
白马讨论 | 贡献2021年2月8日 (一) 22:17的版本 (翻译(未完待续))

数组是《钢铁雄心IV》中用以存储变量的方式,变量既可以是数字形式numerical data的,也可以是作用域scope data形式的。




add_to_array = {
    array = <name>
    value = <value>
    index = <index>



<value>是指数组的数据内容,它既可以是数字形式的(如1 或 var:my_num),也可以是作用域形式的(如GER 或 var:my_scope)。当然这些都是选填内容,如果不填则会将当前作用域填入此处。

<index>指数据内容应当被插入数组的哪个位置。缺省default data(现普遍称默认)情况下,数据内容会插入数组的最后端,其他情况下新数据内容会自动匹配到合适的位置。

这部分的简便写法是:add_to_array = { <name> = <value> }


remove_from_array = {
	array = <name>
	value = <value>
	index = <index>





这部分的简便写法是:remove_from_array = { <name> = <value> }


clear_array = <name>



resize_array = {
	array = <name>
	value = <value>
	size = <int>




这部分的简便写法是: resize_array = { <name> = <size> }


while_loop_effect = {
	break = <string>
	limit = { <triggers> }

Runs the effect as long as a trigger is true.

The break attribute specifies a temp variable that can be set to non-0 to break the loop, ending iteration. By default this is break.

Effects can be used within the loop to perform operations with the data within an array.


for_each_loop = {
	array = <name>
	value = <string>
	index = <string>
	break = <string>

Runs a loop for each element of the specified array.

The value attribute specifies a temp variable that stores the current value whilst iterating over the loop. By default this is v.

The index attribute specifies a temp variable that stores the current index whilst iterating over the loop. By default this is i.

The break attribute specifies a temp variable that can be set to non-0 to break the loop, ending iteration. By default this is break.

Effects can be used within the loop to perform operations with the data within an array.


for_each_scope_loop = {
	array = <name>
	break = <string>

Runs a loop for each element of the specified array and changes the current scope to the current element in each iteration.

The break attribute specifies a temp variable that can be set to non-0 to break the loop, ending iteration. By default this is break.

Effects can be used within the loop to perform operations with the data within an array.


random_scope_in_array = {
	array = <name>
	break = <string>
	limit = { <triggers> }

Runs a loop for each element of the specified array and changes the current scope to a random scope (out of the scopes within the array) that meet the triggers specified.

The break attribute specifies a temp variable that can be set to non-0 to break the loop, ending iteration. By default this is break.

Effects can be used within the loop to perform operations with the data within an array.


Same as add_to_array but for temporary arrays that expire once execution of the script is finished.


Same as remove_from_array but for temporary arrays that expire once execution of the script is finished.


Same as clear_array but for temporary arrays that expire once execution of the script is finished.


Same as resize_array but for temporary arrays that expire once execution of the script is finished.



is_in_array = {
	array = <name>
	value = <value>

Checks if the specified value is in the specified array.


any_of = {
	array = <name>
	value = <string>
	index = <string>

Runs a loop on the specified array and checks the triggers against the current element. If any return true, the whole check returns true, otherwise returns false.


all_of = {
	array = <name>
	value = <string>
	index = <string>

Runs a loop on the specified array and checks the triggers against the current element. If any return false, the whole check returns false, otherwise returns true.


any_of_scopes = {
	array = <name>

Runs a loop on the specified array and checks the triggers against the current element scope. If any return true, the whole check returns true, otherwise returns false.


all_of_scopes = {
	array = <name>

Runs a loop on the specified array and checks the triggers against the current element scope. If any return false, the whole check returns false, otherwise returns true.

Additional information

You can set a variable equal to the number of elements in an array by using the following code: set_variable = { var_name = array_name^num } This example will set var_name to be equal to the number of elements in array_name.
