Template:Game rule list

Game rule list 
The following game rules exist as possible options:
Internal name Localised name Notes
can_access_market Can access International Market (Puppets and Overlords can always access each other's market)
can_be_spymaster Can be Spy Master
can_boost_other_ideologies Can boost popularity of other ideologies
can_boost_own_ideology Can boost own party popularity in other countries
can_create_collaboration_government Can create collaboration governments
can_create_factions Can Create Factions
can_declare_war_on_same_ideology Can declare war on country with the same ideology group without a war goal
can_declare_war_without_wargoal_when_in_war Can declare war on a neighbor without a wargoal when at war with a major
can_decline_call_to_war Can decline call to war
can_force_government Can force government of another country to adopt the same ideology
can_generate_female_aces Women in your country are allowed to become military pilots
can_generate_female_country_leaders Can generate female country leaders
can_generate_female_unit_leaders Can generate female unit leaders
can_guarantee_other_ideologies Can guarantee other ideologies
can_join_factions Can join factions
can_join_factions_not_allowed_diplomacy Country's name is not allowed to join factions
can_join_opposite_factions Can Join Factions led by another Ideology
can_lower_tension Lowers World Tension with Guarantees
can_not_build_buildings CAN_NOT_BUILD_BUILDINGS Doesn't seem to work.
can_not_declare_war Can not declare wars Prevents generating wargoals, but not using existing ones.
can_occupy_non_war Can hold territory owned by a country they are not at war with
can_only_justify_war_on_threat_country Can justify war goals against a country that have not generated world tension
can_puppet Can puppet a country
can_send_volunteers Can send volunteer forces
can_use_kamikaze_pilots Can use kamikaze pilots
contributes_operatives Contributes Operatives to Spy Master: Yes Only has an effect for subjects.
units_deployed_to_overlord Control over deployed units go to overlord Only has an effect for subjects.