只適用於DLC喚醒猛虎激活時。 |
中共像中國的其他勢力一樣,當喚醒勇虎DLC啟用時擁有獨特的國策樹。在不啟用DLC的情況下則會被通用國策樹替代。其中,「邀請外國投資者」線與 中華民國, 滿洲國和中國的軍閥政權共享。
- 土地改革線
- 該支線允許 中共增加科研槽,增長公眾支持度並處理對外政治問題。
- 邀請外國投資者線
- 該支允許 中共向數個主要國家尋求工業援助。
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國策 | 先決條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
無 | 中共:
長征之後,我們必須重組我們的政治機構,以確保我們能夠和國民黨相抗衡。 |
中共: | 中共: | 實現真正的共產主義的關鍵在於最大限度地實行馬克思的主張。 |
中共: | 中共: | 蘇聯在建設共產主義的經驗上是我們的老大哥,我們應當承認這一點,學習蘇聯的建設經驗。 |
中共: | 中共: | 沒有外界的幫助,長征帶來的毀滅性影響恐怕要經過幾代人才能消退。我們應當向蘇聯尋求幫助。 |
與 蘇維埃聯盟處於同一陣營 |
蘇維埃聯盟 觸發事件中共尋求加入共產國際 | 全世界的工人和農民必須團結起來掙脫他們身上的鎖鏈。我們將肩並肩的建設更美好的未來。 |
中共: | 中共: | 中國與世界上其他的工業國不同,期待馬克思描繪的共產主義革命是誤解了我們國家的現實處境。 |
中共: | 中共: | 我們對於採取鬥爭的方式存在相當多的誤解。我們應該給有錯誤思想的同志們一個機會認識到自己的錯誤。 |
中共: | 中共:
毛主席花了好幾個月的時間系統地論述了他的政治思想,並將其發展為指導我國建設的一套意識形態。 |
中共: | 中共:
馬克思的理論毫無疑問是出色的,但他卻是從歐洲的視角展開論述的。中國的特殊性應當在社會主義建設的政策上得到體現。 |
中共:將被稱作 中華人民共和國 | 隨著我們戰勝了國民黨反動派,我們已經取得了作為中國合法政府的正當性。我們還有許多工作要做,但是未來已經光明了許多。 |
中共: | 中共: | 黨的「左」傾錯誤只會讓事情變得更糟而不是更好。國民黨儘管有其缺陷,也能夠成為我們我們建設更美好的未來的盟友,我們應當在政治領域主動接近他們。 |
中共: | 中華民國獲得事件毛澤東尋求結盟
開始與中華民國爭奪中國的領導權 |
儘管國家統一還有很長的路要走,但是和國民黨組成聯合政府將會減少阻力。 |
中共: | 中共: | 我們黨內還有一些人堅信階級鬥爭理論和反對剝削階級的存在,他們不得不離開。 |
中華民國 不是中國領導者 |
中華民國:獲得 -5.00% 基礎穩定度 | 國民黨的內部有一些人試圖破壞同我們達成協議的努力。我們要盡一切力量保證我們的國民黨盟友贏得他們的內鬥。 |
儘管我們做了許多努力,但是蔣委員長依舊從心底里認為我們是共產分子。他的惡毒攻擊已經成為不可忽視的問題。我們應該幹些什麼。 |
中共: | 中共: | 從馬克思的定義來看,通向社會主義和共產主義的道路上一定存在著資本主義。中國從未發展過正常的資本主義市場經濟,這讓我們建設社會主義的嘗試幾乎是不可能的。我們需要首先發展資本主義的生產方式,這樣才能進一步地發展。 |
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國策 | 前提條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
For centuries, the people who work the land have been forced to pay rent to the people who actually own it. We will change this. |
The first step in creating a modern society is to ensure that all of its citizens can understand the issues at hand and help solve them. | |
Hygiene and medical care will keep our army in the field and allow us to better the lot of our citizens. We will ensure we develop new methods in these fields and teach them to our population. | |
We will combine all our various research facilities and universities and create a new organisation to administer them more efficiently. | |
完成 土地改革
沒有民族精神 低公眾支持度 |
1: follow Orders.
2: Don't steal from the Peasants. 3: Turn in everything captured from the enemy. With these simple rules we will show the people that we are on their side. |
Despite the unfortunate side-effects, allowing the peasants to cultivate poppy will grant us the cash needed to supply our armies. | |
完成 |
中共: | Opium has been the instrument by which the western powers brought us to our knees. We can not allow this evil to spread. |
沒有民族精神 低公眾支持度 |
Private ownership of land is an absurd concept. The land belongs to whoever works it. Allowing the peasants to organize themselves will ensure their support. |
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國策 | 前提條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
陝西 (622) | The foundation of our revolution is the area in Yan'an. If we want to prevail in the upcoming struggle, it must be expanded and improved. | |
正在與 日本交戰 |
The Japanese militarists pose the greatest threat to our nation. They wish to carve it up and exploit it in ways no Chinese government would ever imagine. The struggle against the Nationalists pales by comparison. |
Facing the Japanese in open combat in our current position would be more foolish than brave. We should first prepare the ground by sending small groups into enemy territory to build base areas. When the time right, we will call the uprising. |
處於一個陣營中 |
A country divided is a country inviting defeat. We must join forces with the Nationalists to coordinate our defense. |
中華民國, 新疆, 滇系, 桂系, 晉系以及 西北三馬:
Some elements in China ignore the central government, refusing to pick sides in the struggle. Some of them might even secretly harbor designs on taking over the country or collaborating with the Japanese. They must be brought in line. |
獲得民族精神: | We can not hope to stand up to the Japanese while we are still fighting against the Nationalists and warlords. We must first defeat them before we can take on the Japanese. |
中共: | Our neighbours are weakened by corruption and infighting. This presents a perfect opportunity to expand our territory. |
中共是中國領導者 |
The Nationalists would like us to fight them in the open. We must not give into the temptation. We will send small groups of soldiers into hostile territory to build base areas. When the time is right, we will trigger an uprising and catch the Nationalists by surprise. |
獲得民族精神: | The revolutionary struggle against our enemies must be coordinated through a specially created body. | |
For three generations, we have lived under the shadow of the Japanese threat. Opposition to Japanese expansion will make us heroes in the eyes of the Chinese people. And if the Japanese don't want to give us the war we need, then we will make them. |
獲得民族精神: | We must conduct the war on our terms. China has plenty of people and plenty of time. To face the enemy in open combat would be suicide. | |
獲得民族精神: | Other countries may believe that it is technology and firepower that wins wars. We know better. There is no technology that can stand up to a determined people willing to sacrifice. | |
獲得民族精神: | We can't hide in the mountains and forests forever. The time has come to take the fight to the enemy, and show the world that we are not afraid to fight them in the open. | |
We have focused on small battles and skirmishes for now. Our enemies think us weak and a mere nuisance. Lulled in a sense of security, they will be ill-prepared for a major offensive. | |
中共: | With our position more secure, we can move on from the revolutionary struggle for survival to the struggle for national leadership. | |
The Chinese Red Army has accomplished great deeds. 'n the future, it will win even greater honors as we fight to liberate our people. | |
獲得民族精神: | The struggle to liberate the workers and peasants of the world is fought in many countries. It is not always wise to intervene directly in these conflicts. Sometimes, a small force is all that is needed to shift the balance of power. | |
We have many friends amongst the general population, providing valuable information to us. We have even more enemies. We must create an organisation to separate one from the other. | |
We can not allow the counter-revolution to take hold in even the smallest village. Our goal must be to find every single traitor before they can do any damage. |
國策 | 先決條件 | 效果 | 描述 |
– |
Humiliating though it may be, the best way to industrialize our nation is by approaching the very people who have been exploiting us. |
The pariahs of Europe have made great strides in reforming their country and returning to their former glory. We can learn much from them. |
The German advisors have rendered stellar service in rebuilding and modernising our military. We should ensure that they can stay here, no matter how the political situation might change. |
A well-organised General Staff is the key to planning complex operations. We should learn from the German example and create a similar organisation. |
We should form a special department in the General Staff that focuses on predicting future wars and develops new tactics and strategies on how to beat our enemies. They could perhaps use some sort of computational device to simulate a world war... | |
Our mission to Germany has opened up the possibility of even greater cooperation, including a loan to fund further industrial development. | |
Armored vehicles will form the spearhead of modern warfare. We should make a modest purchase of tanks in preparation of forming the first armored units of the Chinese army. | ||
German tanks are, without a doubt, the best in the world. We should learn from their example and develop our own tanks on their patterns. | |
With research into new tanks progressing, we can now invest in a dedicated plant to build them. | ||
Theorists in Europe have long debated the best way to employ tanks. It seems that a unit combining mobile infantry with quick tanks is the best approach. We will raise such a unit. | |
While trucks are good enough for the intial experimentation in modern mechanised warfare, their poor cross-country performance and lack of armor makes them ill-suited for front-line work. | |
The Soviets have experimented with tanks for a long while and have some of the best tank designers in the world. We could hire one of them to design armored fighting vehicles for us. | |
After the experience gained from working with Soviet designers, we should form joint design teams to better coordinate the work and learn from each other. | ||
The Soviet Union has expressed an interest in Communist China, mainly to create a counter-weight to Japanese expansionism. We should send a mission to Moscow to see if our goals align. | |
While we may have some ideological differences with the Soviet Union, it is clear that they have the same interests as we do. We should formalize our new relationship and sign a mutual non-aggression pact to show the world that we stand together. |
The Soviets have offered to send a military mission to help us rebuild our military. |
Our airforce remains woefully understrength compared to other powers in the region. The Soviets seem open to the possibility of sending a volunteer group. |
Even though the French have repeatedly humiliated us and forced new concessions on us, in the current situation we may well end up needing their help. | |
The individual rifle is still the decisive weapon in our army. We should focus our modest resources on keeping as modern as possible in this area. | |
Alpine Warfare is an entirely different beast than combat in the plains. We should train specialised divisions in this art to make the best use of our terrain. | |
An army without supporting artillery is unable to stand up to any serious attack. We must ensure that our army is adequately equipped for this. | |
The Route through Hanoi and up north to our borders offers the highest possible amount of support from the outside world, should a war break out with Japan. | |
If there is one thing our country has in abundance, it is people. We can form special units that require little more than shovels to do essential military engineering work. | |
The French Army is one of the best trained in Europe. We can learn much from them. | |
The French experience in the Great War has created an army that excels in defense. By adopting their training methods and standards, we can improve our own defensive capabilities. | |
Without a working logistics system, we will not be able to maintain an army in the field. | |
While they may be the arch-imperialists, working with the British offers the best chance to modernize our airforce and ensure a steady flow of supplies. | |
The Burma Road forms our lifeline with the west. It needs to be protected at all costs and expanded upon to ensure a smooth flow of supplies. | |
The Burma Road alone can not sustain us. We must find new ways to bring supplies to keep us in the fight. | |
Our Air Force needs modern fighters to keep up with foreign threats. Our industry is unable to produce them yet, so we must purchase them abroad. | ||
If we want to create an independent aviation industry, we must first learn the techniques and methods to assemble and maintain the aircraft we already have. | |
With the workforce now familiar with basic maintenance tasks, we can continue with producing all components for a modern fighter plane. | |
After we have mastered production technologies for single-engine airplanes, we can attempt to develop and produce heavier, multi-engined models for ground support. | |
The Chu X-PO represents the pinnacle of development in Communist China - the first locally developed and produced fighter plane, able to hold its own against any enemy. | |
The airlift operation across the Himalayas is a poor replacement for the other avenues of transport, but it is a lot more difficult to disrupt. | |
In order to better coordinate with our allies, the Americans have sent one of the Generals to lead a joint force. | |
Communist China has long had strong allies in the US. They represent the best chance of getting the support we need. | ||
Claire Chennault is an American air warfare theorist who has shown an interest in working for us. We should hire him to rebuild our airforce. | |
Our friends in America have organized a volunteer group of pilots and bought a number of modern planes to support us. We just need to say so. |
American intelligence is willing to work with us to organize special operations behind enemy lines. This can help us to develop our own capabilities in this field. | |
The first step in creating a credible blue-water navy is to modernize our cruiser fleet. Our first project should not be too ambitious. | |
With the success of the previous cruiser design, we can scale it up and improve its performance, creating a more capable ship to defend our fleets. | |
The future of naval warfare is the aircraft carrier. We will never be considered a true naval power unless we posess carriers of our own. | |
A carrier is only as good as the planes that fly off of it. We must ensure that these are the most capable and most modern types available. | |
A large fleet requires a large industrial base to support it. We should invite foreign investors to help us build up our dockyards. | ||
As a first step to naval rearmament, a small group of destroyers should be produced. | |
Our long coastline is vulnerable to enemy landings, but it also provides the opportunity to attack from an unexpected direction should an enemy invade overland. | |
Whatever their designs on Communist China, the Japanese have made it clear that they are willing to work with us if we show sufficient respect. | |
The Japanese are unwilling to provide us with the technical knowledge to challenge their fleet in open combat, but they consider submarine warfare an auxilliary arm. We, of course, do not necessarily need to share that opinion. | |
Our long coast lines can only effectively be patrolled from the air. Modern naval bombers will allow us to defend our coasts without expending to many resources. | |
For too long, the Westerners have dictated how we should conduct business inside our own borders. Their citizens are protected from our laws, and we have no say about how they do business in our cities. This must end. We will stand as equals to them once again. |
In the turmoil that followed the revolution, a number of areas broke away and attempted to form their own states. Some merely ceased to listen to the central government, others pretended they were sovereign states again. Strengthened as we are now, we will publicly declare that we lay claim to the old Chinese borders that have stood for centuries before. | |
西藏 觸發事件中共要求屈服 |
The experiment of Tibetian independence is over. A military invasion is an option, but we should try and bring them back into the fold by peaceful means. |
Tibet occupies strategically critical terrain between us and India. They are too weak to defend themselves. We must intervene to protect our southern flank. |
The old border drawn up between the Imperial Government and the British was never correct, even when the British pretended to respect it. For decades, we have been too weak to contest it. No more. |
Trapped between us and Russia, Mongolia could fall to them at any time. We must strike first. |
We stand today as one of the first nations that have thrown off the shackles of colonialism. It is our sacred duty to ensure that the other peoples in Asia can determine their own fate as well. |
The peoples of India are struggling to throw off the last shackles of colonial oppression. We should reach out to them, support their fight, and work together for a brighter future for both of our nations. | ||
Having Mongolia as a buffer state between us and Russia will secure our northern flank. We just have to ensure that they are able to take care of themselves. | ||
The peoples of IndoCommunist China will still need aid in building up their own nations. We will ensure that they don't fall to outside pressure again. | |
The Koreans were the first victims of Japanese occupation. They will stand as a free people amongst the nations of the world once more. | |
Communist China has stood as the dominant force in the East for millennia, guaranteeing peace and stability in the region. It is time we reclaim our former position. | |
IndoCommunist China has been dependent on Chinese protection since the days of old. The fact that the area fell to the French shows that they are unable to protect themselves. | |
It is in our best interest to ensure that the Korean peninsula will never again be occupied by a hostile power. | |
日本 觸發事件中共要求屈服 |
For decades, Japan has posed the greatest threat to our independence. They have allied with the Western Powers to subjugate us before. We can not allow them to launch another attempt. We must strike first. |
通用 | 通用 • 持續性國策 |
基礎版本 | 法國 • 德意志國 • 義大利 • 日本 • 蘇維埃聯盟 • 聯合王國 • 美利堅合眾國 |
United and Ready | 波蘭 |
共赴勝利 | 澳大利亞 • 英屬印度 • 加拿大自治領 • 紐西蘭 • 南非 |
玉碎瓦全 | 捷克斯洛伐克 • 匈牙利王國 • 羅馬尼亞王國 • 南斯拉夫 |
喚醒猛虎 | 中華民國 • 中共 • 滿洲國 • 軍閥 |
炮手就位 | 墨西哥 • 荷蘭 |
抵抗運動 | 自由法國 • 維希法國 • 葡萄牙 • 西班牙國 • 西班牙共和國 |
博灣紛爭 | 保加利亞 • 希臘 • 土耳其 |
寸步不退 | 蘇維埃聯盟(重製)• 波蘭(重製)• 愛沙尼亞 • 拉脫維亞 • 立陶宛 |
唯有浴血 | 義大利(重製)• 衣索比亞 • 瑞士 • 非洲之角諸國 |
以力御暴 | 丹麥 • 芬蘭 • 冰島 • 挪威 • 瑞典 |