行动 |
所需特工数 |
所需情报网强度 |
风险 |
花费 |
描述 |
奖励成果 |
营救被俘特工 |
1 |
30 |
10% |
35 |
200 步兵装备 + 占用 1 民用工厂 15 天
我们的一个线人被敌人俘虏了。我们必须解救他,而且要快,以免敌人将他杀害。 |
Rescues all captured operatives in (Target Country) |
渗透民政管理机构 |
2 |
35 |
10% |
90 |
[From.GetAdjective]政府漏洞百出,也许我们可以利用这一点派出特工打入他们的组织内部。这样做将使我们获得有关[From.GetNameDef]内部工作的宝贵信息,同时也能让这名特工在未来的抵抗[From.GetNameDef]的行动中为我们所用。 |
Receive "Civilian Infiltration" in (Target Country) |
Receive "Civilian Infiltration" in (Target Country), Political Power +25, Civilian Intel +10%
(仅战时可用)植入假情报 |
2 |
40 |
0% |
60 |
我们知道[From.GetAdjective]在我国搜集情报很活跃。有时,更好给那些正在寻找信息的人提供他们想要听到的信息。 |
Will create fake intel units that can be used to deceive your enemies. |
夺取密码 |
2 |
40 |
20% |
75 |
夺取敌人的密码本,或通过其他手段拿到手,我们的密码破译人员将获得决定性优势。 |
Add 30% decryption against (Target County) |
33% chance to: Add 50% decryption against (Target County), Randomly give +10% intel in one of the four departments 67% chance to: Add 50% decryption against (Target County)
渗透陆军 |
2 |
50 |
10% |
75 |
占用 3 民用工厂 30 天
[From.GetAdjective]陆军中有许多人员可以倒向我方,为未来的行动提供更多信息和支持。 |
Receive "Army Infiltration" in (Target Country) |
Receive "Army Infiltration" in (Target Country), Army Experience +10, Army Intel +10%
渗透海军 |
2 |
50 |
10% |
75 |
尽管[From.GetAdjective]船只上关系密切的船员们提供不了什么渗透渠道,但其国内的后勤人员则是另一回事。让人进入内部会给我们提供有价值的信息,也会给我们机会来支持更困难的行动。 |
Receive "Navy Infiltration" in (Target Country) |
Receive "Navy Infiltration" in (Target Country), Navy Experience +10, Navy Intel +10%
渗透空军 |
2 |
50 |
10% |
75 |
[From.getAdjective]空军是[From.GetAdjective]部队中最为年轻的战斗力量,因而有许多背景不凡的人在其中服役。也许我们可以从这些人之中发掘出我们的内应。 |
Receive "Airforce Infiltration" in (Target Country) |
Receive "Airforce Infiltration" in (Target Country), Air Experience +10, Air Intel +10%
策划政变 |
2 |
70 |
30% |
180 |
12000 步兵装备
夺取[From.GetNameDefCap]政权的时机已经成熟。在我们的支持之下,只要一小撮可信的人轻轻踢一脚,支撑[From.GetAdjective]政府的腐朽建筑就会轰然倒塌。 |
(Target Country): The (Your Ideology) supporters start a civil war |
加强抵抗组织 |
2 |
35 |
20% |
50 |
敌占区游击队的战斗迫切需要支援。他们牵制住了大量敌军,为之投入会很有作用。 |
(Target Country): Resistance Target: +10.0% |
(Target Country): 33% chance of: Resistance Target +20.0%, Compliance -10%, 67% chance of: Resistance Target +20.0%
接触抵抗组织 |
2 |
40 |
10% |
60 |
我们如果有办法同敌后游击队进行沟通协调,就能给予之以更加有效的支持。 |
Receive "Resistance Contacts" in (Target Country) |
33% chance of: Receive "Resistance Contacts" in (Target Country), Resistance Target +10.0% for 180 days, 67% chance to Receive "Resistance Contacts" in (Target Country), Resistance Target +10.0% for 60 days
筹建合作政府 |
2 |
50 (25%时可见) |
10% |
90 |
200 支援装备、1000 步兵装备,并占用 10 民用工厂 60 天
成立一个友好的政府来管理[From.GetNameDef],可以让我们集中精力对付其他敌人,并释放军队去征讨其他目标。 |
Increase collaboration in (Target Country): 30% |
Increase collaboration in (Target Country): 45%
协同打击 |
2 |
70 |
30% |
3 |
占用 15 民用工厂 5 天 and a War Goal
要想战胜[From.GetNameDef],我们必须进行一次毁灭性的突袭。准备在目标地区执行空袭港口以及战略轰炸的空中任务,他们将在行动结束时发动攻击,并发动我们之间的战争。 |
我们将会通过一次毁灭性的突袭对[From.GetNameDef]宣战。一旦启动,目标区域内所有准备好的空袭港口和战略轰炸任务将执行多次,而不被敌人防空所拦截。 |
窃取工业设计图纸 |
3 |
35 |
20% |
120 |
"Civilian Infiltration"
看来我们的工业在数个领域都落后于[From.GetNameDef]。不过通过一些“秘密行动”,我们也许能显著缩小这段差距。 |
1x 300% research bonus for a random technology in Electronics or Industry |
33% chance to: 1x 300% 2.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Electronics or Industry, 67% chance to: 1x 300% 1.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Electronics or Industry
破坏工业 |
3 |
35 |
20% |
90 |
"Resistance Contacts"
敌人占领区中的抵抗组织请求我们援助,以摧毁当地一座工厂。 |
Focuses local resistance on targeting industry and increases the chance of successful attacks |
Focuses local resistance on targeting industry and increases the chance of successful attacks
破坏基础设施 |
3 |
35 |
20% |
90 |
"Resistance Contacts"
敌占区的抵抗组织一直在低调地打击敌方基础设施,但到目前为止还缺乏产生重大影响的方法。 |
Focuses local resistance on targeting infrastructure and increases the chance of successful attacks |
Focuses local resistance on targeting infrastructure and increases the chance of successful attacks
破坏资源 |
3 |
35 |
20% |
90 |
"Resistance Contacts"
敌占区的抵抗运动使我们了解到敌人企图开采该地区的资源。如果对这些计划进行适当的调整,就可以避免发生这种情况。 |
Focuses local resistance on targeting resource extraction and increases the chance of successful attacks |
Focuses local resistance on targeting resource extraction and increases the chance of successful attacks
窃取军用设计图纸 |
3 |
50 |
20% |
120 |
"Army Infiltration"
我们的情报分析人员认为,[From.GetNameDef]已经在地面战和军事工程领域取得了显著的进展。若能对其进行一次更为深入的侦查,并辅以一些更为直接的手段,或许能为我们自己的研究项目提供一些颇有价值的情报。 |
1x 300% research bonus for a random technology in Infantry, Support Equipment, Artillery, or Armor |
33% chance to: 1x 300% 2.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Infantry, Support Equipment, Artillery, or Armor, 67% chance to: 1x 300% 1.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Infantry, Support Equipment, Artillery, or Armor
窃取海军设计图纸 |
3 |
50 |
20% |
120 |
"Navy Infiltration"
有报道称,[From.GetAdjective]的海军工程似乎已在数个领域领先于我国。我们也许需要想办法搞到他们的一些技术,并对其进行逆向工程。 |
1x 300% research bonus for a random technology in Naval |
33% chance to: 1x 300% 2.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Naval, 67% chance to: 1x 300% 1.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Naval
窃取航空工业蓝图 |
3 |
50 |
20% |
120 |
"Airforce Infiltration"
一些非常令人担忧的报告认为,敌人在飞机设计的数个领域都领先于我们。若真如此,我们可以尝试深入了解他们到底领先了多少,并利用这些发现推进我们自己的研究。 |
1x 300% research bonus for a random technology in Air |
33% chance to: 1x 300% 2.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Air, 67% chance to: 1x 300% 1.0 years ahead of time research bonus for a random technology in Air