Patch 1.12.X are all patches beginning with 1.12.
- 主条目:1.12_版本
Patch 1.12.2 was released on 2022-09-30[1] with the checksum e45c.
- increased thrust of late game engines, balance multiengine thrust, Improved SE.100 template engine
- Increased Transport plane IC cost 4>20
- Minors and Puppets will now go back to trying to support their faction members with warscore, rather than striking out on their own. Silesia and Kashubia are now considered unlikely tags to be released.
- Reduced speed gain from excess thrust
- guided anti ship missile module is now unlocked by advanced rocket tech
- balance pass on thrust and ic cost for engines
- Increased base point calculation for winners in peace conference by 10% of base. This should result in fewer instances where original countries are left around. Several cost modifiers have been altered which should also result in it being slightly less expensive to make full demands in ordinary circumstances.
- Soviet Union prioritizes upgrading manpower over blowing up railways now
- Civil war can get complicated regarding characters. Add keep_all_characters parameter to start_civil_war effect. Target country will keep all characters, none will be transfered to revolter. It's then up to script to do the full dispatch of the characters.
- Fixed wrong speed modifier calculation in special cases for armies.
- GiE templates no longer transferred to new country when releasing or through peace conferences
- Changed a leader trait depending if LaR is installed or not
- Fixed wrong description for SwapIdeas Effect, when same category of bonuses are defined both in the idea and the idea's trait.
- Added a loc string to every language file
- Changed Italy's ai strategy, so they shouldn't lose to Yugoslavia. Also rearranged the strategy plan for Balbo slightly
- Italy has an ai atrategy that will be able to withstand the Yugoslavian onslaught and push them back and even conquer them
- Fix freedom level calculations when creating a new puppet with an autonomous state allowing no other autonomous states than itself
- Independence focuses in the Italian Civil War branches now requires Italy to not be at war at all.
- Fix the supply consumption stat in the plane designer. It now displays the value for a full air-wing.
- Fixed scope issues in remove triggers for several state modifiers.
- Fixed issue in which Italian marine 3D models did not have an MG weapon with the latest infantry equipment tech researched.
- Fixing missing description for Focus 'Total Defense' in Switzerland.
- Fixing initial positioning of Switzerland's Focus Tree
- No plane templates without BBA dlc
- Added missing Remove Times in Absolute Neutrality Decisions in Switzerland
- Removing Political Power Cost from Back channel Negotiations in Switzerland
- Changed 'Reclaiming Ethiopia' focus condition so that Ethiopa (or an ally) only needs to control any Ethiopian state to allow the focus
- Decision Show of Defensive Force in Switzerland now gives the correct modifier.
- Corporatist trait now reduces Democracy instead of increasing Fascism.
- Changed Rally Workers Decision so it doesn't increase Communism.
- Danzig for guarantees now correctly gives cores on Gdynia again
- Fixed icon for Eidgenoissiche F+W in the air designer
- Removed a DLC lock requiring NSB for a decision category so that Poland actually gets a reward for completing 2 separate focuses
- Fixed an instance where Expand military staff did not show up
- List of names for generating Swiss characters expanded.
- the Spanish Civil war now ends even if for some reason more than one Spain survives and are at peace with each other
- Dismiss council tooltip should now target the incoming president and not the current one
- Preventing overflow in war score when lendleasing too much fuel
- DFC console command no longer causes countries to capitulate forever, every day that they are alive
- Polish general Wincenty Kowalski now uses his new portrait from No Step Back.
- LoN non interference correctly removed when Ethiopia get peace
- Certain political branches in the Italian Focus Tree will now hide if they are no longer relevant when custom game rule "Show obsolete branches in Focus Tree" is set to "Hide".
- Italian Monarchist and Christian Democrat AIs will now be more inclined to ban fascism
- Ethiopian states will go to the fascist side of the Italian civil war if Italy is still fighting a war in Ethiopia when the focus Defy the Duce is completed and the civil war starts.
- Germany can now invite Poland into its faction after successfully trading Danzig for Slovakia
- Added a missing state to Bulgaria's "Dominance of the Black Sea"
- Added a national focus to Soviet's historical ai strategy so that it can approach Germany and complete its strategy
- Fixed some 3D planes not showing up in-game.
- Fixed state of Afar not being included in the arrangement when Italy withdraws from Ethiopia.
- Fixed issue where Equipment and Experience would be lost when turning Swiss Citizen Militias into Regular Infantry.
- Fix create_operative_leader effect so that triggers with character scope using the resulting operative leaders work properly (ex: can_gain_xp in traits for operatives)
- Fixed Balance of Power requirements in Historical Focuses.
- Fixed issues with character split in Italian civil wars.
- Fixed typo in Swiss Infantry Divisions.
- The Italian AI should not push as hard when wanting to discredit Mussolini
- Fix crash at the end of peace conference when player is in observer mode
- Fixed minor typos in two Italian focuses and in Vittorio Emanuele's National Spirit description.
- Italian focus The New Emperor of Ethiopia now grants some ideology support for Non-Aligned.
- Iberian countries should no longer be rude and leave the Italian faction after deciding to join it via the Italian focus Iberian Protection.
- Italian civil war cosmetic tags Republica Sociale Italiana and Regno del Sud now use the appropriate flags.
- Ethiopia can no longer use Arms Purchases decisions when the LoN has become inactive
- Adjusted the likelihood for the AI to accept giving territory to Switzerland across all branches.
- Adjusted the time it takes for the incompetent Councilor to be assigned, made it so it wouldn't trigger once Switzerland is centralized.
- Reduced the Political Power penalty for the incompetent Councilor in Switzerland.
- The Balance of Power is now removed once Rudolf Henne takes power in Switzerland.
- Removed conditions related to Balance of Power towards the end of the Fascist Branch of the Swiss Focus Tree.
- Changed the Spirit of Helvetia Entrenchment Modifier to Entrenchment Factor in Switzerland.
- Councilors in Switzerland do not change the Balance of Power when hired after the Balance of Power is no longer relevant.
- Fixed bug where Political Advisors couldn't be removed after centralizing Switzerland.
- don't send countries into exile in a country that is not major
- New Zealand now gets their tac bombers from the NZPAF if they have BBA enabled
- Hungary will bypass 'Join the Comintern' focus if they're already in a faction with Soviet
- Changed the condition that Yugoslavia only needs to own a state to that they need to control the state to add improvements there
- Fixed AI weights for occupation laws. They will now follow resistance levels more appropriately
- Italy starts now with a production line for Ca.111 so that the initial wing at half-strength gets eventually fully reinforced
- Fixed the event sent to France when Germany integrates Alsace-Lorraine to be sent to the Franco-British Union instead if that exists
- correctly end paradrop mission after units are delivered
- Flags for democratic Italian Empire updated with correct images
- Losers in peace conference reset GiE status and rechecks major status
- Gdynia now becomes a German core if ceeded by Poland in Danzig For Slovakia
- The capitulation of Germany will now make Republica Sociale Italiana to become free and take over the Axis if they were a German puppet.
- The Netherlands now bypasses either "Protect against Britain" or "Germany is the Greater Threat" if its in a faction with the country in question.
- Fixed issue where AI Switzerland would not train any Militias.
- Fixed issue where AI Switzerland would build a Silo that it doesn't need right away.
- Adjusted some AI weights in Switzerland.
- Compliance discount for peace actions now applies to all types of peace actions and not just Take States
- Fixed issue where Swiss Focus would not show effects after completion.
- Foreign countries can now properly get rid of the mafia state modifier in their controlled states.
- Fixed Suez canal being locked for antifascist Italy if Fascist Italy was sanctioned by the League of Nations
- Officine Mechanice will no longer be visible if BBA dlc is not active.
- Fixed minor typo in Italian Tankettes focus
- Fixed issue preventing the Italian Blackshirts branch (Security Militias) from being available if BBA was not enabled.
- His Holiness will no longer demand Palestine to himself.
- Fixed typo in War Escalation tooltip.
- Sylvia Pankhurst should now have a portrait without MtG DLC if you are playing as Ethiopia
- Added war escalation variable to Ethiopia when BBA is not enabled. Allows war escalation to continue functioning as expected for Italy.
- Fixed a few Italian Generals getting generic advisor portraits when promoted.
- Fixed broken advisor portrait when promoting Ethiopian General Nasibu Zeamanuel
- Added a requirement for capital to be a core state when inviting members to the Organization of African Unity. This prevents countries like Belgium being eligible when they capitulate and move their capital to Africa.
- Fixed issue where Germany would not get opinion modifier from Switzerland in Frankfurter case
- Italian missions Conquer Northern Ethiopia and Conquer Southern Ethiopia should no longer fail if Ethiopia is defeated and puppeted while active.
- Fixed issue in Italian mission Pacify Ethiopia checking for 70% Compliance in Ethiopia instead of the promised 60%
- Fixed issue where Show Defensive Force decision in Switzerland deducts its cost at the end and not the beginning.
- heavy mg air tech is now correctly located in the tch tree
- Fixed issue where Citizen Militia Dynamic Modifiers were not properly removed from Switzerland when Militias are turned into regulars.
- Fixed stacking of enemy air superiority modifiers in land combat when multiple countries are at war with the country.
- Fixed fullscreen setting triggering weird monitor resolution changes and weird UI selection on DX11
- Fixed issue where player couldn't trigger the emergency president event through decisions.
- DX11 should now handle failure to create textures more gracefully. You should still probably update your drivers...
- Switzerland: Added a few compliance bonuses in alt ideology branches to compensate for the big loss of compliance every time ideology is changed.
- Removed DLC locked sounds for Planes in BBA. Replaced using Base Game sounds. This should fix a common error log in live build
- Capitulating England (or other majors) will no longer cause them to go into exile in Canada. They would rather die.
Patch 1.12.3 was released on 2022-10-06[2] with the checksum 6b16.
- Some minor balance fixes for outdated focuses
- Minor balance of subpar focuses
- Minor balance changes. Railway focuses that only give railways should now also give another bonus as compensation
- Increased Air Wing damage bonus from speed advantage
- Decreased org loss from air borne air drops from 90% org loss to 60% org loss
- More peace conference AI improvements. Ai should now be less willing to perform different actions on the same bucket of states
- Main IC cost for planes moved from airframes to engines
- Updated hitprofile calculation to include speed base modifiers
- Shortened a few Ethiopian Industrial focuses to 35 days, and changed the requirements for the Develop Shewa focus.
- Reduced cannon 2 air attack, increased weight of naval attack modules, reduced air defence stat modules
- Limited small airframes to 1 anti shipping missile
- Naval targeting from weapons is now an average stat, range from drop tanks and armour is now multiplicative
- Decreased 4x lmg module weight
- Increased the penalty limit for having the Swiss Militias Deployed
- Small adjustments to Swiss National Spirits 'Aktion Nationaler Widerstand' and 'Reduced Training Age'.
- Modified cost of retaking Vichy territory for France
- Adjusted focus unlock times for Fascist Path.
Stability & Performance
- Fixed CTD when showing resources with invalid ownership.
- Further Peace Conference AI balance changes, unaligned nations will now mostly embrace Empire, and take land for themselves. England now has a slight preference for coastal regions. AI is slightly less keen on multi-puppeting in multi-faction scenarios
- Added VRAM usage to the ingame profiler UI
- Fixed failure to create DX11 device on Windows 7 without KB 2670838. For the love of god please run windows update.
- Reduced VRAM usage by making sure the game will only load the fonts required to display the chosen game language.
- Germany no longer feels the need to ships armies to east africa in full view of ENG
- Adding on_peaceconference_started action
- Added fallback state targets for a number of Italian focuses building factories in case they are already using all building slots.
- Fixed some cases in which Italian focuses would build factories in states without checking for Italian control over them.
- Cze AI can now go alt history
- Luis Maria Martinzez is now avaiable again
- Communist USA can no longer annex the entirety of the Soviet union and be at peace by not joining the call to arms
- Moved port close to Hamburg closer to inland so that you can see which province its in
- Added images for Ethiopian medals
- Added bypasses to several German focuses if Germany is already in a faction and is not the faction leader; they shouldn't be able to invite other countries into the Faction
- Fixed issue with Italian Occupation of Ethiopia decision category preventing decisions related to electrify states from showing up if Ethiopia had capitulated before going into exile.
- Fix for Republican Spain on historic focuses post civil war has no cores
- Fix low probability CTD when a hull, chassis or airframe research completes and multiple equipment variants are auto-upgraded to it.
- Fixed bug where decision to form the Holy Roman Empire wasn't granting Ticino.
- You can now pick Unite our nations and Finno-estionian supremacy league again
- Italy can now negotiate colonial claims with Ethiopia's host nation
- Fixed bug where Vojvodina annexed Hungary
- Achievement Not Today now shows a previously invisible trigger.
- Fixed issue in You Shall Not Pass Achievement making it available regardless of Switzerland winning a defensive war or an offensive one.
- Cohesion settings should no longer cause some units to refuse to move to the frontline, however units may relocate somewhat further if they drop behind a swift advance. Incidentally fixed idle unit recognition for army group orders.
- The treaty of Brussels now has a description again
- Call of Hungary for support as Sweden is no longer listed under the "Support China" category
- Charles Lindbergh should have his portrait back
- If either France or Luxemburg doesn't exist, the corresponding event won't be sent
- Prevent CTD when spawning civil war for country with no valid home area
- Fix for Snek on a plane achivement (I am so tired of these sneks)
- Fixed missing cost for BB armour 3
- Fixed an instance where the influence future canton decision disappeared forever
- Fixed issue where Plutarco Calles would not get Country Leader role in Mexico's focus "Party of the Revolution".
- Concessions to Communists, Monarchists and Democrats now have the correct cost.
- Added extra checks for influence cantons along with remove effects
- The AI can no longer cheat and use spirit of the army/air/navy without No step back
- Resolved issue where it would appear as if the idea Swiss Neutrality was removed twice in the Swiss focuses 'Take a Stance' and 'Join France'.
- The Chu X-Po now gives reserach bonus regardless of if you have BBA or not
- Fixed Strait of Hormuz
- Some focuses are now blocked if Militias have been turned into Regular Infantry.
- If the pope - or anyone else BUT the King Vittorio III - is country leader, don't make Prince Umberto the new country leader. Also add King Vittorio back as an idea if the Balance of Power is in his favour
- Fixed CTD during air update in a region where a state lacks a controller.
- Italian Naval Cooperation Program decisions can no longer be taken more than once for the same target country.
- Clear the skies should now not give pre-bba fighters
- The Queen of battle spirit now correctly gives a 50% chance of gaining an infantry officer trait
- Fixed Human Torpedo not deducting the CP cost as promised.
- Fixed decisions to Offer Dodecanese Islands for Alliance so that they cannot be taken if Turkey or Greece are already in faction with Italy or are subjects.
- One can not suppress the mafia for free.
- Fix crash when a country hosting a government in exile loses a war and does not have access to exiled division template anymore
- Completing "Unite the Afar" focus when province is controlled by occupying force should no longer cause issues with control.
- Fixed Italian National Spirit Gruppi di Difesa della Donna being removed for no reason if the Spanish civil war was over.
- Fix for CZE not taking their fascist/communist advisors in alt history
- Italian focuses War with France and War with the UK will now properly work with latest strategic region changes.
- Prevent supply hub motorization range bonus from going negative when many countries have full motorization set on the same hub.
- Fixed Italian Communist leader taking over the country when player chose democratic option in the Italian Civil War after completing focus Defy the Duce.
- Italian king Vittorio Emanuele can no longer be crowned king of Albania if he has abdicated or if he is dead.
- Added the new Australian states back to the Oceania AI area
- Italy can send demands to several countries to demand the Dalmatian coast line
- Pacify Ethiopia mission now succeeds if Ethiopian states are controlled by Italian subjects.
- Fixed issue where all text in the description for the Swiss Mission 'Building Up Military Readiness' was yellow.
- Fixed issue in Swiss Mission 'No confederation councilor' where it wouldn't disappear after centralizing the country.
- Fixes issue where country could still threaten Switzerland even after not being a relevant country for Absolute Neutrality.
- Fix issue where air-wing equipment tags would not be written to the savegame.
Patch 1.12.4 was initially released as an open beta patch on 2022-10-14. It was officially out of open beta on 2022-10-18[3] with the checksum cb16.
- Peace conference:
- reduced lend lease warscore gains and losses from fuel to 0.01 warscore per fuel to 0.001 warscore per 100 fuel
- reduced lend lease warscore gains and losses from equipment IC from 0.1 warscore per IC to 0.001
- reduced war score per sunk convoy from 10 to 0.05
- reduced war score offset from convoy production from 5 to 0.04
- reduced war score per ship IC sunk from 0.04 to 0.002
- reduced war score per sailor lost when a ship sinks from 0.02 to 0.001
- increased IC value of sunk ships when determining warscore from 0.002 to 0.004
- increased base province value from 0.3 to 2.0
- Air Warfare:
- Fixed primary role of guided missile for large airframes (now sets naval patrol bomber)
- Fixed aircraft naval strike mission module limits (light = 1 slot, medium = 2 slots, large = 3 slots)
- 1938 and later air module tech costs are higher
- Air engine 4 is now 1944 tech
- post 1936 Air weapon tech dates increased
- All aircraft electronics module unlocks are one tech later
- reduced USA combined bomber offensive range increase
- reduced strategic bombing stat for large bomb bays
- With BBA uk air focuses give less research bonuses but give doctrine discounts
- increased small/medium bomb bay weight
- reduced lmg turret weight
- Fix incorrect mutliengine thrust for level 2 engines. increased torpedo weight. added speed malus to floats/flying boats
- rebalanced lmg and hmg for planes
- Fixed primary role of guided missile for large airframes (now sets naval patrol bomber)
- BoP:
- Removing all the BoP requirements for the alt fascist branches; no other branch has such requirements, and it is very punishing if the player loses a core state to reach to necessary BoP levels to proceed down the alt fascist branch
- Updated air supply to use a better calculation for per aircraft supply amount.
- Navy:
- Refresh airwing stats when setting a scrambling mission (this should fix the 1 damage 'carrier bug')
- Reduced the demand of AI nations to build tactical and strategic bombers
- Hooked up the already existing historical and generic plane variant names to the corresponding BBA plane types, leaving only plane types without a non-BBA equivalent without proper variant names (we'll get there soon).
Stability & Performance
- Prevent potential CTD when reading a savegame with a faulty persistent AI strategy.
- Fixed CTD when disbanding units while paradropping
- Don't autopause when a hidden event pops up (Aces)
- Added requirements to several focuses and fixed the completion rewards for some of them.
- Loosen the Laws on Secularism can no longer target the same state more than once.
- Romania and Hungary should no longer loose their conquered territory if puppeted after Germany completes Integrate War Economics
- Allies should be less likely to kick out Russia from the Triple entente due to generated world tension
- Chances of having a brainless Italian AI with no real plan have been reduced to 0.
- Fixed CTD when using console command "research all" and then interacting with the Kamikaze module Fixed Explosive Charge as any country other than Japan.
- Finland's leader's name will now display properly in the Estonian event '(Finland's leader) Steps Down'
- Fixed missing cost for Swiss political party concessions decisions.
- Italy is now sending the right events to the UK if the UK is hosting the Ethiopian government in exile and Italy has war with them. Also added conditions to 2 Italian focuses
- Event option to complete Italian focus Abyssinian Fiasco should no longer show up if By Blood Alone dlc is not active.
- Yugoslavia can now submit to Italy's ultimatum and become a puppet
- Improved available and bypass triggers for Italian focuses War with Greece and War With France.
- in peace conference, take navy peace action is now correctly unavailable if the victor does not own any naval base prior to the peace conference
- Italian decisions Vallo Alpino del Littorio will no longer be visible if the targeted provinces already have max fort level.
- Releasing Ostland while at war with SOV should no longer return the Baltic states to SOV
- Fixed reduced production when converting old equipment in production lines.
- When a player unlocks a mod achievement without having the cloud storage activated, catch the exception that was causing the game to shut down
- Characters with Unit Leader roles can now become President in the appropriate focuses
- Rolf Henne in Switzerland now gets the correct trait when promoted
- Fixed bug that caused an ungodly amount of divisions to escape when a country goes into exile
- Added missing Vorarlberg claim if AUS rejects the ancshluss.
- You can no longer use the exploit of leaving a minor DEI island free while you gobble up the rest of the resource giving island as Germany and expect Japan to just be fine with it
- Fixed instances where Vorarlberg is not included when granting cores.
- Franco should now get his old portrait after 1950 again
- Fixed portrait for Jonas Cenerius for Lit
- Fixed some countries (e.g. Italy) not being able to lend-lease convoys.
- Philippe Pétain has returned to lead Vichy France for Non-Lar users
- The Balance of Power will now shift towards the country leader, and away from the Grand Council, when reclaiming lost, none core territory.
- Japan will now bypass Tripartite Pact focus if Germanya dn Italy is at war with each other
- Clear active GiE division deployments for losers in a peace conference
- Fix crash when opening the Details tab of diplomacy view when DLC La Resistance is not activated
- Battleship generated by Ethiopia's 'Request Soviet Battleship Hulls' focus now has a name.
- Anarchist Spain's event to annex Portugal after their civil war will now trigger correctly.
- Young man Franco will now become old man Franco after 1950
- Fixed autonomy impact score not getting updated correctly, when closing and opening Start Lend Lease window.
- Frankfurter event no longer triggers unless GER is fascist
- Austria should no longer give up land to Switzerland if at war with Switzerland
- Fixed an instance where the Alpine protectorate would get hardlocked if you did the Alpine conferedation first
- Alpine Redoubt now correctly gives forts in Alpine states
- Don't display plane airframe names when BBA is not active.
- Avoid war score numbers to overflow and become negative when they get too big
- Fix opinion modifiers with a fixed time or with a decay. When the end date is reached they are now removed
- Airwings will now deal damage in air battles that involve very large numbers of planes.
- Variant comparison in the designer view will now take mission adjusters into account
Patch 1.12.5 was initially released as an open beta patch on 2022-10-20. It was officially out of open beta on 2022-11-03[4] with the checksum 18aa.
- Minor tweaks made to further railway/infrastructure focuses that were a bit weak, or were unchanged in the last iteration
- Changed certain Italian Balance of Power Decisions from being available only one time to once a year. This should give players more leeway with the whole balancing act
- Songgotu Zhanshan is now an economist for MAN to avoid a double Captain of Industry for MAN
- Stopped medium and heavy flame tanks from being paradroppable
- Reduced values for some modifiers in Swiss National Spirits, including Spirit of Saint Bernard.
- Reduced values for the modifiers in swiss Weapons Designer and Popular Dictator traits.
- Made it less likely for countries to accept Swiss demands for territories.
- Influencing Cantons decision in Switzerland is now slightly more expensive and less likely to succeed.
- Cohesion settings should no longer result in unit clumping for the AI, and provide a much more stable frontline situation for all orders with less relocation, but may have slightly more overall movement than before. [GD note: from a design perspective, cohesion now works significantly better than previously; feedback particularly appreciated here]
- Changed the Yalta conference to make it better interact with the new Peace Conference Format.
- AI peace conference beahviour changed significantly when taking land for themselves. This is now much mroe distance based, and should result in more cohesive borders. [Iterative change #1]
- Peace Conference AI is now slightly more self-aware about contested bids. They will early-out of contests in some cases as an effort to reduce point wastage and to create more cohesive borders. Several defines added to control this behaviour. [Iterative change #2]
- Adjusted base org values for ship types
- Reduced org bonuses for some ship classes in doctrines
- Medium and heavy batterys attack and peicing adjusted, bb and bc armour no longer increases visibility and have higher armour values
- Increased xp spend cut off for legacy land equipment upgrade
- COMBAT_DAMAGE_SCALE_CARRIER returned to 5 was 1, NAVAL_STRIKE_DAMAGE_TO_STR decreased to 1 from 2, NAVAL_STRIKE_DAMAGE_TO_ORG decreased to 1.5 from 2
- Air combat COMBAT_DAMAGE_SCALE increase from 0.25 to 1
- SHIP_TO_FLEET_ANTI_AIR_RATIO increased from 0.2 to 0.25, ANTI_AIR_POW_ON_INCOMING_AIR_DAMAGE increased from 0.2 to 0.25, ANTI_AIR_MULT_ON_INCOMING_AIR_DAMAGE increased from 0.15 to 0.2
- Removed multiply stats ic cost and AA from Ship AA modules, increased base AA attack to replace them
- Reduced base Heavy hull costs slightly,all treaty battleships should now fit within treaty limits
- ENG now starts with 36 BB hull researched, nelson class now obsolete at 36 start
- Slightly improved Fascist/Neutral approach to beating overseas countries
Stability & Performance
- Fixed a crash during hotjoining on Mac.
- Reduced the size of the flags texture so the game works on GPUs with 8k texture limit
- Fixed rare CTD during GUI initialization in DX11
- Fix CTD caused by incorrect parsing of persistent AI strategy
- Improved ENG BB ai templates
- AI no longer treats obsolete equipment as best available equipment
- AI ENG will now try to build at least some KGV class BB's on time
- AI ENG now wants to build slightly higher ratio of BB's
- Airbase tooltip will now aggregate airwings of the same type, country and mission to make it more readable
- Glow effect is now shown when you can afford a BoP decision
- The game will now prevent incompatible saves from loading when continuing from the Launcher
- Added has_completed_custom_achievement trigger and debug_custom_achievements console command
- More configurable AI behavior in peace conferences (through defines)
- Reworked how ai_strategy unit_ratio is used to calculate and set build_airplane values. See common/ai_strategy/ for details.
- Added a list of all active ai_strategy entries to the imgui view ai_strategy.
- When retrieving a list of equipment icons or 3D models from the equipment graphic_db to display in the tank or plane designer any duplicate entries will now be removed.
- Minor loc fix for concessions to monarchies for Switzerland. Used to say "Concessions to Swiss Monarchies", now "Concessions to X country (German)" Monarchies
- Added a variable to whichever nation that cedes Bessarabia to Soviet so it shows up correctly in news events
- Fixed typos in Guarantee events for Switzerland.
- Fixed minor comment in Guarantees event for Switzerland.
- Adjusted "Side Active" condition for Balance of Power so it's more accurate.
- Added tooltip for Political Advisor Adolf Furrer so it's clear he can unlock an extra Research Slot
- Fixed typo in one of the Italo-Ethiopian war events
- Improved tooltip in Italian focus All Roads Lead to Rome so that the way wargoal targets are picked is more intuitive.
- General Cedillo is now agian a leader of the Mexican revolt
- Grand Council of Fascism will now actually oust Kings or Christian Democrats in the form of the National Military Junta, if Balance of Power is low enough.
- Fixed old newsevent not having a dynamic loc for the USSrs name
- Slight loc fix changing 'Embargos' to 'Embargo' in the League of Nations embargo event.
- Added conditions for entering peace talks between Italy and Ethiopia, as well as events, and loc, and other things concerning the peaxe conference.
- Fixing missing Modify Government alert for a political advisor can be assigned.
- Salvador Abascal now has a portrait if you have MtG enabled
- Puyi now gets nationalist symbol correctly
- UK shouldn't be able to give Turkey Levant states that they no longer own.
- Germany no longer ignores Switzerland after they've stopped being neutral.
- Fixed trigger not showing appropriate requirements in Human Torpedo decision.
- Suppress the Mafia decision will no longer show infantry equipment requirement twice.
- Italy's Focus 'Negotiate Claims' will be bypassed if certain criteria is met. Certain events will also be skipped, if the criteria isn't met.
- Fixed Germany granting territories to Switzerland in Fascist Path
- Added extra tooltips for expansion focuses in Switzerland
- If France is faction leader, all its allies will join them in the Stresa Front with Italy
- If Italy declines Germany's offer to assassinate Mussolini, Germany won't be able to ignore that rejection and go ahead with the assassination anyways. Also, if the Balance of Power is active for Italy, Mussolini's side will be switched out to the King's.
- Typo fix for BBA_ethiopia_anti_colonialism_events.4
- Fixed bad texture conversion on DX11 when using R8G8B8_UNORM, R8G8B8_UNORM_sRGB and X1R5G5B5 formats
- Ivan Smirnov, Ivar Smilga and Aleksander Shlyapnikov now gets released out of prison if they are still alive and hasn't been released yet when completing Return Democracy to the party
- You can no longer use the "No Garrison -> Kurdish uprising -> Annex" exploit to fast remove Kurdish separatism faster than normal
- Turkish puppets can no longer pick the "invite to alliance" focuses and break free from their overlord that way
- Remade some checks that only checked for "puppet" subject type to include all subjects for Turkey
- Italy can no longer claim the throne of Montenegro if the controller of said state is at war with Italy.
- AI should now respect the equipment_production_min_factories AI strategy even when there is no need for the equipment type
- It's no longer possible to see certain Balance of Power Decisions before finishing the required National Focus for Italy
- Paradrop orders without enough assigned transport wings now display how many wings are missing on the order instance (map arrow) tooltip.
- Scrambled carrier airwings that can perform naval strike or kamikaze mission will prioritize them over air superiority and interception unless they are fighter or interceptor airwings.
- Fixed missing localization of equipment categories fighter and CAS, displayed in a naval combat tooltip and probably in a few other places too.
- Fixed issue where Vorarlberg wouldn't be a core of the Holy Roman Empire when formed by Germany.
- Fixed an instance where the Italian AI would always decline Ethiopian territorial expansions if Ethiopia went up to a satellite via the focus tree
- At the end of peace conference, for new puppets, calculate the right type of puppet
- Songgotu Zhanshan and Megata Toshiro are once again Manchurian advisors
- Tooltips in Northern and Southern Italian designers now specify the need to complete the focus New Industrialization Program to improve them.
- Fixed issue with Italy completing two mutually exclusive focuses when failing on mussolini's missions to conquer North/South Ethiopia and withdrawing from Ethiopia at the same time.
- Turkeys join alliances focuses now bypasses if in faction
- Fixed missing core in the Siberian union that created a weird gap
- Losing non-cores as Italy will now only reduce BoP if the value is below 30% towards the Grand Council. Losing a core will now reduce 15% BoP instead of 20%.
- King Vittorio Emanuele III will no longer get the crown of Albania if he abdicated or died.
- Pressure government decisions will no longer show up if the target country already has the same ideology and is in faction with the sender.
- Focus Topple Amhara Rulers will no longer be available if ideology is not Fascist or Non-Aligned. The Ethiopian characters that become the country leaders of their respective puppet countries will become the leaders of both Fascist and Non-Aligned ideologies.
- Added tooltips in Swiss Focus Tree to notify when the Absolute Neutrality and Swiss Citizen Militia Decision Categories are disabled.
- If a subject of Yugoslavia controls Dalmatia and Italy demands those states, Yugoslavia will get to decide the fate of those states - not the subject nation.
- You can no longer hire several advisors of the same type
- Fix potential OOS on hot-joining caused by data on executing air missions never being written to the savegame.
- Fix CTD when leaving a game where an air group for whatever reason contains a faulty airwing reference.
- Fix potential OOS on hot-joining a second time without restarting the game, caused by erroneous reading of daily port strike limits from the savegame.
- Fix OOS involving interception missions targeting an enemy airwing that's passing through a region, where both the enemy's mission region and the interception region updates on the same hourly tick.
- Ceding Bessarabia is now properly showing the former owners name in an upcoming news event
- Switzerland will now seize the gold reserves of countries it enters war against.
- Added bypass for Swiss Focus 'Trade Agreement with Germany' for when Germany is not fascist, and it will not be completed if Switzerland is at war with Germany
- Added bypas to the Swiss focus 'Withdraw from the League of Nations' for when the League of Nation has already been disbanded.
- Fixed issue where Switzerland would not have a Viable European Fascist to complete Fascist Path.
- Set the correct population in the Swiss Plateau state in Switzerland, and adjusted the population in other states.
- Fixed first loading screen background flipping immediately as GUI is being loaded
- Increased AI weight for Japan to abandon the naval treaty in early 1937.
- Fix crash on Leader details screen, officer corps tab, when the player clicks on an advisor role to give to a unit leader
- Switzerland no longer gets "Breach of Neutrality" event when the Absolute Neutrality category is not present or when the hostile country is in a faction while not being the faction leader.
- Switzerland will not be able to offer trading gold with countries they're at war with.
Patch 1.12.6, aka "Operation Tungsten", was released as an open beta patch as part of the War Effort patches on 2022-11-11[5]. It was officially out of open beta on 2022-11-24[6] with the checksum a6ba.
- India now has access to a new focus and series of lengthy decisions which allow the offset of the Agrarian Society national spirit
- Imperial Associates can now become spymaster of their faction
- Manchukuo focus 'Hoankyoku' now grants a free Spy Agency if unbuilt, and a national focus granting +1 free operative slot
- Two new one-use war support decisions added, which simulate the effects of radio and film industry propaganda
- One new focus added to Romanian air section: 'White Squadron'
- Air supply mission cp cost has been reduced by 75%
- truce period after kicking a country from faction increased to 60 days from 30
- Hungary's Support Urbanization focus now grants one civilian factory in addition to the three building slots. Institute for Industrial Techniques now requires one of the prerequisites, not both.
- Hungarian spirit 'Invite Foreign Investors' now grants 10% research speed in addition to previous effects.
- Hungary now receives 2 uses of the 25% doctrine cost reduction from the 'Mobile Corps' spirit, from 1
- Default occupation law is now set to Military Governor, from Civilian Oversight
- AI is somewhat less likely to blow the suez canal without reasons
- Soviet NKVD advisors are no longer omniscient beings - enemy spy detection chance reduced to 0.2% base from 5% base
- Italian 'Air Innovations' focus now grants a 50% research bonus, from 75%
- Italian focus 'Reggianes Exports' now grants 1x 50% bonus, from 2x 75%
- Italian Focus 'Citta del Aria' now grants 4x 25% bonuses, from 3x 75% research bonuses
- Italian focus 'Standardization' now provides 1x 75% research bonus, from 2x 75%
- Italian focus 'specialization' now grants 2x 50% research bonuses, from 3x 50%
- Italian focus 'Incrociatori Leggeri' now provides 2x interdiction cost reductions, from 3
- Italian focus 'Incrociatori pesanti' now provides 2x 75% cost reductions for fleet in being, from 3x 75%
- Italian Cruiser Sub and Midget Sub focuses now grant 1x 50% cost reductions, from 2x 75% cost reductions
- Italian focuses 'Navi da Battaglia' and 'Caccia... Cacciatorpprs... never mind' now provide 2x 50% cost reductions, from 2x 75%
- Italian focus 'Redirect Alfa Romeo production' now grants 2x50% research bonuses for light aircraft, from 2x 75%
- Italian focus 'thermojet research' has been made less powerful
- Czech Communist focus 'Communism with a Human Face' now grants 3% Recruitable Population from 2%
- Czech focus 'War College' now grants -100% Field Officer Promotion Penalty
- Czech focus 'Air is Our Sea' now grants -15% fighter production cost, from -10%
- Czech focus 'Equal Access Guarantee' no longer reduces heavy tank production cost, but reduces light tank production cost by 15%, from 5%
- Czech Fortification focuses (left side) now grant significantly more army experience (10-30 each, from 5 each)
- Czech Hungarian Line and Polish Line focuses now take 35 days to complete, from 70
- Ethiopia: Cost to invite to executive council reduced to 100pp from 150, cost to integrate is now 3% stability, from 150pp
- Indian Focus 'Rhani of Jhansi' now provides a commander of level 5, from 3 (with associated skill increases)
- Indian focus 'Navy Funding' now provides 50 naval xp, from 20
- Indian focus 'British Army Support' now grants 2 uses of the 100% research bonus for support technology from 1 use, and 30 army experience, from 20
- Indian focus 'Lions of the Great War' now provides 30 army experience. The spirit granted by this focus now also provides 5% war support
- approximately 2 million people have been returned to Mozambique
- Romanian focuses 'Invest in the IAR' and 'MALAXA' now grant 3 of their respective factory types, from 2
- Romanian focuses 'Ground Support' and 'Air Defense' now grant 2x 50% doctrine cost bonuses, from 2x 25%
- Romanian focus 'Air Superiority' now grants 2x 50% cost reduction bonuses, from 2x 25%
- Romanian focus 'The Armored Division' now grants 2 armored units, from 1
- Warscore from taking a province for the first time increased by 50%
- Garrison Manpower lost per resistance attack reduced slightly
- Small Bomb Bay now has -15 agility, from -20. Bomb Locks now have -20 agility from -15
- Several ai modifiers have been added to the 'Protect Czechoslovakia' triggered event in the Hungarian focus tree, and a tooltip has been added to indicate what you can do to make it more likely to succeed
- Non-strategic materials module now decreases production cost of airframes by 7.5%
- Manchukuo focus 'The Two Emperors' now reduces the Low Legitimacy malus by 20% war support and stability
- Slightly reduced manpower requirements again for lower tier occupation laws
- Timed peace stackables (resource rights + war reparations) now only cancel when at war with the receiver, rather than when at war with anyone.
- The USA now has a significant peace cost reduction for puppeting Japan
- Hovered state highlighting is now used in construction and deployment mapmodes
- You are once again able to click and shift-click to set the priority on production line elements, using the priority frame indicator
- AI will now pick somewhat more interesting military spirits
- Slightly adjusted thresholds for AI using occupation laws, towards a more severe approach
- If Czechoslovakia is at war with Germany, Germany should now wait a while before declaring war on Poland
- improved air role ratios for countries AI
- Gave the AI an extra layer of though process behind taking states in peace conferences. Added several key areas of interest, and reduced their general interest elsewhere.
- AI contesting other AIs in peace conferences should now resolve their conflicts based on a combination of relative power and map aesthetics
- Added pc_turn trigger for peace conferences
- Italy can no longer claim territory or the subjugation through decisions of a Balkan country if they are in the same faction
- If Italy tries to join the Stresa Front and has any wargoals on a faction member, they will be removed before Italy can join the faction
- Prevent CTD for observer when someone hotjoins
- Fix crash when putting the focus on an Edit text box and closing the screen by using the Escape key
- World Threat will now correctly build and decay from the fabrication of claims
- Fixed inconsistencies with BoP impact in Italy when losing/retaking core states.
- Switzerland now correctly updates best democratic allies when another country changes governments
- Former Presidents of the Swiss Confederation are now available as Councilors again after 1950
- Generic versions of Switzerland generated through Peace Conferences don't inherit Switzerland's systems or Focus Tree anymore.
- Indian civil war will no longer give you 0 units if you complete a civil war focus while Free
- Herzegovina is now transferred to Croatia if the appropriate event option is selected by Germany
- Cairo is now required to form Arabia, and is appropriately cored by the same decision
- Forming the ottoman empire without BftB now grants a core on Cairo. Cairo is now required and cored for the respective decisions in BftB
- Constantinople and Amasya are now cored by the Form Persia decision
- Ticino is now cored by the HRE decision
- Forming Byzantium without BftB will now appropriately grant cores on Constantinople and Amasya. Victory in Egypt and Tunis now requires and grants core on Cairo
- Forming Macedonia now requires and grants cores on Istanbul, Amasya, Van, and Cairo
- Decision alert should now show again if available decisions are present
Patch 1.12.7, aka "Operation Source", was released as an open beta patch as part of the War Effort patches on 2022-12-02[7]. It was officially out of open beta on 2022-12-08[8] with the checksum b738.
- Italian decisions Expand Regional Control in Ethiopian states no longer require any Ethiopian legitimacy value.
- Canadian focus 'Dollar-A-Year Men' now grants a national spirit with -33% political advisor cost. The exchange rate of dollars to political power is poor.
- Canadian focus 'Bits and Pieces Program' has gained an extra bit and piece, now granting 4% industrial and dockyard output, from 3%
- Canadian focuses that grant army experience now grant significantly more of it
- Fascist Canada now has the choice to offer concessions to the United Kingdom in return for Labrador and Newfoundland, which will be more likely to be accepted. Tooltips added for conditions leading to higher success chances.
- Ships transferred as part of a Peace Conference action no longer have crew included: ship experience is reduced to 25% of what it was before the transfer
- Australia has an additional shipyard focus. Each shipyard focus unlocks one of the naval designers, and naval designer traits are rebalanced.
- All Australian focuses granting army experience now grant between 5 and 10 times more
- Australian focus 'Naval Auxiliary Patrol' now grants 5% core defence factor, from 3%, and 10% naval experience gain (new). Experience gain from naval focuses increased slightly.
- Australian Arms Production focus now grants -10% infantry equipment build cost in addition to civilian factory conversion speed.
- Added a new focus for Australia, 'Coordinate Central Bureau', which adds 2 signal company research/ahead of time bonuses, and a decryption bonus if La Resistance is owned.
- Warscore contribution from lend leasing fuel and equipment roughly tripled. Warscore malus from receiving lendlease remains unchanged for now.
- Warscore from capturing a province for the first time increased to 4, from 3, Warscore from IC damage reduced by 20%
- Mengkukuo now has a starting core on Ordos. This does not come with free Ixian technology.
- Taking occupied states in peace conferences is now considerably cheaper. AI is less likely to contest unoccupied states (though they still will if they have good reasons)
- Added one new Hungarian Focus to construct a new flagship, accelerating potential naval growth a bit. Admiral Horthy can now complete his transcendence.
- Plane Designer: Engine 2 speed reduced to 480/450, from 530/480
- Hungarian Aluminium production is balanced between Transdanubia and Northern Hungary. Added 1 excavation decision to improve Transdanubian bauxite production, requiring excavation II
- Added a late-game resource prospecting decision for tapping the Derna oilfield in North Transylvania.
- Added a Hungarian Focus for restarting the shipping industry, adding 3 dockyards in a coastal state
- Canadian Focus 'Retool Angus Shops' now grants 2 military factories, from 1
- Canadian Focus 'United Shipyards' now grants 4 dockyards, from 3
- Canadian Focus 'Maritime Colonial Railway' now grants 2 Civilian Factories, from 1
- Canadian Focus 'Defense of Canada Regulations' now takes 35 days, from 70
- Added approximately 40% more German random name possibilities
- Added approximately 20% more English random name possibilities
- Added a new option when releasing nations. You can now choose to retain states upon which you have cores. Retained cores can still be returned to the puppet through the occupation menu.
- Rebalanced values for the "Sky Supplies" career profile medal to make it in line with new transport planes supply capabilities.
- Fix Career Profile Awards view for mod achievements in case of long texts
- AI now puts more weight on advisor competence rather than advisor cheapness, contrary to modern business practices.
- Fixed bug where AI gave super high score to the max_command_power and uncategorized modifiers while hiring advisors
- Make the following triggers neutral - meaning they won't impact the outcome of the trigger block they are in: log, set_temp_variable, print_variables, round_temp_variable, clamp_temp_variable, subtract_from_temp_variable, multiply_temp_variable, divide_temp_variable, clear_temp_array, add_to_temp_array, remove_from_temp_array, resize_temp_array, find_highest_in_array, find_lowest_in_array
- Fixed unlocalized armoured car technologies when researched via script.
- Reorganise Ascari will no longer add Armoured Cars to division templates if La Resistance is not active.
- Fixed typo in Balance of Power tooltip when there are no modifiers applied.
- Fix checking if a country is at war with someone in your faction. Also fixes add_to_faction effect.
- Ethiopian national spirit Aid Ethiopian Communists now shows proper localization
- Fixed wrong value for Mobilization Speed in the first range of the Italian Communist side of the Balance of Power
- Random seed for the outcome of NKVD decision to assassinate Stalin is now dynamic. Nobody is safe.
- New divisions spawned by Italian decision Train Irregulars will now spawn when the decision finishes instead of when the decision starts.
- Fixed Issue where Switzerland would not take focuses that required less than Full Cantonal Power
- Decreased likelihood Switzerland will join the Allies or Axis late war.
Patch 1.12.8, aka "Operation Capital", was released as an open beta patch as part of the War Effort patches on 2022-12-21[9]. It was officially out of open beta on 2023-01-16[10] with the checksum 9d51.
- Equipment variants created through focuses etc. will be created first when the technology they are based on is researched, if it's missing.
- Tank Design: Radio modules curve slightly changed, overall efficacy of radios reduced slightly
- Tank Design: Close Support Gun now has 10 piercing, from 12.
- Tank Design: Heavy Machine Gun now has 8 soft attack from 5, and 6 piercing from 10
- Tank Design: Secondary Cannon and HMG now have fewer drawbacks but higher production cost. HMG soft attack now 4, from 3, but hard attack removed
- Tank Design: Additional Machineguns soft attack reduced to 1, from 2
- Tank Design: Easy Maintenance module now reduces total build cost by 5%, but requires 30 XP, from 10
- Tank Design: Expanded Fuel Tanks now cost 1 IC, from 2
- Tank Design: Sloped Armor now increases armor by 25%, from 20
- Tank Design: Medium One-Man Turret now has 8 breakthrough, from 10, and reduces soft and hard attack by 10%, from 25%
- Tank Design: Three-Man Turret now has 24 breakthrough, from 20
- Tank Design: Torsion Bar now grants 15% reliability, from 10%
- Tank Design: Interleaved Road Wheels no longer reduces reliability, but has doubled production cost
- Tank Design: Welded armor reduced to 30% armor, from 40%
- Plane Design: Torpedo Mountings now have 14 naval strike attack from 12, -12 agility from -15, and 6 targeting from 5
- Plane Design: Reduced the lower end of plane engine IC costs; earlier planes should be a little cheaper on the whole
- Dive brakes no longer valid for naval bombers, increased naval targeting from dive brakes from 4 to 6
- Dive brakes no longer valid with naval bomber weapons (torpedoes and guided missiles)
- Carrier Naval strike multiplier increased, reduced naval strike detection chance from 0.7 to 0.5, reduced carrier disruption factor from 8 to 6
- Basic Medium chassis now 1938 tech, amphibious tank now unlocked only by 1936 light, tank armour tech dates are now 36,38,41,44, amphibious tank no longer gets medium turrets
- New variants received from auto-upgrades, focuses, events etc. are now highlighted in the production tab like variants received from research.
- In research screen for modular equipment (tank, ship, plane), stop showing a diff in stats when there is no design company attached
- Improved Tank tech tree layout
- Soviet Union no longer desires to be best buddies with Romania despite being instructed to ignore them for a while
- AI weights on hiring advisors now makes more sense. You should see a better split between political advisors & research bureaus, and the AI no longer saves all PP for hiring chiefs at the exclusion of all else. [This has a pretty radical effect on early AI build-up, thus there may be some imbalance in the early game in this open beta - feedback especially welcome]
- AI have a higher weight on Captain of Industry advisors pre-1939
- AI military spirit selection is less deterministic
- Added property allow_without_tech to create_equipment_variant which will create the variant even if the technology it's based on is missing.
- Fix the way character variables in script are stored
- From now on, any trigger or effect, strictly requiring a country scope, but used in a character scope, will not work anymore
- From now on, any trigger or effect, strictly requiring a country scope, but used in all_character, any_character, random_character, every_character, party_leader, characters_list_tooltip, will not work anymore
- Correctly retrieve variables stored in character scope for text
- Fixed tooltip function of trigger can_be_country_leader when used in country scope or all_character/any_character
- Fix add_ideas and activate_advisor effects. When applied to a slot that is already filled, dismiss the currently appointed advisor before hiring the new one. Will fix crash when opening Officer corps after.
- In script, interpret correctly when a character token is used in input
- Make has_character and can_be_country_leader work with variables and keyword, and not just with a character token
- Make is_character work with variables and keyword, and not just with a character token
- Align can_be_country_leader on other character trigger and always return false if the character is retired
- Fix crash in remove_advisor_role if the character had no matching advisor role
- When using a character token as input for a scope, search for the closest encapsulating country scope in order to interpret it correctly
- Fix crash when using add_advisor_role on a character with already a role in the same slot. Add a log error if trying to put triggers and on_action in the advisor role in add_advisor_role, those can only work if in database.
- Make set_temp_variable accept character token as input
- Removed check on unit leader type for add_unit_leader_trait. This check is only relevant for random traits.
- Make sure that advisor roles in characters duplicated during civil war keep the same idea_token
- Remove check on scope for hidden_effect and effect_tooltip
- Added country dynamic variables : country_leader, theorist, army_chief, navy_chief, air_chief, political_advisor, high_command
- Make sure all political parties are cleaned up when a character with multiple country leader roles retires
- Fix the tooltip for triggers inside a character scope, now the name of the character will correctly prefix the trigger tooltip
- Add can_be_fired boolean flag in advisor role block in database. If at 'no', then the advisor can't be fired once hired. Warning modders : completely replaces removal_cost = -1 !
- Add trigger advisor_can_be_fired checking new flag can_be_fired in advisor role block
- Add effect set_can_be_fired_in_advisor_role, setting new flag can_be_fired in advisor role block
- Fix dynamic variables when using a unit leader scope
- Add trigger pc_is_state_claimed
- Renamed trigger pc_is_state_outside_influence_for to pc_is_state_outside_influence_for_winner
- AI now correctly evaluates the weight of the traits that an advisor has, as well as the advisor entry weights
- Added portraits for political advisors in Spain and Portugal
- Fix all events related to Soviet Paranoia (value was always 0)
- Fixed issue where researching a new hull, chassis or airframe would not create the default variant if any variant of that type already existed.
- Fixed issue where variants created through focuses etc. would get unexpected modules and upgrades as a result of there being no default variant.
- Fixed typo in tooltip for Soviet Merge Plants focuses
- Fixed the manpower exploit by repeated splitting & merging of airwings.
- Italian Fiat 3000 and Fiat 3000B inter-war tanks will no longer be just hulls in the stockpile and will now show proper inter-war tank 2D icon.
- Italian AI should no longer release puppets in Balkans on historical via decisions.
- Decaying opinion modifers (for instance from improve relation diplomatic action) will not disappear after loading a save anymore
- Fixes to how AI selects target templates for upgrading
- Combat log tooltip now shows correct naming for losses breakdown
- Admirals can no longer erroneously gain the politically_connected general trait
- Fix bug with usage of pc_is_state_outside_influence_for trigger in ai desires
- Fixed issue where 'No Councilor' mission would complete right away.
- Fixed issue where Democratic Unrest National Spirit in Switzerland wouldn't be removed when declaring the Alpine Protectorate.
- AI no longer forgets top-most production line when reducing excessive factories
- Fixed Thrust/Weight issues in some plane designs after latest air rebalance
- Fixed not considering manpower casualties in the air combat.
- Unite Polynesia decision category now shows the appropriate decision category picture.
- Stalinist AI should now be more inclined to kill Trotsky.
- Cruiser Submarine icon will now be properly shown on the researched technology pop-up.
- Fixed Chinese general showing up with blank portrait when Nationalist China integrates Guanxi Clique army.
Patch 1.12.9 was a hotfix patch released on 2023-01-24[11] with the checksum 7c58.
- In unit history file, if a mod tries to create a ship for a country that does not have the required tech, do not create the ship.
Patch 1.12.10, aka "Operation Sabre", was released as an open beta patch as part of the War Effort patches on 2023-02-02[12]. It was officially out of open beta on 2023-02-15[13] with the checksum 0f26.
- For easy and very easy difficulties, AI countries will transfer a part of their Peace Score to the human player(s)
- Puppets will transfer a part of their Peace Score to their Overlord (can be disabled with custom game rules)
- Faction members will transfer a part of their Peace Score to their Faction Leader (can be disabled with custom game rules)
- Countries with a low war participation score will transfer all their Peace Score to other countries (can be disabled with custom game rules)
- Make peace score redistribution game rules disabled by default
- Prussia of the Balkans rebalanced slightly, and more of the modifiers now scale as the spirit is upgraded
- Bulgaria now begins with the Mountaineers tech unlocked
- Bulgaria: National Railway Lines now take 35 days, from 70. Added two mutually exclusive focuses after this, choosing between exploiting aluminium resources (16 Aluminium) or natural gold deposits (stability + civ)
- Integrated designers navy spirit no longer gives double bonus and only gives research bonus for ship modules now
- Romania: several new focuses added which enable the possibility to manipulate which country leader will run the fascist party
- all countries will now build carrier aircraft if they have carriers, countries with low military factories are less likely to spend too much on fighters
- increased carrier aircraft wanted buffer for countries with carriers to 1.5x total deck space
- Fixed various issues with tech tree on different resolutions
- Bulgaria's default UI colour (used for allegiance/country unit banners) is now the same as their starting country colour
- Main menu Social Media buttons update
- Added some scripted AI desires for land doctrines
- Fixed bug in how AI prioritises its construction queue
- Stop AI from queueing up more naval bases and railways if they are already waiting to be upgraded
- Italy will now be much less active on the French front for the first months of the war, unless France are losing badly, or Germany is under threat
- AI will check if it should afford the monthly cost of Improve Relations before attempting it
- USA colorado class battleships now obsolete in 1936
- add is_hired_as_advisor = yes/no trigger
- Make has_resources_in_country accept extracted and buildings parameters
- Add get_supply_vehicles and get_supply_vehicles_temp effects and triggers to check the number of trucks and trains
- Make the following triggers neutral - meaning they won't impact the outcome of the trigger block they are in : log, set_temp_variable, print_variables, round_temp_variable, clamp_temp_variable, subtract_from_temp_variable, multiply_temp_variable, divide_temp_variable, clear_temp_array, add_to_temp_array, remove_from_temp_array, resize_temp_array, find_highest_in_array, find_lowest_in_array
- Improved requirement tooltips for Mare Nostrum decision.
- Random country selection disabled when loading ironman saves
- Fixed incorrect dates for 1938 engine and armour techs
- Bulgaria's unit names now use the spelling 'Diviziya', from 'Divizija'
- Fixed issue in which Germany would get twice the amount of research bonuses via the focus "Treaty with the USSR"
- early cruiser hull no longer unlocks cruiser armour
- Aircraft Bomb tech now unlocks torpedoes
- Fixed incorrect role settings for amphibious drive module
- Fixing typo in Adopting Rumantsch country flag in Switzerland
- fixed incorrect templates for RO.57 aircraft
- Fix the capture and subsequent consequences for operatives when they get spotted on offensive missions
- Small fixes to Romanian focus tree additions
Patch 1.12.11, aka "Operation Pike", was released as an open beta patch as part of the War Effort patches on 2023-03-02[14]. It was officially out of open beta on 2023-03-09[15] with the checksum 92f5.
- German, Japanese and British trees will now hide obsolete branches if the related game rule is turned on.
- French and USA focus trees will now hide obsolete branches if the related game rule is turned on.
- Added a new alt-history branch to Canada's Communist path, allowing further reduction of the Great Depression, wargoals on the United States, and various other benefits, at the cost of being unable to join or create factions
- Germany now begin with 80 transport planes, from 4
- Tweaked Ethiopian Balance of Power, to decrease risk of country collapse
- Made coring decision for Italo-Ethiopian empire available when controlling, rather than owning, states
- Made it possible to move capital to Jerusalem after Axum for Ethiopia
- Made it possible for Ethiopia to collaborate with Italy as Monarchy as well as Fascist
- Improved Regional Supply depots National Spirit for Ethiopia
- Made multiple investments at the same time possible for Ethiopia
- Added camelry to Sultanate of Aussa
- Now the disabling of construction of railway lines on the map will remove them from construction UI.
- Delete-building button should now be visible/usable on UI-scaled clients
- Now, if you hover mouse over an invasion arrow, the whole path will be visible even if it is overlapped by another one.
- Visual improvement of the create faction window.
- Now the army theater groups will show the reinforcement priority.
- Removed deprecated trigger pc_is_state_outside_influence_for
- State level production speed modifiers now have the correct loc keys
- Changed the "repair_speed_infrastructure_factor" modifier description to accurately reflect its actual effect
- Fixed creation of unbuildable plane variants by create_equipment_variant effect.
- Focus tree screen will now properly refresh when something changes the display - like when the player chooses a branch and it hides the other ones.
- Fixed the exploit of ignoring the special forces cap when changing army templates.
- Game rule "Show Obsolete Branches in Focus Tree" no longer requires any DLC.
- Motorized rocket artillery fuel usage increased from 0.12 to 1.2 to be in line with Trucks
- Fixed the missing description for all none-Italian countries receiving the end News Event for the Fate of Mussolini Event chain
- USA no longer hires both communist and fascist advisors without DLCs
- Events and focuses which invite all un-faction-ed countries of a specific ideology to a faction will no longer target subjects (this affects Spain and the Soviet Union currently)
- Fixed issue in which Italian Aircraft Designer CRDA-CANT would require the wrong Naval Designer to be active. It now requires CRDA Naval Designer as intended.
- Octavian Goga will now correctly become country leader on completion of the National Christian Party focus.
- The name of peace conferences will appear in the correct language after language changes during peace conferences.
- Fixed issue so that now Italian partisan general Ada Gobetti is properly cautious.
- Obsolete Soviet AI plan "Alternate" has now been purged.
- Build Cost equipment stat modifiers now display the correct color for a bonus (green for negative, red for positive)
- Fixed extra word in Alpine Supremacy description
- Fixed typo in Bulgarian Re-integration Campaign
- Fixed issue with Costanzo Ciano Light Cruiser Class granted by Italian focus Flotta d'Evasione when Man the Guns DLC was not active.
- Fixes to Canada's communist's path focuses
Hello Generals!
Operation Cockpit has arrived! With an additional change to the Anschluss focus in Germany and a message from our Game Designer C0rax explaining the intent behind recent balancing! Below that, as usual, you will find a set of patch notes that is now live. Feel free to give us feedback on these planned changes in this thread, or in our Discord!
The Intent Behind it The initial intent of hitprofile changes in the naval rebalance started with 1.12.0 was to reduce the effect of speed, this is now complete with the halving of the effect of speed on the calculation.
- decreased HIT_PROFILE_SPEED_FACTOR from 2 to 0.5 this will make ships speed affect hit profiles less
The final calculation is (visibility*100) / (speed*0.5 +20) with this final piece in place destroyers are roughly being hit at the same rate as pre 1.12.0 but the effect of slower speed ships such as capital ships is much lower resulting in greatly reduced hit rates.
For a long time air accidents have been of minimal consequence thus reliability of planes was less valuable than wanted and air accident advisors were of low value. Accidents have now been doubled in occurrence and the amount of aircraft lost per incident is also doubled. This means that reliability modifiers for planes are even more useful and taking that air accident reduction spirit or advisors might be a good idea if you need to conserve your aircraft stocks. Additionally when training as before you get a 1.5x multiplier to accident occurrence when training so keep an eye when training airwings you may have to lose a few aircraft to keep those wings ready for war. Obviously losing more aircraft to accidents reduces your wings experience so we have also increased this so that you can still train your wings in good time despite the increased losses.
- Air accident base chance increased from 0.05 to 0.1, accident chance multiplier increased from 0.5 to 1, accident effect multiplier increased from 0.005 to 0.01 ace death chance increased from 0.003 to 0.005 - Air wing XP game from training per day increased from 3 to 7 since Air accidents are more common, air exercises xp adjusted to match - increased supply per transport plane to 0.01 from 0.002
- Canadian Focuses 'National Steel Car' and 'Send in the Zombies' are no longer mutually exclusive. If Great Depression has already been removed, the focus on "War Fuelled Economy" and "Reactivate the Farmers Unity League" will grant a significant temporary construction speed boost.
- Canadian focuses regarding the repatriation of Newfoundland are now available to the recently added Communist path
- Divisional Commanders: XP requirements for level thresholds and for gaining an aptitude trait have been reduced across the board by 20-50%
- Divisional Commanders: XP gain from combat increased by 33%
- decreased HIT_PROFILE_SPEED_FACTOR from 2 to 0.5 this will make ships speed affect hit profiles less
- Air accident base chance increased from 0.05 to 0.1, accident chance multiplier increased from 0.5 to 1, accident effect multiplier increased from 0.005 to 0.01 ace death chance increased from 0.003 to 0.005
- Air wing XP game from training per day increased from 3 to 7 since Air accidents are more common, air exercises xp adjusted to match
- increased supply per transport plane to 0.01 from 0.002
- Now the discord and the Instagram tooltips will have correct localization. - Added link to Instagram and Discord to the in-game menu.
- Fixed the Portuguese Great War tank not appearing in the tech tree without NSB.
- Re-introduced many tank icons for most countries that were screwed by No Step Back. Tank icons in the non-NSB generic tree will now appear in the Tank Designer with NSB.
- Improved the way country-specific tank icons appear in the tank designer, based on tech.
- Turkey will no longer be able to ask again for investment to a country until the country has accepted the portfolio and finishes the decision to invest in Turkey.
- Fixed issues with equipment bonuses to Carriers provided by Italian focus Refit Civilian Ships.
- Fixed issue with Italian focuses Standardization and Specialization so that they provide bonuses to aircraft as promised.
- Fixed issue in which Australian designer Cockatoo Docks and Engineer was not providing any real bonuses to Heavy Cruisers.
- Super Heavy Battleship armour now reduces Torpedo critical chance instead of increasing it
- Fix for Flying Tigers without BBA
- Remove duplicated delimiter in focus-tree tooltips
- Fixed wrong positioning of British focus "Embargo The Soviet Union" when hiding obsolete branches and Global Defense focus has been taken.
- Fixed disappearing icons in the division designer when NATO symbols are used
- Names in trade views are now updated when the country changes ideology
- Soviet Marti Class cruiser will now have the minelayer role.
- The Linguist trait should now work
- Fixed wrong naming of peace conference after load game during the peace conference.
- Fixed issues with misplaced focus branches in UK and USA focus trees when the Hide Obsolete Branches custom rule was set as "Show".
- Fixed a few Czech Designers having their icons broken when Death or Dishonor DLC was not active.
- Fixed a Dutch Designer having its icon broken when Man the Guns DLC was not active.
- removed erroneous leader trait XP stats from the engineering school's army spirit. It now grants a global initiative factor
- Fixed issues with dynamic textures on DX11 with older drivers / Windows releases
- Fixed handling of X1R5G5B5 and A1R5G5B5 textures on DX11 when not supported by graphics drivers or older Windows versions
- Added Black Sea cores missing from the Polish Fascist branch after selecting the national focus "Decide Post-War Borders".
- Added checks to Hungarian focus "Renew the Rome Protocols" to make sure Austria and Italy exist and are independent.
- Made it harder to do the Anschluss swap exploit.
- Anschluss fix v2. You now need >40k inf eq in the standing army to do it
- Fixed localization for poland.26 event.
- Series of bug fixes focused on Interface and Localization.
- ↑ Forum: Avalanche 1.12.2 - By Blood Alone - Checksum e45c, 2022-09-30.
- ↑ Forum: Avalanche 1.12.3 - By Blood Alone - Checksum 6b16, 2022-10-06.
- ↑ Forum: Open Beta Patch 1.12.4 (Steam Only) - Checksum cb16, 2022-10-18.
- ↑ Forum: Avalanche 1.12.5 OPEN BETA - By Blood Alone - Checksum 18aa - UPDATED, 2022-11-03.
- ↑ Forum: 'War Effort' patches and 1.12.6 Open Beta, 2022-11-11.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Tungsten [1.12.6 - Checksum a6ba] , 2022-11-24.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Source [1.12.7 OPEN BETA] , 2022-12-02.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Source [1.12.7 - Checksum b738] , 2022-12-08.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Capital [1.12.8 OPEN BETA] , 2022-12-21.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Capital [1.12.8 - Checksum 9d51] , 2023-01-16.
- ↑ Forum: 1.12.9 Hotfix Patch - (STEAM ONLY), 2023-01-24.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Open Beta & Developer Diary!, 2023-02-02.
- ↑ Forum: Operation Sabre Patch 1.12.10 Checksum 0f26, 2023-02-15.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Pike Open Beta [1.12.11 - Checksum 66ce], 2023-03-02.
- ↑ Forum: War Effort - Operation Pike Patch 1.12.11 Checksum 92f5, 2023-03-09.