--[[ This module lists all focuses for Generic countries, Chinese warlords and Horn of Africa nations. It's meant to be required by "Module:Focus" ]]-- local function name_as_id(t1) t2 = {} for k, v in pairs(t1) do t2[k] = v if v.dup_name == nil then t2[v.name:lower()] = v else t2[v.name:lower() .. " " .. v.dup_name:lower()] = v end end for k, v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end return t1 end local p = { generic = {}, warlord = {}, hoa = {}, }; local generic = p.generic local warlord = p.warlord local hoa = p.hoa --Generic generic['army_effort'] = { name = "Army Effort", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" } generic['equipment_effort'] = { name = "Equipment Effort", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" } generic['motorization_effort'] = { name = "Motorization Effort", icon = "goal_generic_army_motorized" } generic['doctrine_effort'] = { name = "Doctrine Effort", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" } generic['equipment_effort_2'] = { name = "Equipment Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" } generic['mechanization_effort'] = { name = "Mechanization Effort", icon = "goal_generic_build_tank" } generic['doctrine_effort_2'] = { name = "Doctrine Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" } generic['equipment_effort_3'] = { name = "Equipment Effort III", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" } generic['armor_effort'] = { name = "Armor Effort", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" } generic['special_forces'] = { name = "Special Forces", icon = "goal_generic_special_forces" } generic['aviation_effort'] = { name = "Aviation Effort", icon = "goal_generic_build_airforce" } generic['fighter_focus'] = { name = "Fighter Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter" } generic['bomber_focus'] = { name = "Bomber Focus", icon = "goal_generic_air_bomber" } generic['aviation_effort_2'] = { name = "Aviation Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_air_doctrine" } generic['cas_effort'] = { name = "CAS Effort", icon = "goal_generic_CAS" } generic['rocket_effort'] = { name = "Rocket Effort", icon = "focus_rocketry" } generic['nav_effort'] = { name = "NAV Effort", icon = "goal_generic_air_naval_bomber" } generic['naval_effort'] = { name = "Naval Effort", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" } generic['flexible_navy'] = { name = "Flexible Navy", icon = "goal_generic_build_navy" } generic['large_navy'] = { name = "Large Navy", icon = "goal_generic_navy_doctrines_tactics" } generic['submarine_effort'] = { name = "Submarine Effort", icon = "goal_generic_navy_submarine" } generic['cruiser_effort'] = { name = "Cruiser Effort", icon = "goal_generic_navy_cruiser" } generic['destroyer_effort'] = { name = "Destroyer Effort", icon = "goal_generic_wolf_pack" } generic['capital_ships_effort'] = { name = "Capital Ship Effort", icon = "goal_generic_navy_battleship" } generic['industrial_effort'] = { name = "Industrial Effort", icon = "goal_generic_production" } generic['construction_effort'] = { name = "Construction Effort", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" } generic['production_effort'] = { name = "Armament Effort", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" } generic['construction_effort_2'] = { name = "Construction Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" } generic['production_effort_2'] = { name = "Armament Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" } generic['infrastructure_effort'] = { name = "Infrastructure Effort", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" } generic['production_effort_3'] = { name = "Armament Effort III", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" } generic['infrastructure_effort_2'] = { name = "Infrastructure Effort II", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" } generic['construction_effort_3'] = { name = "Construction Effort III", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" } generic['nuclear_effort'] = { name = "Nuclear Effort", icon = "focus_wonderweapons" } generic['extra_tech_slot'] = { name = "Extra Research Slot", icon = "focus_research" } generic['extra_tech_slot_2'] = { name = "Extra Research Slot II", icon = "focus_research" } generic['secret_weapons'] = { name = "Secret Weapons", icon = "goal_generic_secret_weapon" } generic['political_effort'] = { name = "Political Effort", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" } generic['collectivist_ethos'] = { name = "Collectivist Ethos", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" } generic['nationalism_focus'] = { name = "Nationalism Focus", icon = "goal_support_fascism" } generic['internationalism_focus'] = { name = "Internationalism Focus", icon = "goal_support_communism" } generic['liberty_ethos'] = { name = "Liberty Ethos", icon = "goal_support_democracy" } generic['militarism'] = { name = "Militarism", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" } generic['political_correctness'] = { name = "Political Correctness", icon = "goal_generic_dangerous_deal" } generic['neutrality_focus'] = { name = "Neutrality Focus", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" } generic['interventionism_focus'] = { name = "Interventionism Focus", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" } generic['military_youth'] = { name = "Military Youth", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" } generic['deterrence'] = { name = "Deterrence", icon = "goal_generic_defence" } generic['volunteer_corps'] = { name = "Volunteer Corps", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" } generic['paramilitarism'] = { name = "Paramilitarism", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" } generic['indoctrination_focus'] = { name = "Indoctrination", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" } generic['foreign_expeditions'] = { name = "Foreign Expeditions", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" } generic['why_we_fight'] = { name = "Why We Fight", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" } generic['political_commissars'] = { name = "Political Commissars", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" } generic['ideological_fanaticism'] = { name = "Ideological Fanaticism", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" } generic['technology_sharing'] = { name = "Technology Sharing", icon = "goal_generic_scientific_exchange" } --Continuous focus generic['continuous_naval_production'] = { name = "Naval Production", icon = "goal_continuous_naval_production", continuous = true } generic['continuous_air_production'] = { name = "Air Production", icon = "goal_continuous_air_production", continuous = true } generic['continuous_non_factory_construct'] = { name = "Construction Engineering", icon = "goal_continuous_non_factory_construct", continuous = true } generic['continuous_reduce_training_time'] = { name = "Army Training", icon = "goal_continuous_reduce_training_time", continuous = true } generic['continuous_suppression'] = { name = "Resistance Suppression", icon = "goal_continuous_suppression", continuous = true } generic['continuous_repair'] = { name = "Construction Repair", icon = "goal_continuous_repairments", continuous = true } generic['continuous_tech_share'] = { name = "Technology Sharing", icon = "goal_continuous_research", continuous = true } generic['continuous_boost_freedom'] = { name = "Increase Autonomy", icon = "goal_continuous_boost_freedom", continuous = true } generic['continuous_restrict_freedom'] = { name = "Suppress Subjects", icon = "goal_continuous_restrict_freedom", continuous = true } --Warlord warlord['chi_secure_internal_politics'] = { name = "Secure Internal Politics", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" } warlord['chi_cooperation_with_the_nationalists'] = { name = "Cooperation With the Nationalists", icon = "focus_chi_cooperation_with_the_nationalists" } warlord['chi_anti_opposition_campaigns'] = { name = "Anti-Opposition Campaigns", icon = "focus_generic_provoke_border_clashes" } warlord['chi_technological_cooperation'] = { name = "Technological Cooperation", icon = "goal_generic_scientific_exchange" } warlord['chi_new_model_province'] = { name = "New Model Province", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" } warlord['chi_root_out_corruption'] = { name = "Root Out Corruption", icon = "goal_demand_sudetenland" } warlord['chi_embrace_the_opium_trade'] = { name = "Embrace the Opium Trade", icon = "goal_generic_trade" } warlord['chi_land_reform'] = { name = "Land Reform", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" } warlord['chi_reform_the_administration'] = { name = "Reform the Administration", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" } warlord['chi_join_the_republican_government'] = { name = "Join the Republican Government", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" } warlord['chi_power_struggle'] = { name = "Power Struggle", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" } warlord['chi_cooperation_with_the_communists'] = { name = "Cooperation With the Communists", icon = "focus_chi_cooperation_with_the_communists" } warlord['chi_land_redistribution'] = { name = "Land Redistribution", icon = "goal_generic_soviet_construction" } warlord['chi_ideological_education'] = { name = "Ideological Education", icon = "focus_generic_socialist_science" } warlord['chi_land_value_tax'] = { name = "Land Value Tax", icon = "goal_generic_position_armies" } warlord['chi_judiciary_reforms'] = { name = "Judiciary Reforms", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty" } warlord['chi_communist_administrators'] = { name = "Communist Administrators", icon = "focus_generic_soviet_politics" } warlord['chi_join_the_chinese_soviet'] = { name = "Join the Chinese Soviet", icon = "goal_generic_war_with_comintern" } warlord['chi_the_yanan_incident'] = { name = "The Yan'an Incident", icon = "goal_support_communism" } warlord['chi_opposition'] = { name = "Opposition", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" } warlord['chi_institute_cross_border_raids'] = { name = "Institute Cross-Border Raids", icon = "focus_generic_provoke_border_clashes" } warlord['chi_public_works'] = { name = "Public Works", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" } warlord['chi_labor_reform'] = { name = "Labor Reform", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" } warlord['chi_rural_militias'] = { name = "Rural Militias", icon = "goal_generic_military_sphere" } warlord['chi_war_taxes'] = { name = "War Taxes", icon = "goal_generic_consumer_goods" } warlord['chi_seek_japanese_support'] = { name = "Seek Japanese Support", icon = "focus_chi_collaboration_with_the_japanese" } warlord['chi_personal_leadership'] = { name = "Personal Leadership", icon = "goal_generic_political_pressure" } warlord['chi_cult_of_personality'] = { name = "Cult of Personality", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda" } warlord['chi_provoke_border_clashes'] = { name = "Border Clashes with the Nationalists", icon = "focus_generic_provoke_border_clashes" } warlord['chi_defensive_posture'] = { name = "Defensive Posture", icon = "goal_generic_defence" } warlord['chi_rapid_mobilization'] = { name = "Rapid Mobilization", icon = "goal_generic_more_territorial_claims" } warlord['chi_proclaim_rival_government'] = { name = "Proclaim Rival Government", icon = "focus_chi_proclaim_rival_government" } warlord['chi_industrial_investment'] = { name = "Industrial Investment", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory" } warlord['chi_public_education_reform'] = { name = "Public Education Reform", icon = "focus_research" } warlord['chi_local_arms_production'] = { name = "Local Arms Production", icon = "goal_generic_production" } warlord['chi_long_term_economic_planning'] = { name = "Long Term Economic Planning", icon = "goal_generic_production2" } warlord['chi_local_arms_development'] = { name = "Local Arms Development", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms" } warlord['chi_heavy_weapons_development'] = { name = "Heavy Weapons Development", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery" } --Horn of Africa hoa['hoa_develop_capitalstate'] = { name = "Develop [Root.Capital.GetName]", icon = "focus_generic_industry_1", replaceName = "Develop Capital" } hoa['hoa_the_state_bank_of_name'] = { name = "The State Bank of [ROOT.GetNameDef]", icon = "focus_mex_privatisation", replaceName = "The State Bank of Nation" } hoa['hoa_pave_the_roads'] = { name = "Pave the Roads", icon = "goal_reichsautobahn" } hoa['hoa_the_steam_locomotive'] = { name = "The Steam Locomotive", icon = "goal_generic_construct_infrastructure" } hoa['hoa_the_adjective_regional_development_fund'] = { name = "The [ROOT.GetAdjective] Regional Development Fund", icon = "focus_generic_concessions", replaceName = "The Regional Development Fund" } hoa['hoa_the_adjective_industrial_fund'] = { name = "The [ROOT.GetAdjective] Industrial Fund", icon = "goal_generic_construct_civ_factory", replaceName = "The Industrial Fund" } hoa['hoa_exploit_national_resources'] = { name = "Exploit National Resources", icon = "focus_generic_rubber" } hoa['hoa_support_the_agrarians'] = { name = "Support the Agrarians", icon = "focus_generic_diplomatic_treaty" } hoa['hoa_promote_local_crafts'] = { name = "Promote Local Crafts", icon = "focus_generic_treaty" } hoa['hoa_use_the_natural_harbors'] = { name = "Use the Natural Harbors", icon = "goal_generic_construct_naval_dockyard" } hoa['hoa_the_capital_city_airport'] = { name = "The [Root.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName] Airport", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter2", replaceName = "The Capital Airport" } hoa['hoa_a_steamboat_fleet'] = { name = "A Steamboat Fleet", icon = "focus_generic_destroyer" } hoa['hoa_improved_irrigation_systems'] = { name = "Improved Irrigation Systems", icon = "goal_generic_construction2" } hoa['hoa_the_adjective_air_fleet'] = { name = "The [ROOT.GetAdjective] Air fleet", icon = "goal_generic_air_fighter", replaceName = "The Air fleet" } hoa['hoa_state-funded_projects'] = { name = "State-Funded Projects", icon = "goal_generic_demand_territory" } hoa['hoa_the_grand_university_of_capital'] = { name = "The Grand University of [Root.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName]", icon = "focus_research", replaceName = "The Grand University of Capital" } hoa['hoa_the_adjective_armed_forces'] = { name = "The [ROOT.GetAdjective] Armed Forces", icon = "goal_generic_small_arms", replaceName = "The Armed Forces" } hoa['hoa_warrior_tradition'] = { name = "Warrior Tradition", icon = "focus_RAJ_lions_of_the_great_war" } hoa['hoa_strengthen_the_irregulars'] = { name = "Strengthen the Irregulars", icon = "focus_ETH_keep_the_chitet" } hoa['hoa_every_man_a_warrior'] = { name = "Every Man a Warrior", icon = "focus_generic_manpower" } hoa['hoa_names_finest'] = { name = "[ROOT.GetName]'s Finest", icon = "focus_ETH_sway_the_warlords", replaceName = "Nation's Finest" } hoa['hoa_utilize_our_strengths'] = { name = "Utilize our Strengths", icon = "goal_generic_allies_build_infantry" } hoa['hoa_reform_the_conscription'] = { name = "Reform the Conscription", icon = "focus_generic_military_academy" } hoa['hoa_eyes_on_the_imperialists'] = { name = "Eyes on the Imperialists", icon = "goal_generic_army_doctrines" } hoa['hoa_encourage_local_arms_production'] = { name = "Encourage Local Arms Production", icon = "goal_generic_construct_mil_factory" } hoa['hoa_metal_beasts'] = { name = "Metal Beasts", icon = "goal_generic_army_tanks" } hoa['hoa_the_roars_of_thunder'] = { name = "The Roars of Thunder", icon = "goal_generic_army_artillery2" } hoa['hoa_develop_indigenous_models'] = { name = "Develop Indigenous Models", icon = "focus_secret_rearmament" } hoa['hoa_the_steel_lions'] = { name = "The Steel Lions", icon = "focus_generic_army_tanks2" } hoa['hoa_warfare_from_afar'] = { name = "Warfare from Afar", icon = "goal_generic_occupy_start_war" } hoa['hoa_modern_infantry'] = { name = "Modern Infantry", icon = "focus_ETH_peacekeeping_forces" } hoa['hoa_the_first_album'] = { name = "[ROOT.GetNameDefCap]", icon = "focus_spr_masters_of_our_own_fate", replaceName = "The Nation" } hoa['hoa_a_loyal_subject'] = { name = "A Loyal Subject", icon = "goal_generic_major_alliance" } hoa['hoa_political_stability'] = { name = "Political Stability", icon = "goal_generic_neutrality_focus" } hoa['hoa_the_capital_railroad'] = { name = "The [Root.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName] Railroad", icon = "goal_generic_production", replaceName = "The Capital Railroad" } hoa['hoa_invite_foreign_settlers'] = { name = "Invite Foreign Settlers", icon = "focus_ETH_invite_italian_settlers" } hoa['hoa_countryleader'] = { name = "[ROOT.GetLeader]", icon = "focus_generic_monarchy_1", replaceName = "The Leader" } hoa['hoa_securing_the_adjective_future'] = { name = "Securing the [ROOT.GetAdjective] Future", icon = "goal_generic_forceful_treaty", replaceName = "Securing the Future" } hoa['hoa_improving_the_educational_system'] = { name = "Improving the Educational System", icon = "focus_hol_the_foundations_of_defense" } hoa['hoa_construct_great_monuments'] = { name = "Construct Great Monuments", icon = "goal_generic_construction" } hoa['hoa_the_adjective_volunteer_force'] = { name = "The [ROOT.GetAdjective] Volunteer Force", icon = "focus_generic_little_entente", replaceName = "The Volunteer Force" } hoa['hoa_military_cooperation'] = { name = "Military Cooperation", icon = "goal_generic_military_deal" } hoa['hoa_that_which_is_rightfully_ours'] = { name = "That Which is Rightfully Ours", icon = "focus_generic_support_the_left_right" } hoa['hoa_commandos'] = { name = "Commandos", icon = "focus_prc_infiltration" } hoa['hoa_a_jagged_alliance'] = { name = "A Jagged Alliance", icon = "goal_generic_national_unity" } hoa['hoa_observe_and_learn'] = { name = "Observe and Learn", icon = "goal_generic_secret_weapon" } hoa['hoa_foreign_investors'] = { name = "Foreign Investors", icon = "goal_generic_intelligence_exchange" } hoa['hoa_research_exchange_programmes'] = { name = "Research Exchange Programs", icon = "goal_generic_scientific_exchange" } hoa['hoa_foreign_trained_officials'] = { name = "Foreign Trained Officials", icon = "focus_generic_military_mission" } hoa['hoa_countryadjective_loyalist_advisors'] = { name = "[ROOT.GetAdjective] Loyalist Advisors", icon = "focus_ETH_empower_the_ras", replaceName = "Loyalist Advisors" } hoa['hoa_lay_claim_to_the_danakil'] = { name = "Lay Claim to the Danakil", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" } hoa['hoa_push_for_the_highlands'] = { name = "Push for the Highlands", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" } hoa['hoa_secure_the_ogaden'] = { name = "Secure the Ogaden", icon = "goal_generic_major_war" } hoa['hoa_rallying_the_adjective_people'] = { name = "Rallying the [ROOT.GetAdjective] People", icon = "goal_generic_propaganda", replaceName = "Rallying the People" } hoa['hoa_the_capital_school_of_technology'] = { name = "The [Root.Capital.GetCapitalVictoryPointName] School of Technology", icon = "focus_research", replaceName = "The Capital School of Technology" } hoa['hoa_promote_countryadjective_nationalism'] = { name = "Promote [ROOT.GetAdjective] Nationalism", icon = "focus_ETH_freedom_at_gunpoint", replaceName = "Promote Nationalism" } hoa['hoa_crowning_of_the_negusa_nagast'] = { name = "Crowning of the Negusa Nagast", icon = "focus_ETH_negusa-nagast" } hoa['hoa_proclaim_east-african_hegemony'] = { name = "Proclaim East-African Hegemony", icon = "focus_ETH_consolidate_east_africa" } --Functions generic = name_as_id(generic) warlord = name_as_id(warlord) hoa = name_as_id(hoa) --Manually added --Pages generic.page = "Generic national focus tree" warlord.page = "Warlords national focus tree" hoa.page = "Horn of Africa nations national focus tree" return p