查看“1.10.X 版本”的源代码
1.10.X 版本
{{Version column}} '''1.10.X 版本'''意为所有以1.10. 开头的版本。 == 1.10 == {{main|1.10 版本}} == 1.10.2 == 1.10.2 版本发布于2020-11-12 。<ref>Forum, [[forum:1441872|Update 1.10.2 Live - Checksum f82d]], 2020-11-12.</ref>校验值为 ''f82d''。 === 特性 === * 为保加利亚添加''外国舰艇设计师'',为苏联添加购买舰艇的决议。 * 国策''换装现代设备''会让工业研究中的现代设备研究获得加成。 * 共产主义保加利亚获得了新的军事顾问。 * 如果环节派政变事件链已被激活,大部分与环节派相关的内部派系决议都会在政变事件计时器上增加相应的天数。 * 蒂姆·巴克现在拥有独特的肖像。 * 国策''换装现代设备'', ''追随斯大林主义'', ''巴尔干社会主义共和国联邦'', ''巴尔干邦联'', ''加入同盟国'', ''巴尔干的命运'', ''签署三国同盟条约''所需时间为35天。 * 将祖国阵线的建立与内战推迟。 * 意大利添加军备制造商。将意大利可怜的装甲制造商特性替换为一个更好的保加利亚国外版本。海军制造商现在由''海军合作协议''决议解锁,完成国策''黑海舰队''后该决议可用。 * 重新调整了土耳其和希腊1939年的部队历史文件以增加空军及土耳其坦克师,增加了专属的希腊和土耳其飞机名称。 === 平衡 === * 完成国策“西班牙政变”所需的时间减少到35天,以匹配共产主义路线的平行国策。 * 成就“芬烂他”现在与预期更加一致。玩家现在需要在扮演芬兰的同时掌握莫斯科,在让苏联投降时至少有15%的参战率,且与苏联不在同一阵营中。 * 在土耳其工业分支国策末尾增加第五个科研槽。 * 将土耳其的整个国策树完成时间全面减少175天,并为每条路线额外减少35天或70天,将武装部队的决议转移到更容易获得的位置。为安抚库尔德人的决议增加了更多的玩家代理权,使他们不会感觉绝望。将上述决议的成本从政治权力换成了指挥权力,增加了土耳其激进分子正当化自己的战争的动机,减少土耳其高级指挥官中天才的数量,重新平衡了克洛迪乌斯,大大降低了获得多达6个军工厂的几率。 * 整合派系和毁灭派系的决议不再增加/削减任何意识形态支持率。 * 国策“国立军事学院”现在为35天的国策。 * 国策“保加利亚人民共和国”、“立法选举”与“罢黜沙皇”所需意识形态支持率由50%改为40%。 * 民族精神“民主反对党抵制”的政治点数惩罚从50%减少到25%。该民族精神将和其他通用的意识形态民族精神一样,被调整为时限性的民族精神。 * 民族精神“民主反对党抵制”的政治点数惩罚从25%减少到20%。 * 国策“保加利亚人民共和国”不再要求农民联盟的忠诚度。国策“立法选举”不再要求广泛派社会主义的忠诚度。 * 国策“西班牙的抗争”与“支持西班牙政变”不再有人力要求。 * 所有保加利亚事件造成的世界紧张度从5减少到1。 * 保加利亚国策“谴责马其顿革命组织”减少的世界紧张度从5减少至1。 * 德国步兵装备的生产所需略有增加。 * 国策“粉碎共产主义者”现在为35天国策。 === 性能与稳定性 === * 修复了特工在执行控制贸易任务时加载存档导致的闪退问题。 * 修复了在独立后鼠标悬停,出现自动提醒信息时导致的闪退问题。 * 修复了吞并有导弹发射站国家时出现的闪退问题。 === AI === * 非历史路线模式下,AI现在更有可能迎回德皇(需要唤醒勇虎WTT)。 * 保加利亚AI战略调整,它主要进行内部事务、建设内政和改善关系的相关国策阶段会延长一年。 * 改善AI,让保加利亚更早加入战争。 * 改进“阿尔巴尼亚最后通牒”的AI占比权重,现在有更多因素会影响阿尔巴尼亚的决定。 === UI === * 补全了hoi4_24header.fnt中遗失的字体,以便完整支持土耳其字母。 === 模组 === * 为国策添加 bypass_if_unavailable = yes 选项。 * 为决议类型的on_map_area添加了省份高亮。 * 为本应在{}中却错误的触发/效果添加了报错日志。 * on_research_complete中的限制已弃用,改用其外的on_research_complete_limit。 * 添加了能够移除对某国的特定类型战争目标的效果。 * 添加了 Is_leading_volunteer_group 触发器。 * 添加了 party_popularity_100 变量,此为 party_popularity 变体,将原先的数值乘以100,以便让编码在党派支持度上可以具体调整。 * 添加了 is_leading_volunteer_group_with_original_country 触发器。 * Add is_leading_volunteer_group_with_original_country trigger * 给 start_civil_war 效果添加了可选参数keep_political_leader,以此控制党派领袖是否会作为政变方的领导人加入其中。 === 音效 === * 为保加利亚轻型飞机和重型飞机添加了音效(再利用并重命名了中型飞机的音频)。 * 确定了飞机的混音效果。 === 错误修复 === * Yugoslavian communist coup targets will automatically join Yugoslavia's faction if the original tag is at war * this prevents the target from joining other factions due to common enemies. * game rules interface now follows the database order while listing game rules * Bulgarian Military Cooperation Agreements decisions can no longer be activated if there is another decision of this type already ongoing. * Bulgarian Aircraft Agreements decisions can no longer be activated if there is another decision of this type already ongoing. * Removed minimum loyalty requirement for Fund Faction decisions, which could lead to blocking the player from interacting any more with the factions, due to loyalty being modified by events/focuses after having legalized a faction. * Fixed the editor crashing on start due to the limit of the number of texture * Tooltip about Yugoslavia signing the Tripartite Pact is now more clear. * Changed the localization for Yugoslavia in the Gathering Storm to correctly refer to the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes * Yugoslavia should no longer lose national spirits on a civil war * Late-stage peasant councils are no longer temporary * Fixed Bulgarian generals Hadzhipetkov and Boydev disappearing in January 4th 1936. * Yugoslavia can no longer gain cores on the entirety of Europe * Fixed 3 instances of the Regency council created with a wrong sub-ideology, leading to the Regency Council being added to the wrong ideology. * The "One Nation under Atatürk" achievement will no longer be given for just starting the game under certain circumstances. Already awarded achievements will be kept. * Spanish Falangist AI strategy path will now pick "Sin Paquito" focus, and follow down the expected Falangist branch * Bulgaria on the Three Seas focus will now take 70 days to complete. * Fixed missing localization from Romania dividing Yugoslavia * Romania will now be informed that their focus enables them to divide Yugoslavia * Dividing Yugoslavia now uses the proper icons * Losing an airfield will properly evacuate planes again, if possible * Yugoslavian industry focuses will now improve member states instead of Serbian states where possible. * Removes mutual exclusivity for King Michael's Coup and relocated it under Force Abdication * Romania can no longer change sides to a country of the same ideology as their current faction (cannot jump from Axis to Co-Prosperity Sphere, Little Entente to Allies, etc.) * fixed incorrect airplane models are being displayed on map when a country has a cosmetic tag that had plane models * fixed bad romeance achievement not firing correctly * the Byzanthine namelists are now available for Byzantium in the BFTB version (still available for WTT Byzantium) * Improved triggers to fix certain cases where Bulgaria could not access Foreign Agreements and Purchase Foreign Equipment decisions. * Yugoslavia will now complete granting its subjects independence on the Devolution strategy plan * States with Pre-Arranged Bulgarian Territorial Expansion state modifier will no longer be transferred to Bulgaria if the owner has a core on those states. * Decision Pressure to Lift Arms Restrictions will no longer be available until after the players has failed on negotiating Bulgarian rearmament or has completed focus Support Macedonian Organizations. * Player can no longer get Bulgarian Army national spirit via National Military Academy, after having completed Prussia of the Balkans (which provides a national spirit that replaces Bulgarian Army). * Kurdish state decisions will no longer be visible if Kurdistan is a puppet of Turkey or anybody else, integrate decisions have been split up to give player more agency and reduce potential edge-cases * Removed AI weight towards garrisoning in Bulgarian AI strategy, so that it no longer prioritizes garrisoning cities instead of defending its borders during a war. * Zveno coup can now be properly stopped by either destroying/integrating the Zveno, completing focus Fatherland Front or having the Fatherland Front formed and working against the player. * Leaders are now properly assigned to each side. No more zombie Boris coming back from the grave, no more country leaders mysteriously disappearing from the original tag. * Cleaned-up ultra-messy tooltip for Impending Zveno Coup decision. Now it is short and easy to read. * Kimon Georgiev will remain in original Bulgaria if he has been appointed as an advisor or country leader before the civil war starts * Several focuses in the Bulgarian FT are now locked if Bulgaria is a puppet. Note that puppet Bulgaria can still complete the focuses to "approach" a country, but will not be able to progress any further in the branch. * Germany now has a new infantry model after bringing back the Kaiser (WTT only) * fixed some startup errors regarding Camels for people without BFTB and Pikelhauben for people without WTT * Fixed Bulgaria not able to send volunteers to the Spanish civil war without La Resistance active. * The decision chain to Cooperate with IMRO no longer gets blocked if the player controls all Macedonian states. * Boris can no longer die after having been removed as a political leader. * Fixed achievement Balkan Problem Solved being unlocked by just completing focus The Unification of the Balkans and getting cores in the Balkans. Now it will require Bulgaria to actually control those cores. * Yugoslavia will no longer be informed that they have married themselves. * Fixed national spirit Balkan Federation Project Propaganda instantly disappearing if the country targeted is in faction with Bulgaria. * The event triggered by Carry the Revolution Abroad focus, which invites communist nations to Bulgaria's faction, now triggers the appropriate event back to Bulgaria if the country refuses the invitation. * Fixed misleading tooltip in Carry the Revolution Abroad description. * The state modifier Skirmishes against the IMRO will be removed from Macedonia, Central Macedonia and Thrace, if active, when any of these states fall under Bulgarian control. * Fixed a few edge cases in which the decision chain to destroy a faction could get blocked forever. * Romania will no longer be able to divide Yugoslavia if they are a puppet * Divide Yugoslavia focus will now give a wargoal if Yugoslavia is already a puppet * Nations being invited to divide Yugoslavia will now be given a tooltip informing them of the decision to make claims * Divide Yugoslavia will now bypass if Yugoslavia either does not exist or is already a Romanian puppet * Yugoslavia will no longer be able to be divided if it has already been divided * Divide Yugoslavia no longer has missing localization * Fixed Portuguese focus Arsenal do Alfeite not providing any naval bases as promised in its tooltip. * Germany will now get a wargoal on Yugoslavia if Prince Paul is deposed. * French Basque Country now has a slot for an airport * Prussia of the Balkans no longer weakens new generals and admirals by providing +2 LVL. Instead, it now grants +1 Attack and Defense to generals and admirals. * Both sides of the Yugoslavia civil war should now keep the appropriate national spirits. * French Basque Country airport is now in the correct province. * The Soviets claiming the straits will now add a claim on Istanbul * Ultimatum to Greece as the Soviet Union will now require owning Istanbul * fixed an issue where the Collaborative Civil Works focus for Turkey instantly bypassed * siding with the EEE in the Greek Civil War will now actually start a civil war * fixed broken meta_effect & meta_trigger * the Greek debt to the IFC decision category should no longer disappear completely for a month when making a large payment * Added custom+historical Greek and Turkish tank names, added historical+custom Turkish jet names, and added interwar bombers for Turkey as a starting tech * Bulgarian wargoals on its puppets are now removed after subjugating them via Fate of The Balkans decisions. * Support the Spanish Coup will now promote a general who actually fought in the SCW when the civil war ends. * Decision "Prepare Bulgarian occupation" now also adds a positive state modifier to Bulgarian-occupied Macedonian states. * Form Greater Greece" decision now correctly grants core on Istanbul/Constantinople == 1.10.3 == 1.10.3 版本发布于 2020-11-26。<ref>Forum, [[forum:1444595|Update 1.10.3 Live - Checksum aa89]], 2020-11-26.</ref> 校验码为 ''aa89''. === 性能与稳定性 === * 修复了与macOS 11.0 (Big Sur)的兼容性问题。 == 1.10.4 == 1.10.4 版本发布于 2021-02-03<ref>Forum, [[forum:1454985|Update 1.10.4 Live - Checksum 8878]], 2021-02-03.</ref> 校验码为 ''8878''. === 性能与稳定性 === * 修复了用户可以绕过大厅密码的安全漏洞。 * 添加额外检查,防止空白用户名可以加入游戏客户端。 * 修复网络漏洞,防止非房主玩家踢/禁止其它玩家。 == 1.10.5 == 1.10.5 版本发布于 2021-04-15<ref>Forum, [[forum:1467129|Update 1.10.5 Live - Checksum 502a]], 2021-04-15.</ref> 校验码为 ''502a''. === 性能与稳定性 === * 修复网络漏洞,防止非房主玩家踢/禁止其它玩家。 * 修正了多人游戏大厅在连接到服务器时不能正确报告版本不匹配的问题。 == 引用 == <references /> [[分类:Patches]]
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1.10.X 版本