This category contains files located in the /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/interface/goals folder.
「National focus icons」分類的媒體檔案
此分類包含以下 200 個檔案,共 352 個。
(上一頁)(下一頁)- All India Forward Bloc.png 93 × 75;16 KB
- Clamp Down On Corruption.png 98 × 82;17 KB
- Focus AST never gallipoli.png 95 × 85;18 KB
- Focus AST rats tobruk.png 95 × 85;16 KB
- Focus AST squander bug.png 95 × 85;17 KB
- Focus AST war japan.png 95 × 85;13 KB
- Focus NZL bob semple tank.png 85 × 83;14 KB
- Focus RAJ lions of the great war.png 94 × 80;16 KB
- Focus RAJ seek help from germany.png 82 × 83;15 KB
- Focus SAF colonialist crusade.png 95 × 85;15 KB
- Focus SAF german coup.png 95 × 85;16 KB
- Focus SAF secure africa.png 95 × 85;16 KB
- Focus SAF support ossewabrandwag.png 95 × 85;18 KB
- Focus attack australia.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack britain.png 102 × 90;17 KB
- Focus attack canada.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack china.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack france.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack germany.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack india.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack japan.png 102 × 90;17 KB
- Focus attack mexico.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack soviet.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus attack switzerland.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus befriend italy.png 98 × 88;15 KB
- Focus chi army reform.png 97 × 86;16 KB
- Focus chi british cooperation.png 98 × 88;15 KB
- Focus chi collaboration with the japanese.png 98 × 85;15 KB
- Focus chi cooperation with the communists.png 98 × 85;12 KB
- Focus chi cooperation with the nationalists.png 98 × 85;14 KB
- Focus chi examination yuan.png 98 × 87;17 KB
- Focus chi flying tigers.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus chi legislative yuan.png 99 × 88;16 KB
- Focus chi mission to germany.png 99 × 89;16 KB
- Focus chi mission to the soviet union.png 98 × 88;12 KB
- Focus chi mission to the us.png 100 × 89;15 KB
- Focus chi one china policy.png 99 × 87;16 KB
- Focus chi proclaim rival government.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus chi reach out to france.png 99 × 88;13 KB
- Focus chi united front.png 99 × 86;15 KB
- Focus chi whampoa military academy.png 99 × 88;16 KB
- Focus cze german puppet.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus cze military aeronautical institute.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus cze military research institute.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus eng bring the dominions back into the fold.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus eng chiefs of staff committee.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus eng concessions to the trade unions.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus eng crush the dream.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus eng decolonization.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus eng expose the belly of the bear.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus eng global defense.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus eng god save the king.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus eng imperial federation.png 100 × 88;20 KB
- Focus eng liberate the home of marx.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus eng motion of no confidence.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus eng move to secure the dominions.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus eng organise the blackshirts.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus eng special air service.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus eng the kings party.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus eng the sun never sets.png 100 × 88;19 KB
- Focus eng unite the anglosphere.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus focus fra border.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus focus fra down marianne.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus focus fra fascist threat.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus focus fra intervention spain.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus focus fra liberte egalite solidarite.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus focus fra maquis.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus focus fra national resistance council.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus focus fra orleans restoration.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus focus fra ratify stresa.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus focus fra revolution upmost.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus focus fra third empire.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus fra devalue the franc.png 100 × 100;19 KB
- Focus fra french union.png 100 × 100;17 KB
- Focus fra le deluge.png 100 × 100;20 KB
- Focus fra loyalty stalin.png 100 × 100;19 KB
- Focus fra loyalty trotzky.png 100 × 100;19 KB
- Focus fra milice.png 92 × 85;15 KB
- Focus fra regiment normandie.png 85 × 85;15 KB
- Focus generic africa factory.png 100 × 88;13 KB
- Focus generic africa infrastructure.png 100 × 88;12 KB
- Focus generic africa naval.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus generic africa production.png 100 × 88;13 KB
- Focus generic air defense.png 80 × 72;13 KB
- Focus generic aluminum.png 98 × 83;15 KB
- Focus generic anti fascist diplomacy.png 93 × 75;16 KB
- Focus generic army tanks2.png 102 × 90;18 KB
- Focus generic attack portugal.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus generic befriend portugal.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus generic china1.png 99 × 87;14 KB
- Focus generic coastal fort.png 80 × 79;14 KB
- Focus generic combined arms.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic commonwealth build infantry.png 94 × 77;16 KB
- Focus generic concessions.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus generic cruiser2.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic cryptologic bomb.png 98 × 82;19 KB
- Focus generic destroyer.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic diplomatic treaty.png 82 × 83;14 KB
- Focus generic home defense.png 86 × 87;16 KB
- Focus generic industry 1.png 102 × 90;12 KB
- Focus generic industry 2.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic industry 3.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic italy first.png 85 × 73;14 KB
- Focus generic japanese imperial glory.png 84 × 87;16 KB
- Focus generic join comintern.png 82 × 82;14 KB
- Focus generic license production.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus generic little entente.png 84 × 79;16 KB
- Focus generic manpower.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus generic military academy.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus generic military mission.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus generic monarchy 1.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus generic monarchy 2.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus generic navy battleship2.png 102 × 90;16 KB
- Focus generic paratrooper.png 87 × 80;13 KB
- Focus generic polish deal.png 83 × 86;16 KB
- Focus generic provoke border clashes.png 99 × 88;16 KB
- Focus generic royal wedding.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus generic rubber.png 98 × 83;15 KB
- Focus generic self management.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus generic socialist science.png 82 × 82;13 KB
- Focus generic soviet politics.png 82 × 81;15 KB
- Focus generic steel.png 98 × 83;15 KB
- Focus generic strike at democracy1.png 86 × 85;16 KB
- Focus generic strike at democracy2.png 81 × 83;14 KB
- Focus generic strike at democracy3.png 77 × 82;13 KB
- Focus generic support the left right.png 78 × 74;13 KB
- Focus generic tank production.png 102 × 90;17 KB
- Focus generic the giant wakes.png 94 × 79;16 KB
- Focus generic treaty.png 100 × 88;13 KB
- Focus generic tungsten.png 98 × 83;14 KB
- Focus ger accept british naval dominance.png 99 × 87;14 KB
- Focus ger assassinate mussolini.png 99 × 88;15 KB
- Focus ger break anglo french colonial hegemony.png 99 × 87;17 KB
- Focus ger bulwark against bolshevism.png 99 × 88;14 KB
- Focus ger great red menace.png 100 × 87;17 KB
- Focus ger oppose hitler.png 97 × 85;15 KB
- Focus ger reichskommisariats.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus ger return of the kaiser.png 99 × 87;19 KB
- Focus ger revive kaiserreich.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus ger strike at the source.png 99 × 88;15 KB
- Focus hol abandon the gold standard.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol continue the war in batavia.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol daf.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus hol fokker.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus hol gateway to europe.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol legacy of the de zeven provincien mutiny.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol liberation.png 100 × 88;19 KB
- Focus hol oranje boven.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus hol philips.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus hol prepare the inundation lines.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol the foundations of defense.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus hol the fourth ally.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus hol the only man in the dutch government.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus hol the zuiderzee works.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus hol united netherlands.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus hol war on pacifism.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus hun assassinate horthy.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus hun elect a king.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus intervention spain nationalists.png 98 × 88;15 KB
- Focus intervention spain republic.png 98 × 88;15 KB
- Focus invite finland.png 98 × 88;14 KB
- Focus invite romania.png 98 × 88;14 KB
- Focus invite yugoslavia.png 98 × 88;14 KB
- Focus jap cast the die.png 99 × 88;18 KB
- Focus jap manchurian project.png 99 × 88;16 KB
- Focus jap pacific guardian.png 98 × 86;16 KB
- Focus jap showa restoration.png 99 × 88;18 KB
- Focus jap spiritual mobilization.png 100 × 87;16 KB
- Focus jap strike south.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus jap zaibatsu.png 99 × 88;15 KB
- Focus jap zero.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus man claim the mandate of heaven.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus mex arrest general cedillo.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus mex caudillo private armies.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus mex exile calles.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus mex jefe maximo.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus mex privatisation.png 100 × 88;19 KB
- Focus mex redeem aztlan.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus mex restore the army of christ.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus mex soldaderas.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus mex support general cedillo.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus mex triumph over the cristeros.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus por concordat.png 89 × 79;15 KB
- Focus por estado novo.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus por iberian summit.png 94 × 94;18 KB
- Focus por latin american communism.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus por limited self rule.png 100 × 88;15 KB
- Focus por luso tropicalism.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus por portuguese legion.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus por reclaim crown jewel.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus por recover brazil.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus por recover latin america.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus por remember olivenca.png 100 × 88;14 KB
- Focus por salazar.png 89 × 78;14 KB
- Focus por the fifth empire.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus por the kingdom reunited.png 100 × 88;18 KB
- Focus por the pink map.png 100 × 88;17 KB
- Focus por workers of iberia.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus prc agrarian socialism.png 100 × 88;16 KB
- Focus prc infiltration.png 99 × 88;15 KB