

作為 抵抗運動抵抗運動擴展包的一部分,自由法國的國旗 自由法國 得到了一個特殊的 國策樹。未啟用該擴展包時,自由法國將使用 法國國策樹

Refus Absurde BranchAppeal To the French Nation BranchFile:NF tree France Free.pngNF tree France Free.png





Refus AbsurdeThe MaquisReach Out To Trade UnionsCooperation With the CommunistsConnections To IndustrialistsThe Civil And Military OrganizationNational Council of the ResistanceNational UprisingFrench Forces of the InteriorFile:FF NF Refus Absurde.pngFF NF Refus Absurde.png


國策 前置條件 效果 描述
Goal generic demand territory.png 荒謬的拒絕
  • 高於40正統性

  • 工業高於14
  • 沒有民族精神Idea generic army problems.png 失敗主義
  • 移除民族精神 Idea generic army problems.png 失敗主義
Even in the hour of defeat, the will to resist remains strong in some hearts. They will form the foundation of the resistance movement in the occupied territories.
Focus focus fra maquis.png 馬基游擊隊
  • 需要 Refus Absurde 荒謬的拒絕
馬基游擊隊 icon
  • 我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度:+10%
  • 所有 法國的國旗 法國被佔領的核心地區中 基礎設施基礎設施等級低於7的地區:
    • 抵抗目標:+10.0%
  • The rural areas of France offer cover for anyone who wishes to escape from the occupier or their collaboratist lackeys. We should support the people who deny their labour to the enemy in an act of resistance, so that we may in time turn those areas into hotbeds of resistance.
    Goal generic major alliance.png 聯絡工會
    • 需要 Refus Absurde 荒謬的拒絕
    與工會的聯繫 icon
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度:+10%
    If we are to strike against the industries that have now been pressed into service by the enemy, having good communications with the workers there seems like the best way. They can delay or sabotage any production that takes place, far more efficiently than any outside force.
    Focus generic soviet politics.png 與共產黨合作
    • 需要 Reach Out To Trade Unions 聯絡工會
    Communist Cooperation icon
    Communist Cooperation
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度:+10%
  • 如果共產主義法國共產黨的支持率低於14%
  • In our common struggle, we must not refuse any ally that offers themselves - even if they may call themselves comrade.
    Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 聯繫企業家
    • 需要 Refus Absurde 荒謬的拒絕
    與工業大亨的聯繫 icon
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的順從度增長速度:-15%
    While cooperation with the workers in the war industries help, cooperating with the people who run the factories has benefits in and of itself.
    Goal generic military deal.png 軍民組織
    • 需要 Connections To Industrialists 聯繫企業家
    軍民組織 icon
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度:+5%
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的順從度增長速度:-15%

    取代 Industrialist Connections 與工業大亨的聯繫

    The many small groups that are carrying out acts of resistance are banding together to form a larger organization. We should give this our blessing.
    Focus focus fra national resistance council.png 國家抵抗運動理事會
    • 需要以下全部:
      • Cooperation With the Communists 與共產黨合作
      • The Civil And Military Organization 軍民組織
      • Form the National Committee 成立全國理事會
    國家抵抗運動理事會 icon
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的抵抗增長速度:+10%
    • 我們被敵人佔領地區的順從度增長速度:-25%

    取代軍民組織 軍民組織

    The resistance is growing stronger and stronger in France, and has become so powerful that it needs a new steering committee to coordinate its activities.
    Goal generic dangerous deal.png 全國起義
    • 需要 National Council of the Resistance 國家抵抗運動理事會
    全國起義 icon
    • 裝備繳獲比例增長:+35.0%
    • 攜行補給:+336.0小時
    The hour has come. Now is the time to pick up arms and step out from the shadows that have cloaked you for these many years!
    Focus prc infiltration.png 法國國內部隊
    • 需要 National Council of the Resistance 國家抵抗運動理事會
    • 在每個被解放的核心地區建立 較弱的步兵單位
    The resistance has thousands of men under arms, all across France. As we and our allies advance across the country, we will sweep them up and turn them into soldiers in our army.


    Appeal To the French NationAppeal To Overseas TerritoriesIntervention In North AfricaIntervention In West AfricaIntervention In SyriaIntervention In IndochinaIntervention In Central AfricaIntervention In MadagascarForm the National CommitteeForm the Provisional GovernmentContinue the FightThe Free French NavyColonial RecruitmentThe Regiment NormandieFile:FF NF Appeal To the French Nation.pngFF NF Appeal To the French Nation.png


    國策 前置條件 效果 描述
    Goal generic propaganda.png 號召法蘭西
    • 夏爾 · 戴高樂是現任國家領袖
    • 人力:+10000
    • 正統性:+15
    • 5.00K單位的步兵裝備添加到國家儲備中

    • 人力:+10000
    • 5.00K單位的步兵裝備添加到國家儲備中
    France may have lost the battle, but it has not lost the war. It is the duty of every patriotic Frenchman to resist.
    Goal generic radar.png 號召海外領地
    • 需要 Appeal To the French Nation 號召法蘭西
    • 世界各地的殖民地都有機會站在我們這邊
    • 增加2個地圖外 民用工廠民用工廠
    While the metropolitan areas of France may well have fallen to the enemy, much of her empire still remains free. If we can rally them to our aid, we can take the fight back to the enemy.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉北非
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 卡薩布蘭卡(461)、馬拉喀什(462)、阿爾及爾(459)、特萊姆森(513)、康斯坦丁(460)、突尼斯(458)、加貝斯(665):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃北非政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾北非獨立
    North Africa presents the best possible staging ground for an invasion to retake the homeland. Turning it to our side is vital for our campaign of liberation.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉西非
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 毛里塔尼亞(557)、塞內加爾(272)、馬里(556)、幾內亞(780)、象牙海岸(779)、上沃爾特(778)、尼日爾(781)、達荷美(776):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃西非政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾西非獨立
    • 解鎖決議:入侵西非
    West Africa holds untold millions of inhabitants, who can be drafted into a new army to take back our homelands.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉敘利亞
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 代爾祖爾(680)、阿勒頗(677)、大馬士革(554)、黎巴嫩(553):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃敘利亞政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾敘利亞獨立
    • 解鎖決議:入侵敘利亞
    Denying the enemy the strategic territories in Syria protects the Suez canal and dramatically improves our situation in the eastern Mediterranean.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉印度支那
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 東京(671)、老撾(670)、南印度支那(286)、柬埔寨(741):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃印度支那政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾印度支那獨立
    • 解鎖決議:入侵印度支那
    Far away from the fighting in Europe, our colonies in Indochina are an ideal area to help us defend our interests in the region.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉中非
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 乍得(774)、赤道非洲(660)、喀麥隆(773)、中央剛果(772)、加蓬(539):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃中非政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾中非獨立
    • 解鎖決議:入侵中非
    Central Africa is of vital importance for the allied war effort, and could be seized as an important propaganda coup for us.
    Goal generic position armies.png 干涉馬達加斯加
    • 需要 Appeal To Overseas Territories 號召海外領地
    • 馬達加斯加 (543):
    • 解鎖決議:策劃馬達加斯加政變
    • 解鎖決議:承諾馬達加斯加獨立
    Should the enemy be allowed to take and fortify Madagascar, we face catastrophe in the Indian Ocean. A quick and decisive action could ensure that the island remains on our side.
    Goal generic intelligence exchange.png 成立全國委員會
    • 需要至少一個:
      • Intervention In North Africa 干涉北非
      • Intervention In West Africa 干涉西非
      • Intervention In Syria 干涉敘利亞
      • Intervention In Indochina 干涉印度支那
      • Intervention In Central Africa 干涉中非
      • Intervention In Madagascar 干涉馬達加斯加
    • 大於90正統性
    • 工業高於24
    Few would have believed that our cause could succeed. But now we are at last strong enough to declare the formation of a fully-functional government-in-exile, ready to take control of any French territory liberated from the enemy.
    Goal tripartite pact.png 成立臨時政府
    • 需要 Form the National Committee 成立全國委員會
    • 控制法蘭西島 (16)
    With the liberation of Paris, we are no longer a government-in-exile. It is time to begin the difficult work of rebuilding our country.
    Goal generic major war.png 戰鬥不息
    • 需要 Appeal To the French Nation 號召法蘭西
    • 增加2個地圖外 軍用工廠軍用工廠
    • Marie-Pierre Koenig成為上將
    • Georges Catroux成為上將
    Few soldiers have opted to join us so far, but those that we do have must be armed and equipped.
    Goal generic build navy.png 自由法國海軍
    • 需要 Continue the Fight 戰鬥不息
    • 50單位的運輸船添加到國家儲備中
    • Emilie Muselier成為海軍上將
    Our allies are locked in a desperate struggle for survival, for which the sea lanes are vital. We must do our part to help them.
    Goal generic allies build infantry.png 殖民地招募法案
    殖民地招募法案 icon
    • 非核心人力:+5.00%
    With the homeland unavailable for recruitment, we must turn to our colonies for aid. Many of our subjects are willing to take up arms to fight for us.
    Focus fra regiment normandie.png 諾曼第殲擊機旅 It is vital that we French are seen to be fighting on all fronts. With the Soviets now engaged in combat against our common enemy, we could send a small group of fighter pilots to help them.