
(merge from offical wiki)
第1行: 第1行:
This is a list of all events relating to ace pilots (from {{path|events/AcePilots.txt}}).
This is a list of all events relating to ace pilots (from {{path|events/AcePilots.txt}}).
第7行: 第7行:
<section begin=ace_promoted.1/>
<section begin=ace_promoted.1/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = ace_promoted.1
| event_id = ace_promoted.1
| event_name = Ace Pilot Promoted
| event_name = 王牌飞行员的晋升
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = Few take as many risks as the brave pilots of the [Root.GetAdjective] air force. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname], a skilled pilot known under the callsign [From.GetCallsign], has distinguished [From.GetHerselfHimself] in not only returning alive from the recent mission over [From.GetMissionRegion], but living through significant victories in many critical encounters.<br/><br/>Held up as a shining example of [Root.GetAdjective] courage, [From.GetName]'s recent promotion has been highly publicized. Although the people may view war as more hell than glory, many are glad to see that there are still heroes to rally behind.
| event_text = 很少有人会冒着如[Root.GetAdjective] 空军飞行员那么大的风险。[From.GetName][From.GetSurname] ,一个外号叫[From.GetCallsign] 的资深飞行员,已经证明[From.GetHerselfHimself] 不仅在[From.GetMissionRegion] 任务中顺利生还,并且在多次空中短兵相接中取胜。<br><br> 作为[Root.GetAdjective] 勇气的光辉榜样,[From.GetName] 的晋升被广泛宣传。尽管人们可能更多地把战争视为地狱而不是荣誉,还是有很多人愿意看到有可以效仿的英雄。
| triggered only = * On ace promoted
| triggered only = * 王牌飞行员晋升
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Who dares, wins.
| option_text = 爱拼才会赢。
| effect = * Gain {{icon|war support}} {{green|+2%}} Base war support
| effect = * 得到{{icon|war support}} {{green|+2%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第24行: 第24行:
<section begin=ace_promoted.2/>
<section begin=ace_promoted.2/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = ace_promoted.2
| event_id = ace_promoted.2
| event_name = A Wild Ace Appears
| event_name = 新王牌出现
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = Few take as many risks as the brave pilots of the [Root.GetAdjective] air force. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname], a skilled pilot known under the callsign [From.GetCallsign], has distinguished [From.GetHerselfHimself] in not only returning alive from the recent mission over [From.GetMissionRegion], but living through significant victories in many critical encounters.<br/><br/>Held up as a shining example of [Root.GetAdjective] courage, [From.GetName]'s recent promotion has been highly publicized. Although the people may view war as more hell than glory, many are glad to see that there are still heroes to rally behind.
| event_text = 很少有人会冒着如[Root.GetAdjective] 空军飞行员那么大的风险。[From.GetName][From.GetSurname] ,一个外号叫[From.GetCallsign] 的资深飞行员,已经证明[From.GetHerselfHimself] 不仅在任务中顺利生还,并且在领航[From.GetHerHis]的[From.GetWing]的途中展现了卓越的技巧。最近,[From.GetName]在[From.GetMissionRegion] 的任务中作用显著 成为这场关键性的遭遇战中的重要角色。<br/><br/> 作为[Root.GetAdjective] 勇气的光辉榜样,[From.GetName] 的晋升被广泛宣传。尽管人们可能更多地把战争视为地狱而不是荣誉,还是有很多人愿意看到有可以效仿的英雄。
| triggered only = * On ace promoted
| triggered only = * 王牌飞行员晋升
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Who dares, wins.
| option_text = 爱拼才会赢。
| effect = * Gain {{icon|war support}} {{green|+2%}} Base war support
| effect = * 得到{{icon|war support}} {{green|+2%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第41行: 第41行:
<section begin=ace_died.1/>
<section begin=ace_died.1/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = ace_died.1
| event_id = ace_died.1
| event_name = [From.GetCallsign] Killed Over [From.GetMissionRegion]
| event_name = [From.GetCallsign] [From.GetMissionRegion] 任务中殉职
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = One of [From.Owner.GetName]'s most famous [From.GetAceType] aces, [From.GetFullName], has gone down in flames in the line of duty, during a mission over [From.GetMissionRegion]. Unfortunately, since [From.GetSheHe] has long since been a public figure, the demise of [From.GetCallsign] is severely demoralizing to the many people who looked up to [From.GetHerHim].<br/><br/>While we wish there was a way to hide this event from the people, the lack of public appearances from [From.GetName] would soon raise suspicion. Ultimately, [From.GetHerHis] death is another part of a legend that will hopefully live on long past our current troubles.
| event_text = [From.Owner.GetName] 最有名的[From.GetAceType] 王牌之一,[From.GetFullName] ,已经在[From.GetMissionRegion] 任务中被击落。不幸的是,[From.GetSheHe] 长久以来被视为公众偶像,[From.GetCallsign] 被击落严重损害了崇拜[From.GetHerHim] 的公众们的士气。<br/><br/> 尽管我们想隐瞒这件事,[From.GetName] 在公众场合不再露面还是会引起人们的怀疑。最终,[From.GetHerHis] 的牺牲作为一个传奇最好能让我们撑过现在的困境。
| triggered only = * On ace killed
| triggered only = * 王牌飞行员死亡
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = A living legend is still better.
| option_text = 活着的传奇还是更好。
| effect = * Lose {{icon|war support}} {{red|−2%}} Base war support
| effect = * 失去{{icon|war support}} {{red|−2%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第58行: 第58行:
<section begin=ace_killed_by_ace.1/>
<section begin=ace_killed_by_ace.1/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = ace_killed_by_ace.1
| event_id = ace_killed_by_ace.1
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] Shot Down By [Prev.GetCallsign]
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] [Prev.GetCallsign] 击落
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = Pilots returning from [From.GetMissionRegion] report that a squadron of [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts, led by the infamous [Prev.GetCallsign], focused on chasing down [From.GetCallsign]. After dodging several burst from the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective]s and taking down a number of enemy aircraft, [From.GetCallsign] was overwhelmed by [Prev.GetCallsign], who reportedly outmaneuvered [From.GetHerHim] and ripped the fuel tanks open with a clean hit. [From.GetName] [From.GetSurname]'s plane caught fire and went spiraling down over [From.GetMissionRegion] in a violent inferno.<br/><br/>[From.GetFullName] has shown great courage throughout [From.GetHerHis] service and was looked up to by many. The loss of this national hero is a great blow to the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] air force and is a devastating blow to our nation as a whole. Knowing that while we grieve, [Prev.Owner.GetName] is celebrating [Prev.GetFullName] as a hero, makes the tragedy even greater.
| event_text = [From.GetMissionRegion] 归来的飞行员报告说,一队[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 战机在臭名昭著的[Prev.GetCallsign] 的带领下集中火力击落了[From.GetCallsign] 。击落了多架敌机并且躲开了数次[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 的火力之后,[From.GetCallsign] [Prev.GetCallsign] 击落了,据报告称是敌军机动超越了[From.GetHerHim] 并一击打中了油箱。[From.GetName][From.GetSurname] 的飞机起火后在[From.GetMissionRegion] 螺旋式地坠落。<br/><br/>[From.GetFullName] [From.GetHerHis] 服役生涯中展现了超人的勇气并被很多人视为偶像。这位国家英雄的牺牲是[From.Owner.GetAdjective] 空军巨大的损失,也是对整个国家的沉重打击。据说我们在悼念的同时,[Prev.Owner.GetName] 正在庆祝[Prev.GetFullName] 成为一名英雄,让这场悲剧更添苦涩。
| triggered only = * On ace killed by ace
| triggered only = * 我国王牌飞行员被敌方王牌击落
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = A devastating loss for us all.
| option_text = 真是毁灭性的损失
| effect = * Lose {{icon|war support}} {{red|−3%}} Base war support
| effect = * 失去{{icon|war support}} {{red|−3%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第75行: 第75行:
<section begin=ace_killed_other_ace.1/>
<section begin=ace_killed_other_ace.1/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = ace_killed_other_ace.1
| event_id = ace_killed_other_ace.1
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] Shot Down [Prev.GetCallsign]
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] 击落[Prev.GetCallsign]
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = Our latest mission over [From.GetMissionRegion] was a great success for the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] air force in more than one aspect. Reports have come in highlighting [From.GetFullName]'s heroic deed, managing to outwit the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] pilot, [Prev.GetName] [Prev.GetSurname], known as [Prev.GetCallsign]. [From.GetCallsign] used [From.GetHerselfHimself] as bait and lured [Prev.GetCallsign] into a trap where the [From.Owner.GetAdjective] pilots were able to dive on [Prev.GetCallsign]'s squadron. [From.GetCallsign] proceeded to outmaneuver the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts and with a single burst sent [Prev.GetCallsign] spiraling from the skies of [From.GetMissionRegion].<br/><br/>[Prev.GetFullName] was a feared pilot with many [From.Owner.GetAdjective] lives on [Prev.GetHerHis] conscience. This is a great victory and shows that when we rally behind great heroes, they perform great deeds.
| event_text = 我们在[From.GetMissionRegion] 最近执行的任务对于[From.Owner.GetAdjective] 空军而言在很多方面是一场巨大的成功。报告强调了[From.GetFullName] 史诗般的功绩,成功瞒骗了[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 飞行员,[Prev.GetName][Prev.GetSurname] ,也被称为[Prev.GetCallsign] [From.GetCallsign] [From.GetHerselfHimself] 自己为诱饵,引诱[Prev.GetCallsign] 进入陷阱,埋伏在那里的[From.Owner.GetAdjective] 飞行员成功冲入[Prev.GetCallsign] 的编队。[From.GetCallsign] 运用高超的机动动作飞到了[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 战机后方,之后只用一发子弹就让[Prev.GetCallsign] [From.GetMissionRegion] 的空中坠落。<br/><br/>[Prev.GetFullName] 在许多人心目中是位令人生畏的飞行员,多少[From.Owner.GetAdjective] 的性命栽在了[Prev.GetHerHis] 的手上。这是场伟大的胜利,也说明当我们支持我们的英雄他们会表现得更加优秀。
| triggered only = * On ace killed by ace
| triggered only = * 我国王牌飞行员击落敌方王牌
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = A victory all of [From.Owner.GetName] will remember!
| option_text = 这是一场[From.Owner.GetName] 所有人都会铭记的胜利!
| effect = * Gain {{icon|war support}} {{green|+3%}} Base war support
| effect = * 得到{{icon|war support}} {{red| −3%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第92行: 第92行:
<section begin=aces_killed_each_other.1/>
<section begin=aces_killed_each_other.1/>
| version = 1.9
| version = 1.10
| event_id = aces_killed_each_other.1
| event_id = aces_killed_each_other.1
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] has gone down
| event_name = [From.GetFullName] 被击落
| cond_event_text = yes
| cond_event_text = yes
| event_text = During the latest mission our famous [From.GetAceType] ace [From.GetFullname] ended up in a prolonged fight with the feared ace pilot, [Prev.GetFullName]. Being low on munitions and with no possibility of escape, [From.GetCallsign] maneuvered through the fire from the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] aircrafts and proceeded to ram [Prev.GetCallsign].<br/><br/>Both [From.GetCallsign]'s and [Prev.GetCallsign]'s aircrafts were spotted going down in pieces over [From.GetMissionRegion].<br/><br/>While it is a small consolation that the [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] menace, [Prev.GetCallsign], will no longer be a nuisance to us, we have lost a valued public figure and inspiration to all [From.Owner.GetAdjective].
| event_text = 上一次飞行任务中 我国著名的[From.GetAceType] 王牌[From.GetFullname] 在与令人生畏的[Prev.GetFullName] 的缠斗中被击落。在弹药耗尽,没有逃生路线的情况下,[From.GetCallsign] [Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 战机炮火中穿行并直接撞击[Prev.GetCallsign] <br/><br/>[From.GetCallsign] [Prev.GetCallsign] 的战机在[From.GetMissionRegion] 的空中化为碎片。<br/><br/> 虽然来自[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective] 被击落可算作一个小小的安慰,[Prev.GetCallsign] ,不再会是个威胁,我们失去了一个对所有的[From.Owner.GetAdjective] 的公众偶像和榜样。
| triggered only = * On aces killed each other
| triggered only = * 双方王牌同归于尽
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = A great loss for us nonetheless.
| option_text = 还是一个惨痛的损失
| effect = * Lose {{icon|war support}} {{red|−1%}} Base war support
| effect = * 失去{{icon|war support}} {{red|−1%}} 基础战争支持度
| collapse = no
| collapse = no

2021年8月1日 (日) 12:11的版本

This is a list of all events relating to ace pilots (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/AcePilots.txt).



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.


  • None
  • 王牌飞行员晋升

Event button.png
  • 得到战争支持度 +2%基础战争支持度



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
很少有人会冒着如[Root.GetAdjective]空军飞行员那么大的风险。[From.GetName][From.GetSurname],一个外号叫[From.GetCallsign]的资深飞行员,已经证明[From.GetHerselfHimself]不仅在任务中顺利生还,并且在领航[From.GetHerHis]的[From.GetWing]的途中展现了卓越的技巧。最近,[From.GetName]在[From.GetMissionRegion]的任务中作用显著 成为这场关键性的遭遇战中的重要角色。


  • None
  • 王牌飞行员晋升

Event button.png
  • 得到战争支持度 +2%基础战争支持度



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.


  • None
  • 王牌飞行员死亡

Event button.png
  • 失去战争支持度 −2%基础战争支持度



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.


  • None
  • 我国王牌飞行员被敌方王牌击落

Event button.png
  • 失去战争支持度 −3%基础战争支持度



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.


  • None
  • 我国王牌飞行员击落敌方王牌

Event button.png
  • 得到战争支持度 −3%基础战争支持度



Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
上一次飞行任务中 我国著名的[From.GetAceType]王牌[From.GetFullname]在与令人生畏的[Prev.GetFullName]的缠斗中被击落。在弹药耗尽,没有逃生路线的情况下,[From.GetCallsign]在[Prev.Owner.GetAdjective]战机炮火中穿行并直接撞击[Prev.GetCallsign]。



  • None
  • 双方王牌同归于尽

Event button.png
  • 失去战争支持度 −1%基础战争支持度