10 (aka Collie).

Patch 1.10 (Collie)
No. Title and Link Description Date
1 Greece Description of Greek focus tree and briefly talking about pathways. 2020-09-09
2 Bulgaria Description of Bulgarian focus tree and briefly talking about pathways. 2020-09-16
3 Turkey Description of Turkish focus tree and briefly talking about pathways. 2020-09-23
4 Art and Achievements New art, music, and achievements. 2020-10-07
5 1.10 ‘Collie’ Full changelog 2020-10-14
6 Telemetry Short description of Telemetry of how player behaviour changed since the DLC release 2020-10-21

hoi4fr:Battle for the Bosporus