

Fuel.png 燃油是操作使用内燃机所必需的资源,包括卡车,坦克,飞机和舰艇。






与战略资源相比,燃油可以贮存起来。这使得一个国家发生燃油短缺时,会过一段时间而不是立即就会对部队造成不利的影响。每个国家的基础燃油储备为50000单位,任何省每一级基础设施等级再追加750个单位。修建 Fuel silo.png 燃油贮存库可以提高每个贮存库10000个单位,但是它们非常脆弱,容易被轰炸或占领。经济法案对贮存量的多寡影响非常大。





Each division has an internal storage lasting for 4 days of continued use. As long as the country has fuel available, they can refill via the supply system, at twice the normal consumption speed. If their supply zone is overloaded, the fuel flow is reduced and eventually stops at 50% overload. For example a supply zone providing 20 supply containing units requiring 30 supply will deliver no fuel at all to those units as other supplies take priority. When divisions fall below 25% of their internal fuel storage, they start to suffer increasing penalties, finally getting reduced to 40% movement speed and 10% battalion combat stats when no fuel is left. Training divisions earn no experience after running out of fuel.


All aircraft use fuel while on missions (except rocket interceptors which don't run on oil-based fuel). The effective fuel use per day and aircraft is 8.4 times the nominal fuel usage shown in the wing's details. When only operating at day or night, the fuel consumption is reduced accordingly.

Nominal fuel usage Daily consumption of 100 active aircraft
0.2 (fighter, heavy fighter, CAS, NAV) 168
0.3 (TAC) 252
0.4 (jet fighter) 336
0.6 (strategic bombers) 504
0.7 (jet tactical bomber) 588
1.4 (jet strategic bomber) 1.176

Some mission types have non-standard fuel consumption:

When running out of fuel, air missions receive a 75% mission efficiency penalty.


The effective fuel use per day is 2.4 times the nominal fuel usage shown in the ship's stats. Ships have particularly high fuel consumption, so their mission assignments need to be carefully considered. Ships consume twice as much fuel while in combat but otherwise don't consume fuel when staying in position (whether in port or at sea). This includes task forces on naval invasion support and strike force missions while they have nothing to do. The training mission only uses 80% fuel.

When ships run out of fuel they receive penalties of up to 75% to speed and range and 50% attack.