
(傻狗本狗~移动页面New Zealand events新西兰事件
第1行: 第1行:
This is a list of all {{flag|New Zealand}}'s events (from {{path|events/TFV_New_Zealand.txt}}).
以下是{{flag|New Zealand}} 的全部事件列 ( 来自 {{path|events/TFV_New_Zealand.txt}}).

第10行: 第10行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.1
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.1
| event_name = [From.GetNameDef] Requests Membership in the Comintern
| event_name = [From.GetNameDefCap] 要求成为共产国际的会员
| event_text = The revolution has succeeded in [From.GetNameDef]! A new communist government has taken charge in the country and seeks membership in the Comintern.
| event_text = T革命已经在[From.GetNameDef] 成功了!一个新的共产主义政府已经接管了国家并试图成为共产国际的会员。
| triggered only = * New Zealand focus [[File:goal_generic_alliance.png|28px]] [[National focus#New Zealand|''"Join Comintern"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰国策 [[File:goal_generic_alliance.png|28px]] [[National focus#New Zealand|''" 加入共产国际"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Everyone is welcome to join the struggle.
| option_text = 我们欢迎任何人加入到我们的斗争当中。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* {{flag|New Zealand}} joins the faction
* {{flag|New Zealand}} 加入阵营
* {{flag|New Zealand}} gets the country event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.2|''"Comintern Membership approved"'']] in 6 hours
* {{flag|New Zealand}} 在6小时后触发国家事件 [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.2|''" 共产国际批准申请"'']]
| option_text = Accepting them would only open us up to possible conflict in a distant area.
| option_text = 接受他们可能只会让我们在遥远的地区发生冲突。
| effect = * {{flag|New Zealand}} gets the country event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.3|''"Comintern Membership denied"'']] in 6 hours
| effect = * {{flag|New Zealand}} 在6小时后触发国家事件 [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.3|''" 共产国际拒绝申请"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第32行: 第32行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.2
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.2
| event_name = Comintern Membership approved
| event_name = 共产国际批准申请
| event_text = After careful consideration, the Central Committee of the Comintern has approved our request for membership.
| event_text = 经过仔细考虑后,共产国际中央委员会已经批准了我们的会员申请。
| triggered only = * New Zealand event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.1|''"[From.GetNameDef] Requests Membership in the Comintern"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰事件[[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.1|''"[From.GetNameDefCap] 要求成为共产国际的会员"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = [ROOT.GetNameDef] and [From.GetFactionName] will march side by side!
| option_text = [Root.GetNameDefCap] [From.GetFactionName] 将会并肩作战!
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第47行: 第46行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.3
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.3
| event_name = Comintern Membership denied
| event_name = 共产国际拒绝申请
| event_text = Our delegation had to endure a long lecture by the Chairman of the Comintern, explaining that a country as small as ours can not possibly be the kind of developed industrial nation that could produce a communist revolution. We are, apparently, something else. In any event, we can not be part of the Comintern.
| event_text = 我们的代表团不得不忍受共产国际主席的长篇大论,他们指出我们这么小的国家是不可能像发达工业国家那样产生共产主义革命的。我们……显然……被排除在外了。在任何情况下,我们都不会成为共产国际的一部分。
| triggered only = * New Zealand event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.1|''"[From.GetNameDef] Requests Membership in the Comintern"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰事件[[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.1|''"[From.GetNameDefCap] 要求成为共产国际的会员"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Perhaps they are the ones mistaken?
| option_text = 或许是他们弄错了?
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第62行: 第61行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.4
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.4
| event_name = [From.GetNameDef] wants to join our cause
| event_name = [From.GetNameDefCap] 想加入我们的事业
| event_text = Seeing the might of our invincible armies, the government of [NZL.GetName] has decided that they would rather be on our side of the conflict. The question is whether we should allow them.
| event_text = 看到了我们不可战胜的军队之后,[NZL.GetName] 政府决定在冲突之中站到我们这边来。现在的问题是我们是否应该答应他们。
| triggered only = * New Zealand focus [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|28px]] [[National focus#New Zealand|''"Befriend Japan"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰国策 [[File:goal_generic_improve_relations.png|28px]] [[National focus#New Zealand|''" 对日友好"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = As long as they know their place.
| option_text = 只要他们能摆明白自己的位置。
| effect = 
| effect = 
* If ''not'' in a faction
* 如果 '' 不在'' 一个阵营中
** Create faction ''Daitoa Kyoeiken''
** 创建阵营 '' 大东亚共荣圈''
* {{flag|New Zealand}} joins the faction
* {{flag|New Zealand}} 加入阵营
* {{flag|New Zealand}} gets the country event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.5|''"Japan approves"'']] in 6 hours
* {{flag|New Zealand}} 在6小时后触发国家事件 [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.5|''" 日本同意联盟"'']]
| option_text = Why take by diplomacy what you can take by war?
| option_text = 能够通过战争解决的问题何必使用外交手段?
| effect = * {{flag|New Zealand}} gets the country event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.6|''"Japan refuses alliance"'']] in 6 hours
| effect = * {{flag|New Zealand}} 在6小时后触发国家事件 [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.6|''" 日本拒绝联盟"'']]
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第86行: 第85行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.5
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.5
| event_name = Japan approves
| event_name = 日本同意联盟
| event_text = Our request for an alliance with Japan has been approved.
| event_text = 我们同日本结盟的请求已获得批准。
| triggered only = * New Zealand event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.4|''"[From.GetNameDef] wants to join our cause"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰事件[[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.4|''"[From.GetNameDefCap] 想加入我们的事业"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = This will keep us safe.
| option_text = 这将保障我们的安全。
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第101行: 第100行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.6
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.6
| event_name = Japan refuses alliance
| event_name = 日本拒绝联盟
| event_text = The [JAP.GetAdjective] government has not even bothered to give us an official response to our request. Rumor has it that it is actually considered a source of great hilarity in [JAP.GetAdjective] government circles.
| event_text = [JAP.GetAdjective] 政府甚至懒得向我们提出正式的回复。有传言称,在[JAP.GetAdjective] 政府里,人们把我们当成一个笑话。
| triggered only = * New Zealand event [[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.4|''"[From.GetNameDef] wants to join our cause"'']]
| triggered only = * 新西兰事件[[New Zealand events#tfv_new_zealand.4|''"[From.GetNameDefCap] 想加入我们的事业"'']]
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = Rude.
| option_text = 无礼。
| collapse = no
| collapse = no
第115行: 第114行:
| version = 1.8
| version = 1.8
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.7
| event_id = tfv_new_zealand.7
| event_name = Michael Joseph Savage Dies
| event_name = 迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨维奇去世了
| event_text = In a tragic turn of events, the much beloved Prime Minister of New Zealand, Michael Joseph Savage, has passed away from cancer. The whole country mourns the man who many credit with founding New Zealand's welfare system. History will remember his courage and his kindness to those around him.
| event_text = 在事态的悲剧性转折中,深受爱戴的新西兰首相,迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨维奇,因癌症去世了。全国上下都在悼念这位建立了新西兰福利制度的人。历史将铭记他的勇敢与他对周围人的善良。
| mtth = 7 days
| mtth = 7
| trigger = 
| trigger = 
* Original country is New Zealand
* 原始国家是新西兰
* Current ruling party is {{icon|democratic|1}}
* 现任执政党是 {{icon|democratic|1}}
* After March 27, 1940
* 在1940.3.27 之后
* '''Michael Joseph Savage''' is the current country leader
* ''' 迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨维奇''' 是现任国家领袖
| options = 
| options = 
| option_text = He will be missed.
| option_text = 我们会怀念他的。
| effect = * '''Peter Fraser''' becomes leader for the {{icon|democratic|1}} party.
| effect = * ''' 彼得·弗雷泽''' 成为{{icon|democratic|1}} 党派的领袖
| collapse = no
| collapse = no

2021年8月1日 (日) 12:41的版本

以下是新西兰的国旗 新西兰的全部事件列 (来自 /Hearts of Iron IV/events/TFV_New_Zealand.txt).




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png

{{Event | version = 1.8 | event_id = tfv_new_zealand.2 | event_name = 共产国际批准申请 | event_text = 经过仔细考虑后,共产国际中央委员会已经批准了我们的会员申请。 | triggered only = * 新西兰事件"[From.GetNameDefCap]要求成为共产国际的会员" | options =

Event button.png
  • None




  • None

Event button.png
  • None




  • None

Event button.png
Event button.png




  • None

Event button.png
  • None




  • None

Event button.png
  • None




  • 原始国家是新西兰
  • 现任执政党是 民主主义民主主义
  • 在1940.3.27之后
  • 迈克尔·约瑟夫·萨维奇是现任国家领袖

7 天

Event button.png