
(页面内容被替换为“{{version|1.11}} 舰队collection(大嘘)”)
第1行: 第1行:
'''Engineering technology''' unlocks radar, nuclear weapons, jet and rocket engines, and improves research speed, encryption, decryption, and rocket artillery attack.
 舰 队collection (大
Engineering technology is separate from industrial technology, meaning the player must hire an engineering design company such as the USA's General Electric {{green|(+15%)}} in order to get research bonuses for engineering technology research. A nation may also be offered political decisions, for example "Give refuge to German scientists {{green|(+5%)}}" or "Give refuge to Italian scientists {{green|(+5%)}}", that give a bonus to engineering technology research for a {{icon|Political power}} (PP) cost.
{{anchor|Engineering research tree}}
<div style="text-align:center">
'''Engineering research tree'''
<div style="font-size: small;">Clicking on a technology icon leads to the appropriate table row.</div>
rect  355 170  425 240 [[#Electronic mechanical engineering|Electronic mechanical engineering]]
rect  235 290  305 360 [[#Radio|Radio]]
rect  475 290  545 360 [[#Mechanical computing|Mechanical computing]]
rect  960 290 1030 360 [[#Atomic research|Atomic research]]
rect  235 410  305 480 [[#Radio detection|Radio detection]]
rect  355 410  425 480 [[#Basic fire control system|Basic fire control system]]
rect  960 410 1030 480 [[#Nuclear reactor|Nuclear reactor]]
rect 1155 410 1225 480 [[#Experimental rockets|Experimental rockets]]
rect  235 530  305 600 [[#Decimetric radar|Decimetric radar]]
rect  355 530  425 600 [[#Encryption - polyalphabetical ciphers|Encryption - polyalphabetical ciphers]]
rect  475 530  545 600 [[#Computing machine|Computing machine]]
rect  595 530  665 600 [[#Decryption - frequency analysis|Decryption - frequency analysis]]
rect 1155 530 1225 600 [[#Rocket engines|Rocket engines]]
rect 1275 530 1345 600 [[#Jet engines|Jet engines]]
rect  235 650  305 720 [[#Improved decimetric radar|Improved decimetric radar]]
rect  355 650  425 720 [[#Improved fire control system|Improved fire control system]]
rect  960 650 1030 720 [[#Nuclear bombs|Nuclear bombs]]
rect 1155 650 1225 720 [[#Improved rocket engines|Improved rocket engines]]
rect  235 770  305 840 [[#Centimetric radar|Centimetric radar]]
rect  355 770  425 840 [[#Encryption - cyclic permutations|Encryption - cyclic permutations]]
rect  475 770  545 840 [[#Improved computing machine|Improved computing machine]]
rect  595 770  665 840 [[#Decryption - side-channel attack|Decryption - side-channel attack]]
rect 1155 770 1225 840 [[#Advanced rocket engines|Advanced rocket engines]]
rect  235 890  305 960 [[#Improved centimetric radar|Improved centimetric radar]]
rect  355 890  425 960 [[#Advanced fire control system|Advanced fire control system]]
rect  235 1010  305 1080 [[#Advanced centimetric radar|Advanced centimetric radar]]
rect  355 1010  425 1080 [[#Encryption - pulse-code modulation|Encryption - pulse-code modulation]]
rect  475 1010  545 1080 [[#Advanced computing machine|Advanced computing machine]]
rect  595 1010  665 1080 [[#Decryption - automated deduction|Decryption - automated deduction]]
desc none
== 电子工程 ==
{{anchor|Electronic engineering}}{{SVersion|1.11}}
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:25em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! style="width:320px;" | 效果
! style="width:350px;" | 装备模块
| {{iconbox|电子机械工程|en=Electronic mechanical engineering|在我们生活的这个时代里,电子设备不再仅用于照明取暖,它们还帮助我们思考交流。电子器件将在新世纪的军事情报工作中成为关键。|image=Electronic_Mechanical_Engineering.png}}
| 1936
| 100
| [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+3.0%}}
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|60.00}}
=== 雷达科技分支 ===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:20em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置科技
! style="width:320px;" | 效果
! style="width:350px;" | 装备模块
| {{iconbox|无线电|en=Radio|应用业余无线电爱好者的发明并扩大FM无线电的使用可以减少干扰并让无线电技术拓展新用途。|image=Radio.png}}
| 1936
| 175
| [[#电子机械工程|电子机械工程]]
| {{plainlist|
* [[File:Reinforce_Rate.png]] 增援率:{{green|+5%}}
* 协同性:{{green|+4%}}
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|0.50}}
| {{iconbox|无线电侦测|en=Radio detection|雷达,或者“无线电侦测及定距”手段,将利用无线电波侦测物体。此研究高度机密化,设想一下这些发明将对定位部队带来何等的影响。|image=Radio Detection.png}}
| 1936
| 175
| [[#无线电|无线电]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}}(地区等级:'''1''')
| {{iconbox|分米波雷达|en=Decimetric radar|许多作战单位依赖突然袭击发挥作用,而发展分米波雷达能使我方剥夺此类单位的优势。|image=Decimetric Radar.png}}
| 1938
| 125
| [[#无线电侦测|无线电侦测]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1.0%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}}(地区等级:'''2''')
| {{Equipment
|desc=一组简单且有着50cm左右波长的雷达装置,在恶劣天气下也可以探测到10公里以外的水面 艇。
|right={{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|80.00}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|1.50}}
| {{iconbox|改良分米波雷达|en=Improved decimetric radar|雷达运用已被证明至关重要,但我方紧缺的分米波雷达难以保障良好的战场覆盖。给更多作战单位装备雷达将使我方科研优势最大化。|image=Improved Decimetric Radar.png}}
| 1939
| 125 days
| [[#分米波雷达|分米波雷达]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1.0%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}} 地区等级:'''3''')
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|110.00}}
| {{iconbox|厘米波雷达|en=Centimetric radar|使用微波的新型雷达将让我方能侦测旧式雷达无法发现的小型物体。|image=Centimetric Radar.png}}
| 1940
| 125 days
| [[#改良分米波雷达|改良分米波雷达]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1.0%}}
* 防空火炮命中几率系数:{{green|+20.0%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}}(地区等级:'''4''')
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|140.00}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|2.50}}
| {{iconbox|改良厘米波雷达|en=Improved centimetric radar|在关键作战行动中引入最新雷达科技,例如单脉冲雷达,将使极度精准的追踪成为可能。|image=Improved Centimetric Radar.png}}
| 1941
| 125 days
| [[#厘米波雷达|厘米波雷达]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1.0%}}
* 防空火炮命中几率系数:{{green|+20.0%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}}(地区等级:'''5''')
| {{iconbox|先进厘米波雷达|en=Advanced centimetric radar|即使我方拥有先进雷达,地方仍有回避侦测的途径。脉冲多普勒雷达之类的新发明将超越我方现有装备中的诸多极限。|image=Advanced Centimetric Radar.png}}
| 1942
| 125 days
| [[#改良厘米波雷达|改良厘米波雷达]]
| {{plainlist|
* 协同性:{{green|+1.0%}}
* 防空火炮命中几率系数:{{green|+20%}}
* 允许建造 {{icon|radar station|雷达站}}(地区等级:'''6''')
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|170.00}}
=== 计算机科技 ===
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:25em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! style="width:320px;" | 效果
! style="width:350px;" | 装备模块
| {{iconbox|机械式计算机|en=Mechanical computing|制造微分解析仪将从根本上改变机械运算的范围|image=Mechanical Computing.png}}
| 1936
| 250
| [[#电子机械工程|电子机械工程]]
| {{plainlist|
* [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+4%}}
| {{iconbox|基础计算机|en=Computing machine|为现代计算机奠定理论基础,制造电动机械式计算机并将之投入实用——这将是我们迈入这充满可能性的领域的第一步。|image=Computing Machine.png}}
| 1938
| 250
| [[#机械式计算机|机械式计算机]]
| {{plainlist|
* [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+5%}}
| {{iconbox|改良计算机|en=Improved computing machine|可编程的数字电子计算机已被制造出来。虽然体积庞大价格昂贵,这类计算机能进行人所不及的情报解析。|image=Improved Computing Machine.png}}
| 1940
| 250
| [[#基础计算机|基础计算机]]
| {{plainlist|
* [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+8%}}
| {{Equipment
|right={{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] 生产花费|2.00}}
| {{iconbox|先进计算机|en=Advanced computing machine|着手研究存储程序计算机及晶体管将带我们步向数字革命并将计算机应用推广到近乎任何领域上。|image=Advanced Computing Machine.png}}
| 1942
| 250
| [[#改良计算机|改良计算机]]
| {{plainlist|
* [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+8%}}
==== 舰船装备 ====
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:25em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! style="width:350px;" | 装备模块
| {{iconbox|初级火控系统|en=Basic fire control system|舰船上的所有火炮都将由中控系统控制,从而确保更加密集的炮火群以及更高的精准度。|image=Basic Fire Control System.png}}
| 1936
| 100
| [[#机械式计算机|机械式计算机]]
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]]生产花费|90}}
| {{iconbox|改进型火控系统|en=Improved fire control system|通过输入目标的航行速度及距离,一台机械计算器可以准确地预测下一代火力齐射就绪时目标的准确位置。|image=Improved Fire Control System.png}}
| 1939
| 100
| [[#初级火控系统|初级火控系统]]
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]]生产花费|120}}
| {{iconbox|先进火控系统|en=Advanced fire control system| 型且复杂的机械式计算机可以跟踪多个目标,并加入周边天气状况与海况等变量,以进行极其精准的弹道计算。|image=Advanced Fire Control System.png}}
| 1941
| 100
| [[#改进型火控系统|改进型火控系统]]
| {{Equipment
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]]生产花费|180}}
=== 加密方法 ===
下列科技仅当 {{icon|lar|抵抗运动}}DLC未启用时可用。[[#基础计算机|基础计算机]]、[[#改良计算机|改良计算机]]和[[#先进计算机|先进计算机]]也算作加密方法
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:27em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! 效果
| {{iconbox|加密-多表置换密码|en=Encryption - polyalphabetical ciphers|通讯的新手段必然带来新的拦截风险。转子加密机将用作高速复杂的加密。|image=Encryption - Polyalphabetical Ciphers.png}}
| 1938
| 100
| [[#基础计算机|基础计算机]]
| 加密:{{green|+1}}
| {{iconbox|加密-循环置换|en=Encryption - cyclic permutations|加密机在随机化上的限制将被用于破译密码。提高转子加密机的随机性后,这类破译手段将更难得手。|image=Encryption - Cyclic Permutations.png}}
| 1940
| 100
| [[#改良计算机|改良计算机]]
| 加密:{{green|+1}}
| {{iconbox|加密-脉冲编码调制|en=Encryption - pulse-code modulation|科研进步及经验积累让我方通讯时有了更多保障数据流流量安全的手段。|image=Encryption - Pulse-code Modulation.png}}
| 1942
| 100
| [[#先进计算机|先进计算机]]
| 加密:{{green|+1}}
=== 解密方法 ===
下列科技仅当 {{icon|lar|抵抗运动}}DLC未启用时可用。[[#基础计算机|基础计算机]]、[[#改良计算机|改良计算机]]和[[#先进计算机|先进计算机]]也算作解密方法
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:27em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! 效果
| {{iconbox|解密-频率分析|en=Decryption - frequency analysis|密码解密学变得更具有高等数学性质。卡片目录等系统及马里安·雷耶夫斯基式“记转器”类仪器会有助于解密工作。|image=Decryption - Frequency Analysis.png}}
| 1938
| 150
| [[#基础计算机|基础计算机]]
| 解密:{{green|+1}}
| {{iconbox|解密-旁路攻击|en=Decryption - side-channel attack|更复杂的计算机将带来新的密码分析学应用手段,例如和最新破译手段相结合,用以破解新式暗号的差分攻击。|image=Decryption - Side-channel Attack.png}}
| 1940
| 150
| [[#改良计算机|改良计算机]]
| 解密:{{green|+1}}
| {{iconbox|解密-自动推演|en=Decryption - automated deduction|逐步改良并推动我国密码分析学发展至此的计算机计算能力恐将于未来创造几乎无懈可击的加密法。若要预防,我方必须作好准备积极获取与这项科技相关的机密信息。|image=Decryption - Automated Deduction.png}}
| 1942
| 150
| [[#先进计算机|先进计算机]]
| 解密:{{green|+1}}
== 核科技 ==
{{Anchor|Nuclear technology}}
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:27em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! 效果
| {{iconbox|原子能研究|en=Atomic research|核裂变中,原子分裂将释放大量能量并具有不可估量的毁灭性。|image=Atomic Research.png}}
| 1940
| 500
| [[File:Research_time.png]] 科研速度:{{green|+4%}}
| {{iconbox|核反应堆|en=Nuclear reactor|此建筑可为所属地区提供用于制造核武器的浓缩铀的生产能力。|image=Nuclear_Reactor.png}}
| 1943
| 500
| [[#原子能研究|原子能研究]]
| 允许建造 {{icon|nuclear reactor|核反应堆}}(地区等级:'''1'''
| {{iconbox|原子弹|en=Nuclear bombs|旨在制造原子弹的工程项目是一国能进行的最艰巨而最隐秘的任务之一。但一旦成功,便可能改变眼下战争进程乃至未来世界走向。|image=Nuclear Bombs.png}}
| 1945
| 500
| [[#核反应堆|核反应堆]]
| 允许生产[[核弹]]:{{icon|yes}}是
== 火箭实验 ==
提示:Bug [[forum:1521765]] regarding guided missile graphics erroneously showing resource costs and production costs.  Guided missiles are produced at no cost through rocket sites at the rate of 1 missile per day per site.  Please disregard all guided missile costs shown in the table below. 
{| class="wikitable"
! style="width:25em;" | 科技
! 年份
! {{nowrap|基础研究时长/天}}
! 前置条件
! style="width:320px;" | 效果
! style="width:350px;" | 装备及模块
| {{iconbox|实验火箭|en=Experimental rockets|Advancing the science of rocketry by improving the range and reliability of liquid-fuel rockets will teach us enough about the technology to allow the construction of launch sites for more advanced models.|image=Experimental Rockets.png}}
| 1943
| 150
| Unlocks {{iconify|rocket site}} with a limit of '''2''' per state
| {{iconbox|火箭引擎|en=Rocket engines|Knowledge of rocket propulsion is reaching a point where we can construct flying bombs and rocket-powered aircraft, operating at previously unreachable speeds.|image=Rocket Engines.png}}
| 1944
| 200
| [[#Experimental rockets|Experimental rockets]]
| {{icon|Support rocket artillery|火箭炮支援连}}, {{icon|Rocket artillery|火箭炮}}, {{iconify|Truck-drawn rocket artillery}}及 {{icon|Motorized rocket artillery|自行火箭炮}}:
* 对人员杀伤{{green|+5%}}
| {{Equipment
|name=Rocket Interceptor I
|desc=Short range experimental interceptor powered by an unreliable chemical rocket engine.
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 2{{icon|tungsten}} 1{{icon|rubber}}
|left={{Equipment/row|[[File:Manpower.png|19px|link=Manpower]] Service manpower|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Air defense|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|950 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|16}}
|right={{Equipment/row|Range|150 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Air attack|47}}
{{Equipment/row|Air superiority|1.0}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|10}}
|name=Basic guided missile
|desc=Unmanned flying bomb
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 3{{icon|tungsten}}
|left={{Equipment/row|Range|500 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Strategic bombing|300}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|0.6}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|1.5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|640 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|54}}
| {{iconbox|喷气引擎|en=Jet engines|A breakthrough in propulsion technology, the Jet Engine will enable the development of an entirely new generation of aircraft.|image=Jet Engines.png}}
| 1944
| 200
| [[#Rocket engines|Rocket engines]]
| ''The development of Jet Engines is an essential prerequisite for the development of jet powered aircraft. This must be researched before you can research advanced aircraft''
| {{Equipment
|name=Gas turbine
|desc=An turbine developed from jet engines. High fuel consumption, but the highest speed of any engine at a given Engine Size.
|left={{Equipment/row|Max speed|+0.5 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|3}}
|right={{Equipment/row|Max speed|+25%}}
{{Equipment/row|Fuel usage|+4}}
| {{iconbox|改良火箭引擎|en=Improved rocket engines|The first long-range ballistic missiles can be built and made ever more precise, reaching distant enemy cities and even into space.|image=Improved Rocket Engines.png}}
| 1945
| 150
| [[#Rocket engines|Rocket engines]]
| {{iconify|Support rocket artillery}}, {{iconify|Rocket artillery}}, {{iconify|Truck-drawn rocket artillery}} and {{iconify|Motorized rocket artillery}}:
* Soft attack: {{green|+5%}}
| {{Equipment
|name=Rocket Interceptor II
|desc=Short range interceptor powered by a slightly more reliable chemical rocket engine.
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 3{{icon|tungsten}} 1{{icon|rubber}}
|left={{Equipment/row|[[File:Manpower.png|19px|link=Manpower]] Service manpower|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Air defense|7}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|1100 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|18}}
|right={{Equipment/row|Range|300 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Air attack|56}}
{{Equipment/row|Air superiority|1.0}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|10}}
|name=Improved guided missile
|desc=Better unmanned flying bomb
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 3{{icon|tungsten}}
|left={{Equipment/row|Range|640 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Strategic bombing|450}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|0.6}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|1.5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|5760 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|54}}
| {{iconbox|先进火箭引擎|en=Advanced rocket engines|The future of rocketry opens up possibilities like intercontinental missiles, the range of which knows few limits while the payloads grow more lethal.|image=Advanced Rocket Engines.png}}
| 1946
| 150
| [[#Improved rocket engines|Improved rocket engines]]
| {{iconify|Support rocket artillery}}, {{iconify|Rocket artillery}}, {{iconify|Truck-drawn rocket artillery}} and {{iconify|Motorized rocket artillery}}:
* Soft attack: {{green|+5%}}
| {{Equipment
|name=Rocket Interceptor III
|desc=We have finally worked out most of the problems with the rocket engines and the Rocket Interceptor is now a solid close range defender of facilities.
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 3{{icon|tungsten}} 1{{icon|rubber}}
|left={{Equipment/row|[[File:Manpower.png|19px|link=Manpower]] Service manpower|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Air defense|10}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|1150 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|20}}
|right={{Equipment/row|Range|500 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Air attack|60}}
{{Equipment/row|Air superiority|1.0}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|10}}
|name=Advanced guided missile
|desc=Best unmanned flying bomb
|resources=3{{icon|aluminium}} 3{{icon|tungsten}}
|left={{Equipment/row|Range|11,000 km}}
{{Equipment/row|Strategic bombing|600}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval targetting|0.6}}
{{Equipment/row|Naval attack|1.5}}
{{Equipment/row|Max speed|9999 km/h}}
{{Equipment/row|[[File:Production cost.png|link=Production]] Production cost|54}}
{{research navbox}}

2022年9月21日 (三) 14:08的版本
