
(merge from offical wiki)
(文本替换 - 替换“{{flag|”为“{{国旗|”)
第1行: 第1行:
This is a list of all {{flag|Spain}}'s events (from {{path|events/Spain.txt}}).
这里是关于 {{ 国旗|Spain}} 的事件 ( 来自 {{path|events/Spain.txt}}).

第9行: 第9行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.1
| event_id = spain.1
| event_name = Civil War!
| event_name = 内战!
| event_text = A group of powerful generals in the Armed Forces have issued a pronunciamento, denouncing the current government of Spain! They have launched a right-wing coup with the support of conservative monarchists and the clergy. A significant portion of the military has sided with these Nationalists, but so far they have failed to capture any of Spain's major cities with the exception of Sevilla.<br/><br/>Leftist volunteers are meanwhile flocking to the banners of the Republican government, ready to support it against the rebels. These loyalists may be poorly trained, but no one can question their enthusiasm.<br/><br/>The battle-lines have been drawn - which faction should we support?
| event_text = 部队中一群有权有势的将领发出了声讨,企图告发现政府!他们在保守的君主主义者和天主教神职人员的支持下发动了右翼政变。有相当一部分军队站在这些民族主义者一边,所幸的是,但到目前为止,除了塞维利亚,他们没有占领西班牙的任何主要城市, <br/><br/> 与此同时,左翼志愿者正蜂拥到共和国政府的旗帜前,准备支持共和国政府对抗叛军。这些效忠者虽然可能缺乏训练,但没有人能质疑他们的热情.<br/><br/> 战争将至,我们应该领导何方?
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* 仅可触发一次
* Global flag ''scw_over'' is not set
* Global flag ''scw_over'' is not set
* Is {{flag|Spain}}
* {{ 国旗|Spain}}
* Is ''not'' {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
* '' 不是'' {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯主义
* Is ''not'' defender in a war
* '' 不是'' 战争中的防守方
* Date is after 1936.2.16
* 1936.2.16
| mtth = * 151 days
| mtth = * 151
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = The Nationalists!
| option_text = The Nationalists!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''spanish_civil_war''
* Set global flag '' 西班牙内战''
* Start civil war against {{icon|communism}} Communist party ({{red|50%}} size)
* 开始与 {{icon|communism}} 共产党 ({{red|50%}} size) 的内战
* ''Our Nation'' is set as follows:
* '' 我们国家'' 将有以下变动:
** Capital in the state Castille (176)
** Capital in the state Castille (176)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} 装备
** 将执政党设置为 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
** {{icon|fascism}} '''+100%''' 法西斯党支持度
* 被分裂的地区将会有以下变动
** 首都在马德里州 (41)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** 执政党是 {{icon|communism}} 共产党
** {{icon|fascism}} '''+100%''' Fascist party popularity
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' 民主党支持度
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
** 将拥有以下地区: {{MultiColumn|
** Capital is in the state Madrid (41)
*** 马德(Madrid) (41)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
*** 加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia) (165)
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
*** 瓦伦西亚(Valencia) (167)
** Ruling party is {{icon|communism}} Communist
*** 穆尔西亚(Murcia) (168)
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' Democratic party popularity
*** 那瓦尔(Navarre) (172)
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
*** 格拉纳达(Granada) (173)
*** Madrid (41)
*** 拉芒查(La Mancha) (175)
*** Catalonia (165)
*** Valencia (167)
*** Murcia (168)
*** Navarre (172)
*** Granada (173)
*** La Mancha (175)
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''"The Spanish Civil War"'']] in 6 hours
* 在未来的6小时内新闻事件 [[News events 1#news.63|''" 西班牙内战"'']] 将会被触发
| option_text = The Republicans!
| option_text = 人民战线!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''spanish_civil_war''
* Set global flag '' 西班牙内战''
* Start civil war against {{icon|fascism}} Fascist party ({{red|50%}} size)
* 开始与 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党 ({{red|50%}} size) 的战争
* ''Our Nation'' is set as follows:
* '' 我们国家'' 将会有以下变动:
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|communism}} Communist
** 执政党是 {{icon|communism}} 共产党
** {{icon|communism}} '''+50%''' Communist party popularity
** {{icon|communism}} '''+50%''' 共产党支持度
** {{icon|fascism}} '''–100%''' Fascist party popularity
** {{icon|fascism}} '''–100%''' 法西斯党支持度
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
* 被分裂的地区将会有以下变动:
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} Equipment fraction
** 保留{{icon|equipment}} {{red|50%}} 装备
** Ruling party is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** 执政党将会是 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
** 将拥有以下地区: {{MultiColumn|
*** Aragon (166)
*** 阿拉贡 (166)
*** Andalusia (169)
*** Andalusia (169)
*** Extremadura (170)
*** Extremadura (170)
第77行: 第77行:
*** Rio de Oro (699)
*** Rio de Oro (699)
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''"The Spanish Civil War"'']] in 6 hours
* 新闻事件 [[News events 1#news.63|''"The Spanish Civil War"'']] 将在6小时内触发
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第87行: 第87行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.2
| event_id = spain.2
| event_name = Seek International Support?
| event_name = 寻求国际支持?
| event_text = The coup has not been a complete success, but Carlists, Falangists and the Confederation of the Autonomous Right have managed to mobilize a large part of the army to overthrow the Republic, which has too long allowed our proud Christian nation to fall apart into anarchy. The outcome is still uncertain, with the world watching with concern which side will emerge victorious.<br/><br/>We did not execute this coup by standing idly by, however, and neither should the world if it wants to crush the red threat. Other nations in the same process of restoring their national glory should be willing to come to our aid.
| event_text = “不出所料”,政变没有取得完全成功,但弗朗西斯科派、自由派、长枪党设法动员了大部分军队推翻共和国,长期以来,这个乳臭未干却行将就木的无耻共和国使我们这个理应值得自豪的天主教国家陷入接近无政府的乱局之中。结果仍然是不确定的,全世界都在关注哪一方会获胜。<br/><br/> 然而,我们并没有袖手旁观,发动这场政变,就是为了告诉世人,袖手旁观是不会阻止红色恐怖的。其他真正民主的、真正正义的国家理应在恢复国家荣誉的过程中也应该愿意来拉我们一把。
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Is ''originally'' {{flag|Spain}}
* '' 原来的'' {{ 国旗|Spain}}
* Has civil war
* 在内战中
| triggered only = (please describe trigger here)
| triggered only = (please describe trigger here)
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Let's request equipment and munitions.
| option_text = 让我们索取些装备吧
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Every nation gets the country event [[Spanish events#spain.4|''"Nationalist Spain Wants Our Help"'']] in 1 days if ''either'':
* 所有满足下列条件中的任意一个的国家将会在1天内收到事件 [[Spanish events#spain.4|''" 西班牙国寻求帮助"'']] :
** Is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯主义政权
** Is {{flag|Portugal}}
** {{ 国旗|Portugal}}
*** Is ''not'' {{icon|communism}} Communist
*** '' 不是'' {{icon|communism}} 共产主义
| option_text = Spain must be won with Spanish blood!
| option_text = 唯有且必须只能有西班牙人民的鲜血才能换来真理的胜利
| effect = * Gain {{icon|Political power}} {{green|+40}} Political power
| effect = * 获得 {{icon|Political power}} {{green|+40}} 政治点数
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第114行: 第114行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.3
| event_id = spain.3
| event_name = Seek International Support?
| event_name = 寻求国际支持?
| event_text = Reactionary and fascist forces in the military have sought to crush the Republic in one swift blow, but did not expect the resistance they met in major cities nor the rapid mobilization of workers' militias. Rather than a coup, they have started a war, war on progress and the future the Spanish people wanted.<br/><br/>Democratic and socialist nations alike voice support for the Republic, but few dare commit to direct involvement. We could ask them to support our endeavor, or the oppressors will come for their liberty and solidarity next.
| event_text = 军队中的反动和法西斯势力企图一下子粉碎共和国,但没有想到他们在大城市遇到的抵抗,也没有想到工人民兵的迅速动员。他们不是发动政变,而是发动了一场战争,一场关于什么是进步和西班牙人民究竟想要什么样的未来的战争。<br/><br/> 民主国家和社会主义国家都对共和国表示支持,但很少有国家敢直接影响战争。我们可以要求他们支持我们,否则压迫者有朝一日就会来试图剥夺他们现在所贪图的自由和团结。| trigger = * 在内战中
| trigger = * Has civil war
| triggered only = (please describe trigger here)
| triggered only = (please describe trigger here)
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = This is an international struggle to contain fascism!
| option_text = 这必然是一场反抗日益壮大的法西斯主义集团的国际斗争!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Every nation gets the country event [[Spanish events#spain.5|''"Republican Spain Wants Our Help"'']] in 1 days if ''either'':
* 任何满足下列条件中的任意一个或多个的国家将会在1天内收到事件 [[Spanish events#spain.5|''" 西班牙共和国寻求支持"'']] i':
** Is {{icon|communism}} Communist
** {{icon|communism}} 共产党执政
** Is {{flag|Mexico}}
** {{ 国旗|Mexico}} 墨西哥
*** Is ''not'' {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
*** 不是 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
| option_text = We will not become a puppet of degenerated workers' states!
| option_text = 我们不愿成为那些堕落工人国家的掌中之物
| effect = * Gain {{icon|Political power}} {{green|+40}} Political power
| effect = * 给予 {{icon|Political power}} {{green|+40}} 政治点数
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第139行: 第138行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.4
| event_id = spain.4
| event_name = Nationalist Spain Wants Our Help
| event_name = 西班牙国寻求支持
| event_text = The Spanish Civil War has become a sort of microcosm for our view of the global situation: Communists and liberals seek to destroy old values, and we take up arms to revive them. It is not surprising that the Nationalists in Spain have reached out to us and others to equip them for the coming conflict.
| event_text = 西班牙内战已经成为我们对全球形势看法的一个缩影:共产党人和自由主义者寻求摧毁旧价值观,而我们拿起武器重振它们。西班牙的法西斯主义者现在要求我们和其他国家伸出援手,来让他们为即将到来的冲突做好准备,这是必然的。
| trigger = * {{flag|Spain}} has civil war
| trigger = * {{ 国旗|Spain}} 在内战当中
| triggered only = * Spanish event [[Spanish events#spain.2|''"Seek International Support?"'']]
| triggered only = * Spanish event [[Spanish events#spain.2|''" 寻求国际支持?"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = We promise to send what we can.
| option_text = 我们将尽我们所能
| effect = * Set country flag ''promised_help_nationalist_spain''
| effect = * Set country flag '' 同意支持西班牙国''
| option_text = If they lack the strength to seize power, they do not deserve it.
| option_text = 既然夺权者连这点实力都没有,那他们以何掌权呢?
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第159行: 第158行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.5
| event_id = spain.5
| event_name = Republican Spain Wants Our Help
| event_name = 西班牙共和国寻求支持
| event_text = The attempt to overthrow the Second Spanish Republic is a clear signal that the fascists will not allow the flowers of progress to grow even where they naturally take root. The Republicans and their allies, a mix of democrats, communists and anarchists, have turned to us and other parts of the international community for help. Many nations who claim to defend democracy and liberty have withheld their support for fear of being dragged into the war. How do we respond?
| event_text = 推翻西班牙第二共和国的企图是一个明确的信号,即法西斯绝不会允许进步之花在它们目之所及的地方生长。共和党及其盟友,包括民主党人、共产主义者和无政府主义者,已经向美国和国际社会其他国家寻求一切可能的帮助。不少声称捍卫民主和自由的国家因害怕被卷入战争而不得不拒绝给予支持。我们怎么回应
| trigger = * {{flag|Spain}} has civil war
| trigger = * {{ 国旗|Spain}} 在内战中
| triggered only = * Spanish event [[Spanish events#spain.3|''"Seek International Support?"'']]
| triggered only = * Spanish event [[Spanish events#spain.3|''" 寻求国际帮助?"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Promise them to send arms and equipment.
| option_text = 答应他们送武器和装备。
| effect = * Set country flag ''promised_help_republican_spain''
| effect = * Set country flag '' 同意支持西班牙共和国''
| option_text = Sadly, we cannot afford to intervene.
| option_text = 这可不是我们分内的事
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第179行: 第178行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.6
| event_id = spain.6
| event_name = Nationalist Spain Appreciates our Help
| event_name = 西班牙国感谢我们的帮助
| event_text = Our lend-lease to Nationalist Spain has not gone unnoticed. Should they emerge victorious, we may find ourselves with a strong ally once Spain is rebuilt.
| event_text = 我们对民族主义西班牙的租借并没有被忽视。如果他们获胜,一旦西班牙重建,我们会发现自己将有一个强大的盟友。
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Country flag ''promised_help_nationalist_spain'' is set
* Country flag '' 同意支持西班牙国'' is set
* {{flag|Spain}} has civil war
* {{ 国旗|Spain}} 在内战中
* Is [[lend-lease|lend-leasing]] to a nation which is:
* Is [[lend-lease|lend-leasing]] to a nation which is:
** ''Originally'' {{flag|Spain}}
** '' 原来的'' {{ 国旗|Spain}}
** {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯主义政权
| mtth = * 2 days
| mtth = * 2 days
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Let us hope they contain the Red terror.
| option_text = 苟且希望红色恐怖可以因此停止吧
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Clear country flag ''promised_help_nationalist_spain''
* 清除民族精神 '' 同意支持西班牙国''
* A nation which is ''originally'' {{flag|Spain}} and is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
* '' 原来的'' {{ 国旗|Spain}} 存在 而且是作为 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯主义政权存在
** Gains opinion modifier towards ''Our Nation'':
** Gains opinion modifier towards ''Our Nation'':
*** {{opinion|lend_leased_spanish_civil_war}}
*** {{opinion|lend_leased_spanish_civil_war}}
第209行: 第208行:
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Country flag ''promised_help_republican_spain'' is set
* Country flag ''promised_help_republican_spain'' is set
* {{flag|Spain}} has civil war
* {{ 国旗|Spain}} 在内战中
* Is [[lend-lease|lend-leasing]] to {{flag|Spain}}
* Is [[lend-lease|lend-leasing]] to {{ 国旗|Spain}}
| mtth = * 2 days
| mtth = * 2 days
| options = 
| options = 
第217行: 第216行:
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Clear country flag ''promised_help_republican_spain''
* Clear country flag ''promised_help_republican_spain''
* {{flag|Spain}} gains opinion modifier towards ''Our Nation'':
* {{ 国旗|Spain}} gains opinion modifier towards ''Our Nation'':
** {{opinion|lend_leased_spanish_civil_war}}
** {{opinion|lend_leased_spanish_civil_war}}
第228行: 第227行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.8
| event_id = spain.8
| event_name = Madrid Reclaimed
| event_name = 收回马德里!
| event_text = The war is won. Madrid is ours again and we have opportunity to make the age old city the center of Spain once again. It has seen much battle and will require rebuilding. What better way to do this than making it our capital?
| event_text = 战争胜利了!马德里又是我们的!我们有机会让这座古老的城市再次成为西班牙的中心。它经历了许多战斗,需要重建。还有什么比把它继续成为我们的首都更好的办法呢?
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* 只可以触发一次
* Global flag ''nationalist_victory'' is set
* Global flag '' 种族主义的胜利'' is set
* Is ''originally'' {{flag|Spain}}
* '' 原来的'' {{ 国旗|Spain}}
** Is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯主义
** Owns the state Madrid (41)
** 拥有 Madrid (41)
| mtth = * 2 days
| mtth = * 2 days
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Move capital to Madrid.
| option_text = 把首都迁往马德里
| effect = * Set capital in the state Madrid (41)
| effect = * Set capital in the state Madrid (41)
第253行: 第252行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.9
| event_id = spain.9
| event_name = Spanish Election of 1936
| event_name = 1936 西班牙选举
| event_text = The Second Republic has proven to be a fragile existence. Manuel Azaña can be president with the backing of the Popular Front, a broad coalition of left-wing groups supported by republicans, communists and anarchists.<br/><br/>But the right-wing opposition, encompassing conservatives, monarchists and fascists, is also beginning to unite for the cause of bringing down the Popular Front. Whichever coalition falls apart, their opponents are likely to take advantage of their internal conflicts to launch a revolution. This election is not the final test Spain will have to endure to resolve this conflict.
| event_text = The Second Republic has proven to be a fragile existence. Manuel Azaña can be president with the backing of the Popular Front, a broad coalition of left-wing groups supported by republicans, communists and anarchists.<br/><br/>But the right-wing opposition, encompassing conservatives, monarchists and fascists, is also beginning to unite for the cause of bringing down the Popular Front. Whichever coalition falls apart, their opponents are likely to take advantage of their internal conflicts to launch a revolution. This election is not the final test Spain will have to endure to resolve this conflict.
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* 只可以触发一次
* Is {{flag|Spain}}
* {{ 国旗|Spain}}
* Date is before 1937.1.1
* 1937.1.1 以前
| triggered only = * On new term election
| triggered only = * On new term election
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Maintain the Popular Front.
| option_text = Maintain the Popular Front.
| effect = * Gain {{icon|communism}} '''+10%''' Communist party popularity
| effect = * Gain {{icon|communism}} '''+10%''' 共产主义支持度
| option_text = Unite the conservative groups under Falange.
| option_text = Unite the conservative groups under Falange.
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set country flag ''SPR_communist_civil_war''
* Set country flag '' 西班牙国与西班牙共和国的内战''
* Set ruling party to {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
* 执政党将为 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第279行: 第278行:
| version = 1.4
| version = 1.4
| event_id = spain.10
| event_id = spain.10
| event_name = Civil War!
| event_name = 西班牙内战!
| event_text = After the peaceful election of General Francisco Franco as president of Spain, there was hope that recent years violent uprisings and political turmoil would be put to an end. Rumors that Franco would attempt to create a one-party dictatorship with himself as chief of state has been fueled by the sudden disappearances of several opposition leaders.<br/><br/>After a swift trial, Carabineros officer José Galánfor was convicted of treason and his public execution followed shortly after. Though it was meant as a move to stamp out any will to resist the rise of Nationalist Spain it had the opposite effect. Leftist volunteers and even a group of generals have flocked to the banners of the newly formed People's Army, ready to support the fight against the oppressive Nationalists. Though most are poorly trained, they have managed to capture several key cities in the chaos that ensued the uprising.<br/><br/>The battle-lines have been drawn - which faction should we support?
| event_text = 
在弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥将军和平当选西班牙总统后。人们曾侥幸地希望近年来第二共和国共和国暴政期间的暴力起义和政治动荡能够得到结束。但是几位反对党领袖的突然失踪,使得人们不得不不排除弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥正在试图建立一个以自己为国家元首的一党专政的可能性。<br/><br/> 在一次草率的快速审讯中,武警警官 José Galánfor 被判叛国罪, 而且她将在不久之后被公开处刑。 尽管这是为了消除那些抵制民族主义在西班牙迅速崛起的意愿,但显然产生了与意相违的效果。 左派志愿者,甚至有一批拥护民主主义的将领都蜂拥到新组建的人民战线的旗帜前,准备支持与压迫民族主义者的斗争。尽管大多数人都没有受过良好的训练,但在起义之后的混乱中,他们还是成功地占领了几个关键城市。<br/><br/> 战线已经划定,我们将加入哪方呢?
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Can fire only once
* 只可以触发一次
* Global flag ''scw_over'' is not set
* Global flag ''scw_over'' is not set
* Country flag ''SPR_communist_civil_war'' is set
* 民族精神 '' 西班牙国与西班牙共和国的内战'' 存在
* Is ''not'' defender in a war
* '' 不是'' 任何战争中的防御方
* Date is after 1936.2.16
* 1936.2.16
| mtth = * 151 days
| mtth = * 151
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = The Nationalists!
| option_text = 民族主义万岁!| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag '' 西班牙内战''
* Set global flag ''spanish_civil_war''
* 开始与西班牙党派 {{icon|communism}} 共产党 ({{red|50%}} size) 之间的内战
* Start civil war against {{icon|communism}} Communist party ({{red|50%}} size)
* '' 我们国家'' is set as follows:
* ''Our Nation'' is set as follows:
** 将首都定为卡斯蒂利亚(Castille) (176)
** Capital in the state Castille (176)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** 目前执政党是 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
** {{icon|fascism}} '''+100%''' Fascist party popularity
** {{icon|fascism}} '''+100%''' 法西斯主义的支持度
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
** Capital is in the state Madrid (41)
** 将首都定为马德里(Madrid) (41)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''80%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''80%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|communism}} Communist
** 执政党将是 {{icon|communism}} 共产党
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' Democratic party popularity
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' Democratic party popularity
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
*** Madrid (41)
*** 马德(Madrid) (41)
*** Catalonia (165)
*** 加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia) (165)
*** Valencia (167)
*** 瓦伦西亚(Valencia) (167)
*** Murcia (168)
*** 穆尔西亚(Murcia) (168)
*** Navarre (172)
*** 那瓦尔(Navarre) (172)
*** Granada (173)
*** 格拉纳达(Granada) (173)
*** La Mancha (175)
*** 拉芒查(La Mancha) (175)
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''"The Spanish Civil War"'']] in 6 hours
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''" 西班牙内战"'']] in 6 hours
| option_text = The People's Army!
| option_text = 人民战线!
| effect = 
| effect = 
* Set global flag ''spanish_civil_war''
* Set global flag '' 西班牙内战''
* Start civil war against {{icon|fascism}} Fascist party ({{red|50%}} size)
* 开始与西班牙党派 {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党 ({{red|50%}} size)
* ''Our Nation'' is set as follows:
* '' 我们国家'' is set as follows:
** {{icon|national unity}} '''80%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''80%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|communism}} Communist
** 目前执政党是 {{icon|communism}} 共产党
** {{icon|communism}} '''+100%''' Communist party popularity
** {{icon|communism}} '''+100%''' 共产主义支持度
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' Democratic party popularity
** {{icon|democracy}} '''+35%''' 民主主义支持度
** {{icon|fascism}} '''–100%''' Fascist party popularity
** {{icon|fascism}} '''–100%''' 法西斯主义支持度
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
* Splinter nation is set as follows:
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** Capital is in the state Castille (176)
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' National unity
** {{icon|national unity}} '''90%''' 民族团结
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** {{icon|equipment}} {{red|70%}} Equipment fraction
** Ruling party is {{icon|fascism}} Fascist
** Ruling party is {{icon|fascism}} 法西斯党
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
** Owns the following states: {{MultiColumn|
*** Aragon (166)
*** 阿拉贡(Aragon) (166)
*** Andalusia (169)
*** Andalusia (169)
*** Extremadura (170)
*** Extremadura (170)
第343行: 第342行:
*** Balearic Islands (177)
*** Balearic Islands (177)
*** Canary islands (178)
*** Canary islands (178)
*** Spanish Africa (290)
*** 西班牙属非洲(Spanish Africa) (290)
*** Equatorial Guinea (297)
*** Equatorial Guinea (297)
*** Rio de Oro (699)
*** 里约热内卢地区(Rio de Oro) (699)
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''"The Spanish Civil War"'']] in 6 hours
* Trigger news event [[News events 1#news.63|''" 西班牙内战"'']] in 6 hours
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第355行: 第354行:
{{end box wrapper}}
{{end box wrapper}}

[[ 分类:Events]]

2022年12月6日 (二) 10:48的最新版本

这里是关于 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 的事件 (来自 /Hearts of Iron IV/events/Spain.txt).






  • 仅可触发一次
  • Global flag scw_over is not set
  • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙
  • 不是 法西斯主义 法西斯主义
  • 不是 战争中的防守方
  • 在 1936.2.16 后
  • 151 天

Event button.png
The Nationalists!
  • Set global flag 西班牙内战
  • 开始与 共产主义 共产党 (50% size) 的内战
  • 我们国家 将有以下变动:
    • Capital in the state Castille (176)
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • Equipment 50% 装备
    • 将执政党设置为 法西斯主义 法西斯党
    • 法西斯主义 +100% 法西斯党支持度
  • 被分裂的地区将会有以下变动
    • 首都在马德里州 (41)
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • Equipment 50% Equipment fraction
    • 执政党是 共产主义 共产党
    • 民主主义 +35% 民主党支持度
    • 将拥有以下地区:
      • 马德(Madrid) (41)
      • 加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia) (165)
      • 瓦伦西亚(Valencia) (167)
      • 穆尔西亚(Murcia) (168)
      • 那瓦尔(Navarre) (172)
      • 格拉纳达(Granada) (173)
      • 拉芒查(La Mancha) (175)
Event button.png
  • Set global flag 西班牙内战
  • 开始与 法西斯主义 法西斯党 (50% size) 的战争
  • 我们国家 将会有以下变动:
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • Equipment 50% Equipment fraction
    • 执政党是 共产主义 共产党
    • 共产主义 +50% 共产党支持度
    • 法西斯主义 –100% 法西斯党支持度
  • 被分裂的地区将会有以下变动:
    • Capital is in the state Castille (176)
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • 保留Equipment 50% 装备
    • 执政党将会是 法西斯主义 法西斯党
    • 将拥有以下地区:
      • 阿拉贡 (166)
      • Andalusia (169)
      • Extremadura (170)
      • Galicia (171)
      • Leon (174)
      • Castille (176)
      • Balearic Islands (177)
      • Canary islands (178)
      • Spanish Africa (290)
      • Equatorial Guinea (297)
      • Rio de Oro (699)





触发条件 只触发于

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
Event button.png
  • 获得 政治点数 +40 政治点数





  • 在内战中

(please describe trigger here)

Event button.png
Event button.png
  • 给予 政治点数 +40 政治点数




触发条件 只触发于

Event button.png
  • Set country flag 同意支持西班牙国
Event button.png
  • None




触发条件 只触发于

Event button.png
  • Set country flag 同意支持西班牙共和国
Event button.png
  • None




  • Country flag 同意支持西班牙国 is set
  • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 在内战中
  • Is lend-leasing to a nation which is:
    • 原来的 西班牙的国旗 西班牙
    • 法西斯主义 法西斯主义政权
  • 2 days

Event button.png
  • 清除民族精神 同意支持西班牙国
  • 原来的 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 存在 而且是作为 法西斯主义 法西斯主义政权存在
    • Gains opinion modifier towards Our Nation:
      • Aided in Spanish Civil WarOpinion.png 关系 +15


Republican Spain Appreciates our Help

Our lend-lease to Republican Spain has not gone unnoticed. If the Republic is restored, we can trust they will support our continued efforts to rid the world of fascist scum.

触发条件 平均触发时间
  • 2 days

Event button.png
Long live the Republic!
  • Clear country flag promised_help_republican_spain
  • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 gains opinion modifier towards Our Nation:
    • Aided in Spanish Civil WarOpinion.png 关系 +15




  • 只可以触发一次
  • Global flag 种族主义的胜利 is set
  • 原来的 西班牙的国旗 西班牙
    • 法西斯主义 法西斯主义
    • 拥有 Madrid (41)
  • 2 days

Event button.png
  • Set capital in the state Madrid (41)
Event button.png
Keep current location.
  • None



The Second Republic has proven to be a fragile existence. Manuel Azaña can be president with the backing of the Popular Front, a broad coalition of left-wing groups supported by republicans, communists and anarchists.

But the right-wing opposition, encompassing conservatives, monarchists and fascists, is also beginning to unite for the cause of bringing down the Popular Front. Whichever coalition falls apart, their opponents are likely to take advantage of their internal conflicts to launch a revolution. This election is not the final test Spain will have to endure to resolve this conflict.

  • 只可以触发一次
  • 西班牙的国旗 西班牙
  • 在 1937.1.1 以前
  • On new term election

Event button.png
Maintain the Popular Front.
  • Gain 共产主义 +10% 共产主义支持度
Event button.png
Unite the conservative groups under Falange.
  • Set country flag 西班牙国与西班牙共和国的内战
  • 执政党将为 法西斯主义 法西斯党




在一次草率的快速审讯中,武警警官 José Galánfor 被判叛国罪, 而且她将在不久之后被公开处刑。 尽管这是为了消除那些抵制民族主义在西班牙迅速崛起的意愿,但显然产生了与意相违的效果。 左派志愿者,甚至有一批拥护民主主义的将领都蜂拥到新组建的人民战线的旗帜前,准备支持与压迫民族主义者的斗争。尽管大多数人都没有受过良好的训练,但在起义之后的混乱中,他们还是成功地占领了几个关键城市。


  • 只可以触发一次
  • Global flag scw_over is not set
  • 民族精神 西班牙国与西班牙共和国的内战 存在
  • 不是 任何战争中的防御方
  • 在 1936.2.16 后
  • 151 天

Event button.png
  • Set global flag 西班牙内战
  • 开始与西班牙党派 共产主义 共产党 (50% size) 之间的内战
  • 我们国家 is set as follows:
    • 将首都定为卡斯蒂利亚(Castille) (176)
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • Equipment 70% Equipment fraction
    • 目前执政党是 法西斯主义 法西斯党
    • 法西斯主义 +100% 法西斯主义的支持度
  • Splinter nation is set as follows:
    • 将首都定为马德里(Madrid) (41)
    • National unity 80% 民族团结
    • Equipment 70% Equipment fraction
    • 执政党将是 共产主义 共产党
    • 民主主义 +35% Democratic party popularity
    • Owns the following states:
      • 马德(Madrid) (41)
      • 加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia) (165)
      • 瓦伦西亚(Valencia) (167)
      • 穆尔西亚(Murcia) (168)
      • 那瓦尔(Navarre) (172)
      • 格拉纳达(Granada) (173)
      • 拉芒查(La Mancha) (175)
Event button.png
  • Set global flag 西班牙内战
  • 开始与西班牙党派 法西斯主义 法西斯党 (50% size)
  • 我们国家 is set as follows:
    • National unity 80% 民族团结
    • Equipment 70% Equipment fraction
    • 目前执政党是 共产主义 共产党
    • 共产主义 +100% 共产主义支持度
    • 民主主义 +35% 民主主义支持度
    • 法西斯主义 –100% 法西斯主义支持度
  • Splinter nation is set as follows:
    • Capital is in the state Castille (176)
    • National unity 90% 民族团结
    • Equipment 70% Equipment fraction
    • Ruling party is 法西斯主义 法西斯党
    • Owns the following states:
      • 阿拉贡(Aragon) (166)
      • Andalusia (169)
      • Extremadura (170)
      • Galicia (171)
      • Leon (174)
      • Castille (176)
      • Balearic Islands (177)
      • Canary islands (178)
      • 西班牙属非洲(Spanish Africa) (290)
      • Equatorial Guinea (297)
      • 里约热内卢地区(Rio de Oro) (699)