





瑞典的国旗 瑞典(Sweden),是斯堪的那维亚的一个非主要国家。其西部和北部与 挪威的国旗 挪威接壤,东部与 芬兰的国旗 芬兰接壤,西南与 丹麦的国旗 丹麦隔海相望。尽管瑞典拥有丰富的战略资源,但它仍然受到人民追求中立的限制,因此大部分时间都可以用来观看即将到来的第二次世界大战风暴。


瑞典位于北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛上,它主要由南部的平原,西北的丘​​陵和山脉以及东北的森林所组成。瑞典的大部分土地都被茂密的森林所覆盖,许多大河从斯堪的纳维亚山脉穿过这片土地。斯堪的纳维亚山脉位着瑞典的西面,是瑞典与邻国 挪威的国旗 挪威之间的天然边界。在最北端的托尔纳河(挪威称托儿尼奥河)和穆奥尼奥河,是瑞典和 芬兰的国旗 芬兰之间的天然边界。瑞典还与南部的 丹麦的国旗 丹麦相邻。




但是瑞典确允许载有德国士兵和补给品的火车通过该国同时到达 芬兰的国旗 芬兰挪威的国旗 挪威(即所谓的“游客”身份),以避免与 德意志国的国旗 德意志国交战。瑞典还是 德意志国的国旗 德意志国的最大铁矿石供应国,经常被认为是瑞典在二战中成功实现中立的潜在原因,所提供的金属约占德国供应量的58%,占英国供应量的31%。

瑞典政府同时也允许英国进入其领土,以确保通过德国海军封锁线运送战略资源。瑞典在1940年6月的短短两周内成功破解了德国军事电报的密码,但是只有在在极少数情况下,瑞典会主动向同盟国提供有关此方面的信息。最著名的此类举动是瑞典向 联合王国的国旗 联合王国提供了有关即将进行的巴巴罗萨行动(Operation Barbarossa)的信息。英国人将该信息进一步提交给斯大林,但斯大林认为这是不可能的情况,但结果却令人震惊。



主条目:Swedish events


File:NF tree Sweden.jpg

瑞典的国旗 瑞典以力御暴以力御暴以力御暴扩展包中获得了独特国策树。未启用该扩展包时,瑞典将使用通用国策树Swedish national focus tree


Sweden begins with several technologies for armor, ships and aircraft, but no doctrines or industrial technologies. Sweden also begins with 3 research slots available; two more can be unlocked through the National Focus tree.

Technology 1936
Army Technology Naval Technology 炮手就位 Air Technology Electronics & Industry
  • Ag m/42 (Infantry Eq. I)
  • 工兵连 I
  • Recon Company I
  • Strv m/31 (Light Tank I)
  • 10.5 cm m/34 (Towed Artillery I)
  • 20mm m/40 (Towed Anti-Air I)
  • 1936 Destroyer Hull
    • Depth Charges I
  • Early Cruiser Hull
    • 70mm Belt/30mm Deck (Cruiser Armor II)
  • 1936 Submarine Hull
    • 3x 533mm Torpedo Tubes (Torpedo Tubes I)
  • Naval Gunnery
    • 12cm/45 Bofors M24 (Light Battery I)
    • 15.2cm/50 Bofors M03 (Light Cruiser Battery I)
    • 20.8cm/44 Bofors M98 (Medium Battery I)
    • 28.3cm/45 Bofors M12 (Heavy Battery I)
  • Casemate Secondary Battery
    • 152mm/44 Bofors M98 (Secondary Battery I)
  • Contact Mine
    • Minelaying Submarine
  • 25mm/64 Bofors M32 (Anti-Air II)
  • Transport Ship
  • ASJA SA-14 Jaktfalken (Inter-war Fighter)
  • SAAB Northrop A-17 8A-1 (CAS I)
  • Saab T18 (Naval Bomber I)
    • Carrier Bomber I
  • CVM Fokker C.V S/J-3 (Inter-war Bomber)
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • None
Without Man the Guns
  • Göteborg Class Destroyer II
  • Fylgia Class Light Cruiser I
  • Sverige Class Heavy Cruiser I
  • Hajen Class Submarine I
    • Upgraded Draken Class
  • Transports I

Interestingly, with Man the Guns, Sweden starts with the 1936 Cruiser hull available in it's production tab even though it does not have it researched, and as such, lacks the 1936 cruiser engine.


Sweden is walking a fine line, remaining clear of Democratic entanglements on the European continent while safeguarding its own strict neutrality. Sweden's government faces elections every 4 years.

With the 唤醒勇虎 Waking the Tiger expansion, Sweden has two special Decisions to form either the 北欧联盟的国旗 北欧联盟 - which is shared with the other nations that make up the Council - or to restore the old Kalmar Union and create 斯堪的纳维亚的国旗 斯堪的纳维亚 once Norway and Denmark are under Swedish control, possibly as a stepping stone to the Council later on.


Sweden starts with two National Spirits:

En Svensk Tiger icon
En Svensk Tiger
  • Ideology drift defense: +10%
  • Justify wargoal time on us: +10%
If Sweden is to be like a tiger on the prowl then those who spy on us must not know what we do. In these time of conflict and strife it is the patriotic duty of every Swede to keep silent.
Neutral Foreign Policy icon
Neutral Foreign Policy
  • Join faction tension limit: +100%
  • Send volunteers tension limit: +20%
  • Guarantee tension limit: +100%
  • AI Modifier: Threat receptivity: +1%
  • AI Modifier: Desire to be in or expand a faction: −100
Neutrality is sometimes viewed as a craven stance, but this nation trusts that when the dust settles, those who didn't take sides may be better off than those who did.


The nation starts with the following laws:

征兵法案 经济法案 贸易法案
Volunteer only.png 志愿兵役制
  • 1.5% 适役人口
Civilian economy.png 民用经济
  • 35% 生活消费品工厂
  • –30% 军用工厂建造速度
  • –30% 民用工厂建造速度
  • +30% 军转民消耗
  • +30% 民转军消耗
  • -40% 石油转换燃油效率
  • -25% 燃油容量
Export focus.png 重视出口
  • 50% 可出口资源
  • +5% 科研速度
  • +10% 工厂/海军船坞产出
  • +10% 建造速度
  • +20% 泄露给他国的民政情报
  • +10% 泄露给他国的海军情报

Ruling party

民主主义 Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti (Democratic)

Striving for equality and a socialist state by reformist means, democratic socialism aims to abolish or mitigate the effects of capitalism with public mandate.


  • No Can’t prepare war goals against countries that have caused no World Tension
  • No Can’t puppet countries in a peace conference
  • No Can't declare war on the same ideology without a war goal
  • 是 Can guarantee nations of other ideologies
  • 是 Can lower World Tension by issuing Guarantees
  • Take states cost: +25%
  • Annex cost: +50%

World tension limits

  • Generate war goal : 100%
  • Join faction: 80%
  • Lend-lease: 50%
  • Send volunteers: 50%
  • Guarantee: 25%

Political parties

Political Party Ideology Popularity Party Leader Country Name Is It Ruling?
Bondeförbundet 中立主义 Non-Aligned 14% Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp Kingdom of Sweden No
Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti 民主主义 Democratic 75% Per Albin Hansson Sweden Yes
Sveriges kommunistiska parti 共产主义 Communist 8% Sven Linderot Folkhemmet No
Nationalsocialistiska arbetarepartiet 法西斯主义 Fascist 3% Sven Olov Lindholm Svea Rike No


These are choices of advisors and design companies for Sweden. Unless otherwise noted choices for designers are restricted to generics like "Light Air Company" or "Industrial Concern".

Political Advisors
Advisor Type Effect Cost (政治点数)
Thorwald Bergquist Compassionate Gentleman
  • Improve relations opinion: +15%
Östen Undén Silent Workhorse
  • Political Power Gain: +15%
Ernst Wigforss Captain of Industry
  • 民用工厂建设速度:+10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
  • Refinery construction speed: +10%
Tage Erlander Democratic Reformer
  • Daily Democracy Support: +0.10
Hilding Hagberg Communist Revolutionary
  • Daily Communism Support: +0.10
Per Engdahl Fascist Demagogue
  • Daily Fascism Support: +0.10
Armor Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
AB Landsverk Tank Designer
  • Armor research speed: +15%
  • Armor reliability: +5%
Ship Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Marinverkstäderna Coastal Defense Fleet Designer
  • Naval 研究速度:+15%
  • All Ship Types:
    • Production Cost: -25%
    • Max Range: -50%
  • Carrier:
    • Deck Size: -20%
  • Capital Ship:
    • Armor: -20%
    • Heavy Attack: -20%
AB Götaverken Atlantic Fleet Designer
  • Naval 研究速度:+15%
  • Carrier:
    • Armor: +50%
    • HP: +10%
  • Capital Ship:
    • Armor: +10%
    • Heavy Attack: +10%
Kockums Raiding Fleet Designer
  • Naval 研究速度:+15%
  • All Ship Types:
    • Surface Visibility: -10%
    • Max Speed: +10%
  • Carrier:
    • Deck size: -10%
  • Capital Ship:
    • Naval firepower: -10%
  • Submarine:
    • Sub Visibility: -10%
Materiel Designers
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Bofors 火炮制造商
  • 火炮研究速度:+15.0%
  • 火炮:可靠性:+20.0%


Husqvarna Vapenfabriks AB 步兵装备 Designer
  • Weapons and Equipment 研究速度:+15%
Scania-Vabis Motorized Equipment Designer
  • Motorization 研究速度:+15%
Designer Type Effect Cost(政治点数)
Helge Jung Military Theorist
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Land Doctrine 研究速度:+10%
Erik Palmstierna Naval Theorist
  • Naval Experience Gain: +0.05 daily
  • Naval Doctrine 研究速度:+10%


Sweden begins with a wealth of metals but very little Aluminum, no Oil and no Rubber. While much is traded away, there is still a lot of Tungsten and Chromium to go around. Steel is generally plentiful.

Oil.pngOil Rubber.png Rubber Steel.pngSteel Aluminum.pngAluminium Tungsten.pngTungsten Chromium.pngChromium
0 0 187 3 56 35


Sweden has a small industrial base to start with.

Factories 1936
3 Military Factories
3 Naval Dockyards
10 Civilian Factory


In 1936, Sweden starts with 12 total divisions, with an unusual set of Division Templates. 6 Divisions are classified as "militia" Infantry, consisting of 2 infantry battalions and 2 cavalry battalions. Joining these are 5 Regular divisions consisting of 6 infantry battalions backed up by support artillery, engineering and recon companies. Joining these is the lone 3-battalion Cavalry Division along with its recon support company. The navy is spread along the southern coastline, consisting of 7 Destroyers, 9 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Light Cruisers and 10 Submarines. Sweden's relatively small air force consists of 36 CAS, 30 Fighters and 12 Tactical Bombers. Remaining recruitable Manpowermanpower is at 27.76K at the 1936 starting date. All divisions are suffering from severe equipment shortages.


11 Infantry.pngInfantry Divisions 1 Cavalry.pngCavalry Division

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 63.0K

Tank units list
Name 类型 Techyear Tank Destroyer / SP-Artillery / Armored AA Variants
Great War Tank Great War Tank 1918
Strv m/31 Light Tank I 1934
L. Tank II Light Tank II 1936 Pvkv IVA / None / Lvkv L-62
Strv m/40 Light Tank III 1941 Pvkv IVB / None / Lvkv fm/43
M. Tank I Medium Tank I 1939 Pvkv II / Pav m/43 / Lvkv L-62 II
M. Tank II Medium Tank II 1941 Pvkv m/43 / Sav m/43 / None
Strv m/45 Medium Tank III 1943 Pvkv III / Ikv 73 / None
Tstrv m/34 Heavy Tank I 1934
Tstrv m/41 Heavy Tank II 1941
Tstrv m/43 Heavy Tank III 1943
Tstrv m/44 Super Heavy Tank 1943
Strv 81 MBT 1945 None / Ikv m/53 / Lvkv m/49


9 Heavy Cruiser.png Heavy Cruisers I 2 Light Cruiser.png Light Cruisers I 7 Destroyer.png Destroyers I 10 Submarine.png Submarines I

Total: 28 Ships

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 22.55K

Air Force

36 CAS.png CAS I 12 Naval bomber.png Inter-War Carrier Naval Bombers 30 Fighter c.png Inter-war Fighters

Manpower.png Manpower Used: 1.56K

Military Staff

These are the Military Staff candidates for appointment in Sweden.

Chief of Army
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Olof Thörnell Old Guard
  • Army Experience Gain: -10%
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
Ivar Holmquist Army Organization (Expert)
  • Division Organization: +8%
Per Sylvan Army Defense (Specialist)
  • Division Defense: +5%
Oscar Nygren Army Drill (Expert)
  • Division training time: -10%
Chief of Navy
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Gösta Ehrensvärd Commerce Raiding (Expert)
  • Commerce Raiding Efficiency: +15%
Charles de Champs Decisive Battle (Expert)
  • Capital Ship Attack: +10%
  • Capital Ship Armor: +10%
  • Screen Attack: +10%
  • Screen Defense: +10%
Fabian Tamm Naval Reformer (Expert)
  • Naval Experience Gain: +10%
Chief of Airforce
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Torsten Friis All-Weather (Expert)
  • Bad Weather Penalty: -20%
Bengt Nordenskiöld Ground Support (Expert)
  • Air Superiority: +10%
Military High Command
Candidate Type I Type II Effects Cost (政治点数)
Axel Rappe Artillery (Expert)
  • Artillery Attack: +15%
  • Artillery Defense: +10%
Archibald Douglas Infantry (Expert)
  • Infantry Division Attack: +10%
  • Infantry Division Defense: +15%
Axel Ljungdahl Bomber Interception (Expert)
  • Interception attack: +3%
  • Interception defense: +3%
  • Interception agility: +3%
Helge Strömbäck Fleet Logistics (Expert)
  • Naval max range factor: +10%

Strategies and Guides



Med plutonium....jpg
Med plutonium...
Northern Light.jpg
Northern Light
En Svensk Tiger.png
En Svensk Tiger