

參見:Air units
參見:Naval units

















  • Recovery Rate (or morale): How much extra organization can be regained hourly when not in combat.
  • Defense: How many enemy attacks a division can attempt to avoid while on the defensive, effectively allowing it to hold the line longer.
  • Breakthrough: How many enemy attacks a division can attempt to avoid while on the offensive, effectively allowing it to stay on the offense longer.
  • Hardness: Hardness represents how much of a division is made up of armored or at least protected vehicles. It decreases the ratio of soft attacks received, while increasing the ratio of hard attacks.
  • Soft attack: How many attacks a division can make versus enemies with low hardness.
  • Hard attack: How many attacks a division can make versus enemies with high hardness.
  • Reconnaissance: The ability to scout ahead and anticipate the enemy. Increases the chance that a division can pick better tactics in battle.
  • Entrenchment: The ability to make proper defensive entrenchments before a hostile attack.
  • Initiative: The higher the Initiative a unit has, the quicker it can reinforce into a battle, and the quicker it gets its planning done.
  • Trickleback: The proportion of losses in combat that can be saved and returned to the manpower pool.
  • Supply use: How much supply a unit consumes per day.
  • Supply Usage: A modifier applied to Supply use.
  • Suppression: Ability to suppress local resistance.
  • Suppression Bonus: A modifier applied to Suppression.
  • Exp. Loss: How much experience is lost in a division when they take casualties and have to replace them.
  • Eq. Capture Ratio: Percentage of the equipment that will be captured from enemy loses.
  • Fuel Capacity: How much fuel this unit can store. Higher fuel capacity means that the unit will be able to operate at full capacity longer when it lacks the fuel supply.


  • Surface detection: Ability to detect surface vessels.
  • Sub detection: Ability to detect submarines.
  • Surface Visibility: How hard to find this ship is.
  • Sub Visibility: How easy to detect a submarine is.
  • Light Attack: Damage done by light guns. Light guns are better at targetting smaller ships.
  • Light Piercing: Armor piercing of the light guns.
  • Heavy Attack: Damage done by the heavy guns. Heavy guns are better at targetting bigger ships.
  • Heavy Piercing: Armor piercing of the heavy guns.
  • Torpedo attack: How much damage we can do when using the ship's torpedoes.
  • Depth charges: How much damage we can do to the enemy submarines with depth charges.
  • Anti-air: How much anti-air firepower the ship carries for shooting down enemy planes.
  • Max Speed: A faster ship has an easier time disengaging from pursuers when attempting to retreat from combat. It is also less likely to be hit by enemy fire, can pursue contacts easier when spotting the enemy, and moves faster outside of battle.
  • Max Range: A ship's range represents its onboard stores of fuel and foodstuffs, which limit how far it can travel from the nearest friendly Naval Base.
  • Minelaying: Efficiency in laying the sea mines.
  • Minesweeping: Efficiency in finding and neutralizing the sea mines.


  • Range: How far away missions the plane can perform.
  • Air Defense: How many hits a plane can take before being shot down.
  • Air Attack: How much damage we can do against airplanes. High Air Attack also helps to counter enemy Air Superiority effects.
  • Agility: How agile a plane is. Agility affects how easy it is to hit another plane, and how easily it can avoid being hit.
  • Strategic Bombing: How good a plane is at strategic bombing.
  • Air Superiority: How much the plane helps the overall air superiority of a strategic area.
  • Naval Attack: How much damage the plane inflicts upon hitting a ship.
  • Naval Targeting: How likely the plane is to hit a ship.
  • Ground Attack: How much damage the plane can do to enemy divisions on the ground when helping out in combat.


  • 組織度:表示部隊對作戰的準備程度及組織程度。沒有組織度的部隊無法有效戰鬥或移動。
  • HP:生命值表示部隊承受傷害的能力。
  • 最大速度:每個師/艦船/飛行器在最佳條件下的移動速度。
  • 裝甲厚度:如果部隊的裝甲厚度高於敵方的穿甲深度,則會遭受更少的傷害,並對敵方造成更多傷害。
  • 穿甲深度:如果穿甲深度大於等於對方的裝甲厚度,部隊可以更有效地對敵方裝甲部隊造成更多傷害。
  • 可靠性:數值越低,裝備越容易遭到損耗或發生事故。
  • 運輸重量:部隊的重量。更重的部隊需要更多運輸船來完成海上轉移和登陸。
  • 燃油使用:部隊行動時所需的燃油消耗量。空軍和海軍單位會在執行行動或訓練時消耗燃料。耗油的陸地單位在閒置時也會有燃油消耗(存疑),但是在訓練,戰鬥和移動時耗得更多。


  • 甲板容量:一艘航母能裝載的飛機數量
  • 炎熱適應度增長:單位在炎熱環境中適應的速率
  • 寒冷適應度增長:單位在寒冷環境下適應的速率
  • 生產花費:生產一件裝備所需的工廠產品數


Equipment type Equipment Speed (km/h)[1][2] Attack defense breakthrough Armor Pierc. Hness. Fuel Usage Reli. production cost Resources Per Factory
soft attack hard attack air attack Steel Tungsten Chromium Aluminum Rubber
Infantry Eq. Basic Eq. 4 3 0.5 20 2 1 90% 0.4 2
Weapons I 4 6 1 22 3 4 90% 0.5 2
Weapons II 4 9 1.5 28 4 5 90% 0.6 3
Weapons III 4 12 2 34 5 10 80% 0.7 4
Motorized Motorized 12 10% 1.2 80% 2.5 1 1
Motorized Armor Car 1 9 6 2 2 12 3 6 65% 0.8 80% 4 2
Armor Car 2 12 13 4 3 16 10 8 65% 1.8 80% 6 2
Armor Car 3 15 16 8 5 28 20 36 70% 1.8 80% 8 2 1
Mot. R. Artillery Mot. R. Artillery 36 1 15 12 2 0.1 80% 12 1 1
Mechanized Mechanized I 8 26 4 10 11 60% 2.4 80% 8 2 1
Mechanized II 10 30 5 15 16 70% 2.4 80% 10 3 1
Mechanized III 12 34 6 20 21 80% 2.4 80% 12 4 1
Mechanized Amphibious Mechanized 1 7 26 4 10 11 60% 4 80% 8 2 1
Amphibious Mechanized 2 10 30 5 15 16 70% 4 80% 10 3 1
Artillery Artillery 25 2 10 6 5 80% 3.5 2 1
Improved Artillery 30 2 15 7 5 80% 4 2 1
Advanced Artillery 34 2 18 8 5 80% 4.5 3 1
Rocket Artillery Rocket Artillery 30 1 12 9 2 80% 4 1 2
Advanced Rocket Artillery 38 1 15 12 2 80% 5 1 2
Anti-Tank Anti-Tank 4 15 4 75 80% 4 2 2
Improved Anti-Tank 4 22 4 88 80% 5 2 2
Advanced Anti-Tank 4 30 4 108 80% 6 3 2
Anti-Air Anti-Air 3 7 19 4 1 25 80% 4 2
Improved Anti-Air 3.5 11 25 4 1 60 80% 5 2
Advanced Anti-Air 4 15 32 4 1 88 80% 6 3
Support Eq. Support Eq. 80% 4 2 1


Equipment type Equipment Speed (km/h)[2] Attack defense breakthrough Armor Pierc. Hness. Fuel Usage Reli. production cost Resources Per Factory
soft attack hard attack air attack Steel Tungsten Chromium Aluminum Rubber
Light Tank Great War Tank 6 8 4 4 18 5 15 80% 1.0 80% 7 2
L. Tank I 10 13 4 4 26 10 10 80% 2.4 80% 8 2
L. Tank II 12 16 6 5 36 15 30 80% 2.4 80% 9 3
L. Tank III 14 22 9 6 46 30 50 80% 2.4 80% 10 4
Light SP Artillery L. SPG I 10 34 0.5 4 2 5 4 50% 1.2 80% 8 2 1
L. SPG II 12 42 1 5 2.5 10 4 50% 1.2 80% 9 3 1
L. SPG III 14 46 1.5 7 3.5 25 4 50% 1.2 80% 10 4 1
L. Tank Destroyer L. TD I 10 6 10 4 1 10 50 80% 1.2 80% 8 2 2
L. TD II 12 6 16 5 1.3 15 77 80% 1.2 80% 9 3 2
L. TD III 14 8 24 7 1.8 30 99 80% 1.2 80% 10 4 2
Light SP Anti-Air L. AA I 10 2 1 15 2 2 5 5 50% 0.6 80% 10 2
L. AA II 12 3 1.5 17 2.5 2.5 10 20 50% 0.6 80% 11 3
L. AA III 14 4.5 4 32 3.5 3.5 25 35 50% 0.6 80% 12 4
Medium Tank M. Tank I 8 19 14 5 36 60 61 90% 3.6 80% 12 2 2
M. Tank II 9 25 19 7 51 80 81 90% 3.6 80% 13 3 2
M. Tank III 10 32 24 9 66 90 91 90% 3.6 80% 14 4 2
M. SPG M. SPG I 8 42 1 5 3 45 5 65% 1.8 80% 12 2 3
M. SPG II 9 50 1.5 6 3 50 5 65% 1.8 80% 13 3 3
M. SPG III 10 55 2 7 4 58 5 65% 1.8 80% 14 4 3
M. Tank Destroyer M. TD I 8 5 20 5 1.3 60 88 90% 1.8 80% 12 2 4
M. TD II 9 6 26 6 1.5 80 110 90% 1.8 80% 13 3 4
M. TD III 10 8 32 7 1.8 90 120 90% 1.8 80% 14 4 4
Medium SP Anti-Air M. AA I 8 4.5 3 22 2.5 2.5 45 40 65% 0.9 80% 12 2 2
M. AA II 9 6 4.5 32 3 3 50 60 65% 0.9 80% 13 3 2
M. AA III 10 7.5 6 43 3.5 3.5 58 70 65% 0.9 80% 14 4 2
Heavy Tank H. Tank I 5 15 12 6 36 70 35 95% 4.4 80% 25 3 3
H. Tank II 6 27 30 8 52 110 111 95% 4.4 80% 27 3 3
H. Tank III 6 35 40 9 67 130 131 95% 4.4 80% 30 4 3
Heavy SP Artillery H. SPG I 5 55 1 4 2 45 8 80% 2.2 80% 25 3 3
H. SPG II 6 74 2 6 3 68 8 80% 2.2 80% 27 4 3
H. SPG III 6 80 2.5 7 3.5 90 8 80% 2.2 80% 30 5 3
H. Tank Destroyer H. TD I 5 6 25 4 1 70 96 95% 2.2 80% 25 3 3
H. TD II 6 8 42 6 1.5 110 140 95% 2.2 80% 27 4 3
H. TD III 6 10 60 7 1.8 130 160 95% 2.2 80% 30 4 4
Heavy SP Anti-Air H. AA I 5 4.5 4 17 2 2 45 25 80% 1.1 80% 25 3 3
H. AA II 6 6 4.5 33 3 3 68 60 80% 1.1 80% 27 3 3
H. AA III 6 7.5 6 44 3.5 3.5 90 88 80% 1.1 80% 30 4 3
Super Heavy Tank SH. Tank 4 38 45 10 74 145 146 99% 10.0 80% 100 3 4
SH. SP Artillery SH. SPG 4 85 3 7 3.5 100 9 90% 5.0 80% 100 3 4
SH. Tank Destroyer SH. TD 4 12 70 7 1.8 145 170 99% 5.0 80% 100 3 4
Super Heavy SP Anti-Air SH. AA 4 11.5 9 50 3.5 3.5 100 98 90% 2.5 80% 100 3 4
Modern Tank Mod. Tank 10 40 32 10 84 130 131 98% 5.0 80% 28 3 4
Modern SP Artillery Modern SPG 10 80 3 8 4 90 10 85% 2.5 80% 28 3 4
Modern Tank Destroyer Modern TD 10 10 42 8 2 130 165 98% 2.5 80% 28 3 4
Modern SP Anti-Air Modern AA 10 9 7.5 50 4 4 90 100 85% 1.25 80% 28 3 4
Amphibious Tank Amphibious Tank 1 7 13 4 4 26 20 10 80% 4 80% 10 2
Amphibious Tank 2 8 19 14 5 36 80 61 90% 4 80% 13 2 2


  1. These values for the maximum speed do not apply to support companies.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Battalions have a maximum speed no slower than 4, regardless of equipment