

This is a list of decisions for influencing subject governments and creating collaboration governments (from /Hearts of Iron IV/common/decisions/foreign_influence.txt).


Execute decision.pngNation Building in [From.GetNameDef]

We must train a new generation of administrators to lead the [From.GetAdjective] people away from totalitarianism and into democracy and the rule of law.

潛在需求 接受

Nation Building in [From.GetNameDef] icon
Nation Building in [From.GetNameDef]

We must train a new generation of administrators to lead the [From.GetAdjective] people away from totalitarianism and into democracy and the rule of law.

Execute decision.pngSocialist Education in [From.GetNameDef]

Enemies of the [From.GetAdjective] people are infiltrating our fraternal allies and sowing dissent against the democratic movement we are fostering. We must assist the legitimate government in re-educating the population in the immortal science of Marx and Engels.

潛在需求 接受

Socialist Education in [From.GetNameDef] icon
Socialist Education in [From.GetNameDef]

Enemies of the [From.GetAdjective] people are infiltrating our fraternal allies and sowing dissent against the democratic movement we are fostering. We must assist the legitimate government in re-educating the population in the immortal science of Marx and Engels.

Execute decision.pngParamilitary Training in [From.GetNameDef]

Left-wing agitators and other traitorous filth are weakening the [From.GetAdjective] nation. We will assist friendly forces who are willing to collaborate with our army.

潛在需求 接受

Paramilitary Training in [From.GetNameDef] icon
Paramilitary Training in [From.GetNameDef]

Left-wing agitators and other traitorous filth are weakening the [From.GetAdjective] nation. We will assist friendly forces who are willing to collaborate with our army.

Execute decision.pngMilitary Parade in [From.GetNameDef]

Democrats, socialists, nationalists and other verminous products of the Enlightenment are making trouble for the [From.GetAdjective] government. We will march our unvanquishable troops through the capital of [From.GetNameDef] and show them the splendour of [Root.GetAdjective] military might.

潛在需求 接受

Military Parade in [From.GetNameDef] icon
Military Parade in [From.GetNameDef]

Democrats, socialists, nationalists and other verminous products of the Enlightenment are making trouble for the [From.GetAdjective] government. We will march our unvanquishable troops through the capital of [From.GetNameDef] and show them the splendour of [Root.GetAdjective] military might.

Execute decision.pngPolice Action in [From.GetNameDef]

The [From.GetAdjective] people are ready to receive responsible self-government from local police and paramilitary forces.

潛在需求 接受

Target subject:


Execute decision.pngFraternal Republic in [From.GetNameDef]

The [From.GetAdjective] people demand intervention from our forces to oust the parasitical landlords and capitalists who reign over them.

潛在需求 接受

Target subject:


Execute decision.pngUltranationalist Coup in [From.GetNameDef]

The weak [From.GetAdjective] government doesn't deserve our support. We must usher in a new age for their people!

潛在需求 接受

Target subject:


Execute decision.pngMilitary Dictatorship in [From.GetNameDef]

There are many weak links in the [From.GetAdjective] government which we must remove. Atheists, trades unionists and even liberals are reported amongst the [From.GetLeader] ministry.

潛在需求 接受

Target subject:


Execute decision.pngCreate a Collaboration Government in [From.GetNameDef]

  • Has the rule Can create collaboration governments
  • Does not have a puppet of target country
  • Has modifier Volunteer Program for occupied states of target country
  • Has modifier A New Regime for occupied states of target country
