
This template uses the following modules:

This template provides a way to read the name of a state based off the ID and formats the output accordingly.


{{地区|123|noid = yes}}

Parameter Info Required Notes
1 integer Required The ID of the state.
2 string Optional Overrides the auto-fetched name of the state if set.
noid boolean Optional If true, doesn't display the ID of the state after the name.
nob boolean Optional If true, state name won't be bolded.

Usage examples

Code Result
{{地区|1}} 科西嘉Corsica [1]
{{地区|321|noid=yes}} 果阿Goa
{{地区|231|nob=yes}} 喬治亞Georgia [231]
{{地区|114514|五更琉shu|pokewiz}} 五更琉shupokewiz [114514]

See also