共赴胜利是钢铁雄心4的第一个国家扩展包,宣布于2016-11-01[1],随Patch 1.3发布于2016-12-15。
- 为加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,英属印度以及南非添加全新的国策树。
- 每个自治领都有不同的历史性选择,是继续向联合王国效忠, 亦或是创造属于自己的,全新的命运。
- 全新的 自治度 系统, 将附属国对宗主国的独立程度可视化。
- 修改后的 租借法案 允许你向你的盟友请求你更需要的装备援助。
- “穿插路线”作战计划指令,可以让你更方便击穿敌人的防线并建立包围圈。
- 技术共享可以让英联邦国家更快的赶上英国的科技进度。
- 为英联邦国家的步兵,飞机以及其他装备制作了19个全新的3d模型,并绘制了配套的2d图像
- 包含作曲家Andreas Waldetoft创作的三首全新配乐:《伦敦在燃烧》《罗盘行动》《阿拉曼的英雄》
- 为下列语言添加了军队配音: 德语,法语,英式英语,美式英语,西班牙语,俄语,普通话,日语,丹麦语,芬兰语,挪威语,瑞典语。
- 经过扩展的作战日志可以让你更好的分析装备损失以及各个陆军师配置的性能。
- 主条目:Patch 1.3
- 战区现在用不同的颜色来显示攻击和防御战斗的数量。
- 现在可以配置驻军命令。
- Can now edit existing lend lease details.
- Added cosmetic tags for European states that are puppets of Germany, east-European states that are puppets of the Soviet Union, and tags for a number of British colonies (including a former one).
- Added a new type of equipment design company for support units.
- 增加了满洲国作为可选国家。
- 增加了一个成就观看器。
- 增加了一个音乐播放器。
- 增加了一个过时装备警告标识。
- Added outdated and new production indicators for production view.
- 增加了几个新的将军。
- 允许玩家在不是阵营领袖时召唤盟友加入战争。
- Buildings can now increase in cost for each level. Forts and naval forts now ramp up in cost the higher the level.
- 可能感兴趣的国家界面现在显示了更多拥有独特国策树的国家。
- Air attack (from AA battalions) now counteract enemy air superiority effects in combat and for movement.
- Warscore system now uses combats instead of just taking provinces to reward nations.
- 增加了12个新成就。
Developer diaries
All developer diaries about the Together for Victory country pack and patch 1.3 (aka Torch).
No. | Title and Link | Description | Date |
1 | Future Focus | Focus for 1.3 / upcoming expansion along with general plans for the expansions beyond | 2016-09-23 |
2 | The Team | Presentation of the current HoI4 team lineup | 2016-09-28 |
3 | Memory Lane | A look at how some concepts have changed over the HoI series, such as: supply, upgrades, reinforcement and more. | 2016-10-05 |
4 | Blitz Command and Garrison Orders | Blitz Command coming in the next expansion, garrison orders in the free patch | 2016-10-12 |
5 | Oh Canada! | Canada and the Commonwealth | 2016-10-19 |
6 | Ally Down Under | Australia updated in Together for Victory | 2016-10-26 |
7 | South Africa and Continuous focuses | South Africa and Continuous focuses | 2016-11-02 |
8 | Autonomy | New levels for subject nations coming in Together for Victory | 2016-11-09 |
9 | India - Struggle for Independence | A closer look at the changes coming for India in Together for Victory | 2016-11-16 |
10 | New Zealand & Combat Log | New Zealand focus and tech trees as well as a combat log | 2016-11-23 |
11 | Together for Audio | Music and Audio in Together for Victory | 2016-11-30 |
12 | Cosmetic tags, art, gameplay and AI | One week to the release of Together for Victory! | 2016-12-07 |
13 | TFV AI Update #2 | Part 2 of AI bugfixes and updates for TFV | 2016-12-09 |
14 | TFV AI Update #3 | Part 3 of AI bugfixes and updates for TFV | 2016-12-12 |
15 | TFV AI Update #4 | Part 4 of AI bugfixes and updates for TFV | 2016-12-14 |
16 | Achievements & Patchlog | New Achievements and 1.3 changelog | 2016-12-14 |
17 | XMAS & Hotfix out! | It's time for holidays! Development diaries will be back again in 2017! | 2016-12-21 |
18 | Back from Christmas | 1.3.2 hotfix patch soon in public beta | 2017-01-11 |
19 | Squanching them bugs | Planned changes for 1.3.3 and general focus for the 1.4 Oak patch | 2017-01-18 |
20 | Getting started with modding | Havebeard goes over modding requests and modding tips for beginners | 2017-01-25 |
21 | 1.3.3 Modding Features | More modding features coming | 2017-02-01 |
22 | Patch 1.3.3 Update #1 | Changes done to industry, world tension and capitulation in the upcoming patch | 2017-02-08 |
23 | Patch 1.3.3 Update #2 | Details on QoL improvements, AI update, performance and optimizations done in the coming patch | 2017-02-15 |
24 | 1.3.3 Patch #3 | The patch should now be ready for release | 2017-02-22 |
- ↑ Forum, Together for Victory Announced, 2016-11-01
- ↑ P社论坛,Steam Store Update | Patch 1.14.3 [Checksum 21DE]