Entity modding


Entities are definitions used by Hearts of Iron IV to link models with script objects that are used in places such as ambient_objects.txt.

Both .gfx and .asset files are found in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/entities/.

Animations .asset files are found in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/models/.

Adding a Mesh

To add a mesh, you need to add a .gfx file in your mod that includes a mesh definition. Here is a generic example:

objectTypes = {
    pdxmesh = {
        name = "name_of_mesh"
        file = "gfx/models/name_of_mesh.mesh"
        animation = { id = "idle" type = "name_of_animation" }				
        scale = 1.0
  • name is the name of the mesh that is then referred to in an .asset file.
  • file is the relative filepath to the model that the mesh it associated with.
  • animation is a scope added for each animation associated with the mesh.
  • scale is a scalar for the size of the model.


The animation scope contains these attributes:

  • id is the name of the animation within the pdxmesh.
  • type is the name of the actual animation defined in an .asset file.

Adding an Entity

Once a mesh is defined, you then need to add an entity definition to use it within script. This is done within a .asset file that you need to add within your mod.

Here is a comprehesive example of all possible attributes:

entity = {
    name = "name_of_entity"
    pdxmesh = "mesh_to_use"
    scale = 1.0
    cull_radius = 100

    default_state = "idle"
    get_state_from_parent = yes

    locator = {
        name = "example"
        position = { 0.0 0.0 0.0 }

    state = { 
        name = "idle" 
        state_time = 0.0
        animation = "idle"
        animation_blend_time = 0.0
        animation_speed = 1.0
        looping = yes
        next_state = "idle"
        chance = 2
        propagate_state = {
            node = "idle"
        event = {
            time = 1.0
            trigger_once = yes
            node = "example_node"
            light=  "example_light"
            particle = "example_particle"
            keep_particle = yes
            sound = {
                soundeffect = "example_soundeffect"
    attach = {
        name = "name"
        <node> = "example_entity"
  • name is the name of the entity that is referred to in places such as ambient_objects.txt.
  • pdxmesh is the mesh associated with the entity.
  • state is a scope added for each animation associated with the mesh, linking the animation to an animation state.
  • locator is a scope that adds a node to the entity.
  • scale is a scalar for the size of the entity.
  • cull_radius is a distance at which the entity is culled from rendering.
  • default_state is the default animation state for the entity.
  • get_state_from_parent inherits the state of the parent entity (i.e. used by the weapon entity that is part of a soldier).
  • attach is a scope that attachs another entity to a skeleton node of the current entity.

Note that the available states depending on where the entity is used (i.e. a unit entity will get combat states, where as a building entity will get building states, etc). All entities share the idle state.


The state scope contains these attributes:

  • name is the name of the state that a model may enter. All models have an idle state.
  • state_time is the duration of the current state.
  • looping determines whether this state loops or not.
  • event is a scope that applies a particle or sound effect.
  • animation is the animation state (from the pdxmesh) to play.
  • animation_blend_time is the blend time between the current and the specified animation.
  • animation_speed is the playback speed of the animation.
  • next_state sets the next state for the current state.
  • chance determines the chance of this state entry occuring if it shares its name with multiple other state entries (i.e. training, whether to pushup, jumping jack, etc.)
  • propagate_state propagates the current state to the specified node.


The event scope contains these attributes:

  • time is the duration of the event in seconds.
  • particle is the particle to display.
  • keep_particle determines whether the particle persists past the duration of the event.
  • trigger_once determines whether the event occurs only once.
  • sound is a scope that applies a sound effect.
  • node specifies a locator node or model node to set the event position origin to.
  • light specifies a light to display.


  • name is the name of the attached entity.
  • <node> is the name of the node from the entities skeleton, and the value is the entity to attach.


The sound scope contains these attributes:

  • soundeffect is the sound effect to play.


The locator scope contains these attributes:

  • name is the name of the locator node.
  • position is the position of the location node, with the values being x, y and z co-ordinates.

Adding an Animation

Animations for models are added in a .asset file found in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/models/ or the sub-folders.

Here is a generic example:

animation = {
    name = "animation_name"
    file = "animation_name.anim"
  • name is the name of animation that is then referred to in a pdxmesh.
  • file is the relative filepath to the animation.