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This is a list of all events relating to ace pilots (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/AcePilots.txt).


Ace Pilot Promoted

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
Few take as many risks as the brave pilots of the [Root.GetAdjective] air force. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname], a skilled pilot known under the callsign [From.GetCallsign], has distinguished [From.GetHerselfHimself] in not only returning alive from the recent mission over [From.GetMissionRegion], but living through significant victories in many critical encounters.

Held up as a shining example of [Root.GetAdjective] courage, [From.GetName]'s recent promotion has been highly publicized. Although the people may view war as more hell than glory, many are glad to see that there are still heroes to rally behind.

  • None
  • On ace promoted

Event button.png
Who dares, wins.
  • Gain 战争支持度 +2% Base war support


A Wild Ace Appears

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
Few take as many risks as the brave pilots of the [Root.GetAdjective] air force. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname], a skilled pilot known under the callsign [From.GetCallsign], has distinguished [From.GetHerselfHimself] in not only returning alive from the recent mission over [From.GetMissionRegion], but living through significant victories in many critical encounters.

Held up as a shining example of [Root.GetAdjective] courage, [From.GetName]'s recent promotion has been highly publicized. Although the people may view war as more hell than glory, many are glad to see that there are still heroes to rally behind.

  • None
  • On ace promoted

Event button.png
Who dares, wins.
  • Gain 战争支持度 +2% Base war support


[From.GetCallsign] Killed Over [From.GetMissionRegion]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
One of [From.Owner.GetName]'s most famous [From.GetAceType] aces, [From.GetFullName], has gone down in flames in the line of duty, during a mission over [From.GetMissionRegion]. Unfortunately, since [From.GetSheHe] has long since been a public figure, the demise of [From.GetCallsign] is severely demoralizing to the many people who looked up to [From.GetHerHim].

While we wish there was a way to hide this event from the people, the lack of public appearances from [From.GetName] would soon raise suspicion. Ultimately, [From.GetHerHis] death is another part of a legend that will hopefully live on long past our current troubles.

  • None
  • On ace killed

Event button.png
A living legend is still better.
  • Lose 战争支持度 −2% Base war support


[From.GetFullName] Shot Down By [Prev.GetCallsign]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
Pilots returning from [From.GetMissionRegion] report that a squadron of [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts, led by the infamous [Prev.GetCallsign], focused on chasing down [From.GetCallsign]. After dodging several burst from the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective]s and taking down a number of enemy aircraft, [From.GetCallsign] was overwhelmed by [Prev.GetCallsign], who reportedly outmaneuvered [From.GetHerHim] and ripped the fuel tanks open with a clean hit. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname]'s plane caught fire and went spiraling down over [From.GetMissionRegion] in a violent inferno.

[From.GetFullName] has shown great courage throughout [From.GetHerHis] service and was looked up to by many. The loss of this national hero is a great blow to the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] air force and is a devastating blow to our nation as a whole. Knowing that while we grieve, [Prev.Owner.GetName] is celebrating [Prev.GetFullName] as a hero, makes the tragedy even greater.

  • None
  • On ace killed by ace

Event button.png
A devastating loss for us all.
  • Lose 战争支持度 −3% Base war support


[From.GetFullName] Shot Down [Prev.GetCallsign]

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
Our latest mission over [From.GetMissionRegion] was a great success for the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] air force in more than one aspect. Reports have come in highlighting [From.GetFullName]'s heroic deed, managing to outwit the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] pilot, [Prev.GetName] [Prev.GetSurname], known as [Prev.GetCallsign]. [From.GetCallsign] used [From.GetHerselfHimself] as bait and lured [Prev.GetCallsign] into a trap where the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] pilots were able to dive on [Prev.GetCallsign]'s squadron. [From.GetCallsign] proceeded to outmaneuver the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts and with a single burst sent [Prev.GetCallsign] spiraling from the skies of [From.GetMissionRegion].

[Prev.GetFullName] was a feared pilot with many [From.Owner.GetAdjective] lives on [Prev.GetHerHis] conscience. This is a great victory and shows that when we rally behind great heroes, they perform great deeds.

  • None
  • On ace killed by ace

Event button.png
A victory all of [From.Owner.GetName] will remember!
  • Gain 战争支持度 +3% Base war support


[From.GetFullName] has gone down

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
During the latest mission our famous [From.GetAceType] ace [From.GetFullname] ended up in a prolonged fight with the feared ace pilot, [Prev.GetFullName]. Being low on munitions and with no possibility of escape, [From.GetCallsign] maneuvered through the fire from the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts and proceeded to ram [Prev.GetCallsign].

Both [From.GetCallsign]'s and [Prev.GetCallsign]'s aircrafts were spotted going down in pieces over [From.GetMissionRegion].

While it is a small consolation that the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] menace, [Prev.GetCallsign], will no longer be a nuisance to us, we have lost a valued public figure and inspiration to all [From.Owner.GetAdjective].

  • None
  • On aces killed each other

Event button.png
A great loss for us nonetheless.
  • Lose 战争支持度 −1% Base war support